A bio of Robert Goodman MD.

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Biography of Robert Goodman MD

Robert Goodman MD, a highly respected medical doctor from Brooklyn, New York, has devoted over three decades to medicine, particularly nephrology Known for his exceptional patient care, he has served approximately 10,000 patient visits annually since starting his practice in 1987. Fluent in Hungarian and Yiddish, he has formed strong connections with the orthodox Jewish community in his neighborhood Beyond his medical duties, he is deeply involved in charitable causes and remains dedicated to Judaica studies.

A Journey Through His Life

He was born and raised in the vibrant city of Brooklyn, New York From a tender age, he showed a keen interest in community service and care He spent his early years growing up in Queens and later attended Touro College, a private Jewish university in New York City, where he developed his passion for medical sciences

Upon graduating from Touro College, Dr Goodman furthered his interest in medicine by applying to Downstate Medical School in his hometown of Brooklyn There, he studied diligently, exhibiting exceptional skills and knowledge, culminating in his acceptance for an Internship and Residency at Maimonides Medical Center, one of the largest independent teaching hospitals in the United States

Postgraduate Education

Dr. Goodman's education continued to progress after completing his internship and residency. He was accepted into the nephrology fellowship at Mount Sinai in Manhattan This was a defining moment in his career, paving the way for his specialization and boosting his reputation as a leading professional in this branch of medicine.

Professional Career

Since beginning his practice in 1987, he has established a considerable patient base With a roster nearing 6,000 patients, he has amassed years of experience and garnered an excellent reputation within his community

His fluency in Hungarian and Yiddish has been particularly instrumental in easing communication with the orthodox Jewish community, which comprises a large fraction of his patient population

Recognitions and Awards

Robert’s outstanding work and dedication to medicine have not gone unnoticed. He is a recipient of numerous prestigious awards from esteemed institutions, including Congregation Stitichin, Congregation Bobov, and Bikur Cholim of Boro Park. Additionally, he received recognition from Yeshiva Ohr Shraga, reflecting his medical expertise and deep involvement in the Jewish community


Apart from his profession, he enjoys studying Judaica. His deep respect for Jewish teachings and culture is evident in his daily interactions with others

Charitable Activities

His generosity extends well beyond his medical practice Consistently giving ten to twenty percent of his income to charity, he has shown unwavering support for local schools and other charitable organizations His philanthropic work is highly appreciated within his community and is a testament to his firm commitment to social causes

Robert Goodman MD Brooklyn, exemplifies a health professional's ideal role – providing medical care while touching lives inside and outside the clinic. His story inspires aspiring medical practitioners, showing that success comes from persistent dedication, community service, and a passion for helping others

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