ZINE_002/2014: MArchD 2014 Summer Show Catalogue

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OXFORD SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE MARCHD APPLIED DESIGN IN ARCHITECTURE YEAR 5 SPECIALISATIONS ADVANCED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN (AAD) // Staff: Andrew Holmes, Joel Chappell, Declan Malloy, Nina Shen-Poblete DEVELOPMENT & EMERGENCY PRACTICE (DEP) // Staff: Dr Supriya Akerkar, Prof David Sanderson, Dr Richard Carver, Dr Simon Fisher, Dr Bridgitte Piquard, Prof Hugo Slim INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURAL REGENERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (IARD) // Staff: Matt Gaskin, Dr Aylin Orbalsi, Dr Marcel Vellinga, Julia Wedel, Sam Woodbridge RESEARCH LED DESIGN (RLD) // Staff: Dr Igea Troiani, Dr Nick Beech, Dr Tonia Carless, Harriet Harriss SUSTAINABLE BUILDING PERFORMANCE AND DESIGN (SBPD) Staff: Prof Rajat Gupta, Dr Hu Du, Prof Michael Humphrey, Prof Mick Hutchins, Prof Fegus Nicol, Dr Paula Sassi, Dr Nicholas Walliman URBAN DESIGN (UD) // Staff: Dr Jon Cooper, Prof Broan Goodey, Prof Georgia Butina-Watson, Dr Laura Novo de Azavedo, Dr Alan Reeve YEAR 6 DESIGN STUDIOS DS1: MEDIA MASSAGE // Staff: Dr Igea Troiani, Andrew Dawson, Mike Wilford, Craig Simmons, Alex Towler, Andy Edwards, Konrad Welz DS2: EMERGENT HYBRIDS // Staff: Harriet Harriss, Lionel Real de Azua, Charles Parrack DS3: ENNOBLING LONDON’S LATENT TERRITORIES // Staff: Kathleen O’Donnell, Abigail Batchelor, Christopher Nash, Colin Jackson DS4: CULTIVATING POSSIBILITES // Staff: Nasser Golzari, Dr Yara Sharif, Hossein Sadeghi, Colin Jackson, Phil Godiffe DS5: NEXT / WORKSPACE // Staff: Toby Shew, Ronnie McLellan, Adrian Robinson

ROBERT DUTTON YEAR 5 AAD robert.dutton@gmail.com issuu.com/robdutton The Dilettantes Flotsam Et in Arcadia Ego; beauty is marked by mortality. Zaha Hadid’s collection of dresses slowly decays in the dilletantes archive, dimly lit by the filtered glows of Brick Lanes neon signs and street lamps. AUSTEN SCOTT YEAR 5 AAD 13089554@gmail.com issuu.com/austenscott Virgil’s Golden Arcadia Using the urban landscape to create idyllic visions of a man made wilderness through the reflection and refraction of light pollution. Thus we begin to reconcile a sense of the dwelling man within the landscape.

DEVON TELBERG YEAR 6 DS1 dtelberg@gmail.com Hactivism: Asylum in Plain Sight Protest asylum in Moscow, temporary architecture for protestors; hacktivists’ headquarters to broadcast messages through media. If destroyed by police, the world will know. ELLIE COLLINS YEAR 6 DS3 collins.ef@gmail.com Encrypting the City: Edge of Chaos A bitcoin mine is located within the site as an autonomous and decentralised, protected economic structure for the participants. A sanctuary where information is safe.

ASHISH ROHMETRA YEAR 6 DS3 ashishrohmetra@gmail.com Requiem for the World Looking at the Kensal Green cemetery and the future of its connectivity to the rest of the world through proposed Awareness Centre of World Suffering in association with the UN, the WHO and UNICEF. AISHAH MOHKTAR YEAR 6 DS4 aishahmohktar1@gmail.com Women’s Haven: Cultivating Moments of Paradise A place of safety or refuge for women coming to Cyprus, a series of moments of Paradise cultivated to help and learn to be shared to create beautiful memories.

NIKOS VOGIATZ YEAR 6 DS1 nikolaosvogiatzis@gmail.com

Dogma Shelter Located in the abandoned mine site of a remote Berber region, the fortified complex serves as a human rights asylum for a secular, research-driven society. IVA STANISHEVA YEAR 6 DS2 istanisheva@hotmail.com Eelosystem European eels used to be a cheap supply of food in East London that can be back on the rise with the use of a agro-farming facility to encourage a stereotypical East London experience.

JACK ARNOLD YEAR 6 DS2 jarnold89@gmail.com Polar Prison Combines prison culture and threat of flooding on New York’s coasts to redesign idiosyncratic autonomy and communal civility for ideal rehabilitation to benefit society as a whole. WILLIAM HARRISON YEAR 6 DS2 williamharrison1989@ gmail.com Agrochemical Works: A Proposal for Guano Trawling and Biosolid Production Located by the fourth largest sewage treatment works in Beckton, London, the project is to utilise waste to provide a desired commodity.

HYEONGSOON CHOI YEAR 6 DS3 hyeongsoon.choi85@ gmail.com Punk Palace Inspired by Malcolm McLaren, Vivien Weston, and Gwen Stefani; Using 70’s Punk counterculture and 17th C Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens to inform Willesden Junction link for social rituals of performance. NATALIE STANGOE YEAR 5 AAD 13092086@brookes.ac.uk Peregrinate in Arcadia Photographs of subtly designed sets about escaping into a place of one’s own; the projection of oneself into a prosaic space and in that moment, that space becomes remarkable.

LOH SIANG FOOK YEAR 5 AAD lohsiangfook@gmail.com Alternate Skies An exploration with construction methods using found materials around the site, combined with the introduction of animalistic qualities to the form of the structure (such as crane and serpent). ADAM FAIZ AZIZUDIN YEAR 5 AAD adamfaiz91@gmail.com Lloyd’s Lake The Lloyd’s lake is very much akin to the very nature of arcadia itself, a spectacle that is to be viewed and experienced by few, albeit enabling a world to be experienced through another.


Light Lounge The visual experience is abstracted and isolated to singular observations of electricity, water trickling, and open air to enable the viewer to turn their perceptions around. CHRISTINA DIXON YEAR 5 UD christinadixon36@gmail. com Regeneration of the West End of Oxford To maximise energy efficiency throughout the 3.12 hector site through passive house and code level 4 or more compliant homes.

THOMAS CHEEK YEAR 5 AAD thomasmartincheek@hotmail.com Baths of Bishopsgate Visitors walking through to use these rooms will be faced with a strong range of heightened sensory experiences - through the contrasting light and dark, hot and cold and the presence of water. SITI NORHAMIZAH MOHD AZMI YEAR 5 IARD myzami@gmail.com Biomedical Research Building [BioMeB] Promotes interaction between community of researchers within the building while inviting public to experience the site through pedestrian deck along the river.


louisa.preece@hotmail.co.uk cargocollective.com/louisaproreece

The Lido curls around into two cul-de-sac’s, creating an island of three homes. These stranded homeowners stare out the window as the story unfolds, disbelieving in the thematic adventure. DILYANA GEORGIEVA YEAR 5 UD 13091410@brookes.ac.uk

To introduce a variety of uses and connections oriented by the redesign of Oxford train station, and offer a new pedestrian path to encourage community participation.

GEORGIOS APOSTOLOPOULOS YEAR 5 AAD giorgosapo@hotmail.com Honey Arcadia The industrial designed atrium are derived from drawing and model experimentations that creates a microclimate for bees to pollinate contrasted with static manmade items vs overgrown nature. IULIA STANCICU YEAR 5 AAD iulia_stancicu@yahoo.com

Transcendent in Arcadia Imagine buildings and nature as living organisms, if not active personas, and therefore to completely merge life with architecture, revealing at the journey’s end at above the sea of clouds, in Paradise.

IVY EDEMAFAKA YEAR 5 IARD ivyomare@hotmail.com Spa Rejecina A health and wellness centre the aim of this project is to rehabilitate and reuse the existing paper factory building that will assist the locals and tourist in improve their well being naturally. ADHITYA PANDU YEAR 5 AAD adhityapandu@gmail.com

The gleaming light is a tool to illuminate the way through the dark world after the apocalypse. The utilization of fibrosity also meant to strengthen the idea of presenting the gleaming light quality.

PIP BURNS YEAR 5 SBPD piplianne@gmail.com

Responsive Environments To create an environment that addresses the problems of Summertown as a community and to create a place that people will enjoy and encourages activity. NICOLE ELLIOT YEAR 5 AAD nicole.elliot.10@gmail.com The Carpenter’s Bath House Leaving his workshop, the carpenter walks to his subtle boat hut on the nearby shore, beginning his journey home. He disrobes and paddles through the shallow water to step into the bath.

SPECIAL THANKS TO HARRIET HARRISS Senior Lecturer For her dedication in helping the students fulfil their ambitions in the production of this exhibition. LIONEL REAL DE AZÚA Director of Red Deer, Studio Tutor of DS2 For his support and effort in helping the curators with the installation and realisation of this exhibition. MATT GASKIN Head of School For nurturing a environment which fosters, encourages and supports students’ independent creative endeavours. DICCON WRIGHT and JO EASTHAM For their kindness in allowing us into their home and hosting the exhibition.

View the Oxford School of Architecture 2014 Yearbook: bit.ly/OxArchYrBks


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