006 DM1 Assign

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Plan/Section Redux

spring 2012 ARCH1353

Assignment 6 In this exercise, you will begin to understand how to assemble a plan, section, and elevation with their correct line-weights, details, and overall presentation. This time you will pick from only three buildings provided to you and investigate the components that make up the building. You will then bring the final vector work into post-production. Up till this moment, you have learned how to use Photoshop, Illustrator, and now AutoCAD to represent your work from the initial concept of an idea to the finalized product. Outcome: In this exercise, a building will be chosen to document, with details with 5 different line-weights. You will study this building and it’s respective plan, section, and elevation. The first phase will introduce the basic outline drawing of a plan while the section and elevation will be a superimposed “render” using all three medias you are familiar with. After the completion of this exercise, you will acquire essential skills in documentation, analyzing detail drawings, line-weights, visual representation, and final presentation. You will also know the general idea of diagramming in association to the building you have chosen. Steps: PLAN 1. Choose a building you want to document.

Mies van der Rohe:

a.) Tugendhat House

b.) Barcelona Pavilion

c.) Farnesworth House

Notes: You should have the following softwares installed. 1. Rhino 5

Layout 2 - 11x17 Printed drawings showing all steps of the process. Assigned: March 27th Due : March 3rd Programs used: AutoCAD Illustrator Photoshop Rhino (to replace Auto- CAD, optional)


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YOU may NOT choose another building. It has to be the three given.

2. Open AutoCAD Architecture (PC) or AutoCAD for MAC. Please note to all MAC users: As of today, if you have a MAC, you must find a way to resolve all issues in the program you are using. If for some reason a command does not work when it is demoed in class, then it is up to you to find out how to get it to work. The class is a PC base course where we only have time to teach in one platform. So, this is a good time for those of you that have a MAC to purchase Parallels or BootCAMP so you can have a Windows side to run the appropriate programs for PC. No instructor will assist you in MAC if it is a technical question about the machine or the program. 3. Import your PLAN (jpg) into AutoCAD and scale appropriately.

Everyone will use one scale at the same size. If you change this size of the scale, you will be penalized 5pts. Scale will be provided to you in the new template.

4. Organize your layers into categorical systems (primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.). You will be using 5 lineweights this time. (1.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.05, and 0.005).

5. Make sure that all layers are labeled correctly and that the lines used are on their respective layer by color.

6. Begin to outline the plan, placing the respective lineweights to the walls, openings, and other relative details. Remember, you will be using only FIVE line-weight



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types. You will also pay attention to how a window is composed or how a column is placed on the plan. You will use different line-weights for everything!


a.) 1.5 will be used for exterior walls. b.) 1.0 will be used for interior walls. c.) 0.5 will be used for doors, rails, glass plane, and etc. d.) 0.05 will be used for double lines found in the windows, swing

of doors, stairs, etc.

e.) 0.005 will be used for all details including furniture, floor patterns, patterns, over hangs, dashed lines, and etc.

7. Its all in the DETAILS! For this phase, you will focus on how some details are overlayed on other components of the building. For example, how one beam will be supported by a column. How a window is placed and how it is represented on the plan. Examples will be provided during class. In other words, you need to pay attention to details.

8. MORE DIAGRAMS! Yes, you will compose 5 DIAGRAMS demonstrating the different spatial conditions for your chosen plan. You must have 5 DIAGRAMS. Colors used will be a black profile with two shades of grey: RGB 153, 153, 153 and/or RGB 204, 204, 204.

9. Once you’ve completed the plan, bring into Illustrator, adjust the line-weights by the colors you’ve specified and lay it onto your 11x17 board. Remember, you have to have your drawing fit on the 11x17 layout and the only way to do this is by creating a new page lay-



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out in AutoCAD and print to PDF. There is no other way to do this other than the procedure that you will need to perform. YOU CAN NOT EXPORT THE CAD FILE TO PDF. It will not work. You have to print to PDF.

10. Label our plan drawing on the 11x17 accordingly and save file.

11. Save the CAD file as 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_ Plan_BuildingName.dwg 12. Save the Illustrator file as 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_Plan_BuildingName.ai 13. Save the Illustrator file as 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_Plan_BuildingName.pdf

Steps: SECTION and ELEVATION 1. Using the same building you choose for the plan phase, you will do the exact same thing for the SECTION and ELEVATION.

2. By the time you get to the Illustrator part, you will need to super-impose the two drawings so that the building expresses the entire section and elevation accordingly. In other words, the section you choose must also have an elevation in that same direction and orientation. Look at the image to the right for more information.

3. Take the Section and Elevation images and bring into Photoshop. You choose the part of section and elevation you will place together, leaving one side as section and the other as elevation. Save this image as a JPG and bring into AutoCAD. Begin to document this Section/Elevation, similar to the plan procedure.



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4. Once done, bring into Illustrator.

5. Its all in the DETAILS! For this phase, you will focus on how some details are overlayed on other components of the building. For example, how one beam will be supported by a column. How the foundation is embedded into the ground and not just hovering on the surface. Everyone will be required to do a base for the section/elevation.

6. Post-production: You will do a post-production to either the elevation or the section or both. This is up to you. You will only use gradients of grey to represent this process. No Color this time. You can use Photoshop and/or Illustrator with this process.

7. You will save that drawing in Illustrator and then begin to think about how you want to present the drawings on the final 11x17 page layout. Look at the referenced image. Notice how the artist is using different rendering techniques (shading to line-weights). You will need to make the necessary adjustments using Illustrator and/or Photoshop. The drawings must be scaled and placed nicely on the 11x17 page layout. Label and save drawings.

HOW TO EXPORT TO ILLUSTRATOR from CAD? 1. Go to the tab at the bottom of the interface (CAD) and set up your print paper space to 11x17 with the appropriate scale so that it fits in the view finder. You need to remember the scale you set the page at so that you can document this in your final output in Illustrator. Set your printer to Adobe PDF (or another printer PDF device).



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2. Scale/move your drawing into the respective window as demonstrated in class and save the file (Ctrl/Cmd + S). 3. Then print to PDF (Ctrl/Cmd + P). Save the PDF to a designated location and prepare to open that PDF file in Illustrator. 4. Go to your new PDF file and open into Illustrator.

WHAT DO I NEED TO TURN IN? 1. PLAN: 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_Plan_BuildingName.dwg 2. PLAN: 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_Plan_BuildingName.ai 3. PLAN: 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_Plan_BuildingName.pdf 4. SECTION/ELEVATION: 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_SECELEV_ BuildingName.dwg 5. SECTION/ELEVATION: 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_SECELEV_ BuildingName.ai 6. SECTION/ELEVATION: 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_SECELEV_ BuildingName.pdf 7. SECTION/ELEVATION: 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_SECELEV_ BuildingName.png WHAT DO I NEED TO PRINT AND PIN UP? 1. PLAN: 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_Plan_BuildingName.PDF 2. SECTION/ELEVATION: 006_FirstNameInitialLastName_SECELEV_ BuildingName.PDF WHAT HAPPENS IF I DO NOT PIN UP ON THE DUE DATE? 1. It is LATE. You have until the end of the week to turn it in with the respective points deducted. (5 points per business day). By the end of the due date week, it is considered excessively late and you will not receive any credit for the assignment. In other words, its a ZERO!



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WHAT IF I’M PRINTING AT THE START OF CLASS, WILL I BE COUNTED OFF? 1. YES, it is considered late. You must have your two layouts, printed and ready to pin up before the start of class. Instructors will mark off points if this is not done properly and before the start of class.

CAN I ALTER THE TEMPLATE? 1. NO. You cannot alter the template. Tampering with the template will result in point deduction. This includes, changing font, size of font, failure to follow instructions, moving text around, scaling text, providing unnecessary text, tampering with the north arrow and the scale bar, or changing the color of text. (2 points for every mistake you make)

CAN I CHANGE THE COLOR OF MY DIAGRAMS? 1. NO, you will only use a black profile line AND two grey colors with the following specs: RGB will be 153, 153, 153 and/or RGB: 204, 204, 204.

IF I TURN IN A PIECE THAT IS PIXELATED, WILL I BE PENALIZED AND BY HOW MUCH? 1. YES, you will be penalized. You will be penalized by 10 points. There is no reason why your work is pixilated because it is all vector base. WHAT IF I TURN IN A LAYOUT WITH AN IMAGE OF MY PLAN OR SECTION/ELEVATION AS MY PROGRESS? 1. You will be deducted 20points.



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WHAT IF I ASK QUESTIONS ON HOW TO PERFORM TECHNICAL TASKS DURING THE DUE DATE AND DURING CRITIQUES? WHICH MEANS I DIDN’T COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT AND ITS NOT PINNED UP AND I’M WORKING ON IT DURING CLASS. 1. That’s an automactic ZERO! This means you did not follow directions. You did not do the assignment. You wait till the last minute which does not excuse you. You did not seek help from you instructor. In fact, you are not allowed to ask your instructor ANY questions on the day that it is due. If it is not pinned up at the start of class, it is LATE! WHAT IF I DID NOT COMPLETE THE ENTIRE WORK AND I EMAIL MY INSTRUCTOR THAT I WILL ONLY PIN UP ONE OF THE TWO BOARDS? 1. You must always pin up something. However, because you did not pin up all of you work, you just now lost 20 points. WHAT IF I FEEL AS IF MY WORK IS NOT COMPLETED, DO I STILL PIN UP? 1. YES! You must always pin. This is your repsonsiblity. Failure to pin up will result in points deducted.


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