Lauren Roberts Portfolio

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Thank you for taking the time to view my portfolio. I hope you enjoy! Sincerely,


Feeding America Ad Campaign Feeding America is a non-profit organization built to raise money and food for the hungry. My goal in this project was to create a vision of what could be if we were no longer dealing with hunger. I did this by creating a campaign of three print advertisements.

Creativity begins when hunger ends. Outdoor Advertisement


begins when hunger ends.

Outdoor Advertisement

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Barter App Barter is an app that makes it easyto trade items with people in your area rather than throwing things away and buying new things. I designed the application and an advertising campaign to promote the app, as well as a homepage for the website.

App Design

App Design

Website Homepage Design

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Kit Kat Packaging and Advertising Kit Kat is a delicious chocolate waffer candy bar. It is perfect for a mid-day tasty snack. Kit Kat has been around for a long time and needed an updated packaging to bring more attention to the delicious candy. I created new packaging and advertisements to remind people to take a break from their busy lives and enjoy a Kit Kat bar.

Packaging Re-Design

take a

busy day? busy life?

take a break! Kit Kat is a chocolate-covered wafer bar confection created by Rowntree's of York, United Kingdom, and is now produced globally by NestlĂŠ, which acquired Rowntree in 1988,[1] with the exception of the United States, where it is made under license by H. B. Reese Candy Company, a division of The Hershey Company. The standard bars consist of two or four pieces composed of three layers of wafer, separated and covered by an outer layer of chocolate. Each finger can be snapped from the bar separately. There are many different flavours of Kit Kat, including milk, and dark chocolate.

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Take a with

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Depop Advertising Campaign Depop is an app used to buy and sell clothing between young creatives. The clothing is very edgy and often is created using vintage pieces. I created a three piece add campaign to bring awareness to the app. I wanted to show off how much edge and attitude this app has.

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clothes that come with attitude


Outdoor Advertisement

Outdoor Advertisement


Hadaka Matsuri Hadaka Matsuri is a festival that takes place in Japan. The festival translates to “Naked Man Festival�. The main event of this festival is an event where men all gather in a building together where a scroll is hidden. Once they turn all of the lights off, the men will all search for the scroll and the man who finds the scroll first is gifted luck for the remainder of the year. I created a poster to advertise the event. The concept was to mimick the darkness and scroll used in the event.

Poster Process

Poster Advertisement


See You Soon, Mr. Jenks Publication See You Soon, Mr.Jenks is a publication dedicated to my grandfather. The publication is one very long interview with him where he talks about the time he went to war in Vietnam. There are three sections, before he left, while he was there, and what it was like when he came home.

Cover Design

Spread Design

Spread Design

Spread Design


Halls Rebrand Halls is a very popular lozenge brand that has been around since the 1930’s. They needed a brand refresh in order to align its experience, messaging and visualization throughout an integrated mixed-media branding campaign.

Advertising Campaign

Halls cough drops and immune system helpers are made to be fast acting and soothing. With strong ingredients to help you feel better asap. We want to relieve the cough that interrupts your day. Immune Defense Lozenges

For the temporary releif of sore throats and coughs.

Website Design

Package Design

Display Design


Lifeline by Lauren A collection of posters and artist tools created to help artists grow during a time of uncertainty and worry. Lifeline by Lauren is here to bring peace to the users by reminding them to not panic and instead take a moment to themselves.

Poster Design

Poster Design

Sketchbook and PlannerDesign

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