PT on the Net
22/09/10 1:24 PM
Close pre-hab Program Template Trainer : Robert Derbyshire
Introduction For pre-hab / warm up / mobilazation perform 4-5 of these exercises - choose different combo's each session
Warm Up Summary Of Program
Leg Hip Extension - Supine Elevated w/ Adduction Single Leg RDL Mountain Climbers Squat - Overhead w/ Barbell Side Crawls Supine Crawls Crawl Patterns - Out of Sync Forward Side Plank with Arm Raise Shoulder Internal Rotation - Standing (Free Motion) Side Lying Shoulder External Rotation Single Leg Glute Bridge Hip Flexor - Kneeling Squat - Shoulder Flexion and Rotation w/ MB Lower Body Twist - Supine on SB Bridge Reverse – Supine w/Feet on SB Twist - Supine on SB with MB Lateral Walk Outs - Supine on SB
Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise
Sets Reps Duration 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10
20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs 20-40secs
Tempo Intensity slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow
low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low
Rest 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30
Cool Down…sRmFsc2UgN1U4MjZDY21VRG5FMTdJSVk2cGw3QT09&p=1067613&e=252
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PT on the Net
22/09/10 1:24 PM
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Assume a standard BALL bridge position, extend one knee as pictured. Movement : AB/ABduct the straightened leg under slow and controlled speed. Switch legs when fatigued.
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Standing on one foot on the Power Plate machine, side to the column. Movement : Procedure; Hinge over at the waist, lowering the dumbbell as the non -support leg lifts behind you Return to standing position by contracting your hamstrings and Glutes Repeat for prescribed number of repetitions and then switch legs Coaching Keys; Do not let your back round during the movement Torso and leg should move as one unit Fire the glute of your extended leg to keep it straight Keep your shoulder blades back and down throughout the movement Keep the dumbbell close to your shins Maintain neutral spine and abdominal activation; ensure that pelvis stays parallel to the ground You should feel; Working your Glutes, Hamstrings and Back…sRmFsc2UgN1U4MjZDY21VRG5FMTdJSVk2cGw3QT09&p=1067613&e=252
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PT on the Net
22/09/10 1:24 PM
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Maintain a tall posture throughout the exercise and good stability through the abdominal complex. Initiate a thorough dynamic warm up prior to starting this exercise, this engages the nervous system. Movement : This exercise involves holding a straight arm plank (pushup position) while performing alternating hip flexion Start in a straight arm plank position – as shown With a straight body line, step in towards the hands with one foot The hips, knees, and feet should all line up – as shown Simultaneously switch feet position (the forward leg extends back and the extended leg comes forward) The idea is to progress this exercise so that it is done quickly Continue this footwork pattern for the desired amount of reps or time Pay close attention to the video link to observe the dynamics of this movement TRAINERS: if you notice: excessive motion at the lumbar segments, a rounding forward of the shoulders, or external rotation at the hip joint … these are indications of tightness and weakness. Regress the exercise until the weaknesses are addressed.
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Position the arms extended straight overhead holding a dowel rod. Maintain good posture throughout the exercise with shoulder blades retracted and depressed, feet pointing straight ahead, good stability through the abdominal complex, and neutral spine angles. Activate core with good drawing in maneuver and pelvic floor contraction. Movement : Holding the arms above the head, squat down to a depth that you can control with good alignment through the kinetic chain, squat back up. Watch for compensations at the foot (pronation, external rotation), knee (internal rotation, adduction), hip (frontal plane stability), lumbar spine (increased lumbar lordosis), upper extremity (increased flexion), and cervical spine (increased cervical lordosis). A proper stretching and strengthening protocol should be initiated if any dysfunctions exist.…sRmFsc2UgN1U4MjZDY21VRG5FMTdJSVk2cGw3QT09&p=1067613&e=252
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PT on the Net
22/09/10 1:24 PM
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Initiate a thorough dynamic warm up prior to starting this exercise; this engages the nervous system. Allow the body to rhythmically flow throughout this movement. Movement : Begin in a prone position with the arms straight under the shoulders. Keep the chin tucked. Taking small steps to start, walk the arms and legs to the side (as shown). Pay close attention to the video to observe the relative timing of this movement. It is imperative that the hips rotate back and forth during this exercise (it is recommended that the hips do not rotate more that 10 degrees however). TRAINERS: If you notice weakness in the arms, hiking of the hips and/or a head carriage that is forward, it indicates that the exercise is too difficult and must be regressed.
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Initiate a thorough dynamic warm up prior to starting this exercise; this engages the nervous system. Allow the body to rhythmically flow throughout this movement. Movement : Begin in a supine position with the arms straight under the shoulders. You must have good flexibility at the anterior shoulder to be able to perform this exercise. Keep the chin tucked. Taking small steps to start, walk the arms and legs to the side (as shown). Pay close attention to the video to observe the relative timing of this movement. TRAINERS: If you notice weakness in the arms, sagging of the hips and/or a head carriage that is forward, it indicates that the exercise is too difficult and must be regressed.…sRmFsc2UgN1U4MjZDY21VRG5FMTdJSVk2cGw3QT09&p=1067613&e=252
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PT on the Net
22/09/10 1:24 PM
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Maintain good posture with shoulder blades retracted and depressed and good stability through the abdominal complex The feet should be set approx. shoulder width apart with a slight ‘toed out’ position as well as adequate hip external rotation (as shown) Movement : Begin with your hands underneath your shoulders, the balls of the feet under the hips, knee to the side, and your visual gaze towards the horizon Simultaneously take the left hand and right foot forward in a walking motion (as shown) Transfer the weight onto these two extremities and switch sides (right hand and left foot walk forward) Repeat walking motion for a given distance Ensure that the shoulder complex and hip complex stay at the same horizontal level … pushing up the hip will only serve to over stress the cervical spine and shoulder complex.
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Movement :…sRmFsc2UgN1U4MjZDY21VRG5FMTdJSVk2cGw3QT09&p=1067613&e=252
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PT on the Net
22/09/10 1:24 PM
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Adjust one cable arm as shown and select desired starting weight. Grasp handle and assume square stance position with upper arm at side and elbow bent at 90 degrees as shown. Externally rotate to desired start position. Movement : Brace Spine by drawing your lower abdomen in. Maintaining proper posture, start movement by internally rotating forearm to the finish position as shown. Check alignment and positioning and repeat press. It is important not to let your upper arm move during the movement. Slow and deliberated movement. Allow no momentum. Keep both feet on the floor with a slight bend in knees to maintain balance and stability. Variation: Alternate Arms, also Shoulder External Rotation.
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Maintain good posture throughout the exercise with shoulder blades retracted and depressed, good stability through the abdominal complex, and neutral spine angles. Movement : Lie on your side on a bench so that alignment is maintained. Start with very light dumbbell and ensure that proper form is maintained. Bend the elbow to 90 degrees and watch that the humerus is parallel with the trunk. SLOWLY externally rotate to humerus as far as you can and still keep the upper arm in contact with the body. SLOWLY internally rotate back to starting position. TRAINERS: watch the scapulo thoracic joint and see if it is moving excessively… if it is then perhaps they are destabilizing the shoulders through this joint. Other progressions: inertia progression – from dumbbell, to cable, to tubing.…sRmFsc2UgN1U4MjZDY21VRG5FMTdJSVk2cGw3QT09&p=1067613&e=252
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PT on the Net
22/09/10 1:24 PM
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Movement :
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Kneel as pictured. Slightly ABduct and internally rotate the back leg. Movement : Draw your belly button inward (activating the deep abdominal stabilizing mechanism). Tighten glutes and perform a posterior pelvic tilt. Hold for 20-30 seconds, repeat for 2-3 reps. Avoid arching low back! Do not pull the foot backward. Motion occurs predominately at the pelvis (posterior pelvic tilt), the back leg should not move.…sRmFsc2UgN1U4MjZDY21VRG5FMTdJSVk2cGw3QT09&p=1067613&e=252
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PT on the Net
22/09/10 1:24 PM
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Maintain good posture throughout the exercise with shoulder blades retracted and depressed, good stability through the abdominal complex, and neutral spine angles. Initiate a thorough dynamic warm up prior to starting this exercise this engages the nervous system. Movement : Start with LIGHT medicine ball and perfect the movement before adding load or velocity to the movement. Begin with the feet shoulder width apart, pointing straight ahead arms are straight and the medicine ball is in front of the pelvis. Squat down to a comfortable depth without compensation maintaining the same arm position. Simultaneously, squat up to triple extension (at hips, knees, and ankles) while flexing arms above head and rotating the trunk to one side (as shown). Slowly lower, repeat desired number of reps and switch sides. TRAINERS: watch and correct: knees collapsing in, feet externally rotating, excessive trunk flexion in the squat, and excessive lumbar lordosis when arms travel overhead.
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Lie on your back, heels on the Stability Ball, arms out to the side on the ground. Maintain "neutrality at the lumbo pelvic hip complex" with a proper drawing in and pelvic floor contraction. Movement : Elevate the hips off the floor, maintaining good spinal position and hold. Flex one leg at the hip joint so that it is perpendicular to the ground. Simultaneously, adduct the elevated leg and rotate that hip towards the midline of the body. This movement should be SLOW AND CONTROLLED as most injuries of the low back occur on a transverse plane during deceleration. As the elevated leg falls toward the floor, make sure the shoulder blades DO NOT come off the ground. Rotate the hips back to the starting position.…sRmFsc2UgN1U4MjZDY21VRG5FMTdJSVk2cGw3QT09&p=1067613&e=252
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PT on the Net
22/09/10 1:24 PM
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : Lay supine of the floor and place both feet on the ball. Have arms straight out with palms facing upwards. Movement : Start by drawing-in the core and raising the hips up. Maintain this position keeping the core/glutes activated and also the feet together. Hold for 10 secs lower the hips to the floor then repeat.
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : From a seated position, slowly roll down the ball while comfortably placing your head and neck on the ball. Lift your hips up until they are in line with your knees and shoulders. Raise arms and medicine ball perpendicular to your torso. Movement : Maintaining a stable pelvis, slowly rotate trunk to each side. As strength develops, increase range of motion and speed. Maintain proper spinal alignment! Do not allow hips to drop while rotating.‌sRmFsc2UgN1U4MjZDY21VRG5FMTdJSVk2cGw3QT09&p=1067613&e=252
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PT on the Net
22/09/10 1:24 PM
6-10 Sets : 1
Tempo : slow
Intensity : low
Rest : 15-30 Duration : 20-40secs
Preparation : ENSURE that the client is used to the stability ball. Maintain good posture throughout the exercise with shoulder blades retracted and depressed, good stability through the abdominal complex, and neutral spine angles. Activate core with proper drawing in and pelvic floor contraction. Movement : Sit on the ball. Slowly roll down the ball while comfortably placing your shoulder blades, head, and neck on the ball with both feet straight ahead. Lift your hips up until they are in line with your knees and shoulders. Position the arms out to the side, externally rotated (as shown in the video) and hold. Take small side steps so that the stability ball rolls laterally. ONLY roll to the point where control is maintained, roll back slowly. TRAINERS: watch to see that hips and shoulders are level throughout the entire movement, and ensure that proper spinal position is maintained throughout exercise.
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