Philadelphia Free Press 06-10-2020- Digital Edition

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Black Enterprise CEO: “I Am Tired...The Pandemic Of Racism Must End” By Earl “Butch” Graves Jr.


ver the past few days, civil unrest has gripped our entire nation. This was due to the unwarranted and senseless murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week by a police officer who placed his knee on the neck of Mr. Floyd for nine minutes as he begged for his life, while three other

officers charged to protect and serve, did little - none of them displaying a shred of decency or humanity. It represents the latest, and perhaps the most disturbing, incident of police brutality against an African American man. As such, I feel compelled to share my personal thoughts because I cannot in all good conscience remain silent while the continuation of unchecked

violence results in the loss of black lives without regard or consequence. I am a proud African American man who loves this country. I have close friends and family of all races, and I pride myself on being measured and fair. I have always tried to view the circumstances of life as “the glass 3/4 full instead of 1/4 empty,” but my patience has

truly run thin...and now I am tired! I am tired of watching innocent black men being targeted with violence at the hands of law enforcement. Tired of ignorant bigots taking the law into their own hands and feeling justified to confront black citizens. Tired of the media-driven, negative stereotypes that shape the dangerous narrative

Center City Philadelphia's Community Newspaper

June 10, 2020

City Safari: The restoration of St. Fergie’s whilst much of the Church remains gated By Thom Nickels Contributing Editor

the restaurant scene, especially Fergie’s Pub, as not bad at all. p in the air’ is an Still, having four restaurants apt description of floating in the sea of Nonthe situation when Being, is worrisome. Fergie it comes to the opening of says he’s used much of the Philadelphia’s restaurants and virus sabbatical to refurbish bars after the worst of the co- and redo all of the woodwork vid-19 pandemic. inside the pub. “We’ve had For Fergie Carey, owner of all the floors refinished and four restaurant/bars in the the stairs refinished and the city, including the famous bar top refinished. The place Fergie’s Pub at 1214 Sansom has never been as clean in 26 Street, the lockdown has been years. The wood looks amaza time to spend time with his ing. People will come back, family. “I have dinner with my walk in and say, “Wow, look family every night. We watch at this!” movies, we play games.” He Fergie recalls what it was describes his time away from continued on page 4


Fergie Carey, owner of four restaurant/bars in the city

The Art of Systemic Racism By Herman Bigham

etc.) are dismantled and access to those pillars of community poradic and individual development are freely acts of violence against available and reparation for Blacks are shocking and the centuries of “damages graphic, but the effects of the Paid”. daily Systematic Racism must One of the most hidden demand more attention & and most despicable wellredress. The effects of the daily entrenched systems of Systematic Racism suffered exclusion is the multi – million from the denial of education, dollar a year Global Auction healthcare, employment, Industry. The Sale of Cultural investment, and mortgage Treasures of African “Art” financing causes a perinate that were looted have been state disability and poverty for established as a whites only Blacks through the nation. global industry. Both African The dire conditions of Nations of individuals have Blacks in America will not been rendered impudent change until the systems of in having any cultural or disfranchisement (banks, scholarly authority, ownership mortgage; insurance; or wright to participate in the disinvestment and Redlining art auction system.


Earl “Butch” Graves Jr.

surrounding young black men. Tired of white people calling the police on black people, and weaponizing the police because they are entitled, scared, or distrusting. Tired of overlooking the purposeful or passive suppression of talented black professionals in Corporate America. Tired of watching blackowned businesses struggle without access to capital. Tired of Corporate America loving the fruits of black culture, but not nurturing the tree that bears it. Tired of the word “Diversity” which has been nothing more than a diversion away from black. Tired of systemic and institutionalized corporate racism which is masked by flowery mission statements and codes of conduct that are rarely enforced. Tired of the rise of the digital and social media economy X without commensurate ...reinvestment in the very market that has often led to its success. Tired of being disrespected in restaurants as if I were invisible. Tired of being followed in retail establishments as if I Page to x rob them. were a threat Tired of not being afforded CHRISTENDOM the same assumption of Sebastian competence and associated Barry may as my white opportunities not exactlycollege, and highbeschool, abusiness household school classmates. name here in Tired of explaining why I America... like to spend time with black people...while white continued on page 8


Museum“quality” African masks.

African Art was stolen just like the art of the Jews during their holocaust and must be considered as such and a global system of reparation and restitution must be

Black House Democrats took over the chamber’s rostrum Monday and demanded established. It has been action on police knowledge that approximately. reforms...

Page 5 90 % of the traditional Cultural material of Africa is in Western POLITICS.....................................3 Hands. NOTES ON MUSIC..........................7 After the mass plunder continued on page 8

FUNDRAISER................................8 CLASSIFIEDS..............................11

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