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Campbellton Baptist Church

8660 Campbellton Fairburn Rd

Friendship Baptist Church

6090 Cochran Mill Rd www.friendshipbaptistchatthills.com

Interfaith Fellowship at Serenbe www.facebook.com/ groups/1964824926878340/

New Hope United Methodist Church

7875 Atlanta Newnan Rd

Providence Baptist Church

6402 Campbellton Redwine Rd., www.pbcrico.org

Rico United Methodist Church

6475 Rico Rd

Rivertown United Methodist Church

9325 Rivertown Rd

Sardis Baptist Church

8400 Sardis Rd., www. sardisbaptistch.com

Southside at Serenbe

915AM & 11AM at One Mado. We'd love for you to join us and invite your friends and family! for more info contact Cathy Gailey at cgailey@remax.net or 404-456-6347.

Southern Crescent Unitarian Universalist Fellowship www.facebook.com/SouthernCrescentUUFellowship/

Vernon Grove Baptist Church

8440 Vernon Grove Rd.

Chatt Hills Community Outreach Special Events Sponsorship

The City of Chattahoochee Hills hosts a variety of special events throughout the year, coordinated by the Chatt Hills Community Outreach (CHCO) initiative. The city shares a common goal with CHCO to offer events that foster camaraderie and help build a strong community by connecting residents with each other, city services, and local businesses.

Our FREE special events would not be possible without the support and partnership of volunteers, local community businesses, and organizations. We invite you to join us in supporting our 2023 line-up of special events. As a sponsor of our special events, we will acknowledge you in our promotional material and offer a half-page ad in our municipal monthly newsletter. You will receive a letter to share with your accountant as a qualified deduction for 2023 tax returns to the Internal Revenue Service.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Harvest Festival Oct. 14 at Town Green

Community Awards Banquet Nov. 10

Christmas In Chatt Hills Dec. TBA City Hall

For more information contact: Robert Rokovitz, City Manager, robbie.rokovitz@chatthillsga.us 770.463.8881 or Ruby Foster, ruby.foster@chatthillsga.us - Chatt Hills Community Outreach

Sardis Baptist Church Homecoming

Join us on Sunday August 6th for our 148th Homecoming Celebration. Service starts at 11am, with special music by Just One Band with a short message and fellowship meal to follow. Hope to see you there. Contact information, Pastor Joe Stephens 620-384-8595.

Vacation Bible School with Sardis Baptist Church

Gone Fishing VBS at Sardis Baptist Church, July 17th and 18th. 6-8pm. Ages K-5th grade. Open to everyone. We hope to see you then, come join the fun. Contact information, Pastor Joe Stephens 620-384-8595.

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