Torbole Triumph

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TORBOLE TRIUMPH 2016 FINN WORLD MASTERS WORDS roBert Deaves PHOTOS Berit hainoja Michael Kurtz roBert Deaves

Published by Robert Deaves for the International Finn Association First Edition 2017 ISBN 978-0-9559001-5-0 Copyright Š Robert Deaves, Berit Hainoja, Michael Kurtz, 2017 Dedicated to all old friends, Finn friends and departed friends. Once a Finn sailor, always a Finn sailor. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher and the copyright holders.


PreFace introDuction coMPetition MonDay 16 May tuesDay 17 May weDnesDay 18 May thursDay 19 May FriDay 20 May MeDal race MeDal cereMony results inDex By Bow nuMBer

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ircolo Vela Torbole hosted the 2016 Finn World Masters on Lake Garda in Italy from Friday 13 May to Friday 20 May. The event attracted 355 sailors from 32 countries across the world, making it the largest Finn event of all far.

The action on the water was captured in a beautiful selection of images taken all week by Berit Hainoja and on Wednesday and Friday by Michael Kurtz. The aerial photos were taken by Robert Deaves using a mast head action camera while racing. The images and words on these pages capture a unique event for the Finn class.

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arger is not always better, but the 2016 Finn World Masters will go down in history for being the largest Finn event of all time (so far) and for a gladiatorial battle to be champion that was only decided in the last minutes of the final race.

An astonishing 355 Finns made it Circolo Vela Torbole at the northern end of Lake Garda for a week of fantastically competitive and close racing. Finns were dotted around all the lake at various clubs from Riva to Torbole. Lanfranco Cirillo, the major sponsor of the event through his Fantastica Sailing Team, spoke through the rain at the opening ceremony about the spirit of the Finn class and Finn sailors. He said The Finn was an Olympic class for all, for the strongmen of the sailing world. “The Finn is not just a boat, it is a lifestyle.� Not many present disagreed with his sentiments. Competitors in Torbole included many former Olympians and many former champions. Increasing numbers of sailors are returning to the class to sail at the Masters for the great competition it offers. The standard is rising every year. The scope of the racing was immense, with the fleet split into four starting groups on two course areas which covered almost the entire visible water at the northern end of Lake Garda. Early on it was fairly clear who the front runners were going to be with defending champion Vladimir Krutskikh (RUS 73) and 2004 Olympic silver medalist Rafael Trujillo (ESP 100), sailing at his first World Masters, winning every race in their groups over the first three days.

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Behind them, six time Masters champion Michael Maier (CZE 1) and Piet Eckert (SUI 86) were stringing together a series of top scores that left them in touch with the two leaders. The next group of Paul McKenzie (AUS 22), and Christoph Burger (SUI 7), Laurent Hay (FRA 75), Harles Liv (EST 7), Marc Allain des Beauvais (FRA 99) and Yuri Tokovoi (UKR 21) could hardly be separated. With four starting groups, it was almost impossible to get any significant points advantage if you were always at the front of the fleet, as shown by the fact that come the medal race on the final day, any of the top 10 could mathematically still have won the event, with only 14 points separation. In the end Trujillo won overall, as well as taking the Masters title. Maier took the Grand Masters while Allain des Beauvais won the Grand Grand Masters title by a sizeable margin. In the Legends, Howard Sellars won the title for a third time, while Pedro JimĂ­nez-Meifren won the new Super Legend category. It was a lot of Finn fun for the biggest group of Finn sailors ever assembled in one place. The fleet will not forget Torbole, and Torbole will never forget the Finn fleet. Over the course of the week, Finn sailors from almost every corner of the globe raced together in friendship and love of a great boat that has influenced almost all aspects of sailboat racing worldwide. The sailors present were past the Olympics but enjoyed sailing an Olympic class that has brought them so much enjoyment over so many years. Special respect goes to the Legends and Super Legend, who just cannot seem to kick the habit.

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Finn sailors worldwide aspire to race against the best, but they also aspire to race the Finn World Masters. Even now, more and more are promising to sail in the coming years. The pinnacle event for these sailors just moves to a different standpoint, but the challenge remains the same. Keeping with tradition is as much a part of the Finn class as great competition. The tradition within the Finn class is that once a Finn sailor, always a Finn sailor. And to prove just that, the 2016 Finn World Masters attracted 33 Legends, those over 70 years old, who just can’t seem to give it up. They inspire the fleet and are proof, if any was needed, that Finn sailing remains a sport for life, as well as a lifestyle. The breathtaking geography of the area that creates the world famous Garda winds dominated the racing, with the huge mountainsides towering above the small boats putting everything into perspective. But it is the boat, the fantastic Finn, which is the true equaliser.

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ntil a quarter of a century ago, the Finn World Masters was known as the Veteran Gold Cup. The name was changed to reflect the growing importance of the event in the Finn class calendar and more accurately describe the level of competition, and this remains true to this day. The Finn Masters has been often copied but never matched. It has survived through the camaraderie and support of large numbers of sailors worldwide who enjoy racing a great boat with friends made through a lifetime of involvement in the class. Many of those who raced in the early Veteran worlds were present in Torbole, attracted by the spirit of the class and the intense competition. No one gives away an inch in a Finn race and that is as true today as it was half a century ago, at all levels. Every year the event attracts more sailors back to Finn sailing, and is growing in numbers and stature. For many sailors it has become the principal event in the calendar. Lake Garda has been called by some sailors as a University of Sailing. Each day everyone learned something about the nuances of sailing on Europe’s most famous lake. The Finn is also a university for life with stories and memories told and relived each evening in the bars and restaurants of Torbole. It was a huge melting pot of experience and knowledge.

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ome of the sailors were on their first visit to Garda, while for many it was a return to a hallowed sailing ground, but the interest of an event in Garda had always been high. Knowledge of Lake Garda’s winds proved an essential ingredient of the first day of racing as the best sailors rose to the top. Defending champion Vladimir Krutskikh (RUS 73), 2004 Olympic silver medalist Rafa Trujillo (ESP 100) and Piet Eckert (SUI 86) all won both races in their groups to sit on top of the 355 boat fleet. While Trujillo probably had the hardest fleet allocation of the day, Krutskikh was also dominant in his fleet, powering away for two comfortable wins. In addition, from the eight heats sailed, individual wins went to 1996 Olympian Paul McKenzie (AUS 22), and the 2000 and 2002 Finn Masters World Champion John Greenwood (GBR 5). After the first day, Trujillo, Krutskikh and Eckert all sat on two points, with McKenzie one point back and Michael Maier (CZE 1) one point further back in fifth.

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he deciding factor on the second day was risk management, as local knowledge and Garda geometry meant that there were many changes in position through the four groups as the fleets battled against strong, cold and remarkably shifty winds all day. Rafael Trujillo (ESP 100), Vladimir Krutskikh (RUS 73) and Michael Maier (CZE 1) all recorded a perfect score with two race wins each, while other race wins went to Harles Liiv (EST 7) and Yuri Tokovoi (UKR 21). Only Trujillo and Krutshikh remained on minimum points. The random fleet allocation decided that these two would not meet until the medal race, so any showdown had to wait until the final day. Piet Eckert (SUI 86) was dominant upwind in his group but couldn’t hold off Krutskikh downwind. Luuk Kuijper (NED 60) led one race for a while before being reeled in by Maier downwind. Vasiliy Kravchenko (RUS 17) also led round a top mark before Trujillo recovered from a poor start and motored through to the lead. Just three points separated the top four, but Trujillo was showing the greatest speed of all of them, and for many, remained the favourite.

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alf way through the event, there was nothing to separate the top two sailors after the third day of racing. Rafa Trujillo (ESP 100) and Vladimir Krukskihk (RUS 73) continued to amass race wins and had six first places apiece. Mike Maier (CZE 1) remained in third after a third and first. Otherwise, Wednesday was an interesting day on Lake Garda with several new race winners. Dimitri Petrov (RUS 711) and Christoph Burger (SUI 7) won a race each, as did Marc Allain des Beauvais (FRA 99), who followed that with a second place to move up to fifth overall and had already all but clinched the Grand Grand Masters title. Even though the sailors were tired after two tough days the competition was no less fierce. Lighter winds were forecast for the day but it still picked up to 20 knots, though by the end of the day it was down to 4-5 knots which proved challenging for the fleets still racing. Keeping consistent proved hard for the majority. With four huge fleets, early decisions and choosing the correct side was proving crucial.

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fter three fantastic days of racing, Thursday brought northerlies and bad weather. All racing was abandoned ashore as rain and unstable winds from the wrong direction meant any fair racing was going to be difficult. The sailors occupied the bar and the restaurant all morning before racing was abandoned for the day at midday. This meant that the positions after racing on Wednesday would decide who would go into Friday’s crucial medal race. Outside of the top ten, many favourites did not quite make it. With four fleets each day, a scoreline that would normally be enough to make the medal race was not good enough. Seven of those in the next ten boats had made the top 10 on previous occasions – but this year making the medal race was the toughest fight ever.

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aving raced all week on two course areas, on the final day the race committee was down to one course, so all four fleet races were started the same start line. It was a challenge, but it worked.

Whatever the outcome of the final races, everyone was a winner with a spectacular final day of sailing. Lake Garda was back to its mythical best, with the fleet launching into a mirror, but with the antipiation of the Ora approaching quickly and visibly from the south. By race time, the Ora had kicked in good and strong, with beautiful clear blue skies creating some fabulous sailing conditions. Race wins went to Uli Breuer (GER 707), Christoph Christen (SUI 5), Aleksandr Kulyukin (RUS 161) and AndrĂŠ Budzien (GER 711), but more importantly the medals for the rest of the age categories were determined. Many boats stayed out to watch the drama of the medal race which was started shortly afterwards in perfect Garda conditions.

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fter a week of incredibly competitive and close racing, it all came down to the medal race. Any of the 10 sailors could have won the title, but the race turned out to be as as dramatic as it was scenic. Sailed up against Garda’s steep walls, the lead changed three times before the finish. After a great comback Rafa Trujillo (ESP 100) won his first Finn World Masters title to take the win from defending champion Vladimir Krutskikh (RUS 73) and six times winner Michael Maier (CZE 1). Maier took an early lead and sailed away for what looked like a certain seventh title. But Trujillo wasn’t quite finished yet and worked his way towards the front after a mediocre first upwind. He was right behind Maier and Krutskikh at the final top mark and Trujillo split gybes on the run to the finish while the leading two played the right side. The gamble paid and Trujillo found enough pressure on the left to sail through for seventh race win and the title. In the final stages, Krutskikh passed Maier for second. It was a thrilling end to a thrilling week.

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ll week Grand Masters, Grand Grand Masters and Legends traded places with the younger Masters. The Masters and Grand Masters medals were all contained within the top 10 with Rafa Trujillo (ESP 100) also winning the Masters title, Michael Maier (CZE 1) took the Grand Masters while Marc Allain des Beauvais (FRA 99) won the Grand Grand Masters title by a sizeable margin. In the coveted Legend category, Howard Sellars (GBR 77) won the title for a record equalling third time. For the first time ever the class introduced a prize for Super Legends (over 80). Pedro Jimínez-Meifren (ESP 35) may have been the only one, but he got the biggest cheer of anyone at the prizegiving, simply because he epitomised everything that the other 354 sailors hoped to emulate when they reached that age – the ability to still sail the Finn. Pedro also completed most races when sailors half his age were staying on shore. Victory for Trujillo was a milestone for the class – the first time an Olympic medalist had won the title.

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No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Sail No ESP 100 RUS 73 CZE 1 SUI 86 AUS 22 SUI 7 FRA 75 EST 7 FRA 99 UKR 21 NED 121 GER 707 RUS 711 RUS 41 SUI 5 GBR 2 RUS 161 AUT 7 ITA 55 GER 711 NZL 2 NED 780 CHI 12 GER 194 HUN 88 ITA 1025 GER 193 UKR 8 GER 165 GER 8

Name Rafael Trujillo Vladimir Krutskikh Michael Maier Piet Eckert Paul McKenzie Christoph Burger Laurent Hay Harles Liiv Marc Allain Des Beauvais Yuriy Tokovoy Martijn Van Muyden Uli Breuer Dmitrii Petrov Felix Denikaev Christoph Christen Allen Burrell Aleksandr Kulyukin Michael Gubi Walter Riosa Andr Budzien Ray Hall Jan Willem Kok Antonio Poncell Axel Schroeder Zsombor Majthenyi Armando Battaglia Thomas Schmid Taras Havrysh Dirk Meid Jürgen Eiermann

Bow, category, club Points 276, Master, RCN La Linea 7.0 1, Master, Fantastica 9.0 300, Grand Master, YCR 13.0 208, Master, ZSC (Zürcher Segelclub) 17.0 50, Master, Colac YC/CM Canet Perpignan 26.0 324, Master, TYC 27.0 144, Grand Master, SRR 30.0 272, Master, Estonian Match Race 31.0 174, Grand Grand Master, SNO Nantes 34.0 283, Grand Master, Fantastica 37.0 333, Master, KWVL 24.0 136, Grand Master, YCR 27.0 8, Master, Yaht Club “Druzba” 27.0 5, Grand Master, MACF 30.0 248, Master, YCB 33.0 89, Grand Master, Thorpe Bay YC 33.0 9, Master, SHVSM-1a 38.0 247, Grand Master, UYC Mondsee 41.0 195, Master, Soc. Canottieri Ausonia Grado 42.0 313, Grand Master, Schweriner YC 43.0 200, Master, Waiuku Yacht Club 46.0 341, Master, WVH 49.0 75, Grand Master, CY Algarrobo 50.0 194, Grand Master, Blankeneser SC 51.0 138, Master, The 52.0 340, Master, Lega Navale Italiana La Spezia 54.0 193, Grand Master, NRV 55.0 264, Master, Obolon 56.0 28, Grand Master, SCLM 56.0 151, Grand Master, SV Biblis 57.0

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31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 78 | Photos: Michael Kurtz

NED 29 Bas De Waal 187, Grand Master, Het Witte Huis 58.0 SWE 59 Lars Edwall 206, Grand Master, Lerkils Båtselskap 60.0 UKR 14 Volodymyr Stasyuk 85, Master, Black Sea Yacht Club 60.0 RUS 31 Igor Frolov 83, Grand Master, SCT 61.0 NED 60 Luuk Kuijper 41, Grand Master, Het Witte Huis 65.0 RUS 21 Vladimir Butenko 19, Grand Master, MAKF 67.0 NED 7 Cees Scheurwater 186, Master, HWH 67.0 ITA 6 Enrico Passoni 220, Grand Master, Lega Navale Anzio 68.0 NZL 6 Gary Lokum 226, Master, Black Rock YC (Australia) 69.0 ESP 17 Xavier Penas 286, Master, Club Vela Calella 70.0 NZL 15 Greg Wilcox 142, Grand Master, Potsdamer Seglerverein 71.0 RSA 1 Greg Davis 172, Grand Master, RCYC 74.0 GBR 635 Simon Percival 36, Master, Christchurch Sailing Club 74.0 ITA 80 Martin Atzwanger 71, GM, AVLC - Associazione Velica Lago 75.0 HUN 50 Akos Lukats 259, Master, SVSC 75.0 ITA 872 Nicola Menoni 250, Grand Master, C.V.G. 77.0 DEN 80 Michael Staal 190, Grand Master, Dragor Sailing Club 77.0 AUS 75 Phil Chadwick 90, Grand Master, Hampton Sailing Club 78.0 DEN 21 Otto Strandvig 211, Grand Master, KDY 85.0 ITA 89 Florian Demetz 70, Master, Segelverein Kalterersee 85.0 GBR 68 John Mackie 299, Master, West Kirby 86.0 HUN 7 Antal Szekely 237, Grand Master, BHSE 87.0 HUN 5 Guza Huszar 343, Master, Sir�Ly VSC 91.0 SUI 83 Beat Steffen 239, Master, SCH 94.0 AUS 261 John Condie 165, Grand Master, WSC 95.0 NOR 64 Petter Fjeld 325, Master, Fredrikstad SF 98.0 POL 99 Wlodzimierz Radwaniecki 240, Grand Master, SKZ Ergo Hestia Sopot 101.0 ITA 2 Marco Buglielli 316, Grand Master, Circolo Vela Roma 103.0 ITA 4 Francesco Faggiani 156, Master, Triestina Della Vela 104.0 GBR 720 Julian Smith 271, Grand Master, MRSC 105.0 FIN 201 Kristian Sjoberg 292, Grand Master, Nylandska Jaktklubben 105.0 GER 157 Frank Dinnebier 59, Grand Master, WSU 105.0 RUS 17 Vasiliy Kravchenko 17, Master, Russian Finn Association 106.0 FRA 38 Michel Audoin 134, Grand Master, SRR 109.0 RUS 34 Aleksandr Kasatov 108, Grand Master, MACF 109.0 ITA 67 Gino Bucciarelli 326, Master, Associazione Velica Bracciano 110.0 AUS 231 James Mayjor 196, Grand Master, RPAYC 111.0 GER 909 Udo Murek 98, Grand Master, YCBL 112.0 BEL 1 Wim Henderieckx 218, Master, VVW Galgenweel 115.0 FRA 66 Philippe Lobert 321, Grand Master, SNO Nantes 115.0 POR 5 Jorge Pinheiro De Melo 309, Grand Master, Cncascais 117.0 FIN 22 Ville Valtonen 334, Grand Master, Turun Pursiseura 117.0 AUT 333 Gerhard Weinreich 295, Master, UYCNF 118.0 GER 293 Rob Coutts 99, GGM, Mission Bay Yacht Club 120.0 ITA 23 Grumelli Umberto 103, GGM, Fraglia Vela Desenzano 120.0 NED 27 Paul Kamphorst 342, Grand Master, WV Hellevoetsluis 121.0 POL 100 Marek Jarocki 130, Master, AZS Poznan 121.0 GBR 21 Michael De Courcy 62, Grand Master, Mengeham Rythe SC 121.0 SWE 14 Stefan Nordstrom 183, GM, Karlstads Kappseglingsförening 124.0 DEN 246 Jens Kristian Andersen 188, Grand Master, Vallensbæk Sejlklub 126.0 CZE 70 Vaclav Cintl 230, Master, Yacht Club Ceska Lipa 127.0 NED 55 Eddy Huisman 106, Grand Master, WV Randmeer 128.0 AUS 3 Jake Gunter 113, Grand Master, Hampton Sailing Club 128.0 GBR 10 Robert Deaves 273, Master, Waldringfield SC 128.0 RUS 212 Lanfranco Cirillo 212, Grand Master, Yacht Torbole 129.0

86 NED 111 Chris Frijdal 298, GGM, Het Witte Huis 129.0 87 CZE 43 Ladislav Hyrs 256, Master, YC Mchz Ostrava 129.0 88 GBR 20 Andy Denison 120, Grand Master, Christchurch 136.0 89 NED 2 Wouter Molenaar 38, GGM, The White House 137.0 90 ITA 24 Stuffer Peter 56, Master, SVKS 139.0 91 NED 965 Robert Thole 279, Master, HWH 139.0 92 CZE 67 Josef Jochovic 294, Grand Master, YC Neratovice 141.0 93 GER 60 Thilo Durach 168, Master, DTYC 144.0 94 GBR 9 Tim Tavinor 89, Grand Master, Royal Corinthian YC 146.0 95 AUS 41 Darren Gilbert 12, GM, Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron 146.0 96 BRA 21 Ricardo Carvalho 10, GM, Iate Clube Do Rio de Janeiro 147.0 97 GER 19 Andreas Bollongino 101, GM, Jollensegler Reichenau 148.0 98 ITA 5 Francesco Cinque 315, GGM, Lega Navale Italiana Anzio 149.0 99 GER 59 Detlef Stock 95, Grand Master, SGW 150.0 100 POL 2 Andre Skarka 131, Grand Master, KZ Horn 151.0 101 GBR 1 Sander Kooij 162, Grand Master, TBYC 151.0 102 GER 188 Michael Kluegel 22, Grand Master, Segelclub Salzgitter 152.0 103 GBR 90 Richard Sharp 157, Master, Bough Beech SC 152.0 104 HUN 4 Gabor Antal 338, Grand Grand Master, The 154.0 105 ITA 73 Luca Taruschio 306, Master, A.S.D.N.P. Porto San Giorgio 155.0 106 GBR 77 Howard Sellars 33, Legend, Warsash S C 155.0 107 GER 713 Torsten Haverland 192, GM, Schweriner Yachtclub 155.0 108 NED 11 Henk De Jager 57, GGM, Wsv Het Witte Huis 156.0 109 GBR 5 John Greenwood 288, Grand Master, RYA 160.0 110 AUS 51 Rod Tanks 163, Master, RPAYC 161.0 111 GBR 61 John Heyes 260, Grand Master, Mengehem Rythe SC 162.0 112 CZE 33 Ivan Rames 287, Grand Master, JK Ceska Lipa 162.0 113 ITA 75 Emilio Garcia Canales 266, Master, AVLC 163.0 114 GRE 71 Panagiotis Davourlis 223, Grand Master, OSFP 163.0 115 FRA 28 Sebastien Grall 234, Master, SN Bandol 165.0 116 NZL 43 Nick Winters 302, Master, Charteris Bay Yacht Club 172.0 117 NED 902 Pieter Risseeuw 227, Grand Master, Het Witte Huis 173.0 118 RUS 1117 Andrew Bill 4, Grand Master, Bioges 173,4 119 RUS 171 Alexander Kravchenko 7, Master, Russian Finn Association 174.0 120 GBR 65 David Potter 68, Grand Master, West Kirby SC 174.0 121 GER 111 Rainer Haacks 46, Grand Master, FSD 175.0 122 SUI 25 Till Klammer 199, Master, TYC 177.0 123 AUS 262 Craig Ginnivan 64, Grand Master, Cairn Curran SC 178.0 124 UKR 5 Gusenko Valerii 128, Legend, DNEPR 178.0 125 RSA 51 Philip Baum 48, Grand Grand Master, Zeekoeivlei YC 179.0 126 HUN 972 Gyula Monus 112, Master, ARSC 179.0 127 NZL 18 Gerard Lelieveld 267, Master, Waiuku Yacht Club 181.0 128 ITA 131 Stimpfl Gregor 72, Grand Master, Yacht Club Bolzano 182.0 129 ITA 1000 Marcello Micheli 348, Master, Circolo Della Vela Bari 183.0 130 FIN 112 Seppo Ajanko 209, Grand Grand Master, RPS 184.0 131 RUS 100 Dmtriy Akhramenko 82, Master, TFSC 185.0 132 AUS 33 Stuart Skeggs 114, Master, Hampton Sailing Club 189.0 133 ITA 33 Giangiacomo Alborghetti 310, Master, CVS Sarnico 193.0 134 ITA 114 Roberto Benedetti 179, Master, CVTM 193.0 135 NED 987 Lenard Kaptein 45, Grand Master, WSV Het Witte Huis 195.0 136 RUS 51 Mikhail Petriga 65, GM, Russian Finn Association 196.0 137 GER 206 Reffelmann Klaus 44, GM, Westf�Lischer Yacht Club Delec 197.0 138 POL 26 Boguslaw Nowakowski 121, Grand Master, KW Garland Lok 197.0 139 UKR 10 Valentyn Klymentyev 261, Grand Master, BSYC 197.0 140 GBR 37 Steve Hayles 37, Master, Christchurch Sailing Club 198.0

141 AUT 273 Markus Schneeberger 336, Master, UYCMO 198.0 142 GER 43 Ingo Spory 202, GM, Segelclub Westerwald 198.0 143 SWE 91 Par Friberg 181, GM, Karlstads Kappseglingsförening 200.0 144 FRA 84 Jean-Pierre Lostis 303, Grand Master, YCIF 201.0 147 SUI 1 Hans Fatzer 180, GGM, Yacht Club Arbon 201.0 146 SUI 32 Urs Huber 281, Grand Master, SGYC 202.0 147 NED 999 Hein Bloemers 268, Grand Master, Het Witte Huis 204.0 148 GER 17 Kai Schader 312, GM, Blankeneser Segel Club 207.0 149 AUS 274 Nicholas Kennedy 185, GM, Wollhara Sailing Club 207.0 150 GER 122 Holger Krasmann 40, Grand Master, YCH 208.0 151 NED 54 Joos Bos 328, GGM, W.V. Randmeer 209.0 152 AUT 400 Bernhard Klingler 74, GM, Union Yacht Club Attersee 209.0 153 UKR 2 Pavlo Krainiev 39, Master, UAKF 211.0 154 SUI 12 Franz Buergi 207, Grand Master, RCO/TYC 211.0 155 GBR 80 Ray New 242, Grand Grand Master, Christchurch SC 211.0 156 NED 977 Thomas Van Den Berg 203, Grand Master, WV Randmeer 213.0 157 RUS 16 Oleg Khudyakov 275, Master, MACF 215.0 158 NED 922 Roel Van Olst 332, Grand Master, HWH Loosdrecht 215.0 159 RUS 205 Sergey Stepanov 6, Master, FPS Samara 216.0 160 HUN 18 Mihaly Zoltan Demeczky 253, Grand Master, ARSC 218.0 161 FRA 23 Maxime Le Goff 278, Master, Cv Moissons Lavacourt 219.0 162 SWE 100 Hp Hylander 191, GM, Varberg Yacht Club 219.0 163 ITA 16 Stuffer Harald 55, Master, SVKS 222.0 164 CZE 313 Petr Kramar 243, Gran Master, JK Ceska Lipa 222.0 165 SUI 63 Thomas Gautschi 354, Grand Master, YC Bielersee 222.0 166 GER 145 Kai-Uwe Goldenitz 270, GM, Sail-Lollipop Regatta Verein 232.0 167 BEL 15 Alain Denis 337, Grand Master, Poleregata.Be 234.0 168 GBR 78 Robert Temple 293, Master, Trearddur Bay SC 236.0 169 CZE 222 Petr Vinkl 297, Grand Master, Yc Kladno 239.0 170 GBR 52 Will Patten 73, Grand Master, RHYC 240.0 171 SUI 13 Peter Kilchenmann 282, Grand Grand Master, Thunersee YC 242.0 172 SWE 2 Svante Collvin 182, GM, Karlstads Kappseglingsförening 243.0 173 AUT 511 Gerhard Schwendt 215, GM, Segelclubtraunkirchen - SCT 243.0 174 USA 74 Henry Sprague 355, Legend, Navy Yacht Club 244.0 175 GER 997 Jochen Dauber 137, Master, Aachener Boots-Club 244.0 176 GER 226 Fernholz Uwe 49, Grand Master, Circolo Vela Torbole 245.0 177 FIN 226 Jukka Partinen 285, GM, Helsingfors Segelklubb 245.0 178 CZE 25 Jirka Silhavy 89, Master, YC Kladno 248.0 179 CZE 17 Tomas Kramar 231, Master, Jachtklub Ceska Lipa 248.0 180 ITA 85 Klaus Heufler 147, Grand Master, AVLC 250.0 181 RUS 142 Yury Polovinkin 18, Grand Grand Master, MPC 251.0 182 ESP 196 Pablo Lopez-Baldan 135, Master, Torre Del Mar 252.0 183 GBR 617 Jean-Louis Simons 67, Grand Master, West Kirby SC 252.0 184 BRA 3 Ricardo Valerio 320, Grand Master, YCP 252.0 185 NED 746 Marald Van Reijsen 228, Master, Het Witte Huis 253.0 186 FIN 227 Ronnie Roos 236, Master, HSS 254.0 187 ITA 920 Alberto Romano 327, Master, Lega Navale Anzio 255.0 188 GER 811 Michael Knoll 60, Master, Segelclub Handwerk Plauen 255.0 189 GER 101 Marco Poloni 255, Grand Master, YCR 257.0 190 GER 202 Rolf Elsaesser 216, Grand Grand Master, SV Biblis 258.0 191 POL 23 Piotr Pajor 204, Grand Master, SP�Jnia Warsaw 258.0 192 FRA 117 Francois Richard 69, Legend, SN Bandol 261.0 193 SUI 72 Ducommun Patrick 291, Grand Master, CVG 261.0 194 GER 710 Walter Kuhlmann 169, Master, DTYC 261.0 195 FRA 897 Bruno Regout 305, Grand Master, CNBO 262.0

196 UKR 1 Volodymyr Bogomolkin 86, Master, Black Sea Yacht Club 263.0 197 AUS 7 Greg Clark 20, Grand Grand Master, Hampton SC 264.0 198 POL 38 Juliusz Reichelt 322, Grand Grand Master, PSKRF 265.0 199 NED 31 Hans Zuurendonk 160, Grand Master, HWH 266.0 200 GER 835 Michael Ziller 166, Grand Master, MRSV Bayern 267.0 201 GER 75 Christian Rupp 170, Master, DTYC 267.0 202 ITA 14 Igor Petukhov 152, Grand Master, San Remo 268.0 203 UKR 89 Sergii Vovchuk 344, Master, OHVSM Dnepropetrovsk 269.0 204 GER 84 Michael Huellenkremer 233, GGM, Stuttgarter SC 270.0 205 RUS 71 Leonid Kleimann 117, Grand Master, MACF 270.0 206 GER 247 Ronny Knoll 110, Master, TSG 271.0 207 BRA 103 Luis Mosquera 319, Master, YCSA 271.0 208 LTU 27 Rytis Bagdziunas 241, Master, Kaunas 271.0 209 GER 103 Ralf-Udo Lemke 21, GGM, Burger Seglervereinigung BSV 272.0 210 BEL 5 Yves Verhofstede 31, Grand Grand Master, ZSG Harelbeke 272.0 211 NED 58 Maxim Berrens 258, Master, W.V. Randmeer 273.0 212 NED 88 Chiel Barends 178, Grand Master, The White House 275.0 213 GER 175 Michael Mockel 25, Grand Grand Master, ASVZR 275.0 214 HUN 51 Istvan Rutai 251, Master, The 279.0 215 RUS 189 Lukin Sergey 81, Grand Grand Master, TFSC 280.0 216 NED 52 Henk Meijer 345, Grand Grand Master, WS Randmeer 281.0 217 HUN 27 Szabolcs Andrik 330, Master, Alba Regia Sport Club 282.0 218 SUI 69 Jean Pierre Webe 238, Grand Grand Master, SCH 283.0 219 GBR 24 Rory Barnes 217, GM, Christchurch Sailing Club 289.0 220 SWE 66 Ulf Bjureus 184, GM, Karlstads Kappseglingsförening 290.0 221 GBR 22 Andrew Wylam 61, Grand Grand Master, MRSC 291.0 222 NED 95 Wobbe De Schiffart 123, Grand Grand Master, WV Randmeer 297.0 223 ESP 39 Jose M Pujadas 96, GGM, Club Nautico Aiguablava 299.0 224 FRA 27 Pierre Lallemand 235, Master, Société Nautique de Bandol 301.0 225 NED 860 Louis Kruijer 58, Legend, Het Witte Huis 305.0 226 ITA 900 Massimo Paccosi 335, GM, Club Nautico Capodimonte ASD 306.0 227 CZE 75 Vladimir Skalicky 254, Grand Master, LKS 309.0 230 GER 115 Matthias Vorgerd 79, Grand Master, FSD 311.0 229 FRA 118 Thomas Scherer 109, Grand Master, YCC 312.0 230 GER 58 Thomas Schulz 27, GM, Yachtclub Berlin-Gr�Nau 313.0 231 HUN 2 Peter Sipos 274, Grand Grand Master, ARSC 313.0 232 GER 161 Ralf Kratz 145, Grand Master, SV Biblis HO35 316.0 233 SUI 88 Daniel Muller 284, Grand Master, YCB 316.0 234 GBR 58 Paul Brown 14, Grand Grand Master, Notts. County SC 320.0 235 POL 21 Jacek Binkowski 176, Grand Master, KS SP�Jnia 321.0 236 GER 876 Wolfgang Genesius 201, Grand Master, SCW-R 323.0 237 NED 82 Roel Lubberts 257, Grand Master, WVRandmeer 323.0 238 SUI 91 Patrik Muster 173, Master, CNL 323.0 239 GER 678 Wolfi Hiss 167, Grand Master, YC Immenstaad 326.0 240 ITA 50 Norberto Felici 308, GGM, Lni Porto San Giorgio 328.0 241 ITA 17 Martin Kusstatscher 331, Grand Master, Yacht Club Bozen 328.0 242 SUI 65 Thomas Bangerter 277, Grand Grand Master, CVE 329.0 243 CAN 3 Ian Bostock 269, Grand Grand Master, BYC 330.0 244 GER 222 Ulf-Peter Pestel 140, GM, Segelsportgemeinschaft Mylau 331.0 245 POL 27 Piotr Rosinski 102, Grand Master, AZS Poznan 332.0 246 AUS 168 Robert Ugarte 352, Master 334.0 247 GER 171 Volker Tetzlaff 76, Grand Master, Yacht Club Noris 335.0 248 SUI 51 Ulrich Appenzeller 175, Grand Grand Master, YCB 336.0 249 AUT 19 Gerald Raschke 245, Grand Master, UYCWG 338.0 250 GER 45 Dirk Sundermann 63, Grand Master, SCM 339.0 Photos: Michael Kurtz | 79

251 NED 100 Arend Van Der Sluis 347, GGM, The White House 341.0 252 SUI 3 Carlo Lazzari 290, Grand Master, TYV 341.0 253 NZL 213 Maurice Duncan 24, Legend, Naval Point Club Lyttelton 341.0 254 NZL 3 Ben Winters 301, Legend, Charteris Bay Yacht Club 343.0 255 FRA 74 Duret Jean Louis 249, Legend, SRVA Annecy 344.0 256 GER 467 Stefan Prell 84, Master, SWVW 346.0 257 FRA 72 Le Frapper Philipe 164, Grand Master, CN Arradon 347.0 258 GER 5 Herbert Straub 149, GM, Yachtclub Seeshaupt E.V 349.0 259 NED 13 Harold Lensing 154, Grand Grand Master, WV Randmeer 349.0 260 USA 101 Peter Frissell 100, Grand Master, NCYC 351.0 261 GER 696 Jens Fischbach 115, Master, YC Lister Am Bigge 351.0 353.0 262 ITA 10 Diego Giuseppe Carlo Maltese 314, GM, Cvtlp Cir. Vel. Torre D. Lago 263 RUS 18 Evgeny Dzhura 23, Master, MACF 355.0 264 GER 71 Bernd Blass 318, Grand Master, Segelverein Biblis 356.0 265 GBR 739 Paul Ward 107, Grand Master, Mengham SC 358.0 266 FRA 53 Corcaud Gilles 177, Grand Master, NDC Angers 359.0 267 ESP 6 Roger Jordana Quer 92, Master, CN Cambrils 359.0 268 HUN 69 Csaba Stadler 139, Master, Atomeromu SE 359.0 269 USA 32 Charles Heimler 229, GGM, California Sailing Association 360.0 270 ITA 7 Antonio Pitini 219, Grand Grand Master, LNI Anzio 363.0 271 NED 38 Olaf Van Heusden 53, GGM, HWH Het Witte Huis 363.0 272 SWE 9 Veine Jutmar 153, Legend, PKSS 364.0 273 GER 112 Dr. Egbert Vincke 54, Legend, KSW / VSAW 366.0 274 BRA 42 Paulo Picchetti 244, Grand Master, YC Paulista 366.0 275 HUN 81 Imre Solymosi 346, Grand Master, ARSC 367.0 276 AUS 68 Jay Harrison 351, Grand Grand Master, Woollahra 368.0 277 NED 8 Rodrick Casander 161, Legend, Randmeer 380.0 278 ESP 320 Miguel Angel Mateo 77, Grand Master, Club Nautico El Balis 382.0 279 ITA 111 Bruno Catalan 155, Grand Grand Master, S.Triestina.Vela 385.0 280 AUT 21 Erich Scherzer 246, Grand Grand Master, UYCWG 386.0 281 GBR 82 Simon Green 141, Grand Master, Downs SC 386.0 282 GER 249 Georg Feurer 222, Grand Master, SV Biblis 386.0 283 GER 460 Dirk Vahlpahl 118, GM, Stuttgarter Segelclub 388.0 284 GER 200 Ulrich Dahlhoff 158, GM, SCD - Segler-Club Dümmer 389.0 285 DEN 77 Flemming Bender Jensen 214, Legend, Dragoer Sejlklub 390.0 286 ITA 46 Luca Marastoni 146, GM, Associazione Vela Lago Di Cald 393.0 287 NED 93 Gelmus Peeters 33, Legend, Randmeer 394.0 288 NED 9 Jobs Isselmann 349, Legend, WV Randmeer 394.0 289 GER 118 Oliver Bronke 143, Master, Segelclub Blau Wei� Cottbus 396.0 290 POL 3 Jan Okuicz-Kozaryn 104, Legend, FIR 396.0 291 GBR 587 Douglas Sturat 105, Grand Grand Master, Dale 398.0 292 HUN 64 Balazs Szucs 265, Grand Master, Tihanyi Hajos Egylet 400.0 293 GBR 545 Dick Pratt 66, GGM, Bosham Sailing Club 400.0 294 CHI 10 Marco Aurelio Montalbetti 47, GGM, Club De Yates De Viña Del Mar 404.0 295 ITA 76 Franco Voltolini 329, Grand Grand Master, CDV Erix 405.0 296 ITA 93 Nikolaus Mair 148, Grand Grand Master, S.V.K.S. 406.0 297 ITA 29 Hans Peter Zischg 150, Legend, SVKS (Kaltern) 406.0 298 GER 400 Stephan Bauer 317, Master, SV Biblis 406.0 299 AUT 10 Prutsch Engelbert 232, Master 409.0 300 GER 911 Patrick Frind 88, Master, SSGM 410.0 301 GER 92 Detlev Guminski 119, GGM, Dreieich Segelclub Langen EV 410.0 302 NED 4 Ruurd Baerends 350, Grand Grand Master, WV Randmeer 411.0 303 NOR 3 Ola M. Johannessen 2, Legend, Bergen Yacht Club 413.0 304 ESP 7 Denes Peter 91, Master, Club Nautic Cambrils 413.0 305 POL 127 Jan Kominek 171, Grand Grand Master, MOS 2 Warsaw 415.0 80 | Photos: Michael Kurtz

306 GBR 42 Richard Phillips 42, Grand Grand Master, Christchurch SC 419.0 307 NED 900 Dick Hooijer 34, Grand Master, WSV De Arne 429.0 308 FRA 108 Giovanni Bocelli 205, Master, Saclay - France 429.0 309 FRA 800 Yves Zoccola 311, Legend, ACAL 432.0 310 GER 26 Willi Meister 125, Legend, Flensburger-Segel Club 432.0 311 SUI 4 Jiri Huracek 221, GGM, Thunersee Yachtclub 433.0 312 ARG 1 Ricardo Reyes Anderson 263, GGM, Yacht Club Olivos 438.0 313 SWE 7 Hans Wiberg 262, GGM, Sandvikens Segels�Llskap 441.0 314 ITA 881 Fabio Panaro 307, GM S.E.F. Stamura - Sez. Vela 445.0 315 GER 119 Peter Bronke 127, Legend, Segelclub Buau Wei� Cottbus 445.0 316 NED 32 Peter Verhoef 29, Grand Grand Master, Het Witte Huis 446.0 317 ESP 400 Juan Luis Biechy Baldan 129, GM Club Nautico Torre Del Mar 447.0 318 NED 885 Bert Veerkamp 122, Grand Grand Master, WV Randmeer 447.0 319 AUS 98 James Ley 13, Legend, Woollahara Sailing Club 450.0 320 ESP 21 Mauricio Luque Diaz 159, Master, Torre Del Mar 451.0 321 SWE 21 Mats R Karlsson 52, Grand Master, KKF 452.0 132, Legend, Vereinigung Deutscher Modell Y 454.0 322 GER 89 Günter Kellermann 323 GBR 727 Paul Smith 15, Grand Master, Warsash 455.0 324 GBR 55 Mike Till 32, Legend, RORC 459.0 325 GRE 5 Ioannis Giaramanis 224, Master, N.O.Kavalas 463.0 326 SWE 4 Jan-Erik Floren 225, Legend, LSSG 464.0 327 ESP 35 Pedro Jimínez-Meifren 97, Super Legend, Club Vela Calella 466.0 328 HUN 9 Tamas Beliczay 252, Grand Grand Master, Alba Regia SC 472.0 329 SUI 2 Helmut Klammer 197, Legend, TYC 474.0 330 SUI 441 Martin Nydegger 323, Grand Master, TYC 479.0 331 ESP 318 Antonio Furest 78, GGM, Club Nautico El Balis 488.0 332 GER 40 Heinz Stammnitz 213, Grand Grand Master, Sv. Mannheim 492.0 333 POL 31 Maciej Rozkrut 198, Grand Master, Mks 2 Warszawa 495.0 334 GER 949 Harbeck Franz 210, Grand Grand Master, Srva Annecy 497.0 335 GER 62 Uwe Barthel 280, GGM, Segler-Club Dümmer E.V. 498.0 336 SUI 29 Hans Althaus 35, Legend, TYC 506.0 337 GER 46 Peter Truhm 87, Legend, Segelclub Turbine Bleiloch 508.0 338 GER 545 Martin Cordes 116, GGM, Yacht-Club Lister Am Biggesee 511.0 339 GER 456 Willi Mayr 43, GM, Segelclub Ellertshäuser See 522.0 340 GER 123 Udo Bengsch 26, Grand Master, SV03 524.0 341 ITA 926 Roberto Castellano 339, Master, CV Torre Del Lago Puccini 526.0 342 GER 38 Reinhard Fabry 80, Legend, SWVW 531.0 343 AUT 339 Walter Prager 3, Legend, Union-Yacht-Club-Wörthersee 540.0 343 BEL 14 Michiel Missiaen 30, Grand Master, ZSG 540.0 343 BRA 35 Colin Reed 16, Legend, ICRJ 540.0 343 CZE 80 Martin Jozif 304, Master 540.0 343 GBR 4 Russell Ward 111, Grand Master, Hayling Island SC 540.0 343 GBR 19 Simon Hoult 353, Master, Hayling Island SC 540.0 343 GER 1 Werner Beuck 51, Legend, Segelclub Neum�Nster 540.0 343 GER 34 Dieter Borges 93, Grand Grand Master, SSC-Odin 540.0 343 GER 186 Detlef Blaschkowski 94, Grand Grand Master, SSV 540.0 343 NED 754 Karel Van Arkel 11, GGM, WSV Het Witte Huis-Loosdrecht 540.0 343 NED 786 Johan De Schiffart 124, Grand Grand Master, Wvrandmeer 540.0 343 NED 848 Pax Ven De Griend 126, Legend, WV Randmeer 540.0 343 RUS 2 Tommaso Piccioli 296, Master, WSC 540.0

Bow Sail 1 RUS 73 2 NOR 3 3 AUT 339 4 RUS 1117 5 RUS 41 6 RUS 205 7 RUS 171 8 RUS 711 9 RUS 161 10 BRA 21 11 NED 754 12 AUS 41 13 AUS 98 14 GBR 58 15 GBR 727 16 BRA 35 17 RUS 17 18 RUS 142 19 RUS 21 20 AUS 7 21 GER 103 22 GER 188 23 RUS 18 24 NZL 213 25 GER 175 26 GER 123 27 GER 58 28 GER 165 29 NED 32 30 BEL 14 31 BEL 5 32 GBR 55 33 GBR 77 33 NED 93 34 NED 900 35 SUI 29 36 GBR 635 37 GBR 37 38 NED 2 39 UKR 2 40 GER 122 41 NED 60 42 GBR 42 43 GER 456 44 GER 206 45 NED 987 46 GER 111 47 CHI 10 48 RSA 51 49 GER 226 50 AUS 22

Name Position Vladimir Krutskikh 2 Ola M. Johannessen 303 Walter Prager 343 Andrew Bill 118 Felix Denikaev 14 Sergey Stepanov 159 Alexander Kravchenko 119 Dmitrii Petrov 13 Aleksandr Kulyukin 17 Ricardo Carvalho 96 Karel Van Arkel 343 Darren Gilbert 95 James Ley 319 Paul Brown 234 Paul Smith 323 Colin Reed 343 Vasiliy Kravchenko 63 Yury Polovinkin 181 Vladimir Butenko 36 Greg Clark 197 Ralf-Udo Lemke 209 Kluegel Michael 102 Evgeny Dzhura 263 Maurice Duncan 253 Michael Mockel 213 Udo Bengsch 340 Thomas Schulz 230 Dirk Meid 29 Peter Verhoef 316 Michiel Missiaen 343 Yves Verhofstede 210 Mike Till 324 Howard Sellars 106 Gelmus Peeters 287 Dick Hooijer 307 Althaus Hans 336 Simon Percival 43 Steve Hayles 140 Wouter Molenaar 89 Pavlo Krainiev 153 Holger Krasmann 150 Luuk Kuijper 35 Richard Phillips 306 Willi Mayr 339 Reffelmann Klaus 137 Lenard Kaptein 135 Rainer Haacks 121 Marco Aurelio Montalbetti 294 Philip Baum 125 Fernholz Uwe 176 Paul McKenzie 5

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 89 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

GER 1 SWE 21 NED 38 GER 112 ITA 16 ITA 24 NED 11 NED 860 GER 157 GER 811 GBR 22 GBR 21 GER 45 AUS 262 RUS 51 GBR 545 GBR 617 GBR 65 FRA 117 ITA 89 ITA 80 ITA 131 GBR 52 AUT 400 CHI 12 GER 171 ESP 320 ESP 318 GER 115 GER 38 RUS 189 RUS 100 RUS 31 GER 467 UKR 14 UKR 1 GER 46 GER 911 GBR 2 GBR 9 CZE 25 AUS 75 ESP 7 ESP 6 GER 34 GER 186 GER 59 ESP 39 ESP 35 GER 909 GER 293 USA 101

Werner Beuck Mats R Karlsson Olaf Van Heusden Dr. Egbert Vincke Harald Stuffer Peter Stuffer Henk De Jager Louis Kruijer Frank Dinnebier Michael Knoll Andrew Wylam Michael De Courcy Dirk Sundermann Craig Ginnivan Mikhail Petriga Dick Pratt Jean-Louis Simons David Potter Francois Richard Florian Demetz Martin Atzwanger Stimpfl Gregor Will Patten Bernhard Klingler Antonio Poncell Volker Tetzlaff Miguel Angel Mateo Antonio Furest Matthias Vorgerd Reinhard Fabry Lukin Sergey Dmtriy Akhramenko Igor Frolov Stefan Prell Volodymyr Stasyuk

343 321 271 273 163 90 108 225 62 188 221 78 250 123 136 293 183 120 192 50 44 128 170 152 23 247 278 331 230 342 215 131 34 256 33 Volodymyr Bogomolkin 196 Peter Truhm 337 Patrick Frind 300 Allen Burrell 16 Tim Tavinor 94 Jirka Silhavy 178 Phil Chadwick 48 Peter Denes 304 Roger Jordana Quer 267 Dieter Borges 343 Detlef Blaschkowski 343 Detlef Stock 99 Jose M. Pujadas 223 Pedro Jimínez-Meifren 327 Udo Murek 68 Rob Coutts 74 Peter Frissell 260

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153

GER 19 POL 27 ITA 23 POL 3 GBR 587 NED 55 GBR 739 RUS 34 FRA 118 GER 247 GBR 4 HUN 972 AUS 3 AUS 33 GER 696 GER 545 RUS 71 GER 460 GER 92 GBR 20 POL 26 NED 885 NED 95 NED 786 GER 26 NED 848 GER 119 UKR 5 ESP 400 POL 100 POL 2 GER 89 FRA 38 ESP 196 GER 707 GER 997 HUN 88 HUN 69 GER 222 GBR 82 NZL 15 GER 118 FRA 75 GER 161 ITA 46 ITA 85 ITA 93 GER 5 ITA 29 GER 8 ITA 14 SWE 9

Andreas Bollongino 97 Piotr Rosinski 245 Grumelli Umberto 75 Jan Okuicz-Kozaryn 290 Douglas Sturat 291 Eddy Huisman 82 Paul Ward 265 Aleksandr Kasatov 65 Thomas Scherer 229 Ronny Knoll 206 Russell Ward 343 Gyula Monus 126 Jake Gunter 83 Stuart Skeggs 132 Jens Fischbach 261 Martin Cordes 338 Leonid Kleimann 205 Dirk Vahlpahl 283 Detlev Guminski 301 Andy Denison 88 Boguslaw Nowakowski 138 Bert Veerkamp 318 Wobbe De Schiffart 222 Johan De Schiffart 343 Willi Meister 310 Pax Ven De Griend 343 Peter Bronke 315 Gusenko Valerii 124 Juan Luis Biechy Baldan 317 Marek Jarocki 77 Andre Skarka 100 Günter Kellermann 322 Michel Audoin 64 Pablo Lopez-Baldan 182 Uli Breuer 12 Jochen Dauber 175 Zsombor Majthenyi 25 Csaba Stadler 268 Ulf-Peter Pestel 244 Simon Green 281 Greg Wilcox 41 Oliver Bronke 289 Laurent Hay 7 Ralf Kratz 232 Luca Marastoni 286 Klaus Heufler 180 Nikolaus Mair 296 Straub Herbert 258 Hans Peter Zischg 297 Jürgen Eiermann 30 Igor Petukhov 202 Veine Jutmar 272

154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206

NED 13 ITA 111 ITA 4 GBR 90 GER 200 ESP 21 NED 31 NED 8 GBR 1 AUS 51 FRA 72 AUS 261 GER 835 GER 678 GER 60 GER 710 GER 75 POL 127 RSA 1 SUI 91 FRA 99 SUI 51 POL 21 FRA 53 NED 88 ITA 114 SUI 1 SWE 91 SWE 2 SWE 14 SWE 66 AUS 274 NED 7 NED 29 DEN 246 DEN 80 SWE 100 GER 713 GER 193 GER 194 ITA 55 AUS 231 SUI 2 POL 31 SUI 25 NZL 2 GER 876 GER 43 NED 977 POL 23 FRA 108 SWE 59

Harold Lensing 259 Bruno Catalan 279 Francesco Faggiani 59 Richard Sharp 103 Ulrich Dahlhoff 284 Mauricio Luque Diaz 320 Hans Zuurendonk 199 Rodrick Casander 277 Sander Kooij 101 Rod Tanks 110 Philipe Le Frapper 257 John Condie 55 Michael Ziller 200 Wolfi Hiss 239 Thilo Durach 93 Walter Kuhlmann 194 Christian Rupp 201 Jan Kominek 305 Greg Davis 42 Patrik Muster 238 Marc Allain Des Beauvais 9 Ulrich Appenzeller 248 Jacek Binkowski 235 Corcaud Gilles 266 Chiel Barends 212 Roberto Benedetti 134 Hans Fatzer 147 Par Friberg 143 Svante Collvin 172 Stefan Nordstrom 79 Ulf Bjureus 220 Nicholas Kennedy 149 Cees Scheurwater 37 Bas De Waal 31 Jens Kristian Andersen 80 Michael Staal 47 HP Hylander 162 Torsten Haverland 107 Thomas Schmid 27 Axel Schroeder 24 Walter Riosa 19 James Mayjor 67 Helmut Klammer 329 Maciej Rozkrut 333 Till Klammer 122 Ray Hall 21 Wolfgang Genesius 236 Ingo Spory 142 Thomas Van Den Berg 156 Piotr Pajor 191 Giovanni Bocelli 308 Lars Edwall 32

INDEX BY BOW NUMBER 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250

SUI 12 SUI 86 FIN 112 GER 949 DEN 21 RUS 212 GER 40 DEN 77 AUT 511 GER 202 GBR 24 BEL 1 ITA 7 ITA 6 SUI 4 GER 249 GRE 71 GRE 5 SWE 4 NZL 6 NED 902 NED 746 USA 32 CZE 70 CZE 17 AUT 10 GER 84 FRA 28 FRA 27 FIN 227 HUN 7 SUI 69 SUI 83 POL 99 LTU 27 GBR 80 CZE 313 BRA 42 AUT 19 AUT 21 AUT 7 SUI 5 FRA 74 ITA 872

Franz Buergi Piet Eckert Seppo Ajanko Franz Harbeck Otto Strandvig Lanfranco Cirillo Heinz Stammnitz

154 4 130 334 49 85 332 Flemming Bender Jensen 285 Gerhard Schwendt 173 Rolf Elsaesser 190 Rory Barnes 219 Wim Henderieckx 69 Antonio Pitini 270 Enrico Passoni 38 Jiri Huracek 311 Georg Feurer 282 Panagiotis Davourlis 114 Ioannis Giaramanis 325 Jan-Erik Floren 326 Gary Lokum 39 Pieter Risseeuw 117 Marald Van Reijsen 185 Charles Heimler 269 Vaclav Cintl 81 Tomas Kramar 179 Prutsch Engelbert 299 Michael Huellenkremer 204 Sebastien Grall 115 Pierre Lallemand 224 Ronnie Roos 186 Antal Szekely 52 Jean Pierre Webe 218 Beat Steffen 54 Wlodzimierz Radwaniecki 57 Rytis Bagdziunas 208 Ray New 155 Petr Kramar 164 Paulo Picchetti 274 Gerald Raschke 249 Erich Scherzer 280 Michael Gubi 18 Christoph Christen 15 Duret Jean Louis 255 Nicola Menoni 46 Index by Bow Number | 81

251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303

HUN 51 HUN 9 HUN 18 CZE 75 GER 101 CZE 43 NED 82 NED 58 HUN 50 GBR 61 UKR 10 SWE 7 ARG 1 UKR 8 HUN 64 ITA 75 NZL 18 NED 999 CAN 3 GER 145 GBR 720 EST 7 GBR 10 HUN 2 RUS 16 ESP 100 SUI 65 FRA 23 NED 965 GER 62 SUI 32 SUI 13 UKR 21 SUI 88 FIN 226 ESP 17 CZE 33 GBR 5 SUI 3 SUI 72 FIN 201 GBR 78 CZE 67 AUT 333 RUS 2 CZE 222 NED 111 GBR 68 CZE 1 NZL 3 NZL 43 FRA 84

Istvan Rutai Tamas Beliczay

214 328 Mihaly Zoltan Demeczky 160 Vladimir Skalicky 227 Marco Poloni 189 Ladislav Hyrs 87 Roel Lubberts 237 Maxim Berrens 211 Akos Lukats 45 John Heyes 111 Valentyn Klymentyev 139 Hans Wiberg 313 Ricardo Reyes Anderson 312 Taras Havrysh 28 Balazs Szucs 292 Emilio Garcia Canales 113 Gerard Lelieveld 127 Hein Bloemers 147 Ian Bostock 243 Kai-Uwe Goldenitz 166 Julian Smith 60 Harles Liiv 8 Robert Deaves 84 Peter Sipos 231 Oleg Khudyakov 157 Rafael Trujillo 1 Thomas Bangerter 242 Maxime Le Goff 161 Robert Thole 91 Uwe Barthel 335 Urs Huber 146 Peter Kilchenmann 171 Yuriy Tokovoy 10 Daniel Muller 233 Jukka Partinen 177 Xavier Penas 40 Ivan Rames 112 John Greenwood 109 Carlo Lazzari 252 Ducommun Patrick 193 Kristian Sjoberg 61 Robert Temple 168 Josef Jochovic 92 Gerhard Weinreich 73 Tommaso Piccioli 343 Petr Vinkl 169 Chris Frijdal 86 John Mackie 51 Michael Maier 3 Ben Winters 254 Nick Winters 116 Jean-Pierre Lostis 144

82 | Index by Bow Number

304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355

CZE 80 FRA 897 ITA 73 ITA 881 ITA 50 POR 5 ITA 33 FRA 800 GER 17 GER 711 ITA 10 ITA 5 ITA 2 GER 400 GER 71 BRA 103 BRA 3 FRA 66 POL 38 SUI 441 SUI 7 NOR 64 ITA 67 ITA 920 NED 54 ITA 76 HUN 27 ITA 17 NED 922 NED 121 FIN 22 ITA 900 AUT 273 BEL 15 HUN 4 ITA 926 ITA 1025 NED 780 NED 27 HUN 5 UKR 89 NED 52 HUN 81 NED 100 ITA 1000 NED 9 NED 4 AUS 68 AUS 168 GBR 19 SUI 63 USA 74

Martin Jozif 343 Bruno Regout 195 Luca Taruschio 105 Fabio Panaro 314 Norberto Felici 240 Jorge Pinheiro De Melo 71 Giangiacomo Alborghetti 133 Yves Zoccola 309 Kai Schader 148 Andr Budzien 20 Diego Giuseppe Carlo Maltese 262 Francesco Cinque 98 Marco Buglielli 58 Stephan Bauer 298 Bernd Blass 264 Luis Mosquera 207 Ricardo Valerio 184 Philippe Lobert 70 Juliusz Reichelt 198 Martin Nydegger 330 Christoph Burger 6 Petter Fjeld 56 Gino Bucciarelli 66 Alberto Romano 187 Joos Bos 151 Franco Voltolini 295 Szabolcs Andrik 217 Martin Kusstatscher 241 Roel Van Olst 158 Martijn Van Muyden 11 Ville Valtonen 72 Massimo Paccosi 226 Markus Schneeberger 141 Alain Denis 167 Gabor Antal 104 Roberto Castellano 341 Armando Battaglia 26 Jan Willem Kok 22 Paul Kamphorst 76 Guza Huszar 53 Sergii Vovchuk 203 Henk Meijer 216 Imre Solymosi 275 Van Der Sluis Arend 251 Marcello Micheli 129 Jobs Isselmann 288 Ruurd Baerends 302 Jay Harrison 276 Robert Ugarte 246 Simon Hoult 343 Thomas Gautschi 165 Henry Sprague 174










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