fuel cells
made in USA
Ultra Electronics, AMI: Power. United. Creating portable power through fuel cell technology AMI’s fuel cells provide lightweight,
AMI’s ROAMIO fuel cells deliver up to 300-watts of power across
clean reliable power to the defense,
three main product lines:
leisure and remote industrial markets. ROAMIO Defender provides soldiers power, when While many companies use hydrogen
they need it and where they need it most. ROAMIO
or other difficult to source fuels to
Defender fuel cells deliver lightweight, portable
power their units, the ROAMIO fuel
power in the most austere, remote and dangerous locations. The ROAMIO
cells run on inexpensive, lightweight
Defender series power unmanned systems, provide portable power to soldiers,
and safe propane, LPG or butane.
and are creating a new reality in how soldiers power mission-critical systems.
Propane is available anywhere and everywhere in the world.
ROAMIO Explorer is silent, clean, portable power for the leisure market. Ideal for yachts and RVs, Explorer generates power for creature comforts like
Ultra Electronics, AMI is an operating business of Ultra Electronics, an internationally successful defense, security, transport and energy company with a long, consistent track record of development and growth. Ultra businesses constantly innovate
GPS, radio, refrigerator, laptop, coffee maker, TV, and gaming systems.
ROAMIO Performer for remote industrial use extends the functionality and reliability of remote applications traditionally powered by batteries or solar power: Cameras, sensors and surveillance equipment, communications systems and traffic systems – signs, cameras and lights.
to create solutions to customer requirements that are different from and better than those of competitors.
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Defender fuel cells: Proven, reliable power, when and where our soldiers need it most
The ROAMIO D300 is the only propanepowered fuel cell that is repeatedly proven successful in real world conditions. Powered by propane, the D300 reduces a key logistics hurdle and is a common sense power source. Lightweight and portable, the ROAMIO D300 can be carried by soldiers to power mission critical devices in the most austere, remote locations. ■ Same power as batteries at 80% of the weight ■ Ideal for communications devices and other portable technology ■ Remote power, wherever required ■ Lightweight, rapid deployment
Environmental capability
■ Quieter, more efficient than
■ Power: 300 Watts
■ Temperature • Operate: -20ºC to 50ºC • Storage: -32ºC to 71ºC
a generator ■ Proven effective and reliable in numerous military field tests
■ Voltage capability: 12, 14, 24 or 28 VDC ■ Weight: 10.9 kg ■ Size: L 40cm x W 20cm x H 36cm ■ Fuel: Propane, 112 grams/hr
■ Humidity: 0% to 95% ■ Altitude: 15,000 ft ■ Drop: 36 inches onto 3/4” plywood over concrete ■ MTBF: 1080 hours ■ Vibration: MIL-STD-810F, Method 514.5 ■ Shock: MIL-STD-810F Method 516.5 Procedure I and IV
Ultra Electronics
■ Rain: MIL-STD-810F, Method 506.4
AMI 5500 South State Street
■ Dust and sand: MIL-STD-810F, Method 510.4 Procedures 1, 2, 3
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA Tel: +1 734 302 7632 Email:
Ultra Electronics reserves the right to vary these specifications without notice.
© Ultra Electronics Inc 2012. Printed in USA
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Defender fuel cells: Proven, reliable power, when and where our soldiers need it most
The AMI ROAMIO D245XR is a lightweight fuel cell that makes the impossible possible. The D245XR delivers truly extended range: It’s the only propane fuel cell technology proven to power a UAV for a 10 hour flight and a UGV for 40+ miles. The ideal power source for unmanned vehicles, the ROAMIO D245XR helps UAVs fly longer with a more functional payload and UGVs roam further while performing more essential tasks, including IED defeat. The D245XR powers sensors for longer persistent stare tasks and eliminates multiple battery changes that draw attention to hidden units. The ROAMIO D245XR is quiet, lightweight and proven. It is the power source of choice for the world’s largest military contractors. It is the only fuel cell available, in its class, that is propane-powered.
Environmental capability
■ Power: 245 Watts
■ Temperature • Operate: -20ºC to 55ºC • Storage: -32ºC to 71ºC
■ Voltage: 28 VDC ■ Weight: 2.6 kg ■ Size: L 40cm x W 14cm x H 14cm ■ Fuel: Propane, 112 grams/hr
■ Humidity: 5% to 95% ■ Altitude: 15,000 ft ■ Non-detectability: 50 meters ■ MTBF: 20 mission cycles ■ Shock: 100G Vertical 40G Axial ■ Rain: tolerant to light rain (1/4” per hour) ■ Dust and sand: tolerant to fine dust
Ultra Electronics AMI 5500 South State Street Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA Tel: +1 734 302 7632 Email:
Ultra Electronics reserves the right to vary these specifications without notice.
© Ultra Electronics Inc 2012. Printed in USA
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