Subsea & Offshore Service magazine October'14 Issue

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October 2014 Issue

Cover Story p4 Pumps & Valves p38 Subsea Equipment p32 Lifting Equipment & Winches p42 Cables, Glands & Connectors p28

Pg 12

Pg 26

Pg 49

Welcome to the Subsea & Offshore Service Magazine


The magazine has a controlled circulation across the UK and is supported by the website, electronic distribution and subscriptions, making it an ideal tool for products and companies aiming at this lucrative sector. The unique circulation for each edition is fluid and constantly updated, especially around the marine exhibitions, giving clients a total awareness.

CONTENTS Development of a subsea recommended safety practice Red excitation chlorophyll sensor ideal for environments rich in organic materials OES launches new dropped object prevention programme for offshore crews

RDS wins front end engineering and design contract for Sea Lion


Subsea & Offshore Service Magazine is aimed at OEM’s, Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Production Managers, Subsea Equipment Designers & Specifiers and Suppliers within the Offshore & Subsea industry.

October 2014 Issue

Cover Story p4 Pumps & Valves p38 Subsea Equipment p32 Lifting Equipment & Winches p42 Cables, Glands & Connectors p28

Pg 12

Pg 26

Pg 49


DTL launch standard range of butterfly dampers



Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire presents Sonardyne with Queen’s Award for 6G


IMCA to hold fibre & hybrid rope workshop in Amsterdam



Tyne Gangway and Osbit Power provide telescopic gangway system for Subsea 7


Hughes shows flare in Oil & Gas tests




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Development of a subsea recommended safety practice Industry Viewpoint

It is important that the topside-subsea safety system interface is carefully managed from a pressure, temperature and flow spec break with proper shutdowns and isolation to ensure proper protection of personnel. This does not always make for a clean scope of work breaks. The inclusion and viability of chemical injection systems and means of testing as a safety barrier was another critical area considered by the task group. The creation of RP17V also hinged on the fact that the RP should incorporate the current standard subsea design practices as applied by the industry. Given the good operating record of subsea operations to date, there was no justification to making any major recommended changes to the generally accepted practices. The development of a new recommended safety practice has both reinforced the belief that there are key differences in subsea to topsides, and that the application of API RP 14C was not applicable in these circumstances. It has also confirmed that the approach used in the development of the safe charts and safety analysis tables used by API RP 14C is a viable method for performing an analysis of the aspects of the design to ensure their safety and environmental soundness for implementation.

Written by Marc S Young, PE, Chief Process Engineer at Exodus Group The American Petroleum Institute (API) RP 14C has long been established as “the” standard for analysis, design, installation, and testing of basic surface safety systems for offshore production platforms. However, with the emphasis on “surface”, the concepts are not directly translated to subsea facilities. Engineering judgment and the series of Notices to Lessees (NTLs) issued by the Minerals Management Service (MMS) was all that was standing between a safe design and a possible subsea failure.

With the advent of extremely deep HPHT reservoirs at extreme ocean depths, this approach is raising further differences as the limits of current technology and design concepts present more technical challenges. Therefore, the minimum required standards for subsea safety must be considered. To address these concerns, the US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) proposed a new safety analysis approach. API SC17 was asked to address subsea safety based on the principles of API RP 14C and the standard practices being employed in the industry today. The development of RP17V involved multiple reconsiderations of the scope break between topside safety and subsea.


The application of risk-based safety is becoming almost universally applied. If used properly a RP helps those with less experience understand the risks, particularly when applying a risk-based management of safety rather than blindly going forward without truly understanding the full risks. It sets a minimum floor. API RP 17V recommended practice for analysis, design, installation, and testing of safety systems for subsea applications is soon to be the latest addition to API standards and procedures and should be embraced by the industry.

Apache North Sea becomes 300th member of Subsea UK as sector poised for next growth spurt The organisation representing the UK’s £9billion subsea

industry has reached a major milestone with its 300th member.

Independent oil and gas operator, Apache North Sea, has joined Subsea UK as oil and gas production from subsea wells in the UKCS continues to increase.

Apache North Sea is the fourth largest producer and has the

highest operational efficiency of any operator in the UKCS. Much of its production is now harvested from its subsea portfolio with

over 40 subsea wells and 120 pipelines including a major export

pipeline. Apache’s subsea infrastructure continues to grow, with major development work in progress to expand existing assets and bring on new fields.

Neil Gordon, chief executive of Subsea UK, said: “Reaching

membership of 300 companies is a significant milestone and

demonstrates the reach and depth of our representation across the sector’s entire supply chain from oil and gas operators to small, niche technology companies. Our members account for around

90% of the overall revenues generated by the industry in the UK. “Almost 45% of UKCS production comes from subsea wells with

this expected to rise to 70% in the medium-term and our oil and

gas operators are able to engage effectively with the supply chain through membership of Subsea UK.

The industry has grown at a phenomenal rate for a number of

years and while order books for 2014 and 2015 are strong, there are signs of a slight slow-down in the rate of growth. We fully

expect this to pick up again after the referendum debate and the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget Statement where we expect to see

greater fiscal incentives to stimulate exploration and production. Maximising economic recovery is a focus for all industry

stakeholders and subsea skills and technology have a pivotal role to play in achieving it.”

Apache North Sea is an ideal example of an operator using

existing infrastructure to successfully bring the smaller fields such as Bacchus, Maule and Tonto into production in the Forties area in a highly cost-effective manner explained Mr Gordon.

He added: “With major operators focused on high risk, high reward models, maximising recovery in smaller reservoirs is a challenge

which the independent, niche and specialist operators within the industry are keen to take on and achieve.

“With decommissioning liabilities changing and a number of assets in the province for sale, we expect to see a significant shift in the

industry. Our role, as ever, will be to ensure that our members are able to make the most of the opportunities that this will afford.” Alongside business development support and networking

opportunities in the UK and further afield, members have access to databases of industry information on global projects and contracts.

Industry News

News In Brief.... Successful data acquisition and recovery for EMGS ASA with Sonardyne 6G Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA

(EMGS), specialists in Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Surveying (CSEM), is

using 6G technologies from Sonardyne

International Ltd to provide redundancy and improved precision in EM source

positioning. The technology will also be

used to position and retrieve EM seabed

receivers to the surface for data recovery. Pioneers of applying electromagnetic

energy to oil and gas reservoir surveying, EMGS’ method involves towing a long

Proserv on an industry roll to attract new talent

National Oceanographic Centre confirm order for ASV C-Enduro

Proserv, which has seen its talent pool soar through organic growth and a succession of strategic acquisitions, is to take on new apprentices and exmilitary personnel after participating in a Mobilising the Military initiative organised by subsea industry body, Subsea UK.

The National Oceanography Centre (NOC),

The event at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre was established to address the energy industry’s skills shortage by encouraging former members of the armed forces to transfer into the subsea sector.

between oil and water-bearing sediments;

along its length.

The Ranger 2 system then tracks the

position of the DPT 6s – and therefore, the EM source – as it flies above the seabed

receivers. Once the data acquisition phase is complete, Ranger 2 is then used to

relocate the seabed receivers (each fitted with its own acoustic transponder) and

issues a command to release the receiver which then floats to the surface for recovery and data retrieval.



The purchase comes as UK Science Minister David Willetts announces Robotics and


on the difference in electrical resistivity

source and the dipole at regular intervals

data collection over extended periods of

a long endurance USV for environmental

resistivity in the subsurface. CSEM relies

mini transponders mounted on the EM

NOC will use the USV for oceanographic

an SBRI initiated by NOC’s requirement for

the sea and subsurface to measure the

on the EM Leader survey vessel with DPT 6

Vehicle Showcase at NOC earlier this year

C-Enduro was initially developed under

measure the energy propagated through

A Ranger 2 USBL system has been installed

Endurance Marine Unmanned Surface


Seabed receivers already deployed


The announcement was made at the Long

Great Technologies’ to be supported by

about 30 metres above the seafloor.

a good indication of the presence of

an ASV C-Enduro.

Autonomous Systems as one of the ‘Eight

horizontal dipole behind a towfish flying

if the results show high resistivity, it’s

Southampton, have confirmed the order of

Announcement of the Intech Services Authorized Fastener Coater Program approved by DuPont Fluoropolymer Solutions In an effort to provide industry competent sources to apply corrosion one coat products, Intech Services established the Intech Services Authorized Fastener Coater program, which is approved by DuPont Fluoropolymer Solutions. This program gives fastener users the assurance of a quality job performed by the coater. Intech Services is the sole distributor of DuPont™ Teflon® industrial coating in the U.S. and Canada.

The project was co-funded by the National Environment Research Council (NERC),

NOC’s parent body, with the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and the Defence, Science and Technology Laboratories (DSTL).

Designed to be at sea for long durations

of up to 90 days, C-Enduro is powered by

a combination of wind power, solar power and a lightweight diesel generator.

Formed in 1998, ASV provides rugged,

reliable and effective unmanned marine systems using the latest advances in autonomous technology.

Based near Portsmouth in the UK, ASV

serve international military and security, oil and gas, science and survey industries.

News In Brief....

The oil and gas industries are set to realise significant potential from downhole drilling thanks to a new EU-patented technique from international metallurgy business, Advanced Interactive Materials Science Limited (AIMS). The UK based company has designed a unique near-net-shaped helicoidal motor stator featuring a telemetry hole, using powder metallurgy. Previously it has not been possible to incorporate a hole through a metal stator that can resist the abrasive, corrosive and erosive conditions of modern day drilling techniques. The telemetry hole that this innovation allows to be placed within a mud motor stator can extend in any direction, either straight and parallel to the axis of the stator or helically, extending beyond its axis without compromising the strength and durability of the stator. AIMS managing director Mark Hodgkins said: “This is an interesting development for the oil and gas industries, as it will give another option on the quest to understand the conditions at the drill head. “We have made a significant investment in research and development, which we continue to do, and this patent, we believe, is a major achievement.” With a sharp increase in directional drilling, the price of pulling drills out of the ground costs many millions of dollars every year. AIMS’ new innovation will give opportunities to dramatically cut these costs, increasing lifecycle and operating efficiencies.

Qinetiq completes acquisition of Redfurn Integrated Optics QinetiQ Group plc has completed the acquisition of Redfern Integrated Optics (“RIO”), based in San Francisco, California, following receipt of US regulatory approvals. The acquisition accelerates the development of OptaSense, a QinetiQ subsidiary, providing the business with secure access to the technical team developing the current and future generations of highly coherent, low noise semi-conductor lasers, one of the key enabling technologies for distributed acoustic sensing.

Tekmar demonstrates industry leading cable protection innovations Subsea specialist Tekmar Energy

is holding a series of live events to demonstrate its industry-leading cable protection systems (CPS),

installation techniques and engineering

Industry News

AIMS strikes gold with EU patented stator for oil and gas industries


The demonstration days are taking

place at the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult’s (ORE Catapult) National Renewable Energy Centre in Blyth,

Northumberland, where the company is showcasing its TekTube® J-tube

replacement system as well as CPS pre-

installation methods and best practices,

and submarine power cable heat transfer. Tekmar, which provides bespoke cable

protection systems to both the global oil

& gas and offshore renewables industries, organised the event following the success of a series of demonstration days held

Kabelschlepp, cable carriers for the oil & gas industry Present in the oil and gas market since the early 1970’s Kabelschlepp Metool is one of the worlds leading manufacturers of drag chains (cable carriers) in the Oil and Gas Industry. Their customers benefit from our extensive industry; product and engineering Know How to develop bespoke solutions for all project requirements. The company manufacture and deliver fully assembled packages ready for installation, or modules for convenient handling and installation on site. Kabelschlepp Metool use and follow all industry relevant specifications and materials.

earlier in the year.

Chief executive officer, James Ritchie, said: “The demo days provide an

opportunity to learn more about the

installation of Tekmar’s multiple TekLink and TekTube cable protection systems utilising a dry and wet dock facility. “ORE Catapult’s Blyth facility offers

the use of multiple dry and wet docks

allowing Tekmar to perform a number of demonstrations on our suite of

innovations and demonstrate how they’re

making a key industry contribution to cost reduction and risk mitigation.”

The focus is on quality and superior service life.


Industry News

Statoil and Wenaas enter into Northern Europe’s largest PPE and work-wear contract It has been announced that Statoil has entered into an agreement with Wenaas (Kwintet Norge AS), resulting in Northern Europe’s largest contract in the PPE and workwear sector. Statoil has been a customer of market leader Wenaas for many years, utilising its products on a global scale in recognition of the high quality and Norwegian origin of the Wenaas product range. Statoil has been a strategically important customer in terms of innovative new product development for Wenaas workwear and protective footwear in harsh climatic environments, as part of the ground breaking Petromaks Project. Under the new contract, Kwintet has also been trusted to deliver all protective gear for the energy company. Lars Tendal, Managing Director of Kwintet said: ”This contract is the largest contract in this sector in Northern Europe. When awarding the contract, price has obviously been an important factor, but factors such as competence, quality, delivery reliability and logistics have played a key role in gaining the trust to become such a significant supplier to Statoil.

“Kwintet has dedicated product managers and key personnel who are highly competent in all Statoil’s areas of priority. This is why we have the competence required to operate large and operationally complex agreements such as this.”

Leading workwear for hazardous environments


Wenaas is a pioneer in flame retardant work-wear, and has been instrumental in protecting the workers in the Norwegian sector from the very start of the Norwegian oil and gas venture. The Kwintet Norge company is established in Norway, but operates internationally, with offices in Houston, Baku and beyond. Mr Tendal explained: ”Our mission is to protect people at work with all our competence. Because we know that products and solutions could make the difference between life and death, we do not cut corners on our product development. The safety of users is always our highest priority. Therefore, our users will concentrate on doing their work safely and comfortably.” In conjunction with the product expertise in Wenaas, Statoil and the SINTEF research environment have developed the future safety wear for arctic regions. Challenging hazards exist here in the work situation, involving very changeable climatic conditions and low temperatures combined with strong winds. This represents completely new challenges for both crew and clothing. ”The first generation of work-wear for these environments is already in place, but efforts to develop new innovative solutions continue,” concluded Mr Tendal.



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Industry News

Red excitation chlorophyll sensor ideal for environments rich in organic materials Turner Designs have recently developed a chlorophyll sensor that uses a red excitation light source to detect algal fluorescence for estimating algal abundance. This sensor is ideal for environments rich in DOM and blue-green algae. Because DOM doesn’t absorb red excitation energy, but algae do, red excitation fluorimetry provides fluorescence detection free from interference errors caused by DOM. Studies done with both blue and red excitation chlorophyll sensors showed at least a 16% overestimation of the actual chlorophyll concentration when using the blue excitation sensor and not applying a correction whereas the red excitation sensor needed no correction.

Another advantage of red excitation for chlorophyll is that it is significantly more sensitive to prokaryotic algae so it can detect much lower concentrations of blue/green algae or cyanobacteria. This new red excitation chlorophyll sensor is available as a single sensor in our Cyclops-7 Submersible Sensor family or as 1 of 3 sensors on our C3 Submersible Fluorometer. Standard optical kits are available for detecting: in vivo Chlorophyll (blue or red excitation), Crude Oil, Refined Fuels, CDOM/FDOM (dissolved organic material), Blue/Green Algae, Fluorescein Dye, Rhodamine Dye, PTSA Dye, Optical

Brighteners, Tryptophan, and Turbidity. Fluorometers can also be configured with custom optics for specialized applications per customer request.

XPD8 seals £2.25million contracts in North Sea and Malaysia Asset integrity management specialist XPD8 Solutions has secured more than £2.25 million in combined contract wins for work in the North Sea and Malaysia.

Over a period of 12 months, XPD8 will develop the work management system, which includes asset register, maintenance programme and population and analysis of ‘spares’ data for a major operator on the UK Continental Shelf.

Mark Cavanagh


In the Asia Pacific region, the Aberdeenbased firm’s risk mitigation department will provide quality assurance and control services on a three-year contract with a two-year extension option. XPD8 is recognised as a leader in maintenance engineering, condition monitoring and integrity services for the oil & gas sector. The company’s international reach has grown in the past year to cover Europe, South East Asia and Africa. Mark Cavanagh, XPD8 managing director, said: “These latest contract wins continue what is proving to be a busy year for XPD8. We have secured work all over the world to provide services that operators are increasingly looking to use. Investing in the correct maintenance engineering system can help to provide a sustainable performance improvement and ensure quality standards are met. It also highlights the increasing emphasis the industry is placing on the monitoring of its assets. We have the software and skilled maintenance engineers to help clients prevent anticipated failures on assets, prolong equipment life and ensure optimal performance.

In addition, the risk mitigation systems we have designed are successfully delivering results that provide real-time quality assurance to engineers involved in well programmes and enable operators to meet their statutory reporting requirements.” The work in the North Sea and Malaysia will involve five members of full-time staff. In March, XPD8 announced it had secured work to provide condition monitoring services with an operator in Equatorial Guinea as part of a £4million triple contract win that also included work with Wood Group, on behalf of Dana Petroleum, and Apache in the UK North Sea. The company subsequently reported in April it had secured work in Ghana aboard MODEC’s TEN MV25 floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, operated on behalf of Tullow Oil.

XPD8 has received ISO9001 accreditation for its quality management systems which ensures high standards throughout the business.

Wireline Engineering host specialist training to oil and gas providers Industry News

Aberdeen based wireline and well intervention technology specialist Wireline Engineering has increased its support for North Sea customers by offering an operational training course on gas lift intervention. The first series of three training events was held from 5th to 7th August at Wireline Engineering’s facility in Aberdeen, with a total of 25 personnel from Nexen Petroleum and its UK service providers participating. One of the principal objectives was to achieve a common understanding of the key operational challenges involved in deviated gas lift intervention and how best practice could be employed to achieve the most effective outcomes in different circumstances. The course also allowed delegates to take part in hands-on practical sessions using Wireline Engineering’s revolutionary Advanced Kickover Tool to set and retrieve gas lift valves in a real side-pocket mandrel. Bill Petrie, Chairman of Wireline Engineering, said: “Gas lift intervention can be a critical part of production

Wireline Engineer at work optimization in many fields, both in the North Sea and elsewhere, and is often carried out in challenging circumstances. I believe there is a profound need to

exchange expertise and operational experiences with other industry professionals. In the end everyone benefits. “We are the only company currently providing this kind of focused training in gas lift intervention. If it is judged to make a positive contribution, I’d like to see Wireline Engineering use our expertise to provide a wider range of support sessions like this.” A senior member of the Nexen intervention team commented: “Wireline Engineering is well known for technologies that deliver noticeable benefits, especially in deviated and difficult wells. Having them also offer this kind of practical support can only benefit our planning and operations.”

Accuracy is key at Wireline

Wireline Engineering develops original well intervention and completion technologies for the oil and gas industry worldwide. The company was established in 1998 and its headquarters are located in Aberdeen, Scotland. It has international offices in the Americas, Middle East and Far East and employs 40 people worldwide.


Industry News

Paradigm achieves gold at RoSPA Awards Paradigm Flow Services has won the Gold Award for Safety from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) in recognition of its stringent safety focus. This is the third consecutive year Paradigm has secured gold for its approach to the prevention of accidents and ill health. Dating back 58 years, the RoSPA Awards scheme is the largest and longest-running programme of its kind in the UK.

Rob Bain, managing director of Paradigm Flow Services, said: “This is the third year that we have been awarded the gold standard award by RoSPA and we are honoured to receive this accolade. We are committed to health and safety, it is an important issue in the oil and gas sector and we continue to invest in the safety of our staff.” The scheme not only analyses accident records, but also entrants’ overarching health and safety management systems, including important practices such

as strong leadership and workforce involvement. David Rawlins, RoSPA’s awards manager, said: “RoSPA firmly believes that organisations that demonstrate commitment to continuous improvement in accident and ill health prevention deserve recognition. Paradigm Flow Services has shown that it is committed to striving for such continuous improvement and we are delighted to honour it through the presentation of an award.”

Success in region results in significant Norway expansion for NOV Elmar NOV Elmar, the global market leader in

offering maintenance services, 24/7 client

our future staff expansion. The move will

intervention equipment, has expanded its

and Elmar equipment commonly used in

which covers our plans to offer wireline

the design and manufacturing of wireline

presence in Norway with a move into larger premises to meet increasing work levels. The new premises, which are purposebuilt for NOV Elmar’s service offerings,

are based in Tananger, a main oil and gas business area within Norway, and include approximately 250 sq. meters office

space, 1200 sq. meters workshop space

and a 1300 sq. meters outdoor area. Staff

support, spare parts and training on ASEP Norway.

During 2013, NOV Elmar’s presence in the

located in Norway. As it continues to

represents a key step forward into the

expand in 2014, its aim is to reduce

equipment downtime as much as possible for its customers.

company’s Winch and Pressure Control

further proven NOV Elmar’s commitment

The Tananger base will continue to focus on both sales and after sales support;


“We are working with a number of new

to an increasing number of companies

Ove Wareberg, Country Manager – Norway,

product lines.

pressure control equipment (WPCE)

region strengthened as it provided support

numbers are also increasing as new service technicians will be hired to support the

allow us to carry out a larger work scope,

stated, “Moving into the new premises has

to the region. We were reaching capacity at the previous facility in Stavanger.

The new premises are ideally located for

our business and they will accommodate

clients in the region and this growth

Norwegian market. The new facility is an

important part of our strategy to increase our presence and improve support. The team will be able to respond quickly to

customers, offering them the expertise and efficiency they expect from NOV Elmar. NOV Elmar has built its reputation on

the global provision of equipment and service.

Our expansion in Norway will offer

customers a rapid and cost competitive local service.”

NOV Elmar is a product group of Houston based National Oilwell Varco (NOV),

employing around 900 employees across

its manufacturing and service locations in

Canada, the U.S, Europe, Russia, North and South America, Middle East and Far East.

National Oilwell Varco is a leading provider of oilfield products and services to the

worldwide oil and gas industry since 1841. NOV’s headquarters are in Houston, Texas USA and it operates in over 800 locations

around the world, employing over 60,000 people.

NOV Elmar technician recertification on wireline mast


Reftrade UK secures contract in Norway Industry News

Reftrade UK, a market leading specialist in the sale and lease of refrigerated containers and temperature controlled units to the offshore energy sector, has been awarded a contract with a major operator in Norway, ahead of this year’s ONS exhibition. The contract, which is the first that Reftrade UK has secured in Norway, will see the company supply custom-built refrigeration containers, fitted with Carrier Prime-line duel operation equipment, for use on an offshore platform located in the North Sea. The project will coincide with the company’s first visit to the ONS 2014 exhibition and conference in August, with Norway representing a large growth area for Reftrade UK

access butcher doors, man trap alarm, overriding lock systems and a protective outer coating, which ensure they meet full NORSOK and ATEX standards.

Greg Spence, Reftrade UK managing director said: “This is a significant contract win for Reftrade UK. Securing a contract with a major operator further underpins our reputation for delivering excellent service and high quality refrigeration containers. “We have experienced a significant increase in demand for our products in the North Sea in recent months which is highly encouraging. The Norwegian market is a key focus for the company as we continue to expand and enhance our range of NORSOK-accredited containers to meet customer demand in the region.

Reftrade UK is currently looking to appoint a new Norwegian agent. When agreed, the new partnership will aid local operations and provide Reftrade UK with a regional presence for projects in the area. Mr Spence continued: “Forming a new partnership with an already established company based in Norway will be highly beneficial for Reftrade UK. It will provide us with the support and connections we require to offer a full, on-the-ground service to our customer base in the area.” At the end of last 2013, Reftrade UK

made a significant investment to improve the safety standards of its rental fleet. The investment saw the company take a market-lead at the time as the only rental supplier of 10ft and 20ft rated explosion proof containers in the UK. Reftrade UK can supply, deliver and advise on the manufacture of custom-built, bespoke units to suit client requirements in a range of different temperatures. The explosion proof containers provide cold or freezer storage in a -28oC to +22oC temperature range. The company’s zoned 1 & 2 units are capable of providing cold or freezer storage, in a -20°C to +6 °C temperature range.

Visit us at Offshore Energy ‘14 Stand No. 10-101B

“Attending ONS 2014 provides the ideal opportunity for us to meet with new and existing clients to discuss their requirements and explore new business opportunities. The team is looking forward to visiting the wellattended Norwegian exhibition for the first time as we further expand our operations in the region.”

Turn-Key Systems for Drag Chain Technology KABELSCHLEPP Metool is one of the leading companies for cable and hose carrier systems. Serving the offshore industry for over 4 decades, many hundreds of installed applications worldwide make us a competent partner for your project. Our dedicated industry specialists provide consultancy, site survey, and bespoke design. KABELSCHLEPP Metool offer global support.


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The 10ft x 8ft, DNV 2.7-1 containers were custom-built for this project and are of the highest specification we have built date incorporating Safe Area refrigeration equipment with Zone ATEX internal equipment which also interfaces with the platforms control room. Each of the units are fitted with high end safety specifications, which include Atex Zone 2 easy

Greg Spence, Reftrade UK Managing Director

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Industry News

ATR brings next generation compressors to the Norwegian market ATR Group is set to introduce new stateof-the-art compressor technology to the Norwegian market following a £7million GBP investment in its rental fleet. The company’s Power Solutions division is one of the only organisations supplying the DNV 2.7-2 NORSOK Z-015 and ATEX standard Zone II compressors to the Norwegian sector and has invested in an initial 20 units for use across its network of North Sea clients. Designed to deliver a raft of improved safety and operating features as well as significantly reduced noise emission levels, the first compressors were scheduled for delivery this September. With a view to further investment to support the overseas arena, ATR is actively looking to expand into Holland as well as several other key strategic areas. In response to customer demand in the Caspian region, a further six units have been commissioned and are expected to be shipped to ATR’s facility in the region in Q3 2014. The investment comes after 18 months of sustained growth across the Aberdeen headquartered group as it meets a growing market demand for equipment and services. John Cooper, director of ATR’s Power Solutions division, said: “The inspection, repair and maintenance market in Norway is as buoyant as it is elsewhere with a sustained programme of rig fabric maintenance underway in addition to numerous barge campaigns and other activity.

“Within this environment operators are looking for increased flexibility and we are seeing a trend towards a move away from the older style compressor in favour of higher specification equipment capable of operating across hazardous and nonhazardous areas.


“We are pleased to be building on our heritage of bringing innovative, cuttingedge technologies to our customers. The addition of the NORSOK equipment complements our existing fleet of fully containerised Zone II and Rigsafe compressors that are supporting projects around the world.”

The DNV 2.7-2 NORSOK Z-015 and ATEX standard Zone II Compressor ATR Group is the market leader in the rental of specialised lifting, tooling and portable power equipment for the on and offshore oil and gas subsea and maintenance markets. The group operates throughout the North Sea and UKCS, Norway and the Caspian region, employing over 400 people. With a current turnover in excess of £60 million, it aims to increase this to £100 million in the next three years.

Operating at 1000cfm @ 10bar and weighing 15,000kgs, they are capable of operating in ambient temperatures from -10C to +40C. The units are housed in 20ft x 8ft containers and come equipped with fixed firefighting systems and automatic release. They also operate at sound pressure levels significantly below the NORSOK standard of 83dB(A) at an average of 76.7dB(A) @ 1 Meter or to a maximum of 80.5dB(A).

The safest option for combustion mitigation, the Zone II area rated compressors conform to all current industry standards for safe operation within open deck hazardous areas, including CE, DNV and ATEX regulations.

The air compressor has been integrated with 3GHI Protection system to meet ATEX and NORSOK requirements for non-electrical devices used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Marine High Voltage Training  

High Voltage Training, Management Level High Voltage Training, Operational Level

In addition to a wide range of HV/LV authorisation and safety training for onshore and offshore power systems, including:

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Industry News

MCA (Maritime & Coastguard Agency) approved courses:

High Voltage Authorisation Training The Safe Operation of HV/LV Power Systems Electrical Protection

The Faraday Centre Tel: +44 (0)1642 467236 www.faradaycentre.

Accuracy from AGMA Q10 to Q14, bore diameter from 2 mm to 300 mm, and a module gear range from 0.2 to 1.5. Bespoke gears, geared systems and gearboxes for subsea remotely operated vehicles and down hole applications. +44 (0) 1484 601000

Hazards training Managing the Hazards of Flare Disposal Systems


18–19 November 2014, Rugby, UK Covers the key hazards associated with onshore and offshore flare disposal systems and the risks which must be controlled to ensure the safe operation of such systems.

Gas Explosion Hazards on LNG Facilities


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An advanced course on the analysis of explosion and other hazards for liquefied natural gas facilities.



17/09/2014 14:55

Industry News

Compact stand-alone, ultra efficient refrigeration dryers The new ultra-compact KRYOSEC direct expansion refrigeration dryers recently introduced by HPC Compressed Air Systems offer the benefits of a dependable and highly efficient drying performance with minimal pressure differential, even when operating under the most challenging conditions. The footprint for the smallest TAH models is 0.18m² which have an overall size of just 386mm x 473mm x 440mm (WxDxH).

The new ultra-compact KRYOSEC Dryer

These compact, stand-alone and competitively priced dryers are designed to operate on compressed air flow rates from 0.35 to 4.5 m³/min (12.3 to 159 cfm) and in applications with ambient temperatures up to +50ºC. Their impressive performance is made possible as a result of a generously dimensioned heat exchanger, optimised refrigerant liquefaction surfaces and dedicated cooling air flow. These features, combined with low-maintenance design, ensure highly efficient operation. All models comply with current machinery safety requirements (EN 60204-1) including a lockable on/off switch and integrated power supply isolating device. Whilst not compromising on the quality of build, components or air quality, it is the reduction in height (and overall size) of the cabinet that makes the Kryosec dryers ideal for decentralised installations, allowing them to be wallmounted or positioned in small spaces close to the point of use.

Omega Completion Technology wins Statoil contract Independent well completion and intervention technology developer and manufacturer Omega Completion Technology has secured a completions framework contract with Statoil ASA. The contract awards Omega the right to supply its unique ReACT Technology (Remotely Activated Completion Technology) to all Statoil assets in the Norwegian continental shelf, totalling 35. Omega delivered the first ReACT completion solution to Statoil 10 years ago and has provided completion equipment for more than 30 Statoil wells.

Omega has so far carried out more than 100 completions deploying ReACT equipment, securing a 100% remote actuation success. Fredrik Harestad, general manager for Omega Completion Technology AS commented: “This is a great milestone for Omega in Norway and very well timed, as confirmation was received on the first

The initial contract period is for approximately two years with an option for an additional period of six years thereafter.

The ReACT signalling method provides a means to remotely activate downhole completion equipment without the need for costly and complex intervention operations. The technology is a reliable, industry recognised solution providing both a primary and back-up remote actuation functionality and mechanical contingency option.

The Sandface valve is a permanently installed electronically actuated sleeve and is one of a range of tools in Omega Completion’s ReACT Technology offering.


anniversary of the business operations in Norway. “The contract award is a result of dedication, teamwork, our unique technology offering and successful operations over many years. It shows that Statoil has acknowledged Omega as a leading supplier of unique completion equipment.” Omega is a leading technology innovator in the intervention and completions market with over 25 patents. Its product range is designed and manufactured inhouse and the company invested over £2 million in its custom built facility and CNC machining centre.

OES launches new dropped object prevention programme for offshore crews

DOPP has been specifically designed to minimise the number of dropped object incidents that can occur on oil and gas projects, at the same time supporting and enhancing the delivery of a dropped objects prevention plan. DOPP encompasses control and prevention of dropped objects, enabling crews to

recognise potential dropped objects and their responsibilities. DOPP has been categorised into four key stages. The first stage raises awareness of the issues followed by practical training sessions in key aspects of dropped objects prevention. Subsequently, OES inspectors undertake a dropped objects survey. To complete the programme, OES delivers the application and installation of software to rig personnel as a working real time tool to keep local control of dropped object prevention on the installation.

Maitland Hyslop, CEO of OES says: “The Dropped Object Prevention Programme is the first of a series of new products from OES designed to make managing risk and safety in and on oil installations safer while, at the same time, placing control of these items progressively in the hands of the crew so that they know at all times the status of their installation.

Industry News

The OES Oilfield Services (OES) Group has launched a new safety training and support programme of the offshore sector, the Dropped Objects Prevention Programme (DOPP).

“The Dropped Object Prevention is part of our Executive Chairman Richard Upshall’s vision of ensuring both leadership for OES in the inspection sector and delivering to installations a real-time means of improving the management of risk and safety.” Paul Livingstone, Business Development Manager at NOF Energy, said: “NOF Energy members such as OES are helping to drive the offshore safety agenda and ensure that the competencies of offshore crews are continually updated. This programme will be of real benefit to offshore installation operator.”

Applus RTD steps up its support to the Norwegian sector with new office in Bergen Applus RTD, the global leader in the provision of integrity technology services, will open up a base in Straume, Bergen following the demand for its nondestructive testing (NDT) services in the region. The new office and test facility, which will be operational in October this year, will serve the local market both onshore and offshore. It will provide in-house and on-site NDT, metallurgic field work and a range of inspection services including rig, paint, derrick and hull inspection.

able to provide on-site support for our existing client base. “The organic growth of the company will continue throughout next year as we also plan to open up a base in Hammerfest in February, followed by our head quarters in Stavanger next summer. The new head quarters will include a test facility and offshore department to support our operations in the Norwegian North Sea. “Applus RTD’s goal is to be the largest inspection company in Norway by 2017, with around 400 employees in total.”

To date, the company has been involved in a number of Norwegian offshore projects, including the execution of vital NDT work at the Vigra Spoolbase with its radiographic pipeline inspection technology, the RTD Rayscan. Applus RTD is currently developing a number of revolutionary technologies, including its RTD Rayscan, to drive improved reliability and efficiency throughout the testing process.

The new base will staff up to 24 employees, as Applus RTD plans to recruit locally.

Eirik Bjorheim, Applus RTD Norway manager said: “It was an obvious step for us to create a strategic growth plan for Norway in order to meet the demand for our services and underline our commitment to the Norwegian energy sector. With the Bergen office due to open in the next few months, we will now be

Applus Bergen


Industry News

Crowcon makes a move for the better Crowcon, the gas detection specialist, announces a move to larger and better premises in order to meet growing customer demand, reaffirming Crowcon as the industry’s safety partner. This new facilities, which became fully operational on 18th August and is being officially inaugurated on 5th September, improves customer access to Crowcon’s knowledge and expertise in gas detection.

The move from Abingdon to brand new premises in Milton Park was largely driven by the need for enhanced customer training facilities. Crowcon has a long history of providing expert face-to-face training for its customers. With 40% more capacity at the new site, it can now serve a greater number of training delegates in a flexible, modern and comfortable environment. The training centre is complemented by a comprehensive demonstration area clearly displaying Crowcon’s full range of gas detection and safety products.


A new larger production area allows for increased manufacturing output to meet growing demand for Crowcon products. This is coupled with a modernised fullservice and calibration laboratory to improve our service to existing customers. “Whichever way we look at it, the move to bigger and more modern premises could not have come at a better time for us,” says Mike Ophield, Managing Director of Crowcon. “Our customer focus drive, increased manufacturing capability with improvements in all aspects of supplying and supporting our safety products has been delivered in one move.” Mike added, “After over two years of planning, I am really delighted to see this facility come to life. As we are an international company, we are fortunate that Milton Park is both a hub for science and innovation and an excellent location with great transport links. Other key considerations for us were retention of

our highly skilled workforce and continued commitment to local employment. As Milton Park is only 5 miles from our old location, we are pleased to have achieved this.” The move underlines Crowcon’s growth, commitment and pedigree - having over 40 years in gas detection, listening to customer needs and developing innovative solutions to satisfy that need. The new, larger and improved facilities ensures Crowcon remains at the forefront of gas detection, by sharing knowledge with customers to certify the highest safety standards are met industry-wide.

The Crowcon story:

Flexible electronic differential pressure VEGABAR 80 includes electronic Differential Pressure as a standard option in all sensors in the range. No special field electronics enclosures or transducers, it only requires a standard device with a ‘slave’ electronics module in the other. Simply connect them together for your e-DP system. This means any two VEGABAR 80’s can be used, minimising cost, complexity and stocks. Flush, abrasion resistant, high overload ceramics are ideal for offshore and subsea applications. Mix housings: a level in a pressurised tank with a ‘submersible IP68’ sensor in a flooding bund with a standard housing on the top. Mix materials: a flush ceramic diaphragm on a mud tank and a metal one for top pressure. Select the sensor design: suspended, submersible ‘hydrostatic’ transmitters for mud density measurement. The standard sensor interconnection can extend to over 100m. Connection sizes from ½” BSP/NPT (flush) upwards. The accreditation portfolio includes ATEX, SIL, FDA, EHEDGE, 3A and Marine. Communications: 4-20mA, HART, Profibus and Foundation Fieldbus. Nominal sensor pressure ranges from 50mbar up to 1000 Bar (same/similar ranges must be used to suit the e-D.P. application) temperature range -90 to +400 °C. Electronic DP has a host of advantages for the user, particularly over conventional ‘Remote capillary’ chemical seal based DP systems especially in lower static pressures: temperature changes, faster easier installation, higher accuracy in suited applications, no oil-filled capillaries, smaller connection sizes, better temperature performance, faster response, lower costs and easier maintenance. It is especially useful in lower pressure applications: mud density, level differential and pressurised vessel levels. So what’s stopping you from changing the way you measure differential pressure?

For more information, please call: +44(0)1444 870055 Or visit the website:

The easy is better principle for electronic differential pressure

e-DP - no oil-filled capillaries, lower maintenance, better performance. Easy selection: choose any VEGABAR 80 transmitter including ceramic and metal sensors, with the options you need for your application. Easy connection: select any two standard sensors, no special devices, cables or extra housings needed. Simple set up: just connect together and you are up and running. Fast delivery: 5 day build-time on 80% of the range. Change the way you measure pressure.

Industry News

Intertek takes ‘extreme’ approach to safety training with charity partnership Intertek, a leading quality solutions provider to industries worldwide, is partnering with social enterprise Transition Extreme to enhance safety training for the oil and gas sector. The Aberdeen based extreme sports centre, which provides urban sports activities and youth work support, is the setting for a new suite of training courses from Intertek’s Consulting & Training (C&T) team. These are designed to underpin positive safety approaches for those in safety critical roles in offshore operations. Incorporating high ropes training and indoor climbing activities means that delegates can experience an element of risk in a safe environment. This drives

home the importance of verifying and assuring how safe a situation is, and the importance of teamwork to reduce risk.

Transition Extreme facilitates the activities and Intertek works with experts at the organisation to jointly develop exercises. The working partnership has been a success so far with plans to roll out these practical sessions across further Intertek courses. Grahame Paterson, CEO of Transition Extreme, said: “In our work with young people we stretch the boundaries of what they can achieve and take them out of their comfort zones in a responsible way. There are synergies in this approach in our partnership with Intertek and we are pleased to be able to support this important safety training. It also demonstrates how Transition Extreme can offer a first class environment for professional training and development, and underlines our own commitment to safety and risk management as an organisation.”

Intertek C&T provides a range services for the oil and gas industry. This includes specialist solutions for culture and behaviour change, assurance, improved technical or leadership skills and operational excellence to help clients enhance their safety culture and behaviour, as well as technical and personal development. Transition Extreme is a social enterprise using urban sports and their cultures to attract and engage the local youth population. Established in 2007, the charity is one of the region’s leading youth work organisations, delivering support through sport to hundreds of young people every year.

Maxine Fawcett, Regional Principal Consultant at Intertek C&T, said: “Our clients come from a high risk industry. They need to develop an instinctive approach to safety rather than it being a passive tick box exercise. People learn through lived experiences, not purely presentations, so we want participants to have a close up but controlled encounter of potentially hazardous situations.

“To get the skill or understanding really bedded into how people think and behave, or ‘in the muscle’ as we call it, we partnered with Transition Extreme to deliver real life learning where personal risk and responsibility comes to the fore and the interdependence of the team is really driven home. No one can be a passenger in this training and it changes how people think about procedure, safety checks and verification, taking lessons from the climbing wall onto the drill floor.”


As well as providing a new method for delivering important safety messages, Intertek C&T also values the partnership

on a community level, as the relationship is a socially responsible endeavour to support a local charity, and also assist the ongoing sustainability of Transition Extreme by utilising the facilities during down time.

Intertek is partnering with Transition Extreme to enhance safety training for the oil and gas sector

RDS wins front end engineering and design contract for Sea Lion

The FEED work is part of AMEC’s overall FEED contract for the Sea Lion development and follows a concept study which was executed by an RDS team in Houston. The contract, which is expected to be carried out over the next 12 months, will see RDS deliver the design of drilling rig modules for a Tension Leg Platform (TLP), 200km north of the Falkland Islands. The overall project is being delivered from AMEC’s London design office, supported by KCA Deutag in London and Houston Offshore Engineering in Houston.




Simon Drew, President of RDS said: “The Sea Lion field will be the first major development of oil and gas reserves in the Falklands. Due to its remote location, we need to ensure that we deliver a rig that is reliable, efficient and can be easily maintained and supported to deliver safe, effective operations.”

quarters. The design life of the production facilities is estimated at around 25 years.

The company has an established pedigree in delivering rig engineering at every stage of design, construction and modification for projects across the world.

Industry News

RDS, the world’s leading rig design and engineering specialist, has been awarded a front-end engineering design (FEED) contract by AMEC for Premier Oil’s Sea Lion development in the North Falklands Basin. RDS is the rig design and engineering subsidiary of international drilling and engineering contractor, KCA Deutag.

“RDS and KCA Deutag have a lot of experience in designing and operating rigs in remote locations and this is a great opportunity to put that experience to good use in a new region. We look forward to continuing to work closely with Premier Oil and AMEC as we move the Sea Lion development forward,” Simon added. The TLP will contain drilling, topsides wells, processing facilities, utilities and

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Simon Drew, President of RDS



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Industry News

In search of solid foundations Across the globe, governments are changing their policies to accommodate offshore wind energy deployment. According to the Global Wind Energy Council market growth over the next five years will be concentrated in Asia, Latin America, and Africa – regions where ‘easy’ growth from rapidly increasing in demand will come from. Experiences with on-again, off-again wind energy policy in various countries has made industry players cautious however. The Offshore WIND Installation and Maintenance Conference in Amsterdam (Netherlands, 29 October 2014), addresses the multiple challenges associated with solid future industry growth. Sessions this year focus on offshore grid developments, global business opportunities, supply chain and operational management and the latest in foundation design, installation and maintenance.

Submarine cables

In Europe, total installed offshore wind capacity totals some 11 GW. The European Wind Energy Association has set a target of 40 GW offshore wind in 2020. Installing sufficient transmission capacity is a prerequisite for realizing this target and future ambitions. At the OWIM Conference in Amsterdam in October, experts will discuss what is needed to connect to the onshore transmission system, to lower the costs of grid connectivity and to establish a cross-border regulatory framework. One of the speakers in the grid session is Mr. Wessel Bakker, Business Line Director ETD at DNV GL who will address reducing

risks in submarine cable quality in new offshore projects. Submarine power cables account for just a small portion of the total amount of investments in offshore wind farm development. However, when

these power cables fail, the impact typically is very significant. DNV GL recently presented its plans for a new Joint Industry Project (JIP) to define a complete submarine cable quality reference.

Logistics and Construction (OWLC) will present his Gravity Tripod, a patent pending foundation concept which does not even require piling and is installed with minimal seabed intervention. Bert van der Velden of Boskalis Offshore will present the Pile Reconditioning Cofferdam System, a new invention which creates a safe and dry environment in which the pile can be cleaned, checked and repaired.

Foundation installation

Growth opportunities

The ‘Future foundations” session presents innovative concepts and designs and for foundations and foundation installation and maintenance. Wouter van Dalen of Seaway Heavy Lifting will address R&D results on efficient installation of offshore wind farms. Jasper Winkes, founder and owner of Fistuca, will share the latest test results of Fistuca’s ‘BLUE Piling Technology’. The technology creates the pile driving energy with a combustion, thereby accelerating a large column of water. Matt Bleasdale of Offshore Wind

Bastiaan van Wijk of Ecofys, a consultancy, will address the market potential in India and opportunities for international cooperation. According to Van Wijk, opportunities in offshore wind are definitely there, as there is a target for 30 GW wind energy (currently 19 GW onshore wind installed). However companies have to be aware of possible hurdles and uncertainties as offshore wind in India has yet to take off. Activities in emerging markets benefit from the lessons learned in more mature markets. In the session on supply chain and operational management, optimization of logistical processes and their cost reducing potential are discussed by representatives of various parts of the value chain, including Wybran Jansen and Remco Boersma of Vattenfall. The OWIM Conference will again be held simultaneously with Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference. OWIM Conference delegates have free access to the Offshore Energy Exhibition, offering additional opportunities for networking with offshore contractors, suppliers and service providers. More information visit the webite:


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28 & 29 OCTOBER 2014

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Wednesday 29 October 2014

09:30 - 18:00 09:30 - 10:00 09:30 - 11:00 10:00 - 12:00 10:15 - 12:00

09:30 - 18:00 10:00 - 11:30 10:00 - 12:00 10:00 - 13:00 12:00 - 13:30 14:00 - 15:30 14:00 - 16:00

Offshore Energy Exhibition Subsea processing Master Class 3: Ampelmann Operations Developments in wave and tidal energy Regulations for offshore service vessels Offshore Vessels: Market update Human Capital Panel: Offshore resourcing

09:00 - 17:00

ffshore WIND Installation and O Maintenance Conference

Offshore Energy Exhibition Official Opening Extending asset life: Offshore Maintenance Services Master Class 1: Seaway Heavy Lifting Industry Panel: Managing complexity and vulnerability 11:30 - 13:30 Permanent well abandonment 14:00 - 16:00 Master Class 2: Heerema Marine Contractors 14:00 - 16:00 Drilling & Dollars Panel: Offshore and Finance 14:00 - 15:30 North Sea E&P: New game on an old playing field 14:30 - 16:30 Mexican petroleum industry reforms

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Offshore Energy Amsterdam

RMSpumptools appoints Vice President of global sales RMSpumptools, specialists innovative artificial lift technology, has announced the appointment of electrical connector specialist Ted Boeri as vice president of global sales. One of the industry’s leading names in electrical connectors, Mr Boeri will head up the Aberdeenshire based company’s Electrical Penetrator division. With over 30 years’ experience in the industry and long-standing membership of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, he is a prominent figure within the sector.

Stan Foster-Rooke with new vice president of global sales, Ted Boeri and the new STEALTH Penetrator™ Commenting on his appointment, Mr Boeri explains: “The move to RMSpumptools was driven by two main factors - technology and flexibility. As the challenges in oil production increase, so the technology needs to stay one step ahead. RMSpumptools’ work in this area and the overall vision the company has for future development convinced me to come on board. With their products already setting the benchmark and others set to change the face of ESP Artificial Lift applications, the company is at the pinnacle of the sector’s innovation. “RMSpumptools’ flexible approach embodies the benefits of working with a smaller organisation that can react quickly to the whole range of customer requirements. This was an important factor in my decision to join the team at RMSpumptools, and I am very much looking forward to working with them and the game changing technology they produce.” RMSpumptools managing director, Stan Foster-Rooke looks forward to welcoming Mr Boeri to the company: “Ted brings with him a wealth of industry knowledge and we are delighted he has decided to join our dynamic team. His appointment confirms the reputation RMSpumptools has as technology leader and the most reliable provider of electrical connectors in the market. “Ted has grasped the company’s vision and has aligned his skillset with the innovative approach we have to business. This powerful combination will ultimately result in a better offering for our customers in terms of development, performance, reliability and service.”

Industry News

Innovative technology for corrosion prevention and repair presented at Offshore Energy 2014 The Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference 2014 takes place in Amsterdam, Netherlands on October 2829. Supported by KVNR, NOGEPA, IRO and the Netherlands Maritime Technology, this is the fastest growing gathering of offshore industry professionals. Founded in 2008, Offshore Energy has been breaking records year after year. The 2013 exhibition attracted 9,123 visitors representing 56 nationalities. And even higher exhibitor, visitor and conference delegate numbers are expected for the 2014 edition. The Offshore Energy Conference brings together an international faculty of expert speakers, representing the entire upstream value chain, to discuss topical

Corrosion is a leading cause of downtime, which leads directly to major losses in profits and revenues. A single leaking flange can grind the entire platform operation to a halt. Attractive solutions to such problems involve the use of materials that are safe to use, easily applied, do not require special work permits (no hot work) and provide proven results with additional technical support to minimize the risk of premature failure. Composite materials are gaining momentum among offshore maintenance professionals because they do just that. Belzona is a pioneer of 100% solids coatings and composites. On the market since 1952 Belzona products are known for their quality and ability to solve a range of problems of varying complexities.

Perspect Benelux have distributed Belzona solutions since 1982 and provide a varied range of services for the platforms and floating production vessels in the North Sea. Composite solutions are offered in the form of thin and throughwall pipe defect repairs with the use of standard and compliant wraps for high pressure pipework. Cold plate bonding technology is successfully utilized for the

renovation of corroded metal, leak sealing and structural integrity restoration. For Offshore Energy 2014 Perspect Benelux have prepared an exciting stand showcasing composite technologies such as internal linings, composite wraps, bonding, as well as flange face forming and nozzle insert technologies. Flange face forming is used to repair or prevent crevice and galvanic corrosion of the flange face by shaping Belzona material with prefabricated formers. The specified material bonds strongly to the sealing face, isolating it from corrosive media whilst maintaining its shape and profile. An accessory kit with all the equipment required to complete a Belzona flange face forming repair was introduced in 2014 specifically for offshore insitu applications and will be showcased exclusively at Offshore Energy 2014.

Another nifty solution is engineered to eliminate failures when lining narrow spaces, such as small bore nozzles. Narrow nozzles no longer need to be considered “the Achilles’ heel” of process vessels. Tailor made Belzona inserts can be bonded into the nozzle using a fluid grade material, eliminating the risk of pinholes or holidays. Excellent chemical and erosion resistance ensures long-term

industry developments, exchange ideas and network with conference delegates. Companies committed to research and development in material design and techniques with regards to offshore maintenance will exhibit their latest offering to the market. Belzona’s Exclusive Authorised Distributor in the Benelux, Nico Verloop of Perspect Benelux, is set to showcase the latest innovations in offshore composite repair solutions and the next generation of protective linings designed for continuous

service in the arduous offshore process environment.

For more information on Belzona solutions in the Benelux region visit or email


protection of the nozzle, thus extending maintenance-free periods.

Industry News

In addition to composite repair solutions, due to significant interest expressed by local and global asset owners and design houses, Perspect Benelux will showcase next generation linings designed for high temperature immersion and novel spray applied linings for extreme erosion environments. New lining technologies represent the culmination of over 40 years of research and development. These novel technologies will be discussed at the stand 9.047, Hall 9.

Improved HT Immersion Protection

The development of linings designed for high temperature immersion service started in the 1970s and culminated most recently in 2014 with the introduction of Belzona 1523 and Belzona 1593. Rubbery domains that inhibit crack propagation have been incorporated into the polymeric structure to provide increased impact resistance and flexibility, so these linings can withstand the high temperature and pressure variations of the severe operating, maintenance and transportation conditions process vessels are subject to. According to Belzona’s Chief R&D Chemist, Richard Collett, “Belzona 1523 and Belzona 1593 are based on a

combination of several ‘state of the art’ technologies and I believe they are our best high temperature linings yet.”

sprayed without damage to the spray equipment whilst offering superior erosion resistance than ceramic filled epoxies.

Read the white paper on:

The excellent edge retention and film build-up of the polymer alloy means the material can also be used in a variety of geometries, including girth welds on pipeline internal field joints.

Spray-Friendly Erosion Resistance

Belzona 1331 and Belzona 1381 are based on standard epoxy technology coupled with ground breaking filler technology, which enables these materials to be

Read the white paper on:


Cables, Glands & Connectors

RapidEx “The more accurate and reliable solution to sealing glands in explosive atmospheres” For CMP Products, the cable gland and accessory specialists, the protection of electrical power, control and instrument cables are paramount to their work. Correctly sealing these cables as they enter explosive atmosphere electrical equipment is an essential safety requirement. RapidEx is a liquid pour, fast curing, liquid resin seal that installs in seconds and cures within minutes. Its unique formula begins with a low viscosity liquid that pours into the cable interstices, completely surrounding the cable conductors and displacing the air from the cable gland’s sealing chamber. This eliminates the human error risks associated with clay compounds as, instead of being manually compressed down, using this liquid resin to naturally flow around all the cable conductors ensures a perfect seal. This enhanced accuracy of application allows for a more reliable sealing solution.

RapidEx cures in 30minutes at 20°C, more than 18 times faster than traditional epoxy/clay based compounds and also cures in 15 minutes at 40°C, more than 15 times faster than traditional compounds. This means not only is the installation inherently more reliable, but an installation time saving can also be achieved.

• Explosion pressure tested to IEC 60079- 1:2007, CSA-C 22.2 and UL 2225 • No need for repeated cable gland disassembly before connection to equipment.

• Simple cable preparation to reduce error and application time • Easy liquid pour RapidEx resin application ensures the perfect seal • Enhanced accuracy, improved reliability • Cleaner, faster mixing process, reducing the risk of human error • Visible colour change ensuring perfect mix every time • More durable and reliable due to high consistency of liquid pour fill • Fully compatible with IEC & CEC/NEC wiring code rules • Thermal endurance / age tested to the latest version of IEC 60079-0

Bender celebrates 75 years of ISOMETER® “Passive” insulation monitoring devices were considered stateof-the-art until well into the 20th century. These devices, however, only were used for “checking the insulation” of unearthed power supply systems which until the seventies were called “protective conductor systems”. For a long time it was common practice to use these devices in the mining sector.

The breakthrough to “active” insulation monitoring came in 1939 with the publication of a patent for “Insulation monitoring and earth fault display devices for three-phase

installations” by Dipl.-Ing Walther Bender. Since then, Walther Bender has been seen as the “father of active insulation monitoring”. The technology of insulation monitoring devices also developed quickly. Until the 1960s, the technology used was almost exclusively superimposed measuring voltage. But it was not only the measurement technology for insulation monitoring devices which has changed, the nature of the IT systems and applications had also been subject to huge changes. Many new applications have been added. The inverter technology brought attention to possible three-phase faults, i.e. insulation faults behind rectifier elements. A device technology was then developed which was also able to detect device faults behind rectifiers. This was followed by pulse overlay technology, which was eventually superseded by the “pulse superimposition technology”. The EMC wiring frequently required necessitates new measurement technologies for insulation monitoring devices with high system leakage capacitances. PV systems also need to be able to cope with leakage capacitances into the μF range. The development of Bender insulation monitoring device always followed these new requirements, and continues to do so. In the future, too, the company will face new challenges with innovation and know-how and continue to lead the field in terms of insulation monitoring.


2014 ISOMETER® iso685


Bender Celebrates











75 Years of IsomEtER® “Passive” insulation monitoring devices were considered state-of-the-art until well into the 20th century. These devices, however, were only used for checking the insulation of unearthed power supply systems which, until the seventies, were called protective conductor systems. For a long time it was common practice to use these devices in the mining sector.

The Father of active insulation monitoring The breakthrough to active insulation monitoring came in 1939 with the publication of a patent for insulation monitoring and earth fault display devices for three phase installations by Dipl-Ing Walther Bender. Since then, Walther Bender has been seen as the “father of insulation monitoring”.

Standards in changing times The first device standard for insulation monitoring devices was published in January 1973 as DIN 57413 part 2 (VDE 0413 part 2). A new part 8 was drafted in 1984 to meet changing system requirements. The follow-up standard DIN VDE 0413 part 8 combines parts 2 and 8 into a new part 8 and was published in Germany in May 1998 under the title “insulation monitoring devices for IT networks”. The first international standard was the IEC 61557-8 appeared in 1997. Ten years later in 2007 this standard was reworked to incorporate a few improvements. In 2009, German standard DIN EN 61557-9 (VDE0413-9) was published under the title of “Equipment for insulation fault location in IT systems”. Both these standards are currently being reworked with a view to provisional publication in late 2014.

Technology that keeps pace The technology of insulation monitoring devices also developed quickly. Until the 1960’s, the technology used was almost an exclusively superimposed measuring voltage. Many new applications have been added. The inverter technology brought attention to possible direct current faults, i.e insulation faults behind rectifier elements. A device technology was then developed which was able to detect insulation faults behind rectifiers. This was followed by pulse superimposition technology, which was superseded by “pulse code measurement technology”. The EMC wiring frequently required necessitates new measurement technologies for insulation monitoring devices with high system leakage capacitances. PV systems also need to cope with leakage capacitances into the u range. These requirements have consistently followed developments for Bender insulation monitoring devices. Bender will continue to set the standards in the future.

Innovation and standardization At Bender, intensive consideration of new applications in photovoltaic and electro-mobility has led the way in producing new patent applications from Bender. However Bender is also continuing to research other applications and new patents will follow. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Hofheinz Chair of the DKE

Ur-ISOMETER® Certificate of first patent 1939

BENDER UK Low Mill Business Park, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 9EE Tel: 44(0) 1229 480123 Fax: 44(0) 1229 480345 Tel ROI: +353 1 5060611

Cables, Glands & Connectors

55 Series



Key features include:-

The SEACON 55 SERIES of underwater electrical dry-mate connectors contain significant design improvements over other industry standard connectors, whilst maintaining compatibility and interchangeability with them.

• Industry Standard Compatibility

This connector range is also available in PEEK (Polyetheretheketone) which was selected for its superior chemical resistance, excellent electrical properties, wear and abrasion resistance and light weight. This PEEK series of connectors are not affected by corrosion or cathodic delamination.

• Pressure Rated Blanking Caps available

• Proven Sealing Technology • Heavy Duty Stub Acme Threads (except shell size 15)

Availability Pressure rated to 10,000 psi (22,500ft/7,000m), the 55 SERIES is available in 5 shell sizes with up to 24 contacts with PBOF (Pressure Balanced

Oil Filled) options. Manufactured from 316L Stainless Steel as standard, other materials are also available upon request including Titanium, Aluminium Bronze and Alloy 625.

Applications This connector range is suitable for a variety of applications including ROV’s, underwater cameras, diver communications, lights and pan and tilts.

Testing Please contact SEACON for details.

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Subsea Equipment

Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire presents Sonardyne with Queen’s Award for 6G Sonardyne International Ltd has been formally presented with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise by the LordLieutenant of Hampshire. Dame Mary Fagan presented the Award in the Innovation category for Sonardyne’s Sixth Generation (6G®) product platform during a visit to the company’s head office and manufacturing facilities in Yateley, Hampshire. As part of her visit, the Lord-Lieutenant was given a tour of Sonardyne’s campus, spread across three buildings on Blackbushe Business Park, including the company’s Engineering, Production and Machine Shop facilities. Headquartered in the UK with regional offices in Aberdeen, Brazil, Houston, Plymouth and Singapore, Sonardyne is recognised as a pioneer in the design

and manufacture of underwater acoustic positioning, inertial navigation, wireless communications and sonar imaging technology. Users for the company’s products are found in the offshore energy, ocean research and maritime security industries. Launched in 2010, Sonardyne’s award winning 6G platform was judged by The Queen’s Award review panel to have addressed users’ needs for underwater technology that is low risk, versatile and easy to use. 6G products have made an impact on diverse subsea operations around the world and, in 2013/14, were exported to 55 different countries. “We are honoured to welcome the LordLieutenant of Hampshire, Dame Mary

Fagan, to our Hampshire headquarters for the presentation of The Queen’s Award,” said John Ramsden, Sonardyne’s Managing Director. “This is the third occasion in 20 years she has visited us to present us with a Queen’s Award and we’re proud to show her how the company has progressed and grown from the small rented premises we occupied in 1994 to the prestigious multibuilding manufacturing and production facility it is today.” The Queen’s Award is conferred by HM Queen Elizabeth II, on advice of the Prime Minister, and is the highest award a UK business can receive.

SeaBotix LBV breaks pipeline distance inspection record for Lake Erie diving SeaBotix’ long-time client, Pat Murphy, President of Lake Erie Diving, reported a new personal distance record for internal pipe inspection with his SeaBotix LBV300XL. “It was an internal inspection of a 48” (122 cm) intake pipe in Lake Michigan,” said Pat. “The pipe was 6,140’ (1,872 m) in length and I did it in one run from shore in just under two hours. I did not go above Gain 5 [half of full power]. I look forward to going the maximum umbilical length I have of 6,760’ (2,061 m) someday, now that I know the vehicle will pull it.” Pat had spoken with SeaBotix’ founder, Don Rodocker, at a trade show earlier this year and commented he had previously been able to get the LBV300XL to 4,400’ (1,341 m) at a full Gain 10. Don recommended an upgrade to 100 mm (4”) horizontal thrusters (two) from the standard 76 mm (3”). Don knew it would help, but was pleased to learn how much.

Seabotix vLBV

The LBV300XL was phased-out three years ago with the release of the vectored-thrust vLBV300, with a total of four horizontal thrusters for even more pulling power.

Seabotix LBV300XL


For more information, contact:

Meet the machines revolutionising ship’s infrastructure inspections Robots are already being used in place of humans in dangerous environments on the surface from bomb disposal to search and rescue. But now a new crop of underwater vehicles are set to transform ship’s infrastructure inspection.

Mini ROVs such as the market leader – the VideoRay - are ideally suited to underwater infrastructure inspection, salvage and survey projects, such as rigs and floating production storage and offloading vessels (FPSOs). Small, light and energy efficient, these ROVs can be deployed in areas where space is minimal, the use of large machines poses a threat to the equipment, or where there’s a risk of damage when used with delicate machinery. The latest generation of small ROVs are serious machines, out to prove that compact size does not mean compromise. The ROVs’ powerful thrusters, sonar options and stability mean that a comprehensive vessel inspection can be carried out in less than two hours, saving time and money and meeting scheduling deadlines for Underwater Inspections In Lieu of Dry-dock (UWILD). The ROV can travel along tanks or pipelines, checking the integrity of welds and seams and inspecting for corrosion, fouling and leaks. The small size allows for small space inspections down to 30cm in diameter. The easy to attach hull crawler is ideal for inspections of ship hulls, water tanks

Underwater inspection with an ROV allows vessels and structures in depths of up to 300m to be inspected without downtime or extra support from ships. With simple userfriendly interfaces, the equipment’s intuitive and easy-tomaster control system can be mastered by any operator, from crew to captain. Operators can take still shots of areas of concern, while videoing the entire inspection and video documentation can be saved as either stills or films for later reference.

Subsea Equipment

As new regulations allow vessels to achieve longer drydocking intervals there is greater need for a programme of regular inspection of critical areas and increased vigilance by the crew to ensure that corrosion or other defects that could affect structural stability are identified at an early stage.

and other submerged structures - ensuring stable video in difficult, high-current underwater environments (up to six knots). Areas where deterioration is known to commonly occur or has been observed in previous surveys can be automatically located using advanced Dynamic Positioning software like SeeByte CoPilot.

Despite their enormous capability, most systems fit in to two suitcase sized pelli-cases and are light enough to be hand carried; allowing them to be transported easily for easy deployment and to ensure complete inspection coverage. This extreme portability makes the equipment ideal for regular and mandatory inspections by allowing for easy inspection of entire vessels, including ballast tanks, turret riser tubes, anchoring systems and complete hull inspections. For more information visit the website:

The Smart Choice ­ Trusted by some of the biggest names in the subsea industry The VideoRay Pro 4 helps you get the job done quickly and safely

So ask yourself ­ Why choose anything else?

Specialists in the supply of World Class ROVs, Sonars and Accessories to the Subsea Market. T: +44 (0)1935 426 000 F: +44 (0)1935 426 522 E:


Subsea Equipment

Tyne Gangway and Osbit Power provide telescopic gangway system for Subsea 7 A multi-million pound order has been completed by two leading North East companies to provide an innovative telescopic gangway system for offshore services contractor Subsea 7. Tyne Gangway and Osbit Power joined forces to design and manufacture the MaXccess P35 telescopic gangway system, for installation at the Lianzi oil field off the coast of Angola, which is due to start production next year. On site, the walk-to-work gangway will provide a safe and reliable means of transferring personnel from their accommodation vessel to and from the oil platform. The 35 metre system incorporates tailor-made connection technology to compensate for movement between the vessel and target structure, which will provide high sea state access with virtually no power consumption during operation. In a collaborative approach, Osbit was responsible for the design, and manufacture of the system’s steel parts including its ‘slewring structure’ and rapid mobilisation tower that will enable it to be easily installed offshore on Subsea 7’s accommodation vessel, together with the hydraulic and control systems. An accumulator system ensures the gangway can be lifted and stowed even in the event of vessel power loss, minimizing the risk to life or possibility of damage to the gangway or platform. Osbit’s state of the art PLC control system provides monitoring and diagnostics of the system to ensure the highest levels of safety are maintained during operation.

The MaXccess P35 telescopic gangway system

Tyne Gangway was responsible for the design of the Aluminium Telescopic Gangway Sections and fabrication work was completed at Tyne Gangway’s Howdon facility on the River Tyne. Final assembly and testing was carried out at the Port of Blyth by Osbit, Tyne Gangway and Tyne Gangway’s sister company, LiftRite, ahead of the system being shipped almost 7000 miles for commissioning on Subsea 7’ vessel the 7 Antares at Lianzi. Tyne Gangway Managing Director, Ken McDonald said: “Winning this contract is a fantastic achievement for Tyne Gangway and Osbit Power, and significant for the North East in general. It is always great to be able to export quality marine engineering from the region. This is the largest telescopic gangway we’ve created and the biggest order we have secured for the business.” Osbit Power director Steve Bedford said: “Osbit Power has a highly successful relationship with Tyne Gangway. Together, we bring many decades of experience to the design and manufacture of offshore equipment and a track record of delivering thousands of aluminium gangway systems.”

Full details of the new Maxccess-P35 series telescopic walk to work system are available at: st=UUEpViTAG9Dr47fE00wd4y_g and: also:

C-Kore jumper & umbilical monitoring device The Zetechtics C-Kore is a Subsea (rechargeable) battery powered electronics package, fully integrated into the dummy plug normally fitted to the electrical connectors of subsea termination heads and umbilical / jumper assemblies.

As subsea field umbilical arrays grow ever more complex the integrity of the components becomes increasingly critical. It is paramount that subsea electrical arrays are made up of umbilical cables & connectors that are known to be good.

When Subsea, the C-Kore can detect the arrival of any ROV (via light source or proximity sensors), and when activated, installation resistance, continuity and capacitance (cable length) are measured automatically.

Unfortunately it is all too easy for jumper assemblies to be damaged in transit between factory floor and sea floor. Once the array is fully assembled and in place on the sea bed then fault finding becomes highly problematic and test via disconnection runs the very real risk of introducing further faults.

Tests are performed between all / any required electrical cores and the surrounding sea water.

Possible faults could include; • Manufacturing Errors & Design Flaws

•Transit Damage via Incident or Accident

Lowest measured values are shown on the full colour OLED display; these values can be used to determine if any damage has occurred to the subsea component.

Subsea Equipment

C-Kore is designed to provide assurance to field installation engineers that their umbilical systems will meet the client requirements by checking electrical integrity immediately prior to connector make-up.

The operator then makes up the connection in the normal way and can be sure that known good components are being assembled at every point in the process.

• Incorrect Installation or Load Out

• Mechanical Damage (impact, vibration, crush, cut, abrasion, etc.) • Hydrostatic Effects

• Water Leak or Pin Hole

• ROV Manipulator Damage • Sea floor movement

For more information please contact the sales team on: +44 (0)1653 602021 Or email

Powerful jumper and umbilical monitoring As subsea field umbilical arrays grow ever more complex then the integrity of the components becomes increasingly critical. C-Kore is designed to provide assurance to field installation engineers that their umbilical systems will meet the client requirements by checking electrical integrity immediately prior to connector make-up. For further information visit our website or call our sales team on 01653 602020

Tel: +44 (0) 1653 602020 | Email: | Web:

Zetechtics Ltd


Subsea Equipment

World first in subsea technology to be reviewed at European Well Intervention Conference Leading oil and gas experts are lined up to present at the 20th SPE ICoTA European Well Intervention Conference which will, once again, bring industry professionals together to discuss current trends and new technologies within well intervention and completion. Taking place on 12/13 November at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, the annual conference is hosted by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Aberdeen Section and the Intervention and Coiled Tubing Association (ICoTA) European Chapter. The conference will feature over twenty presentations from a variety of major oil and gas operators, including BP, Shell, ConocoPhillips and Statoil and specialists from the coiled tubing sector, including AnTech. An extensive range of topics will be covered over the course of the two day conference, including the world’s first deepwater propellant perforation for a depleted carbonate subsea gas well. Oil & Gas UK will also present the conference with the findings of the 4th Well Intervention Excellence Network.

Michael Taggart, Chairman of the conference committee, is looking forward to welcoming delegates to the event: “Sharing skills, knowledge and experience for the benefit of the oil and gas industry is high on the agenda for both SPE and ICoTA. We are therefore delighted that this conference has come to be regarded as Europe’s premier forum for exchange and discussion of the latest developments in well intervention and completion techniques. “Now in its 20th year, the conference has matured into an influential event where well intervention professionals attend to share knowledge, learn and do business. By imparting our knowledge and experiences from the North Sea and beyond, we can push the boundaries of well intervention and ensure a healthy oil and gas industry for the future.” A pre-conference short course on 11 November entitled, ‘An introduction to well intervention’, is aimed at those who have an interest in the topic but are new to the subject or are looking for a refresher and will appeal to those looking to gain a basic understanding of well intervention operations.

The SPE Aberdeen Section is the largest in the UK with more than 2,500 members and is run entirely by volunteers. SPE Aberdeen members represent a range of ages, genders and nationalities, and the Section has student chapters at five universities in Scotland. SPE Aberdeen works closely with the oil and gas industry, Scottish universities and local schools, institutes and academia, to advance the learning and technical excellence in all aspects of the industry: offshore, onshore and internationally. SPE Aberdeen won the SPE International Award for Section Excellence for the fourth consecutive year in 2013. For more information on the award winning section, which celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2014, please visit

ICoTA ICoTA is a worldwide, not-for-profit, member-funded organisation active in the oil and gas industry and made up of oil and service companies.

ICoTA provides a global network of professionals, engineers and technical experts across all well intervention disciplines though a series of events. Its aim is to promote the value of well intervention solutions within the oil and gas industry and to raise awareness of well intervention as a worthy discipline for new entrants. The ICoTA European chapter is headquartered in Aberdeen. For further information on the organisation and its latest activities please visit: The conference and exhibition are now open for bookings.

Michael Taggart, ICoTA conference committee chairman


For more information or to view the full programme of presentations and speakers please visit: or email Rodger and Co, SPE ICoTA Event Managers to book a space:

Actual size

Our new UV-SVP delivers you performance in sound velocity, pressure & temperature for your underwater vehicle.



Provides the world’s most accurate time of flight sound velocity, temperature and pressure (depth) parameters for underwater survey use. Aimed at AUV and ROV platforms due to its compact form, but can be fitted to other platforms where required. The stand alone, self-contained design allows for simple integration.

• High accuracy data in a compact titanium housing • Lightweight, only 750g in air • Wide DC power input of 9 - 30v DC • RS232 & RS485 output • Depth rated to 3000m as standard

T: +44 (0) 1803 869292 l F: +44 (0) 1803 869293 l E: l W:

Pumps & Valves

Hughes Pumps’ systems help maintain offshore rigs Leading UK high-pressure water jetting/ pumping systems manufacturer Hughes Pumps has recently supplied three specially commissioned and precision engineered HPS2200 DNV Containerised Water Jetting Units to one of the Oil & Gas sector’s leading offshore rental companies. The water jetting units will be added to one the World’s leading specialist rental equipment fleets, for use by specialist contractors typically for subsea cleaning and cutting on offshore Oil & Gas rigs in the large area of the North Sea between the UK and Western Europe. The Hughes’ systems have been built around HPS2200 pumps that are suitable for pumping seawater with a performance of 83lpm at 1000bar

(22gpm at 15,000psi). Hughes’ unique integral reduction gearbox and SAE engine adaptor, offered on all Hughes pumps, allow for an extremely compact installation that reduces the equipment footprint to a minimum.

unrestricted access for routine and major maintenance, with a full sized, removable louvre mounted on the radiator end

The system, with pneumatic pressure regulating valves with the controls on the outside of the container for instant on/off load control and full pressure adjustment, stainless steel water tanks and high capacity filtration, can also be remotely shutdown by the oil/gas rig central control system.

a major part in this company’s offshore rental fleet for more than 25 years, delivering exceptional performance and reliability in some of the harshest environments imaginable. Hughes has more than 30 years experience in the manufacture and supply of High and Ultra High Pressure equipment up to 375kW (500hp) and 2800bar (40,000psi) to the Oil & Gas industry around the world for use in safe or hazardous areas.

Operator and maintenance personnel were involved in the design of the DNV containers. All controls were mounted to the outside of the container, twin doors were fitted on three sides to provide

Hughes Pumps’ equipment has played

Volvo Penta engines with ATEX spark arresting exhaust silencers and Chalwyn Valves fitted, with the pumpsets mounted in dual certified DNV 2.7-1/EN12079 offshore acoustic containers having a maximum noise level of 85 dBA at 1m. Considering the 150kW (200hp) rating

of the pump-set and the low noise levels the containers dimensions were limited to 3.8m long x 2.4m wide x 2.6m high x 8,000kg (150” x 94” x 102” x 17,600 lb).

One of the HPS2200 DNV Containerised Units with twin doors on three sides giving unrestricted access for maintenance


Magnetic drive pump offers containment for liquefied gases

The Aturia range of SDTM magnetic drive multistage centrifugal and turbine process pumps has been developed specifically for applications requiring low flow-high head in low NPSH systems. Applications highlighted by AxFlow include liquefied gases such as NH3, CO2, LPG and butane as the pumps particularly suit high end refrigeration applications due to their ability to cope with thin liquids and the containment provided by the magnetic coupling. AxFlow’s SDTM pumps are available in two or three stage configurations, with both having a centrifugal first stage impeller/ inducer to achieve low NPSH values. The second and third stages utilise regenerative turbines to develop the high heads. As they are machined from solid metal they offer a robust construction and along with their seal-less design provide a reliable and durable solution suitable for refineries, chemical plants and OEM systems. When required, the SDTM pumps can be built into an API-685 configuration. The range comprises two basic models, the first being the SDTM 39 2s; two stages with a flow from 0.5 to 10 m³/h and head up to 140 meters (50Hz) or 2 to 50 US gpm and head up to 600 ft (60Hz). The second is the SDTM 39 3s; three stages with flow from 0.5 to 10m³/h and head up to 180 meters (50Hz) or from 2 to 50 US gpm and head up to 900 ft (60Hz).

Pumps & Valves

Magnetic drive pumps offer high levels of liquid and vapour containment and are a highly effective solution for a great many challenging applications, in particular handing liquefied gases. Such applications are now being addressed by AxFlow with its Aturia SDTM pump range.

The hydraulic design of both pumps prevents back flow, while achieving a stable curve with extremely low NPSHr values (lower than 1 meter or 3 ft) at the same time circumventing the need to implement throttling valves or orifice plates. The unique SDTM concept has a shaft supported on two overdesigned sleeve and journal bearings made of SiC/Carbon. Due to the regenerative turbine self-balancing impeller(s), radial and axial thrust loads have been minimised, even in the presence of high suction pressures. The SDTM operational characteristics, compared to conventional pumps, provide improved reliability by reducing vibration and shaft deflection. The axially ‘floating’ impellers feature ample clearances, thus allowing a reliable operation in extreme temperatures, accommodating thermal expansion or contraction.

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Pumps & Valves

Hi-Line HPSA dryers fitted with new controllers and digital dewpoint display The Hi-line range of HPSA (heatless pressure swing adsorption) desiccant dryers are now all equipped as standard with their new HDC-1 digital controller, providing a digital dewpoint display. In addition the range of products has been extended to cover air flow capacities from 230 to 17,000 Nm3/h as well as accommodating operating pressures up to 40 bar, with standard units rated at 11 bar. All product upgrades have been incorporated without increasing unit prices, to ensure that they still represent excellent value for money combined with high performance and increased operating capacities. All the dryer models are fitted with safety relief valves as standard, while

generous desiccant beds save energy as the stand-by condition on dewpoint control is significantly longer. Operation is simple owing to limited moving parts being utilised with positively driven ball valve action, with no shuttle valves incorporated. All models are built in Burton-onTrent at the Hi-line production facility. The pressure valves are also of UK manufacture, and supplied with full vessel documentation and CE certification. The dryer products are skid mounted, incorporating both pre and after filtration, with all associated pipework being manufactured in stainless steel.

DTL launch standard range of Butterfly Dampers

DTL have launched a Standard Range of Butterfly Dampers that provides a simple and cost effective method of control and isolation for many industrial applications requiring a shut-off of up to 99%. The new range, which are powered by Rotork actuators, will be supplied in diameters ranging from 200mm to 1200mm (in increments of 50mm), these dampers are designed for maximum operating pressures of 500mmWG in 3 temperature ranges to accommodate operating temperatures of up to 600 Deg C.


DTL have researched and developed this range of dampers to provide a cost effective solution for basic industrial applications where bespoke engineering is not budgeted for and short lead times are critical. The aim is to provide a good quality, well-engineered, reliable product in half the delivery time one would normally expect for the design and manufacture of an industrial damper. The Standard Range will be backed up with the same product / service support that customers all over the world have come to expect from the DTL brand.

Managing Director of DTL said “Through value engineering and standardisation, our aim is to provide the market with a quality product at a budget price from a premium brand.� With dedicated sales support from our head office in Eastwood, Nottingham (UK), demand for the Standard Range is expected to contribute around 5% of turnover annually and our UK

manufacturing plant is currently implementing component stock to ensure sensible lead times. All options can be fitted with pneumatic rack & pinion actuators (double acting or spring return), electric quarter turn actuator or manual gearbox & handwheel.

For all enquiries please contact:

Lifting Equipment & Winches

Nautilus ROV & topside lifting hooks - safe, secure, solutions Nautilus Rigging (UK) Ltd is widely recognised as the leader in innovative, safe, lifting solutions. In 2010 the company achieved international recognition as manufacturers and suppliers of their award winning range of Nautilus TopsideHooks™, a technically advanced design of general lifting hooks with patented safety features and proven operational benefits. Continuing this tradition of innovation the company developed Nautilus ROVHooks™ and Nautilus SubSeaHooks™, the next generation of subsea hooks specifically designed to address the concerns of Subsea Operators with regard to the operational safety and security of traditional style “snap on” or “spring latch” ROV hooks, which, due to the outdated internal spring latch design have a inherent high risk of unplanned self release of the load during subsea lifting and deployment operations as loads are subjected to the unpredictable and varying hydrodynamic forces created within the subsea and marine environment. The technically advanced design of Nautilus ROVHooks™ and Nautilus SubSeaHooks™ incorporates the companies patented “positive locking” technology which eliminates the known risks and hazards of an unplanned self release of the load, Nautilus ROVHooks ensure that the load remains securely locked within the hook until released by the ROV manipulator. Managing Director Mr Bill Toon said “Our development programme included consultations with leading Subsea Operators to clearly identify the hazards and issues experienced with the use of traditional ROV hooks, the high risk of an unplanned self release was highlighted as the main concern as this issue creates immediate safety concerns and often resulted in expensive equipment damage and delays to projects with costly downtime and recovery operations. The unique safety features and operational functions of the Nautilus ROV hook

Model No. NH-SS22E

SWL: 22 Tonnes


Model: NH-ROV22E SWL: 22 Tonnes

our growing client list, which includes Subsea7, Technip, Saipem and McDermott among others, who have recognised Nautilus ROV hooks as the cost effective solution to safe, secure Subsea lifting operations” Nautilus SubseaHooks complement the company’s range of TopsideHooks where the patented safety features have been welcomed by the Offshore sector as operators adopt Nautilus Hooks to align best work practice with the stated objectives of corporate safety policy - to reduce risks and improve safety in the workplace.

mitigates all these issues and we are delighted at the positive response and feedback we continue to receive from

For detailed information or to place an order visit: Or call +44 1224 772323







Across industry and around the globe Award winning Nautilus Hooks© are setting the new safety standard for lifting operations • Winner 2010 ASME Best Mechanical Engineering Award - technically advanced • CE Certified and DNV type approved - safer operation • Eliminates pinch and trap hand injuries - reduces risks • Range of hooks from 4 to 20 tonne W.L.L. - cost effective

Safety, it’s in your hands. NautilusRigging Manufacturers of NautilusHooks


To find or become a distributor contact: Tel +44 1224 772323

Type Approved

Rotrex Winches is the UK`s winch specialist All our business energy and resources

just large, it`s broad: we offer not

most comprehensive, dedicated range

comprehensive range, from 500kg to

Lifting Equipment & Winches

go into providing what is possibly the

of integrated winch hire, sales, service, testing and support services available today.

200tonnes, if it needs pulling or lifting,

however unusual, we`re almost certainly able to help.

It`s an impressive roll call of statistics:

Even outside of this range, our dedicated

most up to date hire fleets of winching

typically design modifications which adapt

we operate one of Europe`s largest and equipment, with true global capability, unparalleled winching expertise with

over 500 years of collective winching

team of experienced project managers can winches, enabling them to handle unusual situations or applications with ease.

experience and a nationwide support

We can even provide on-site consultation,

centres in London, Derby, Glasgow

fully understood.

network through our dedicated support and Aberdeen - all underpinned by our

to ensure that the winch application is

quality-driven culture that`s highlighted

Where most companies only hire or sell,

accreditation across not just some, but all

winches are tested and certified before

by our BSI ISO 9001:2008 quality

we do both – and more. For example, all

of our activities.

being deployed. In the field, they benefit

The reality is even more impressive

support, but also from our nationwide

than the headlines. Our hire fleet isn’t


just the most common winches but a

effective on-site service aimed at keeping

down time to a minimum – either by fixing or replacing your current winch.

This and much more makes Rotrex

Winches the logical choice for all of your pulling or lifting needs, underpinned by our motto;

not only from our outstanding technical

“We do what we say we will do”

support network, which delivers an

Modulift: Calculating Success!

Lifting Equipment & Winches

Modulift has launched their new and exclusive Spreader Beam Calculator which is accessible on their website: The Spreader Beam Calculator allows customers to enter the sling angle, span and weight that they are working with to obtain the details of which Modulift spreader beam is suited for their lift. The calculator can instantly compute Modulift’s full range, displaying the series from the MOD 6 spanning a minimum 0.4m/1ft 4” at 6t to the maximum MOD 600XB/1000; 26m/85ft at 400t. “The new application has been months in the process and we are thrilled to be launching it today. We wanted an easy to use functionality whereby our customers could simply select their preferred sling angle, span and weight so that they can easily match the Modulift Spreader in the range.’” says Sarah Spivey Modulift’s Managing Director. This has been the dedicated project of the Modulift marketing

team, with the sole aim to bring a unique interactive tool to their customers and distributors in order to make lifting choices, calculations and plans quicker and easier.

IMCA To hold fibre & hybrid rope workshop in Amsterdam High value subsea construction rope plays a crucial role in the subsea construction industry. A seminar being held by the International Marine Contractors Association in Amsterdam on Wednesday 29 October will enable attendees to fully understand, and become involved with the discussion on, what is what is required by the subsea construction industry. This includes the approaches taken in fibre and hybrid rope system adoption into subsea hoisting, the readiness of such systems and clarification of any technical developments still required to close any gaps preventing adoption, awareness of

existing systems, their performance and track record.

“The hot topics that we hope to include within sessions are:-

This free-to-attend workshop, one in a biannual series of events organised by IMCA’s Crane & Winch Workgroup, follows the successful workshop on Optimal System Design.

• Acceptance requirements for fibre and hybrid ropes / gap analysis – what are the stumbling blocks?

“Proposals for presentations covering Fibre and Hybrid Ropes for Subsea Construction – ‘Are we ready?’ are now being collated for the workshop,” explains IMCA Technical Adviser, Mark Ford. “Topics that we are considering for discussion include:• Fibre and coating selection and how this can affect performance

• Rope design including splicing, repair, terminations, inspection and maintenance • Specialist jacketed and hybrid wire / fibre designs • Fibre rope hoisting winch design solutions and experience Mark Ford


• Relevant codes and recommended practices

• Inspection, repair and maintenance – technology requirements • Discard criteria • System integration – guidelines and issue awareness • End user requirements and experience “The previous workshop in the series attracted [roughly how many?] from across the rope production/users community; we look forward to a similar number attending in October.”

How to register: Pre-registration is essential, and those wishing to attend should email Parul Patel:; Tel: +44 (0)20 7824 5523; Fax: +44 (0)20 7824 5521.

Romica Engineering sign contract with National Oceanography Centre to provide a containerised deep ocean mooring winch system

This 4000m capacity winch system, with a hydraulic power unit, will be used at sea for various large mooring operations. This winch system will be freighted worldwide in an ISO 20’open topped container. An electrically driven hydraulic power unit is also to be supplied in a 10’ ISO certified container. This selfcontained unit will also contain all peripherals for the winch system (spares / remote / cables and hoses). As both the winch unit and power pack are self contained with ISO containers they can be easily ‘cross decked’ between NOC vessels. Bob Turner, Managing Director of REL said: “We are delighted that the UK’s NOC have once again selected Romica as a winch system supplier to support their deep ocean mooring requirements. This contract for the supply of a containerised winch solution allows NOC to utilise the system on international partnership vessels as well as those of other NERC organisations such as British Antarctic Survey, who recently announced the purchase of a new Research Ship.”

REL was founded in 2003 to provide payload welfare to the oceanographic and offshore oil & gas sector. Romica supports companies undertaking subsea measurement, monitoring and IRM (Inspection Repair Maintenance) tasks through a range of services, tools and equipment solutions. Andy Henson, Scientific Engineering Manager at NOC said: “We are delighted to be working with Romica once more after a competitive tender process.

This winch will enable us to continue to deliver cutting edge ocean science.”

About REL Romica Engineering Ltd provide specialist subsea lifting and winching equipment to the oceanographic and offshore oil & gas exploration and exploitation markets, based in Beverley, UK the company exports worldwide, manufacturing primarily in Romica’s factory in Satu Mare, Romania utilising a highly skilled and dedicated workforce. Support is provided across the; concept, assessment, design, manufacture, in service, and disposal (CADMID) cycle.

For further information, visit About the National Oceanography Centre The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) undertakes integrated ocean research and technology development from the coast to the deep ocean. It provides long-term marine science capability including: major facilities; sustained ocean observing, mapping and survey; data management, and scientific advice.

The NOC is wholly owned by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and brings together the NERC-managed activity at Liverpool’s former Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory and the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, creating the UK’s leading institution for sea level science, coastal and deep ocean research and technology development.

For further information, visit

Lifting Equipment & Winches

Romica Engineering Ltd (REL) have signed a contract with The UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC) to provide a containerised deep ocean mooring winch system.

Industry Round-up & New Technologies

Products In Brief.... EnQuest marks 11 years of safety achievements in North Sea

Safety showers that operate in extreme conditions

Independent oil producer EnQuest has

Safety Showers that are required for the safety of employees not only have to meet the latest requirements and regulations governing health and safety, they also have to be able to withstand and operate reliably in extreme environmental conditions.

achieved a significant safety milestone after recording a total of 11 years

without a lost time incident (LTI) across

three of its North Sea producing assets. The Heather drilling team achieved eight years without an LTI, and during this

to drilling (R2D2) project which led to

Get it wrong and the employer can be liable for the consequences, and the employee could be seriously injured.

for the first time since 2006. The R2D2

period EnQuest completed its return

the start-up of drilling on the platform project is part of a redevelopment

programme that will extend the life of the Heather platform, which has twice around 2030.

On EnQuest’s Northern Producer floating production facility, two years without an LTI has been achieved while successful

drilling has ensured the Don fields have

continued to underpin EnQuest’s growth. Operations on the Thistle platform

which period platform drilling followed by a major construction phase of the

Thistle Life Extension (LLX) programme, were carried out. The combination

of successful drilling and LLX power upgrades also delivered the highest production levels since the 1990s.

Neil McCulloch, president of EnQuest’s North Sea business, said: “This is an

exceptional achievement by our teams on three North Sea assets that started

life in the 1970s, and under EnQuest’s

stewardship are now undergoing major

redevelopment and investment to extend their life and ensure they continue

producing safely for many years to come.


Suhail Mohamed Al Mazrouei, the Minister of Energy for the United Arad Emirates, will open the OPITO Safety and Competency Conference – OSCC 2014 – at the Fairmont Bab Al Bahr Hotel, Abu Dhabi, UAE on Tuesday 4 November 2014. This year’s event will be the fifth annual gathering of oil and gas operators, contractors and the supply chain together with training organisations to examine how to improve standards of safety and competency that protect the workforce and the industry’s reputation. The Energy Minister will join former army officer and commentator on conflicts – Bob Stewart, inspirational mountaineer – Karen Darke and globally recognised motivational speaker - Peter Cohen as keynote speakers in discussing this year’s theme of ‘Leading from the front-line’. The event will be chaired by Gordon Ballard, chairman of OPITO and Schlumberger UK Limited.

faced decommissioning in the past, to

have been LTI-free for a year, during

UAE Minister of Energy to open fifth global safety and competence conference

SPE Aberdeen appoints new Chairman The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Aberdeen Section has appointed Ross Lowdon as Chairman. He takes over from Mr. Anthony Onukwu and will hold the chairmanship until September 2015. Beginning his career as a hydrographic surveyor, Mr. Lowdon has more than twenty years’ experience in the oil and gas industry and is currently the head of the surveying domain for Schlumberger Drilling & Measurement, globally. He holds a degree in land economy from The University of Aberdeen and an MSc in Drilling and Well Engineering from Robert Gordon University.

In accepting the invitation to open the event, Mr Al Mazrouei said: “The safety of those working in the energy industry is an absolute priory and it is vital that we continue to discuss how we continually improve the standards of safety and competence. OPITO have provided the industry and all stakeholders with a highly valuable platform and we are delighted they continue to run this event in the UAE. I urge as many people from the industry in our region to attend and demonstrate their commitment to the safety of their workers.” OSCC 2014 will explore the dynamic of effective leadership and change management on human behaviours in relation to safety. OPITO, as leaders in the safety revolution and proponents of change, will outline how the industry can support a safer and more competent workforce.

Hughes shows flare in Oil & Gas tests

Hughes HPS3000 Pumpset installed Traditionally the Oil & Gas industry has disposed of waste and surplus gas by flaring to the atmosphere. This process is becoming increasingly unacceptable as the industry moves towards eliminating the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, whilst simultaneously

conserving energy. Therefore, demand for equipment that can safely and economically compress waste and surplus gas back into the production process is rapidly increasing. Ejectors are ideally suited to this application because they employ either the available high-pressure gas or liquid energy to entrain and compress waste and surplus gas to a pressure where the gas can be recovered into production or used as fuel gas. Ejectors have no moving parts and require no maintenance, are simple to install as part of the existing pipework system and offer safe, reliable operation. The Hughes HPS3000 high-pressure pumping system in use at the Transvac test facility delivers a performance of 350lpm at 250bar and is fitted with 65mm solid ceramic plungers for maximum wear resistance and self-adjusting plunger seals. A stainless steel pump-head delivers a variable flow rate from 116 to 349lpm at 250bar. The pump-set, driven by a 160kW variable speed electric motor, is fitted with twin high capacity water filters allowing filter change over without interrupting the process.

The Hughes HPS3000 high-pressure pumping system delivers exceptional power and reliability The Hughes HPS3000 is an extremely robustly designed unit, using a number of high specification critical components to deliver a heavy-duty capability that’s suited to more complex industrial pumping applications. The close coupled, gear driven power end of the unit has pressure lubrication, filtration and oil cooling. An SAE 1 adaptor housing is also available, enabling the pump to be flange mounted to a diesel engine flywheel housing or electric motor ensuring extremely compact, perfectly aligned installations with all moving parts enclosed. For maximum hydraulic efficiency, the inline valve arrangement is designed to minimise the un-swept volume and prevents the adverse effects of cyclic stress within the head block, while allowing all working components to be easily removed on site for service. This unique design is capable of high pressure to high volume with outstanding seal, plunger and valve life.

Industry Round-up & New Technologies

Hughes Pumps has supplied a precision, high pressure pumping system for use at ejector solutions specialists Transvac’s new state-of-the-art UK test facility to simulate high-pressure liquid energy available in Oil & Gas fields during the company’s functional validation tests for flare ejectors used in the Oil & Gas, Nuclear and Process Industries.


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