3 minute read
Retire by yourself and study and meditate upon these thoughts. When the mind is filled with them, lie down and relax the body and mind so that the healing power may operate freely. Practice daily an hour or more.
O Thou omnipresent Creator of all forms of life, I am one with Thee; I am Thee embodied and expressed, and Thee I praise for my life and all of life’s blessings.
My soul is a living, radiant form of life; a glorious, intelligent individualization of the universal Life and Spirit of the EverPresent.
My soul, my real, everlasting self, is alive in the Creator, and every cell and organ and function of my body is infused with the living, intelligent power of my soul. I am alive with the life of the Creator.
I am filled with the invigorating vitality of everlasting Life.
I am an expression of the most positive healing Potency in existence, and my recognition that I am Life itself thrills my whole
nature with divine healing energy.
I am invigorated and healed by the everlasting Presence of the living Creator.
Pain cannot exist in any part of my nature, because the merciful, soothing power of Life is now satisfying every cell with the oil of joy. The joyous sunshine of Life penetrates into every part of my being, and with glad understanding I affirm:
I am life, joyous life; I am peaceful, perfect life.
I feel that I am united with the universal life and power of the Creator, and all that joyous strength is focused in my nature, making me so positive with the All One’s perfect energy that all disease and pain are overcome and transformed into harmony and perfection.
I am in tune with Infinite Life and peace.
My brain polarizes the intelligence and wisdom of life.
All the faculties of my soul find free expression through the sensitive substance of my brain.
My sex nature is pure, holy life, free from all condemnations of sin or impurity. These organs generate unlimited vitality and strength, sufficient for all my needs.
My heart is filled with the peace and love of the Ever-Present life, and I am satisfied. My heart cannot be overcome by fear or any oppressive feeling, for it is strong with the love of life. My blood is enriched and vitalized with the goodness and purity of life.
All is life. There is no lack of happy, healing life. I inspire life with every breath, and my lungs appropriate the ozone of life, which feeds my blood with the exhilarating manna of sun-blessed atmosphere.
My stomach is a battery of digestive force and energy, constantly assimilating food; it rejoices in the task, for it is an intelligent digestive magnet for all the elements that the body requires. I am the digestive energy of Almighty Life.
I recognize that all my organs are infused with my soul intelligence, and all are conscious of their duties and work together for the health and harmony of my organism.
The cleansing Spirit of Life flows freely through my bowels, and their functions are not hindered by any restrictive thoughts, for I
do not withhold the free mercy of the Creator from any creature.
My liver is the activity of life, energized with positive intelligence.
I recognize that every atom of my spleen is intelligent, living substance, obeying the soul’s purpose in my physical economy.
I praise the power of endless life and activity in my kidneys, and know that they are the peaceful, perfect substance of life, ever active in cleansing my nature of all impurities.
I can outgrow and overcome every weakness, for I am a magnet for the Vitality that fills all space. I am constantly drawing in the vitality from the all-pervading life of the Creator in nature. I praise Thee, O Thou all-wise and all-loving Presence, that Thou art imparting to me the power of Thy mighty Life which enables me to outgrow every defective and inharmonious condition, and I realize the power and happiness imparted from Thy indwelling Presence in my soul.
Glory to the Creator for the healing, perfecting power of Life.
All is Life.
These words may not seem true when they are first read, but by