Design Portfolio

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Intersections Roberta Motter | Design Portfolio








About Intersections Intersections is the story of 6-year projects since design has become part of my life. The interweaving of different disciplines, the passion for research, the holistic approach to the project create unexpected intersections. My path meets strategic design, public spaces, interior design, graphic, design for service. All these dots build in me a culture of design (in italian cultura del progetto) made ​​of facets, nuances and colors and enabled me to develop various skills. A space is never only a space as well as a research becomes a strategy trying always to make the picture as big as possible.

I believe Design is not much about what, it’s more about HOW

About Me The result is a starting point for further exploration. It’s the process what allows to connect the dots. It’s cyclic and never linear, my approach is reflected as in life also in the design process. I’m interested in culture, I love people, discover, write, swim, travel, listen, do. I’m curious about many issues exploring several fields that define blurred and permeable boundaries. That’s why I define myself a strategic designer.

In brief...

Keep always passion, never stop learning, travelling as much as possible

I achieved the M.Sc. in Product Service System Design in double degree with Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino and I graduated from the interdisciplinary school Alta Scuola Politecnica. My background is in Interior Design. During the internship at Strategic Design Scenarios –Brussels- I further explored the strategic design with scenario building and co-design methodologies following several European projects . The last two workshops I carried out are the Design Internship on Ex Area Falck in close collaboration with Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Bizzi & Partners Development and Politecnico di Milano and the EXPO Cluster International Workshop launched by Expo 2015 and Politecnico di Milano. Follow my interest in Social Innovation and Public Space I organize “il Sabato della Bovisa” system of actions to open up public spaces.

All Projects 06-10.2014

Journey App Business Marketing Vodafone Italy

Tool NAS Revolution Business Marketing Vodafone Italy 10.2013 - 02.2014

PUMA - Maasvlakte Rotterdam Service Science Factory for Boskalis & AMI Consultancy

CODE2 - Big Data community Service Science Factory for Maastricht University


Green Move Regione Lombardia, Politecnico di Milano 2010-2013 | M.Sc. PRODUCT SERVICE SYSTEM DESIGN

Il Sabato della Bovisa M.Sc. thesis project with Polimi Desis Lab, Polisocial

RinnovaMi Final synthesis design studio: Service system furniture re-design

naturAperdersi PSSD Studio 2: Service design for lesure at Cascina Resta, Parco Sud, Milano

09.2012 - 02.2013


Officina Sperimentale Architettura CittĂ della Salute

PSSD Studio 1: Product design for children

Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Bizzi & Partners Development, Politecnico di Milano

2007-2010 | B.Sc. INTERIOR DESIGN


Expo Cluster International Workshop Rice Life. EXPO S.p.A., Politecnico di Milano 03-07.2012

Multi level governance charter Strategic Design Scenarios - Commitee of the Regions | Brussels

Corpus Strategic Design Scenarios, European Commission | Brussels

Human Cities: Reclaim Public Spaces Culture programme European Commission | Brussels

The city. Crossing the changes in the Expo big cities. Exhibition design on Barcelona’s urban evolution. B.Sc. thesis project

Canteen-Sharing Design system for sustainability: New food system provider for Politecnico di Milano

Imprigionare cataclismi Workshop Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

The EXPO big cities and Milano 2015 Final synthesis studio

Nuova vita al Giambellino Interior design studio with ALER Azienda Lombarda Edilizia Residenziale

Breil Tempio corpo Metadesign studio

Bamboo Block House Theory and practice project studio

Presented Projects


Il Sabato della bovisa

2 3

Green Move Corpus




Officina Sperimentale Architettura Rice Life




Breil: Tempio Corpo

6 7 8

New Life for Giambellino Human Cities Toolbox





Strategic Design Public Spaces


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Il Sabato della Bovisa Design system of events to recreate the physical and cultural bond between the academic community and its neighbourhood

| M.Sc. Thesis Project in Product Service System Design | Politecnico di Milano | Year: 2013 Tutor: Davide Fassi

! Presented at Biennal of Public Space, Rome

Strategic Design, Public Spaces


Il Sabato della Bovisa is an ongoing project inside the Campus Durando of Politecnico di Milano, which aims at opening up the campus public spaces through a series of initiatives to recreate the bond between the neighborhood community and the internal one. The tools of strategic planning and service design, combined with event management create a bridge between the university area and the neighborhood by defining a system of events that becomes an incubator for new synergies. I developed the project in a process that covers from the research, to the creative phase, till the real implementation and I’m still managing the first season.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


1 - Il Sabato Della Bovisa -

Design Process

The two first phases of -research & analysis- and -in-context immersion- were focused acquiring a strong basis on which possible scenarios could be built further on. Understanding the state of research into public spaces, community and universities, looking for global trends and international case study was able to give a wide panoramic on the topic. In addition, I combined it with specific field research, tracing the history of the ex -ndustrial district, mapping the realities and actors of Bovisa. By participating as a teaching assistant on the elective course -Temporary Urban Solutionswithin my Master’s Program, I had the opportunity to observe, ask and investigate by means of questionnaires and interviews both students’ work and participants’ reactions to the event named “C’è Spazio per Tutti”, held in October 2012 at the Politecnico di Milano.

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Strategic Design, Public Spaces

The only important thing about design is how it relates to people. V. Papanek

This first phase involving a better understanding of the environment, communities and trends was followed by a step of synthesis and creation using different visualization tools, as mind map, scenario building, scenario evaluation, user experience, aiming at organizing, classifying and developing new links between different areas and thus create and explore opportunities. I started therefore to develop the most promising scenario in detail creating the corporate image, structuring the core of the offer as a flexible palimpsest, building the network of actors supporting the general organization and each specific activities and establishing a platform for communication both at a local and institutional level. Some tools- such as the service offer and the actors map- have been adapted to respond in a better way to the need of the project at this particular stage for supporting the idea.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


1 - Il Sabato Della Bovisa -


Real-scale prototyping was a crucial part that allowed me to test in the field how both the organizational and communication system are working and at the same time the event gave me valuable insight into the interest of participants in each specific activity. The prototype was done on March, 16th 2013 inside Durando campus at the Politecnico di Milano using both the outdoor and indoor spaces. New insight enabled me to redefine the solution and lead to creation of the system-events toolbox for “il Sabato della Bovisa�: a series of useful tools combined together into a system that provides the opportunity to open up a public place through a series of actions by relying on local resources and on neighborhood communities, such as associations, NGO’s, groups of citizens, public and private institutions, who want to actively collaborate in the initiative where the space becomes the background, context, open and permeable to the district.

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Strategic Design, Public Spaces


The flexible, replicable and highly experimental toolbox is composed of the manifesto with primary and secondary objectives, the palimpsest consists of flexible activity-box, the materials for implementation and the team of volunteers. In this sense, the toolbox defines a system of events: an accelerator of synergies with the aim of generating cohesion consolidating the relationship among different groups and communities, social innovation and a new sense of belonging. The low budget system is proven to be perfectly working on the campus Durando of Politecnico di Milano and could be replicated in other public spaces. Exactly for this purpose, the toolbox was designed to be used by public institutions The inclusion of the project in Desis Network is proof of the international dissemination of the toolbox solution.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


Strategic Design Service Design


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Green Move Design and test of an electric vehicles sharing system for Milano

| Alta Scuola Politecnica | Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino | Year: 2010-2012 Team B: Jacopo Bonacci, Roberta Motter, Merve Murathanoglu, Tommaso Taddei, Gianpiero Villani | More info:

To start the change, we need to start change behaviors


The project Green Move is a two-year and a half project developed by eight departments and centers of Politecnico di Milano and funded by Regione Lombardia, which aims at proposing an innovative vehicle sharing system for the city of Milan using electric vehicles. The overall project is composed by two different parts: the first one is related to the development of the suitable technological features necessary for the system. The second one is linked to the conception of the overall service and the analysis of the on-field test. The part followed by the multi-disciplinary Team B addresses the service system design problems, opportunities and possible solutions. More precisely it deals with the conception of the general service and with a preliminary test of one specific configuration.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


2 - Green Move -

Design Process

After a desk research to understand the general framework of mobility in big cities, the ASP team focused on means for integrating social media in the service in order to enable the user to become active during the experience generating contents and making him feel part of a community. We conducted a user research on young people by means of an online survey. On this basis, we were able to identify some specific features to implement into the possible solution such as a credit system, ranking and feedback methodology. The other focus in the process was to prepare the prototyping phase of one mobility profile, “the condo-sharing�, in a condominium and a co-housing in Milano. We worked on two levels: an on-field research in the neighborhood area analyzing the position, the transportation hubs, the parking facilities, etc. Moreover, we conducted a dedicated survey to identify the target groups, which composes the condominium through specific questions addressing mobility habits.

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Strategic Design, Service Design

system map IKEA SHOPS


information flow financial flow material flow back-office flow






























The user research on social media and the related survey enabled the team to structure a system based on mobility credits envisioning the user experience and highlighting the benefits achieved. This proposal was made to complete the functioning of the overall system in its four configurations. Concerning the prototyping phase, as a result of the field research and the survey we were able to identify some targets group who may need additional services to be included in the system, i.e. baby car seat for families. In addition, we developed a welcome toolkit dedicated to who decides to join the testing phase consisting in a promotional bag to spread the voice about the project, an usb key with an explanatory video and rules of the perfect Green Move user.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


Strategic Design Sustainability


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Corpus Enhancing the connectivity between research and policy-making in sustainable consumption

| Strategic Design Internship | Strategic Design Scenarios |Year: 2012 More info:


The Corpus project, sponsored by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme is a European project on which I worked during my internship at Strategic Design Scenarios. The three-year research project, which started in January 2010, aims to bring the policymaking and research communities in the field of sustainable consumption closer to each other. This is done integrating a series of workshop sessions with a web platform of sharing and spreading information. The objective is to stimulate community-building across the involved researchers, policy-makers and civil society in the field of sustainable consumption policies to arrive at a self sustaining process of knowledge management. The focus is on three major contemporary issues, which are analyzed and discussed placing sustainability as a common horizon of 2030: mobility, food and housing.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


3 - Corpus -


In order to facilitate the conversation between the actors involved, the team has developed the idea of walking on a sustainable street of 2030, a vision then translated into one toolkit for collaborative scenario building. Through several visualizations, proposals of the future, the participants were immersed in a sustainable future society, experiencing a walkable neighbourhood with refurbished passive houses in a resilient city: a light exhibition with snapshots of the future, posters and manifestos that would immerse participants to a projection exercise into a stimulating, controversial, slightly provoking environment to set the right mood for opening a strategic conversation.

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Strategic Design, Sustainability


The toolkit consistis of a series of 24 visual posters for each topic, of which I took part in the design phase of sustainable mobility and housing. These visualizations are proposed as stimulating material to kick-off collaborative workshops between policy-makers and researchers or between other heterogeneous stakeholders using shared scenario building activities and this toolkit is completed with other tools, such as a road map for action on three levels, local, national and European, useful in building the path to achieve the goals places with the creation of the scenario.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


Spatial Design Strategic Design


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Officina Sperimentale Architettura CittĂ della Salute Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Bizzi & Partners Development

| Design Internship | Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Bizzi & Partners Development, Politecnico di Milano | Year: 2012-2013 Team: Rodrigo Bandini Dos Santos, Lucia Carlomagno, Elmira Daneshpour, Mohamed Hassan El Nashar, Maria Valentina Jaimez, Monica Moscatelli, Martina Motta, Roberta Motter, Ludovica Tomarchio


Officina Sperimentale Architettura are cycles of workshops concerning the redevelopment of the former industrial area, Falck, in collaboration with Renzo Piano Building Workshop and Bizzi & Partners Development. I contributed to the second workshop, a five-month work experience focused on Health Care in view of the the new hospital that will be realized on the ex industrial area and which will host the -Carlo Besta Neurological Institute- and the -National Cancer Institute of Milan-.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


Design Process

The first design phase focused on understanding the context using the material from the previous workshop as a starting point but with the new direction of the hospital theme. The multidisciplinary team formed of designers, architects, urban planners and engineers conducted extensive research on health care strategies and international case studies on hospital interiors, functions, urban transformation and healing gardens. The material collected integrated with the lessons of the University Master of “Planning, Programming and Design Health Care Systems� have allowed us to gain a broad understanding of the urgent issue of healthcare in contemporary society.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


4 - Officina Sperimentale Architettura -

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Spatial Design, Strategic Design

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


4 - Officina Sperimentale Architettura -

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Spatial Design, Strategic Design


The opportunities identified were integrated in the design of the hospital’s public spaces considered as open services to the city by creating a close connection between the hospital and the neighbourhood. The green theme establishes an even stronger link between interior and exterior spaces. The team, therefore, developed a concept at a strategic level that would allow the creation of a reference line, the “axis of deceleration�, which links the main access of the former Falck district with the hospital entrance, the main street and the ex industrial building T3. The axis ends in the ex industrial building T3 studied as space of multicultural meditation, an open structure invaded by the nature of the park.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


Spatial Design Strategic Design


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Rice Life Expo Cluster International Workshop

| Design Workshop| Expo S.p.A., Politecnico di Milano | Year: 2012 Team: Huyen Ngoc Chu, Serena Balatti, Toi Le Van, Roberta Motter, Chao Suo More info:


The Expo Cluster International Workshop was a three-week intensive project launched by Expo S.p.A in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano and several international universites such as Tongji University of China and the National University of Civil Engineering of Vietnam involved in the concept development for the Rice Cluster. The Expo theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life� is translated into different solutions with common challenges in the fields of agriculture, nutrition and well-being and especially regarding Rice this becomes the symbol of abundance and security. The brief asked each cluster team to develop 3 spatial and service concepts for the Rice Cluster, both for the pavilion spaces and for the common areas shared by the participant countries.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


- Il Sabato Della Bovisa -

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Strategic Design, Public Spaces

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


Cluster entrance and event space

Exhibition and interactive area

The artificial grass interacts with people and environment Exhibition set through augmented reality

Street market

Rice is served to let visitors taste all the best street food recipes

Approach & Outcomes

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Zooming in the idea I developed within the international team, it’s a change of scale that allows Expo 2015 visitors to plunge into a rice field and to travel through the life cycle of the plant. After detailed research on the life cycle of rice, the space has been developed as a performative environment given to the imaginary world through a wise use of abstraction and sensory involvement, including the steam of flooded fields, the sound of wind in the stems, the smell of rice cooking. It’s a story directly experienced by visitors that is able to project them into growing rice.

Spatial Design, Strategic Design

Images of the others two concept solutions of the Rice Cluster: Glow Reflections, Handful of rice.

Changes in material states tell the seasonal evolution of the environment of rice to the cluster areas: seeding, growth, harvest, food. The technology is integrated as augmented reality, which permits the expansion of information throughout the cluster space. The interior project is completed thanks to a balance of the different spaces that function strategically for several uses in different moment of the day and of the expo time.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


Strategic Design Interior Design


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Breil: Tempio Corpo Voluto, Vissuto, Ricercato

| Metadesign Studio in the B.Sc. Interior Design | Politecnico di Milano | Year: 2009 Team: Valentina Motta, Roberta Motter, Sara Mustillo, Serena Nardin

Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future. Robert L. Peters


The brief of the interior metadesign studio asked to identify a promising brand and develop a promotional exhibition for Milano in occasion of the Expo 2015. The challenge was to develop a theme, which was able to represent the company identity as well as being connected with the issues of the contemporary society identifying potential partners interested in supporting the initiative.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


6 - Breil: Tempio Corpo -

Design Process

Acquired a deep understanding of the selected brand –Breil- famous for its strong claims, some values related to the women were clustered and further analyzed by extending the research to the changing role of women over time. The context of Milan was explored from the point of view of services and events dedicated to this subject who could support the initiative on problems related to femininity. The focus was centered on the body, as self-expression and experience, and it’s connected with the women artists that develop these particular subjects through their work.

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Strategic Design, Interior Design


Focusing on the contemporary society and on art, the thematic research was translated in an exhibition of five paths in the city, each addresses the history –Totem-, contemporary works –Gallery- and the process –Atelier- under the point of view of woman artist. Each path is characterized by a strong theme: fashion, change, illness and death, violence against women, eroticism and emancipation. The reflection that accompanies the visitor experience during the journey ends in the UltraAtelier, a labyrinth of stories designed in the church of -San Bernardino alle Ossa- in Milan. The labyrinth, where to get lost, is the metaphor of life: an expedient to address the urgent issues for society freed from prejudices and shame, a container of stories and critical problems of our contemporaneity, which aims to elevate their importance making them sacred.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


6 - Breil: Tempio Corpo -

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Strategic Design, Interior Design

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


Strategic Design Interior Design


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New Life for Giambellino Voluto, Vissuto, Ricercato

| Interior Design Studio of B.Sc. Interior Design Politecnico di Milano | Year: 2009 Team: Valentina Motta, Roberta Motter, Federico Plebani

! Exhibition at Urban Center, Milano


The Interior Design Studio in collaboration with ALER -Azienda Lombarda Edifici Residenziali- asked to redevelop the problematic area of Giambellino in Milano through a redesign of some apartments and the creation of new facilities. During the process the team decided to invert the matrix given by the brief dedicating 80% of the project to designing a new building offering services to the neighbourhood and the remaining 20% to the redevelopment of the interior spaces.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |


Design Process & Outcomes

As a first step the team decided to build a general understanding of the environment through on site inspections and interviews with residents of the neighbourhood highlighting needs and opportunities for action. The field research and the user perspective pointed out a diversified neighbourhood, which is not without serious and urgent problems worsened by the perception of abandonment and isolation from the rest of the city. Connecting hidden values with global trends, we highlighted several intervention areas such as the quality of time and sharing, the return to the old habits of the traditional family, the attention to slow mobility, the traditions of food as integration of different cultures, the enhancement of the local value of the neighbourhood that is globally connected through technology. The project evolves according to the metaphor of the fetus, an organism that grows rapidly giving new life symbolized by the new building designed inside the courtyard offering services to the neighborhood: a restaurant –Food of Culture-, a radio –Radio Djambellino- and the – Kindergarten of Stories-. The relationship that develops between the new service structure and the buildings represents the tender and symbiotic exchange between mother and child. The redevelopment of the interior provides the pretext to identifying four new personalities who make available their skills to reinvigorate the neighborhood with new dynamics.

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Strategic Design Public Spaces


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Human Cities Toolbox How to reclaim public space?

FASSI Davide, GEMAYEL Jessy, ROGEL Liat, SEYRIG Adele, MOTTER, Roberta, (2012). The human cities toolbox: how to reclaim public space? In: R. Houlstan-Hasaerts, B. Tominic, M. Niksic, B. Golicinik Marusic. Human Cities - Civil Society reclaims public space. Bruxelles, 15/3/2012 - 16/3/2012, p. 16-20, Ljubjlana:Urbani Izzive Publikacije


The Human Cities Festival it’s a European project and network funded by the European Commission’s Culture Program in 2007 proposing interdisciplinary research and actions about public design, sustainable communities, pedagogy and urban spaces. Through the internship at Strategic Design Scenarios I contributed to the organization of Human Cities Festival 2012 where I focused on developing the Action-Walk and the Toolbox communication proposed in the city of Brussels during the symposium days. My contribution to the paper is focusing on “Disseminating the Human Cities Toolbox” where the design of the toolbox diffusion is described.

Intersections | Roberta Motter |



Intersections Roberta Motter | Design Portfolio Contacts

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