TREATMENT FOR DEPRESSION By the power of my affirmative thoughts I dissolve all disturbing elements from my mental atmosphere.
All the mortal thoughts of the day are dissolved. All the mental discords of the day are dissolved. My aura is cleansed of all dark and limiting thoughts. All thoughts and memories of the day’s affairs are dissolved from my mind. The weight of mortal responsibility is thrown off my mind. My mind is freed from all dark and depressing elements of thought.
My mind rises into the positive state of joyous freedom and brightness. My mind is filled with the peace and harmony of the Eternal Mind. My mind rises above the negative thought currents into the peaceful glory of the All Mind which is always harmonious.
Above the discordant vibrations of the mind of the world there is the Mind of the Creator, radiant with the joy-giving effulgence of the Infinite Spirit. My mind and soul are lifted up to the contemplation of the realms on high where the angels of Jehovih dwell in the serene enjoyment of the grace and glory of the Living Presence. 143