Flowers as Unfolding Magic
Prayer: For each of us, O Creator, there is ONLY ONE path upward. That is the PATH that leads through Our Universe Unending to You,

The All-Highest Spirit ONE. For each of our brothers and sisters, this Path of Ascension will be different, as each of our spirit-soul-mind differs. Yet the Eternal Virtues still apply and to whose constitutionalizing we must meet the challenge for: LOVE and LIGHT, SERVICE and THANKSGIVING, FAITH and COMMUNION. We may tarry on the way, we may turn aside or turn around. Nevertheless, there is but ONE PATH UPWARD for each of us, differing as it may be. Thus, let us fulfill our destiny by choosing to love one another above all else. In The Garden of The Universal Garden we are. Yet we stand outside their well-tended lawns and parks and gardens of outstandingly bright beauty. Instead we are exploring vast flower fields and rivers that surround the garden.
Near the tall river bank grasses, we listen entranced. Here we hear the cheerful choirs of birds with their baby chicks secreted inside their nests secure in bamboo-size emerald grasses. Hearken we now in wonder at this lovely symphony of the myriad birds chortling in high praise, giving glory to Our Creator over All. This sublime music resounds in our heart and spirit, echoing such praises good beyond any mortal

hope. We pray ourselves in thanksgiving with our own silent songs of wonder.
Blending with the angelic melodies, our eyes view a wide panorama of Poppy Flower Fields. These are sublime marvels of flora, undulating in breezes that only increase their surpassingly exquisite beauty.

Vibrant colors of pink and purple, red and orange, white and silver, all of varying hues renew our vision. Yet each and all presenting their beauty with love for us to ever share. Yes, we feel the flowers of these vast countryside overflowing with love for all living creatures and flora. Their aromatic scent are vibrant with this love. Their symmetrical forms sing of their love to bless all with. Even the manner in which their blossoms bubble and wave so excitedly, so playfully, extends their divine love to us, heavens within heavens. Yet these flowers belong to no one but themselves, filled with seemingly an eternal soul that magically brim with kindness and gentle caresses uncountable. We begin to see how the angels of these immortal realms renew
themselves. For Infinite are The Circles of Love that connect all the living in the higher realms of spirit. Flower blesses Gardens. Gardens bless Love. Love blesses Soul. And the illimitable love-filled blessings simply rise higher and higher, attuning us ever closer to the Ever-Present Great Spirit.

Immersed in these Seas of Endless Serenity and Splendor, we rejoice in each wave or ripple of the flowers alive in magical motions. Are not such floral miracles —matchless, immortal and all the love that any would ever wish for? Such are the mystical moments Our Supreme Creator has ordained for us to live for forever and for this day!
Then behold, each of the precious poppies unfolded a portal vision to behold! Our eyes were opened to perceive the most precious treasure in heaven and earth—and in the hells—beloved children in need of loving homes!
In the heavens, we saw millions upon millions of early departed young ones, some no more than
babes, being rescued by angels of mercy who would in turn bring them to the nurseries, the schools, the bright heavenly homes where these innocents could begin their life in earnest. Cut short of a full mortal life, nevertheless, their teachers, doctors and nurses, and adopted or real parents, were determined to give them the best life possible despite missing out on the greater part of their mortality. Think of the embracing love earthly parents have for their sons and daughters and then double or triple it! That is how devoted these heavenly fathers and mothers are for their newfound sons and daughters.
Love shall be Almighty wherever, whenever the need is most dearly made clear.