Robert Dutton - Advanced Architectural Design - Exhibition Portfolio

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The Dilettante’s Flotsam - or The Transfiguration of Zaha Hadid in the Grand Scheme of Things

Robert Dutton, 12078841 MArchD Applied Design in Architecture P30052 - Advanced Architectural Design

An Unhermetic Archive Site plan detailing characters and exploring interactions between the site, the archive, and transient elements

II. Ruff Passing lights from cars wash through the archive through the woven plastic structure, permeating into the collection

I. Shawl The skin of the archive is woven into the site, using found elements for structural and environmental support.

Inside the Shawl

III. A Clockwork Carousel As Zaha enters her archive, her parked taxi activates the archives carousel, both illuminating her collection and rotating through to the desired outfit.

IV. A Choreography of the Gaze Mapping Zaha’s (and the public’s) movement, the rotation of her outfits and visual connections within the unhermatic archive.

A Glimpse Through the Archive

The Unhermetic Archive

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