Jul Aug 2020

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TOPICAL STUDY BIBLE (NLT) The Topical Study Bible offers you an exciting opportunity to study the entire Scriptures in a fresh, new way. Now you can easily research your favorite Bible topics, see more clearly how the Old Testament and the New Testament fit together, bring together various Scripture passages chronologically, and above all, experience the wonder of God’s great plan of salvation that fills the whole Bible from Genesis through Revelation. The Topical Study Bible has been uniquely designed to link passages throughout the Bible that address a similar topic or theme. The Topical Study Bible is filled with various study helps to make it easy for you to do a topical study of the Scriptures.

Features 1. Introductions and Theme Charts The Introduction to each book of the Bible in The Topical Study Bible will make you aware of the major themes in each book. It will also show you how those themes relate to your daily life. In the first paragraph of each Introduction, the theme words are in italics. In the Gospel of Luke, for example, there are five key themes: Plan of God, Worldwide Savior, Social Concern, Prayer and Joy (see p. 1044). The second paragraph suggests several ways in which the themes can be applied to daily living.

2. Study Helps within the Bible Text a. Theme Notes The themes of each book of the Bible (outlined in the Introduction) are expanded into Theme Notes, located within the Bible text. Theme Notes are indicated by the symbol T .

b. Topical Notes The Topical Study Bible contains approximately 250 Topical Notes on important Bible subjects. Some of these (such as “Election,” “Justification” and “Redemption”) are doctrinal in nature; others (such as “Abortion,” “Mercy” and “Sexual Standards”) deal with significant moral issues. Still others (such as “David,” “Grief,” “Temple” and “Women”) are of a more general nature. These notes will give you important factual information in an easy-to-read format. Each of these Topical Notes is set in a boldface type. The note is located within the text, close to its text reference. It will be marked with the symbol N. Each

note briefly discusses the significance of that topic in the entire Bible.

c. Prophecy Notes The Topical Study Bible accents the unity of the Old Testament and the New Testament by including 140 Prophecy Notes, located within the Bible text and identified by the symbol p.These brief notes draw your attention to specific prophecies in the Bible and to their fulfillment.

d. Time Links The Topical Study Bible contains 90 Time Links, designated by the symbol TL. Time Links connect widely separated passages of Scripture that occurred at approximately the same time. For example, most evangelical scholars think that the events of the book of Job took place about the time of Abraham. A Time Link at Gen 13:2 (see p. 14) draws that to your attention.

3. Topical Ties At the end of each Topical Note is a section entitled “Topical Ties.” Topical Ties join together four to twelve Bible references, all on the same Bible topic; each one is a subdivision of the Topical Note. The symbol B (“Begin”) alerts you to the beginning text in a Topical Tie. The texts of the Topical Ties support the information given in the Topical Note.

4. Topical Index The Topical Study Bible contains an extensive Topical Index in the front of the book. This index outlines what the Bible says about all of the topics covered in the Topical Notes, plus many other important Bible subjects, persons and places. The Index also tells you whether or not there is a Topical Note or Theme Note on any particular subject.

* Includes Postage 5. “Old Testament in the New” Charts Located at the end of 41 of the 66 books of the Bible are “Old Testament in the New” Charts, designed (like the Prophecy Notes) to tie the Old and New Testaments together. In the Old Testament, these charts tell you at a glance which passages of each Old Testament book are quoted in the New Testament; in the New Testament, these charts list all of the texts of the Old Testament that each New Testament authors quoted.

6. General Charts Finally, there are several general charts that have been developed for The Topical Study Bible. They are: (1) A Chart on the Festivals of Israel, showing the passages where the laws for these festivals are located and the Old and New Testament texts that refer to these festivals. (2) A Chart of the Kings of Israel and Judah, showing their chronological relationship and giving Scripture references that describe their reigns. (3) Several Charts on the Ministry of Jesus, including one that gives his resurrection appearances .

(4) Several Charts listing all the Parables and Miracles in both Old and New Testaments.

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M.William Carey, Chairman Col.N.Prasad Reddy (Retd.), Vice-Chairman Rev. R. John Paul, Secretary M. R. Ephraim, Treasurer Joseph Shirsath, Member B. John, Member R.Anthony Raju, Member D. Robert Surya Prakash, Member Jul – Aug | 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Psalm 91 speaks of the one who “dwells in the shelter of the Most High” and who says of God, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust” (verses 1–2). Those who trust in God can live fearlessly. There is a direct correlation between faith and confidence to face dangers in life. As a fellow pilgrim, we encourage you to take strength in God’s word to be strong even in the rough weather (Mt.7:24). Peterson in his article ‘Fear Not’ tells that one of the problems that many are facing right now is the problem of fear. Some are fearful for various reasons in these dark and difficult days. He goes on to say: Fear is one of the signs of the last days according to Luke 21:25,26. Peterson shares this encouraging write up on how one can handle fear. Jesus said, “Follow me.” To do that, our hearts must belong to Him, our wills must be yielded to His, and our eyes must see only Him. If we are not following Christ, we are behind the wrong leader. Wiersbe in ‘How to Follow Jesus?’ clarifies on what it means to follow the Lord. Christians know the inner struggle over who will govern our lives, the only way we can follow Him is by submitting to Him. The safest place for a Christian to be is in the will of God. Warren asks pointed questions like: Who plans the agenda for your life? For this church? Do we ask Christ to rubber-stamp decisions we have already made? Or do we ask him to choose the way, guiding us through the Scriptures by his Spirit? Read on to examine your walk with God. David Mende in ‘Give Me Neither Poverty Nor Riches’ brings a biblical perspective on understanding on prosperity. In an attempt, to avoid offending their congregation, many ministers do not condemn sin. They try to refrain from preaching on topics such as suffering, self-denial, sacrifice, etc. Today, many preachers are abandoning “sound doctrine” and teaching what the “itching ears want to hear” (2Tim. 4:3). One such teaching that has become extremely popular since the last few decades is the ‘prosperity gospel’ or the ‘health and wealth gospel.’ God does bless his followers so that they can be a blessing to others. Preachers and teachers of the Word must strive to maintain balance in their teaching on wealth. Instead of incessantly working up our faith to become rich, we must first seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness (Mt. 6:33) Though we continue to face challenges, we thank God for His faithfulness in sustaining each one of us through these difficult times. Our wholehearted appreciation for standing with us in the ministry of Back to the Bible through your valuable prayers and financial support as well. Let us join our hearts with the Psalmist in expressing our confidence: My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Indeed,... the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. (Ps.121) God bless you With Best Regards.

Rev. A.P. Anil Kumar Associate Director (apanil@backtothebible.in)

" Call For Prayer: 04027796353; 09492440070" CONFIDENT LIVING



Contents Jul–Aug


Matthew 24:44

3 Designed For Your Need

S o you also must be ready, because the S on of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

5 God is still in control 6 The Kindness of God 7 Young Challenge 8 What a friend we have in Jesus 9 Letters from Readers

11 Great Is His Faithfulness

22 Foot Washing

24 Bio | John Charles Ryle

13 The Blame Game

27 Emotional Needs

14 How to Follow Jesus

30 Fear Not

15 YOUTH | Terminated!? 16 The Wind in the Field 20 A New level of Spirituality 21 Eunice


Bible Everyday

35 Death - It Happens Every Day

The greatest emotional need at any age is love. When people experience genuine love and mutual respect, it satisfies all the areas of our mind and body.

36 Creative Bible Learning

37-38 Faith Partner Form

33 Give Me Neither Poverty Nor Riches

If we keep our eyes on Christ, we will not get lost. Resist the temptation to focus on other Christians rather than on Christ.


Everyday... Each Person... gets a personalised message which suits their unique spiritual need.




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Like Anger management, Excercising Faith etc... 4



Jul – Aug | 2020

~Theodore H. Epp~ 1 Kings 19-8-18


erhaps we have felt like Elijah and said,”What is the use?”Perhaps we have given the best of our lives to accomplish something for the Lord and feel that we have been left stranded. Perhaps we feel that the enemy is seeking to destroy all traces of Christianity and belief in the true God and that he is after our soul, too. Perhaps we felt that we were the only people of God to face the challenge of the enemy. If so, we need to be reminded, as Elijah was, that God still had 7,000 who had not bowed their knee to Baal. And God still is the Almighty God. He is still on His throne. People cannot dethrone Him, no matter how hard they try. All we need for life and godliness and Christian service is found in Him. Perhaps we have tried hard to overcome the temptations and to rise above our testings. May be we might have fought against the overwhelming odds of modernism in our church. Perhaps we have done so and have found a few, if any, standing with us, and we are about ready to give up our belief in the fundamentals of the Word of God. Do not give up, God is still in control of this world and this universe. Probably we have tried hard to live for the Lord and have failed. In all probalility we may fail today as we failed yesterday and the day before and are asking, ”What’s the use?”Let us come out of the cave of darkness and listen to the still, small voice of God. He tells us that He has given us all that pertains to life and godliness ( 2 Pet 1:3). Every provision has been made for us. In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. Eph. 1:11 CL



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When all is going well, we attribute this to His kindness, but here is the ‘spin’ we put on it: we think that God is kind to us because He approves of our moral behavior. Is this true? Let me give you an easy example. Imagine the person who is sleeping with his girlfriend. No thunderbolt from heaven has stopped him. Everything is OK – or so he presumes. God has not punished him, so it must be okay. The same mistake is made by the greedy person, or the person who assassinates another person’s character or reputation, or the person who is disobedient to her parents, or the person who is heartless to the needy. They all mistake his kindness for approval.


“The Heart of the Gospel”

“Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance.” (Romans 2:4)


he Greek word for “presume” literally means “to look down on something or someone,” or “to underestimate the true value of something” – to sneer at something, to despise it. When a self-righteous hypocrite thinks there is nothing of which he needs to repent, he is presuming on and despising God’s kindness, God’s restraint towards him and His patience with him. Why does he do this? Because he does not think he needs God’s kindness. Feeling morally superior is an illusion based on hypocrisy. This results in two misapprehensions:




But the Bible says that God is kind because He is giving us time to repent. His kindness is an invitation to repentance. His kindness is to give us hope that mercy might be available!

1 We underestimate the value of In Romans 2:4 Paul uses three God’s kindness. We need to see that words: kindness, forbearance and this is what we are doing. We have to patience to describe God. stop miscalculating how badly we need mercy, grace, kindness – even Kindness simply refers to the pity. benefits that God bestows in our lives – both in the good and the 2 We misunderstand the meaning bad that happens to us. Kindness of His kindness. is not always expressed as ‘things going well’ for us. God may express Here is what typically happens. An his kindness through a tragedy – for individual feels he or she is a basical- that tragedy might give us an insight ly a good person. His/her life is going into our lives. quite well – they feel blessed. Their What is forbearance? In fact, it kids are basically good kids. Their job or career is going well. Their marriage is not just “tolerance” as we might is holding together – not like those assume. The original Greek word busted up people who are getting anoche means “to hold back.” So, in divorced. They have friends – and other words, God is bearing us, or good ones at that. Their retirement putting up with us, so to speak, to account is growing, as it should. All give us time to repent. of that, they reason, is the kindness The problem I have with the of God. And they tell themselves, “I give God the glory for all of that.” word “tolerance” is in the way we Jul – Aug | 2020

understand it today. In Canadian society, ‘tolerance’ means we accept any form of behaviour without passing any judgment on it. In this sense we should know that God is not tolerant at all. He makes a radical judgment on all of our behaviour. He did not tolerate the ancient world when He destroyed it with a flood. He did not tolerate the pride of Pharaoh when He devastated Egypt through a series of 10 plagues and then drowned his entire army in the Red Sea. He makes a radical judgment on all of our behaviour. That is why forbearance is a better word. God is bearing our sins – not tolerating them – He is holding up under them for the sake of His mercy. That’s what’s going on in your life – even as everything seems fine! The third word is patience. The fact that God has not destroyed us means that He is right now practicing both kindness and forbearance. Why is He doing this? He is giving you time to wake up, come to your senses and repent. Application: Have you pondered the kindness of God in your life? Perhaps you need to spend a few moments thanking Him and repenting of your sins. Let us make this a daily habit! CL

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Numbers 6:22-27 THE PRIESTLY BLESSING It’s time to Boost-up your MEMORY and Brush-up your ABILITY.

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But the Bible says that God is kind because He is giving us time to repent.

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A Devotional Thought on the Hymn...

“A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24).


any of us can remember hearing this song from earliest childhood. I can remember hearing it sung in Swedish by my father and mother. I also recall how all six of us children could sing all of the verses by memory. But with all of this, the full meaning of the song did not penetrate my heart as it should have until one day when I felt the desperate need of a friend.

Is there sickness? Are there weaknesses or cares that are too big for you to carry alone? Did you confide in someone whom you thought to be a friend only to find that you were disillusioned? Now, you are so very much alone; almost forsaken.

All of us need at least one close friend who will listen and be understanding in “everything.” Jesus offers Himself as that Friend. He wants to be included in the “everything” of your life.

This is when Jesus really enjoys being your Friend. He never forsakes nor forgets. He is the Friend of friends, so understanding, so eternally kind and so genuinely interested in the problems that you face each day.

Today may bring trials, temptations, Go to Him—share with Him all your troubles and discouragements. Are you ready for them? Are you on intimate “needs” in prayer. He is listening. CL speaking terms with Christ so that Satan will not be able to trip you up when the day brings on its series of problems?




Jul – Aug | 2020

Letters from Readers... 1. Please accept my heartfelt thanks to you for sending me the most inspiring “Confident Living” magazine. I am 88 yrs old and unable to go to church due to the fall I had a few months back. Praise God I am able to walk with the help of a walker in the house. Your magazine is a great blessing and helps me grow spiritually and it’s actually food for my soul. I totally depend on my God who strengthens and comforts me every moment of my life. I am great full to you. Mrs. N. dePadua, Chennai 2. Thank you for your magazine, We are being blessed by it. Praying for you and your wonderful ministry. May the Lord fulfil all your needs in His Vineyard. Mr. Jacob M. Souza, Surat 3. I have been receiving the magazine and all the communications sent by you and I am blessed. Thank you for sending the same. “Back to the Bible” ministry is very special to us. Our dad late R.Y. Samuel introduced us to this ministry. It is more than 50 yrs that in some little way we are in touch. For the past 20 yrs we are retired pensioners, God is providing all our needs, and His grace is sufficient for us in all our physical weaknesses. Please continue to pray for us. Mrs. S.O. Rawlin, Madurai 4. I do thank you for the “Confident Living” magazine. Very sad to hear that you are facing financial difficulty. I am sure the Lord will provide for all your needs. This is a testing time for all of us. I believe the Lord is shaking us out of our comfort zone, come what may we will continue to keep trusting the Lord. Mrs. Joan Viana, Goa

Names of those who sent the Answers for the Quiz on Luke 1–6 CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS !!

1. Mary Swaroopa Rani, Secunderabad 2. P. Hannah Priyadarshini, Kurnool 3. P. Chandrakala Eliah, Huzurabad 4. Hepzibah Thomas, Chennai 5. M. Syamala, Yeddumailaram 6. Birdie Stanly, Kannur 7. Ruth Rozario, Hyderabad 8. Indra Jayaseelan, Arakkonam 9. Susila Jayakumar, Arakkonam 10. P.E.J. Samuel, Chennai 11. Vinitha Joel, Chennai 12. Mary Benher, Secunderabad 13. Romola Joseph, Bangalore 14. Joshua Raman, Secunderabad 15. Premlatha Sekher, Kadapa 16. K.L.N. Prasad, Neyveli 17. Shirley Dosis, Kazipet 18. Angelina Pakkianathan, Coimbatore 19. Marjorie Abraham 20. Roda Grace 21. Jeffery Byrd, Pune 22. Jacobaiah Chowdary, Warangal 23. Gnanasree, Secunderabad 24. Swapan Kumar Ghosh, Santiniketan 25. Jalaja Naresh, Bangalore

Share with us how you have been blessed by the ministries of Back to the Bible.

26. S.L. Belvi, Belgaum 27. Prema Daniel, Bangalore

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Jul – Aug | 2020

They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness (Lam. 3:22-23). God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord (1 Cor. 1:9). God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able (1 Cor. 10:13). If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins (1 Jn. 1:9). Jesus Christ, the faithful witness (Rev. 1:5). Think of what we owe to the faithfulness of God! It is because He is faithful that we can know that His way of salvation is the correct one. It is because He is faithful that we can have assurance of salvation through His Word. It is because He is faithful that we can know our sins are forgiven. God’s faithfulness guarantees the fulfillment of all His prophecies and promises. His faithfulness accounts for our preservation day by day. We see His faithfulness to His creatures in Genesis 8:22: While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Psalm 36:5

fact, a person would be foolish not We might well ask, “What do we to believe it. Truth is what the Lord not owe to the faithfulness of God?” says about anything. The Bible is full losely connected to God’s of verses telling of God’s faithfulness. But this divine virtue should serve not only as a pillow but also as a immutability, a unique Here are a few: attribute, is His faithfulness, prod. We should want to be like Him. or His truth, which in a small way Therefore know that the LORD your We should be faithful in our dealings we can also cultivate. The Lord is God, He is God, the faithful God with one another, prompt in keeping absolutely trustworthy in all His (Deut. 7:9). appointments, dependable in ways, absolutely true to His Word. Your faithfulness endures to all keeping promises. We should be No promise of His can ever fail. He generations (Ps. 119:90). true to our marriage vows. Our word should be our bond. Once having can neither lie nor deceive. Because of this divine perfection, the Word Through the LORD’S mercies made a commitment, we should of God is the surest thing in the we are not consumed, because His stick to it, even if it means heavy loss (Ps. 15:4). We should be scrupulously universe. If God says something, compassions fail not. there is no risk in believing it. In honest, avoiding exaggerations and


Jul – Aug | 2020


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half-truths. We should be faithful at home, in the church, and in the place of work, living in such a way that one day we will hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Mt. 25:21,23). Thomas O. Chisholm praised God’s faithfulness in this way: Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be. Refrain Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided— Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above, Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. CL

The goal of faithfulness is not that we will do work for God, but that He will be free to do His work through us. God calls us to His service and places tremendous responsibilities on us. He expects no complaining on our part and offers no explanation on His part. God wants to use us as He used His own Son.

Oswald Chambers

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Jul – Aug | 2020

Parenting FAMILY learn anything from them, and he will never be any better. No one is a failure until he blames someone else. As for the effect on others when we play the Blame Game, Galloway wrote: “It never heals, it always hurts; it never helps a relationship, it breaks it; it never unites, never builds, it only divides and tears apart; it never solves a problem, it only compounds it.” How can you break the habit of playing the Blame Game?


o you like to play games? Here’s one for everyone, from the two year olds to the grandparents. It’s called “The Blame Game.” Of course, we’ve all played this game, but we didn’t call it the Blame Game. It was given that title by my good friend Dale Galloway in his exciting book Dream a New Dream. Actually, the Blame Game originated with our first parents. Adam, the first player, led off with “The woman…gave me of the tree, and I did eat” (Gen. 3:12). Then Eve followed with “The serpent (Devil) beguiled me” (v. 13). And we’ve been improvising on the original ever since. The four year old blames the stolen candy or the broken dish on Jul – Aug | 2020

First, remember that whenever something goes wrong—whether it’s the loss of a friend, a job, your marriage partner or just an appointment—your mind immediately latches onto a scapegoat to clear you of all blame. Now reject that instantly! Face up to your part in your problem, and confess it clearly and distinctly. (Remember to confess your faults—no one else’s.) Then, having confessed, forgive yourself, or you his little sister or on the cat, while will become your own opponent the 40 year old blames his infidelity Often, the chief object of our or broken marriage on his wife or his circumstances. When Johnny blame is God. Whether it’s a fatal gets a bad report card, he explains, accident, a terminal illness, a financial “The teacher hates me!” or “The setback or a national catastrophe, other kids keep talking to me.” Later, the first reaction of many of us is: when he gets into trouble with the Why would God let that happen? We law, he moans, “That cop was out to somehow ignore the fact that man, get me!” or “It wasn’t me! It was the in his rebellion against the wisdom other guys!” And when he blows one of God, is responsible for all his job after another: “Nobody could troubles. make it with that stupid boss!” or “Everybody acted like I had leprosy That is why Jesus Christ came— to take our sins and our failures on or something!” Himself, to bear the blame for them The Blame Game is the world’s as if He Himself had sinned. God most popular game—and the took the sinless One—Christ—and most useless. In fact, it’s worse than placed our sins on Him. God did this useless, it’s destructive. But it injures so we could be forgiven, freed from the blamer more than the blamed. all blame, given a clean slate with As long as he can blame someone God and with ourselves. And, believe else for his mistakes, he’ll never face me, that is fantastic! CL up to them. Therefore, he won’t CONFIDENT LIVING

| 13

Leadership Parenting cannot compare ourselves to other believers. We each have our own special relationship with Christ. In verse 16, Jesus is asking Peter, “Do you love me for who I am?” There was a time when Peter wanted nothing to do with a crucified Christ. He had to learn to love Jesus as he was, not how Peter wanted him to be. Jesus wants us to love the real Jesus, not an image of himself. In verse 17, Jesus is asking, “Do you love me the best you can?” Perhaps our love is not as deep as we might like, but Jesus wants the best we have. He never asks for more than we can give, but he does ask for our best. Our love for Jesus is also tested by our actions. Peter was told: “Feed My sheep.” We need a will submitted to Christ. In the past, Peter had told Jesus what to do (cf. Matt. 16:22). In John 21:1819, Jesus makes it clear that he alone issues the directives, including the one that Peter was eventually going to give his life in serving Christ (v. 19).


eter thought he was a good and loyal follower of Christ. He was the first to confess Jesus as the Messiah (Matt. 16:16). He boasted he would never fall away from Jesus (Mark 14:29-31). Then, on the night of Jesus’ betrayal and arrest, Peter became a coward and a traitor. Following Jesus involves much more than making bold theological pronouncements and claims of loyalty.

to follow Jesus. This is a lesson we all need to learn. To follow Jesus, we must meet the three requirements outlined in this passage:

We need a heart devoted to Christ. Three times, Jesus asked Peter about his love for Him (v 15-17).Our hearts are the center of our lives. What happens in our hearts—the attitudes there—affects the rest of our lives. Do we really love Jesus? Before we can follow him, we have Since Peter had failed as a “fisher to answer that question honestly. of men,” here turned to deep-sea fishing (John 21:3). That went poorly, Jesus posed it to Peter three until Jesus came and provided a times. In verse 15, Jesus is asking, great catch of fish. Jesus even cooked “Peter, how deeply do you love me?” breakfast for the disciples. And then Peter had boasted that his love was it was time for Peter and Jesus to talk. stronger than the other disciples; Their conversation was about how now he was learning that we

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We Christians know the inner struggle over who will govern our lives. We may resent Christ’s authority or resist it, but the only way we can follow Him is by submitting to Him. Christ told Peter he would die a martyr’s death. John’s commentary on that statement is that Peter’s death would glorify God. That divine glory motivates all Christ’s followers. Death makes us afraid, but Christ governs even our death. The safest place for a Christian to be is in the will of God. Who plans the agenda for your life? For this church? Do we ask Christ to rubber-stamp decisions we have already made? Or do we ask him to choose the way, guiding us through the Scriptures by his Spirit? Jul – Aug | 2020

We need eyes that are focused on Christ. Immediately after being told to follow, Peter looked at John and asked, “But Lord, what about this man?” (v. 21). It was normal to ask— but wrong. The only story Christ tells us is our own. He never tells us his will for others. We fill the role of disciple, not of God. Jesus told Peter, in effect: “It’s not your concern. Just follow me!” (v. 22). If you watch Christ, he will watch everyone else. Two of the fastest ways to stop following Christ are to compete with other Christians and compare yourself with them. One of the two results follows. Either you get a false sense of pride because you look superior, or you grow discouraged because you seem so poor. But the standard we must measure ourselves by is with the Lord Jesus. That is the only accurate way to determine our spiritual growth. If we keep our eyes on Christ, we will not get lost. “Keep your eye on the ball” is an old baseball adage, but every season you see routine plays turned into errors because someone “lost” the ball. Resist the temptation to focus on other Christians rather than on Christ. Jesus says to us, “Follow me.” To do that, our hearts must belong to Him, our wills must be yielded to His, and our eyes must see only Him. If we are not following Christ, we are behind the wrong leader. CL

There are many willful, wayward, indifferent, self-interested Christians who cannot really be classified as


Terminated!? ~R. Elizabeth Erlandson~

Bible Reading: Romans 5:1-11 “And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us” (Gen. 3:15, NIV).

Perhaps you’ve heard the expression, “It’s a done deal.” It means that no matter what else happens, nothing is going to change a certain situation. It’s a finished issue. Jesus Christ’s dying for you and me is a “done deal.” No matter what else happens, once you’ve repented of your sins and accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, nothing can change your relationship to God. Perhaps you’re going through a rough time in your life right now and wondering why. Today’s passage tells us that suffering eventually produces hope in the Christian, and hope does not disappoint us.

followers of Christ. There are relatively few diligent disciples who forsake all to follow the Master.

Philip Keller Jul – Aug | 2020

Think About This: Real hope is not based on circumstances but on the unchanging, finished work of Jesus Christ. CL CONFIDENT LIVING

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is dependent on the Holy Spirit, we are able to see the condition of the lost from God’s viewpoint and love people as Jesus loves them. The Holy Spirit effusively pours out in our hearts God’s love that was manifested in Calvary for the ungodly (Rom 5:5,6). This was the testimony of Paul: “I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart” (Rom 9:1-3). This was for the salvation of Israel (10:1,2). Also for him to preach the gospel boldly he pleaded with God’s people to pray “in the Spirit” (Eph 6:18-20).

2. He empowers us to WITNESS.


HE field is the world. The wind is the Holy Spirit. The world has not yet been saturated with the gospel. Worldwide evangelisation is a mountainous task. It cannot be accomplished by muscle power or monetary strength. As God told Zerubbabel, “It’s neither by might not by power, but by My Spirit” (Zech 4:6,7). Let’s study how the Holy Spirit helps us in missionary work if only we depend on Him.

1. He burdens us to PRAY. The Holy Spirit descends on God’s people as the “Spirit of Supplication” when they seek Him for direction in missionary outreach (Zech 12:10). We won’t have all the information about places and people we would visit with the Gospel. Our prayers will be limited by the available information. But when we respond to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, we move into a realm that’s beyond human imaginations (Rom 8:26,27).

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There’s hardly a vigorous missionary movement that was not birthed in prayer. In the early sixties one Sunday afternoon the Holy Spirit moved upon our college prayer group mightily as the Spirit of Intercession. He burdened us to pray for the African tribes. We didn’t understand why. We were all students and any of us had hardly travelled beyond 300 kilometers from the Southernmost towns of India. But we kept thinking about these tribal people. We had the shock of our life when one of the BYM outreach teams in late seventies spotted hundreds of tribal men and women with negroid features in the jungles of the State of Karnataka in India. They are said to have escaped from the slave traders and been living as a “hidden” people group. We have a growing Church in this community now.

The last recorded saying of Christ before His return to Heaven explains the supreme reason for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you; and you shall be witnesses to Me.” Eventhough the urgency to get the message of the Gospel to people had always been there, Jesus would not let His disciples go on with the job until they had been endued with power from Above (Lk 24:47-49). Jesus Himself though He was the very Son of God did not preach or minister to people in His own power. Peter who had closely watched Jesus for over three years observed, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good” (Acts 10:38). Oratory skills or clever salesmanship will accomplish nothing without the Spirit’s power (1 Cor 2:4).

Not one time encounter but an experience of continuous infilling of the Holy Spirit is a basic must for bold and effective witnessing. Those who were baptized with the Holy Spirit in the upper room on the Day When our missionary praying of Pentecost were filled again and Jul – Aug | 2020

“they spoke the word of God with boldness” (Acts 4:31). There must be frequent stirrings within so we will not be intimidated by fear of any sort (2 Tim 1:6,7). Peter before Pentecost was a notable coward. But the Holy Spirit emancipated him from the fear of men and empowered him to challenge thousands. He understood what difference it made when the gospel was preached “by the Holy Spirit sent from Heaven” instead of by mere human enthusiasm (1 Pet 1:12; Mt 26:34; Mk 14:31). His utter dependence on the Holy Spirit is seen in his unassailable defence before the council: “We ought to obey God rather than men... We are His witnesses, and so also is the Holy Spirit” (Acts 5:29,32).

evangelism. God is more than willing to bestow these gifts on us when we ask Him (Mt 7:11). Will the Lord of Armies be slack in equipping His soldiers before sending them to the battlefront?

3. He directs us to GO.

As per the Great Commission we are to go everywhere preaching the Gospel to everyone. But the condition of one field differs from the other. Some fields are yet to be ploughed. Some other fields are ready for sowing. And there are fields already ripe for harvest. So also the gifts and calling of God vary from missionary to missionary. Some workers are efficient in ploughing, whereas others excel in sowing or reaping (Jn 4:37,38; 1 Cor 3:5-7). The Holy Spirit as the Chief Executive of Satan will not peaceably surrender missionary work. his captives. Missionary work is a spiritual warfare. As the beautiful feet The Spirit decides who should march with the shoes of the gospel be bestowed with a particular gift towards the enemy’s territory, all the and the Spirit also directs when to fury of the principalities, powers, go, where to go and to whom you rulers of darkness and spiritual hosts should speak. In His sovereignity of wickedness will be turned against He can change the course and the them (Eph 6:12,15). Satan will have candidates. Blessed are the flexible; his agents like Elymas to hypnotically for they shall not be broken! influence the hearers of the gospel through sorcery, false prophecy and The Book of Acts is the textbook the like. Only when the witnesses are on missions. It teaches us through “filled with the Holy Spirit” can they examples how we can be successful confront the formidable enemy and in missionary outreach if we set the captives free (Acts 13:6-10; Isa follow the voice of the Holy Spirit. 61:1). The following three incidents are illustrative. The Bible encourages us to “desire spiritual gifts” (1 Cor 14:1). The first Evangelist Philip was conducting list of gifts in the New Testament is a glorious healing campaign in given in the context of evangelism Samaria (Acts 8:5-7). This was the (Mk 16:15-18). Of the gifts of the talk of the town (v 8). Huge crowds Spirit (1 Cor 12:7-10), the word of were thronging to hear him and see wisdom (Acts 15:13-21), the word the miracles. People were baptized of knowledge (Acts 8:23), faith (Acts in water and getting filled with the 28:3-6), gifts of healings (Acts 9:33-35), Holy Spirit (vv 16,17). working of miracles (Acts 14:3) and discerning of spirits (Acts 16:16-18) In the midst of such a hectic are the most essential to missionary program and an arduous ministry to Jul – Aug | 2020

thousands, the Holy Spirit directed Philip to go to the desert of Gaza to minister to just one individual! (vv 26,29). This may not appeal to human logic, but the Heavenly Wind blows where it wishes! Those born of the Spirit must yield themselves to be also borne by the Spirit! (Jn 3:8). Simon Peter was vacationing with Simon the tanner enjoying the sea breeze and spending time in prayer (Acts 9:43; 10:5,6,9). He would have least expected a missionary call from the gentile world at that hour. He was a biased Jew. But “the Spirit said to him, Behold, three men are seeking you. Arise and go, doubting nothing; for I have sent them” (Acts 10:19,20; 11:12a). Basically, Peter was called to be an apostle to the Jews (Gal 2:7,8). He had no personal liking for the nonJews either. But because Christ in the first instance had given the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to Peter, the Holy Spirit urged Peter to inaugurate the gentile ministry (Mt 16:16-19). Sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit is indispensable to fulfill God’s missionary program. Paul and Barnabas were two among the five prophets and teachers in the Church at Antioch. The disciples of this Church were the ones to be first called Christians (Acts 11:26; 13:1). Though Paul and Barnabas would have been such a blessing to this local Church, the Holy Spirit spoke to the other leaders to release them for the translocal missionary work (Acts 13:2). The Holy Spirit was so actively operating in this enterprise that it is recorded that these two men were “sent out by the Holy Spirit” even though it was apparently the other leaders who sent them forth (compare v 3 and v 4). Which Church does release its best ministers for missionary work? Is the Holy Spirit not speaking to us these days or are we not obeying His voice?


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The Holy Spirit not only sends us to the fields but also guides us in the work. His guidance can be either through open doors or closed ones (Acts 16:6-9). He also creates irresistible desires in the hearts of missionaries about specific places or peoples. An example: “Paul purposed in the Spirit... I must also see Rome” (Acts 19:21). Though the message is the same to all peoples, the methods will have to be changed to suit the cultures (1 Cor 9:20-22). The Holy Spirit as “the Spirit of wisdom and understanding” leads us to behave prudently according to the situation (Isa 11:2).

4. He inspires us to GIVE. Money is not primary in missionary work but it is necessary. Pioneer missionary work is more expensive than the maintenance of established Churches. Though tithing is a healthy practice, if Christians won’t give more than one tenth of their income, world evangelization will continue to be far from realisation. The Spirit of Pentecost released a spirit of liberality in those who received Him. According to the Biblical record, there were no direct orders or indirect hint from the apostles to get the disciples sell their belongings and pool the money for common enjoyment, especially to bless the have-nots. The spontaneity of the act is the miracle of miracles! (Acts 2:44,45; 4:34,35). Fresh outpourings of the Holy Spirit are reported worldwide. People speak in tongues, shout, jump, dance, fall, roll and so on and so forth. But do we hear of anyone sharing his wealth liberally with the poor and the needy as a direct result of being baptized with the Holy Spirit? Which will be a more practical and convincing evidence of Spirit baptism— Acts 2:4 or 2:44? Missions Researcher

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David Barrett reports that of the top twenty American Churches in giving, not one is charismatic. Where have we gone wrong?

told of Barnabas that “he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit... and a great many people were added to the Lord” (Acts 11:24).

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of glory (1 Pet 4:14). When He possesses us He grants us glimpses of eternal glory. As a result our grip on earthly gold and possessions is loosened. When Abraham was satisfied with the bread and wine received from Melchizedek, King of Salem, he despised the material wealth offered by the King of Sodom (Gen 14:1824). This dimension of the ministry of the Holy Spirit must be restored in our life and teaching. That alone would usher in the long awaited revival of giving.

In our mission fields we have frequently witnessed outpourings of the Spirit on the hearers of the gospel even before they were formally initiated into Christian life by a mouth confession or water baptism. In such instances the Church growth has been phenomenal. The case of Cornelius is illustrative of this sovereign act (Acts 10:44-48). After all it is the Holy Spirit who baptizes (inducts) people of any culture and status—Jews or Greeks and slaves or free —into the one Body of Christ! (1 Cor 12:13).

5. He helps us to REAP.

At the same time we cannot conclude that the Holy Spirit is not at work if the harvest is poor or delayed. Not all soils are alike. We must be faithful in sowing and watering but leave fruitbearing into the hands of God. The Bible emphatically states, “Neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase” (1 Cor 3:7). Having done all, we must wait on the Lord till He rains on our fields (Hos 10:12). He will not disappoint us. He will cause the former rain and the latter rain to come down for us (Joel 2:23). Stay positive and expectant (v 21). Our labour will not go in vain (1 Cor 15:58). “In due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Gal 6:9b).

Reaping the harvest is the most exciting part of missionary evangelism. The endtime ingathering of souls is accelerated by the last days ourpouring of the Spirit. Quoting Joel’s prophecy Peter in his Pentecostal sermon said, “It shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh... And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:16,17,21). The Holy Spirit mobilizes the entire Church —not just its fulltime ministers —”sons... daughters... young men... old men... menservants... maidservants”— for gathering the grains (vv 17,18). Aggressive evangelism is a natural 6. He causes outflow of the Holy Spirit revival. congregations to When God pours out showers of GROW. blessing on His people dwelling on Just like Abraham sent Eliezer to His hill, they invariably become a find a bride for his son Isaac, God the blessing to those all around (Ezek Father has sent the Holy Spirit to get 34:26). the bride ready for His Son. The Holy Spirit is now preparing the Church Not only the Church as a to be married to the Lamb of God. community but also each Christian Until Christ returns the Holy Spirit becomes a mighty soulwinner works zealously for the Church for through the fullness of the Spirit. It is her health and growth. About the Jul – Aug | 2020

early Church congregations we read 7. He strengthens that they walked in the “comfort of us to SUFFER. the Holy Spirit” and were multiplied Missionary work without (Acts 9:31). suffering is unheard of. The Lord Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit as It is the Holy Spirit who ordains “another Comforter.” As a Comforter, overseers to shepherd the Church even before the missionaries of God (Acts 20:28). He equips them face persecution, He strengthens with His gifts of wisdom, knowledge their hearts for what lies ahead. and discernment and guides them Missionary Paul declared, “The Holy in leadership. As the Spirit of Truth Spirit testifies in every city, saying He leads the Church into all truth (Jn that chains and tribulations await 16:13). He reminds the Bride of the me” (Acts 20:23). words of the Bridegroom so her walk may be pleasing to Him (Jn 14:26). In His commissioning address When doctrinal disputes come up, to the twelve disciples, Jesus the Holy Spirit sheds new light on the encouraged them saying, “You will Scripture for better understanding. be brought before governors and See how wonderfully He helped the Kings for My sake... But when they leaders in Jerusalem council to sort deliver you up, do not worry about out the circumcision issue! Their how or what you should speak... for conclusion was what “seemed good it is not you who speak, but the Spirit to the Holy Spirit and to them” (Acts of your Father who speaks in you” (Mt 15:28). 10:18- 20). We see this magnificently fulfilled in the case of Stephen. He The Church grows healthily when was not primarily a preacher or a “every organ” and “every joint” func- teacher of the Scriptures but only tion effectively (Eph 4:16). A Church a deacon appointed to look after with a silent majority is not a New business matters in the Church Testament Church. When the Holy (Acts 6:2-5). But his opposers “were Spirit has His sway He energises and not able to resist the wisdom and enthuses every member to function the Spirit by which he spoke” (v to his fullest God-given potential. 10). He died a martyr’s death “being There’s no “non-spiritual” work in full of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 7:55). It the Church. Whether it is artwork or is frequently observed in pioneer administration, the Holy Spirit is the mission fields that the answers Enabler (Ex 31:1-5; Acts 6:3). given by uneducated but Spirit-filled

Jul – Aug | 2020

workers in defence of the gospel would baffle the best of theological minds! Suffering is suffering. Pain is pain. But the Holy Spirit fills the persecuted with inexplicable joy (Acts 13:50- 52). This is something which neither the persecuted nor the persecutors can understand. The stories of martyrs right through the Church history attest this fact. Of the seven Churches mentioned in the second and third chapters of Revelation, the only two Churches which were not rebuked were missionary minded. The Smyrna Christians were promised “crown of life” and the Philadelphians the position of a “pillar in the temple.” What more do we need? He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches about the unchurched! CL

Were it not for the work of the Holy Spirit there would be no gospel, no faith, no church, no Christianity in the world at all.

J.I. Packer


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introspect Parenting all proportion, that the “us” of the New Testament is being displaced by a selfish “I.” Has it ever occurred to you that 100 pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which one must individually bow. So 100 worshipers meeting together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were they to become “unity” conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship. Social religion is perfected when private religion is purified. The body becomes stronger as its members become healthier. The whole church of God gains when the members that compose it begin to seek a better and a higher life.


une me, O Lord, into one harmony With Thee, one full responsive vibrant chord; Unto Thy praise, all love and melody, Tune me, O Lord. —Christina Georgina Rossetti

though from whom or from how many I cannot possibly know. I do not want to leave the impression that the ordinary means of grace have no value. They most assuredly have. Private prayer should be practiced by every Christian. Long periods of Bible meditation will purify our gaze and direct it; church attendance will enlarge our outlook and increase our love for others. Service and work and activity—all are good and should be engaged in by every Christian. But at the bottom of all these things, giving meaning to them, will be the inward habit of beholding God. A new set of eyes (so to speak) will develop within us enabling us to be looking at God while our outward eyes are seeing the scenes of this passing world.

Many have found the secret of which I speak and, without giving much thought to what is going on within them, constantly practice this habit of inwardly gazing upon God. They know that something inside their hearts sees God. Even when they are compelled to withdraw their conscious attention in order to engage in earthly affairs, there is within them a secret communion always going on. Let their attention but be released for a moment from necessary business and it flies at once to God again. This has been the testimony of many Christians, so many that even as I state it thus Someone may fear that we are I have a feeling that I am quoting, magnifying private religion out of

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My way is very simple. My soul lives on God, by a glance of love between Him and myself. By this glance God gives Himself to me, and I give myself to Him. This is my habitual state, that in which God has placed me. —Lucie Christine All the foregoing presupposes true repentance and a full committal of the life to God. It is hardly necessary to mention this, for only persons who have made such a committal will have read this far. When the habit of inwardly gazing Godward becomes fixed within us, we shall be ushered onto a new level of spiritual life more in keeping with the promises of God and the mood of the New Testament. The Triune God will be our dwelling place even while our feet walk the low road of simple duty here among men. We will have found life’s summum bonum indeed. Dispose our soul for tranquility, O God, that the loving knowledge of contemplation may the more grow and the soul will feel it and relish it Jul – Aug | 2020

more than all other things whatever; because it brings with it peace and rest, sweetness and delight, without trouble. —St. John of the Cross There is the source of all delights that can be desired; not only can nought better be thought out by men and angels, but nought better can exist in any mode of being! For it is the absolute maximum of every rational desire, than which a greater cannot be. God fully expects the church of Jesus Christ to prove itself a miraculous group in the very midst of a hostile world. Christians of necessity must be in contact with the world but in being and spirit ought to be separated from the world—and as such, we should be the most amazing people in the world. O my God, let me walk in the way of love which knoweth not how to seek self in any- thing whatsoever. O sight to be wished, desired and longed for, because once to have seen Thee is to have learned all things! Nothing can bring us to this sight but love. O Lord, give this love into my soul, that I may never more live nor breathe, but out of a pure love of Thee, my all and only good. Amen. —Dame Gertrude More CL

Spirituality: Seeking and doing those things that please God, in all things, at all times, to the glory of God, in the name of Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Unknown Author

Jul – Aug | 2020

~Woodrow Kroll~ Name

: Eunice

Nationality : Jew Era


Circa A.D. 50



Lystra, in central Asia Minor

Reference :

Acts 16:1-3 2 Timothy 1:5 2 Timothy 3:14-15

The wife of a Greek unbeliever, Eunice was a faithful Jewess who loved God and raised her son to love Him too. From his early childhood she, along with her mother, Lois, taught young Timothy the Word of God. She did not shirk her responsibility simply because her husband was unable to fulfill his. Apparently she did an outstanding job, because when the apostle Paul came to Lystra looking for an associate to accompany him on his second missionary journey, he selected Timothy. At this choice Eunice remained silent. Even though it meant separation from him, Eunice had raised her son for the Lord, and now he was fulfilling his purpose. Eunice is an example for every godly wife and mother. CL CONFIDENT LIVING

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Bible Bible Times Times and& Customs but now He teaches them in such a way as surely they could never forget. (2) A condescension to be serviceable. To wash one another’s feet is to stoop to the meanest office of love, for the real good and benefit of one another. (3) A serviceableness to the sanctification one of another: Ye ought to wash one another’s feet, from the pollutions of sin. We cannot satisfy for one another’s sins, but we may help to purify one another from sin. We must sorrow for the failings and follies of our brethren, must wash our brethren’s polluted feet in tears.” My own experiences in a land where the practices and customs of Bible times have been perpetuated lead me to agree with this view, though not in any way indicting or disparaging those who feel otherwise. In the countries we call “Bible lands,” the majority of the people wore only sandals, and their feet readily became soiled. Most roads were not hard-surfaced, and in the rainy season they became extremely muddy and unsanitary.


n John 13 we read the moving account of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. Following the Last Supper, Jesus got up from the table, laid aside His outer garments and tied a towel around himself. Then, pouring water into a basin, He stooped down to wash the disciples’ feet. With this act of self-humiliation complete, He said to His disciples, “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you” (vv. 14,15). Some Christians have understood from this that foot washing should be practiced in the church as an ordinance much like the Lord’s

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Supper and baptism. There is evidence that Ambrose, the bishop of Milan, practiced this in his church in the latter part of the fourth century. Augustine, though he did not positively sponsor the practice, did intimate that to do this would be a commendable act of humility. Certain religious denominations and groups practice literal foot washing to this day. The godly old commentator Matthew Henry wrote: “(1.) Some have understood this literally. (2) But doubtless it is to be understood figuratively. Three things our Master hereby designed to teach us:- (1) A humble condescension. Christ had often taught his disciples humility, and they had forgotten the lesson;

Because the feet became dirty so easily, it was customary for a man entering a home to remove his sandals in the vestibule and wash his feet before proceeding into the house. The homes of men who were affluent enough to have several servants always had a particular servant at the door assigned to the task of washing the feet of all who entered, particularly guests. The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, edited by Merrill C. Tenney, states that when a visitor enters a house, the lowest servant is detailed to wash his feet. This I can personally verify. The washing of feet was the least desirable of all the tasks of servitude and was considered to be extremely humiliating. Jul – Aug | 2020

The relationship between the guest and the servant at the time of foot washing was vividly demonstrated to me on one occasion when I was visiting the house of a district chieftain in Morocco. We had been preaching in a nearby marketplace, which had turned to a sea of mud because of heavy rains. When we arrived at the chieftain’s home, a servant was dispatched to wash our feet at the entrance. It is always humiliating for a servant to be assigned to wash a guest’s feet, but for a proud Muslim to have to wash the feet of a despised Christian was doubly humiliating and irritating. If looks could have killed, we would have had clean feet on dead bodies!

be clean. Apparently not one of the disciples had volunteered to wash the feet of the others; therefore, the Lord Jesus stooped to this most humiliating of all tasks and washed their feet Himself.

When He had washed their feet, He said in essence, “As I have stooped to render to you the lowliest and most humiliating of all services, so ought you to be prepared to render to one another the lowliest and humblest service.” The Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown commentary says that the words, “ought to wash one another’s feet,” should be taken, “not in the narrow sense of a literal washing, profanely caricatured by Popes and Emperors, but by the very humblest The foot washing of John 13 real services one to another.” occurred at the time of the Passover, when the spring rains were falling. That this is the correct The streets of Jerusalem were no understanding is indicated by the doubt particularly muddy and words of Jesus in verse 7: “What unclean at the time. Obviously, the I do thou knowest not now; but disciples should not have come to thou shalt know here after.” If literal the Passover table with unwashed foot washing had been meant, such feet, but apparently they did. words would have been pointless. Before sharing the Last Supper with He also said, “If I wash thee not, thou them, Jesus insisted that their feet hast no part with me” (v. 8). Surely

1 Year

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` 400 /2 Years — ` 600 /3 Years — ` 800 /4 Years — ` 1,000 /5 Years — ` 5,000 /Life Time —

Matthew Henry aptly wrote: “The transaction was very solemn... and four reasons are here intimated why Christ did this: 1. That he might testify his love to his disciples, (v. 1,2) 2. That he might give an instance of his own voluntary humility and condescension, (v. 3-5) 3. That he might signify to them spiritual washing, which is referred to in his discourse with Peter, (v. 6-11). 4. That he might set them an example, vv. (12-17).” CL

Every good thing in the Christian life grows in the soil of humility. Without humility, every virtue and every grace withers. That’s why Calvin said humility is first, second, and third in the Christian faith

John Piper

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Golden Opportunity Jul – Aug | 2020

this could not apply to the literal washing of physical feet. Jesus went on to say, “He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit” (v. 10). He must have been referring to spiritual cleansing rather than to physical washing.


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Bible Times Biography & Customs majority of the clergy endured the presence of the evangelicals the way a fishing party endures gnats and mosquitoes—always hoping they will somehow go away. Evangelical clergy were not appointed to the boards of various church ministries or, for the most part, asked to preach at important church functions. But the evangelicals practiced their faith and made monumental contributions to both the church and the nation. It was the evangelicals who led the fight against slavery, child labor, poor factory conditions, and the abuse of the poor and the insane. Much of what we value in modern social legislation, and perhaps take for granted, grew out of the ministry of Wesley and Whitefield and their successors.


eware of divisions. One thing the children of the world can always understand, if they do not understand doctrine; that thing is angry quarrelling and controversy. Be at peace among yourselves.” So wrote Bishop John Charles Ryle in his farewell message to the ministers of the Liverpool Diocese on February 1,1900, as he closed nearly twenty years of faithful ministry among them. Four months later, on June 10, he died, but he left behind a spiritual legacy that has enriched believers and strengthened the church. The Church of England, to which Ryle belonged, was not a united people. For years there had been a high-church faction that promoted ritual and always seemed to be drifting nearer to Rome; a broadchurch group that was tolerant of diverse religious emphasis but not too enthusiastic for the gospel; and then the low-church segment,

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known as the evangelicals. It was to this latter group that Bishop Ryle belonged.

The evangelicals also founded a number of effective organizations to promote the spread of the gospel: the Church Missionary Society (1799), Religious Tract Society (1799), British and Foreign Bible Society (1804), and several more. They had a burden for Israel and started a mission board for witness to the Jews. In both home and foreign missions, they led the way, seeking to win the lost and build new churches. They shocked their more proper brethren by daring to preach out-of-doors, as Jesus and Paul did. They even held evangelistic services in unconsecrated buildings. For all of this, of course, they were criticized; but their only concern was to please their Master, so they kept right on.

The evangelicals in the Church of England grew out of the great revivals of Whitefield and Wesley. Converts who left the national church and united with independent groups were called Methodists. But those who remained in the Anglican Church and were true to their doctrinal convictions were called evangelicals, and they were a great and glorious host. Some of the greatest gospel-preaching ministers in English church history were a part of the evangelical movement—men like William Romaine, Henry Venn, John Charles Ryle was born May Charles Simeon, William Grimshaw, John Fletcher, and John Newton, 10, 1816, in Macclesfield, Cheshire, who wrote “Amazing Grace.” the center of the great silk industry in Britain. The Ryle family had long It was not easy to be an been established there and were evangelical in the established quite prosperous. Several of their church. Evangelicals would not be men, including Ryle’s father, had recognized by those in authority, and served as mayor. would probably not be promoted or offered the better churches. The There was a strong evangelical Jul – Aug | 2020

element in the family’s faith, going all the way back to 1745, when John Wesley himself had preached in that region.

manager; the combination of the two brought ruin. The family was left with Mrs. Ryle’s dowry, some personal property, and their clothes. Mr. Ryle spent the next twenty years paying back every cent of his debt, with each member of the family assisting in every way possible. Even when John was rector at Helmingham, he wore threadbare clothes in order to save money and assist his father. He firmly believed that his father’s spiritual falling away was the real cause for the failure of the bank.

At age twelve Ryle entered prep school, leaving in 1827 to enter Eaton, from which he graduated in 1834. He then enrolled in Oxford, and in the year he graduated (1837) he was soundly converted. His sister and cousin had been converted earlier and had witnessed to him. A serious illness just before his final examinations also gave him time to reflect on his life and consider Before the year 1841 was over, spiritual things. young John determined that God had called him to the ministry. He had attended one of the parish He was ordained on December churches one Sunday afternoon, but 12 and preached his first sermon neither the sermon nor the hymns on December 19. He began his made any impression on him. But ministry at Exbury and then was when a man began to read the appointed to Winchester; these brief second Scripture lesson for the day, experiences helped him to prepare the Word gripped Ryle’s heart. The for the longer ministries that were passage was Ephesians 2, and when to follow. From 1844 to 1861, he the reader got to verse 8, he read it served at Helmingham, where he with special emphasis: “For by grace had a rather difficult time with the are ye saved—through faith—and lord of the manor, who tried to run that not of yourselves—it is the gift both the town and the church. Ryle of God.” Young Ryle believed that went through the valley during Word, and God saved him. those years, burying his first wife in less than two years in 1847 and his In preparation for sharing his second wife in 1860. father’s banking business, Ryle studied law in London, but after From 1861 to 1880, Ryle six months he had to return home ministered at Stradbroke, and during because of ill health. However, he that time he met and married his soon recovered and entered into third wife. These were happier business with enthusiasm. He was years. For one thing, there was no considered one of the most eligible rich landlord throwing his weight bachelors in the district: young, around and, for another, Ryle’s popular, successful, and a devoted people loved him and were eager Christian. But he was afraid of to hear the Word preached. He led women. His father offered him a them in the physical restoration of house and a large sum of money the old church, making certain that if he would marry, but even these the pulpit was given its proper place incentives did not move him. of prominence. He had the workmen carve on the pulpit “Woe is unto me In June 1841, the bank failed and if I preach not the gospel!” When the the family lost everything. Ryle’s fa- workmen had finished, he took a ther had followed some bad advice tool and underlined the word “not” and had hired an untrustworthy with a deep groove. Jul – Aug | 2020

In 1880, John Charles Ryle was appointed the first Bishop of Liverpool, a new diocese that had been carved out of the Chester diocese. How did it happen that an evangelical was appointed to this important position and given the opportunity to build an evangelical ministry from the ground up? From the human point of view, the appointment may have just been a piece of religious politics, but God certainly overruled it for the good of his church. At the February 1880 election, Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli suffered an overwhelming defeat at the hand of Gladstone. Disraeli was anxious that a staunch Protestant be appointed to the new post, and the leading churchmen of Liverpool were behind him. The fact that Liverpool was Gladstone’s hometown made Disraeli’s decision even more significant. Ryle was given a very little time to consider the offer because time was working against them; he immediately accepted, and three days before Gladstone took office all the formalities had been completed. On May 4, Oxford University conferred the Doctor of Divinity degree on him, and on June 11 he was consecrated as bishop. It is doubtful that Ryle would ever have been considered for the post had he not proved himself to be a sane, spiritual evangelical who was willing to listen to those he disagreed with and ignore those who threw stones of accusation from the fringes of the camp. Ryle let it be known from the beginning where he stood on the great doctrines of the faith; he also made it clear that he was going to use his new position to promote harmony, not conflict, in the Church. One of Ryle’s first tasks was to build a ministry in Liverpool, and this he did, gathering around him likeCONFIDENT LIVING

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minded Christians who wanted to share the gospel and build churches. Instead of raising money to construct an ornate cathedral, Ryle used the funds available to extend the church. He built ninety places of worship and staffed them with 136 ministers. He established a ministry of “Bible women” to assist the resident clergy and to take the gospel to the poor. He organized ministries for children and even used secular buildings for religious services. He was too conservative for the liberals and too liberal for the conservatives, so he was attacked from both sides. But he valiantly carried on a positive ministry, never dishonoring the Savior or diluting the doctrines of the Reformed faith. Before long, church life in the Liverpool diocese began to take on a new spirit of excitement, and God began to bless.

library. The Best of J. C. Ryle is a good sampler for the reader not yet acquainted with this giant of the faith. His books — Holiness, The New Birth, and Call to Prayer deal with essentials of the Christian life. The True Christian is a collection of Ryle’s sermons on many subjects that relate to the Christian life. Ryle was always a true son of the church, but he took a very definite evangelical interpretation of the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England. He explains his position in Knots United, published by James Clarke.

Banner of Truth Trust has reprinted Warnings to the Churches, a series of addresses that focus primarily on the church and its ministry (several of these chapters also appear in Knots United). Ryle’s biographical studies, Always a man with a great Five Christian Leaders and Five heart, Ryle saw nothing English Reformers, are also available wrong in cooperating with the from Banner of Truth. nonconformists, including D. L. Moody and Ira Sankey when Ryle’s successor, Bishop they came to Liverpool in 1883. Chavasses, started the construction His friendly attitude towards the of the Liverpool Cathedral, with Methodists rankled some of the the laying of the foundation stone more exclusive Anglican clergy, but by King Edward VII in 1904. Queen their criticisms did not disturb him. Elizabeth II shared in the service of dedication when the building was On February 1,1900, Bishop Ryle completed on October 25,1978. It is resigned from his charge. He had a beautiful sandstone building, and lived to see nearly one-fourth of the my wife and I visited it a few years parishes in his diocese staffed by ago. It was the south choir aisle I was evangelical. When he was buried in especially interested in, for in that Liverpool, his old Bible was placed in aisle is a monument to the glory his hand in the coffin. Two texts were of God and in honor of his servant, quoted on his gravestone: Ephesians Bishop John Charles Ryle. However, 2:8 and 2 Timothy 4:7, which states, his greatest monument is not man“I have fought a good fight, I have made. It is in the living church, in the finished my course, I have kept the lives of men and women who even faith.” today are touched by his ministry. Baker Books has reprinted a number of Bishop Ryle’s books, including his monumental Expository Thoughts on the Gospels, a set that ought to be in every Bible student’s

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called the evangelical system of Christianity. Wherever it is faithfully preached, and efficiently carried out, and consistently adorned by the lives of its professors, it is the power of God... We have the truth, and we need not be afraid to say so.” CL

“I am firmly persuaded,” he wrote, “that there is no system so life giving, so calculated to awaken the sleeping, lead on the inquiring, and build up the saints, as that system which is

The Spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions, and the nearer we get to Him the more intensely missionary we must become.

Henry Martyn

Jul – Aug | 2020




motions are part of human personality. We show different expressions of our emotions as we go through these different phases of life. Whatever may be our emotional expression, it takes a heavy beating with advanced years because many people do not prepare properly to face old age. When they realize that others consider them as old people, they become very much hurt and feel embarrassed. They try to hide their wrinkles and grey hair and pretend as if they are young. But the failing health and the loss of efficiency of body organs speak a different story. This effects their emotions very much and is evident in their interraction with the people around. As the age advances, people strongly feel that they are no more useful and a sense of worthlessness pervades their mind and any small negative comment appears as a big statement against them. This also puts them in a world of insecurity and cynicism. They also go through conflicting opinions that land them in confusion and lead them to the anxiety. Hence this stage in life needs careful handling so that they may overcome some real and some imaginary fears. The greatest challenge an old person faces is accepting and adjusting to the changes that occur in his or her self Jul – Aug | 2020

and around him or her so that they have to build a sort of alternative or resilience to counter the self inflicted fears. This building of alternatives is possible with the Lord who equips those who depend on Him in times of frailty. Only spiritual principles can guard the aged people from the so called emotional disturbances. Let us first understand the common changes one has to undergo due to aging. There are physical changes in vision, hearing and other sense organ-related areas. Eyes have more difficulty in focusing, the lenses of eyes become clouded and they need replacement. There will be difficulty in listening to fine sounds. The health issues like hypertension, diabetes are common. The mobility becomes harder as the years pass by and in some people there may be loss of memory as they find it difficult to recall certain facts. There are changes in the income as retirement reduces the salary amount. Old age also causes separation of life partner due to death which makes them move to a different place, as they have to live with the son or daughter as the case may be. Thus there may be limitations in their freedom to spend, freedom to move, freedom

to stay etc. with all these physical, psychological and personal changes a person has to struggle with himself and with others in different ways. He or she has to readjust to many things which may not be to his or her liking. The spiritual and physical preparation one experiences during his or her prime years between 40 to 60 is vital to the life beyond sixty.


Loneliness: The greatest threat to aged people is loneliness. Old people want to be among people but they will be confined to their own rooms or houses. When people visit them they enjoy a sense of worth. They feel that they are cared, remembered and honoured. Usually people avoid to visit old people because of many reasons. Sometimes one has to strain oneself to communicate with them as the hearing capacity is reduced. Sometimes the surroundings of old people may not be pleasant and welcoming due to their unhygienic conditions. In spite of all these hindrances when people visit them with love and affection and listen to what they say with patience they feel happy. One should realize that God in His grace met us when we are dirty and unwanted. We should show CONFIDENT LIVING

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similar divine love to these elders. These senior citizens can do better to avoid loneliness by communicating with God who is always ready to meet them. Developing the art of praising and worshiping God will give them the much needed self worth as they are engaged in an eternal and spiritual exercise.

spring from their fear psychosis. For example, when they give money to someone to fetch something then they will be suspicious about their integrity of spending and think that they have unnecessarily spent extravagantly. They forget that the prices have sky rocketed in recent times and expect the prices to be same since the old days. This problem of growing suspicious over everybody can be overcome by trusting the Lord for everything. God trusted us and entrusted heavenly riches to our care. He gave us the inheritance of heaven not till we did everything good but on the very first day of our salvation. Old age should teach us God’s faithfulness and His trust on us. It is the responsibility of the younger generation to understand these seniors and behave accordingly giving respect and a listening ear at least for their satisfaction.

Helplessness: Old age forces people to be dependant. They cannot travel alone or do their chores or meet the domestic necessities independently. This makes them depressed and crestfallen. They feel that they are useless and unwanted. In 71st Psalm, King David wrote how to be a blessing to people around even in his old age. He was using the words trust, hope and strength again and again which he could find only in his God. King David experienced God’s faithfulness throughout his life and called God his fortress and his strength. This attitude of trusting came to his rescue when he was Stubbornness: Old age brings helpless in his old age. along with it some unwanted responses, one of such is Critical and suspicious about stubbornness. The loss of physical others: Old age brings a big gap and mental abilities makes them between them and the next vulnerable to many fears. They generation. They become very think they are losing control over critical of the younger generation certain areas which they used to about their dress, life style, words manage effectively. To make amends etc. They are unable to adjust to they try to get back some control the changes that are taking place by showing this response called around them. This distances them stubbornness. They refuse to follow from the loved ones who are other’s instructions. They exactly supportive. This will effect the inter do what they shouldn’t. Thus they personal relationships within the become very tough to deal with. family and with others. Sometimes Stubbornness is not God’s way old people may interfere with the of doing things. Our God taught families of their sons or daughters humility and practiced it when He and try to teach them their views was on this earth. He was never about life and sometimes force stubborn and stiff-necked. 1 Pet them to adopt their ways of doing 2:21, clearly portrays His attitude things. When they refuse to do them, towards people who wanted to they get disturbed and sulk. treat him with evil intensions. Old age must reflect grace of God and Another area to overcome is purity with tenderness. The more we trusting people. Old people become understand God’s nature, the greater suspicious of everybody. This may the reflection be. Arrogance and

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“I know everything” attitude comes from our fallen personality and proper preparation to face old age will help to overcome this flaw. Selective memory: Many old people remember only the best part or the worst part of other’s lives. This causes them to start nagging their spouse by repeating the memories of follies done by them long time ago, thus further complicating the relationship and causing lot of pain. To err is human but to forgive is divine says a Wiseman. The attitude of forgiveness is the best medicine for such maladies. King David also nurtured a grudge against Shimei and advised his son Solomon not to spare him. This attitude of having a bitter feeling springs from unforgiving spirit. The Lord forgave all our sins and never remembers again. Unforgiving spirit causes sickness to the soul and body. Anger: Anger is a difficult emotion to handle in any stage of life. Many people in their old age tend to sulk or go into a rage when things are not done to their liking. If food is not served in time, children when they make noise and disturb their silence, irritates them and they show it out by yelling at others. In an ideal situation old age shows maturity in handling these emotions but the effect of other areas causes a cumulative response and the anger too goes out of control. The warning in Ephesians 4:26,27 should be taken in toto. Uncontrolled anger and unforgiving spirit opens the door to the devil and gives a foothold. Old people use their tongue as a weapon more effectively than their limbs in their rage and cause so much heartache to people around who love them and be supportive. Little bit of restraint on the part of younger members of the family shown towards these older Jul – Aug | 2020

people saves a lot of energy and were on the glorious things that heart burning. are kept for him in future. Hebrews 13:5 says, “I will never leave you nor Depression and Anxiety: These forsake you”. Hopeless people end are very common in this stage of up in depression and show suicidal life. Depression is a sickness of tendencies but not a believer mind. It may be caused due to rooted and established in Christ negative feelings about one’s self. with a glorious hope. Senior citizens These negative feelings may spring should counter these thoughts from sickness, loss of a beloved of helplessness, anxiety and fear person, helplessness, or any such psychosis by involving themselves in thing. Financial problems also cause church activities like prayer, writing anxiety as unpaid loans, money stuck assignments etc. with people and unwise investment lay heavily on mind. Sexual Life: Sexual life loses its vigour as age advances. In females When St. Paul was in his late sixties the Libido will be reduced but in or early seventies, he was arrested males it may continue though with and jailed in Roman prison. But he lesser intensity. This may cause many was not depressed but wrote prison emotional problems as this causes letters like Philippians, Ephesians an unsatisfied sexual life in older and Colossians. In the letter to males. When this is not properly Philippian church his theme was handled may lead to child abuse “Rejoice in the Lord”. He expressed and other negative responses. Older his sadness when disciples, like female partners should understand Demas deserted him but was sure of this imbalance and act accordingly his living hope in the Lord. His eyes with wisdom.

The greatest emotional need at any age is love. When people experience genuine love and mutual respect, it satisfies all the areas of our mind and body. A loving helping hand lifts their drooping morale, a loving word will revitalize their depressed heart, a loving hug and kiss will energise them beyond comprehension, a loving visit will bolster their worth a million times and a loving prayer lifts their spirit towards God’s presence. Will you do it? CL

God will test you because He wants you to mature. He wants you to develop a walk with Him that is not based on your fluctuating emotions but on your commitment to Him as you learn to walk by faith.

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afraid for we are worth more than many sparrows. Have you ever seen a worried sparrow? This reminds me of a little poem that is really thought provoking: Said the robin to the sparrow, I should really like to know Why these anxious human beings Rush about and worry so. Said the sparrow to the robin, Friend, I think it must be That they have no Heavenly Father, Such as cares for you and me. —Elizabeth Cheney In this regard, I appreciate so much the 23rd Psalm. My dear mother taught me that famous Psalm when I was only four years old, but it was not until I was a teenager that I met the Saviour the psalmist wrote about. What peace filled my soul when I received Christ and realized that my sins were blotted out by His blood. Then, like the psalmist, I had no fear of death.


he Bible is intensely practical and holds the answer to every major problem of life. One of the problems that many are facing right now is the problem of fear. Some are fearful as a result of declining health while others are afraid their friends will forsake them and leave them stranded. Some fear losing their jobs, while others fear for their children’s future in these dark and difficult days. Fear is one of the signs of the last days, for Luke 21:25,26 says, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”

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Plagued by Fear

If you have not memorized the 23rd Psalm, I would certainly urge you to do so. The first verse reads, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” The word “Lord” in this verse is a translation of the name “Jehovah.” Let us keep in mind that the Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus Christ of the New Testament. Therefore, Psalm 23:1 could read:

On every side we are plagued by fear. How do we handle fears? Some turn to the psychiatrist for help, hoping to learn how to live with fear. So many do not realize that God alone has the solution to the fear problem. Remember that God is interested in you and me, and He has “Jesus the Saviour is my Shepherd, promised to provide for us. and I shall not lack anything.” Luke 12:6,7 tells us: “Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” What a challenging object lesson that the Lord provides for us! God tells us in verse 6 that He will not forget even these sparrows. Then in verse 7 He tells us not to be

I am reminded of a Christian lady who was quite fearful because of circumstances that had been pressing on her. Her pastor called on her and tried to assure her of the fact that when Jesus Christ the Saviour is our Shepherd we will not lack anything. She could not conceive of God’s provision for her in her time of great need. Somehow her mind was blinded to that great truth. So the pastor Jul – Aug | 2020

read that verse for her: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall want.” The lady immediately corrected the pastor, saying, “It reads I shall not want.’ ” He thanked her for the correction and read it again, each time reading it “I shall want.” And each time she corrected him, saying, “I shall not want.” At last, she suddenly saw that Jesus her Saviour not only had provided for her salvation, He also was there as the Shepherd to care for her and protect her. There are multiplied thousands around the world who know Christ as Saviour, but only a small fraction of these believers know Jesus Christ as the Shepherd of their lives. Many have quoted Psalm 23:1, saying, “I shall not want,” when their lives were a wilderness of want, weariness, worry and frustration. It is one thing to be willing to trust the Lord to save us, but we must also be willing to trust the Shepherd to protect and to provide for us and thus spare us from anxiety and fear. You will notice as you read the 23rd Psalm that every verb is in the present tense, indicating that God is doing something for us right now. How wonderful!

moved to tears. When he sat down someone asked about the sudden change in the people’s reaction. Earlier they were applauding; now they were moved by the Spirit of God. The answer was simply, “The orator knew the 23rd Psalm, but the elderly man knew the Shepherd of the 23rd Psalm.” It doesn’t take too long to memorize these six verses, but it takes time to learn to walk with our Saviour Shepherd.

Psalm 91:1,2 tells us: “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” Putting the first verse into the language of today, we could say, “He that is at home with God shall say of the Lord, He is my refuge, my fortress, my God. In Him will I trust.” Although many people know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, they do not know Him so intimately that they can actually feel at home with God as the Psalmist points out. Notice that the Psalmist did not just say that the Lord is a refuge but that He is my refuge and my fortress and Although I memorized the 23rd my God. Psalm many years ago, I am still in the process of learning it by heart; Then in verse 5 we notice these that is, to really understand its great words: “Thou shalt not be significance. It is one thing to have afraid.” It is a close, happy relationship these blessed truths stored in our with our Saviour that enables us to heads, but it is another thing to have live in a troubled world and not be them in our hearts. I heard of a great afraid. orator who repeated the 23rd Psalm on a special occasion. He put a lot of David was one who often met feeling and expression into it as he with fearful circumstances. Watch quoted this great Psalm. After he had him as he roams the hills of Palestine finished, all the people applauded pursued by an insane ruler who was and cheered. Then, an elderly man determined to kill him. Listen to stood up and asked if he might have David as his emotions were brought the privilege of repeating the 23rd under God’s control. He said, “What Psalm, and he did. As the old man time I am afraid, I will trust in thee” spoke haltingly, repeating this great (56:3). Only God can really deliver a portion of Scripture, people were man from fear. Jul – Aug | 2020

Three Areas One of the marks of a mature Christian is the absence of fear. There are three specific areas where the Christian may experience freedom from fear. In Isaiah 43:25, God says, “I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.” Having trusted the Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation, we need not fear the past which could haunt us. This is one area where we can experience freedom from fear. The Saviour has blotted out our sins never to remember them again. Therefore, the Christian need have no fear of the past. Although the Devil might remind us of the sins of the past, remember that if we have confessed those sins to the Lord they have been forgiven and God has blotted out even the record of those sins. The second area where we can experience freedom from fear is that of the present. The mature Christian has no fear for today for Jesus said, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:20). We need not worry about today for as we walk with the Saviour He goes before us. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). We who know Christ are the Lord’s sheep and our shepherd does not drive us into some strange experience; rather, He walks ahead of us. He has already encountered that obstacle that we may be facing right now. Therefore, we do not need to fear the outcome of this problem as we trust the direction of our Shepherd. The third area where we can experience freedom from fear is that of the future. The mature Christian has no fear of the future for he knows his steps—and also his stops—are ordered of the Lord (Ps. 37:23). The CONFIDENT LIVING

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Lord has charted our course and He provides that which is best. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can dispel fear. At the time of Jesus’ birth the message to a troubled world was “Fear not” (Luke 2:10). Yes, Jesus’ birth was announced with those welcome words, “Fear not.” During the years of our Lord’s public ministry He repeatedly encountered troubled saints and quieted their anxiety saying, “Fear not.” Then, after the death of Christ these words rang out, “Fear not .... for he is risen” (Matt. 28:5,6). Freedom from fear of the future is seen in the triumphant note of the psalmist when he said, “And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Ps. 23:6). David didn’t say that he hoped he would be with the Lord forever, but he said, “I will.” How wonderful it is to have the assurance that when one’s life is over and his heart beats for the last time that his soul and spirit go immediately to be with the Lord. Paul expressed this confidence in II Corinthians 5:8: “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” Death for the believer is not tragedy but triumph, for the believer is present with the Lord. So many people hope they will make heaven when this present life is terminated, but God does not want us to have a hope-so salvation; He wants us to have a know-so salvation. The Bible tells us that we can “know” we have eternal life (I John 5:13). Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people. The preparation that each person must make is to acknowledge the fact that he is a sinner and receive Jesus Christ as his Saviour. John 1:12 assures us: “As many as received him, to them he gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” CL

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also demonstrates that sometimes even the righteous face poverty and sickness (Job 1:13-19). Although the Old Testament generally views material blessings as a sign of God’s favor, it also admits that even the wicked can become prosperous through sinful means (Ps. 73). The Old Testament even warns against the perils of riches (Prov. 23:4-5; Eccl. 5:8-17).


eonard Ravenhill, an English Christian evangelist once stated that “If Jesus had preached the same message that ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified.” This is true about contemporary preachers as well. In an attempt, to avoid offending their congregation, many ministers do not condemn sin. They try to refrain from preaching on topics such as suffering, self-denial, sacrifice, etc. Today, many preachers are abandoning “sound doctrine” and teaching what the “itching ears want to hear” (2 Tim. 4:3). Throughout history, the Christian Church has always witnessed aberrant teachings within its ranks. One such teaching that has become extremely popular since the last few decades is the ‘prosperity gospel’ or the ‘health and wealth gospel.’ One of the most controversial teachings of today’s ‘prosperity gospel’ is their undue emphasis on material prosperity. This teaching has drawn sharp criticism from several churches and Christian leaders all over the world. The traditional teaching of the church for several Jul – Aug | 2020

centuries has been that “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim. 6:10). However, the members of the churches where the ‘prosperity gospel’ is being taught are promised riches, debt-free lives, and ‘wealth transfer,’ if only they give generously. Since many people in our world face financial difficulties or are in debt, it is natural that they throng to the churches where financial prosperity is promised. The proponents of the ‘prosperity gospel’ promise their congregation that they can live like the “King’s kids,” never lacking anything. However, the Bible does not promise that God’s people will always enjoy material prosperity. The Old Testament shows that God promised wealth to his people as a part of his covenant (Gen. 12:1-3; 26:2-4; 28:13-15). Yet, the Old Testament laws and regulations prevented the Israelites from hoarding excessive wealth (Exod. 22:25-27; Lev. 27:3033; Num. 18:26-28). Moreover, the Israelites had an obligation to share their wealth by providing for the poor and the distressed (Num. 15:15; Deut. 14:28-29). The Old Testament

When we come to the New Testament, it focuses more on the eternal riches rather than the earthly possessions. It indicates that Jesus and many of his disciples were not very affluent (Lk. 2:21-24; Mt. 8:20). Jesus reiterates the Old Testament concern for the needy and destitute in his teachings (Mt. 25:31-46). The early Christians paid heed to the teachings of Christ and took the responsibility of taking care of the poor seriously (Acts 2:4247; 4:32-5:11). Apostle Paul warns against the temptations of riches and encourages generous giving (Eph. 5:5; 1 Tim. 6:5, 9-11; 2 Cor. 8 & 9). The Epistles condemn all kinds of covetousness and greed (Col. 3:5; 1 Pet. 5:2; Jude 11). Overall, the New Testament stresses that one should work towards storing up treasures in heaven rather than striving for earthly wealth (Mt. 6:19-20). So, God never promises that he will always prosper his children financially. We need to affirm that God does meet the needs of his people and sometimes even blesses them financially. However, wealth should not be the focus of believers. The Bible also emphasizes self-denial, sacrifice, contentment, and suffering for the sake of the gospel. These aspects are not taught adequately by the proponents of the ‘prosperity gospel.’ Moreover, Jesus does not teach us to seek material prosperity. Rather, he exhorts us to consider the cost of being his disciple (Lk. 14:25CONFIDENT LIVING

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34). God does bless his followers so that they can be a blessing to others. However, one should not seek God merely for material prosperity. Even if a believer has to experience poverty due to persecution or any other unavoidable situation, he or she should be content and remain faithful to God realizing that God himself is our inheritance and joy! While it is not true that God wants every Christian to prosper materially, it is equally not true that God wants his people to live in abject poverty throughout their lives. In denouncing the teaching on material prosperity, we should be careful not to advocate poverty as a means to achieve godliness. The

Bible does not teach that Christians should live an ascetic life. Rather, the Bible encourages a strong work ethic (2 Thess. 3:10; Eph. 4:28). God expects his people to work hard and support their families (1 Tim. 5:8). Scripture teaches that Christians should give generously (2 Cor. 9:6). In fact, generous and sacrificial giving is a good antidote for greed and covetousness. Furthermore, Scripture also tells us that we need to be content with what we have (Php. 4:11-13). The Bible does not encourage limitless greed which some of the modern proponents of the ‘prosperity gospel’ seem to be advocating. Since the Bible repeatedly warns against riches, it is advisable to seek neither poverty

nor riches (Prov. 30:8-9). I think that Proverbs 30:8-9 offers an excellent alternative to the ‘prosperity gospel’ teaching. Preachers and teachers of the Word must strive to maintain balance in their teaching on wealth. Instead of incessantly working up our faith to become rich, we must first seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness (Mt. 6:33), strive to know God (Php. 3:10), love him and people (Mk. 12:30-31), be transformed into the likeness of his Son (Rom. 8:29), and make him known to the ends of the earth (Mt. 28:18-20). This is our great calling. May we press on towards this glorious goal! CL

1. Please pray for the 5. Pray for the migrant financial deficit to be labour who could not cleared in the ministry go back to their home of Masihi Vandana, towns/villages due to Back to the Bible, lockdown. Sathiyavasanam. 6. Pray and try to help 2. Please pray for those people who are the students who hungry and are in a are affected by the financial crunch. lockdown 7. Pray for finances 3. Pray for the individuals needed to Print who have lost their ‘Strength for the jobs and those who did Journey’book in Hindi, not get their wages. Marathi, Telugu and English. 4. Pray for the people who are sick and suffering. Pray for the newly launched ‘Daivaradana’ bi-monthly Bible-Teaching magazine in Telugu. For subscription/sample copy - SMS/Call: 9492440070

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Jul – Aug | 2020

BibleGood Times & Just News Customs


hat if you died today? Even while reading this, you could be having a slight pain in your chest or head. Within a few hours, you could be dead of a heart attack or brain hemorrhage. You might think that could never happen to you. However, the Bible states, “Whereas you know not what shall be on the marrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away” (James 4:14) Even if you are in excellent health, you could be killed in an auto accident today. Do you remember the shock you felt the last time you heard someone you knew was killed in an accident? They certainly never thought that death would come so suddenly to them. Perhaps these will be the last words you will ever read! You cannot escape death! “ And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” (Hebrews 9:27). Maybe you are thinking, “If I would die today, I am ready to go ; after all. I have never done anything really bad. I don’t believe that a merciful God would send me to hell.” The Bible says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23).” For the wages of sin is death..”(Romans 6:23a). “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and Jul – Aug | 2020

the abominable, and murders, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone” which is the second death,” (Revelations 21:3). According to God’s Word, it does not matter how good you are. You deserve to burn in the lake of fire forever and ever! However, there is a good news. God provides a way of escape, because He has given you a Saviour.”…the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b). “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” ( John 3:16). Please stop for a moment and read that last verse once again. How does the Bible say that you can have everlasting life by trusting in some church or saint! “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”(Acts 4:12). The Bible does not say you can have everlasting life by doing good works! “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith; and this is not by yourself, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

life by completely trusting Jesus.” He that believes on the Son has everlasting life: and he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abides on him.” ( John 3:36). Why don’t you admit to God that you are a hell-bound sinner. Admit to Him that you are willing to turn from your sinful life and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. If you will do that with a sincere heart, God’s Word says that you can know for sure that you have eternal life. “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God: that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may know that you may believe on the name of the Son of God.” (1 John 5:13). This is not just a coincidence that you are reading this, God planned for you to read this and not someone else. This could be your last warning! Will you reject Jesus? The Bible states,” he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:18b). Will you accept Jesus as your personal Saviour? Remember, salvation does not depend on feelings or an emotional experience. It is based on what God has promised in His Word. God promised, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13). Call on God today. Don’t put it off by another minute! If you wish to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour, please pray this prayer or one similar to it: “Dear Heavenly Father, I know I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I now ask Jesus Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Saviour. I am willing, by God’s grace, to follow and obey Christ as the Lord of my heart and Life” CL

You can only get everlasting CONFIDENT LIVING

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We are happy to introduce this Creative Bible Learning method of studying your Bible book by book. Send the correct answers with your Name & address to receive a Special Gift from ‘Back to the Bible’. Study One book at a time.

Luke 7-12 – Kindly Answer the Quiz with Bible References (NIV) 1. About whom did Jesus say: “Among those born of women there is not a greater prophet?” 2. What are the 3 things Jesus said about the woman who came with the alabaster box? 3. To whom did Jesus tell, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” 4. Name 3 women who have supported Jesus and his disciples? 5. In the parable of the sower, the seed represents ________________ . 6. Jesus said that his mother and his brothers are _____________________. 7. The man who was delivered from the demons begged Jesus to ___________. 8. To whom did Jesus tell: “Don’t be afraid just believe” 9. How much did the disciples pick up after feeding the 5000? 10. What was Peters answer to Jesus question on “Who do you say I am?” 11. Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny ___________and take up their ______ daily and ____________? 12. What good is it for someone to gain the ____________, and yet lose their______. 13. Jesus took ______, _____ and _____ with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. 14. ___________ and _______________, appeared in glorious splendour, talking with Jesus on the mountain. 15. What was the argument among the disciples? 16. No one who puts a hand to __________and looks back is fit for __________in the kingdom of God. 17. Do not rejoice that the _______ submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in__________. 18. Who are the two people that walked away from the man who fell into the hands of robbers? 19. How much more will your Father in heaven give _________to those who ask him. 20. Blessed rather are those________and __________. 21. Woe to the Pharisees, they neglect _________and the___________.

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22. ______________________was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. 23. Yeast of the Pharisees, which is___________. 24. Anyone who ___________________ the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. 25. Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in_________________. 26. For life is more than_________, and the body more than____________. 27. About whom did Jesus say: “I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” 28. Who of you by worrying can add _____ to your life? 29. You also must be ________, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

You can Also Send Your ANSWERS by Email: info@backtothebible.in

The next quiz will be from Luke 13–18 (NIV)

Quiz Answers: Luke 1–6 (1) Theophilus, 1:3 (2) Gabriel, 1:19,26 (3) Simon, 2:26 (4) Kingdom of God, satisfied, 6:21 (5) Anna, 2:37 (6) bread, 4:4 (7) Jesus to Mary, 2:49 Scroll of the Prophet Isaiah, 4:17 (9) Simon, 2:26 (10) whole night, 6:12 (11) John the Baptist, 1:15 (12) John the Baptist, 1:80 (13) Caesar Augustus, 2:1 (14) Mary, 1:42 (15) David, 2:4 (16) watching their sheep, 2:8 (17) Simon, 2:25 (18) Anna, 2:36,37 (19) Jesus, 2:49 (20) John, 3:3 (21) Voice from heaven, (God) to Jesus, 3:22 (22) Holy Spirit, devil, 4:1,2 (23) poor, prisoners, blind, set the oppressed, 4:18 (24) Simon, 5:4 (25) Simon, James, John, 5:11 (26) to pray, 5:16 (27) righteous, sinners, 5:32 (28) disciples, 6:13-16 (29) John, 1:16 (30) Jesus, 2:52 Jul – Aug | 2020


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Jul – Aug | 2020

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