Small Unit Immersive Trainer
“re-lion”, “re-lion SUIT” and "re-lion Small Unit Immersive Trainer" are trademarks or registered trademarks of re-lion Group B.V in The Netherlands
Requirement Roughly 50% of the world's population will be living in urban environments in 2030. We know that training for urban operations is one of the most important aspects of the contemporary curriculum of small units as operating in these 3D environments is very complex.
Virtual Training We believe that virtual training increases the quality of live training. re-lion Small Unit Immersive Trainer (SUIT) can provide your unit with a tremendous variety of short complex scenarios. Rapidly iterating these scenarios increases decision making skills. Live training combined with SUIT results in more capacity of existing live training assets and/or better skilled trainees.
Our solution: blended learning
Serious gaming
Train communications Classroom Desktop
Increase in realism
re-lion SUIT
re-lion SUIT Many scenarios in a short time frame Immersive
Live Simulation
Combat training centers Scarce resource Physical interaction
Decrease in cost T +31 53 4356687
Top reasons to start using re-lion SUIT High learning value
Cost effective
Scientifically validated
Train any situation in any culture
Rapidly exercise (complex) scenarios
Rapid terrain database generation
After Action Review
No actor, fuel and ammunition cost
Fully immersive
Easy to operate and maintain Safe, zero risk
Train as you fight
Team based
Train anywhere anytime: home or deployed
Natural locomotion
No travel time
No mouse and keyboard
Create your own scenarios
Scales in floor coverage
Integrates any weapon platform
Wireless weapons
Interoperable with VBS2 T +31 53 4356687
High learning value
A tour along the benefits of re-lion SUIT for Small Unit Training
re-lion SUIT is a training system for close quarters battle (CQB/CQC) and close protection of high value targets in urban operations. Trainees can enter and clear buildings/planes/ships ranging from basic, single room zero persons, to complex, linked rooms multiple person scenarios.
things are well suited for live training. All actions and communications are recorded for use during after action review, using re-lion Replay, where students discuss what they did and why. This is where higher order skills are developed, through discussions with your fellow teammates.
Scientific research1 has shown that in certain situations virtual training results in better skills than is the case with live training. An example where virtual training is better: due to the large amount of scenarios that can be executed in a short timespan, trainees learn to reason about situations instead of memorizing each situation seperately thus decreasing time required to make a decision, increasing their judgemental skills. We believe that live training combined with virtual training results in a higher skilled unit. The advantage of virtual training is that it acts as a time compressor: it enables you to train a large number of scenarios in the same time as you would normally train a couple of scenarios with live training. The end result is a training multiplier: higher skilled units in the same time or the same skilled units in less time. Of course, there are things that make no sense when doing it with virtual simulation: physical aspects of training like breaching walls/doors, using a hooligan tool to force an opening through a window - these T +31 53 4356687
Train as you operate The system enables teams of up to 15 persons to educate, train, rehearse and sustain their skills. We designed SUIT with an emphasis on natural interaction between the trainees and the simulation. An example: navigating in the simulation is not done via mouse, keyboard or joystick on the weapon but by physically walking, crouching, proning, running, etc. Just as you would do in live training. As all trainees will be moving during the simulation, floor space has to be available. Fortunately, the system scales easily with the amount of available physical space.
operating theatre. Through the use of the included re-lion Builder software, you can rapidly create and modify urban terrain databases yourself. re-lion Builder has been developed based on ease of use and easy to learn, enabling the instructor to tailor the urban terrain database instead of requiring scarce resources like terrain database specialists. This allows trainees to train highly varied scenarios in the culture required. Every detail in the urban environment can be made specific. This is hard to do and costly in live training.
The weapons used in SUIT are wireless blueguns or handguns that contain trigger and reload functionality, allowing trainees to count the number of bullets still present in the current magazine. Each trainee has the ability to use his/her primary weapon and a backup weapon. Next to that flashbangs, handgranades and break lights are of course also included. Included in the train as you operate methodology is that the simulation has the same appearance as the
Cost effective SUIT's primary effectiveness is that the training system acts as a time compressor. This has been validated scientifically1.
Skill level
Training cost =
Time available
Training asset effectiveness
Time required to Training asset reach required x cost skill level
that the time required for a certain skill level can go down. This has consequences for the training cost. Secondly, there aren’t any costs for hiring actors as they are virtual and no cost for fuel consumption, pyrotechnics, lost travel time or ammunition.
Finally, the through life cost depend on if you buy, The effectiveness of SUIT is higher than conventional operate and maintain SUIT yourself, if we do it for you live training for a specific set of tasks required in urban or if we can do it together. Everything depends on your operations. The result is that the skill level will go up or requirements and constraints. T +31 53 4356687
Flexible The SUIT system has been engineered with mobility in mind and as such can be taken with you on an exercise or when deploying. Of course, using it at your home station is always possible. The system enables units without live assets at their home station to partly train at their home station and save precious travel time as well as partly freeing up live training assets.
HLA standard. Combatants and non-combatants can be played using SUIT and VBS2, depending on the requirements. Also, it is possible to author your training scenario in VBS2 and let SUIT be part of the simulation. We see a growth path of SUIT towards a platform that allows you to run close quarters battle but also non-kinetic scenarios like cultural awareness, social education, etc. in the very near future.
Of course, training consists of a mix of training assets. Nowadays, VBS22 is used widely for desktop training of dismounted soldiers. To make optimal use of this situation, SUIT can interoperate with VBS2 using the
References: 1 TNO report DV-2011 A248 ‘Comparing two different training methods (conventional and virtual) for military operations on urban terrain’. 2 VBS2 can be found at T +31 53 4356687