Almighty Light in Harmony

797. — June 18th, 2023
Prayer: O All-Highest Spirit of The Universe, we fall every time without our connection with You! With you, we have all the love in heaven and earth to use in service to others. That is a most encouraging thought. All our thanks and praise! We pray that You shall guide all of us in learning how to best be of actual service and help to
those in our lives, as well as those who live far beyond our present circle. We are soaring in the stratosphere just above our world. Here there is great truth and power, light and love, to move heaven and earth into becoming a better place to abide and unfold. As our eyes behold the light of the stars and the light of our sun’s rays streaming upon our world, we gain new insights meant to be shared by all!
Into our minds the vision of the full spectrum of galaxies shining in absolute brilliance. Also in the next second, we perceive the Soul Atoms of Our Being in parallel also in spectacular glory radiating across the infinity of time and space. And so the great truth dawns upon us that we are within a galaxy of worlds illuminating — while the very same makes up our innermost immortality.

This empowerment and consciousness-raising is a part of The Concord of Co-Creators, where the immortals of the higher heavens join with the mortals below in inspiring all towards the higher heavens. This is where we learn best as to how to share a greater goodness unto all. Behold! The Power of The Almighty is upon us. With this Power we begin to see the possibilities of using such Universal Light for the betterment of all.
Truly, The Great Spirit never intended nor intends that each of His / Her creations should ever fail or feel entrapped by circumstances beyond their control.
Let us then create and unfold the full expression of our soul power. Failures we may have had, fears we may have known but all of that negativity no longer has the slightest relevance for those whom we are now and whom we are now becoming.
For we are the Angelic Immortals who were created to live to be in service for the good of all persons and all worlds. Yes, IMMORTAL and ANGELIC we go forth to redeem the world and all in our lives in every way we may!
Tuning into the higher reality, we descry the lower realms casting dark spells, negative energies and evil thoughts upon both spirits and mortals dwelling upon the Earth. With protective resolve, we interpose our own
spiritual thought forces, blessings if you will, to bear the brunt of these attacks and so bring them to nothing.
Our love shall win this day and shall rule this world, with kindness, mercy and encouragement unto all our brothers and sisters—The Beloved Children of God Almighty who shall love one another forever together unto new realms of heavenly fulfillment — Beautiful! …. Joyous! .... Uplifting!

Flowers and Snowflakes! Seashores and Stars!
Waterfalls and Rainbows! Smiling Faces and Choirs Singing! All in Harmony are We All!