Sept - Dec 2021

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The hymn ‘Joy to the world the Lord has come! Let earth receive her King, Let every heart prepare Him room’ was written by Isaac Watts, here the nations are called to celebrate because God’s faithfulness to the house of Israel has brought salvation to the world. That’s really Good News!! God demonstrated His unconditional love for the humanity by sending His Son, that through the person and work of Jesus Christ we all could experience the wonderful new life relationship with God. Wiersbe in his ‘Firstborn’ tells that there is so much hope in Scripture through the gift of eternal life made possible through Jesus Christ. No matter what trials, temptations or pain we may suffer, we can always hold onto the hope God extends to us. Christ is the One in glory who possesses endless life and who ‘brought life and immortality to light through the gospel’ (2 Tim.1:10). You and I never need to fear death because we are trusting Him who is the firstborn from the dead. He has conquered death. Death could not hold Him, and death will not hold us when He calls us to come to be with Him. ‘New Year Prophecies and Promises’ by R.Stanley calls for discernment to rightly interpret the Biblical text. Unfortunately we are over interested in and excited about personal predictive prophesies and sensational issues. Stanley challenges us to know the original context of the Prophesies and Promises as several scriptures are misquoted not only for the New Year but also for various matters. This is what side tracks us from God’s main purpose for this Church age and lands us in trouble. Modern Christians who are by and large Biblical illiterates get easily deceived. In the devotional on the hymn “I’m a pilgrim”, Ruth expresses the need to check if we who belong to the Lord act as though we are going to be here forever. We invest in things that take both our time and money. We get so involved in present day activities that we forget the importance of eternal values. ‘When God changes our plans’ by Wiersbe reminds us that when Christ will return we will stand before Him for our works to be judged. We may be able to fool others and even ourselves, but we will never be able to fool the Lord. It is so important that we work today in the light of the Lord’s return, that we live with eternity’s values in view. Some have expressed concern over the delay in receiving the Magazine, and we could not print on time, even to the extent of combining other issues and the reason is due to insufficient funds. This is gentle request to all the recipients to update your subscription and send your valuable contribution without which it is practically difficult. Thanks to each one for your prayer and support in the difficult times. Wishing you all a Christ Honouring Blessed New year as we prepare for the second coming of our Lord Jesus. God bless you With Best Regards.

Good News Broadcasting Society Board of Directors

B. John, Chairman R. Anthony Raju, Secretary M. R. Ephraim, Treasurer J. V. Joseph Shirsath, Member SEPT – DEC | 2021

Rev. A.P. Anil Kumar Associate Director (

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Lam. 3: 22-24

Sep-Oct’ & Nov-Dec’

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”

3 Designed For Your Need 5 Dying to Live 6 Are You Ready for Judgement Day? 7 Young Challenge 8 I’m a Pilgrim 9 Letters from Readers

11 The Almighty One

27 Unusual Animals 29 YOUTH | Good News

14 When God Changes Our Plans

30 Learn to Withstand Satan’s Attacks

16 Everything’s Different Now. 17 The Firstborn 20 New Year Prophecies & Promises 24 Bio | Alexander Maclaren


Bible Everyday


I CAME….because of your sins. I DIED…to pay for your sin. I AROSE…to keep you saved eternally

32 Dreaming for Destiny 35 All This I Did for You

Paul was too good a Christian to take God’s will lightly or treat it with worldly disdain. To him, the will of God was uppermost in all his plans.

36 Creative Bible Learning 37-38 Faith Partner Form


Everyday... Each Person... gets a personalised message which suits their unique spiritual need.




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Like Anger management, Excercising Faith etc... 4



SEPT – DEC | 2021


he new life is life “in Christ.” The word “in” does not in this connection speak of location, such as “in an automobile,” but carries the idea of union. We are in union with Christ. Through Him we are dead to the Law, having been identified with Him in His death and resurrection. On the resurrection side of this experience we have His life. He has come to live in us. It is this that marks the real difference between the old life prior to our salvation and the new life now that we are saved. It is necessary before the believer can enjoy victory in Christ for the power of the old life to be broken. This is accomplished through union with Christ in His crucifixion. This is not an experience that we must struggle to enter into now. It was accomplished for us in the past. The King James Version is not clear on this point. The American Standard Version of 1901 will help us here. The expression “I am crucified with Christ” is translated in the ASV: “I have been crucified with Christ.” God got rid of the old self-life by crucifying it. We were separated from the old self-life when we died with Christ.

~Theodore H. Epp~

That this is a past transaction is clearly demonstrated from Romans 6. In verse 2 Paul says, “We who died to sin, how shall we any longer live therein?” (ASV). In the third verse the apostle says, “Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?” Here the verbs are clearly in the past tense and describe the finished transaction. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts (Gal. 5:24). CL

Galatians 2:11-21



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of God.” What ultimately drives us is that we are making known God’s fame, His greatness, and His magnificence and splendour in everything. We are not perfect in this matter; we ignore it sometimes, but this is our life’s desire. It has, by the grace of God, been deeply imbedded in us. Paul might also be saying that those who are going to heaven are patient in seeking to be honoured themselves. If that is what Paul had in mind, he does not mean being honored before people. Remember Jesus promised that if we follow Him, people may despise us, even persecute us, or speak evil against us. If you want a great name in this world, may I suggest you that Christianity is not your best option.


“The Heart of the Gospel”

“He (God) will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, He will give eternal life. (Romans 2:6-7)


ow do we prepare ourselves for the day of judgment? I believe Scripture is clear about that. But first, let’s be clear about the nature of God’s judgment. We know that all of humankind will be judged on the basis of what they have done. Judgment is an examination of our works – every deed, every action, every thought, every intent, even all things left undone will be carefully scrutinized and objectively judged. It is altogether terrifying.




Honour, if it is accorded to us, will come from God who will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful with little, I will put you in charge of much.” Those who are going to heaven have been faithful to their Saviour and their highest desire rests not here in this world, but in the one to come. So the true believer seeks glory for God, and looks for honour in the life to come.

If we are looking for an explanation of how we can harmonize that kind of judgment with the good news of the gospel, the answer is actually quite simple. We are judged on the basis of our works, but we are saved ‘Seeking for immortality’ is the from judgment on the basis of faith. third characteristic of the one who will be rewarded with eternal life. What does a person who is saved look like? Verse 7 of our passage This will be eternal life that is says, “Those who by patience in well- so rich and full that even death doing seek for glory and honor and itself cannot destroy it. We are not immortality, he will give eternal life.” perfect, or sinless, or without blame, only that every true believer would Let us look at each of these gladly abandon every earthly thing characteristics for a moment. for heaven. If it becomes illegal to preach the gospel, and the state ‘To be patient in well-doing threatens us with prison, we will seeking glory’ is describing one who preach the gospel. We would gladly is patient to see Christ honoured in lose this world – but we will not all things. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, lose the next one. If God says, “Give “So whether you eat or drink, or financially,” we will gladly impoverish whatever you do, do all to the glory ourselves in this world so we can SEPT – DEC | 2021

gain the next. If God says, “Follow Me onto the mission field,” then we go. It may be hard; I might need to deny myself of something I would love to have here or I might even be called upon to lay down my life, but I am seeking eternity. The heart of transformed people is that they have their eyes fixed upon the long term goal. Application: Does this picture of the person going to heaven describe you? Let us be reminded of the reality of judgment that it may drive us to live for God’s glory, obey the truth and seek to be faithful to Christ until He returns. CL

So the true believer seeks glory for God, and looks for honour in the life to come.

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Prov. 3:5-10 It’s time to Boost-up your MEMORY and Brush-up your ABILITY.

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No Age Limit, any one can take this challenge... Grandpa, Grannies, your Parents and Siblings can also join and be a source of INSPIRATION in the way of your COMPETITION. (Adapted from the devotional book “Quiet Spaces” by Dr. John Neufeld. This book is now available for a donation of Rs. 50/- only). SEPT – DEC | 2021

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“These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth” (Heb 11:13)


o we need to be reminded that we are here for only a limited time? We are just pilgrims-strangers here on earth.

Sometimes we who belong to the Lord act as though we are going to be here forever. We invest in things that take both our time and money. We get so involved in present day activities that we forget the importance of eternal values.

We are on a journey: we are traveling. Therefore, we should have no time for or interest in permanently settling down here. Things of the world must not lure or detain us in our journey, because more wonderful things lie ahead. The place to which we are going is filled with fountains that never run dry. There is light in that city that will never go out, because Christ is that Light. In heaven there will never be sorrow nor tears because no one will ever die. What a wonderful place we pilgrims are journeying to! We must be careful not to get so involved in the things of this world that we forget we are merely strangers, pilgrims, visitors and travelers.

A Devotional Thought on the Hymn...




In my search for priceless treasure, As I journey on this earth; I must always ask this question: “Does it have eternal worth?” CL SEPT – DEC | 2021

Letters from Readers... 1. Thank you for the ‘Confident Living’ magazines which you are sending regularly to us, in spite of many challenges faced by you during this Covid - 19 Pandemic. The articles are very encouraging and helpful in our spiritual life. We are partners of GNBS for the past 50 years. Our father who passed away at the age of 93 in the year 2000 was a faithful prayer partner for more than 55 years. We praise God for this long association with GNBS. — Dr. Earnest Dhanaraj, Vellore 2. I thank you for the ‘Confident Living’ magazine which Iam getting regularly, the articles are worth reading. The Quiz encourages me to study the Bible in more detail. It is a good learning method. I thank God for your ministry for all the different programs it brings out to share the gospel to more people.

Names of those who sent the Answers for the Quiz on Luke 22-24 CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS !!

— J. Viana, Goa 3. Thank you for sending me messages on whats App. The messages are worth listening and helps me to value everything in life for eternal future with Jesus. — Shantha Barnabas, Thiruchirapalli 4. I and my family do read and rejoice the English and Telugu devotional messages that we receive daily, Back to the Bible India has been a great blessing to us, our heartfelt thanks to all of you. — Sudhir 5. I am greatly encouraged when I read your “confident Living” magazine. I have been getting the magazine since 1984 that is during the time of the founder Theodor Epp’s time. I like all your very well selected articles by well-known authors. I pray God to keep you and your ministry as a shining light in our country India. God bless and enhance your Christian witness for God’s glory. — Mrs. S.F. Alva, Bangalore 4. Thank you for your regular ‘Confident Living’ magazine which is a real source of spiritual nurture for us in this broken world. May the Lord continue to bless each of you as your talents are used extensively to spread His word. We pray for each one of you in the organization to follow His divine will and purpose. — Winitha Kaunds , Bangalore

1. Mary Swaroopa Rani, Hyderabad 2. Emmanuel David, Chennai 3. Susila JayaKumar, Ranipet 4. M.Vincent Prabhu, Chennai 5. J.Paul Raja Vijayan, Salem 6. Vinitha Joel, Chennai 7. C.Uma, Pune 8. Indra Jayaseelan, Arakkonam 9. Hepzibah Thomas, Chennai 10. Chandra Kumari Mohan, Nagercoil 11. Neeraja Sampath Daniel, Mumbai 12. Nirmala David, Madurai 13. Jeffery Byrd, Pune 14. Jalaja Naresh, Bangalore 15. Doris Rebeiro, Cuttack 16. Premlatha Sekhar, Kadapa 17. Neeraja Sampath Daniel, Mumbai

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SEPT – DEC | 2021

For with God nothing will be impossible (Lk. 1:37). Stephen Charnock wrote, “The power of God is that ability and strength whereby He can bring to pass whatsoever He pleases, whatsoever His infinite wisdom can direct, and whatsoever the infinite purity of His will can resolve.” He is able to build us up and give us “an inheritance among all those who are sanctified” (Acts 20:32). He “is able to make all grace abound toward” us (2 Cor. 9:S). “He is able even to subdue all things to Himself (Phil. 3:21). “He is able to aid those who are tempted” (Heb. 2:18). “He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him” (Heb. 7:25). And He “is able to keep (us) from stumbling, and to present (us) faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy” (Jude 24).


hen we call God the Almighty, we call Him by His name because He has all might. He is all powerful. There is nothing that He cannot do. He is the Lord God omnipotent. There is no question that the omnipotence of God is a favorite theme of the Bible writers. Consider the following, for example:

I know that Thou canst do all things, and that no purpose of Thine can he thwarted (Job 42:2 NASB). God has spoken once. Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God (Ps. 62:11).

I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless (Gen. 17:1).

Ah. Lord GOD! Behold. You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You (Jer. 32:17).

Is anything too hard for the LORD? (Gen. 18:14).

With God all things are possible (Mt. 19:26).

SEPT – DEC | 2021

When we say that God can do anything, we obviously mean anything consistent with His moral virtues and His essential character. For example. God cannot lie (Num. 23:19: Heb. 6:18). “He cannot deny Himself (2 Tim. 2:13). He “cannot be tempted by evil” (Jas. 1:13). He cannot condone sin or look with favor on it (Hab. 1:13). Because He is timeless and immortal. He cannot grow in age or die. He cannot swear by anyone greater than Himself (Heb. 6:13) simply because there is no one greater. But these limitations do not affect His omnipotence in the slightest Neither do foolish questions such as. Can God make a stone too heavy for Himself to lift? Such questions are intellectual absurdities and not worthy of serious consideration. The power of God is seen in the creation of the universe and the creation of humankind. He created CONFIDENT LIVING

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the heavens and earth instantly, out of nothing, without tools, by a word. Think of the power that spangled the heavens with stars, planets, and galaxies that are spread out in space for billions of light-years. Consider the power that creates the human body in the mother’s womb (Ps. 139:13-18). Then think of the power that holds matter together, the power of God in sustaining the universe (Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3), in maintaining the planets in their orbits, in preserving His creatures, and in answering prayers.

drove back the armies of hell, and brought forth Christ in resurrection life. The whole scene is pictured vividly in Psalm 18:7-19. It is sometimes taught that Jesus gave up His omnipotence when He came to earth. Or if He didn’t give it up. He never used it. The idea is that He performed all His miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We see divine omnipotence in floods, fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, winds, and waves. We see it in the salvation of a sinner, in the healing of diseases, in the judgment of the wicked.

I would admit that there were times when He chose not to use His power. For example. He could have destroyed His enemies at any time, but He had not come for that purpose. He had come to save, not to condemn. And besides, because He was morally perfect. He could not do anything that was contrary to His Father’s will (Jn. 5:19).

People measure power in megatons, the explosive force equivalent to that of a million tons of TNT. But human vocabulary has no word to adequately measure the power of God.

The fact that He performed miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit (Mt. 12:28) does not affect His omnipotence because at those very times He was sustaining the universe by the word of His power (Heb. 1:3).

When the Old Testament saints thought of the power of God, they looked back to the Exodus when God delivered them from Egypt “with a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm” (Deut. 26:8). In the New Testament, the greatest display of divine power was given in connection with the resurrection of Christ. Paul speaks of it as “the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places” (Eph. 1:19-20). It seems that Satan and all his hosts were encamped at the tomb outside Jerusalem, determined that the Lord Jesus would never rise. Then God came down in awesome power,

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omnipotence of our Lord. We are most apt to think of His physical power, but we must not overlook His moral power as well. E. Stanley Jones said. “The world is at the feet of the Man who had power to strike back, but who had power not to strike back. This is power—the ultimate power.” He had power to summon more than twelve legions of angels, and yet the Omnipotent One could not save Himself if sinners were to be freed, as Albert Midlane pointed out: Himself He could not save. He on the cross must die. Or mercy cannot come Yes. Christ, the Son of God. must bleed That sinners might from sin be freed.

There are very practical lessons to be learned from the omnipotence of God. The first lesson is that an individual cannot fight successfully against God. It would be like a gnat trying to fight against a blast furnace in a steel plant: ‘There is no wisdom or understanding or counsel against At times He spoke of exercising the Lord” (Prov. 21:30). His own power. He said. “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise A second lesson is that those who it up” (Jn. 2:19, emphasis added). are friends of God are on the side of Again, speaking of His death and divine omnipotence and therefore resurrection, He said, “Therefore My are on the winning side. At any Father loves Me. because I lay down particular time the waves may seem My life that I may take it again. No one to be against us, but the tide is sure takes it from Me. but I lay it down of to win. We need not fear what others Myself. I have power to lay it down, can do to us. Nothing can happen and I have power to take it again” (Jn. to us apart from His permissive will. 10:17-18. emphasis added). We believers are immortal until our work is done. God can control the Jesus did not empty Himself emotions, intellect, and wills of our of His omnipotence when He enemies so that they cannot touch came to earth. It was hidden at a hair of our heads. In Exodus 34:23, times from human view, but it was God commanded all the males in always actively creating, sustaining, Israel to appear before Him. But they providing, guiding, and overruling. would have left wives and children Our hearts should be filled with unprotected from enemy attacks. worship and the fear of the Lord. So God made an unusual promise in verse 24: “Neither will any man When we meditate on the covet your land when you go up to SEPT – DEC | 2021

appear before the LORD your God although He has no problems. He is Mabel Brown Denison was moved three times in the year.” Only an able to cope with any problem we to write this verse: omnipotent God could guarantee to may be facing: control the wills of His foes. Great is our Lord; of great power. All things are upheld by His hand. The Savior can solve every problem. Another lesson that we, as The universe moves at His bidding. The tangles of life can undo believers, must master is that we will Or is stilled at His slightest There’s nothing too hard for Jesus: never be omnipotent. We cannot command. There’s nothing that He cannot do. share that attribute of God. But God Isaac Watts proclaimed God’s has made His power available to us, power: at least in measure. We need not Elisabeth Elliot tells of a motto on crawl when we can fly. If we live by the wall of a China Inland Mission I sing the mighty pow’r of God our own strength, we will never rise Home: That spread the flowing seas above flesh and blood. But if we abroad The sun stood still. The iron did allow His Spirit to empower us, And built the lofty skies. swim. our lives will crackle with the I sing the wisdom that ordained This God is our God forever and supernatural. The sun to rule the day; ever. The moon shines full at His He will be our guide unto death. Someone has said that people command. never come closer to omnipotence And all die stars obey. CL than when they pray in the name of She comments— the Lord Jesus. This testimony is true. When we pray in Jesus’ name, it’s the This God, the one who, in answer THE GREATEST same as if the Lord Jesus was making to the prayers of an ordinary man, HONOR WE CAN the requests to the Father. With this stopped the sun in its course, the GIVE ALMIGHTY realization, it’s a wonder we don’t God who suspended His own law of pray more! gravity and made an ax head float, GOD IS TO this is the God to whom I come. This LIVE GLADLY The final lesson that I will mention God is the one whose promises I am BECAUSE OF THE is that the omnipotence of God serves counting on. And can He help me KNOWLEDGE OF as comfort and encouragement to out of my predicament? Whatever His people. What a consolation to my predicament may be, as soon as HIS LOVE. know that our God can do anything, I compare it with the circumstances — Julian of Norwich that nothing is impossible for Him! surrounding the miracles of the sun Oswald J, Smith reminds us that and the ax, my doubts seem comical.

SEPT – DEC | 2021


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Leadership Parenting we are really in God’s will. From Paul’s inspired words, let us ask four important questions:

1. Is our conscience clear? (v1213). The word conscience means “to know with.” The conscience is the inner “spiritual judge” that approves when we do what is right and disapproves when we do what is wrong. The conscience is the window that lets in the light of God’s truth. If the window is clean, the light shines through brightly, and we know what is right and what is wrong. If the window is dirty, the light is partially deflected, and conscience can lead us astray. The Bible calls this a “defiled” conscience (l Corin. 8:7; Titus 1:15).


ome of the people in the Corinthian church were upset with Paul because he had twice changed his travel plans and disappointed them. He had originally promised to spend the winter in Corinth and then travel to Judea to deliver the special “relief offering” from the Gentile churches (1 Cor. 16:5-6). But then he had revised his plans and promised the church he would make two stops at Corinth before going to Jerusalem (2 Cor. 1:15-16). After building up their hopes, Paul finally ended up making a quick, painful visit to Corinth in an attempt to solve the problems in the church. All their expectations were unfulfilled, and critical factions in the church took these changes as evidences that Paul was indecisive and unstable. They were convinced that Paul could not be trusted. In this passage, Paul seeks understanding as he allays their doubts about his sincerity.

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No matter what his critics said, Paul was sure that his conscience was clear. Some of the people at Corinth misunderstood what Paul had said and done, but God knew that his servant was acting in God’s servants must occasionally “godly sincerity.” Paul had not been change their plans as they do God’s practicing duplicity; he stood ready work, and this can result in their to defend his integrity. being misunderstood. Of course, It is important that we as leaders in every group there are those who are only looking for something to follow Paul’s example and “always criticize, and the Corinthian church strive to have a conscience without was no exception. Some accused offense toward God and men.” Paul of being insincere and careless No Christian can maintain a clear with the truth. Apparently they conscience while guilty of scheming said that his letters had a double and lying. Billy Graham has said that meaning, that his “yes” meant “no,” many people “follow their conscience and his “no” meant “yes” |v. 17). Paul the way they follow a wheelbarrow: learned that leadership is never easy they push it in whatever direction and is especially difficult when you they want it to go!” have to change your plans. “Conscience and reputation are This critical situation in Paul’s two things,” said Saint Augustine. ministry reminds us that we who “Conscience is due to yourself, are God’s servants must know how reputation to your neighbor.” There to handle the misunderstanding may be times when our reputation and criticism that may follow when will suffer because we are true to there are unavoidable changes in our conscience! We may lose our our plans. When we face that kind reputation, but we will keep our of situation, it is good for us to stop character, and that is what really and take inventory to make certain counts. SEPT – DEC | 2021

2. Can we honestly face the Lord (v. 14). In this verse, “the day of the Lord” refers to that time when Christ will return and we will stand before Him for our works to be judged. We may be able to fool others and even ourselves, but we will never be able to fool the Lord. It is so important that we work today in the light of the Lord’s return, that we live with eternity’s values in view. It is encouraging for us to know that God knows the truth about our lives and ministries, and that He will balance the books at the judgment seat of Christ. People may misunderstand us, but God is always watching our hearts and our motives. He knows the truth.

Christian to take God’s will lightly or treat it with worldly disdain. To him, the will of God was uppermost in all his plans.

course, this was a serious charge to bring against a gospel preacher, because a dedicated man of God must not separate his words from his life and character. Our “walk” and our “talk” must agree, lest we be considered hypocrites. Paul made it clear that all of God’s promises are fulfilled in Christ. He is God’s great “Yes!” When we trust His Word, we say a believing “Amen!” to what God has revealed in His Son. If we are trusting God’s Word as we make our decisions, and depending on His faithfulness, we can go ahead with confidence, even though the situation changes and plans must be rearranged.

But even this inspired apostle had to confess that he did not always know how to pray about God’s will (Rom. 8:26). He sought God’s guidance, but sometimes his movements were thwarted by the Spirit of God (Acts 16:6-8). Paul moved a step at a time and lived each day as it came, honestly seeking the direction of the Lord. God sees our hearts. He knows the seriousness of our dedication and our purpose. We can but make the best decisions we can, with the information and illumination that we have. We must Faithful leadership is not easy. 3. Are we serious about God’s leave the rest with the Lord. If we are Leaders who want to glorify God will (v 17-18). From the very serious, God will guide us. and do his will are often criticized beginning of his planning, Paul and misunderstood. Even the most wanted only the will of God. “I hope 4. Are we trusting God’s Word devoted leaders can and do make to stay a while with you, if the Lord (v 19-20). His accusers claimed that mistakes. Let us examine our hearts permits” is what he had written to Paul’s word could not be trusted— honestly and make certain that we them (1 Cor. 16:7), and he meant that when he said, “Yes, I will come,” are right with God. If we are, then He this sincerely. Paul was too good a he really meant the opposite. Of will take care of the rest. CL


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Parenting FAMILY Right! But people haven’t changed, and God hasn’t changed! His law and His Bible stand—an eternal lighthouse in the sea of time. God speaks very plainly. Don’t fool yourself, He warns. People who live immoral lives will not have a share in God’s kingdom. Sexual sin is never right. Our bodies were not made for sin but for the Lord.


his couple had to have an answer. “Mr. Petersen, what are you supposed to do when you discover your daughter is not living in the sorority house you’re paying for but off campus with some boy”?

which insists that if people are in love and it won’t hurt anybody, they’re perfectly free to sleep or even to live together. In fact, if they are sleeping together, they feel they should also eat, clean house and do laundry together—a married couple without license or ceremony. And by These parents are scraping the rules of the new morality they’re to make ends meet and to keep absolutely right. this talented, promising girl in an expensive school. Then they discover A story I read illustrates the point: that she’s using their money to share A boy drives through a red light an apartment with a boyfriend! signal. His father, seated beside him, cautions him about breaking No segment of our society has the law, and the boy apologizes. been harder hit by the so-called new Later, the father leaves the country morality than the young people at for a time. After returning, he again our universities and colleges. Except rides with his son. This time they for the relatively few who are open go through one red light after rebels, most kids are somewhat another. Very upset, the father restrained while living at home. shouts, “You’re breaking the law!” But the boy explains, “No, Dad! The Then, suddenly, away at school, law ‘s changed! Running a red light they find themselves in an urgently isn’t wrong anymore. Everything’s permissive atmosphere. They different! Red means ‘go’ now!” hear of many having “meaningful relationships’’ with members of This is the attitude of many the opposite sex. They become people. “Everything’s different now! indoctrinated with situation ethics, Times have changed!”

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What, then, should these parents do? Naturally, their first move is to have a talk with their daughter and try to persuade her to talk with a pastor or counselor. How she responds will depend largely on the relationship they’ve established through the years. If they’ve kept the door of communication open, if there’s been wise, loving discipline which has built self-discipline and responsibility, if the integrity-the quality of their daily lives-has caused her to respect their wishes, she just might listen. But then I told them that if, in spite of all they can do, she’s still determined to run away from the life-principles they have taught her, then they must cut off her funds. No parents should be subsidizing fornication. But they must never stop loving her and praying for her. David, in the Bible, had this problem. He had committed adultery, and God really “leaned” on him! In fact, David told God that all day and all night His hand had been heavy on him (see Ps.32:4). Finally David had admitted all his sins to God. And God had forgiven him. His guilt was all gone (v. 5). God still promises to forgive. Because Christ died for our sins, He can be depended on to forgive us and cleanse us if we confess our sins. And this is what we all need! CL

SEPT – DEC | 2021

and His work. “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature” (Col. 1:15). “And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence” (v„ 18). “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that He [His Son] might be the firstborn among many brethren” (Rom. 8:29). “And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten [firstborn] into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship Him” (Heb1:6). Let us consider these four references and learn the significance of Jesus Christ’s being the firstborn.

“First-born of All Creation”

“And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:6,7).


was born, they lived as husband and wife. But our Lord was born in a very special way. Joseph was His foster father, not His literal father. Mary gave birth to the Lord Jesus, and He was literally her firstborn. But the term “firstborn” in the Bible carries with it the idea of superiority and priority. Whoever was firstborn was designated as the very special one. The firstborn got the inheritance. In Exodus 4:22 we read that God designated the people of Israel as His firstborn. So if we think of the word “firstborn” as meaning “priority, superiority, the highest of the high,” we will have no problem applying this title to the Lord Jesus Christ.

everal times in the New Testament the title “firstborn” is applied to the Lord Jesus. To us who are Gentiles, “firstborn” does not mean a great deal; but it meant a great deal to the Jews, because the firstborn son had many rights and privileges However, in the New Testament “firstborn” does not necessarily mean “born first.” In the case of the Lord Jesus, He was Mary’s firstborn Son. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and When you consider all of the born of the virgin Mary. According references where the term “firstborn” to Mark 6:3, Mary and Joseph also applies to Jesus, you understand had children. After our Lord Jesus four different aspects of His Person SEPT – DEC | 2021

First of all, He is “the first-born of all creation” (Col. 1:15, NASB). The theme of Colossians is the preeminence of Jesus Christ: “That in all things he [Jesus Christ] might have the preeminence” (v. 18). “But Christ is all, and in all” (3:11). In Colossians 1, we see the preeminence of the Lord Jesus Christ in salvation: “Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet [fit] to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:... In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins” (vv. 12,14). Our Lord is preeminent in salvation. He is also preeminent in creation. Verse 16 tells us, “By Him were all things created.” If that is the case, then He Himself was not created. Some want us to believe that Jesus Christ was a created being—the highest of the created beings, but not eternal God. But verse 16 says, “For by Him were all things created.” Therefore He Himself is not a created thing. “All things... that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or CONFIDENT LIVING

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powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him: and He is before all things” (vv. 16,17). That is another proof that He is not a created being. “He is before all things, and by him all things consist [hold together]” (v. 17). Jesus Christ is preeminent in creation. What does it mean to be the firstborn of all creation? It means to be the highest of everything in creation. Remember, “firstborn” carries with it the idea of priority, superiority, the highest of the high, the one who is going to share in the inheritance. The Lord Jesus Christ is superior to everything in creation because He existed prior to creation. “All things were made by him” (John 1:3). “All things were created by him, and for Him” (Col. 1:16), and all things hold together by His power. This makes Him the highest of the high in all of creation. Why are we having problems with creation today? We have problems with pollution. We have ecological problems that are leading to economic problems which, in turn, are leading to political problems. Do you know why we have these problems? Primarily, it is because we do not believe in creation anymore. We have taken Jesus Christ out of His place of preeminence as the firstborn of all creation. As a result, we have ugliness instead of beauty; we have destructiveness instead of growth and construction; there is waste, and there is idolatry. People worship the things of creation, the things that they manufacture. When Jesus Christ is given His proper place as the firstborn of all creation, these problems will be solved, and we will look upon creation as something He has made to be used to glorify Him. He is the firstborn of all creation. We look forward to that day when Jesus is going to come again and all

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of creation will be delivered from bondage and corruption. We will have beauty and harmony, glory and blessing, because the firstborn of all creation, Jesus Christ, will be reigning supremely.

Lord Jesus lives and never will die. He had the power to lay down His life; He had the power to take it up again, and now He lives an endless life. Being raised from the dead, He is now reigning in heaven, and death cannot reach Him. He is the firstborn “Firstborn From the from among the dead, the highest Dead” and the greatest, because He raised Jesus Christ is not only the Himself, never to die again. firstborn of all creation, but He is also the first begotten, or the firstborn, Can and Will Raise from the dead (Col. 1:18). This same Others title is used in Revelation 1:5. This And He raised Himself that He does not mean that Jesus Christ was might be able to raise others. Lazarus the first one raised from the dead; never raised anybody. We have no we know He was not. In the Old record in Scripture that anyone who Testament days there were people was raised from the dead ever raised who were raised from the dead. We anybody else. But Jesus did. And have the record of Jesus’ raising at Jesus will again. Christ is the One in least three people from the dead, glory who possesses endless life and and possibly He raised more. Why, who “brought life and immortality then, is He called the firstborn from to light through the gospel” (II Tim. the dead? 1:10). You and I never need to fear death because we are trusting Him Raised Himself who is the firstborn from the dead. He is the highest of those who He has conquered death. Death have been raised from the dead. He is could not hold Him, and death will the greatest—He stands supremely not hold us when He calls us to come above everyone else. Our Lord Jesus to be with Him. Christ knew He was going to be raised from the dead. He announced “Firstborn Among Many it to His disciples. Not only that, He Brethren” raised Himself from the dead. He Romans 8:29 is the third reference said, “I have power [authority] to lay to Jesus Christ as the firstborn: “For it down, I have power [authority] to whom he did foreknow, he also did take it again” (John 10:18). Lazarus predestinate to be conformed to the did not raise himself from the dead image of His Son, that he might be (John 11:1-44). That little daughter of the firstborn among many brethren.” Jairus did not raise herself from the dead (Mark 5:21-43). The son of that Our Lord Jesus Christ does not widow at Nain did not raise himself want to keep all these blessings from the dead (Luke 7:11-18). But to Himself. Someone has said that Jesus raised Himself from the dead. God loves His Son so much that He He is the highest of all who have ever wants everybody else to be just like been raised from the dead. Him. One day you and I are going to experience this. We shall see Him, Never to Die Again and “we shall be like him; for we shall Second, He was raised from the see Him as He is” (I John 3:2). If you dead by His own power, never to die know Jesus as your Saviour, you are again. Lazarus died again, Jairus’s one of His “many brethren.” One day daughter died again, and the son of you will be like Him, for He is “the the widow of Nain died again. But the firstborn among many brethren” SEPT – DEC | 2021

(Rom. 8:29). What He is now, one day we shall be like Him. The Church is called “the church of the firstborn” (Heb. 12:23). In one sense, we are the Church of the “second-born.” In my first birth, God would not accept me; but I have had a second birth whereby I received eternal life, and one day I shall be like Jesus Christ. If you belong to Jesus Christ, you belong to the Church of the firstborn, the highest, the most privileged. One day you will share in His glory. He is “the firstborn among many brethren,” and one day we are going to be like Him. When is this going to happen? Hebrews 1:6 gives the answer. The writer was referring to our Lord’s coming. “And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, He saith, And let all the angels of God worship Him.” Some Bible students disagree on this verse, but I believe that that word “again” refers to when Jesus comes again. When He brings the firstbegotten into the world, He says, “And let all the angels of God worship him.” I think this applies to when our Lord Jesus shall return for His Church. When He came the first time to this earth, the angels did worship Him; but He came in humility. When He comes again, He is going to come in glory. When He came the first time and was born in Bethlehem, He came in weakness as a little baby; but He is going to come again in power and great glory. He came to provide salvation when He came to Bethlehem; but when He comes again, there will be judgment. When He came the first time, He ended up with a crown of thorns; but when He comes again, He will wear a crown of victory. Jesus Christ is God’s firstborn. He is going to inherit all things. He is to have all the glory and honor. I trust that you know Him as your Saviour so that you will share in this eternal inheritance. CL

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New Year Prophecies


he final months of each year are the hectic preparation time in Churches for Christmas and New Year celebrations. Once Christmas is over, we are on top gear preparing for the Midnight Service of December 31. We normally think that the New Year begins at midnight 12 of this last day of the year. Strictly speaking, according to the Bible, a day begins at sunset on the previous day. The first day of creation was not “morning and evening,” but “evening and morning” (Gen 1:5). So also the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth days (vv8,13,19,23,31). The Day of Passover began with the evening of that day (Ex 12:8). The Sabbath was “from evening to evening” (Lev 23:32). The early Church observed the first day of the week as the Lord’s Day and it began in the evening of the seventh day (Acts 20:7,11). The day begins with sunset and ends with sunset. That’s why we are admonished not to retain anger beyond sunset (Eph 4:26).

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In the New Testament, it’s more as “night and day” than “day and night” (Lk 2:37; Acts 20:31; 26:7; 1 Thess 2:9; 3:10; 2 Thess 3:8; 1 Tim 5:5; 2 Tim 1:3). When I explained this point to some Pastors, they shifted their New Year Service to evening six of December 31. Personally I would prefer an evening six Service on the 31st so I may stay awake and active instead of sleeping on the first day of the year! Usually I visit about a dozen nonChristian homes in the early hours of the New Year day to greet them with the word, “Peace!” (Mt10:11,12; Lk 10:5,6). Of course, no one can say it’s wrong to hold a New Year Service at 12 midnight. But the importance we attach to 12 O’ Clock is not Biblebased. The purpose of this article is not to talk about the timing but to point out certain unscriptural traditions and practices highly prevalent in Christian circles with respect to the dawn of the New Year.

Celebrity preachers pull crowds to their special New Year Services promising to deliver prophecies for the New year. Most of what they prophesy never comes to pass. In fact, what happens is diametrically opposite. One preacher predicted that the year 2020 would be golden. It was neither gold nor silver! Another said that God would place Spirit-filled youngsters in top governmental positions in 2020. We know how the political scenario developed in our country this year. The predictions of certain evangelical prophets about the 2020 US election outcome have gone awry. Numerous prophecies after the outbreak of Corona in 2020 never came to pass. Modern Christians who are by and large Biblical illiterates get easily deceived. The worst thing about deception is that the deceived would not know that they are deceived. Pastors and Leaders are to be blamed because they do not train the believers in the art of discernment. Sunday Services are designed so as to attract more attendees rather than to help believers grow. Discernment as a gift is only to some, whereas as an art it’s for everyone to learn (1 Cor 12:10; Heb 5:14; 1 Cor 2:14). As we approach 31 Dec 2021, I prophesy that more untrue prophecies would come forth from popular lying lips. My prophecy is simply the repetition of the words of Jesus: “MANY false prophets will rise up and deceive MANY” (Mt 24:11). Because of a few signs and wonders performed by the false prophets, “even the very elect” would be deceived (v24). The forewarning of Jesus is to forearm us (v25). We must never forget that the false prophets would outnumber the true ones. Note the word “many” (Mt SEPT – DEC | 2021

7:15,22; 24:5; 2 Cor 2:17; Phil 3:18; 1 Jn 2:18). The hidden agenda of pseudo prophets is love of money (2 Pet 2:3,15). They are the modern Balaams though occasionally they would deliver some true prophecies (Jude 11; Num 22:15-17). A basic understanding of what endtime prophecy is that it will safeguard us from many a peril. The very Bible is called the “Word of Prophecy” (2 Pet 1:19). It is called the “Prophetic Scriptures” (Rom 16:26). The central theme of Prophecy, whether it’s Old Testamental or New Testamental, is “Jesus Christ.” The Book of Revelation which is all prophecy states, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit (= essence) of prophecy” (Rev 19:10c). The message of the OT Prophets was through the “Spirit of Christ” who was in them (1 Pet 1:10-12). There are about 100 prophecies in the Bible about Christ’s first coming, and nearly 300 about His second coming. He is the God’s last prophetic voice (Heb. 1:1,2). He came as the Prophet of prophets (Dt. 18:17,18; Acts 3:22,23; Jn 6:14; 7:40). Any prophecy today must therefore be Christ-centered. It is in this sense, all of us under the anointing of the Holy Spirit are called to prophesy in these last days (Acts 2:16-18). Forthright messages to practically prepare us for the sooncoming of Jesus are the need of the hour. In His Letters to the seven Churches in Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus says five times, “I come quickly” (Rev 2:5,16,25; 3:3,11). And the book ends with, “Surely I am coming quickly” (22:20). Apostle John’s introductory statement to this book is, “Behold, He is coming!” (1:7). Unfortunately we are overinterested in and excited about personal predictive prophecies and sensational issues. This is what sidetracks us from God’s main purpose for this Church SEPT – DEC | 2021

age and lands us in trouble. Once disillusioned by false prophecies, our inner convictions get shaken up though we don’t show it out. We simply silence them. Inspired utterances of the written Word of God which build up His people through “edification, exhortation and comfort” should be the norm of the prophetic gift in the Church (1 Cor 14:3). This teaching by Paul is endorsed by Peter: “If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles (= words) of God” (1 Pet 4:10,11; 2 Pet 1:20,21). This is also primarily speaking “to one another” with the fullness of the Spirit and the Scriptures (1 Pet 4:10; Eph 5:18,19; Col 3:16). We don’t need to predict who would be the next President or the Prime Minister. Let it be Herod or Pilate! Let it be Nebuchadnezzar or Darius! Let it be fire or lions! It makes no difference for the Spirit-filled witnesses of Jesus Christ. God knows who should be elected or ejected (Dan 5:21c). We dare not counsel the Omniscient God with our chicken brain (Rom 11:33,34). Public prayers or predictions to prompt Christians to support one particular political party against the other will create unnecessary animosity from the opposite party cadre. Personal convictions must not be made public. With the Elections in several Indian States round the corner, I beg my preacher friends to please stay silent on these issues while on the pulpit. The present political situation in the Christian America has divided the Church as Democratic Christians and Republican Christians. This could have been avoided if Christian spokespersons there would have behaved more scripturally. We already have enough of divisions and splits. We Indian Christians had to cut a sorry face by the outcome of the recent elections. Operation of the prophetic gift in the context of a local Church is much safer as there

would be discernment by other fellow prophets (1 Cor 14:29-33). This healthy check will prevent disastrous consequences. Superstardom is not New Testamental (Acts 13:1; 15:32). When the so-called prophecies of celebrities go awry, they must gracefully tell the public: “Sorry for misleading you. Yes, I now agree with Paul that we know in part and we prophesy in part. Pray for me that I might still grow in the understanding of God’s ways” (1 Cor 13:9,11). They would grow one inch taller. Amos 3:7 is an oft-quoted text by popular preachers: “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” This Old Testament statement is a prediction that the entire Church in the New Testament era would be a prophetic community to speak forth God’s message to the world (Acts 2:17,18,21). The very next verse, Amos 3:8, asks, “A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy?” This was the prophetic anticipation of Moses (Num 11:29). This was Paul’s ambition too (1 Cor 14:1,5a,31). What Jesus told His disciples in John 15:15 throws further light on this matter. Each local Church must be like the one in Thessalonica (1 Thess 1:8). God does not bypass the Church and bless the world. Rather, the Holy Spirit joins her the Bride to woo sinners to the living waters (Rev 22:17). That’s why Evan Roberts (1878-1951), the key instrument God used in the Welsh Revival at the dawn of the 20th Century, prayed, “Lord, bend the Church and bless the world!” Are you anxious to know how the Year 2022 would be? Turn to Matthew 24 and 25. The 100 verses of these two chapters are Christ’s answer to His disciples’ three questions: “When will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming? CONFIDENT LIVING

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What will be the sign of the end of the age?” (24:3). These 20-century old questions are ours too. Do take time to read through these two allimportant chapters a couple of times to understand what 2021 and years to follow would be like, and how we are to live. Let me briefly list the things we must give attention to — (1) The very first sentence of Jesus in His 100-verse long answer is, “Take heed that no one deceives you” (Mt 24:4). Doctrinal deception is primary (v11). I urge pastors and preachers to teach sound doctrine to their members and listeners on a regular basis (2 Tim 4:2-4; Tit 2:1). That’s the only way to protect them from ravenous wolves (Acts 20:2731). Warn them to be aware of the novelties and questionable things. Extra-biblical stuff must summarily be rejected. (2) Conflicts between nations will be on the rise (Mt 24:6,7). International peace efforts would bring meagre results. Handshakes and hugs between national leaders will not mean anything. Border disputes would multiply. Weaker nations would be exploited. (3) Persecution will increase for Christians both in secular and non-secular countries (Mt 24:9,10). Imprisonment and martyrdom would become the norm. Missionary organisations and evangelistic agencies will have a tough time. Nevertheless the Church growth would be phenomenal (vv13,14; 16:18). We must earnestly seek the face of the Lord to send us a sweeping revival that would restore to the Church the saltiness and brightness it ought to have (Mt 5:13,14). Jesus spoke about salt and light in the context of persecution (vv11,12). Preachers and Christians would betray one another before anti-Christians (Mt 24:10; Lk 21:16).

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(4) Natural love between spouses, we Christians must multiply our parents and children, siblings, and charitable activities and repent of fellow-men would deteriorate (Mt stinginess (vv31-46). 24:12; 2 Tim 3:1-5). The world will become more and more impersonal. New Year Promises The next thing that excites Selfishness will dominate all Christians at the end of a year is sections of the society. Lying and New Year Promises. As a part of cheating would be common. our regular devotional exercise, we can definitely wait before the Lord (5) Sensual pleasures will to give us a specific Bible promise become the prominent pursuit which we can hold on to throughout of men and women. Material- the New Year as we pass through mindedness would plague both the mountains and valleys, and fires Church and the society (Mt 24:36- and floods. But looking to popular 39). Sexual immorality would be preachers as to what promise they rampant at every level (Jude 16-19). would get from God for the year may Entertainment industry would thrive mislead us. Each celebrity preacher as never before. The digital world will would quote a promise. Which one swallow our youngsters like whales. is for you if you attend three or Even Christian believers would enjoy four meetings? Television programs eating and shopping more than would further confuse you. A basic spending quality time in prayer and understanding of how to handle the Bible meditation (Lk 17:26-30; 21:34- Promises of God will help us avoid 36). disappointments — (6) We can expect more plagues and pestilences in the years to come (Mt 24:7). Corona may revisit us more virulently. We may have to face new types of epidemics and pandemics also. We do need science and technology, but God would not tolerate us worshipping them. Sufferings would shake our faith (Lk 18:8). But God is faithful who would not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability and His enablement (1Cor10:12,13).

Most of the promises quoted by preachers as for the New Year are from the Old Testament. Unless we differentiate between the various categories of these promises, we would be misled. There are (1) Personalized Promises. For example, God told Abraham, “I will curse him who curses you” (Gen 12:3b). Perhaps the disciples thought about this when they sought permission from Jesus to bring down fire on an unresponsive Samaritan village. But Jesus rebuked them for their wrong spirit (Lk 9:52-56). Jesus prayed for those who cursed Him with blasphemy. He has taught us to bless those who curse us (Mt 5:44,45). The promise to Abraham cannot be taken in today’s missionary context, though he was the first missionary! Then we have (2)

(7) Men would rejoice on their privileges more than realizing their responsibilities. Whether believers or unbelievers, the stewardship responsibility is on all people concerning God-given blessings and resources. God would reward faithfulness in stewardship duly. The Parable of Servants and the Parable of Talents emphasize this truth (Mt National or Tribal Promises. Moses 24:43-51; 25:14-30). The trend of the before his death told of the tribe of rich becoming richer, and the poor Naphtali that they would possess becoming poorer will continue. But the West and the South (Dt 33:23). SEPT – DEC | 2021

This was for the territorial allotment in the Promised Land (Josh 19:32). God had promised to Israel that He would gather them after scattering them. The Tibetan or the Srilankan refugee Christians cannot claim for them this promise for returning to their motherland! We also have (3) Dispensational Promises. In Isaiah 11:6-9 we read that the wolf would dwell with the lamb, the leopard would sleep with the young goat, the young lion would play with the calf, the bear would graze with the cow, the lion would eat straw like the ox, the young child would play by the cobra’s hole, and so on! This refers to the future reign of Christ on earth. This is not applicable in the Church age. Another category is (4) Messianic Promises. The promise for the righteous in Psalm 34:20 is, “He guards all his bones; not one of them is broken.” This was quoted in John 19:36 as to why the bones of Jesus were not broken by the soldiers, even after He died (Jn 19:33,36). Though we can ask God for His protection of our bodies, this particular promise was made exclusively for God’s Son. Even the legs of the “forgiven” thief were broken (v32). How many servants of God have sustained fractures in road accidents or slippery bathrooms!

would shake heaven and earth and overthrow kingdoms to establish the millennial reign (vv20-23). The blessing of blessings begins blossoming in a man’s life on the day when he experiences personal salvation from sin (Lk 19:9,10; 2 Cor 6:2).

Jesus corrected the Samaritan woman’s traditional belief concerning a Prayer Mountain (Jn 4:20-24). Under this dispensation of grace, Jesus is there “in the midst” of “wherever” two or three gather in His Name (Mt 18:20). Today God does not sanctify places but only people (Eph 2:19-22). No place is holier than the other. The veil is torn (Mt 27:51; Mk 15:38). Do not restitch it! The first martyr of the Church rightly said, “The Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands!” (Acts 7:48). If you say this to a High Anglican or a Roman Catholic, be careful, you may be killed like Stephen!

I am sick of Tamil Christian Calendars where the word, “nations,” in Deuteronomy 28:1 is translated as “castes!” Obnoxious! What would a non-Nadar non-Christian think when he sees this calendar text in a Nadar Christian home? Do not get angry with me, friends! We need discretion besides devotion. Burn such calendar sheets. Change these words appropriately picking them Then arises a question: “What’s up from modern translations like then the meaning of 2 Corinthians Thiruviviliam. 1:20 that ALL the promises of God in Christ are Yes, and in Him Amen?” Another category of Bible The key words are “IN CHRIST”... Promises is (5) Situational Promises. “IN HIM”— that is, all the promises When Jesus sent forth the twelve on pertaining to REDEMPTIVE blessings: the Gospel mission, He told them not (a) Promise of Eternal Life (Tit 1:1-3; 1 to take money purse with them (Mt Jn 5:13); (b) Promise of Salvation thro’ 10:5-10). This was during a particular Christ (Heb 11:13,39,40); (c) Promise trip to the villages of “Israel” (vv5,6). of Righteousness without works Later He asked them to carry money (Rom 4:3,6-8,13,14); (d) Promise of with them (Lk 22:35,36). In the city Rest in Christ (Heb 4:1; Mt 11:28); (e) of Corinth the Lord promised Paul Promise of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4; protection from physical assault 2:33a); ( f ) Promise of partaking the (Acts 18:9,10). But there was no such Divine Nature (2 Pet 1:4); (g) Promise promise in Jerusalem (Acts 22:17-21). of Security in Christ (Jn 10:27-29); (h) There are also a few favorite He was rather beaten black and blue Promise of Resurrection (Acts 26:6promises for the Preachers for their (vv23-25). Where were the guardian 8). These are the “spiritual blessings” Magazines and Calendars. angels then? Had they gone on we are enjoying in the heavenlies furlough? (Psa 34:7). with Christ (Eph 1:3). = One is Isaiah 25:8, “The Lord God will wipe away tears from all Not only for the New Year but Another question: “Cannot God faces.” Which of the Preachers and also for various matters several use any of the Bible promises to People are without tears today? Only Bible promises are misquoted. One convey to me a personal message “some” tears are wiped today. This classic example is what preachers of encouragement, assurance and promise in Isaiah will be fulfilled only and pastors claim for their mega deliverance?” God can. God does. But when Christ returns (Rev 7:17; 21:4). Church buildings or Prayer Towers. we must not generalise any promise They quote Deuteronomy 12:5,13 other than the promises pertaining = Another famous Calendar text, and 2 Chronicles 7:12,15,16 and to redemptive blessings. There again especially for January, is Haggai claim sanctity and specialty for their we must work within the framework 2:19, “From this day forward I will structures. I pity their ignorance of of what’s explained in the above bless you.!” “This day” refers to the the dispensational dealings of God. paragraphs lest we get disillusioned. Second Advent of Christ when God CL SEPT – DEC | 2021



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Bible Times Biography & Customs to make my ministry a ministry of exposition of Scripture.” Maclaren would weep if he saw how some pastors today rarely if ever preach; they prefer bringing in guest luminaries to disciplining themselves study and preach the Word of God. Maclaren was known to devote sixty hours to the preparation of a single message.


ears ago, every Scottish father wanted a son in the ministry. David Maclaren was no exception. A gifted lay preacher and dedicated Christian businessman in Glasgow. Maclaren did all he could to encourage his son. One day he took him to see Reverend Charles Stovel, a pastor friend.

He was born in Glasgow. Scotland, in 1826. His father was recognized as a capable expositor of the Word; even though his business often took him away from home for long periods of time. David Maclaren had a godly influence on his son. (By the way. the family name was originally spelled “McLaren.” but during his student days Alexander changed it. “I do not like the Highland way of spelling the name,” he wrote to his family. You will see both spellings in homiletical literature.) After wrestling with the doctrine of election, young Alexander finally yielded to Christ and in 1840 was baptized into the fellowship of the Hope Street Baptist Church. (Some books, including the biography by Carlile, incorrectly give the year as 1838.)

worth ever since the first volume on Genesis was published in 1904. “A man who reads one of Maclaren’s sermons,” said W. Robertson Nicoll, “must either take his outline—or take another text.” One listener said, “This man is a prophet, and you must either listen and swallow, or flee.” The family moved to London, Parker said there was “no greater and Maclaren enrolled in Stepney preacher than Alexander Maclaren College in 1842. He immediately proved to be a leading student. “Do you think the lad would in the English-speaking pulpit.” make a minister?” Maclaren asked. He loved Hebrew and Greek and The pastor thought for a while, then How did he do it? The answer graduated with honors in both. All replied, “Well, perhaps he might” is simple: through hard work, his life, Maclaren read two chapters a disciplined study, and concentration day in the original, one from the Old It was a historic ecclesiastical on the one important thing- Testament and one from the New. He understatement, for Alexander preaching the Word. He turned down did his sermonic work directly from Maclaren became one of the most speaking and social invitations. the Hebrew and Greek. greatest preachers of the nineteenth He stayed home, did his work, and century—an era that gave us built a great church. In 1845 he was sent to preach at a run-down church in Southampton; Charles H. Spurgeon, R. W. Dale, Joseph Parker, and Henry Liddon. “I began my ministry,” he told a the people were so impressed they His printed sermons are models of group of young preachers, “with the called him to be their pastor. After scholarly, yet practical, exposition. determination of concentrating all graduation the following year he His monumental Expositions of Holy my available strength on the work began his ministry at Portland Scripture is an excellent homiletical the proper work of the Christian Chapel, a church that had suffered tool that has continually proved its ministry, the pulpit…I have tried greatly under incompetent pastor

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who had plunged them into debt and given the church a bad reputation in the community. The building needed repair, and the church was not even sure it could pay the new pastor’s salary. “If the worst comes to worst,” Maclaren wrote home, ”I shall at all events not have to reflect that I have killed a flourishing plant, but only assisted at the funeral of a withered one:. . . The difficulties will keep me busy and prevent my relapsing into idleness.”

He loved nature, and yet he was placed in the midst of an ugly; manufacturing city. He was shy and retiring, yet surrounded by thousands of people. He was a student of the Word, and yet the cosmopolitan population that would attend his church would expect a “message for the times.” The demands would be heavy, and yet he must find time to study, meditate, and pray.

customer was. The photographer put the portrait in his window and was amazed at the number of people who wanted to purchase copies— but he had destroyed the negative! “That man might have told me he was famous,” he complained, “but he didn’t look like it!” Maclaren was simply obeying his own admonition: “To efface one’s self is one of a preacher’s first duties. The herald should be lost in his message.”

History repeated itself: the Years later he told ministerial church grew and had to move into students: a new edifice that seated nearly two thousand. Maclaren had changed I thank God that I was stuck down his location, but not his disciplines. in a quiet, little, obscure place to He still refused most invitations and begin my ministry: for that is what concentrated on studying the Word spoils half of you young fellows. and feeding his people. He was not You get pitchforked into prominent a visiting pastor, and he repeatedly positions at once, and then fritter challenged the adage that “a homeyourselves away in all manner of going pastor makes a church-going little engagements that you call people.” He reminded ministerial duties... instead of stopping at home students that the adage is true only and reading your Bibles, and getting if, when the people come to church, near to God. I thank God for the early they hear something worth coming years of struggle and obscurity.’ for.

It was probably fear of becoming a popular idol that motivated him to refuse an invitation. Many wish he had accepted—the opportunity to deliver the Yale lectures on preaching. He was begged to accept, but to this too he said no.

It is worth noting that Joseph Parker, G. Campbell Morgan, and Charles H. Spurgeon all began their ministries in small places, and during those “hidden years” laid the foundations for their future works. The work at Portland Chapel prospered. Debts were paid, the building repaired, and the district awakened to the young preacher. His hard work and godly life were paying spiritual dividends. In 1856 Maclaren married his cousin, Marion Maclaren; he claimed later his ministry would have been impossible without her. Two years later he was called to preach at Union Chapel, Manchester. He accepted the invitation; and there began an amazing forty-fiveyear term that gave him the name “Maclaren of Manchester.”

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Maclaren’s natural shyness led many to think that he was proud and aloof. He rarely gave interviews to the press. His first was to Arthur Porritt, the noted Christian journalist, who tells about it in his charming book The Best I Remember: Dr. Maclaren was rather an exasperating subject for an interviewer. He said the most interesting things, downright indiscreet things (which of course, make the best “copy”), but having said them he would pursed his lips in a roguish way and say. “I’m thinking that will not have to go into the interview; you’ll leave it out. Won’t you?”

Surprisingly, Maclaren was haunted all his life by a sense of failure. Often he suffered “stage fright” before a service, but in the pulpit he was perfectly controlled. He sometimes spoke of each Sunday’s demands as “a woe,” and he was certain that his sermon was not good enough and that the meeting would be a failure. After accepting an invitation to preach at some special occasion, he would fret about it and wonder if there were any ways to escape. After the meeting he would lament that he had done poorly. Sometimes he became depressed, but then he would say,” Well, I can’t help it, I did my best, and there I leave it.”

Maclaren was a perfectionist and an idealist. Hence he was never satisfied with his own work. Perhaps that is how the Lord keeps gifted people humble, and Maclaren was both. Maybe there is a warning here for preachers: let God evaluate your ministry, for often when we think we are doing our poorest, we are really One vacation he had his picture doing our best. Woe to the man who taken by a local photographer becomes satisfied with his ministry! who did not know how famous his CONFIDENT LIVING

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For Maclaren, preparing messages was hard work. He often said he could never prepare sermons while wearing slippers: he always wore his outdoor boots. Studying was work, and he took it seriously. When you read his sermons, you can quickly tell that they were not “manufactured” between conferences and committee meetings. Maclaren was an expositor; he let the Bible do its own preaching. He studied a passage in the original language, meditated on it, sought its divine truth, and then “opened it up” in such a way that we wonder why we didn’t see it before. No artificial divisions, no forced alliteration, nothing sensational; just divine truth presented so simply that any listener (or reader) could understand and apply it.

Addresses, The Secret of Power, A Year’s Ministry, The Wearied Christ. Triumphant Certainties, and The God of the Amen are other titles to watch for, and there are many more. His greatest literary achievement is the Expositions of Holy Scripture. The standard biographies are: Alexander Maclaren, D.D.: The Man and His Message by John Charles Carlile; Dr. McLaren of Manchester: A Sketch by his cousin and sister-inlaw. E.T. Maclaren, who explains the spelling of the last name; and The Life of Alexander Maclaren by David Williamson. There is also an article on him in Princes of the Church by W. Robertson Nicoll.

What was the “secret” of Maclaren’s ministry? It could be summarized in two words: devotion and discipline. If you have not read Maclaren, start He was devoted to the Lord, and he with The Best of Alexander Maclaren, walked with the Lord. edited by Gaius Glenn Atkins and published by Harper in 1949. Here “Power for service is second,” he are twenty of Maclaren’s choice told the Baptist World Congress messages, a homiletical “sampler” in 1905. “Power for holiness and that will whet your appetite for more. character is first.” He said to a group Then get the three-volume series of ministers. “The first, second, Sermons Preached in Manchester. and third requisite for our work is Week-day Evening personal godliness; without that,

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though I have the tongues of men and angels, I am harsh and discordant as sounding brass, monstrous and unmusical as a tinkling cymbal.” He fed on God’s Word—not as a book for sermons, but as the source of his spiritual life and power. He meditated long hours and sought to understand the heart and mind of God. When he discovered a truth, he first applied it to himself and then sought the best way to share it with his people. But devotion without discipline can become shallow mysticism, and this pitfall Maclaren avoided. He scheduled his time and saw to it that none of it was wasted. He knew how to enjoy a vacation or an evening of relaxation, but even those times were opportunities for meditation and preparation. He did more by doing less. He knew how to say no. He did not feel obliged to attend every meeting, sit at every table, or grace every platform. “This one thing I do” characterized his life as it ought to characterize our lives today. We may not have Maclaren’s gifts, but certainly we can seek to follow his example. CL

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Bible Bible Times Times and& Customs Many Bible dictionaries and commentaries take the behemoth to be the hippopotamus. The chief arguments for this are the great weight and the great strength alluded to in the Book of Job, as well as the animal’s love of rivers and water. My own opinion is that the Bible behemoth was the elephant. The Book of Job makes special mention of the tail (v. 17); the elephant has a much larger tail than the hippo, so it fits the description better. The repeated mention of ivory in the Bible indicates the presence of elephants and the practice of elephant hunting. Solomon built his throne in the great Jerusalem temple using solid ivory and gold (I Kings 10:18; 11 Chron. 9:17).


great many animals are named and identified in the Bible. In addition to these, there are some which we cannot positively identify and some which we know little about. Some of these are mentioned a number of times and others, seldom. Even a firsthand knowledge of Bible lands cannot clear up the questions about some of these creatures. They may once have abounded in that part of the world, but they are no longer found there. One unusual name applied to a Bible animal is “behemoth.” When the Lord revealed himself to the patriarch Job in His great power and sovereignty, one of the things He said was “Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength SEPT – DEC | 2021

In the Book of Ezekiel “horns of ivory” are referred to, and I feel they mean the tusks of the elephant (Ezek. 27:15). We know that the Arabs (Ishmaelites) did an extensive trade in ivory long before the time of is in his loins, and his force is in the Christ, perhaps as early as the days of navel of his belly. He moveth his Joseph. tail like a cedar.... His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones In the description given in the are like bars of iron. He lieth under Book of Job, the behemoth’s great the shady trees, in the covert of the strength is referred to, and this, too, reed, and fens. The shady trees cover seems to fit the elephant better than him with their shadow. ... Behold, the hippopotamus. The reference to he drinketh up a river, and hasteth his nose piercing through snares well not: he trusteth that he can draw describes his trunk when trapped in up Jordan into his mouth.... His nose the great nets sometimes used for pierceth through snares” (Job 40:15- capturing him. 18,21-24). The word “unicorn” is of Latin The name “behemoth” does not origin. Its literal meaning is “one horn,” identify this animal, because the indicating a creature thus endowed Hebrew word behemah, as now by nature. In ancient mythology such commonly used, does not designate an animal is visualized as having a any specific animal but simply body and head like a horse, the hind signifies “beast.” Hence, we are legs of a stag, the tail of a lion, and left to the description in Job 40 to a single pretentious horn protruding determine exactly what animal was from the middle of the forehead. meant. CONFIDENT LIVING

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However, only in the King James Version of the Bible is the word “unicorn” found. Elsewhere, the Hebrew word reem is rendered “wild ox.” Reem does not signify a onehorned beast at all; rather, it indicates the animal now known as the “wild ox.” This creature, technically known as the “aurochs,” was once plentiful in both Europe and Palestine. It is a huge animal, standing up to 6 feet high at the shoulders, a voracious eater and exceptionally powerful. This animal was well known to the people of Old Testament lands, but it was untamable and impossible to use for agriculture.

from the rabbit though definitely prized among those who lived in the like it in certain respects. Unlike the Middle East, rabbit, it had short legs and ears and no tail. “Then shall the lame man leap as a hart, and the tongue of the In various respects these little dumb sing: for in the wilderness animals may be compared to the shall waters break out, and streams prairie dogs of the mid-western in the desert” (Isa. 35:6). This simile United States, although they had indicates the fleet footedness and very different feet. The coney’s feet the capacity this slight animal had for have been described as being “tiny, making long jumps. The psalmist’s but elephantlike”; therefore, conies statement, “He maketh my feet like have been called “little cousins hinds’ feet, and setteth me upon my of the elephant.” However, such high places” (Ps. 18:33). bears out tile descriptions can be very misleading, same idea, as does Habakkuk 3:19. and I cite them with caution. The most striking reference to The coney was a timid but the hart is Psalm 42:1,2: “As the hart extremely active little animal, panteth after the water brooks, so making its home in rocky territory panteth my soul after thee, O God. and particularly in rocky knolls or My soul thirsteth for God, for the hills. It was strictly a vegetarian. living God.” Though the hart was While it’s jaw action resembled cud- a small animal, it required a great chewing, he did not have the kind amount of water. The two things it of digestive tract that cud-chewing always sought were good pastures animals normally have, and therefore and streams of fresh water from it should not really be classed among which it could drink many times them. each day.

The creature named “leviathan” in the Old Testament is mentioned in four places: Job 41:1; Psalm 74:14; 104:26: Isaiah 27:1. In each instance the word is used without the article, indicating that it was likely used as a kind of proper name rather than simply as a noun. This would indicate that the animal referred to had a prominent place in the thinking of people in Old Testament times. “Leviathan” may have been a kind of Solomon drew a wise and household practical lesson from this little creature when he said, “The conies The Hebrew word livyatlan are but a feeble folk, yet make they signifies a huge water animal. Job their houses in the rocks” (Prov. 41 indicates that the leviathan 30:26). In the spiritual realm, this inhabited the water: “Canst thou reminds us of the words of Jesus in draw out leviathan with an hook?” Matthew 7:24,25. Here He compared (v. 1). In Psalm 104 leviathan is those who heard and obeyed His described as traveling with ships, words to a man who built his house further indicating a creature of the on the rock instead of on the sand. water. Together, the clues given in the four passages where “leviathan” The hart was a small variety of is mentioned suggest that this deer like the little red deer now creature was the crocodile. found in Syria and in parts of Africa and Europe. It was similar to the “Conies” are referred to four times American deer but much smaller. The in the Old Testament (Lev. 11:5; Deut, name “hart” was usually applied to 14:7; Ps. 104:18; and Prov. 30:26). the male animal after it has reached These passages indicate that the the age of five years. At this time it coney was a small animal which had six-pronged antlers, which were chewed the cud and was a rock shed annually like those of American dweller. In Deuteronomy 14:7 the deer. The meat of the hart and of the coney is described as being distinct hind, the female animal, was highly

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The two spiritual lessons for us from the hart are that God satisfies our constant spiritual thirst and that He enables our feet to be swift to do His will. There are about 35 occurrences of the words “dragon” and “dragons” in the King James Version of the Scriptures. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word signifies a long, serpentlike creature. In some instances, at least, it probably indicates a member of the crocodile family. The reference in Jeremiah 51:34, “He hath swallowed me up like a dragon,” strongly suggests the action of a crocodile. In the New Testament, the word “dragon” appears only in the Book of the Revelation. The dragons seen in John’s visions here were not necessarily real animals, for SEPT – DEC | 2021

numerous creatures appeared throughout the apocalyptic vision that were unlike any animals that we know to have existed. The dragon of Revelation is definitely associated with the Devil. In the Scriptures Satan is identified with the serpent (Gen. 3:1-15; Rev. 20:2), the dragon (Rev. 20:2), the lion (I Pet. 5:8) and the dog (Ps. 22:20). In the mythology of several ancient pagan religions the dragon was used as a symbol of the Evil One. who opposed all righteous deeds. The symbolism was doubtless carried over from the spiritual knowledge their ancestors once possessed (Rom. 1:21-25). The bear referred to in the Bible is the one now known as the Syrian brown bear. This beast still lives in Palestine- a hairy, shaggy creature, strong and cruel. It was used in prophetic Scripture to symbolize the great power and notorious cruelty of the Medo-Persian Empire which would conquer and devour Babylon (Dan. 7:5). Prophecy students also see a reference here to the “Russian bear” of end time events. CL


— Alexander Maclaren

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Good News ~Ward R.Smith~

Bible Reading: Isaiah 61:1-3 “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor” (Isa 61:1, NIV).

Wouldn’t it be nice if we heard only good news in the media? Wouldn’t it be great to hear about all the kind acts done every day- the victories over crime, poverty and drugs, the Christians who are serving God? Instead, we get a steady diet of gangs, murder, rape and all the rest. You never hear about those who are living good lives and walking with the Lord. But the best news of all is that Jesus Christ was anointed (set apart) to wipe away our tears (v1,3), to bring real joy in place of temporary thrills and the sorrow that follows (v3). Fear and despair are replaced by praise because God is still in control and will bring victory. Think About This: Good news! Though the world may seem to be falling apart, we are safe in Christ Jesus. CL CONFIDENT LIVING

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When we study the protective covering God has given us, we discover the “belt of truth” This is God’s truth, recorded in His Word and lived out each day in truthfulness and honesty with others. There is also the “breastplate of righteousness.’’ While we become righteous when we are saved, we have the duty to live righteously in response to that salvation. Furthermore, we are given “sandals of preparation,” which is the willing heart ready to do whatever God asks of it. Then there’s the “shield of faith,” which protects us from the fears and doubts that Satan loves to shoot at us. In addition, there’s the “helmet of salvation,” which is the understanding and assurance of all that salvation provides for us Most important, however, is the “sword of the Spirit” This is, of course, the Word of God. While all the other pieces of armor are created for our protection, our sword is an instrument designed for attack as well as defense. It is the means by which we move forward, invading the enemy’s territory.


he air raid sirens have sounded. The bombs are exploding. Satan’s kamikaze pilots are darting and diving overhead. The moment you knew would come has arrived. Temptation is beating at the door. What can you do? In the midst of the crisis, Christians need a battle plan. We know that this is Satan’s attack (whatever disguise he may be wearing). We recognize his strategy (we’ve fallen for it before). We’ve built up our spiritual strength. But now what should we do? Here’s what the Bible says.

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Yet In this list of armor there is one piece missing. There is nothing to protect the back. Only when we turn our backs are we vulnerable to Satan’s attack. Therefore, the key to success in defeating the Devil Keep Your Armor On is to keep your armor on and face Ephesians 6:11 says, “Put on the forward. In other words, stand fast. whole armor of God, that you may When you do, it’s Satan who will be be able to stand against the wiles of on the run. the devil.” But there’s more to it than simply putting it on; we’ve got to Give Yourself to God In the same context in which keep it on. That’s why Ephesians 6:13 goes on to say, “Therefore take up the James talks about Satan fleeing, he whole armor of God, that you may be also says, “Draw near to God and He able to withstand in the evil day, and will draw near to you. Cleanse your having done all, to stand” (emphasis hands, you sinners; and purify your mine). Ephesians 6:14 begins with hearts, you double minded. Lament the same thought, “Stand therefore and mourn and weep! Let your ...” If a soldier throws away his armor laughter be turned to mourning and runs, he has no protection. We and your joy to gloom. Humble must stand firm during the battle. yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up” (James 4:810). SEPT – DEC | 2021

Submission to God is an integral element in overcoming Satan. We do not have the strength on our own to defeat him, but God does. When we surrender ourselves to the Lord, He will fill us with His power, which spells doom for Satan.

Live the Promises

When confronted by Satan’s temptations, Jesus said. “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”’ (Matt. 4:4). Among these are the precious promises of God. Someone has This surrender, however, means calculated that there are 7,487 we must cleanse our hands from promises in the Bible. doing anything we know is wrong. And how do we do that? We apply We should have little difficulty the 1 John 1:9 principle to our lives: finding one or two to fit every tempting situation that Satan brings “If we confess our sins, He is faithful our way. But if we don’t know where and just to forgive us our sins and to to find these promises in God’s Word, cleanse us from all unrighteousness” or if we haven’t tucked them away Confession is not only good for in our heart, we can’t very well live the soul, It’s the only way to secure them. forgiveness for repeated sin in our lives. Confession brings cleansing, Too often we are like the weary and nothing else does traveler in the early years of America who came to the banks of the As we cleanse our hands, we also Mississippi River. To his dismay, he must purify our hearts. First John 3:2- discovered there was no bridge 3 says, “Beloved, now we are children It was early winter, and while the of God; and it has not yet been surface of the river was covered with revealed what we shall be, but we ice, he was uncertain whether it was know that when He is revealed, we thick enough to bear his weight. shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this It was getting dark and it was hope in Him purifies himself, Just as urgent that he reach the other side. He is pure.” Finally, after much hesitation and with great fear, he began to creep Let your heart burn as an offering cautiously across the ice on his to God (that’s what purify means). hands and knees He thought that if Love Him so deeply, so intensely he distributed his weight as much as that your heart is a sacrifice to Him possible, he might keep the ice from each day. Weep for your sins and breaking beneath him. for the sins of those around you. Mourn for your family. And in the As he was about midway across, midst of all this, humble yourself. he heard the sound of singing Be unassuming. Don’t go into battle behind him Out of the dusk came against Satan thinking yourself to be a man driving a horse drawn load some spiritual Goliath, or you’ll meet of coal across the ice and singing the same fate as that Philistine giant merrily as he went his way. Here the did against David. traveler was on his hands and knees, fearing that the ice might not be The only way to counteract the strong enough to bear him up. And pride of Satan is with the humility there, confidently assured, went the of Jesus. Give yourself to God in driver, his horses, his sleigh and his Chrisllike humility. load of coal upheld by the same ice.

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Like the man in the sleigh who knew the ice well, we need to know God so well that we have the same confidence in His promises. He has promised to be with us. Let’s lay claim to that promise! He has promised to uphold us. Let’s believe Him when He says so! He has promised to grant us victory over all our spiritual enemies. Let’s trust in His truthfulness! If you are to experience victory over Satan, you cannot creep upon God’s promises as though they were too frail to hold you up. Instead, you must stand upon them, confident that God is as good as His Word and that He will do for you what He has pledged,

Never Give Up

One final thing. Defeating the Devil in your life doesn’t require seminars, books, tapes, counselors, exorcists or anything else. All it requires is taking the Bible seriously. If you want the Devil to flee from you, find out what the Bible says, what it means, and how it applies to your life. If you read something you don’t understand, read it again. Pray and ask the Spirit of God to teach you. And if you’re still having problems understanding, ask someone who is mature in the faith to help you—an older Christian, your pastor, an elder—someone you can trust. But whatever you do, never give up. Submit to God. Resist the Devil. Having done all, stand. And he will flee from you. Isn’t it time you started living above the attacks of Satan? Isn’t it time you got some answers? Find out from God’s Word how you can defeat Satan in your life. Start living in the victory that Christ died to give you. With God’s Spirit within you, God the Father above you, and God the Son alongside you, you can defeat the Devil. CL


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basic principles of life and follow and security. Don’t spend beyond them carefully. your means even for your children. You have lived for them all through 1. Flourishing like a palm tree. 1. Never say “I am aged’: There and it is time you enjoyed a 2. Growing like a cedar tree. are three ages, chronological, harmonious life with your spouse. If 3. Bearing fruit in old age. biological, and psychological. The your children are grateful and they 4. Depending on God like a rock. first is calculated based on our date take care of you, you are blessed. But of birth; the second is determined by never take it for granted. 5. Declaring goodness of God, the health conditions and the third is II. CASE STUDIES how old you feel you are. While we 4. Relaxation and recreation: The 1. Moses has taken greater re- don’t have control over the first, we most relaxing and recreating forces sponsibilities and executed with can take care of our health with good are a healthy religious attitude, good same commitment. diet, exercise and a cheerful attitude. sleep, music and laughter. Have faith A positive attitude and optimistic in God, learn to sleep well, love good 2. Joshua continued the work of thinking can reverse the third age. music and see the funny side of life. Moses and took them to the destiny. 2. Health is wealth: If you really 5. Time is precious: It is almost like 3. Caleb did not lose his strength love your kith and kin, taking care of holding a horse’s reins. When they to the last day of his life. your health should be your priority. are in your hands, you can control Thus, you will not be a burden them. Imagine that everyday you are III. LIFE CAN BEGIN AT to them. Have an annual health born again. Yesterday is a cancelled 50. IT IS ALL IN YOUR check-up and take the prescribed cheque. Tomorrow is a promissory HANDS medicines regularly. Do take health note. Today is ready cash — use it Many people feel unhappy, insurance cover. profitably. Live this moment. health-wise and security-wise, after 60 years of age owing to the 3. Money is important: Money 6. Change is the only permanent diminishing importance given to is essential for meeting the basic thing: We should accept change — it them and their opinion. But it need necessities of life, keeping good is inevitable. The only way to make not be so, if only we understand the health and earning family respect sense out of change is to join the PSALMS 92:12-15

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SEPT – DEC | 2021

dance. Change has brought about 1. Take Care of Your Body and Your many pleasant things. We should be Health: For generations, there was happy that our children are blessed. an assumption that life after 60 was a time of inevitable physical decline. 7. Enlightened selfishness: All of This is no longer true! us are basically selfish. Whatever we do, we expect something in return. While there is no denying that We should definitely be grateful to our bodies change after 60, making those who stood by us. But our focus the right choices for your body can should be on the internal satisfaction make a world of difference. In fact, and happiness we derive by doing recent studies suggest that older good to others, without expecting women can keep getting stronger anything in return. and continue to feel great by staying physically active. 8. Forget and forgive: Don’t be bothered too much about others’ 2. Build a New Relationship with mistakes. We are not spiritual Money: In a perfect world, life after enough to show our other cheek 60 would be a time for enjoying the when we are slapped on one. But fruits of your labour, not worrying for the sake of our own health and about how you will pay your bills. happiness, let us forgive and forget Unfortunately, for far too many of them. Otherwise, we will be only us, this isn’t the case. If you’re having increasing our BP. financial difficulties, or don’t feel like you have your money working for 9. Everything has a purpose: Take you, it’s time to make some changes. life as it comes. Accept yourself as you are and also accept others for 3. Develop New Relationships: what they are. Everybody is unique Most women over 60, even women and right in his own way. who are married or in a relationship, are afraid of being alone. Single 10. Overcome the fear of death: women may wonder if they will We all know that one day we have ever find love again, while married to leave this world. Still we are afraid women may worry about the of death. We think that our spouse prospect of their partner dying and children will be unable to before them. Either way, the fear of withstand our loss. But the truth is loneliness is all too real for women of no one is going to die for you; they our generation. may be depressed for some time. Time heals everything and they will 4. Understand and Accept Your carry on. Body Image: People often say that one advantage of getting older is IV. SIX STRATEGIES that we become more comfortable TO HELP YOU GET with ourselves. This is partially


Life after 60 can be one of the most challenging and uncertain times in a woman’s life. It can also be one of the most fulfilling and rewarding. With our roles and responsibilities changing, life is once again a fresh canvas. If you are just now turning 60, you may be wondering what to do next. SEPT – DEC | 2021

5. Find New Ways to Relate to Your Food: Now, more than ever, our bodies need the right food to function properly. Fortunately, there are more options than ever forgiving our bodies the nutrition that they need. First, consider the source. Do you have a farmer’s market in your town that you can buy fresh produce from? Could you growyour own organic vegetables or start a window-box herb garden? 6. Make More Friends: Many women over 60 feel isolated. This is especially true for women who have retired and no longer have a regular social outlet. Instead of feeling lonely, be proactive. Reach out to people who share your interests. Build and nurture your circle of woman folk and act as the “event organizer” if needed. V. EIGHT REGRETS YOU DON’T WANT TO HAVE IN YOUR SIXTIES.

1. Holding on to a grudge: Someone once said that holding on to a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. It hurts you more than the offender.

2. Postponing an estate plan: If you are without a plan, you leave your heirs wondering about your wishes, which can lead to problems and infighting after your death. When you take the time to plan your estate, you remove that burden from them by letting them know exactly what you want.” It doesn’t matter if you’re single, have minimal assets, whatever your plan may be, put it in true. We definitely gain wisdom writing. with age and with wisdom comes acceptance. At the same time, society 3. Deciding it’s too late to make continues to promote stereotypes new friends: If you’ve reached your that women of our age are invisible, sixties, look for people who have unstylish, or not interested in sex. a common interest and common In addition, we are constantly hobbies and strike up a conversation bombarded with anti-aging ads and with them. “older” 30-year-old models. CONFIDENT LIVING

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4. Ignoring medical tests: No question, good genes help with healthy aging. But you still have some control here. Make sure you ask your doctor when and how often to have these screenings: blood pressure, colonoscopy, PSA (prostate), mammogram, pelvic exam and pap smear, eye exam (macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma arc common with age), cholesterol, vaccines (shingles, pneumococcal, flu shot, tetanus), and bone density. Of course, also ask about the frequency of tests for any specific ailments you suffer. 5. Letting fear rob you of what you want: Maybe you were raised by an overly anxious parent. Maybe you’re fearful because of a past traumatic event. Perhaps a therapist is the quickest route to overcome this issue. Whichever you choose to tackle it, face it courageously. 6.

Feeling too awkward to tell people how much they matter: If your family of origin was not particularly emotive, expressing feelings may feel totally alien. But it’s critical for this reason: “Not expressing your love to others ultimately separates you emotionally from them,”

7. Thinking you’re immune to falls: According to the CDC, one out of three people in the age group of 65 and above fall each year. If you fall once, you are at twice the risk of falling again. Know how to protect yourself. Ask your doctor if any of your medicine could be making you less stable; also ask if there is any deficienty of Vitamin D in your body.

your personal ethics as a way to feel What do you want your three good and increase happiness. And generations to remember about finally, remember that if you think you? poorly of yourself, that’s how others will respond to you. If you think You have to work individually on highly... well, you get the picture. the three generations (you, children and grand children) like-men, youth VI). GIVE PRIORITY TO and children ministries. CL


Give top priority to your physical fitness by adopting a healthy life style.


Be very selective in eating. Eat those foods that are good for your health and avoid those foods that you consider are harmful.


Keep your weight under control. Go for a brisk walk and do exercise daily.


Avoid visiting your doctor frequently. Twice a year medical check up is sufficient. For minor ailments use herbal medicine or allow your body to heal naturally,


Live a simple and stress free life as far as possible.

VII). THE ULTIMATE LIST-THINGS YOU SHOULD DO BEFORE YOU FINISH RACE 1. First 20 years of learning 2. Second 20 years of working 3. Third 20 years of leading a team

4. Fourth 20 years of leading the Finally, living by an outdated leaders-handing over script: There are three things you 5. Fifth 20 years documenting all can do to feel better about yourself. that is done Acknowledge with gratitude all the things in your life that make it good. Getting ready to finish the race Be generous to others, especially like Paul -2 Timothy 4:6-8 with kindness and thanks. Live by


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SEPT – DEC | 2021

BibleGood Times & Just News Customs “I tell you, nay; but unless ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:3) “Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” saith the LORD.” (Isaiah 55:7-8) ”Not by works of righteousness which we had done, but according to his mercy he saved us,(Titus 3:5a) “But to him that worketh not, but believeth in Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness” (Romans 4:5)

I CAME….because of your sins

“In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the “This is a faithful saying, and forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:14) worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save I AROSE…to keep you sinners,”(1 Timothy 1:15a) saved eternally “And this is the record: that God “As it is written there is none hath given to us eternal life, and this righteous, no, not one” (Romans life is in His Son.” (1 John 5:11) 3:10) “Therefore He is able also to save “For all have sinned and come to the uttermost those who come short of the glory of God” (Romans unto God by Him, seeing He ever 3:23) liveth to make intercession for them.” (Hebrews 7:25)

I DIED…to pay for your sin.

“But God commendeth His love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.” (Romans 5:8-9)

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow Me. And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” (John 10:27-28)


“But He was wounded for our admitting you are guilty, transgressions; He was bruised for that you cannot do anything to our iniquities. The chastisement of save or help save yourself, and that our peace was upon Him, and with you need Jesus Christ. His stripes we are healed.” (Is. 53:5) SEPT – DEC | 2021

YOU MUST TRUST… putting your complete faith in Jesus Christ to save you.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully persuaded that what He had promised, He was able also to perform.” (Rom 4:20-21) “To declare, I say, at this time, His righteousness: that He might be just, and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law.”(Rom 3:26,28)

What is your decision? CL


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We are happy to introduce this Creative Bible Learning method of studying your Bible book by book. Send the correct answers with your Name & address to receive a Special Gift from ‘Back to the Bible’. Study One book at a time.

Revelation 1-4 – Kindly Answer the Quiz with Bible References (NIV) 1. To how many churches did John write this 18. John saw a throne in heaven surrounded by letter? elders. 2. Who is the faithful witness and first born of 19. Each of the four living creatures looked like , , the dead? , and . 3. Jesus said He is Alpha and Omega meaning 20. Day and night were saying and ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come 4. John was in the island of where he received the revelation.

5. Seven stars are the seven

21. Blessed is the one who words of this prophecy of the 22. The seven lampstands are

6. The church in Ephesus abandoned the ________________ 7. Ephesian church hated the works of 8. To the one who conquers, Jesus will give to eat of the 9. To the church in Smyrna, Jesus said one who conquers will not be hurt by 10. Name of the faithful witness who was killed. 11. To the church of Pergamum, Jesus said will give to one who overcomes 12. To the church in Thyatira, Jesus said will give to the one who conquers and keeps 13. Jesus said that he knew the works of the church in Sardis, they have a reputation of but are 14. To which church did Jesus say that one who conquers will make him a pillar in the temple of God? 15. Which church was known for their works to be neither cold nor hot? 16. Those whom Jesus Loves, he and . 17. To whom did Jesus say will grant to sit with him on his throne?

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You can Also Send Your ANSWERS by Email:

The next quiz will be from Revelation 5-8 (NIV)

Quiz Answers: L uke 22–24 1. (22:1; Passover) 2. (23:7; Herod, Pilate) 3. (23:50; Joseph) 4. (24:13; 7 miles) 5. (22:43; an angel) 6. (22:7 Passover lamb) 7. (22:8; Peter, John) 8. (22:20 ; cup, new covenant, blood) 9. (22:23; Simon Peter) 10. (22:26; serves) 11. (22:40; temptation) 12. (22:44; drops of blood) 13. (23: 18,21; Barabbas, Jesus) 14. (23:26; Simon from Cyrene) 15. (23:33; Skull) 16. (23:38; This is the King of Jews) 17. (23;34; to forgive them) 18. (23:47; Centurion) 19. (23:33; Criminals (thieves)) 20. (24:2,3,4; open, Lord Jesus) 21. (24:7; crucified, raised again) 22. (24:5; living, dead) 23. (24:30,31; broke the bread) 24. (24:45; their minds) 25. (24:49; Jerusalem) SEPT – DEC | 2021


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SEPT – DEC | 2021

Good Start for a Godly New Year A Daily Devotional by Theodore H. Epp

A lifetime of intensive Bible study, research and meditation on the truths of the Word of God has produced this encouraging book of daily devotional thoughts. As you read and ponder these selections compiled from Dr. Epp’s numerous Bible book and character studies... < Words of hope for difficult days < Words of healing for life’s painful moments < Words of comfort in times of sorrow < Words of inspiration for the daily challenge of living < Words of encouragement to practice a godly Christian life.

ect A Perf e Choic

Gift o t Even

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