Cutting East 2013 Brochure

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This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This publication/communication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.




Cutting East, part of the East End Film Festival, is a youth led programme exploring current issues in east London such as stereotypes and identity. Encouraging youth messages to be heard by everyone, and inviting people from different backgrounds to come together, Cutting East shows that as a community we can celebrate youth achievement, watch film and have a great time.

3 | Introduction

The Cutting East steering group is a small team of young people who live and study in east London. We aim to bring together a range of movies, performance, spoken word, live music and community events in a single weekend, and hope the festival will inspire youth to do something more with their talents, ideas and goals. Different perspectives are brought together to reflect our lives, what we love and what changes we can make to society.

11 -13 | Sunday Films and Events

2 | Our Partners 4 | Cutting East Team 6 | Article : The Repetition of Stereotypes 7 | Friday Night Events 8 -10 | Saturday Films and Events 14 | Cutting East Closing Night Gala 15 | Jacob Krupnick Interview 16 -17 | East End Film Festival Highlights 18 |Festival Ticket and Venue Information 20 |Festival Schedule

Cutting East is a chance for aspiring filmmakers and fans to look into film and learn more, to become motivated about films and the film industry and have fun. The festival brings together interests and hobbies around film to share, explore, celebrate and debate.



The Cutting East Team is a small group of local young people who all live in the East End. We have come to Cutting East with different talents, perspectives and ideas about what makes a good film!



Hi my name is Lauren, I’m 18 and I am a part of the design team for Cutting East. My passions include cinema, music and designing things digitally. I am also fond of well told stories, whether in great art, literature, or film. As a young student in east London it thrills me to be a part of Cutting East, bringing a stimulating and fun event to young people in my own community.


RIFNA AKTHAIR Hi, I’m Rifna. I work in the design team for Cutting East. I am 18 years old and currently attending Mulberry School sixth form where I study business and media studies. I’ve really enjoyed being part of the Cutting East team and am really looking forward to the film festival.

DIEGO FERNANDO CAICEDO-GALINDO It gives me a massive sense of achievement to see how far Cutting East has come, especially since I’ve been part of it from the very start! Being part of the process of creating a film festival has been one of the biggest responsibilities I’ve ever had to take, and with everyone’s hard work I can positively say that we all should be extremely proud of what we have been able to make of Cutting East.


ANUSHA MISTRY I’m Anusha and I love film more than I love fruit pastels. Since dropping art at sixth form (they still call me ‘traitor’) I’ve quenched my creative thirst through tinkering in different design roles in theatre at uni and now, delving into film. I love the idea of using a variety of media to create an enriched experience that is not only meaningful to you, but inspiring too. Cutting East will leave an impression on me because of the incredible people I’ve worked with in such a vibrant community.

SHANICE LAWSON My name is Shanice, I’m 20 years old, an editing and post production student in uni and I have lived in east London all my life. I’ve been part of the programming and marketing team for Cutting East, being super shy and quiet, Cutting East has really pushed me in the deep end to network and become friends with total strangers, minus a few socially awkward moments. I hope Cutting East goes well and becomes a yearly thing.

KIERAN HOWARD I’m an all-round dude defined by experience and ambition. Openminded, I tend to think outside of the box which makes my thoughts distinct and imaginative. Often I express my thoughts, beliefs and perception about different categories of the world as an artist and writer and pinpoint matters piece by piece.

Well, there’s this girl I know called Reema, a 19 year old budding journalist. She likes to eat. She likes to eat a lot. She also takes an interest in films, documentaries and unhealthy fatty foods. That is all.

SHAH FARUQUE ROHIMA CHOWDHURY Hi, the name’s Rohima and I am 17 years old. I love watching movies, which can be seen by looking at my extensive DVD collection, and the unlimited Cineworld card sitting in the pocket of my purse. I’m living life with a freshly baked cookie in one hand and the TV remote in the other. That pretty much sums up my entire life. Oh, and I love to sleep.

I was born and bred in the east. I’m one of the programmers at the festival. At Cutting East we all have one thing in common and that is film, which takes us beyond the screen and fills us up with diverse emotions, no matter who you are or where you come from and that is why I joined and wish to share this with you. See you at the movies.

AMZAD MIAH YASMIN BEGUM I love watching movies. Of course I never watch or illegally download movies. This is evident through my monthly subscription to Netflix. I like cake. Oh, and I’m an A level student. I like to create short films.

JONATHAN CAICEDO GALINDO I’m Jonathan, 20, and currently doing Film Production at uni. I do the marketing and programming part of the festival. It has being a great learning curve and has given me a new look at how a film festival can be used for selfexpression, by laying down a platform for young talent in the East End.

Hi, I am Amzad and I live in Tower Hamlets. I am 18 years old, currently studying at Sir John Cass Sixth Form College. I study graphics, business, IT and media studies. I have high interest in drawing and illustration, although in my free time I love taking pictures of anything and everything. In this project I have learnt how to work with new people and it has helped me develop new skills. In the festival I am looking forward to the street art workshop.

ALEX PRAAG Hey I’m Alex. I’m one of the programmers at Cutting East. I joined the project after hearing about it from a teacher at college. Being part of Cutting East has pushed me to consider my future with film.

AMEENA AHMED I’m Ameena, I’m 18, I don’t have a clue of what I’m doing but basically I love film and everything about film. And Cutting East allows me to love it even more :)


THE REPETITION OF STEREOTYPES as this simplified conception starts to A Cutting East organiser, Shah Faruque breaks down the question occupy their heads. of youth stereotypes. I think there is no real point in talking about this youth stereotype. I always see the question debated on various platforms through the mainstream media and other such events and nothing real ever gets achieved. At the end, the teleprompter gets the final word in. This trend continues to carry on, and I personally would rather not participate. The media circus of stereotypes simply censor’s youth voices and subtly keeps people from thinking. So I have been wanting to turn my own lack of a voice into an opportunity that engages young people to think beyond the cliché of youth life. We all hope for real change but today it is left bleeding. If you were to look at it in depth you will find that stereotypes about young people have been common. Young people themselves start to grow out of this stereotype and you tend to see this pattern through every generation because, young people, when they get older, they grow up, they take on responsibilities, they pay the bills, worry about work, worry about what’s going to hit them next. So what it meant to be young once naturally disheartens and dies, and those adults who once were young themselves start to look down on the kids or other kids


There’s some pattern in play here as it basically evolves through every generation from, I don’t know, teddy boys, hippies, Goths, punks, hoodies or whatever is soon to be trending next. I mean they were judged. And analysing it further, the grownups, in lack of a better term, try to find answers that justify the youths actions, the personality, the traits, the expressions, why the heck they dress the way they do, but just can’t reach the reason. It’s somewhat intangible to them. So he or she immediately judges their persona in error, with also a tug from the mainstream media. And I guess it’s easy to judge and I guess adolescence is a bizarre stage. And those young people may one day betray what they are feeling right now, in the near future. So it goes deeper in to them. But if you’re talking about stereotypes facing young- poor Black, White, Asian, minorities today, I think that might be something else because these ideas actually affect people’s lives. The institution that the government has put in place for them makes youths from the lower class rebel and express in different attitudes against this one culture of no future. They are aware of what’s going on and how they have been formed by

this system. And they refuse to accept it or refuse to be a product of it. Even if they might not have a voice, like me they’ll let their own lack of a voice be heard through various actions they participate in like the 2011 London riots. The mainstream media will define such actions as this as pure criminality, which in turn gets embedded into the public’s perception. They have no other choice. And the broader public has no idea. I’m not saying we should accept it but rather trying to find the answer to the question or arrest a solution that how we can stop this stereotype or judgment, which we will never do, we should just make a bold statement that will actually matter, grow and fix upon our understandings and the people in our shared communities. And I think that’s where Cutting East Film Festival comes along, which aims to do deliver that bold statement if you like, a film festival created by young people for young people and for the East End community. I’ve always believed that films bring out the diverse emotions within us and question who we are as individuals, and looking at the programme of the festival in hand I can only agree. So in short, this youth stereotype question has multiple answers and we all need to actively search for our own.







UK | 2013 | 85 min Directed By Femi Oyeniran & Darwood Grace FRI 28TH JUNE | 7PM The first day of college is never easy. You walk into a building surrounded by hundreds of strange faces and you think to yourself, ‘What have I got myself into?’ Now imagine - moving from one of the most prestigious schools in the country and ending up in Sacred Hart, a college in post-riot Tottenham where the choice of head teacher is questionable and the students aren’t exactly the sharpest tools in the box. Femi Oyeniran (Moony in Kidulthood and Adulthood) makes his directorial debut in this hilarious portra yal of a boy longing for street cred. But at what price? Come along and chat to Femi himself, Darwood Grace and screenwriter Nicolas Walker in this special screening of IT’S A LOT. Cutting East suggested certification: 12A


To celebrate the inaugural Cutting East Film Festival we welcome two massively talented local bands - the brilliant Mammoth Sound and Sherlock’s Dead. Following their sell out performances at the Jazz Café and their high octane appearance at The Royal Albert Hall, Mammoth Sound will be performing a stripped down set especially for Cutting East. Through their love of different styles of music, they have a unique flair, creating a harmonious blend of Hip Hop, Dubstep and Jazz. The legendary Sherlock`s Dead will also take to the stage with their blend of reverberated shoegaze and west coast punk. The band released their first self-recorded EP Indigo Sea (available through Band Camp) in early 2012. Their first full length LP, ‘Why Not?’ was released in early 2013.

FILMS & EVENTS - SATURDAY 29TH JUNE CUTTING IT SHORT A short film programme curated by Jonathan Caicedo Galindo 1:30PM | 47 MIN | CERT: 15

THE BREAKFAST CLUB USA | 1985 | 97 MIN CERT: 15 | 11:30AM Director: John Hughes 80’S TEEN CLASSIC Five high school students, who would have never been caught dead in the same room, find themselves having to spend Saturday morning in detention together. Naturally butting heads with each other the unlikely thing happens and they bond against a common enemy, Bender, the school headmaster. Finding that beneath their high school stereotypes of athlete, princess, basket case, brain and rebel they are similar and all go through problems. This classic American coming of age film written and directed by John Hughes, stars members of the 80’s Brat Pack led by Molly Ringwald, Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson. Ally Sheedy and the great Antony Michael Hall. Book your place on detention now and we will be asking you “Who do you think you really are?”.



UK | 2012 | 3 min Dir: Young people from the New Horizon Youth Centre One day, four lives a million miles apart. This collaborative production by 26 young people from New Horizon Youth Centre, with the help of Chocolate films, compares the drastic differences of four young people’s morning routines.


UK, India | 2011 | 10 min Dir: Andrew Hinton


UK | 2010 | 3 min Dir: Sughra Bashir This smartly made black and white montage film of a girl wearing her hijab, is directed and filmed by 14 year old Sughra Bashir, taking in the opinions of four Muslim women’s experience of the hijab and their Islamic beliefs.


UK | 2011 | 11 min Dir: Rhiana Green

Beautifully shot, this short observational film is of a 14 year old boy from India, recounting his day from the early morning as he goes to do his two jobs and, on top of that, prepares to go to School.

A teen drama that highlights one girl’s troubled experience of the psychological bi-polar disorder. Faith, a young dancer, goes through a journey of extreme ups and downs, only to find that she has the support and care of the people around her.



Fed up with the way the world is, this ‘Loner’ takes a walk around London with just a newspaper in hand. This newspaper stands for everything he despises. He becomes increasingly angry reading about all the injustices in everyday life that are now taken to be a ‘norm’ in society. But then he finds a red balloon attached to a park bench. What does this mean to him? Possibly everything.

A powerful and thought provoking film set on a rough housing estate in North London, Illegal Activity will have you making judgments and assumptions before you even get to the end. Following a dealer and his crew for a day we see the effects this activity has on the community - people are desperate and families are unravelling at the seams. But everything is not as it seems with a big twist that will have you questioning yourself.

UK | 5 min Dir: Diego Caicedo-Galindo

UK | 2012 | 15 min Dir: Sebastian Thiel

FILMS & EVENTS - SATURDAY 29TH JUNE Picture Credit: Hilari Et & Voiceover Productions

FESTIVAL PREMIERE: RIOTS REFRAMED UK | 2012 | 60 MIN | CERT: 15 |3PM | Director: Fahim Alam Riots Reframed gives an insightful look into a generation that speaks for the first time about the London riots that challenges the mainstream media, the government and the police with uncensored views and attitudes. A debut by Fahim Alam, the man who was in the front, right, center of the riots, aims to give people the alternative view and a voice. Fahim Alam and interviewees featured in Riots Reframed will take part in a panel discussion following the screening of One Mile Away (see below for details). CE’s Shah Faruque met Fahim Alam somewhere in London for a in depth chat. To read the results go to


Picture Credit: Alex Piatti

UK | 2012 | 91 MIN | CERT: 15 | 4:30PM Director: Penny Woolcock The film documents the painstaking journey towards peace by members of Birmingham’s Johnson Crew and the Burger Bar Boys over the course of two years. As they attempt to bring about a truce and rebuild communities that were disrupted by violence, over a twenty year long postcode turf war, two community leaders come together and work toward unity. One Mile Away, demonstrates how ordinary people can come together and try to tackle social problems that have been entrenched for years. But the road to reconciliation is never easy. This screening will be followed by a discussion with the director of One Mile Away, Penny Woolcock and Fahim Alam, director Riots Reframed who will be joined by contributors for both films.

JUSTICE IN ACTION UK | 2012 | 60 MIN | CERT: 12A | 1PM Directors: Mulberry School for Girls and Fiona Lloyd-Davies SSix young women from Mulberry School for Girls embarked on a journey to explore the turbulent history of Bosnia, the site of Europe’s worst genocide since the Second World War. They went to The Hague, to sit in on the trial of the men accused of the masterminding these crimes – the war time leader of the Bosnian Serbs, Dr Radovan Karadzic. They documented this journey through a film which explores what justice really means to those who want it most. In their quest for truth, these students explore the path to peace and reconciliation, and what role it plays in the lives of the survivors. Filmmakers, Fiona Lloyd-Davies from studio 9 films, Farihah Begum, Fatima Begum, Suraiya Chowdhury, Afifa Gill, Samrah Rashid and Aishah Siddiqah will join us for a Q&A after the screening




In Partnership with EEFF


IRELAND | 2012 CERT: 15 | 95 MIN | 7PM Director: Kirsten Sheridan Primarily set in a household a group of people hold an out of control party that takes turns for the worst for the host. Dollhouse involves a spiral of events that represent how this group of people thinks and act that follows disorder and chaos but at the same time the experience shows more and more of a message as the night continues. Dollhouse transpires its name in having figures inside a home where what happens in there is entirely up to the person/people in control and shows audiences how different circumstances can happen when no one is left in charge and when no rules apply. Working with a young non-professional cast, Irish director Kirsten Sheridan improvised Dollhouse from a fifteen page script. The resulting film rattles with frantic energy and dark secrets.


GENESIS LOUNGE 4 - 6:30PM Followed by speaking words open mic night at 7pm | FREE Co-run by youth empowerment project Mile End Community Project (MCP) and celebrated poets Raymond Antrobus and Bridget Minamore this workshop will school participants in the art of spoken word creativity and performance. The theme of the event is stereotypes, so the poems created by attendees will showcase their own personal views on the subject. MCP will also present short films created by young people they have worked with on issues of stereotypes surrounding young people in east London and beyond. Whatever your style, this is the perfect event to get your creative juices flowing! All participants also have the opportunity to take to the stage in the open mic event later on in the day! To Sign Up to the workshop email



GENESIS LOUNGE 7PM | FREE Cutting East will be holding a special event for anyone who is interested in spoken word! Whether you’ve been creating poems for years, spit bars, or have never stood up in front of a public and want to give performing a go - this is for you! We don’t want to stand in the way of your creativity, therefore we welcome anyone who feels like they have something to say, to say it! This event isn’t a competition, it’s just an appreciation. It’s an appreciation for a medium that more young people should have exposure to! Come along, enjoy the poetry and just have a good time. The event will be hosted by slam champion poet Raymond Antrobus. If you want to sign up and perform contact us on twitter, facebook or you can email us at:, and put Open Mic in the Subject.



TUNDE'S FILM screening with


UK | 1973 | 41 MIN 11:30AM | CERT: 12A Directors: Maggie Pinhorn & Tunde Ikoli

PALESTINE, ISREAL 2012 | 94 MIN 3.30PM | CERT: 15 Director: Emad Burnat & Guy Davidi

Tunde’s film gives an inside look into teenage life in the East End during the early 1970’s. Its shot as experienced and filmed by Tunde and his friends, where hardship and struggle were a common place. Sound familiar? A group of teenagers from different background feel that they are trapped by the lack of job opportunities and constant harassment from the police. But then they follow their desire to escape, by taking extreme measures.

5 Broken Cameras is an Oscar nominated documentary filmed by Palestinian farmer, Emad Burnatt. Through a series of broken cameras, this film shows the struggle, the conflict and fear that the Palestinians face on a daily basis yet they still go from strength to strength to fight for their rights and protect their land. This touching documentary unfolds the conflict of the West Bank and it shows what the mass media ignore. See it through their eyes.


UK | 2006 | 62 MIN 1:30PM | CERT: 15 Director: Simon Chambers Not your usual portrayal of young Muslim women in the media, this documentary is about two feisty Bangladeshi sisters who agree to having arranged marriages to men they barely know in order to uphold their family honour. This funny poignant film gives an insight into the effect both positive and negative an arranged marriage has on a family and on the community. Ameena Director Simon Chambers will be joining us at the screening. Simon will present a special preview of his latest feature Life Begins With Tears, at the East End Film Festival (see EEFF Highlights pg17)

DIVIDE AND RULE - NEVER! UK | 1978 | 34 MIN |11:30AM | CERT: 12A Director: Noreen MacDowell The cultural and racial friction that the East End’s melting pot has endured is nothing new today. It’s been entrenched over the years. This news reel interviews young people from the 70’s, about issues that divide them in relation to education, music, the law and integrating into the communities which they live in.




A COLLECTION OF SHORTS MADE BY YOUNG DEAF LONDONERS SUN 30TH JUNE | 3PM Zoom is the UK’s first short film scheme set up to commission short films and television programmes made by Deaf people. We will be screening five short films made by Deaf filmmakers, telling stories about their own culture. A question and answer session with the filmmakers hosted by British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust (BSLBT) outreach worker Steven Wynne will follow the screenings.



Follows four Deaf children over sixty years, after the introduction of a treatment aimed at eradicating deafness, the survival of Deaf language and culture is at stake.

About the struggle of communication of a Deaf teenager in a hearing family, before an interpreter arrives and he is suddenly given a voice.



24 MIN DIRECTOR: SIMON HERDMAN Tells two intercutting stories at both ends of the age range as a little girl learns that Santa might not be Deaf, and an old teacher must find a new calling after his Deaf school is closed.


24 MIN DIRECTOR: JULIAN PEEDLE CALLOO A historical drama set during the Victorian era depicting the culture battle between oralism and Signing in the Deaf community. 12



8 MIN DIRECTOR: BECKY BAILEY An animated short set in the Victorian era about a young Deaf woman as she visits the crumbling old Deaf school where she grew up, and remembers how it had shaped her.



ALMOST 18 CERT: 12A | FINLAND 2012 | 112 MIN | 5.15PM Directors: Maarit Lalli ‘I think we all had pretty normal families. Normal problems. Normal feelings. There was nothing we couldn’t get over’ ‘Almost 18’ tells the story of five young men Karri, Pete, André, Akseli and Joni, and their everyday struggle with family, lovers and society. All of them are about to turn 18 when everything turns wrong. We witness each character maturing as they deal with the relatable issues of their fears and hope for the future. In Finnish with English subtitles

STREET ART WORKSHOP WITH ARTISTA* 11:30AM - 5PM In this event you will be able get stuck in and be creative with spray cans, alongside reknowned street artist Kayleigh Doughty, better known as ARTiSTA*. London based, ARTiSTA*’s work comprises street art/graffiti, live art, murals, installations, character design and illustration. In 2009 she was the winner of the Young Tate prize where her work was showcased in the Tate Modern gallery. Recently she has worked with a wide range of audiences, companies and brands such as ITV, Dulux, Twitter and O2. In this event you will have the opportunity to develop your artistic skills under ARTiSTA*’s expert tuition and help create a permanent piece of street art at the Genesis Cinema. Along with spray cans we will provide you with all the necessary safety equipment. BYO IDEAS! Due to the spray paints participants must be 15 and above. To book a place email or tweet us @cuttingeast

STREET ART ON SCREEN To accompany the amazing street art event with ARTISTA* we will be showing a collection of films from the UK that delve into the realms of street art culture. For full details of this screening check 13




GIRL WALK//ALL DAY USA | 2012 | 75 MIN SUN 30TH JUNE | 7PM | GENESIS CINEMA Director: Jacob Krupnick Girl Walk //All Day is an original feature length dance music film directed by Jacob Krupnick, shot in the streets and public spaces of New York City. It is a completely engaging experience set to thesoundtrack, All Day, the 2010 album by the mashup DJ Girl Talk and follows 3 improvisational dancers and dance crews who dance their way across Manhattan. Cutting East brings this special screening together with live performances through-out the screening featuring local dance crew IMD, recent finalists in Sky’s Got to Dance, transforming the Genesis into one big dance floor. An absolute must for anyone interested in moves, breaks, beats and generally just having a good time. The dance party will continue in Bar Para gon featuring mash up sounds from guest Dj’s



INTERVIEW WITH ‘GIRL WALK // ALL DAY’ DIRECTOR JACOB KRUPNIK CE. Why did you want to make a dance movie in particular? Was your original intention to make an hour long feature music video? JK. You hear a lot about how the attention span is shrinking, and it would seem like evidence for this is pretty much everywhere. I wanted to try and make a film that would truly hold you captive, and that you might become so immersed in, or so possessed by, that you’d want to get up and join it. Music videos - these brief, conceptual, imaginative films - were the most intriguing thing on television to me when I was growing up, and I’m excited by using music to amplify life’s experiences, whether it’s at a party, a restaurant, or within a film. CE. What was the audition process like with the dancers? JK. I met Anne and John while filming dancers for a separate project several years before making Girl Walk. I asked ordinary people to come and dance to a favourite song, alone, for a camera. Anne walked in and performed an improvised routine to a Daft Punk song and I was completely blown away - I’d never seen anyone move so fluidly from one style to the next. In general, it was more important that the dancers could collaborate well and be flexible and feel personal investment than for them to be technically perfect. Our reach-out

was mostly word-of-mouth, and in fact, we didn’t do any formal auditions. CE. Was it difficult to film in the streets of New York? Did you need permits for filming at the Yankee Stadium and Central Park? JK. Girl Walk // All Day was imagined as a celebration of public space - and what we can still do outside without being hampered by bureaucracy. We shot with an extremely light kit and crew, staying very mobile, and working without permits. Working within the streets provides a unique set of challenges films are generally made with very little left to chance - but this is probably the biggest element that distinguishes Girl Walk from other films. CE. How did you discover the artist Girl Talk? Do you feel it was lucky you found an hour length track in order to go along with the film? JK. I’ve known Girl Talk’s music since his first mash-up album, Nightripper. I happened to be working down in Miami when his album All Day came out, and the first time I heard it, I knew it had the right broadness, intensity, and familiarity to make it the perfect soundtrack to set a feature-length dance adventure to. I also knew it was music I could listen to again and again and maintain freshness, which was crucial. CE. Were the audience interactions improvised or planned? JK. You have to start with a plan even

if you ditch it the moment something more interesting comes along. There are a few moments in the film where we make it pretty clear that we’re working with the public - like with the Single Ladies scene down on Wall Street. CE. What has the reaction been like from the public behind the screen and on screen? JK. Reactions to the film are unbelievably joyous. It’s been the experience of my life sharing Girl Walk with people on beaches, in museums, at conferences and restaurants, and seeing their connection to what is happening before them. And occasionally it turns into the most positive dance scene on earth, which makes me very happy to see. CE. What are the main messages you wish people to take away after watching your film? JK. Never contain your excitement -- we need to see more positive energy before our eyes. CE. So what’s next? JK. I’ve been making short films for the last year, and planning another film movement-film. Stay tuned, London: you’re in my headlights.


Cutting East is the youth arm of the East End Film Festival. One of the UK’s largest film festivals, the EEFF champions challenging, vibrant filmmaking by first and second time directors, as well as the bravest, most contemporary and relevant films in international cinema. EEFF is a true celebration of cinema, combining screenings with live music, live performances and discoveries in the digital realm. Proud of the role of Cutting East in this year’s festival, the EEFF runs from 25 June – 10 July, and features several films that will appeal to teenage and young adult audiences. For more information and to buy tickets go to



SUN 7TH JULY | 1PM RIO CINEMA CERT: PG | 76 MIN An intimate portrait of four Afro barbers, The Fade delves into people’s relationship to those that cut their hair, taking in barber chairs in Ghana, Jamaica, USA and the UK, and interweaving their stories to create a colourful portrait of four men reflecting a vitally important culture.







THURS 27TH JUNE | 7PM GENESIS CINEMA WITH PANEL Narrated by actor Dominic West (The Wire, The Hour), and featuring an extraordinary new soundtrack from Radiohead’s Thom Yorke and Massive Attack’s Robert Del Naja, The UK Gold travels from Olympic host, riotscarred borough of Hackney to Zambia, Salisbury, the Caribbean and Clapton, to explore the role of the City of London in the world of tax havens and tax avoidance. Highly relevant for all in the light of the G8 protests.


Filmed over 4 years, Sebastian Duthy’s debut follows amateur boxers George Kean, who has the skills, the look and the fans; and Marlon Mellish, a young man for whom boxing has been his salvation. An illuminating account of real stories beneath the fighting, with unprecedented access to the ABA of England.


SATELLITE BOY SAT 29TH JUNE | 8:45PM HACKNEY PICTUREHOUSE CERT: PG | 92 MIN SAT 6TH JULY | 12PM BARBICAN CENTRE PARENTS/CHILDREN ONLY A heartrending tale of family, tradition and survival, Catriona McKenzie’s film sees a young boy being raised in the shadow of an abandoned drive-in cinema in rural Western Australia, who decides to head to the city when his home is purchased by a mining company, and ends up needing the skills taught to him by his grandfather.



SUN 30TH JUNE | 5PM GENESIS CINEMA CERT: 12A | 79 MIN Following the Cutting East screening of his classic film Every Good Marriage Begins With Tears, Simon Chambers previews his latest portrait of a young woman in London’s Bangladeshi community. Rebellious, outspoken teenager Shana is desperate to have a baby, and asked Chambers to make a film about her.


WE AINT STUPID WEDS 3RD JULY | 6:30PM STRATFORD PICTUREHOUSE CERT: 12A | 90 MIN Mitch Panayis’ documentary feature debut shows how, in the light of local development, and not least the Olympics, the working lives of stallholders at Queen’s Market, West Ham, are changing. A moving, funny insight into the changing nature of their trade, and a timely examination of a fading culture.


WE ARE THE FREAKS FRI 5TH JULY | 6:30PM | GENESIS CINEMA CERT: 15 | 90 MINS A portrait of youth in the late Thatcher years. Justin Edgar’s drama sees Jack dreaming of escaping his factory job, and heading off on a journey into the night with the well-to-do Emily, and some eccentric friends. Featuring a brilliant soundtrack and recognisable faces from Skins and This Is England.


FESTIVAL TICKETS & VENUE INFORMATION VENUE INFO, TRAVEL, ACCESS INFO AND BOOKING INFO All tickets for Cutting East are priced at £3.50. All screenings, events and workshops take place at

Genesis Cinema

93 – 95 Mile End Road, Whitechapel, London, E1 4UJ To book tickets for Cutting East Call Genesis on 020 7780 2000 or book online at www. Genesis can also take advance bookings in person at the box office. Finding the Genesis Cinema. The Genesis Cinema is situated on Mile End Road between Stepney Green and Whitechapel tube stations. Bus Routes 25 and 205, stop outside the Genesis Cinema. Travel Information Unfortunately part of the District Line is suspended between Whitechapel and West Ham on the festival weekend so best tube to aim for is Whitechapel. Please see the map below for where we are and we would recommend you check before you travel. Access Information All screens at the Genesis are accessible except screen 1 and Bar Paragon. If you have any access requirements please phone ahead. The screening of Zoom films will be accompanied by an interpreter.


THANKS TO... AHRC Cultural Engagement Fund, Tyrone Walker Hebborn, Ally Clow and Abigail Stroman at Genesis Cinema, Alison Poltock, Andrew Simpson, Stuart Haggas, Mary Halton and all the team at the East End Film Festival, Omar Ansah Awuah and all the members of IMD, Hi8tus, Kaleigh Doughty, Mile End Community Project, Mile End Films, Precarious Workers Brigade, Screen Test Student Film Festival, Tubbyphunk Graphic Design Studio, Saskia Fischer, Tamsin Bookey, Dan Jones, Gini Simpson, Virginia Davis, Stephen Murray, Jill Fullbrook, Geraldine Bone, Canan Silah, Karen Hubbard, Jessica Green, Alison Philcock and all at Tower Hamlets Arts and Events, Paul Bowman, Anna Kime and Colette Geraghty at Film London, Lee Ocsko and Phil Long and panel from Youth Opportunities Fund, Alfredo Amorim from British Council and all the filmmakers, distributers, musicians, DJ’s and volunteers that contributed to the making of this festival. A Big Thank you to the inaugural Cutting East Steering Group whose passion and commitment to the project got this moving and to Stephanie Pamment and Isma Arif from Tower Hamlets Arts and Events and Janet Harbord, Amitabh Rai and Gil Toffell from Queen Mary, University of London for assisting the group in making it happen.

Film London would like to congratulate the Cutting East team We are proud to support this new festival for young people in East London


SAT 29TH JUNE 11:30am

Screen 2

The Breakfast Club


SUN 30TH JUNE Screen 1


Screen 2

Tunde’s Film + Divide and Rule Never!


3pm Z00M Films

Screen 3

5 Broken Cameras






Almost 18


Riots Reframed 4 - 6:30pm

Every Good Marriage Begins With Tears + Q&A


SNEAK PREVIEW Every Life Begins With Tears

Speaking Words Closing Night Live: Spoken Gala: Girl Walk// Word open mic All Day + IMD + DJ

7 - 10pm

One Mile Away Plus Panel



Speaking Words, Breaking Stereotypes; Poetry workshop & film screening

Justice in Action Mulberry School for Girls + Panel


Cutting It Short: Shorts Programme

Screen 3



7:00pm Special Screening:

Screen 2

TIME SLOT FRI 28TH JUNE 11:30 - 2pm

2pm - 4:30pm

4:30 - 7pm

7 - 9:30pm

9:30pm onwards

9 - 10:30pm CUTTING BEATS Mammoth Sound & Sherlock’s Dead


2013 is the 100th year anniversary of Indian cinema. To mark this centenary, Cutting East are exhibiting a collection of classic Bollywood Posters in the Genesis Foyer and Gallery and will be on display thoughout the East End Film Festival | Tues 25th June - Weds 10 July


11:30am - 5pm

Street Art Workshop with Artista*


CLOSING NIGHT GALA Girl Walk//All Day Party + DJ’s

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