WORK PORTFOLIO: Experimental Utopianism
"Experimental Utopianism"
Robert Alexander Gorny (2009-2012)
Robert A. Gorny, Dipl.-Ing. Architecture and Design
Curriculum Vitae________ 2 COMMON WEALTH
Contact_ Kastanienallee 76 D — 10 435 Berlin T: +49.(0)176.61318305 mail @ relational thought . com Type_ Portfolio displaying selected freelance works* or collaborations, as well as independant projects, designs and writings Location/Year_ Berlin 2012
Project information_____ 4 Überhafen Hmaburg_______
Creative Quarter Munich_
Rainmakers Casabanca____ 10 Who does Architecture think it is?____________ 12 GRUNDRISSE Project information_____ 14 Resource Plam Jumeirah__ 15 Cumulus Oslo____________ 16 Solar City Esslingen____ 18 Jenfeld Townhouses______ 20 Green IQ Living_________ 22 THE PRODUCTION OF SPACE Project Information_____ 24 Experimental utopianism_ 25 Return/Fill-In__________ 28 The City and the Political___________ 30 KA76____________________ 32 My library______________ 33
*collaborations naturally involve team work with multiple authorship. unless not indicated differently, the show graphics of projects have been solely, or majorly worked out and drawn by the author (rg)
Paul Klee: "View on the Severely Threatened City of Pinz" (1915)
common wealth
ÜHC //
Type_ Urban research & workshop for iba Labor 2011 HafenCity, Hamburg Team_ Smaq (S.Müller, A.Quednau) R.Gorny & Anna Viader (A.Viader-Soler, A.Seisdedos, E.Lange) Location/Year_ HafenCity Hamburg, Germany 2011 Client_ IBA Labor Hamburg, HafenCity Program_ housing, mixed uses, landscape, leisure Status_ published Description_ Common space left blank For public discussion: This design thematises the challenges of climate change in the HafenCity Hamburg. Facing storm water level rise, we have been commissioned to develop a scenario for an adaptable urban design for the only part of the city of Hamburg, which is not protected by dikes. Instead buildings are erected on embankments called ‘Warften’. Our concept of a new horizon expands this idea. It uses the qualities of the vernacular structure by pushing the boundaries of adaptation to a new limit. Instead of heightening the ground level to guarantee secure access on street level, a new horizon is imagined in terms of a flying ‘embankment’. Primarly it would serve as a mean of evacuation in the future, but it will also offer additional space and inhabitable areas. It could accomodate uses that nowadays have no space in HafenCity, cheaply rentable flats, multigenerational housing or programs for collective uses like markets, leisure areas, or biodiversity increasing natural reserves, or technology for energy or data storage.
CQM // (p.8)
CAS //
Type_ Urban and landscape competition
Type_ Graphic postproduction
Type_ writing, paper
Team_ Smaq (S.Müller, A.Quednau) Robert Gorny with Anna Viader and Marco Schmidt
Team_ Robert Gorny
Team_ Smaq (S.Müller, A.Quednau) with R.Gorny, A.Kostreva, N.Lincoln and K.Weisgerber) Anna Viader (A.ViaderSoler, E.Lange) Location/Year_ Munich, Germany 2011/12 Client_ City of Munich Program_ housing, education, leisure, workspaces Status_ competition finished Description_ Creativity, especially the economical segments of creative start-ups, can just develop in the city, where there are free spaces, scenes and networks. In the concerned area with the two old factory halls, there already existed a model of a creative city, in which affordable, raw space, open and adaptable for usage has been used for art- and culture producers in synergy. Reduced costs, transformability and clustering had been key factors therein. Undetermined, self-determined, co-determined: The design unfolds the existing conditions, aiming to extend it into city space and future housing typologies. Instead of branding a creative quarter with an artful center point, a field of possibilities is developed. The design makes an argument for an open city that offers free spaces. Based on self-determination and collective decision, it allows a heterogenous society to unfold, offers options and social mobility, despite a high pressure for devoping housing in a dense city like munich. We propose the concept of including optional space into planning. What is that? It would be a indoor or outdoor space whose use is not yet determined in planning in advance. It just offers options.
Location/Year_ Casablanca (Marocco), 2010 Status_ "Rainmaker – Towards a Water-based Urbanity" was developed in the framework Urban Agriculture Casablanca, a project within the research program Future Megacities by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Paper_ London conference of Critical Thought (2012) Title_ “Who Does Architecture Think It Is?” — Agencement–Theory and the Form of the City
Description_ This paper entails an agenda for an application of a theory of urban agencement. What Deleuze and Guattari developed in their concept of Description_ ‘agencement’ (meaning “Rainmaker – Towards a arrangement, assemblage, Water-based Urbanity” for with its french appeal Grand Casablanca is based to agency) conceptualises on a territorial water productive capacities strategy and the recovery immanent to composed form, of the natural water cycle by laying focus not on through evaporation, conden- the content itself, sation, and precipitation. but on its relations. The general concept is to use all locally accessible water resources for the irrigation of vegetation in order to refill the atmosphere with water and thus cool the environment. Not a single drop of water should leave the landscape by being funnelled into sewer systems or as surface runoff into the ocean. Instead, wastewater needs to be recycled and reused after being pretreated in order to improve environmental conditions. All remaining water should be redirected into the atmosphere to improve the water cycle. The evaporation of water reduces surface temperatures and is the source of precipitation. Due to the importance of the small water cycle for local precipitation rates, further steps need to be taken to improve the soil’s water storage capacity and to avoid surface runoff.
new horizon above the port city as an alternative to pursuing land reclamation through enclosure of the HafenCity. This earthwork would result in the weakening of the neighborhood’s essential quality: its relationship to water. Additionally, if sea levels rise in the future, the security of the port city can not be guaranteed and a new security concept will be needed. New Horizon, on the other hand, is a "flying embankment" above the existing buildings. It continues to use the existing qualities without overstretching growth at the cost of the ground floor level of current built structures. New Horizon points to a potential space and opens the discussion on how Hamburg wishes to use this potential in the future. The flood protection of New Horizon satisfies traditional collective endeavors and offers new collective possibilities.
▲ NEW HORIZON: We propose a
[ towards a new horizon for hafencity ]
[ the uber-hafen for culture producers ]
▲ "ÜBER"-PORT: The idea for the flood-controlled Ober-hafen is based on a "strategy of admitting" in order to make the area safe, attractive, and more public, despite possible flooding in the winter. The idea is based on three elements: an understated safe eSCAPE landscape, a sports mile along the water (with recreational areas that are so far lacking in the port city), and a punctual strategy for floodsafe usage of the area for creative purposes. Billboard studios - conventional rentable highway billboards – offer an opportunity to keep buildings affordable for intended users by dispensing of high levels investment for flood pro-tection. Sixty five square meters of space between the advertising panels can be developed into individual studios, offices or storage rooms. The elements unfold one after the next from the view from the train headed for Hamburg and they form a new symbolism for the "über" port. These areas could be promotionally effective for the city, specifically for a possible Hamburg Biennale.
6 JH.
HafenCity IBA Labor Stadtküste Hamburg
Stadtküste HafenCity: Mitwachsen (M) SMAQ - architecture urbanism research
ab 1100 Besiedelung der Marsch durch Deiche Lage des Hafens vor der Stadt
Gewerbe-/Wohn-/ Hafennutzung/Parken Zugang öffentlicher Raum
Niveau des Freiraumes Bemessung der Wasserstände
LAND GEWINNEN hinaus wird der Hafen zu einem geschützten Binnenhafen (A). Die Nutzung des Hafens ist durch eine Mischung aus Wohnen und Arbeiten geprägt. Im 17. und 18. Jh. entsteht ein Barockviertel auf der Insel Wandrahm.
ERHÖHEN/ AUFTRAGEN ADD UP: In in the 19th century the new Im 19. Jh. entsteht der neue Hafen. wirdsurface die Speicherstadt harbour develops. The1888 dry level errichtet (B). Zum Schutz des Hafens vor Hochwasser wird das Areal is heightened up to 4-5m above sea level by quays forming the characteristics den Umriss dieser Inseln prägt. Die entstehende Bebauung dient ausschließlich der outlines of Hafennutzung. today
Ende 19. JH.
1962 Abriss
Ende 20. JH.
Die Hafennutzung verlagerte sich mit der Umstrukturierung der
WALL: During the 20th century the harbour Sturmflut von 1962 gab es ein Verbotthe für Wohnnutzungen. wurde uses were relocated, hanseatic 1997 trade centre built in 1997 formulates a 7m high Schutz vor dem Hochwasser in Verlängerung der Kaimauer bis zur Höhe wall protection towards the waterfront
With rising currents, the Hochwasserschutzmaßnahme ground level usesdiehave been Nutzung in den replacedErdgeschossen and functionally adapted der Speicherstadt angepasst.
Speicherstadt an.
Für die brachgefallenen Flächen des Hafens des 19.Jahrhunderts wird
Anfang 21. JH.
Mit dem Bau der HafenCity West und Zentral (D) und (E) wird im Bauprozess auf zwei Ebenen mehr und mehr öffentlicher Raum gestaltet, die Durchlässigkeit verbessert und der Bezug zum Wasser und die Verknüpfung der einzelnen Ebenen wird verbessert.
HafenCity, Mit Constructing dem Bau der HafenCitythe werdennew Strategien entwickelt, um die noch vorhandenen historischen in die neue innovative solutiions have been Gebäude searched to integrate old buildings to new requirements
Die Bebauung HafenCity Ostwere wird aufbuilt einem höheren The new der accesses on a
flood secure embankments with a height of +8,30 above sea level
INVERSE: UMKEHRENAs a prospective for the next century, a flying embankment can offer Ergänzung der HafenCity mit einer neuen new possibilitoes and spaces for usage, Infrastruktur auf einem Niveau, das über das nächstewill Jahrhundert hinaus Sicherheit bietet und that be more than just a juridical emergency infrastructure
Der Vorschlag which für das Areal des Oberhafens bindet den At Oberhafen, cannot be secured Bestand auf hochwassersicherem Niveau mit einer neu from occasional flooding a soft strategy, allowshochwassersichere for punctual addition of Ergänzungen Nutzung ermöglicht. (H) informal and leisure usages
22. JH.
2. J
Optional Unconditional Urban Spaces
-Straße, Lothstraße in München
250.000 Apartments until 2025 CREATIVE ENCLAVE ? §*#?!
▲ Right to the open city: How can cities afford to offer free optional spaces in a dense e urban fabric?
▼ THE Manual of de-standardisation: Make de-standardisation and non-conform structures viable Z.01
▼ modes of collective Determination: Innovative typologies and diverse stakeholder models between non-, self- and co-determination
F.01 - ∞
+M €
K.04 -
“Seagram Modell”: Höhenzuwachs als Anreiz für zusätzlichen
Kostenreduktion durch wegfallende Tiefgaragen: Stellplätze und Tiefgaragen müssen nicht nachgewiesen werden, wenn für die Anwoher ElektroCar-Sharing angeboten wird
F.01 - ∞
Plaza vor dem Gebäude an.
Kostenreduktion durch wegfallende Tiefgaragen: Stellplätze und Tiefgaragen müssen nicht nachgewiesen werden, wenn für die Anwoher ElektroCar-Sharing angeboten wird
“Michaelerhaus-Model”: Baugestaltung von Fassaden darf freier sein, um preiswerteren Wohnraum zu gestalten
K.05 -
“Bestand als Topographie”:
gehen nicht mit in die GFZ-Berechnung ein
gehen nicht mit in die GFZ-Berechnung ein
Bestand als Mehrwert
► Wiese und forum +€ § § Bestand + Drei große grünräume strukturieren das gebiet: Der Kirchanger als Teil des durchlässials Mehrwert gen netzes, welches das gebiet mit dem umliegenden Kontext verknüpft, und die Wiese sowie das Forum. Die Wiese entsteht durch zusammenlegung des exerzierplatzes und des Schulhofes. obwohl in unterschiedlicher Trägerschaft können die beiden räume zusammengelesen und zusammengenutzt werden. Das Forum um die Jutier- und Tonnenhalle stellt einen größzügen aussenraum und einem durchlaufenden Blätterdach dar. Die unterschiedlichen Teilräume des Forums motivieren unterschiedliche und abwechselnde nutzungen. (z.01) + ! ~ JURYBEWERTUNG + alt und neu
dem Dach erlauben eine höhere GFZ. Dadurch
dem Dach erlauben eine ein Optionsraum kann höhere GFZ. Dadurch im Erdgeschoss kann ein Optionsraum im Erdgeschoss angeboten werden. angeboten werden.
“Bestand als Topographie”:
als Anreiz für Optionsraum. Dem Entwickler wird zu dem Kompensationsgeschoss ein weiteres Zusatzgeschoss gewährt, wenn er dafür im Erdgeschoss Optionräume anbietet.
Höhenzuwachs als Anreiz für Optionsraum. Dem Entwickler wird zu dem Kompensationsgeschoss ein weiteres Zusatzgeschoss gewährt, wenn er dafür im Erdgeschoss Optionräume anbietet.
Höhenzuwachs Plaza vor dem Gebäude an.
“Michaelerhaus-Model”: Baugestaltung von Fassaden darf freier sein, um preiswerteren Wohnraum zu gestalten
“Seagram Modell”: Höhenzuwachs als Anreiz für zusätzlichen
Dem Entwickler wird zusätzliche Höhe gewährt mit gut vermarktbaren Wohnungen mit Ausblick. Im Gegenzug bietet er einen
Dem Entwickler wird zusätzliche Höhe gewährt mit gut vermarktbaren Wohnungen mit Ausblick. Im Gegenzug bietet er einen
Ideenwettbewerb Dachauer Straß K.02
OPTIONSRÄUME Bieter-Wettbewerbe
- Option sraum - gemein s. Nut zen - Öko-Ko nzept - Flexib ilität - Adapta bilität - Low-Co st - ...
S IT ER IE Der erhalt und die umnutzung von möglichst vielen Bestandgebäuden führt zu KReiner N - Optioden charkteristischen morphologisch Struktur mit einer besonderen+atmosphäre. mit ! ~ nsraum - gemein s. Nutze + neue optionen temporär Bestandsgebäuden werden auch nutzungen erhalten, bzw. 1 2 3 n - ÖkoKonzep KONZEPTBÖRSE t - Flexib und dauerhaft geschaffen. (z.03) ilit ät Ideenwettbewerbe für Nutzungen und Angebote
für Grundstücksvergabe
Bieter-Wettbewerbe € für Grundstücksvergabe
Ideenwettbewerbe für Nutzungen und Angebote
Jury aus Online-Voting, Städtebauliche Moderation Kulturreferat, Nutzern
Jury aus Online-Voting, Städtebauliche Moderation Kulturreferat, Nutzern
STÄDTEBAU MODERATOR Implementierung der Ziele: Optionsräume, Kollektive, Mischung, Flexibilität, Adaptabiltät, Low-Cost, ...
- Adap tabilitä t - LowCost - ...
Implementierung der Ziele: Optionsräume, Kollektive, Mi Flexibilität, Adaptabiltät, Low
€ €
K.01 f.01 - ∞
Isometrics and brochure icon by SMAQ
Creative Free Space
Von der GrundlaGe zu den optionen Die im Plan angegebene anordnung und Volumetrik der gebäude stellt die ausgangsbasis für den Prozess der Variation durch die ideenfindung dar. unterschiedliche Bauträger werden unterschiedliche optionsräume realisieren: klein oder groß, gebündelt oder verteilt. Die aufgabe des städtebaulichen moderators ist es die unterschiedlichen ansätze in einem Viertel, bzw. einer “insel” mit miteinander zu verhandeln, auf zentralitäten und Streuungen zu achten, so dass ein mehrwert für die allgemeinheit durch lage und art entsteht. referenzen, VorGänGer und Beispiele Die im entwurf vorgestellten ansätze basieren auf bereits erprobten oder in entwicklung stehenden Konzepten, organisationsformen und gebäudestrategien. ein referentkatolog wird im Prozeß verwendet.
F.01 - ∞
K.01 Kostenreduktion durch wegfallende Tiefgaragen: Stellplätze und Tiefgaragen müssen nicht nachgewiesen werden, wenn für die Anwoher ElektroCar-Sharing angeboten wird
“Michaelerhaus-Model”: Baugestaltung von Fassaden darf freier sein, um preiswerteren Wohnraum zu gestalten
Postproduction visualisations for a research project by SMAQ
LCCT 2012 Proposal
“Who Does Architecture Think It Is?” Agencement–Theory and the Form of the City “The problem of consistency concerns the manner in which the components of a territorial agencement hold together. But it also concerns the manner in which different agencements hold together, with components of passage and relay.” (Deleuze/Guattari, “A Thousand Plateaus”, 327) “... it is here that two forms of realisation diverge or become differentiated: a form of expression and a form of content, a discursive and a non-discursive form, the form of the visible and the form of the articulable.” (G.Deleuze: “Foucault”, 33)
Abstract This paper entails an agenda for an application of a theory of urban agencement. What Deleuze and Guattari developed in their concept of ‘agencement’ (meaning arrangement, assemblage, with its french appeal to agency) conceptualises productive capacities immanent to composed form, by laying focus not on the content itself, but on its relations. This examination outlines a relational logic of how city environments are arranged, and the role of architecture and planning therein. Architects, working inside collective and material arrangements, which they reform within a constantly transforming reality, aim to create an expressible order of this world. The vantage point and inducement of this paper is the recent dissertation “The Possibility Of An Absolute Architecture” by Pier Vittorio Aureli. In his book, Aureli argues in a venturesome way that the very condition of form of architecture be separation. But, ipso facto, this separation would reveal at once the city’s essence as political form — being a composition of coexisting parts. This idea of separation=composition bears resemblance to the theory of stratification explored in “A Thousand Plateaus”. Consequently it is exactly here that we must consider the missing half of this ‘double articulation’ to develop an univocal assemblage-theory of the forms of architecture and the city. Taking the deleuzo-guattarian concept and applying it to Aureli, in order to challenge the form of city as a form of content, the argumentation relates to Heike Delitz’s theory of architecture as the medium of the social. Re-relating coexistence in the city is to create something new. To adopt Deleuze’s words, new (urban) forms never represent any (social) content, but by making visible problems, they actually “produce a new kind of [socio-urban] reality, a new model of truth.” Be it a new function, a new form of content, or form of expression — The articulation process gives birth to truly political spaces, associated spaces of possibilities and thus calls for a kind of experimental utopianism. ___ Architecture has always been, and will remain being, the explicit expression of power relations in its most extreme manifestation. During industrialisation, capitalist-fordist modes of production have exerted these influencing forces. We will imagine a time — and this time shall not be too far from now — when we will wonder, why there should be no alternative to capitalist modes of production of subjectivity. Before the industrial revolution, cities have been specialised spatial devices of primarily processing trade and goods. Then after, from industrialisation until 20th century modernist planning, cities have changed to being mainly apparatuses of processing people and work. Apparently, we have happened to witness a shift from the industrial metropolis to a new, already often discussed ‘biopolitical’ form. In this case, it will be a third transformation, that we will be to witness — the ‘informatisation’ of production — according to the dominant position which has passed from primary to secondary and then to tertiary production. But cities, how could they be becoming apparatuses of processing information? Without a doubt, cities are forming devices to enact and process relations. Foucault has been the first to notice that ‘life’ and the ‘living being’ [le vivant] are beginning to occur at the heart of new political battles and new economic strategies. ‘Biopolitics’ will be the strategic coordination of these power relations in order to extract a surplus of power from living beings. The relationships between ourselves, the relationships that we should entertain with ourselves, have led Foucault to a new definition of power, which is not based on relationships of identity; “Rather they should be relationships of differentiation, of creation and innovation.”1 A persistent questioning has ranged the entire work of Foucault. How will we seize these infinitesimal, diffused and heterogeneous power relations, he asked, a such a way that they do not always result in forms of domination or resistance? This new ontology of forces, how will it open up to unexpected processes of political constitution and independent processes of subjectification? Over the 20th century, the exertion of power relations has peaked, as Eric Swyngedouw assesses, in the more and more neo-liberal phantasmagoric belief in unlimited growth by economic market forces/elites. Had the urban process at the beginning of the 21st century not shifted profoundly, having given rise to a new form of governmentality predicated upon new formal and informal institutional configurations and forms of governance, which are to be characterized by a broadening of the sphere of governing/controlling/policing, while narrowing, if not suspending, the space of the properly political? Also Jesko Fezer describes, that the radical market orientation of local neoliberal arrangements has developed alongside Foucauldian concepts, mainly the question of the technique of governmentality. But in search for a new form and transformation of the neoliberal city planning approaches, Fezer points out that neither a darwinian approach to 'not-to plan' in the urban survival of the fittest will offer a veritable reassertion of proper political space. Instead he affirms a possibility of a new project of design, and not "to abandon too easily the project of design. And yet new design for the city is urgently needed: for, by its very nature, a city cannot be anything but designed. It is socially produced."2 "Design in the context of cities could redefine itself as a search for […] an intentional (re)design of space." (Ibid.) ... (continued)
1 2
M. Foucault, ‘Sex, Power and the Politics of Identity’, in: P. Rabinow, ed., Essential Works of Foucault: Ethics, Subjectivity, Truth , Vol. I, New York 1997: 166 (Trans. modified) J. Fezer: " Design for a Post-Neoliberal City", e-flux: ‹›
Iannis Xenakis: music game for two orchestras and two conductors (1965) organigramm
grundrisse Foundations of the Critique
of Political Economy
COD //
Type_ Graphic postproduction for “CHARTA OF DUBAI” Presented at the 4th intern. architecture Biennale Rotterdam Team_ Smaq (S.Müller, A.Quednau) with R.Gorny, L.Rogers, T.J.Moore, M.Titze Location/Year_ Dubai (U.A.E.), 2010 Status_ published Description_ SMAQ’s Charter of Dubai proposes a series of boundary-altering techniques designed to unearth these connections. With these measures, edges are redrawn via environmental forces, boundaries are reinvented as social connectors, and limits are reset to shorten energy cycles. Expanding, feathering, and scattering boundaries, allows Dubai to form the tissue of a diverse, open metropolis, which it so desperately aspires to be. The diagram was part of SMAQ´s manifesto “The Charta of Dubai” and its application: “X-Palm” as part of the Fourth international Architecture Biennale exhibition “Refuge”, sub-curated by Philipp Misselwitz and Can Altay, at the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi).
OSL// (p.16)
SCE //
Type_ Competition & masterplan
Type_ Collaboration on an urban and landscape competition
Awards_ Europan 9, 1st prize
Honorable mention
Team_ Smaq (S.Müller, A.Quednau) with F.Flores, S.Izquierdo; Postproduction by R.Gorny; Masterplanning with S.Favargiotti, N.Friedman, R.Gorny, A.Kostreva, U.Kumberger) Location/Year_ Oslo (Nor), 2008-’12 Client_ Eiendoms- og Byfornyelsesetaten, City of Oslo Program_ housing, infrastructure, cinema, retail, offices Status_ Masterplan development Description_ diversifying social structure along with the sustainability imperative: The project “Cumulus” promotes a synthetic approach to environmental flows and urban inhabitation enhancing each other and triggering an architectural typology of its own. Cumulus thus is a strategy to recycle, de-sectorise and confront these latencies and interweave them through a concept of water flow. An important local environmental force (rain) is collected on roofs and facades of the inserted dwelling towers, and remains stored to reflect light and skies into the apartments. It is partially used in communal laundries and finally released at a social event in nearing winter to flood the public in-between spaces of the development: Congealing it expands the central indoor ice skating ring into an open air skating surface. While this temporal icy plane serves encounters of existing as well as incoming communities, spring will drain the waters to bordering allotment ecologies. The project is in progessive development which EBY and Rambøll.
(p.18) THH //
Team_ Smaq (S.Müller, A.Quednau) R.Gorny, A.Kostreva, U.Kumberger, N.Gnes, P.Bagna, M.-L.Raue), HL (F.Heilbronner, N.Lachkareff), with HAPPOLD (S.Draeger, C.Wiezorek, A.Fotiou) Location/Year_ Esslingen/N (GER), 2011 Client_ City of Esslingen Program_ residential and mixed use quarter, landscape, leisure
Type_ Collaboration (Team Leader) on commisioned housing model typology development Masterplan_ West8 (Rotterdam) Team_ Smaq (S.Müller, A.Quednau) with R.Gorny, A.Kostreva, U.Kumberger, N.Gnes) Location/Year_ Hamburg (GER), 2011 Client_ West8 Program_ subsidised housing Status_ published
Status_ competition finished Description_ A freight rail station reinterpreted as a self-suffcient post-oil city quarter: The area of the ‘New City West’ lies on multilayered terrain, on historically and geologically specific ground. The removal of the rails tracks of the former freight terminal recover potentials to reinterpret the site anew, to help move the town towards the post-fossile era and accommodate contemporary requirements of noise protection, city climate, resource balance, social space and functional admixture. The urban areas will be updated, keeping the character of the existing urban texture. The new district will symbiotically utilise the output from the old network. In return it will offer new outdoor spaces. The urban layout is thus based on an acknowledgedly integral and complex sustainability and energy concept which combines the wilhelminian time structure with microclimatic and energetic demands in an open density offering free space and will be relying on selfsufficient regenerative circuits.
IQR //
Type_ Collaboration on an invited architectural competition Award_ 2nd prize Team_ Smaq (S.Müller, A.Quednau) with D.Fernadèz-Pasqual, N.Gnes, R.Gorny, A.Kostreva) Location/Year_ Regensburg (GER), 2011 Client_ City of Regensburg Program_ housing Status_ competition finished
34,6 mil. cal.
44,3 mil. cal.
34,6 mil. cal.
1,7 mil. cal.
1,7 mil.0,8 liters
0,8 mil. liters
6,4 mil. liters
2,5 mil. cal.
6,4 mil. liters 2,5 mil. cal.
5,5 mil. cal.
5,5 mil. cal. 6,4 mil. liters
3,4 mil. liters
Drinking 3,4 mil. liters
6,4 mil. liters
Drinking Water
44,3 mil. cal. Evaporation
X-Palm Collage by SMAQ (T.J.Moore)
17,0 mil. liters
6,6 mil. liters
$ 22.500 Inhabitants
22.500 Inhabitants
4.000 villas à 4 pers 3.300 appartment à 2 pers
4.000 villas à 4 pers 3.300 appartment à 2 pers
1089 ha
1089 ha
48 ha
48 ha
51 ha
51 ha
78 ha
78 ha
Drinking Water
Drinking Water
3,4 mil. liters
3,4 mil. liters
82 t
82 t
6,6 mil. liters
Salt Harvesting
Salt Harvesting
Solar Desalination
Solar Desalination
66 ha
66 ha
46 ha
46 ha
Grey Water
Grey Water
1,6 Mio l
1,6 Mio l
51 ha
78 ha
48 ha
17,0 mil. liters
22,0 mil. liters
22,0 mil. liters
Climate + Sea
Climate + Sea
3.000 Tourists
3.000 Tourists
Hotel Atlantis
Hotel Atlantis
51 ha
78 ha
48 ha 1089 ha
82 t
1089 ha
82 t
▲ A SELF-SUFFICIENT PALM JUMEIRAH: Diagram showing the food cycle of a utopian version of Palm Jumeirah
Dubai, if the design would be based on aqua-ponic self-sufficiency of its inhabitants.
3 stories
Friområde Forest
Monsebråten 3+6 stories
Biodiversity Protection Area
Rest Area +188.0m
1+3 stories +197.0m
1+3 stories +197.0m
Friområde 1 story +190.0m
1 story +190.0m
Interconnection Street
Biodiversity Protection Area
1 story +188.0m
1+6 stories +206.0m
+186.5m +200.0m
1+3 stories +197.0m +197.0m
Shopping mall Square
Market Square +180.0m
1+6 stories +206.0m
1 story +188.0m
1+3 stories +197.0m
Romsåsveien 3 stories +197.0m
Municipality Square
plus 3 stories +206.0m
1+6 stories +206.0m
1+3 stories +197.0m
1story +188.0m
1 story +188.0m
2 stories +188.0m 1+3 stories +197.0m
1+6 stories +206.0m
1+3 stories +197.0m
1+3 stories +197.0m
▲ POSTPRODUCTION VISUALISATIONS: Postproduction render work showing the spatial sequences ◀ From competition to masterplan: In the last two years I collaborated in the development of a masterplan for the site ▼ CUMULUS BALLOONS: A study for a social sculpture bus shelter installation at the implementation site
16 Take it home!
Talk with your neighbours
Have a hot tea from the samovar
Be amazed while waiting
Get yourself a blanket!
1000 liter / m2 /p.a.
270.000 liter /p.a. 1500.000 liter /p.a.
water collection on the roofs of the apartment towers
communal washing maschines filled with collected rainwater water collection on the platforms
2 loads p.w. /p.p. greywater drains to the constructed wetlands
1500.000 liter /p.h.
drain lits parking garage underneath
yearly flooding event
water freezes to an Ice skating surface
flooding of surface with rainwater collected on the platforms
melting water drains to the constructed wetlands
Flow diagram by SMAQ, postproduction RG
Ecosysthemic  Events constructed wetlands filter and clean the greywater
cleaned water attracts animals and is used for irrigation of the allotment gardes
6000 m2 PARK
NAH 28%
Grauwasserkreislauf für Brauchwasser
Laubkompostierung PHOTOVOLTAIK
VOR ORT 62% Bewässerung 3200 m3/a
- Wasser: bewusster Verbrauch, wassersparende Technologien Grauwasserzyklus - Wiedernutzung, Umnutzung, Recycling
NUTZUNG LOKALER RESSOURCEN Nutzung der lokalen Energiepotentiale Wärmeproduktion in unmittelbarer Nähe Stromproduktion an sinnvoller Stelle off-site
Fassadenbewässerung 3200 m3/a
Organische Abfälle aus dem Quartier
Anaerobe Wasseraufbereitung Biogaserzeugung
▲ local
energy and resource sufficiency Using heat recovery from the existing waste waters system the districts entire heat demand can be covered
Versickerungsoffene Beläge
100% Warm
Collage finish by Nil Lachkareff (HL)
Plans and sections team work by SMAQ & HL
KWK Wärme 150000 kWh/a KWK Strom 90000 kWh/a
zusätzlich benötigter “Grüner Strom” 40%
Niederschlagsmenge 600 mm/m2a
FERN 11%
ADIABATE KÜHLUNG 4.600 m³ Wasser/a
-3 Mio. kWh
PHOTOVOLTAIK 2.5 mio kWh/a
- Dichte und Kompaktheit - Wärme: Dämmung, solare Einträge, Orientierung, Tageslichteintrag - Strom: Green IT, LED-Technologie
▲ Diversified Buffer zone: The symbiontical development offers public and common outdoor space and greenery for the existing neighbours
▲ Designing for difference Elevation from the street with repetitive types. The patterns of the brick facade reflect the organisational principles of the townhouses ▼ Adaptable Living: The schemes tackle adaptability of owned housing on different levels between flexibility and reconfigurability
2+? 2+?
2+1 2+1
2+? 2+?
2+2 2+2
2+1 2+1
2+1 2+1 20
2+2 2+2
× 130 +70
» »
+130 70
70 +130
bipolar effective order
▲ Common Courts in between the communal housing layout a differentiated, publicly permeable complex of (semi-)private niches offers areas to play The living entry is an openable central living area in a flexible flat scheme
Floor plans Regensburg drwan by N.Gnes
▼ Typologies for OPtiONS The staggered vestibulefeatures an under-defined common connecting area
Henry Holiday, Ocean Chart, from Lewis Caroll's 'Hunting of the Snark', 1874
the production of space
Type_ Web design, blog architectural research, Team_ R.Gorny Location/Year_ http://relationalthought. (2011) Description_ Anti-Vitruv and SuperBrunelleschi is a relational study and frequently updated archive of experimental utopianism and paper architectures. In deleuzean understanding, architectural concept can be taxonomised according to ways of expression and becoming: In his book on cinema, Gilles Deleuze, commenting on the philosophy of Henri Bergson, dismisses the conception of cinema as a succession of still photographs. Instead he develops a cinematic taxonomy which emerges on matter and memory, Bergson’s thesis of an enmeshed human body in the world of matter. Deleuze argues that cinema immediately gives us movement-image. Figures are not described in motion. Rather, the continuity of movement describes the figure (p5). In this respect, cinema embodies a modern conception of movement, “capable of thinking the production of the new” (p7), as opposed to the ancient conception of movement as a succession of separate elements.
The collected images from Type_ more or less well known team work for art, architects and artists will spatial installation be taxonomised for further Title_ analysis. Paralleling the “Return/Fill-In” cinema-books different ways of spatial montage will Team_ P. Bagna, create different transversal R.Gorny and M. Acksel relational connections in Gallery_ architectural history. SystM Berlin, This study here, will focus 29.05.2010 — 05.06.2010 on the evident problem of (p)representation, the reVernissage_ duction of four-dimensional Friday 28.05.2010 ideas in two-dimensional 7-10 pm visual renderings of unbuilt projects. Preliminary we Description_ might relate: RETURN/FILL-IN was a short spatial installation of anti-vitruviusm, 3000 returned letters. super-brunelleschi The identical offerings were // perception images returned to sender, as the addressed client had moved. computational figures By this all letters have and neo-narcism been added individualising // affection image stickers and notes, which tell a story about human new relationships relations that will never and machinic desires be fully clarifiable. // impulse image architecture parlante and pomo-ducks // action image the modernist and the broken mirror // reflexion image collage archipelago and false folds // relation image post-architectural and counter-contemporary // mental image The Time-Image will be worth but yet necessary to develop in a subsequent examination.
Type_ theory, paper Team_ Anna Kostreva (photomontage) Robert Gorny (annotations) Paper_ ThePublicSchool Berlin (2012) Title_ “Ground Figure Plan” Description_ Drawing of Anna Kostreva annotated with questions concerning issues between the city and the political. The photomontage is annotated with questions and associative images into a relational arrangement The analysis and interpretation is intentionally left open.
Type_ independent work for an interior design Location/Year_ Berlin (2011) Kastanienallee 76 Description_ Interior design for a loft. The flat is equipped with almost nothing. The distributed plants subdivide different zones spatially for free usage and future determination. Any defined arrangement of furniture is located islandlike offset from the walls.
▲ Exhibition at SystM Gallery, Berlin Letters, offers, improbability, relations, secrets, mistakes, waste — Return/Fill-In is a temporary possible world made up of bits of all of these; what happens when thousands of letters are returned to sender and create a space of their own.
Type_ team work for art, spatial installation
Team_ P. Bagna, R.Gorny and M. Acksel
Gallery_ Systm Berlin, 29.05.2010 — 05.06.2010
Vernissage_ Friday 28.05.2010 7-10 pm
▲ A POSSIBLE WORLD MADE FROM POST-CRITICISM Return/Fill-In is a non-human representation of unknown human relations whose connection will never be clear.
▲ ANNOTATED PHOTOMONTAGE Comments and annotations on a photomontage collaged by Anna Kostreva
“... the metropolis is the proper arena for this type of culture which has out-grown every personal element. Here in buildings and educational institutions, in the wonders and comforts of spaceconquering technique, in the formations of social life and in the concrete institutions of the State is to be found such a tremendous richness of crystallizing, depersonalized cultural accomplishments that the personality can, so to speak,scarcely maintain itself in the face of it.”
(G.Simmel: “Metropolis and Mental Life,” p. 338)
“We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated...“ (Star Trek: First Contact)
“I have now set this egg of ours on its end: — whether it will stand fast, and bear the shocks of discussion, remains to be decided by experience. I think you will not find it stale; but its freshness is a circumstance, that may not give it an equal relish to every palate. What would you say, if by the gradual adoption and diversified application of this single principle, you should see a new scene of things spread itself over the face of civilized society? — morals reformed, health preserved, industry invigorated, instruction diffused, public burthens lightened, economy seated as it were upon a rock, the gordian knot of the poor-laws not cut but untied — all by a simple idea in architecture?“
“A state is composite, like any other whole made up of many parts; these are the citizens, who compose it. It is evident, therefore, that we must begin by asking, who is the citizen, and what is the meaning of the term?“ (Aristotle: Politics III)
Politics exists when the natural order of domination is interrupted by the institution of a part of those who have no part. (J.R ancière, Disagreement: Politics and Philosophy, ibid. 11.)
“And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we (J. Bentham: The Panopticon bestow more abundant honour; Writings. Ed. Miran Bozovic (London: Verso, 1995). p. 29-95) and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.“ (1 Corinthians 12:23)
“There has never been any ‘aestheticization’ of politics in the modern age because politics is aesthetics in principle.“
(J. R ancière, Disagreement: Politics and Philosophy)
“To rethink the space of appearance in order to understand the power and effect of public demonstrations for our time, we will need to understand the bodily dimensions of action, what the body requires, and what the body can do, especially when we must think about bodies together, what holds them there, their conditions of persistence and of power. [...] For politics to take place, the body must appear. I appear to others, and they appear to me, which means that some space between us allows each to appear. [...] No one body establishes the space of appearance, but this action, this performative exercise happens only “between” bodies, in a space that constitutes the gap between my own body and another’s. In this way, my body does not act alone, when it acts politically. Indeed, the action emerged from the ‚between.‘“
(J.Butler: Bodies in Alliance and the Politics of the Street)
[ orangerie ]
[ kitchen ]
Type_ independant work for an interior design
Location/Year_ Berlin, 2011, Kastanienallee 76
[ outddor living room ]
[ bedroom ]
[ music chamber ]
Left free for IDEAS
Aaa Atelier Architecture Autogéréé (Ed.): Urban Act. A Handbook For Alternative Practices Adjaye, David: Making Public Buildings Adria, Miguel (Ed.): 10 X 10 _ 2 100 Architects 10 Critics Agrest, Diana: Architecture from Without Albrechts/Mandelbaum (Ed.): The Network Society. A New Context For Planning Allen, John: Allen: Lost Geographies of Power Allen, Stan (Ed.): Practice: Architecture. Technique And Representation Alliez, Eric: Gilles Deleuze. Une Vie Philosophique Ando Tadao: Tadao Ando. Die Farben des Lichts Andreas/Schmal: Takaharu+Yui Tezuka. Nostalgic Future/Erinnerte Zukunft Angelil, Marc: Geschichtete Stadtlandschaften. Strategien zur Gestaltung der Zwischenstadt Ansell Pearson, Keith: Demanding Deleuze Ansell-Pearson, Keith: Germinal Life: The Difference and Repetition of Deleuze Ansell-Pearson, Keith: Philosophy and The Adventure of the Virtual Ansell-Pearson, Keith: Viroid Life Perspectives on Nietzsche Aranda, Lasch: Pamphlet Architecture 27: Tooling Archis (Hrsg.): Al Manakh Archis Vol. 12 Aristoteles: Metaphysik Atelier Le Balto: Les Pieds Sur Terre Attiwil, Suziev: Di-Vision/Double Vision Aureli, Pier Vittorio / Declerck, Joachim: Brussels — A Manifesto. Towards The Capital of Europe Aureli, Pier Vittorio: The Possibility of An Absolute Architecture Aureli, Pier Vittorio: The Project of Autonomy Aureli/Guidici/Mastrigli/ Tattara: ROME. The Center(s) Elsewhere Bachelard, Gaston: Poetik Des Raumes Bachtin, Michael M.: Chronotopos Badiou, Alain: Being And Event Badiou, Alain: Fifteen Theses On Contemporary Art Badiou, Alain: The Subject Of Art Badiou/Zizek: Philosophie Und Aktualität Ballantyne, Andrew (Ed.): Architecture Theory Ballantyne, Andrew: Deleuze And Guattari For Architects Banham, Rayner: A Critic Writes: Selected Essays By Reyner Banham Banham, Rayner: The Architecture of the Well-Temperd Environment Bauakademie der DDR (Hrsg.): Karl Friedrich Schinkel Baudrillard, Jean: Architektur, Wahrheit oder Radikalität? Bauman, Günter: Meisterwerke Der Architektur Bell/Colebrook: Deleuze And History (Deleuze Connections) Benevolo, Leonardo: Die Geschichte der Stadt Bergson, Henri: Materie und Gedächtnis Bergson, Henri: Schöpfereische Entwicklung Berkel/Van Bos/Spengler: UN Studio Designmodelle, Architektur, Urbanismus, Infrastruktur Berlage, Hedrik Petrus: Gedanken über Stil in der Baukunst Berlage, Hedrik Petrus: Raumkunst und Architektur Berry, Duncan J.: Hans Auer and the Morality of Architectural Space
Bogner, Dieter: Friedrich Kiessler 1890-1965 Berry, Duncan J.: The Legacy Of Gottfried Semper Studies in Späthistorismus Bertoni, Franco: Claudio Silvestrin Bignell/Patton: Deleuze And The Postcolonial Bishop, Claire: Antagonism And Relational Aesthetics Blaser, Werner: Mies van der Rohe. Crown Hall Blaser, Werner: Mies van der Rohe. Federal Center Chicago Blaser, Werner: Mies van der Rohe. Lake Shore Drive Apartments Blaser, Werner: Mies van der Rohe. Die Kunst Der Struktur Blask, Falko: Jean Baudrillard Zur Einführung Boetticher, Carl: Das Princip der Hellenischen und Germanischen Bauweise hinsichtlich der Uebertragung in die Bauweise unserer Tage Bogue, Ronald: Deleuze On Cinema Bollnow, Otto Friedrich: Der Erlebte Raum Bollnow, Otto Friedrich: Probleme Des Erlebten Raums Bonta/Protevi: Deleuze and Geophilosophy (Deleuze Connections) Botta, Mario: Ethik Des Bauens/ The Ethics Of Building Boundas, Constantin V.: Deleuze and Philosophy (Deleuze Connections) Boundas, Constantin V.: The Intensive Reduction Bourdieu, Pierre: Praktische Vernunft Bourdieu, Pierre: Zur Soziologie der Symbolischen Formen Bourriaud, Nicolas: Postproduction Bourriaud, Nicolas: Radikant Boutang, Pièrre-André: L’abécédaire De Gilles Deleuze, Video Avec Claire Parnet Brooks Pfeiffer, Bruce: Wright (Taschen Basic Architecture) Brott, Simone: Architecture for a Free Subjectivity Buchanan, Ian: Deleuzism. A Metacommentary Buchanan/Guillaume: Deleuze And The Body (Deleuze Connections) Buchanan/Lambert: Deleuze And Space (Deleuze Connections) Buchanan/Marks: Deleuze And Literature (Deleuze Connections) Buchanan/Parr: Deleuze And The Contemporary World (Deleuze Connections) Buchanan/Sviboda: Deleuze And Music (Deleuze Connections) Buchanan/Thoburn: Deleuze And Politics (Deleuze Connections) Buckley, Craig and Violeau, Jean-Louis (Ed.): Utopie. Texts and Projects 1967-1978 Budde/Burkhard/Nedo: Townhoses (Disko) Bueti, Federica (Ed.) Weltfare State. ...ment (Journal For Contenporary Culture, Art And Politics), issue 01 Burke, Edmund: A Philosophical Inquiry of the Origins of Our Ideas Butler, Judith: Bodies that Matter Butler, Rex: Borges Short Stories. A Readers Guide Butler, Rex: Slavoj Zizek Zur Einführung Cache, Bernard: Digital Semper, In Davidson Cache, Bernard: Earth Moves The Furnishing Of Territories Cache, Bernard: Objectile. Cadavre Exquis Cache, Bernard: Phylogenesis: Foa’s Ark Foreign Office Architects
Capelli/Guallart: Self-Sufficient City. Envisioning The Habitat Of The Future Carter, Peter: Mies van der Rohe Bei Der Arbeit Casarino, Cesare/Negri, Antonio: In Praise Of The Common Cassierer/Panowsky: Idea. Eidos Und Eidolon. Fundus Bd. 172 Caterell, Bob (Ed.): City, Volume 14, #3, No Exit Caterell, Bob (Ed.): City, Volume 14, #6, Seeking Spatial Justice de Certeau, Michel: The Practice of Everyday Life Chermayeff/Perez Rubio: Sanaa Houses Chipperfiled, David: David Chipperfield. Architectural Works 1990 2002 Choi/Trotter (Ed.): Architecture at the Edge of Everything Else Chung, Chuihua, Judy (Ed.): Alison and Peter Smithson. The Charged Void Clement, Gilles/ Rahm, Phillipe: Environ(ne)ment Approaches For Tomorrow Manieres D'agir Pour Demain/Approaches For Tomorrow CLOG Magazine: BIG — Bjarke Ingels Group Cohen, Jean-Louis: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Cole/Fehdke: Stilformen und Epochen der Weltarchitektur Colebrook, Claire: Deleuze And History (Deleuze Connections) Colebrook, Claire: Deleuze and the Meaning of Life Colebrook, Claire: Deleuze. A Guide for the Perplexed Colomina, Beatrix: Sexuality and Space Costa, Xavier: Sanaa. Intervention In The Mies van der Rohe Pavillion Cotton, Michelle: Design Research Unit 1942-72 Cull, Laura: Deleuze And Performance (Deleuze Connections) Dahms, Hans-Joachim: Mies van der Rohe und die Philosophie um 1930 David Ménard, Monique: Deleuze und die Psychoanalyse Davidson, Cynthia: Anymore Dean, Jodi: Democracy and other Neoloberal Fantasies Débord, Guy: The Society Of The Spectacle Delanda, Manuel: A Thousand Years Of Nonlinear History Delanda, Manuel: Deleuze and the Genesis of Form Delanda, Manuel: Deleuze And The Use Of The Genetic Algorithm In Architecture Delanda, Manuel: Intensive Science & Virtual Philosophy Delanda, Manuel: Netzwerke/Meshworks, Hierarchies And The Question Of Interface Delanda, Manuel: Non-Organic Life Delanda, Manuel: Philosophy And Simulation. The Emergence Of Synthetic Reason Delanda, Manuel: The Machinic Phylum Delanda, Manuel: Virtual Environments As Intuition Synthesisers Delanda, Manuel: War In The Age Of Intelligent Machines Deleuze, Gilles: Anti-Ödipus und Tausend Plateaus 15/02/1977 Deleuze, Gilles: Bartleby oder die Formel Deleuze, Gilles: Bergson zur Einführung Deleuze, Gilles: Die Falte. Leibniz Und Der Barock Deleuze, Gilles: Différence Et Répétition Deleuze, Gilles: Differenz Und Wiederholung Deleuze, Gilles: Empirisme And Subjectivity Deleuze, Gilles: Empirisme Et Subjectivité Deleuze, Gilles: Foucault
Deleuze, Gilles: Francis Bacon. The Logic Of Sensation Deleuze, Gilles: Image Mouvement Image Temps 05/01/1981 Berson, Matière Et Mémoire Deleuze, Gilles: Kants Kritische Philosophie Deleuze, Gilles: Kino 1. Das Bewegungs-Bild Deleuze, Gilles: Kino 2. Das Zeit-Bild Deleuze, Gilles: Kleine Schriften Deleuze, Gilles: Kritik Und Klinik Deleuze, Gilles: La Peinture Et La Question Des Concepts 07/04/1981 Deleuze, Gilles: Logik Des Sinns Deleuze, Gilles: Logique Du Sens Deleuze, Gilles: Lust Und Begehren Deleuze, Gilles: Nietzsche und die Philosophie Deleuze, Gilles: Nietzsche. Ein Lesebuch Deleuze, Gilles: Perikles und Verdi Deleuze, Gilles: Proust und die Zeichen Deleuze, Gilles: Pure Immanence. Essays On A Life Deleuze, Gilles: Qu’est-Ce Que Fonder? 00/00/1956 Deleuze, Gilles: Qu’est-Ce Que L’acte De Création? 17/05/1987 Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza und das Problem des Ausdrucks in der Philosophie Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza. Praktische Philosophie Deleuze, Gilles: The Actual and the Virtual, Übers. V. Charles T. Wolfe, In Any 19 Deleuze, Gilles: The Logic of Sense Deleuze, Gilles: Unterhandlungen 1972-1990 Deleuze/Foucault: Der Faden ist Gerissen Deleuze/Guattari: Anti-Ödipus. Kapitalismus Und Schizophrenie I Deleuze/Guattari: Tausend Plateaus. Kapitalismus und Schizophrenie II Deleuze/Guattari: Was Ist Philosophie? Deleuze/Parnet: Dialoge Delitz, Heike: Die Architektur der Gesellschaft Delitz, Heike: Gebaute Gesellschaft. Architektur Als Medium Des Sozialen Derrida, Jacques: Die Différance Dorrian, Mark: Clouds Of Architecture Dosse, François: Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari. Intersecting Lives Drexler, Arthur: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Dziewoir, Yilmaz: Mapping A City Dziewoir, Yilmaz: Mies van der Rohe. Blick Durch Den Spiegel Eaton, Ruth: Die Ideale Stadt Ebner (Hrsg): Typologie+ Eikmeyer, Robert (Hrsg.): Jonathan Meese, Slavoj Zizek. Ernteschach Dem Dämon El Croquis (Ed.): Herzog & Demeuron, 1998-2002 El Croquis (Ed.): Sanaa, 1990-2004 El Croquis (Ed.): Sanaa, Sejima, Nishizawa 1984-2004 El Croquis (Ed.): Sistemas De Trabajo El Croquis (Ed.): Zaha Hadid, 1983-2004 Elden, Lebas, Kofman (Ed.): Henry Lefebrve. Key Writings Engelhardt, Miriam: Deleuze als Methode. ein Seismograph für theoretische Inventionen Engelmann, Peter: Postmoderne und Dekonstruktion Esposito, Roberto: Person und Menschliches Leben Feireiss/Linh Ngo/Ernst: Arch+ 180. Convertible City
Fernandez Per/Mozas: A+T Stragegy Public Fezer, Jesko / ifau: 12 Arbeitsthesen (Disko) Fezer, Jesko/Heyden, Mathias: Hier Entsteht. Strategien Partizipativer Architektur und Räumlicher Aneignung Fezer, Jesko: Deprofessionalisierungstendenzen (Disko) Fiel, Wolfgang (Ed.) Eckhard Schultze-Fielitz. Metalanguage of Space Fischer Von Erlach, Johann Bernhard: Entwurff einer historischen Architektur Fischer, Theodor: Wechselrede über ästhetische Fragen der Gegenwart Fishman, Robert: Los Angeles. The Architecture Of Four Ecologies Flusser, Vilem: Into The Universe Of Technical Images Fontana Giusti, Gordana: Zaha Hadid. Gesamtwerk Foucault, Michel: Discipline and Punishment Foucault, Michel: La Volonte De Savoir Frankel, Paul: Die Entwicklungsphasen der neueren Baukunst 1914 Frankel, Paul: Stile und Epochen Freemann, Michael: Winzig Kleine Gärten Frick, Dieter: Theorie des Städtebaus Fuglsang/Sorensen: Deleuze And The Social (Deleuze Cnnections) Fujimoto Sou: 藤本壮介 | 原初的な未来の建築 (Sou Fujimoto: Primitive Future) Gadamer, Hans-Georg: Die Aktualität des Schönen. Kunst als Spiel, Symbol und Fest Garcia, Mark (Ed.): The Diagrams Of Architecture Garnham, Nicholas & Williams, Raymond: Pierre Bourdieu And The Sociology Of Culture Geipel, Finn, Andi, Guilia: Grand Paris. Métropole Douce Genosko, Gary: Deleuze and Guattari. Critical Assesments, Vol. 1-3 Gente, Paris, Weinmann: Short Cuts 4. Gilles Deleuze Gente/Weibel: Deleuze und die Künste Georgiadis, Sokratis (Hrsg.): Gottfried Semper (1803-1879) Georgiadis, Sokratis: Armuth an Erfindung Georgiadis, Sokratis: Der architektonische Raum und die Öffnung der Fläche Georgiadis, Sokratis: Griechisches, Allzugriechisches Georgiadis, Sokratis: Hegels Falle Georgiadis, Sokratis: Jumpin Through Heavens Door Georgiadis, Sokratis: Nicht unbedingt Modern Georgiadis, Sokratis: Nostalgie auf Cyberhomes? Georgiadis, Sokratis: Sigfried Giedion. Eine Intellektuelle Biographie Georgiadis, Sokratis: Skelette und Geräte. Vom wechselhaften Verhältnis zwischen Architekt und Ingenieur Georgiadis, Sokratis: The Architecture of Greece Georgiadis, Sokratis: Übungen im Neuen Sehen Geuze, Adrian: West 8 Giedion, Sigfried: Bauen in Frankreich Bauen In Eisen, Bauen In Eisenbeton Giedion, Sigfried: Raum, Zeit, Architektur. Die Entstehung einer neuen Tradition Gielen, Pascal: The Murmuring of the Artistic Multitude Gilbert/Wheeler (Ed.): Deleuzian Politics. New Formations 68
Giovannini, Joseph: Zaha Hadid Space For Art Contemporary Arts Centre Cincinnati Gleiter, Jörg H.: Gebaute Räume. Zur kulturellen Formung von Architektur und Stadt Gleiter, Jörg H.: Rückkehr des Verdrängten. Zur kritischen Theorie des Ornaments Goethe, Johann W. Von: Maximen und Reflexionen Goffman, Erwin: Behaviour in Public Places Gonnewardena/Kipfer/Milgrom (Ed.): Space, Difference, Everyday Life. Reading Henry Lefebvre Gordon, Avery: An Atlas Of Radical Cartography Graham/Marvin: Splintering Urbanism Graves, Charles P. Jr.: The Genealogy Of Cities Gremillet, Muriel: Ville Durable/Sustainable City 2009 Guallart, Vincente: GeoLogics, Geography Information Architecture Guattari, Félix: Chaosophy Guattari, Félix: The Anti-OEdipus Papers Guattari, Félix: The Machinic Unconscious Guattari, Félix: Three Ecologies (Continuum Impacts) Guelf, Fernand Mathias: Die Urbane Revolution. Henri Lefèbvres Philo- sophie der globalen Verstädterung Guillaume, Laura/Hughes, Joe: Deleuze and the body (Deleuze Connections) Gurlitt, Cornelius: Alte Formen, Neuer Stil Gurlitt, Cornelius: Die Theorien der Baukunst im Xix. Jahrhundert Gurlitt, Cornelius: Göllers ästhetische Lehre Habermas, Jürgen: Der philosophische Diskurs der Moderne Habermas, Jürgen: Erkenntnis und Interesse Habraken, N. John: Die Träger und die Menschen Hardt, Michael: Gilles Deleuze. An Apprenticeship in Philosophy Hardt/Negri: Common Wealth Hardt/Negri: Empire Hardt/Negri: Multitude Harvey, David: Social Justice and the City Hauptman, Deborah (ed.): The Body in Architecture Hauptman, Deborah/ Neidich, Warren: Cognitive Architecture: From Bio-Politics to Noo-Politics Hensen, Dirk: Weniger Ist Mehr Herrmann, Wolfgang: Gottfried Semper. Theoretischer Nachlass Herzogenrath, Bernd: An (Un)Likely Alliance Hillier, Jean: Streching Beyond The Horizon. A Multiplanar Theory Of Spatial Planning And Governance Himmelmann, Beatrix: Nietzsche Hitchcock, Henry-Russell: Die Architektur Des 19. Und 20. Jahrhunderts Hoffmann, Donald: Frank Lloyd Wright‘S Robie House Holland, Charles: A Secret History of Architecture (Disko) Holland/Smith/Stivale: Gilles Deleuze — Image and Text Hollert, Tom: Distributed Agency, Design‘s Potentiality (Civic City Cahier 3) Höper/Stoschek/Kieven: Giovanni Battista Piranesi Die Wahrnehmung Von Raum Und Zeit Hotzan, Jürgen: Dtv Atlas Stadt Hughes, Joe: Deleuze and the Genesis of Representation Hughes, Joe: Deleuze's Difference and Repetition. A Reader's Guide Huse, Norbert: Neues Bauen 1918 Bis 1933
My Library
Hvattum, Mari: Gottfried Semper and the Problem of Historicism Ishigami Junya: 石上純也 | ちい さな図版のまとまりから建築につい て考えたこと (Small Images) Jacobs, Steven: The Wrong House: The Architecture Of Alfred Hitchcock Jain, Dhruv (Ed.): Deleuze and Marx Jameson, Frederic: Representing Capital Jöchner, Cornelia: Wie kommt Bewegung in die Architekturtheorie? Jun Hashimoto (Ed.): Ja #79, Junya Ishigami Jun Hashimoto (Ed.): Ja #80, Year Book 2010 Jun Tanaka: From (Im) Possible To Virtual Architecture Kafka, Franz: Betrachtungen über Kunst, Leben, Glauben Kahlfeldt, Paul: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Helden Ohne Degen Kaminer, Tahl: Architecture, Crisis and Resuscitation Kammleithner, Christina: Eine Ästhetik des Gebrauches (Disko) Kamper, Dietmar: Die Ästhetik Der Abwesenheit: die Entfernung der Körper Karge, Hendrik (Hrsg.): Gottfried Semper Dresden Und Europa Katalog Der Kunstbibliothek Berlin: Von Schinkel bis Mies van der Rohe Kihato/Massoumi/Ruble/ Subirós/Garland: Urban Diversity. Space Culture and Inclusive Pluralism in Cities Worldwide Kirn, Gal (Ed.): Port-Fordism and it's Discontents Klanten/Feireiss: Staging Space. Scenic Interiors and Spatial Experiences Klanten/Feireiss: Strike A Pose. Eccentric Architecture and Spectacular Spaces Klanten/Hübner: Urban Interventions. Personal Projects in Public Space Klee, Paul: Die Zwitschermaschine Klossowski, Pierre: Die Ähnlichkeit (La Ressemblance) Kneer (Hrsg.): Bruno Latours Kollektive. Kontroversen zur Entgrenzung des Sozialen Kögner, Michael: Möglichkeitsräume in der analytischen Psychotherapie Köhler/Faller/Hess: Diagrammatische und hybride Methoden in der räumlichen Planung Koolhaas, Rem (Ed.): Content Kossak/Petrescu/Schneider/ Tyszczuk/Walker (Hrsg.): Agency. Working with Uncertain Architectures Kramp, Mario: Von Paris Nach Dresden. In Karge 2007 Krausse, Joachim: Unsichtbare Architektur (Disko) Krier, Leon: Drawings Kruft, Hanno-Walter: Geschichte Der Architekturtheorie Kwinter, Sanford: Architecture Of Time. Toward A Theory Of The Event In Modernist Culture Lacaton/Vassal: Lacaton & Vassal Laclau, Ernesto: On Populist Reason Laclau/Mouffe: Hegemony And Socialist Strategy Lahiji, Nadir: The Political Unconscious of Architecture Lampert, Jay: Deleuze And Guattaris Philosophy Of History Lapoujade (Hrsg.)/Deleuze: Die Einsame Insel. Texte Und Gespräche 1953-1974 Lapoujade (Hrsg.)/Deleuze: Schizophrenie Und Gesellschaft. Texte Und Gespräche 1975-1990 Latour, Bruno: Eine Neue Soziologie Für Eine Neue Gesellschaft
Latour, Bruno: Iconoclash. Gibt Es Eine Welt Jenseits Des Bilderkrieges? Latour, Bruno: Politics of Nature Latour, Bruno: Wir sind nie Modern Gewesen Leach, Neil (Ed.): Rethinking Architectur Lefebrve, Henri: Key Writings Lefebrve, Henri: The Production of Space Lefebrve, Henri: The Urban Revolution Legates/Stout: The City Reader. Forth Edition Leibniz, Gottfried W.: Fünf Schriften Zur Logik Und Metaphysik Leibniz, Gottfried W.: Monadologie Lemke, thoma: Biopolitik Lim, Cj/Liu, Ed: Smartcities + Eco-Warriors Lipsius, Constantin: Ueber die ästhetische Behandlung des Eisens im Hochbau Loos, Adolf: Ins Leere Gesprochen Loos, Adolf: Ornament und Verbrechen Loos, Adolf: Trotzdem, 1900-1930 Lootsma, Bart: Koolhaas, Constant und Die Niederländische Kultur Der 60Er Jahre Lopez des Souza, Marcelo: Which right to Which City Lorck, Carl Von: Karl Friedrich Schinke Lorey/Nigro/Raunig: Inventionen Lynch, David: Das Bild Der Stadt. Bauwelt Fundamente Bd. 16 Maas, Winy: T?F: Green Dream Mackay, Robin James: Collapse. Philosophical Research And Development Mallgrave, Harry: Architectural Theory 1. An Anthology from Vitruvius to 1870 Mallgrave, Harry: Architectural Theory 2. An Anthology from 1871- 2005 Mallgrave, Harry: From Realism To Sachlichkeit Mallgrave, Harry: Gottfried Semper. Ein Architekt des 19. Jahrhunderts Mallgrave, Harry: Modern Architectural Theory. A Historical Survey, 1673-1968 Marazzi, Christian: Capital and Affects Marten, Ekkhard (Hrsg.): Pragmatismus. Ausgewählte Texte Massumi, Brian: A Shock To Thought. Expressions After Deleuze Massumi, Brian: Interface and Active Space Massumi, Brian: Ontomacht Massumi, Brian: Realer Than Real. The Simulacrum According to Deleuze and Guattari McDonough, Tom: Situationists Space Meisenheimer, Wolfgang: Das Denken des Leibes und der architektonische Raum Merleau-Ponty, Maurice: L‘institution. La Passivité Mertins (Ed): The Presence Of Mies Meyer, Ulf: Die Fügung Der Dinge. Sublime Creation. Axel Nieberg Architect Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig: Baukunst und Zeitwille Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig: Die Neue Zeit Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig: Gelöste Aufgaben Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig: Hochhausprojekt für Bahnhof Friedrichstraße In Berlin Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig: Industrielles Bauen Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig: Kunstkritik Milde, Kurt: G. Sempers Umgang mit historischer Bausubstanz in Karge 2007 Miller / Schwaag / Warner: The New Death Strip (Disko)
Möbuß, Susanne: Schopenhauer für Anfänger Die Welt Als Wille Und Vorstellung Mostaedi, Arian: Minimalist Spaces Mozas, Javier: Density. New Collective Housing Müller, Ulrich: Raum, Bewegung Und Zeit Im Werk Von Walter Gropius Und Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Müller/Vogel: Dtv Atlas Baukunst Bd. 1 Müller/Vogel: Dtv Atlas Baukunst Bd. 2 Murphy, Peter / Roberts, David: Dialectic Of Romanticism. A Critique Of Modernism Museum Folkwang Essen: Urbanität Gestalten Muthesius, Herrmann: Stilarchitektur Und Baukunst Negri, Antonio: On Rem Koolhaas Negri, Tony: Art and Multitude Negri, Tony: Trilogy of Resistance Neumeyer, Fritz (Hrsg.): Der Klang Der Steine. Nietzsches Architekturen Neumeyer, Fritz (Hrsg.): Quellentexte Zur Architekturtheorie, Nachdenken über Architektur Neumeyer, Fritz: Mies van der Rohe. Das Kunstlose Wort Nietzsche, Friedrich: Also Sprach Zarathustra Nietzsche, Friedrich: Der Fall Wagner. Götzendämmerung. Der Antichrist. Ecce Homo. Dionysosdithyramben. Nietzsche Contra Wagner. Hrsg. Colli/Montinari) Nietzsche, Friedrich: Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft Nietzsche, Friedrich: Die Geburt der Tragödie Nietzsche, Friedrich: Die Nachgelassenen Fragmente. Eine Auswahl Nietzsche, Friedrich: Ecce Homo Nietzsche, Friedrich: Jenseits Von Gut und Böse Nietzsche, Friedrich: Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen. Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben Nietzsche, Friedrich: Zur Genealogie der Moral Nishizawa Ryue: 西沢立衛 | 建築設計事務所スタディ集 (Studies By The Office Of Ryue Nishizawa) Noboyuki Yoshida (Ed.): A+U 380: Possibilities of Collective Living O’Sullivan, Simon: Art Encounters Deleuze And Guattari O’Sullivan/Zepke: Deleuze, Guattari and the Production of the New Onians, John: Bearers Of Meaning: The Classical Orders In Antiquity Osborne, Peter: The Politics of Time Ott, Michaela: Affizierung. Zu einer ÄsthetischEpistemischen Figur Ott, Michaela: Gilles Deleuze Zur Einführung Pagel, Gerda: Jacques Lacan Zur Einführung Parker, Simon: Cities, Politics And Power Parr, Adrian (Ed.): The Deleuze Dictionary Parr, Adrian: Hijacking Sustainability Parr/Zaretsky (Ed.): New Directions in Sustainable Design Pawson, John: Minimum Payne, Andrew: Sustainability and Pleasure Peran, Marti: Post-It City Peschgen, Goerd: Das Architektonische Lehrbuch Karl Friedrich Schinkel Pevsner, Nikolaus: Europäische Architektur Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart Piano/Lepik: Architekturen Des Lebens Pieper, Jan: Das Labyrinthische Platon: Symposion Platon: Theätät
Poster/Savat: Deleuze And New Technology (Deleuze Connections) Posthofen, Christian: Theorie Und Praxis Puente, Moises: Conversations With Mies van der Rohe Quitzsch, Heinz: Gottfried Semper. Praktische Ästhetik Und Politischer Kampf Rahim, Ali/ Jamelle, Hina: Catalytic Formations Rahim, Ali/ Jamelle, Hina: Elegance, AD Rahim, Ali: Contemporary Techniques In Architecture Rajchman, John: The Deleuze Connenctions Rajchman/Virilio: Constructions Rancière, Jacques: Dissensus. On Politics and Aesthetics Rancière, Jacques: The Politics of Aesthetics. The Distribution of The Sensible Rees, William E.: Understanding Urban Ecosystems Reiser/Umemoto: Atlas Of Novel Tectonics Rietzler, Walter: Das Neue Raumgefühl in Bildender Kunst und Musik Risselada, Max/Van den Heuvel, Dirk: TEAM 10. 1953-81 Robbers, Lutz: In The Soft Image of the City. Mies van der Rohe and Cinematic Time Royseland/Ro: Europan9 Norway Ruby, Andreas: Naive Architecture. Notes on the Work of Lacaton & Vassal Ruschmeier, Réné: Immanenz und Transzendenz bei Gilles Deleuze Ryle, Martin: Surplus Consciousness Salin, Sophie: Kryptologie Des Unbewußten Nietzsche, Freud Und Deleuze... Salingaros, Nikos A.: Anti-Architecture And Deconstruction Salottobouno (Ed.): Manual Of Decolonization Sarasin, Philippe: Michel Foucault Zur Einführung Sarnitz, August: Loos (Taschen Basic Architecture) Schaub, Mirjam: Gilles Deleuze Im Wunderland Schinkel, Karl Friedrich: Sammlung Architektonischer Entwürfe Schinkel/Uhl (Hrsg.): Sammlung Architektonischer Entwürfe Von Karl Fr. Schinkel Schleifer/Wintle/Engler: Minimalist Houses (Evergreen Interiors) Schmarsow, August: Das Wesen der Architektonischen Schöpfung Schmarsow, August: Der Werth der Dimensionen im menschlichen Raumgebilde Schmarsow, August: Grundbegriffe Der Kunstwissenschaft Schmidt: Kollektive Intentionalität Schroer, Markus: Räume, Orte, Grenzen Auf dem Weg zu einer Soziologie des Raums Schulze, Franz: Mies van der Rohe. A Critical Biography Segal/Verbakel: Cities Of Dispersal (Architectural Design) Seidel, Ernst: Lexikon Der Bautypen Funktionen Und Formen Der Architektur Sejima Kazuyo: Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa/ Sanaa Works 1995-2003 Semper, Gottfried (Karge, H., Hrsg.): Der Stil in den Technischen und Tektonischen Künsten, Band 1, Gesammelte Schriften Band II
Semper, Gottfried (Karge, H., Hrsg.): Der Stil in den Technischen und Tektonischen Künsten, Band 2, Gesammelte Schriften Band Iii Semper, Gottfried (Karge, H., Hrsg.): Kleine Schriften, Gesammelte Schriften Band IV Semper, Gottfried: Die Vier Elemente der Baukunst Semper, Gottfried: Schriften Zur Kunsttheorie, Bd. Iii Serres, Michel: Le Contrat Naturelle Shane, Graham: The Emergence Of Landscape Urbanism Shields, Rob: Lefebvre, Love and Struggle — Spatial Dialectics Simmel, Georg: Philosophie Der Landschaft Sitte, Camillo: Der Städtebau nach seinen künstlerischen Grundsätzen Sloterdijk, Peter: Sphären, Kt., Bd.1, Blasen Smith, Daniel W.: The Conditions Of The New Smith, Elizabeth A.T.: Case Study Houses 1945-1966 The California Impetus Smithson, Alison & Peter: The Charged Void. Urbanism Soeberg, Martin: Theorizing The Image Of Architecture Thomas Ruff’s Photographs Of The Buildings Of Mies van der Rohe Soja, Edward: Postmodern Geographies. The Reassertion Of Space In Critical Social Theory Sola-Morales, Ignasi De: Differences Topographies Of Contemporary Architecture Sola-Morales, Ignasi de: Mies van der Rohe Barcelona Pavilion Sorkin, Michaal: Michael Sorkin Studio Wiggle Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden (Hrsg.): Revolutionsarchitektur. Boullée. Ledoux, Lequeu Steffens, Martin: Karl Friedrich Schinkel 1781-1841 (Taschen Basic Architecture) Stemshorn, Max: Schinkel Und Mies Stengers, Isabelle: Spekulativer Konstruktivismus Stiegler, Bernhard: For A New Critique Of Political Economy Stirner, Max: Der Einzige und sein Eigentum Stivale, Charles J. : Gilles Deleuzes Abc Primer With Claire Parnet Stivale, Charles J.: Gilles Deleuzes Abcs The Folds Of Friendship Stivale, Charles J.: The Two-Fold Thought Of Deleuze And Guattari Strauven, Francis: Aldo Van Eyck. The Shape Of Relativity Sudjic, Deyan: John Pawson Works Swyngedouw, Erik: Designing the PostPolitical City and the Insurgent Polis (Civic City Cahier 5) Tafuri, Manfredo: Architecture And Utopia Tegethoff, Wolf: Mies van der Rohe Die Villen Und Landhaus Tezuka, Takaharu & Yui: Architecture Catalogie 2 Tezuka, Takaharu & Yui: Nostalgic Future Thrift, Nigel / Ash Amin: Cities Thrift, Nigel: Non-Representational Theory Ungers, Oswald M.: Architecture as Theme Van Boxel, Elma: Reality Or Utopia? Van Boxel, Elma: Re-Public Van Der Velde, Henry: Vom Neuen Stil Der Laienpredigten Ii. Teil
Van Schaik, Marcel: Exit Utopia. Architectural Provocations 1956-76 Van Toorn, Roemer: Time In Transit. A Travelogue Through The Society Of The And In Search Of And/ Otherness Venturi, Robert: Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture Vermeulen/Van den Akker: Metamodernism Vidler, Anthony: Architecture Between Spectacle and Use Vidler, Anthony: Claude Nicolas Ledoux Vidler, Anthony: Histories Of The Immediate Present (Writing Architecture) Vidler, Anthony: Warped Space. Art, Architecture, And Anxiety In Modern Culture Virilio, Paul: Die Kunst Des Schreckens Virilio, Paul: Die Panische Stadt Volk, Waltraud: Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Sein Wirken als Architekt Vomhof, Stefanie: Das Bild bei Deleuze Bewegung, Montage, Zeit Wall, Alex: Programming the Urban Surface Wang, Wilfried: Sustainability is a Cultural Problem Watson, Janell: Guattaris Diagrammatic Thought Weilacher, Udo: Zwischen Landschaftsarchitektur und Land Art Weiß, Martin G.: Bios und Zoë. Die Menschliche Natur im Zeitalter ihrer technischen Reproduzierbarkeit Welsch, Wolfgang: Ästhetisches Denken Welsch, Wolfgang: Grenzgänge der Ästhetik West-Pavlov, Russell: Space in Theory. Kristeva, Foucault, Deleuze Whitehead, Alfred North: Process and Reality Williams, James: Gilles Deleuze‘s Logic of Sense. A Critical Introduction and Guide Winckelmann, Johan J.: Gedanken über die Nachahmung Wölfflin, Heinrich: Prolegomena zu einer Psychologie der Architektur Wright, Erik Olin: Envisioning Real Utopias Zepke, Stephen: Art as Abstract Machine. Ontology and Aesthetics in Deleuze and Guattari Zillich, Carl C.: Specific Transparencies Zizek, Slavoj: Auf Verlorenem Posten Zizek, Slavoj: Denn Sie wissen nicht, was Sie tun Zizek, Slavoj: Die Puppe und der Zwerg Zizek, Slavoj: Die Tücke Des Subjekts Zizek, Slavoj: vFirst As Tragedy, Then As Frace Zizek, Slavoj: Liebe Dein Symptom wie Dich Selbst Zizek, Slavoj: Organlose Körper Zizek, Slavoj: Organs Without Bodies Deleuze and Consequences Zizek, Slavoj: Parallaxe Zizek, Slavoj: Was Sie schon immer über Lacan wissen wollten und Hitchcock nie zu fragen gewagt haben Zourabichvili, François: Deleuze. Une Philosophie De L’événement Zourabichvili, François: Le Vocabulaire De Deleuze Zucker, Paul: Der Begriff der Zeit in der Architektur
This portfolio displays selected projects of my collaboration at SMAQ — architecture urbanism research from 2008-2012 as well as some independent projects, writings and theoretical examinations during the same period. Architecture has always been, and will always remain being, the explicit expression of power relations in its most extreme manifestation. During industrialisation, capitalist-fordist modes of production have exerted these influencing forces. We will imagine a time when we will wonder, why there should be no alternative to capitalist modes of production of subjectivity. Before the industrial revolution, cities have been specialised spatial devices of primarily processing trade and goods. Then after, from industrialisation until 20th century modernist planning, cities have changed to being mainly apparatuses of processing people and work. Apparently, we have happened to witness a shift from the industrial metropolis to a new, already often discussed ‘biopolitical’ form. In this case, it will be a third transformation, that we will be to witness — the ‘informatisation’ of production — according to the dominant position which has passed from primary to secondary and then to tertiary production. But cities, how could they be becoming apparatuses of processing information?