Prayer: O Illimitable Spirit One, words fail us at times. We wonder if we are simply repeating ourselves without any true purpose or sincere feeling behind what we say or do. Yet the answer to this immediately becomes clear: We live in the Eternal Now! None of us can stand still. We ascend or we fall! To ascend we must be true to our inner being which is You! Almighty

and filled with Love Overflowing! And so we accept the challenges of this day, ready to live each moment with Spirit Imperishable, our mission being to create ever more Love Angelic, ever more Light Angelic for the benefit of all!
Our Life This Day is precious and worth living to the full! All our praise and thanks! We are standing upon The Seashores of Eternity. There a golden-ruby sunrise arising in the midst of a stormy gale of high winds. And so the waves, though gleaming in the streaming rays of the morning sun, are thrashing in tumultuous surf, about four to five meters high.
It is an amazingly powerful and inspiring view. The wild winds pull and push makes standing still difficult. The droplets of the surf are being whipped into our face. This definitely feels quite cold but the overall effect is refreshing and purifying in the extreme.

And suddenly lightning and thunder joined in the raging tempest, though the sunrise still shone beautifully through breaks in the black clouds. And out of the rumbling and roaring of storm and sea, a great voice of grandeur called out:
“And whosoever shall subvert even one of my little children to fall into darkness, it were better for him if a great millstone were

hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.”
Instantly we were all drawn forcefully in spirit toward the dawning sun whose sunrays were breaking through this typhoon. And from this warring of sky and seashores, we in vision visited in full consciousness, the warring of the spirit world.

From depths of the hells, live the epitome of evil. Tyrannical men and women morals they once were. Now they seek to pervert every person above, to destroy all semblance goodness and light, liberty and love. Their mortal puppets are the leaders of many “great nations,” the most elite and richest in the world, and their minions in “justice” and “education” organizations.
From these pits, emanations of black destructive energies are vomited upon our world, each dimension upward, carried forth by differing densities of dark spirits. These hideous inspirations seek to cause plagues, financial ruin, rampant gang violence, trillions of dollars of ruinous embezzlement, worldwide drug abuse, destruction and poisoning of food
production, sexual deviations, and wars, even a nuclear world war three. Their respective spirit headquarters are in full view, with the abhorred far below and the noble one far above.
In the pits of hell, we see the most evil and debased humans of all time smeared against a volcanic burning black cube (of Saturn [Satan]), like flies stuck to flypaper yet squirming grotesquely away. The phosphorous, toxic emanations they vomit forth are directed towards those who have sold their souls to evil while yet still a mortal.
Meanwhile, above in the higher heavens, we perceive the communion of dozens of the greatest immortals of earth inside a holy garden shrine, all sitting in a circle with a brilliant star of illumination dazzling bright in their midst.
Supernal Thoughts of Angelic Goodness are being fashioned in a very short time by their

determined wills united for Love Unto All. In consequence, the combined might of their prayers, blessings, affirmations are creating a whirling storm of Light Illimitable. The Rays of this ALL LIGHT is dispersing instantly the blackest astral glob monstrous from the hells below.
We see now the angelic energies of light dissipating the dark energies of the gurgling blob shapes. Some of these reach earth’s surface because they have astral connections with the mortals wholly-devoted to the dark path of hells. In such cases, the minds of the demented are as transmission portals for the evil spells created by the demonic-beings below.
It is true that some of these mortals are more aware of themselves being used as conduits for evil than others. However, each is a kind of launching point for demonic spells to be cast to ensnare and harm the people of this world. If you look into their faces, whether the deviants, the Satanists, the violent gangsters, the rich industrial elitists, or the power-mad tyrants, you will see the dark chaos flashing across their face or especially in their eyes, whenever they smile with lies, or stir to fits of inhuman rage.
In contrast to all of this, we ourselves feel a profound, holy power enveloping us, cleansing us, cleansing all we come into contact with. The greater our own love we can muster for others, the more Light Force we are able to share with others. And so we create Affirmations of Light again and again, involving the purest ideals and

virtues, involving the Splendors of Nature and the Music of the Celestial Spheres. Each time we direct this light towards wherever darkness conglomerates, illumination utterly wins the day, setting those trapped in hell to be free at last. Many of these commit to reforming themselves and are immediately scooped up to dwell in the schools and hospitals of resurrection awaiting them now until they are pure and holy creations of the Creator once again!
Yet we the mortals involved in these rescues have a lot to learn still. And later when we reflect upon the times we gave into various kinds of darkness, we perceive how we not only let ourselves down, we see how me could have been a force for far greater good if we should simply focus more selflessly upon the
Greatness of Goodness, upon the Greatness of Our Creator.
All we need to save our world, to save ourselves is within us. Let us employ that Soul Power on earth for all within our reach. We resolve to bless and build, to share and to sanctify, as the heavens of the angels do every moment with Love Everlasting!