A GENERAL HEALING TREATMENT Retire by yourself and study and meditate upon these thoughts. When the mind is filled with them, lie down and relax the body and mind so that the healing power may operate freely. Practice daily an hour or more.
O Thou omnipresent Creator of all forms of life, I am one with Thee; I am Thee embodied and expressed, and Thee I praise for my life and all of life’s blessings.
My soul is a living, radiant form of life; a glorious, intelligent individualization of the universal Life and Spirit of the EverPresent.
My soul, my real, everlasting self, is alive in the Creator, and every cell and organ and function of my body is infused with the living, intelligent power of my soul. I am alive with the life of the Creator.
I am filled with the invigorating vitality of everlasting Life.
I am an expression of the most positive healing Potency in existence, and my recognition that I am Life itself thrills my whole 68