3 minute read
By the power of my affirmative thoughts I dissolve all disturbing elements from my mental atmosphere.
All the mortal thoughts of the day are dissolved. All the mental discords of the day are dissolved. My aura is cleansed of all dark and limiting thoughts. All thoughts and memories of the day’s affairs are dissolved from my mind. The weight of mortal responsibility is thrown off my mind. My mind is freed from all dark and depressing elements of thought.
My mind rises into the positive state of joyous freedom and brightness. My mind is filled with the peace and harmony of the Eternal Mind. My mind rises above the negative thought currents into the peaceful glory of the All Mind which is always harmonious.
Above the discordant vibrations of the mind of the world there is the Mind of the Creator, radiant with the joy-giving effulgence of the Infinite Spirit. My mind and soul are lifted up to the contemplation of the realms on high where the angels of Jehovih dwell in the serene enjoyment of the grace and glory of the Living Presence.
I praise Thee, O Jehovih, for the spiritual grace and strength that now enliven and renew my soul.
Let your imagination contemplate this glorified soul presence; your mind will be lifted above all mortal cares and worries, and the Ever-Present will give you divine peace and power. Your soul will partake of the joyous life and strength of the Creator, and rise into the realization of its inmost power as an image of Divinity.
Place both hands on the abdomen so as to increase the magnetic force in the abdomen while using these affirmations.
This treatment should be used three times a day, if possible.
I will that the intelligent force in each one of these organs shall be active in keeping my internal processes open and free from any torpid and diseased condition.
My stomach is peaceful digestive power.
My liver is active intelligence.
My spleen is spiritual life.
My kidneys are purifying power.
My generative organs are creative vitality.
My bowels are energized mind.
All these organs work together to produce health and harmony in
my body.
All the destructive states of mind which go hand-in-hand with care and worry tense the nerves and increase the tendency to have digestive disturbances. A happy, carefree state of mind, which places all trust in the Wisdom of the Creator, relaxes the mind and nerves, and removes one great cause for digestive distress.
When one feels the first symptoms of a serious illness, one may be overcome by a wave of terrible fear, but one must realize that thoughts of fear alone are capable of paralyzing all the healing activity of the body.
You must concentrate on helping your body to heal itself with any means knowledge has placed at your disposal. Do not let fear enter your mind.
Have faith in the healing power of your own life, and know that your positive faith is intensifying the healing intelligence in your body and making you a magnet for all the healing life pervading the Universal Mind. Know that the Spirit of the Almighty Mind is flowing into your positive thoughts of faith and making them alive 146
with healing energy. Affirm over and over again for your body, “You are the Spirit of Eternal Life in action. You are active, active life. The Mind of the Creator is powerful to restore harmony to all parts.”
Within your nature slumbers a soul power from the Ever-Present, capable, when awakened and expressed through thought, of recreating and restoring perfect action in every part of the body and mind.
Living Creator:
My soul draws upon Thee for love. Let me feel so much of Thy Spirit of Love that all unlovely feelings will be dissolved from my nature. Cleanse me of all feelings of ill-will, from all condemnation, from all resentment, and from all thoughts and feelings which would interfere with the free operation of Thy life within my nature. As I forgive and bless all who have hurt or mistreated me, Thy Spirit forgives and blesses me, and as I express Thy Spirit of love, the power of Thy Spirit gains full control of my body and operates freely in every part, bringing every organ into harmony and health. I am not withholding love from any creature. My mind is filled with Thy free, generous Spirit and this Spirit is reflected in the free action of all body functions.