Photography Jessica Ashley

I’m sure that everyone reading this remembers exactly where they were during the morning 23 years ago—September 11, 2001—as we watched in real time as 3000 Americans were murdered at the World Trade Center in Manhattan. It seemed so incomprehensible at the time, and it remains so. In the weeks and months afterwards, we returned to some semblance of normality, but I think we all realize that things just are not the same.
What stood out most to me about that day were the stories of both individual and group heroism.
Like the hundreds of New York City firemen that ran up the World Trade Center stairs to rescue people and bring them to safety, with the towers collapsing around them as they made their ascent to rescue more. The images of the firefighters rushing through the doors and up those stairs to their deaths, brave but unknowing, as everyone else was running out to safety—those images are forever seared into our national memory.
Like the five unarmed strangers on United flight 93 who came together to charge and fight the terrorists in control of their plane, bringing it down, and in the process saving thousands of lives at the intended target in Washington DC.
Like the two F-16 pilots who took off in unarmed jets to intercept the same United 93 flight, ready to ram the jet kamikaze-style, if need be, to save others.
Like the 24-year-old junior trader on the 104th floor of the South Tower, who, rather than exiting and saving himself, helped 20 trapped people get out—and then went up to try to save more, giving his life in the process.
There are so many stories like this, so many people who ran to the towers to help as the walls collapsed around them. It seems almost unimaginable. The part of our humanity it speaks to—the part that brought our nation together so firmly in the following days and weeks—is both humbling and awe-inspiring. It’s what makes us Americans. It didn’t matter what your politics were, or where you came from—in that moment, we were all AMERICANS. Together. United.

On this 23rd anniversary of that day, please make some time to honor those heroes, and the innocent people whose lives were cut short—to make sure they are never forgotten. Take a moment to honor all the men and women in service to their country and their neighbors— whether it be our soldiers abroad, or public safety folks like those right here in Chattahoochee Hills—the people who run toward trouble while everyone else is running away, the people who give so freely of themselves to ensure our safety.
The intervening years have served as a stark reminder that young Americans continue to face danger abroad, often sacrificing their lives to safeguard our freedoms. The challenges confronting our nation—both foreign and domestic—seem as complex and unresolved (and divisive) as ever. There's no denying that the sense of unity we once felt as a nation has significantly diminished.
But as we honor the memory of that day, I would challenge you to acknowledge the responsibility we all still bear to unite as a nation in support of our heroes—those who shaped our history, those who stood tall on 9/11, and those who continue to protect us today. As a grateful nation, we must uphold the enduring tradition of coming together to support these brave individuals—and of coming together for the betterment of our country and community.
To them, to all of you, I say thank you and God Bless America.
Mayor Tom Reed

Learn2Live – Wellness Event
The community enjoyed the Learn2Live wellness event presented by Chattahoochee Hills Community Outreach, Georgia Spartans, and Can I Kick It, at Chatt Hills City Hall on July 27th.
A host of wellness vendors offered samples of healthy treats, information for seniors on Medicare plans, and options for nearby gyms and exercise programs. After participants enjoyed a group warm-up, they assembled at a start line for the 2K walk down to Rico Park and back. The top three winners received trophies and other perks, while all of the participants were awarded with a commemorative metal. The event closed out with musical entertainment followed by a rousing performance by B.R.A.A.G.
(Build-Respect All Athletic Girls) Athletics cheer team. Councilmember Ruby Foster thanked and acknowledged the following public officials and supporters of the event: Camille Lowe and Richie Schmidt, Chatt Hills City Councilmembers; Robbie Rokovitz, Chatt Hills City

Manager, and his staff; Darold Wendlandt, Chatt Hills Public Works Director; Jerell Schearin, Community Rep for Commissioner Marvin Arrington Jr District 5; Teresa Thomas-Smith, Palmetto Mayor; and Mandisha Thomas, GA State Representative for Dist 65.


I Loved the Olympics!
Cal Verbeck,
age 10
The Olympics were in Paris. We went to two events while we were there, swimming and athletics (track and field). In swimming, the slowest swimmers went first and the fastest last. Also, the volunteers who collect the swimmers' warmup gear were in perfect sync!
At track, the gun goes off, set, BOOM! They jump (not literally) off the blocks. Before the men’s 100-meter final, they did a light show. It got dark in the whole stadium, and we had bracelets that lit up! Set, Boom! The runners gave it their all! One has won: Noah Lyles! All of the bracelets in the stadium flashed red, white, and blue.

Bianca Cavandi Brotbacker Summer Schedule
Bianca Cavandi, Chattahoochee Hills Artisan European Sourdough baker, will have her Bread Mobile by the General Store on Sat. mornings from 9 AM to 1 PM. Bianca recommends pre-ordering. Just make sure to pick up your order before 1 PM. Get there early to beat the heat. Now featuring Super-Duper Sandwich Bread! Visit to our online store: https://www.biancacavandi.com/shop
Chatt Hills Barn Quilt Trail - Manyfold Farm
By Laurie Searle
Announcing the 51st addition to the Chatt Hills Barn Quilt Trail featuring “Sunflower” at Manyfold Farm, located at 7860 Rico Rd, Chattahoochee Hills, GA 30268.
The Joy of Farming and Purposeful Work
Ross and Rebecca Williams, high school sweethearts with a shared desire for meaningful, purposeful work, found their calling in farming. In 2009, they embarked on their journey with the purchase of Manyfold Farm in Chattahoochee Hills, which would become Georgia’s only all-sheep creamery. Their efforts have not only garnered awards but have also nurtured other farmers in the community and beyond.
When it came time to select a pattern for their barn quilt, Ross and Rebecca chose the sunflower. Its vibrant colors symbolize sunshine, happiness, and joy, and mirror the spirit of their agricultural venture. Like the nutritious seeds of the sunflower,
Ross and Rebecca’s ongoing contributions are nurturing farmers in the community and beyond.

Nurturing farmers in the community and beyond
Despite their success, the toll of farming has posed significant challenges for Ross and Rebecca. In response, driven by Rebecca's background, education, and passion for improving agriculture and social change, they’ve decided to further the farm’s legacy by partnering with the Rodale Institute.
Since 2019, this partnership has dedicated itself to Organic research practicalities and implementation practices across the broader Southeast Region with the promotion of regenerative agriculture. This partnership has been key in offering vital assistance to emerging farmers who are interested in, or are implementing,
the transition to Organic Agricultural Practices.
Rebecca and Ross have also been instrumental in implementing a wider conservation plan for the farm’s land by working with the Conservation Fund. This additional collaboration includes placing the land into federal conservation, thereby protecting it from development, while also allowing it to be used for both education and agriculture. The initiative is also geared towards granting aspiring farmers essential access to land which is a significant barrier commonly encountered when pursuing a career in agriculture.
Like the nutritious seeds of the sunflower, Ross and Rebecca’s ongoing contributions are nurturing farmers in the community and beyond.

For more photos and the hosts’ heritage story, visit: https://www.chatthillsbarnquilttrail.com/manyfold-farm.html
For a map of the 51 barn quilts on the Chatt Hills Barn Quilt Trail, visit: https://www.chatthillsbarnquilttrail.com/tour-thetrail.html
Reminiscing with Carole Harper, Susan Roper, and Lisa Harper
By Laurie Searle
Whether sitting at the kitchen table or visiting at the country grocery store, friends and neighbors often pause to catch up on the news of the day and share stories from the past. This “neighborly ramble” is a small-town tradition that builds a sense of place and binds us to our rural heritage.
As time goes by and neighbors pass on or pass through Chatt Hills, we not only lose our dear friends, we lose a connection to our past. This came to mind when I learned that amateur historian Carole Harper and her husband Woodie had moved from Chatt Hills. The thought of never hearing Carole’s history rambles again sparked an idea to ask her to share one last ramble with our community.
An Oral History Ramble
In this ramble, recorded as an oral history, Carole Harper and Susan Roper reminisce on their long-time friendship and shared experiences living in Palmetto & Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia. Later in the story, Carole’s daughter Lisa joins in the ramble. Lisa and Susan share their experiences as friends and young mothers raising their children in the country.
Carole (Lassetter) Harper, was born and raised in Palmetto in 1937. In 1965, she and her husband Thomas Woodie, and their two children, Thomas Jr. and Lisa, moved to the Goodes Community, which incorporated into the City of Chattahoochee Hills in 2007. They were both civically involved in their community – Carole was a homemaker and an amateur historian; Woodie was a Mason and worked for Southern Bell. In 2022, the couple moved to Eatonton, Georgia, to spend their golden years near Lisa.
Susan Roper was born and raised in Decatur, Georgia, in 1955. In 1982, she and her husband Steve, and their two children, Kristy and Ashley, moved to Church Street in Palmetto. Susan met Carole at Ramah Baptist Church, and they developed an enduring friendship that includes a wide circle of friends and many shared experiences throughout Palmetto and Chattahoochee Hills.
This oral history has been divided into six parts to facilitate easier listening online. The video and written transcription are available at: www.chatthillshistory.com

Left to Right: Susan Roper, Carole Harper, Lisa Harper.
Chatt Hills Collaborates with KSU on Research Grant for Water Quality Monitoring Project
By Laurie Searle, Chatt Hills News Contributor
With nearly 18 miles of the Chattahoochee River bordering our city, Chattahoochee Hills has always taken a special interest in preserving its water quality and being good stewards of this precious natural resource.
For many years, residents have participated in initiatives led by the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper including its monthly and annual river cleanup events that have removed more than 61 tons of litter, and its Neighborhood Watch Program that trains residents to collect and analyze water samples from their local streams.
Now, Chattahoochee Hills as an opportunity to do even more by collaborating with Kennesaw State University (KSU) on the 2024 PIN Community Research Grant for the “Developing a Low-Cost, Intelligent Bacteria Forecast System with Al-enabled App towards Water Equity in Local Communities” research project. In short, an improved water quality monitoring system.
Mayor Reed’s Letter of Support
In his letter of support for the grant, Chattahoochee Hills Mayor Tom Reed said, “The media has been replete with numerous accounts of wastewater treatment failures upstream from Chattahoochee Hills, a city that prides itself on sustainability and healthy living. Although the RM Clayton Wastewater Treatment Center has received numerous upgrades over the years, serious staffing shortages and delayed maintenance have resulted in failures at every level of the wastewater treatment process.
“Further, the RM Clayton facility is not properly monitored and maintained, and standards for affluent discharge are historically inadequate. Organizations like the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper are ever vigilant at monitoring water quality in the Chattahoochee River Valley. However, their monitoring resources are tied up in partnership with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division with testing occurring at three locations north of the Clayton plant.
“Provided this research grant opportunity is originating from the Partnership for Innovative Technology, we believe that the KSU research proposal is well aligned with your organization’s priorities: improving access and opportu-

Grant with the City of Chattahoochee Hills and Kennesaw State University would include water quality monitor stations on the Chattahoochee River at Campbellton Park and Riverlands Park in Chatt Hills, and at Cedar Creek – a tributary of the Chattahoochee River in Coweta County where there is also a treated water discharge facility.
nities for all Georgians to drive innovation and creating an opportunity for all of us to thrive together as part of the innovation ecosystem. Inclusive innovation includes geographic, racial, gender, and socio-economic equity.
“As a community that has been under-invested for generations, and categorized as Historically Disadvantaged by the federal government, our geography and need for this research project fit well within your mission.”
Benefits of Proposed Monitoring System
Traditional monitoring on the river corridor involves cellular technologies and on-site water sample collection. Those systems often fail to account for the ever-changing nature of water environments. Factors like seasonal water level fluctuations, random obstructions (think floating debris and boat movements), and unpredictable climate changes can wreak havoc on data accuracy.
The technology proposed in the KSU research grant addresses these issues by leveraging AI (Artificial intelligence) to create a self-adapting, self-healing, and self-evolving network. For example:
• Sensors in water environments face constant changes.
AI learns from historical data and continuously adjusts predictions to adapt to these complexities.
• Traditional nodes require precise calibration (over
500,000 settings per node). AI optimizes these parameters to ensure collision-free, energy-efficient, and reliable data transmission.
• Dynamic Resource Allocation: By integrating other network technologies (e.g., GPS, array antennas), AI dynamically adjusts resources to optimize performance.
An Investment in our Future
Chattahoochee Hills Economic Development Director, Chris Montesinos, who serves as the government project manager and our city’s point of contact for this project, describes the economic benefits of this project.
“We are doing everything in our power to protect the reputation of the city as being environmentally healthy

Providence Baptist Church Operation Hometown Outreach (OHO) By
Laurie Searle
I would like to give a big “shout out” and my sincere appreciation for Providence Baptist Church and its Operation Hometown Outreach.
When my family member was recently in the hospital with a broken femur, I knew I had to quickly make arrangements for his long-recovery at home. That meant obtaining a hospital bed, table, cane, walker, and the many other medical supplies needed. While I knew that Medicare would provide these supplies – eventually – I only needed them for a short time, and I needed them NOW!
After calling a few friends to ask for advice, they all pointed me to Kay & Pat Long, who help manage the Operation Hometown Outreach (OHO) at Providence Baptist Church.
After a quick call to Kay, I met Pat at the church’s supply building and was amazed to see it was chock full
for water recreation activities. We have a lot riding on the success of our 18-mile slice of waterfront. The Camp + Paddle Trail, Chattahoochee RiverLands Trail Network, city parks, and internal city-wide multimodal trail system have the potential to attract visitors and promote tourism in Chattahoochee Hills – a key priority for the city’s Economic Development office. This project has the potential to help identify water quality issues more readily so issues can be addressed and resolved, ensuring we continue to safeguard our section of the Chattahoochee River for all to enjoy.”
For More Information
For additional information, contact Chris Montesinos at chris.montesinos@chatthillsga.us

to the ceiling with medical supplies. Pat said, “Just tell me what you need.” Soon after, my pick-up truck was loaded and ready to go. When my family member came home from the hospital, he was relieved to see a room all set up in our downstairs, so he wouldn’t have to worry about climbing stairs for a while.
Pat says the OHO ministry provides its medical supplies to residents in and around Chattahoochee Hills at no cost. Most people, like me, only need the supplies for a short while; however, some people need the supplies for an extended time. The ministry receives the supplies through donations from organizations and from individuals who no longer need their personal supplies.
In addition to medical supplies, OHO also supports folks in need of prayer, food, firewood, clothing, home repairs, and a variety of other needs.
For more information visit: www.pbcrico.org or contact Kay Long, Longka1@aol.com (404) 213-9717).
Pat Long loads a shower chair from the collection of medical supplies offered through the Operation Hometown Outreach ministry at Providence Baptist Church.
Birds, Bats, and Back to School—oh my!
By Joanne Wasdin
As summer continues in full swing during this back-toschool season, Chattahoochee Hill’s own environmental education center is also deep into the excitement. Bear Creek Nature Center (with the help of its many volunteers and supporters) has spent all summer cleaning, organizing, and upgrading many of the animal enclosures and the indoor and outdoor spaces to prepare for a busy season of visitors from all around. BCNC hosts visitors regularly through the week (including many hikers who stop by along their route), and special community events (such as the upcoming Bat Fest on September 21st). One of the main ways BCNC contributes to the community is through programs for schools, scout groups, and other community groups. The first quarter of the school year is one of the busiest times of year. The on-staff educators, as well as many volunteer environmental educators in the surrounding community, prepare nature and science-based lessons, arts and crafts, nature walks, and more to not only share with students at the cabin, but also to travel to schools, museums, and community events held throughout the fall. Not only do the human educators get ready for the season, but many of the animal ambassadors who meet guests and students are also in need of preparation.
My Vulture Vinny
One of our newest animal ambassadors is not quite ready to take his show on the road, but our naturalists are working hard alongside him. Vinny the Turkey Vulture came to BCNC as a juvenile. While he is physically capable, he is not able to live in the wild because he was unfortunately “imprinted” on by humans. Birds are very social creatures who require interaction with their species to learn how to behave. Because Vinny was exposed to too much human interaction as a baby, he no longer interacted well with individuals of his own species (showing fear and aggression). He was rehomed to live at BCNC where he has had to learn how to be “one of us.” To Vinny, either he is a little human, or we are silly looking vultures! He enjoys mimicking children who come to his cage and flap their “wings.” He is fascinated by coconuts and shoelaces. In many respects, Vinny is not so different in how he learns compared to a human toddler! Volunteers have been exercising

their creativity in coming up with treats, games, toys, and activities to keep his mind and body active and engaged. They are hoping one day to even teach Vinny how to paint!
Part-time educator, Amber, has been helping to socialize Vinny so that he will be able to debut in his own programs one day. It is a lot of hours dedicated to training him to walk to certain marks, sit, respond, and all while rewarding with treats and toys. It is in some ways similar to training a dog, but requires some extra modifications to account for Vinny’s sharp beak and sharp talons! Stop by anytime Tuesday through Saturday from 11am-4pm to say hello to Vinny. He loves to see people and respond with wing flaps or head nods.
Bats Love Boxes, Too!

Many of the enclosures for Bear Creek’s resident animals got much-needed cleanings, sprucing up, and some residents got new digs altogether (with some animals literally able to dig into them)! With the aid from BCNC’s new annual grant received through Fulton County Arts & Culture department, much-needed supplies were able to be purchased. These improvements not only help with organizing the physical space (so BCNC can accommodate the many students who come through), but also contribute to a greater wellbeing for the resident animals, many of which are animals with special needs.
One of the special needs animals that moved in recently is Princess Raisin the Big Brown Bat. Although she is smaller than the palm of a hand, she is indeed “big.” As with most rescued native bats who find themselves in lifelong captive care, Princess Raisin is missing part of her wing. While this special need prevents her from being able to live life with bats in the wild, she is still very active and capable of crawling and climbing around. Decorations have helped to improve her enrichment including a hide, fabric “sleeping bags,” and wooden textures to climb on.
The larger resident bat colony at the center now consists of five Egyptian Fruit Bats (including the baby that was born around last spring and is now nearly as big as the other adults). With grant funds, BCNC was able to purchase a custom enclosure for the bats from Blackbox (primarily a company that caters to reptile enclosures). This enclosure now allows the bats a much larger space to fly, and lots of area to crawl around on (which they love to do even during the day). The bats have been enjoying their new box (and getting it plenty messy with fruit scraps). They are gearing up for their Bat Fest 2024 debut with their new space, and BCNC is excited to welcome the community. Bat Fest celebrates our love for bats and highlights the ways in which we can help advocate for wild bats in our native Georgia ecosystems. It is also an opportunity to see how we can help support our local bat ambassadors who open up this fascinating world to us.
In 2023, BCNC served over 112 schools through field trips and outreaches and over 3,400 community members total through various programs and events. With only one full-time and one part-time employee, that is an amazing feat to be proud of! These milestones are only made possible by community members like you who support the center with time, resources, and words of encouragement. Every season comes with new and exciting changes. Back to school is one that is especially full of things to do, people to see, and animals to care for.
Bear Creek Nature Center is looking

forward to another great season of service to their community and the opportunity to grow in the capacity to spread the joy of nature and the outdoor world.
Follow the journey of Bear Creek Nature Center online. See further updates via Facebook and Instagram (@bearcreekATL) or contact us at bearcreeknaturecenter.org or 770-306-0914 to learn more about getting involved.

Weekly Sat. 12:00pm
Wine Tastings at the General Store
10642 Serenbe Lane, Chattahoochee Hills, GA 30268
Join Nadine to taste wines from around the globe every Saturday; $35/person with tasting notes and small bites. Email nadine@generalstoreatserenbe.com with questions.

Weekly Sat. 10:00am
Goat Yoga at the Inn
10950 Hutchesons Ferry Rd, Chatt Hills
$40. Book class here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/goatsyoga-nature-pure-joy-tickets-517885909697

Weekly Sat. 3:00pm
Serenbe Farm tour
8715 Atlanta Newnan Road Chatt Hills, GA 30268

Weekly Farmhouse Fri. 5:30-8:30pm
Music on the Porch
10950 Hutchesons Ferry Rd, Chatt Hills
Live on the Farmhouse porch from 5:30pm-8:30pm. Reserve a table HERE.

Weekly Sat. & Sun. 1:30 & 3:30pm
Wine Flights
9135 Selborne Lane, Chattahoochee Hills, GA
Each week new wines will be featured and paired with light snacks. $40 per person, reserve a seat today for our 1:30 or 3:30 seating. https://serenbewineshop.com

Weekly Tues. - Fri, 4-6pm
The Hill Happy Hour
The Hill at Serenbe, 9110 Selborne Lane
Featuring $5 Eats, $3 Beers, $10 Cocktails, and Half-off Select Glasses of Wine

Weekly Mon. 5-8pm
Blue Eyed Daisy Burger Night 9065 Selborne Ln, Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Burger Night, we’re serving some of our favorite burger styles and salads. Please call ahead for takeout: 770.463.8379

Weekly Wed. 10:00 am - 2:00pm
Serenbe Farms Volunteer Day 8715 Atlanta Newnan Road Chatt Hills, GA 30268

Weekly Tues-Thurs 5-10pm & Fri & Sat 5-11pm
Austin's Cocktailery & Kitchen 9110 Selborne Lane, Chatt Hills, GA 30268

Aug. 29 - Oct. 31
Fall Kids Gardening Program
Ages 3-6: Thurs. 3:304:30pm

A 10-Week Gardening Program for ages 3- 6 year olds, where kids will be taught gardening skills while nurturing their own growing space. https://serenbefarms.com/fallgardening/12-week-kidsspring-gardening-program-j9y2m-7p3yt

Recharge Weekly at Creek Retreat!
Tues. 12:30pm (15 min / no charge) Community BioCharger Session
Thurs. 4:44 pm
BioCharger Happy Hour includes Kava Seltzer (15 min / $22)
Fri. 1:00 pm
Elevated BioCharger Stacked Session (25 min / $20 per person) More information available at CreekRetreat. com | 404-907-1914
Wed. Sept. 4, 6:008:00pm
Fall Gardening Class
Harvest Success with our Fall Gardening Class: Where Learning Blooms! $35 per person. Participation in the class includes:

• 4-Pack of fall plants or a larger potted plant to take home to your garden!
• An informative lecture and group discussion with the Farm Manager of Serenbe Farms
• Topics covered will include planning your garden, soil health & soil building, seasonality of plants, basic garden maintenance, and more!
This event will take place prior to the Serenbe Farms annual Fall Plant Sale on September 14th. This is a great time to learn & plan for new seedlings for your garden space! https://square.link/u/vkx8TPDg

Fri. Sept. 13, 7:30 - 10:00pm
Jazz Night at Serenbe with Kathleen Bertrand (Under the Tent)
Location: Under the Tent, The Wildflower Meadow 10690 Hutcheson Ferry Rd. Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Tickets: https://www.artfarmatserenbe.org/events/jazznight-at-serenbe-3
A brand new musical experience is coming to Serenbe!
Experience the soulful melodies and smooth improvisations of this iconic American art form at Jazz Nights at Serenbe. We are excited to bring some of the best jazz musicians in the region to share their talent and artistry. Bring your friends, family, or that special someone for a night of captivating performances and lively music. Save the date, mark your calendars, and get ready to sway to the rhythm of an extraordinary jazz experience.
Jazz Nights at Serenbe will be a recurring series, with a variety of performances throughout the year. This performance will feature acclaimed vocalist Kathleen Bertrand and her seven piece-band!

Sat, Sep 14, 7:30-9:00pm
Voice (A Night of Spoken Word)
Location: Under the Tent, Tickets: https://www.artfarmatserenbe.org/events/voice-a-night-of-spoken-word-2 Voice: (A Night of Spoken Word), is hosted by Emmy-nominated author, poet, and playwright, Jon Goode.

Sept. 14, 10am - 5pm
Fall Plant Sale–Save the Date!
Our farmers have been working hard to provide the community with a wide variety of plants to fill gardens this season. Your choice to buy plants from a local farm and grow a garden is a valuable step in supporting the health of your family and the strength of the local food community. Individual Fall Plants and Packs of 4 will include: Perennial Flowers, Annual Flowers, Annual Vegetables, Potted and Transplantable Herbs, PLUS Surprise Offerings Pre-Orders will be available August 31st, but there will also be a variety of plants available on the day of the sale! Your pre-order plants can be picked up at the farm on Sept. 14, 10am - 5pm. https://serenbefarms.com/eventscalendar/2024/9/14/fallplantsale

SEPT 19, 2024 • 11:00 am

Sat. Sept. 21, 6:00pm
Art Farm Soirée at Serenbe
Location: Under the Tent, The Wildflower Meadow 10690 Hutcheson Ferry Rd. Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Tickets: https://www.artfarmatserenbe.org/events/artfarm-presents-the-under-the-tent-series
Join us for Art Farm's second annual fundraiser in support of our campus expansion plans! Enjoy food and drinks, a live auction with fabulous prizes, and an exclusive preview of Little Shop of Horrors and Les Farfadais' Under the Tent performances. Become an art patron and partner in Art Farm’s plans to expand our reach, engage and uplift the artistic community, and continue bringing exceptional art to your neighborhood and beyond. Join us Under the Tent and be a part of Art Farm’s future!

Sept. 20-29, Various Times
We hope you're hungry for a bloody good time Under the Tent-PG-13
Location: Under the Tent, The Wildflower Meadow 10690 Hutcheson Ferry Rd. Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Tickets: https://www.artfarmatserenbe.org/events/fall-musical-2024-details-coming-soon
Art Farm at Serenbe is excited to announce that Little Shop of Horrors will premiere this September as part of the Under the Tent Series in Serenbe. This production will star Melinda Doolittle as Audrey II and Diana DeGarmo as Audrey!

Designers Announced for the 11th Annual Serenbe Designer Showhouse
Anna Wooten Loggins | A. Wooten Interiors
Anisa Darnell | Truth & Co.
Eryn Houck | Bellwether Design Interiors
Jimmy Stanton | Stanton Home Furnishings
Katie Moorhouse | K. Moorhouse Design
Kevin O'Gara | Kevin Francis Design
Maria McLaurin | McLaurin Interiors
Alec Michaelides | Land Plus Associates
Meredith Page & Liz Livingston | Page House Studio
Olivia Westbrooks | Olivia Westbrooks Interiors
Pamela Stakemann | South Haven Builders
Zeb Grant | Zeb Grant Design
september 27 - october 20, 2024

Thurs, Oct 3 - Sun. Oct 6, Various times
Les Farfadais' Celestial
Location: Under the Tent
Tickets: https://www.artfarmatserenbe.org/events/under-the-tent-series-serenity-5
Back by popular demand, international acrobatics troupe Les Farfadais returns to Serenbe one year after their debut, which left audiences raving about its "astounding," "mustsee," and "mind-blowing" spectacles. Prepare to be dazzled once again Under the Tent as Les Farfadais presents Celestial, a brand-new cirque show created specifically for Art Farm at Serenbe and inspired by the mysteries of outer space! Think cosmic adventure meets the glamour of eighties rock 'n' roll. Get ready for acrobatics that defy Earth's gravitational pull and blast off into Celestial this fall!

12, 7:30am - 6:00pm $70
Dirty Sheets Gravel Grinder
Atlanta’s best-kept secret isn’t actually in Atlanta, but about half an hour’s drive south, where the white noise of the interstate gives way to the hush of open fields, the chitter of wildlife, and the faint scent of honeysuckle on the breeze.
This is Dirty Sheets. And for one glorious day, it’s the Dirty Sheets Gravel Grinder.
Hundreds of gravel bike tires will pulverize the gnarly roads as packs of wild cyclists jockey their way to victory on a loop well-known to gravel riders around the Southeast. A fraternal twin to Silk Sheets (a respected road route that predates the city around it), Dirty Sheets is the miscreant of the family, giving well-meaning riders a hard time and defying any attempt to give it a haircut. But look closer and its beauty is undeniable. For every angry gravel climb and treacherous muddy crossing, you’ll find miles of gorgeous fence-lined pastures, wide-open skies and picturesque hills. For those of us who are into angry climbs, treacherous crossings and rustic panoramas, Dirty Sheets is the Manic Panic dream girl our two wheels have been aching for.
The Dirty Sheets Gravel Grinder will offer three routes at 100miles, 62 miles, and 22 miles. (The astute among you may have cottoned that the Dirty Sheets loop itself is only 20 miles long, and to you we say please holster your pitchfork and hold all questions until the end.)
While our 20-mile ride is a non-competitive gravel
jaunt, our Metric Century routes (62 and 103 miles) take that pleasant ride and twist it into a grueling challenge, all wrapped up in a 60/40 blend of gravel and road—with a nice amount of single-track mixed in. That’s right: for one low price, you’re getting all of Dirty Sheets, plus the best gravel and low-traffic roads that Douglas, Carroll, and Heard Counties have to offer.
For more information: https://mtbatlanta.com/event/ dirty-sheets-gravel-race/

Pro Repair Bike Shop, open Tuesday-Sunday 10am-6pm 9222 Selborne Ln, Palmetto, GA 30268, (770) 693-7335, highendglen@gmail.com

Oct., 17 - 20, 7:30pm; Oct., 24 - 27, 7:30pm; Oct., 31 - Nov., 3 at 7:30pm
The Pavilion at Serenbe Inn
Includes a world premiere by Jimmy Orrante, nationally-awarded choreographer, and the return of Atlanta favorite, Heath Gill!

Sunday, October 20th, 1-5 p.m. at Serenbe
RayDay is an annual celebration that brings people together, encourages conversations and connections, and continues to spread the word about sustainability. It is a celebration of Ray Anderson's legacy. Imagine a one-day course on sustainable living, outdoors in a Serenbe country meadow with over 2,200 other classmates. It's tons of fun for the whole family, with great food and drink and more than 60 sustainability-focused learning booths, and much more. It was Ray Anderson’s tireless efforts to make this a better world for Tomorrow’s Child that inspired the creation of RayDay.
Click HERE to See Who Exhibited at RayDay 2023
Click HERE to reserve your free ticket
RayDay 2023 was quite a success with more than 2,200 people in attendance.
Registration is now open for Ray Day!
Join the Ray C. Anderson Foundation for the ninth annual RayDay celebration, Sunday, October 15th, 2-6 p.m. at Serenbe. This family-friendly celebration of the life and legacy of Ray C. Anderson (1934-2011) is the Foundation’s gift to the community. Tickets are available, and will likely reach capacity well before the event. Food trucks, 60+ environmentally focused booths, carnival rides, animal encounters, hot air balloon rides, and an electric vehicle showcase. Admission is free, but you must register to attend this ticketed event: http://bit.ly/rayday2023

Nov. 2, All Day Porchfest 2024
East Grange in Serenbe
Our official Band list for Chatt Hills Porchfest at Serenbe 2024!
Serenbe Singers • Ukeladies • Mahogany Browne • The Brookses • Peadboy’s One Stop • Steve Arnold • Gloria R. Edwards aka Lady "G" • Liz and the Lions • Melange • JeTMeN • Faye • Bass Petit • Bridget and The Bee Strings • Reverend Hylton • Grateful to ‘Be • Sassy Grass • AK Escoe & James Tiernan • Lili Jay • Grady Cousins • Thump • Casey Hooper w/ The Ansley Stewart Band
All bands accept tips, QR codes will be shared before and during the event. Please express your gratitude for their enhancement of our community by tipping them. We have art in production for our poster. No pre-purchasing t-shirts this year, but they can be ordered. We will have posters available. The art this year will be magical. 2024 Chatt Hills Porchfest At Serenbe is going to be epic, and we can't wait to spread peace and love throughout Serenbe and Chatt Hills! For questions email Anne Michaud at porchfest.serenbe@gmail.com.

Have you ever wondered about the history behind the stories Grandma and Grandpa told?
Come see us at OCCHS Let’s uncover some history together!
Old Campbell County Historical Society
549 Main Street, Palmetto, GA 30268
Open Tuesdays 10am-2pm Saturday 9/14 10am-2pm
Come visit the Historic Train Depot
549 Main Street
Palmetto, GA 30268
Tuesdays 10am-2pm 2nd Saturday 10am-2pm
Our friendly staff of volunteers will be happy to give you a tour of the museum or help you explore in our research library

Fast Bananas Trail Race at Serenbe
November 16, 2024
Come run the beautiful Serenbe trails with us at the Fast Bananas Trail Race at Serenbe on November 16, 2024! There will be fun, banana-gins, nature, community, and trails.

Serenbe is a beautiful wellness community on the edge of Atlanta, 45 minutes south of Atlanta with 15 miles of beautiful trails. With shops, restaurants, nature trails, animals, farms, and much more. It is the perfect place to come stay for a weekend or visit for a day.
The race distances are 5k, 10k and a 1-mile fun run for kids (ages 5-12). Parents have the option to accompany their child during the Mado Mile if they would like, but will not receive a medal. There will be age group prizes for the 5k and 10k only, and participation medals and t-shirts for all events.
Event Schedule
8:45 AM – 1 mile fun run start
9:15 AM – 10K Start
9:30 AM – 5K Start https://www.fastbananas.com/fast-bananas-trail-race-atserenbe
Arts Section
September Selections from Hills & Hamlets Bookshop and Underground Books
Hills & Hamlets Bookshop is a beautiful, warm, and welcoming neighborhood bookstore in Serenbe’s Grange Hamlet. All titles are lovingly curated with an emphasis on books about nature, wellness, and the arts. A great children's section adds fun along with fiction, food, history, science, architecture, travel, gift books, and more!
Hills & Hamlets Bookshop is now open Tuesday through Sunday from 11am to 5pm every week, and we’re open 24/7 online at www.bookshop.org/shop/ undergroundbooks and www.bookshop.org/shop/undergroundbooks and info@ hillsandhamlets.com.
New in Mystery: The Examiner by Janice Hallett
H&H bookseller Sandra recommends: “While I've read many mysteries, this was my first epistolary novel, and I found it both intriguing and thoroughly enjoyable! An external examiner must grade the coursework for 6 diverse students in a MA class in London. When the examiner begins to feel something is wrong and uncovers a possible murder, the twists begin and you will never see them coming! Five stars!”
Out September 10th!
Buy online: https://bookshop.org/a/45/9781668023426
New in Middle Grades: When We Flew Away by Alice Hoffman
Bestselling author Alice Hoffman delivers a stunning novel about one of contemporary history's most acclaimed figures, exploring the little-known details of Anne Frank's life before she went into hiding. A lyrical and heart-wrenching story of the way the world closes in on the Frank family from the moment the Nazis invade the Netherlands until they are forced into hiding, this middle grade novel brings Anne to bold, vivid life. Based on extensive research and published in cooperation with the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, When We Flew Away is an extraordinary and moving tour de force. For ages 8+, out September 17th!
Buy online: https://bookshop.org/a/45/9781338856941
New in Picture Books: Time For Us by Rebecca Walker
A beautifully written and illustrated picture book about precious times between caregivers and children, this charming story is inspired by the theory that spending just 20 minutes of quality time a day between a caregiver and child benefits their relationship in multiple ways. Time for Us was written from Rebecca's own experience as a working mother struggling to make time for her son, which shows us the importance of finding time to spend with loved ones.
For ages 5+, out September 10th!
Buy online: https://bookshop.org/a/45/9780744098181

Arts Section

Artists Featured at Southern Crescent Gallery at
Trilith Guesthouse
Natalie McIntyre • Vikki Weigel • David Boyd • Morgan Bozilkov • Judy Walker • Logynn Ferrall
350 Trilith Parkway, Fayetteville, GA 30214
For inquiries and purchase, contact Logynn Ferrall at (281) 658-5036, or logynnbferrall@mac.com.

ENZO Restaurant & Art Through Jan. 2025
300 Trilith Parkway, Suite 230, Fayetteville, GA 30214
Metty Alpert-Hicks • Camara Alston • Gwendelynn Brown
Brenda Erickson • Corinne Galla • Laura Gfelner
Janetta Knighton • Dale Niles • George Robinson
Karen Thompson • Vikki Weigel
Judy Walker • Jane Whitehurst
Artist Reception is Sept. 23, 5:00-8:00pm, reservations
Art Presented by The Curator Group: Greg Blair, Logynn B Ferral, and Judy Walker To purchase: Greg Blair 770-774-3524, gblairpaintings@yahoo.com

Artists Featured at Dogwood Gallery
105 St. Stephens Ct. Suite E Tyrone, GA 30290 https://www.dogwoodgallery.net/
Avi Deshmukh • Brenda Erickson • Corinne Galla • Vinayak Godbole
• Jenni Horne • Julie McKinney • Michael Montgomery • Martin Pate
• Malin Roghelia • Ezra Thompson • Judy Walker • Jane Whitehurst

Campbellton Baptist Church, 8660 Church Street, Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Friendship Baptist Church, 6090 Cochran Mill Rd., Chatt Hills, GA 30268 www. friendshipbaptistchatthills.com
New Hope United Methodist Church, 7875 Atlanta Newnan Rd., Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Providence Baptist Church 6402 Campbellton Redwine Rd., Chatt Hills, GA 30268 www.pbcrico.org
Rico United Methodist Church 6475 Rico Rd., Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Rivertown United Methodist Church, 9325 Rivertown Rd., Chatt Hills, GA 30268

Sardis Baptist Church, 8400 Sardis Rd., Chatt Hills, GA 30268 www.sardisbaptistch.com
Southern Crescent Unitarian Universalist Fellowship www.facebook.com/SouthernCrescentUUFellowship/
Southside at Serenbe, 9:15 & 11:00am, 10640 Serenbe Ln., Chatt Hills, GA 30268, southside.org.
Vernon Grove Baptist Church, 8440 Vernon Grove Rd., Chatt Hills, GA 30268

Glory Quartet in Concert!
PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHURCH SANCTUARY Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 11:00 am A love offering will be collected for the group.
Davina Hattaway Koehl
Davina Hattaway Koehl, aged 53, passed away peacefully on August 2, 2024, in Palmetto, GA. Born on January 26, 1971, in Atlanta, GA, she was a beloved wife, mother, sister, and friend.

Davina dedicated many years of her life to nurturing young minds as a Kindergarten para pro at Arbor Springs Elementary. Her gentle spirit and caring nature left an indelible mark on the countless children she guided and supported.
She had a passion for cooking, traveling, and spending quality time with her family. Whether experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen, exploring new destinations, or simply enjoying the company of her loved ones, Davina’s warmth and love were ever-present.
Davina was preceded in death by her parents, David and Bonnie Lee Hattaway, and her sister-in-law, Joy Koehl. She is survived by her devoted husband, Daniel Koehl; her cherished daughter, Addie Koehl; her loving sister, Holly Kanner (Scott); and her brothers-in-law, Randall Koehl (Judith) and Kenneth Koehl.
Her memory will also be lovingly preserved by her nieces and nephews who lovingly called her “Aunt Banana”: Bonnie Kay Kanner, Molly Margaret Kanner, Lincoln Kanner, Jessica Carson (Neal), Robert Koehl (Charlie), Jennifer Winkles (Christopher), Sarah Dribnak, Christopher Koehl, and Hannah Lee (Nick) and many great nieces and nephews.

Michael Dempsey Memorial BBQ
Providence Baptist Church
Saturday, October 5th - 11 am until sold out Proceeds from the BBQ benefit the Scholarship Fund. Music will be provided by Line Creek Bluegrass Band.
William “Bill” Holland, Sr.
William “Bill” Holland, Sr., age 87, of Palmetto, GA, passed away peacefully on July 5, 2024 in his home, surrounded by family. He was born April 21, 1937, in Cordele, GA and lived his last 60 years on his beautiful property on Tommy Lee Cook Road outside of Palmetto. He loved and cared for his family deeply.

Bill proudly served his country as a veteran of the United States Air Force. Following his military service, he worked in the airline industry for 37 years, most of it as a mechanic for Delta Airlines, where he was known for his skill, commitment, and sense of humor.
He committed his life to Jesus Christ and followed and served Him faithfully. He and Jane were longtime active members of Sardis Baptist Church. Because of his faith in Jesus, Bill served as a deacon in the church, loved visiting the shut-ins in the congregation, and was known for his kindness and generosity toward his neighbors.
He is preceded in death by his beloved sisters, Melva Smith and Martha Thornton.
Bill is survived by his devoted wife, Jane Holland; his loving sons, Wesley Holland (Mandy) and Glen Holland (Angela); his sister, Zada Webb; and his treasured grandchildren (affectionally known as the terrorists), Rachel Poe (Garth), Molly Holland, Abby Holland, Will Holland, and Willow Holland. He is also survived by many nieces and nephews who will miss him dearly.

Senior Adult Trip to Branson, MO
Providence Baptist Church September 16-21, 2024
Food Pantry
In July we served 73 families (145 adults and 129 children), and 8 new families were added. Your donations, both monetary and in kind, are appreciated and being put to good use right here in our community! Thank you!
Library Update

Upcoming Events for September and Beyond:
September 10 - 4:00pm - Read Between the Lines will discuss The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
September 24 - 6:00pm - Chair Caning Starts September 25 - 6:00pm – Acrylic Pour Ornaments
October 3 - 7:00pm - Make & Take Pumpkin Making Class
*All events will be available for registration through Eventbrite.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram Neighbors Helping Neighbors! CommunityBrickworks. org

The City of Chatt Hills does not have early voting, but will have election day voting Tues. Nov. 5. Chatt Hills Residents can vote early at the: Palmetto Library, 9111 Cascade Palmetto Highway, Palmetto. Oct. 15 - Nov. 1: Mon. - Friday from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. Sat. - Oct. 19 & 26 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Sun. Oct. 20 & 27 from 12 p.m. until 5 p.m.

City Government
Ribbon Cutting for the Chatt Hills Maintenance Building Dedicated
On August 6, 2024, Mayor Tom Reed, Public Works Director Darold Wendlandt, and members of the city council opened a new facility for the public works department The facility, located behind City Hall, will make a huge difference for the public works staff and the city residents.
The facility, built by DCW Construction, is a 60’ x 100’ metal building on a slab with a lean-to addition, where the public works staff can securely store and maintain their equipment and materials. The building has a modern and durable design and can meet the current and future needs of the department.
The cost of the building was $503,688 of which 100% was paid for by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), a

federal stimulus package that helps state and local governments cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. No city tax dollars were used for the construction of the building.
The new facility will boost the efficiency and safety of the public works department, which takes care of the city’s infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, sidewalks, stormwater, and sanitation. The building will allow the staff to work in a controlled environment where repairs and maintenance will not be delayed by the weather.

Jeremy Cheek, Rodney Peek, Ruby Foster, Camille Lowe, Darold Wendlandt, Shane Harman, Tom Reed, Jake Bassett, David Healy, and, Nathin Wendlandt
City Government
Public Works Building
By Robbie Rokovitz
On September 7th, 2023, the Mayor and Council approved a contract for RFP 23-003 to DCW Construction, the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder, in the amount of $419,234 for the construction of a 60’ x 100’ building for the public works department operations. We made sure to budget an extra 15% ($62,885) for contingency should cost of materials and labor increase due to unforeseen economic reasons.
On May 7th of 2024, the Mayor and Council approved a change order to fund a lean-to addition at $58,054 as well as a water line at $6,400 and septic estimated at $20,000. The city budgeted $500,000 in capital for this building.
Metal Building
Roof and wall panels: 26 ga PBR, Galvalume, 80,000 lb tinsel strength, 25 year warranty, design load per IBC 18; with a live load of 112/20psf, 5 psf ground snow rating, wind tolerance 108 Mph, Exp B.
Roof and Wall insulation: 4” vinylback (R-10)
GABLE System with steel purlins, girts and beams, red oxide finish
6” concrete sab 3000 psi
4” GAB Base

The total fiscal impact for the building with the lean-to, water line, and septic cost a total of $503,688. 100% of the funding came from the portion of the American Recuse Plan Act (ARPA) with no city tax dollars being used.
12x16” turn down footer
10 mil poly vapor barrier 6,0000 sf (60x100)
6x6 wwf reinforcement
Exp Joint saw cut Clear coat sealer

200 AMP electrical Panel
Heat Pump with Cassette System distribution
4” Restroom Exhaust System
20 Gallon Electric Water Heater for Restroom

Public Works Director Darold Wendlandt, Mayor Tom Reed and, Public Works Department Allen Taylor
Mayor Tom Reed, Public Works Director Darold Wendlandt and, City Manager Robbie Rokovitz.
City Government
Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Mayor Reed at 6:32pm. All were present, and a quorum was established.
Review and Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Councilmember Schmidt and seconded by Councilmember Foster to approve the Council Agenda and adding Item 24-046 Purchase of two Commercial Mowers and Item 24-047 Changing the Sept.5th Work Session Meeting Time. Motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes:
1. Council Approval of Special Called Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2024, Council Approval of Regular Council Meeting Minutes of July 2, 2024
It was moved by Councilmember Lowe and seconded by Councilmember Schmidt to approve the Council Meeting Minutes from June 27th SPC and July 2nd Regular Meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Presentations / Proclamations None Public Comments: There were no speakers.
Staff Reports
Financial Update: Robbie Rokovitz, City Manager Fire Department Report: Greg Brett, Fire Chief Police Department Report: Kevin Digou, Police Chief Public Works/Parks Report: Darold Wendlandt, Director Community Development Report: Mike Morton, Director Economic Development Report: Chris Montesinos, Director
Public Hearing
1. Item 24-040 – Council Consideration to Adopt an Ordinance to Amend the Charter of the City of Chattahoochee Hills, the Corporate Limits of the City of Chattahoochee Hills by Annexing Property Under the 100% Method and So as To Amend the Voting Districts of the City of Chattahoochee Hills and to Amend the Zoning District of the City
It was moved by Councilmember Peek and seconded by Councilmember Lowe to Adopt an Ordinance to Amend the Charter of the City of Chattahoochee Hills, the Corporate Limits of the City of Chattahoochee Hills
Action Minutes ~ Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council City of Chatt Hills Tuesday, August 6, 2024 ~ 6:00pm
by Annexing Property Under the 100% Method and So as To Amend the Voting Districts of the City of Chattahoochee Hills and to Amend the Zoning District of the City. Motion was approved 4-1 with Councilmember Lightsey voting No.
2. Item 24-041 – Council Consideration to Adopt an Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Chattahoochee Hills, GA, to Fix the Ad Valorem Tax Rate of the City of Chattahoochee Hills for the Fiscal Year 2025 and for Other Purposes.
It was moved by Councilmember Lightsey and seconded by Councilmember Peek to Adopt an Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Chattahoochee Hills, GA, to Fix the Ad Valorem Tax Rate of the City of Chattahoochee Hills for the Fiscal Year 2025 at 8.2%. Motion was passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business
1. Item 23-044 - Council Consideration of Approving an Ordinance to Amend to the Official Zoning Map to Rezone 526 Acres from the RL (Rural) District to the VL (Village) District – property is 526 acres on seven parcels located at all four corners of Cochran Mill Road and South Fulton Parkway. The Plan for the Proposed Village is being revised by the applicant, Harrison Merrill of WHM Chattahoochee Hills Investments, LLC. This was a 1st Read Only
New Business
1. Item 24-042 – Council Consideration to Approve an Agreement with CoCo’s Cupboard, Inc. for Animal Control. It was moved by Councilmember Lightsey and seconded by Councilmember Peek to approve the Agreement with CoCo’s Cupboard. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Item 24-043 – Council Consideration to Approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Fulton County Schools with regards to Speed Zone Detection Devices. It was moved by Councilmember Foster and seconded by Councilmember Schmidt to approve the Memorandum of Understandings with Fulton County Schools for Speed Zone Detection Devises. Motion passed unanimously.
City Government
6. Item 24-044 – Council Consideration to Approve a Resolution to Donate $10,000 to Brickworks from the FY24 Capital Budget. It was moved by Councilmember Lightsey and seconded by Councilmember Peek to approve the Resolution to Donate $10k to Brickworks from the FY24 Capital Budget. Motion passed unanimously.
7. Item 24-045 – Council Consideration to Approve the Application from Serenbe Land Co., Inc., for a Concept Plan with Conditions for their Property Recently Zoned HM-MU on the Western Boundary of Serenbe. It was moved by Councilmember Lowe and seconded by Councilmember Peek to Approve the Application from Serenbe Land Co., Inc for a Concept Plan with Conditions for their Property Recently Zoned HM-MU on the Western Boundary of Serenbe. Motion passed unanimously.
8. Item 24-046 - Council Consideration to Approve the Purchase of Two John Deere Z930M Commercial Mowers using Sourcewell grounds maintenance
Contract 031 121-DAC (PG BT CG76) and Sourcewell Membership Number 112707 in the amount of $24,875.62 payable to SunSouth, LLC.
It was moved by Councilmember Peek and seconded by Councilmember Schmidt to approve the Purchase of Two John Deere Z930M Commercial Mowers using Sourcewell grounds maintenance Contract 031 121-DAC (PG BT CG76) and Sourcewell Membership Number 112707 in the amount of $24,875.62 payable to SunSouth, LLC. Motion passed unanimously.
9. Item 24-047 – Council Consideration to Change the Meeting Time of September 5, 2024, Work Session.
It was moved by Councilmember Schmidt and seconded by Councilmember Foster to change the September 5, 2024, Work Session meeting time to 3:30pm instead of 4:30pm. Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor and Council Comments
Executive Session (None) Adjourned Meeting at 8:00 p.m.

Trending Topic
Community & City City of Chattahoochee Hills, City Hall, 6505 Rico Rd, Chattahoochee Hills, GA 30268, Phone: (770) 463-8881, www.chatthillsga.us
City of Chatt Hills: www.chatthillsga.us
Chatt Hills Charter School: http://www.chatthillscharter.org/calendar Community Brickworks: www.communitybrickworks.org
Serenbe Community: www.serenbe.com
Terra School at Serenbe: https://www.terraatserenbe.org
These will be virtual and open to the public. Meetings will be streamed live. Check details on the City’s website.
City Council Work Session - Thurs. Sept. 5, 3:30-6 pm
City Hall - 6505 Rico Road, Chatt Hills, GA 30268
City Council Meeting - Thurs. Sept. 5, 6:00 pm
City Hall - 6505 Rico Road, Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Historic Commission - Mon. Sept. 9, 6:30 pm
City Hall - 6505 Rico Road, Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Parks Commission - Tues. Sept. 10, 6:00 pm
City Hall - 6505 Rico Road, Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Convention & Visitors - Wed. Sept. 11, 4:00 pm
City Hall - 6505 Rico Road, Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Planning Commission Meeting - Thurs. Sept. 12, 6:30 pm
City Hall - 6505 Rico Road, Chatt Hills, GA 30268
Chatt Hills News Article / Event Submissions:
If you have a story, event, or suggestion for future articles, we’d like to hear from you. Please submit your information by the 15th of every month for publication on the 1st of the month to: chatthillsnews@chatthillsga.us
About Chatt Hills News:The official newsletter of the City of Chattahoochee Hills, Chatt Hills News, is published monthly. This publication is compiled from submissions from the community and is available in public locations around the City, at City Hall, or via email subscriptions.
Email Subscriptions: To subscribe via email visit: www. chatthillsga.us, Or subscribe directly at this link: https:// lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/w9cGwxA

Make sure you are registered to vote in the November elections!
Register to vote or update your records, check registration, find out how and where to vote: https://sos.ga.gov/elections-division-georgia-secretary-states-office
About Chatt Hills News Print Copies:
Residents of Chatt Hills who do not have internet may request mailed copies by calling City Hall: (770) 463-8881.
The parking passes for Cochran Mill Park are now available. Visit City Hall for your application. The fees are as follows: Residents – free; Annual car/truck$25; Annual 3+ axels - $35