| digital media 1
Cityscape Collage
spring 2012 ARCH1353
Assignment 3 Assignment 3 explores the potentials in collage development and advanced tools in Photoshop through the investigation of images of an assigned city and the detail elements that are associated with the city. Students are encouraged to explore every avenue possible that captures that city in a moment catered to a theme they specify. Tools learned thus far will enable students to critically analyze and develop and understanding of the objects and buildings that correspond with their theme. This is the moment that techniques used in previous assignments will be combined to create a dynamic effect. Step 1: City collage exploration. Take this time to search for images at a high resolution (min. 1000x1000 at 150 dpi...once you have the image, you can go into Photoshop and change the DPI to 150 or 300 because when you save from the web, the DPI is default to 72). All images must reflect the city you are assigned. Do not pick an image from two different cities. If you pick a major city such as New York, then focus on Manhattan or Brooklyn. You can select buildings, objects, road signs, or anything that relates to the city. Pick only tasteful images. Be very cautious of selecting people. We are focusing on the still object, not necessarily the people or animals. Once you have all files (somewhere between 15-20 images), place them in one folder for easy finding.
Notes: You should have the following softwares installed. 1. GET IT NOW!!! Autodesk Architectural CAD 2012
Layout 11x17 Printed drawings showing all steps of the process. Assigned: Febraury 7th Due : Febraury 14th
Cities of choices will be delivered by Instructor. Step 2: Go to Photoshop, OPEN NEW file and set parameters to 11x17 at 300dpi. It is up to you if you want your composition to be in either Landscape or Portrait mode.
Step 3
Notes: Using Photoshop in the first phase. Refer to notes from class.
| digital media 1
Foreground Upper: In this group, you have several layers hosting your images. These layers will be above your foreground LOWER. Could be several layers. Foreground Lower: In this group, you have several layers hosting your images. These layers will be under your Foreground UPPER. Could be several layers.
BG Silhouette layers
Step 4 You will need to create 4 group folders in your layer palette with layers in each group. Each layer should be layer according to the following below.
BG Brush Work layers
Based on what we went over in classes on the use of brushes, you are to create text that describes the composition. Please note, using few words will help the transition. Do not try to form a sentence. I recommended using three words; one large and the other two relatively small. Do this quickly using the TEXT command in Photoshop. Then go to that Text Layer and right click on that layer. Go to Rasterize. This will make the text become a part of the canvas, disabling the ability to change the text. Once you have all words established, merge all text related layers. Then select the content and go to Edit > Define Brush Preset. Give it a name and voila! You now have a new paint brush.
BG Brush Work: In this group, you have only 3 layers hosting 3 brush compositions. These layers will be under your BG Silhouette (bottom of the pile).
Foreground Upper layers
BG Silhouette: In this group, you have up to 3 layers hosting silhouettes. These layers will be under your Foreground LOWER.
| digital media 1
Step 7: By this step, you should already have all of your images selected. Go through your selection and pick the few that will make the cut. Be highly selective and use a method that conveys a dialogue. When you bring in the images, you will have to arrange them so that they “connect� to each other in some way. Explore what your theme will be. For the Seattle cityscape, transportation was the them along with visual arts. Location is key too. Step 8: Begin assembling your collage! Keep the more dominant images in either your Foreground Lower or Upper group. Keep these layers separated. When editing the images (a procedure you are familiar to), continue using Blend, Paint, Burn, Dodge, and Eraser tools. Remember, you need to use the Eraser tool with the brush defined earlier for outer edges. When you do this, it will give your composition a grunge appeal.
Foreground Lower layers
Step 6: Now create a backdrop or a silhouette. This could be an outline of a city skyline, bridge, or some random activity. Select the entire content that you want to show in Photoshop and create a new layer and use the paint bucket to fill with any color you choose. You can tell I chose black for both of them. The colors of choice are up to you but bare in mind the entire composition while you continue to work. Do not justify your next move purely on randomization. Every stroke you take must have a purpose. Once you do this, you will then begin to erase the hard edges with the brush preselected earlier. Make sure all hard edges are gone.
Assemble the Brush and Shilhouette layers
Step 5: Begin painting with your brush the 3 different BG Brush strokes onto the canvas. During this process, begin to think about how you want your composition. Direction and orientation will determine the end result of your canvas. Be cautious of this process. But note, you can always go back and refine your work. If you make too many strokes at once then use the ERASER tool, making sure you set the Erase type to the brush stroke you created earlier.
Final Composite
| digital media 1
Step 9: Continue work until you have reach a stopping point. Go back and refine some errors with images and the silhouettes accordingly. You will then save the file as:
003_DM1_CityscapeCollage.PSD 003_DM1_CityscapeCollage.PNG
Step 10: Go to Illustrator, OPEN > NEW > 11X17 (in the appropriate mode you have your Photoshop file). Place your image on one layer and then lock it. Then create a new layer for Text : Title, Name, and so on. Step 11: Save file as: 0 0 3 _ D M 1 _ C i t y s c a p e C o l l a g e . A I 003_DM1_CityscapeCollage.PDF Step 12: Open the PDF, print using the 7760 printer. Make sure your print setting are correct (the printer, page size, and orientation) before printing.
Title: Font size: 24-34 Font size: 12 12: spring 2012 12: ARCH 1353_your sec # 12: instructor name All text will be justified to the left if on the left side of the page or to the right if on the right side. Acceptable font types. Choose one and be consistant throughout your presentatoin board. Fonts: (Helvetica, info web, Eurostyle, League Gothic, Courier New).
Notes: You must have your work printed prior to the start of class and pinned up in the designated locatation given by instructor. You need to BackUp your file onto an external drive.
Assignment 3 +assigned 2.7.12 +ON SERVER T.B.A +print due 2.14.12 in class