Celebrating 85 Years of Greek Life
Greek Life Guidebook 2014-2015
Table of Contents Page: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16-27 28 29 30-37 38 39-44 45 46 47-53 54
Greek Life Intent Card Welcome/Letter from the Editor A Letter from the Director of Student Involvement Greetings from the Assistant Director of Student Activites - Greek Life Questions You Should Ask & FAQs Scholarship, Values, and Leadership Community Service & Philanthropy Speaking Greek Multi-Cultural Sorority Basic Expectations of Greek Life Members at RU IFC Recruitment Information A Letter from the IFC President Interfraternity Council IFC Organizations A Letter from the NPHC President National Pan-Hellenic Council NPHC Organizations Panhellenic Council VP of Recruitment PC Recruitment Information A Letter from the PC President Panhellenic Council PC Organizations On-Line Resources
Before you can associate or recieve and accept a bid with any fraternity or sorority on campus, YOU, the potential new member, must fill out an Intent Card and turn it into the Greek Life Office. Here is a copy of the Intent Card, which lists the University requirements In order to associate with any Greek Lettter Organization along with the Anti-Hazing Policy.
Welcome Welcome to Radford University and the unforgettable memories that await you. We are excited about you joining the Highlander family and we hope that you are excited too! As you embark on your journey through college life, you will be offered a lot of great opportunities. We hope that joining a sorority or fraternity will be one that you choose! Since 1929, the Greek community at Radford University has played an important role in the lives of students by providing a “home away from home.� Members of the Greek Community are exposed to numerous opportunities to grow and develop life skills that will help them succeed both on and off campus. What makes a Greek organization different from other clubs and organizations on campus? VALUES! Fraternities and sororities are organizations established to help members live values-based lives. They promote academic success, leadership, teamwork, service and charity, and provide opportunities to build networks with other students, alumni and faculty that help support them through the college experience. Studies have shown that men and women who join Greek letter organizations are more pleased with their college experience; remain loyal alumni after graduation; and tend to graduate at a higher level than non-Greeks. So if you want to get the most out of your time here at Radford, then we recommend you check out all that RU Greek Life has to offer. Whether you join a fraternity or sorority or not, we wish you all the best in your college career at RU! Go Highlanders! Go Greek!
Welcome from Editor: Welcome to Radford University, a true home away from home! The friendships and bonds you make here at Radford University will last a lifetime, and hopefully with the help of this guidebook, you find a home within a Greek organization. I hope that all information included is helpful to you in finding your way there. Joining a Greek organization has truly made me the person I am today and has given me so much, including lasting memories I will take with me for the rest of my life, and I hope it does the same for you. I just wanted to personally thank everyone who has helped me with making this Greek Guidebook possible. I hope you take full advantage of everything that RU and Greek Life has to offer! Best Wishes, Krista Stahl Panhellenic Council - PR/Historian
Director of Student Involvement Greetings! As Director of Student Involvement here at Radford University, I am excited to welcome you to the campus as well as the many opportunities afforded to you through our Greek Life community. You might have heard that I am a proud member of the Greek community. My decision to join Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. as a second semester freshman, while attending the University of Wisconsin, was indeed transformational for me in every way. I can still recall when I was asked “What does it mean to be an Alpha?” and I responded: Academically Inclined Leadership Driven Potential Unlimited Historically Gifted & Achievement Oriented To this day, I am committed to helping provide scholarship, service, and social opportunities for our members and others. Our mission statement is as follows: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities. My fraternal experience has allowed me opportunities to develop my leadership skills, broaden my perspective of other people, provide deliberate and intentional community service, teach, train, mentor, and assist in the growth of others as well as myself; it has also helped me to align my personal advocacy for those individuals who have felt excluded or discriminated against, so that they too are respected and given a chance to speak. I trust that it is obvious to you by now that I believe in the “Holistic” value of what participation in Greek Life can mean to your present and future development. You will also find that our Greek Community is filled with diversity. In the words of Jeff McCollum: “Diversity is ultimately about creating organizations and institutions which allow our souls to breathe and the human spirit to flourish.” I encourage you to explore, experience, understand and connect with the recruitment process. As we celebrate “85 years” of Greek Life on this campus, we look forward to welcoming you into the Fraternity and Sorority community. Fraternally Yours, Robert E. Bedford Director of Student Involvement
Assistant Director of Student Activities - Greek Life Greetings Fellow Highlanders! We want to encourage you to check out all that the Greek Community at Radford has to offer you as you begin your college experience. The Greek Community has been a large part of campus life for the past 85 years. The first sorority was formed on this campus in 1929, and since then the members of the Greek Community have continued to have an impact in almost every aspect of campus life at RU. Fourteen percent of current students are members of one of our Greek Organizations. There are currently 16 Fraternities and 12 Sororities represented at Radford. These groups are self-governed by three democratic bodies: the IFC or Interfraternity Council governs all of our NIC (North American Interfraternity Conference) organizations; the Panhellenic Council governs our NPC (National Panhellenic Conference) sororities; the NPHC (National Pan-Hellenic Council) is the governing body for our historically African-American Greek letter organizations. Plus, our newest sorority interest group is part of the National Multi-Cultural Greek Organizations. There are many opportunities available to the members of the Greek Community, which helps to prepare them to be successful after college. By learning from the lessons of the past, our Greek Community is looking forward to a bright future. We hope you will choose to become a part of that future. Many of Radford’s prominent alumni are members of our Greek Community, and their successes can be traced back to the decision they made to join a fraternity or sorority while they attended Radford University. Leadership, Scholarship, Fellowship, and Service are the foundation of our Greek Community, and the values of each organization help to make us all better students, employees, servants of the community, and friends. While many things have changed since the first sororities were established at Radford College in the 1920’s, the values of the Greek Community continue to be a leading force on this campus. What will be your legacy? Will you stand out and rise above the ordinary? Will you seek out the opportunities to improve yourself and others? Will you give back to the community in which you live? And are you looking to get the most out of your time at Radford? I encourage you to ask questions, explore all your options, and follow your heart to find your place within the Radford Community - and hopefully within the Greek Community as well. I wish you all the best in your first year here, and I look forward to seeing you at our many events throughout the year. Interfraternally, Robert A. Marias Assistant Director of Student Activities—Greek Life
Questions You Should Ask During Recruitment • What makes your chapter unique? • How long has your organization been on campus? • What is the time committment for new-members in your organization? Does the time committment change after initiation? Does it increase/decrease or remain the same? • Do all members participate equally in community service and philanthropy projects? • Does the chapter disclose the contents of its new-member education program? What can I expect to learn during the new member process? • What percentage of the members are involved in other student organizations on campus? • What are the financial requirements for membership? • What alumni/alumnae connections are available through the organization? • What are some of the things your chapter has planned for this year? Academics is a significant reason why you are at RU, right? OF COURSE! So it is only right that Greek Life enhances your academic experience. Despite misconceptions of what Greek Life is, the primary purpose is to encourage Greek members and help them develop high scholastic achievement.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What will I get out of this?
You will be amazed at what you will get from your Greek experience. Joining a fraternity/sorority rounds out the college experience. We often say that you get a complete education in a fraternity/sorority. Greek life offers lifelong friends, leadership opportunities, academic support, social and sporting activities, and increases your networking opportunities when looking for a job.
How will my grades be affected?
Ideally, your grades should improve. Academics must be your first priority here at Radford, and all of the chapters know this. The fraternities and sororities offer support in time management, tutoring, scholarships, and class assistance. But, remember, you have a choice, and it’s up to you to make sure that you plan properly, manage your time wisely and seek the help that is available, either through the chapters or the university.
Will I be hazed? Hazing has no place in our Greek Community. You absolutely should not be hazed. You should never participate in any activity that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you are ever in doubt, you can contact the Greek Life Office on the 2nd Floor of the Hurlburt Student Center, or call 540-831-5941, for more information or clarification. Your new-member period should be one of growth and learning, not hazing. To report hazing you can do so anonymously at 1-888-NOT-HAZE or 1-888-668-4293.
Scholarship, Values & Leadership Gamma Sigma Alpha Gamma Sigma Alpha is the National Greek Academic Honors Society. The purpose is to recognize and advance academic excellence as a core value of fraternities and sororities and also showcase the diverse academic and intellectual accomplishments of members of the Greek Community. Members must have a 3.5 GPA and be Juniors or Seniors.
Fraternal Values Society The Fraternal Values Society is a Greek Society open to exceptional members of the Greek Community at RU. The purpose is to illuminate the central values that guide the historical founding of fraternities and sororities, and to incorporate these values into the fraternity and sorority experience.
Rho Lambda Rho Lambda is the National Panhellenic Leadership Society and is open to all sorority women. The purpose is to honor those women within the sorority community who have exhibited the highest qualities of leadership and service to their Greek Community and their sorority.
Order of Omega The Order of Omega is the National Greek Leadership Honor Society. Its purpose is to recognize fraternity men and sorority women who have attained a high standard of leadership in Interfraternity activities; to encourage them to continue along this line; and to inspire others to strive for similar achievements. Membership in this society is very selective. Members of the Greek Community in the top 10% are eligible for membership each year and only the top 3% become members of the Order of Omega chapter at RU.
Community Service & Philanthropy Community service and philanthropy is embedded into the values of Greek organizations. It is one of the most meaningful and rewarding aspects of fraternity and sorority life. Community service and philanthropy offers a sense of true satisfaction that can only come from helping others. These experiences also create strong ties of brotherhood and sisterhood. The Radford Greek Life community has donated thousands of dollars and participated in thousands of hours of community service for the betterment of Radford University, Radford City and society as a whole. Community service and philanthropy runs through the veins of the Greek Community! Whether it is by giving monetary donations or rolling up their sleeves early on a Sunday morning to pick up trash around the community of Radford, members of the Greek Community go above and beyond to make a positive impact in the world. Community service and philanthropy are not simply picking up trash on the side of the road or signing a check for a cause. They are about dedicating the time and making the effort to promote or demonstrate change. Our Greek organizations organize food and clothing drives during the holidays, raise money for St. Jude’s and host events promoting awareness on a variety of issues such as breast cancer, domestic violence and education - all while having FUN!! Participating in community service and philanthropies is essential to being a Greek member, so whether you decide to “GO GREEK� or stay unaffiliated, we always welcome you to participate with us in making this world a better place one community service event at a time!
Speaking Greek Active – An initiated undergraduate member who is in good standing with the organization. Alumni – Sorority or Fraternity members who are no longer active members of a collegiate chapter. Badge – The pin of an initiated member. Bid – A formal invitation to membership into an IFC or PC organization. Big – An active member who serves as a mentor for newer members (NPHC: Prophyte). Brother – A term used by fraternity members to refer to one another. Chapter – A local group of the larger (inter)national organization. Colony – A student organization in the final stage before being installed as a chartered chapter of a (inter) nationally affiliated organization. Fraternity – A group of men joined together in friendship based on shared values, for leadership, service, brotherhood and academic purposes. Greeks – Members of General (non-specifically academic) Greek-Letter Sororities and Fraternities. Greek Week – An annual celebration in which chapters participate in educational, social and service events. This is a time for all Greek organizations on the campus to unify. Hazing – Unethical, Illegal & forbidden activities that affect you mentally and/or physically. They are banned by the university, IFC, PC, & NPHC, and they have no place in our community. (See page 3 for RU Policy). Initiation – A traditional ritual that brings a new member into full membership. Each chapter has a different set of requirements that must be met in order to be initiated. Intake – The membership recruitment and induction process for NPHC. Legacy – Someone whose family member is a member of that particular Greek-letter organization. Little – A newer member who is mentored by an older member of the organization (NPHC: Neophyte). New Member – A potential member that has accepted a bid but has not been initiated. Potential New Member – YOU! Ritual – The ceremonies, values and traditions that all Sorority and Fraternity chapters and their members hold dear to their hearts and strive to practice in their everyday lives. Rho Gamma – Recruitment Guides who help women through the Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment process. Formal Recruitment – An official period of time set aside by the IFC and PC for fraternities and sororities to meet and recruit potential new members. Sister – A term used by sorority members to refer to one another. Sorority – A group of women joined together in friendship based on shared values, for leadership, service, sisterhood and academic purposes.
Α Alpha Β Beta Γ Gamma Δ Delta Ε Epsilon
Ζ Zeta Η Eta Θ Theta Ι Iota Κ Kappa
Λ Lambda Μ Mu Ν Nu Ξ Xi Ο Omicron
Π Pi Ρ Rho Σ Sigma Τ Tau Υ Upsilon
Φ Phi Χ Chi Ψ Psi Ω Omega
MSU “Mujeres Siempre unidas� women always unities
Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. www.msu1981.org EST. November 21, 1981
We have begun the process as a chapter for Mu Sigma Upsilon at Radford University as MSU TIARAs. As a sorority that promotes diversity and inclusion, we work continuously to uphold the standards and beliefs that Mu Sigma Upsilon has laid out for us. We have worked to provide for various charity organizations and have donated our time and resources to bettering ourselves and those around us. We work with many different clubs and organizations to provide for the Radford University community.
Minimum GPA requirement:
Amazon Woman
Baby Blue and White
Palm Tree
Mission Statement: Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Incorporated was founded on November 21, 1981, at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ as the first multicultural minority Greek letter society in the nation. The organization is comprised of women from various ethnic backgrounds, races, creeds, and religions.
Basic Expectations of Fraternity/Sorority Membership In an effort to lessen the disparity between fraternity ideals and individual behavior and to personalize these ideals in the daily undergraduate experience, the following Basic Expectations of Fraternity Membership have been established by the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), and have been adopted by the Greek community at Radford University to serve as the foundation for excellence as student organizations on campus:
I. I will know and understand the ideals expressed in my fraternity ritual and will strive to incorporate them in my daily life. II. I will strive for academic achievement and practice academic integrity. III. I will respect the dignity of all persons; therefore, I will not physically, mentally, psychologically or sexually abuse or haze any human being. IV. I will protect the health and safety of all human beings. V. I will respect my property and the property of others; therefore, I will neither abuse nor tolerate the abuse of property. VI. I will meet my financial obligations in a timely manner. VII. I will neither use nor support the use of illegal drugs; I will neither misuse nor support the misuse of alcohol. VIII. I acknowledge that a clean and attractive environment is essential to both physical and mental health; therefore, I will do all in my power to see that the chapter property and any campus facilities used by my chapter are properly cleaned and maintained. IX. I will challenge my members to abide by these fraternal expectations and confront those who violate them.
IFC RECRUITMENT Fraternity recruitment begins the first week of February 2015. The IFC will hold a recruitment kick-off event on Monday February 2nd, 2015. At this event all those interested will have the opportunity to come out, learn about each organization, and meet some of their members. Members of the Interfraternity Council will be present to help assist you with anything you may need. At this event, participants will also receive a calendar of upcoming events held throughout the recruitment period by the different member fraternities. After the recruitment kick-off, you are on your own for the entire recruitment period. You have the opportunity to attend as little or as many different recruitment events held during this time. Attending one of the events does not bind you to any specific organization. We advise you to attend as many events as possible to help determine which organization best fits your values. The formal recruitment period will end on February 12th, 2015 with the distribution of bids; however, the informal process will take place all semester long. All potential new members will be required to wait until February 13th to formally accept their bids. After bid acceptance, potential new members will be informed of the next step in the process.
Questions you may want to ask when going through the IFC recruitment process are: - How much are new member dues? - What all is involved in the new-member process? - How much of a time commitment is it for members? - What is your chapter’s scholarship plan? - How will joining this organization help me achieve my academic goals? - What activities are your members involved in outside of the fraternity? - What does your chapter do for community service and philanthropy? - What are your organizations core values? - How will membership in this organization help me achieve my career goals? - What opportunities are there for me to improve my leadership skills?
IFC President’s Welcome: Gentlemen, Welcome to Radford University! My name is Dustin Kidd and I am your current Interfraternity Council President. IFC is the governing body for the general fraternities on campus, and offers an opportunity for Radford Greeks to share ideas, expand connections and achieve goals within their chapters and our community. Joining a fraternity teaches you responsibility. It gives you a chance to set yourself apart from others due to what Greek Life has to offer. Greek Life makes you a better version of yourself because it pushes you to be better than average. Greek Life will give you endless opportunities to serve your community and provide you with something to be passionate about. Joining a fraternity has been one of the greatest decisions I have made, because of the lessons I’ve learned and opportunities I’ve been given. Greek Life gives so many distinct ways of getting involved on campus and a chance to lead a community towards a common goal. There are so many different positions you can hold, whether it is alumni relations, social chair, or an executive position. Through these experiences, you will make lifelong friendships (and some friends will be wearing different letters than you). Please join us this spring for recruitment and come see what Greek Life can offer you! The experience will enrich your time at college by helping build your character while you meet people and help others. Regards, Dustin Kidd
Interfraternity Council
IFC stands for Interfraternity Council. It is the governing body of the 12 general fraternities at Radford University. The role of the council is to provide opportunities for fraternity leaders to come together, set goals, resolve conflicts and ensure that all activities adhere to the rules set forth by Radford University, IFC and the national fraternal organizations. For more information visit: http://www.nicindy.org.
Mission Statement
We, the modern gentlemen of the Interfraternity Council at Radford University, strive to uphold the highest standards set by the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) and our respective (Inter)national organizations. This council exists to further the best interests of Radford University and its surrounding community, the Greek community as a whole, and the individuals that make up our various chapters. We are committed to bringing about positive action through leadership, brotherhood, scholarship, service and unity. IFC fraternities at RU are:
Alpha Chi Rho
Alpha Sigma Phi
Delta Chi
Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Sigma Kappa Pi Kappa Phi
Kappa Delta Rho
Pi Lambda Phi
Sigma Chi
Sigma Pi
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Theta Chi
ΑΧΡ “Be Men”
Alpha Chi Rho June 4, 1895 www.AlphaChiRho.org
Alpha Chi Rho was founded at Radford University in 1977. With our focus on “Cultivating Men of Word and Deed”, our members are tomorrow’s leaders. With a strong foundation as one of the oldest fraternities on campus, we strive to be in good community standing as we continue to raise money for Habitat for Humanity. We have a brotherhood that is unlike any other as we embody our motto “Be Men”.
New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
White and Garnet
White Rose
“The cause is hidden, the results well-known”
Alpha Sigma Phi December 6, 1845 www.alphasigmaphi.org
Alpha Sigma Phi was founded on Radford’s Campus November 7th, 1980 in pursuit of instilling the values of Silence, Charity, Purity, Honor, and Patriotism in its members. Alpha Sigma Phi survived thirty long years until the charter was revoked in 2011. Years later, the Phoenix is rising from the ashes and Alpha Sigma Phi is once again back on Radford’s campus. There were 11 Re-founding Fathers who began in the Fall of 2013 to create an environment where we can truly follow our motto of bettering the man. We encourage you to leave your legacy and become something more than yourself. New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Cardinal and Stone
ΔΧ “Leges”
Delta Chi October 13, 1890 www.DeltaChi.org
The Radford chapter of the Delta Chi fraterntiy is a leader on campus. From winning Greek Week 2013 to putting on the annual Little Miss Radford competition, the impact of our fraternity can be seen all over RU. With the largest brotherhood on campus, we have a diverse group of individuals, from athletes to student government senators. Chartered locally in 1997, the Delta Chi fraternity stands for excellence both inside the classroom and around school. We value academic achievement, as displayed by our GPA being the second highest on IFC. We also participate actively in intramurals and community service. Be part of the uncommon bond. New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Red and Buff
White Carnation
“Honor Super Omnia”
Kappa Delta Rho May 17, 1905 www.KDR.com
The Tau Alpha Chapter of Kappa Delta Rho was founded in Radford, in 1985. It is a social fraternity that teaches members core values in hopes they lead an honorable life. Values such as the open motto “Honor Super Omnia,” meaning, honor above all things. A KDR gentleman judges people strictly on the content of their character, leading us to be a highly diverse fraternity, all bound together by the same core values. Academics are held high, as we are students first and fraternity men second. The national philanthropy is the B+ Foundation, a childhood cancer foundation, for which the members work hard annually to raise money. Community service is a key component of the Tau Alpha Chapter. KDR is on the rise with the hopes of more success to come.
New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Orange and Blue
Red Rose
“Brotherhood is more than skin deep”
Phi Kappa Sigma
August 16, 1850 www.PKS.org
The Beta Omega Chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma was founded at Radford University in 1982. Since its inception, the chapter has been at the forefront of Greek Life. The chapter has won a variety of awards, including the Arthur M. Jens Scholarship award (2013), Community Service award (2013), Most Outstanding Chapter of the Year (2013) and Greek Man of the Year (2013). Being one of the oldest and longest active chapters on campus, we have been able to build one of the strongest and most influential alumni groups. Phi Kappa Sigma’s philanthropy is the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America and the chapter supports the Special Olympics, the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and local schools. The chapter is continuously recruiting motivated and dedicated young individuals who aspire to be leaders at RU and beyond.
New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Black and Old Gold
Yellow Chrysanthemum
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
Phi Sigma Kappa March 15, 1873 www.phisigmakappa.org
Since our rechartering, the active brothers of Mu Hexaton have put thousands of hours into bettering Radford University, the city of Radford, as well as itself. We have hosted countless community service events, philanthropy fundraisers, socials and mixers. We have sent the leaders of the chapter to Shonk Leadership School, National Convention, and Regional Conclaves every year. We have brothers involved in numerous campus organizations and positions including: Student Admissions Representative, Graduate Assistant, Peer Instructor, Quest Assistant, RU Cross Fit Club, ROTC and more. New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Colors: Flower:
Red and Silver Red Carnation & White Tea Rose
“Nothing shall ever tear us asunder’
Pi Kappa Phi December 10, 1904 www.PiKapp.org
Pi Kappa Phi was founded in Charleston, South Carolina at the College of Charleston on December 10th, 1904. Our Delta Phi chapter here at Radford was chartered on April 1st, 1978. Our mission is: We will lead. Our vision is: Pi Kappa Phi will redefine fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders. Our national philanthropy is Push America which helps people with disabilities. One notable brother of Pi Kappa Phi is Randy Owen, the lead singer of Alabama.
New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Colors: White, Gold & Auxiliary Blue Flower:
Red Rose
ΠΛΦ “Not four years, but a lifetime”
Pi Lambda Phi March 21, 1895 www.pilambdaphi.org
Pi Lambda Phi here at Radford University was founded in 2009 and we strive to develop better quality men. We were founded nationally in 1895 at Yale University, becoming the first non-sectarian fraternity not to discriminate against an individual’s religious affiliation. The elimination of prejudice is our national philanthropy and we pride ourselves on being a diverse group of gentlemen on this campus. Our members are involved throughout Radford’s campus and dedicate themselves to making a positive impact on the lives of the people around them.
New member initiation GPA New member initiation GPA requirement: 2.5 requirement: 2.5 Active Activemember member GPA requirement: 2.5 GPA requirement: 2.5 New member 1st semester dues: New member $430.25 1st semester dues: $290 Semester dues: $368.00
Semester dues: Colors:
Colors: Purple Emerald Green and and Gold Gold Flower: Flower:
Yellow rose
“In Hoc Signo Vinces”
Sigma Chi June 28, 1855 www.sigmachi.org
The Kappa Zeta chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity was founded here at Radford University on March 28, 1992. Since then we have maintained the status of being the preeminent leadership-based social fraternity on campus. Each one of our brothers is distinguishable by his devout dedication to our fraternity, respect for the university and his participation in the community. Our main philanthropy event held annually is Derby Days, a weeklong competition among the seven sororities. Each year we raise over $5,000 for our philanthropies. Whether it is intramurals, academics, community involvement, networking, or brotherhood you are looking for, Sigma Chi has it and will challenge you to be a better man. The men of Sigma Chi are always looking for strongminded men who prove to be men of good character to join our fraternal order. If you are looking for something more than just a fraternity, you’ll find it here.
New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Blue and Old Gold
White Rose
“Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love”
Sigma Phi Epsilon
November 1, 1901 www.SigEp.org
Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp) is one of the largest fraternities in the country with over 15,000 undergraduate members on 232 college campuses. These men are among the more than 300,000 lifetime brothers who have joined since 1901. SigEp was founded on the cardinal principles of Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love with the mission of “Building Balanced Men” which is achieved through a commitment to Sound Mind and Sound Body. We have a continuous development model, the Balanced Man Program (BMP), a program that treats members equally with the same rights of membership the day they join. We exist to challenge the stereotypical fraternity experience and fulfill the needs of today’s college men. The BMP offers an experience focused on scholarship, leadership, professional development and life skills. Members learn to live their best lives through unique, rewarding programming tailored to fit their needs and prepare them for the journey of life ahead.
New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Purple and Red
Red Rose
“To advance man’s quest for excellence”
Sigma Pi February 26, 1897 www.SigmaPi.org
Sigma Pi at Radford University has just celebrated its ten year anniversary and still emphasizes the same qualities its founders believed in. We pride ourselves on brotherhood, chivalry, diversity, scholarship and culture all while maintaining an active social life. Being past Greek Week winners, past President’s Cup winners and having great academics, we always strive to be the best. We enjoy actively participating on campus and with other organizations’ causes. If it helps the community, then count us in! We often go on brotherhood retreats, vacations and outings so there will always be something to look forward to. New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Lavender and White
Lavender Orchid
“Extend the Helping Hand”
Theta Chi April 10, 1856 www.thetachi.org
Since 2001, the Iota Zeta Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity has raised thousands upon thousands of dollars towards philanthropy and fundraising, as well as given hundreds of hours of community service. Our local philanthropy supports the Wounded Warrior Project. We raise money every year to help veterans in need. For our week of giving, we collect Toys for Tots. Once a year, for over 150 straight hours, we collect toys around Thanksgiving break to give to less fortunate children. In the fall, we have a big fundraising event called Clash of the Sororities. For one night, all of the sororities of Radford University compete against each other in short, fun games. While these are the three main events the chapter puts on every year, we fill in the gaps with dozens of other philanthropic events, as we try our best to live our motto every day.
New member initiation GPA New member initiation GPA requirement: requirement: 2.5 2.6 Active member Active member GPA requirement: 2.5 GPA requirement: 2.5 New member New member 1st semester dues: 1st semester $450dues: $360 Semester dues:
Semester dues: $380
Colors: RedWhite and White CrimisonMilitary and Pearl
Flower: Flower: Red Carnation The fall flower is the aster.
The spring flower is the narcissus.
Welcome from the NPHC President Greetings, On behalf of the National Pan-Hellenic Council here at Radford University, congratulations on becoming a Highlander! I would like to welcome you to the beginning of the best four years of your life. I can remember like it was yesterday the jitters I got when I first came to Radford. Joining the National Pan-Hellenic Council Community was the best decision I’ve ever made. The NPHC Community is more than sharing letters; it is building bonds that last a lifetime. Greek Life opens so many doors with endless service and leadership opportunities. Find your home away from home and enjoy it! Be confident, be yourself and, most of all, be open. This opportunity is about making a bond with educated, motivated and phenomenal young men and women. There are nine organization that make up the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) and eight of the nine are here at Radford University: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc., Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. These organizations are comprised of historically African American members who commit themselves to bettering others through community service, scholarship and fellowship. All of the chapters have strong ties to each other and the purpose of creating future leaders. They strive to promote change not only here at Radford University but in the community. Joining one of the NPHC organizations here will be a commitment you will never regret. As you find yourself here at Radford University, I challenge you to get out there and get active while succeeding academically. Adding Greek Life to your RU experience will make a great experience better. With much Love, Kierra Barnes
National Pan-Hellenic Council The National Pan-Hellenic Council was established in 1930 at Howard University as a national coordinating body for the nine historically African American Fraternities and Sororities, which evolved on American college and university campuses by that time. Blatant racism had prevented many African American students on historically white campuses from joining general fraternities and sororities. African Americans were denied admittance to large numbers of campuses, which still prohibited blacks from attending. Therefore, African American students on both types of campuses established fraternities and sororities to enhance their college experiences. These organizations did not then nor do they now restrict membership to African Americans. They have developed, however, a distinctive African American style in their activities both social and philanthropic. NPHC promotes interaction through forums, meetings and other mediums for the exchange of information and engages in cooperative programming and initiatives through various activities and functions. The stated purpose and mission of the organization in 1930 was “Unanimity of thought and action as far as possible in the conduct of Greek letter collegiate fraternities and sororities, and to consider problems of mutual interest to its member organizations.� For more information, visit: http://www.nphchq.org/.
Radford University National Pan-Hellenic Council Active NPHC organizations on campus are:
Alpha Phi Alpha
alpha Kappa Alpha
Kappa Alpha Psi Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity, Inc.
Sorority, Inc.
Fraternity, Inc.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Fraternity, Inc.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
“First of all, Servants to all, We shall transend all.”
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
www.aphia.org.vt.edu EST. December 4,1906
Since its founding on December 4,1906, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., has supplied voice and vision to the struggle of African-Americans and people of color around the world. Alpha Phi Alpha, the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African-Americans, was founded at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, by seven college men who recognized the need for a strong brotherhood among African descendants in this country. The Theta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was chartered on January 29, 1973 on the campus of Virginia Tech by nine ambitious men and was recognized at Radford University in 1992. Minimum GPA requirement: Minimum GPA requirement: 2.5 2.5
Symbol: Symbol:
Colors: Colors:
Old Gold and Black
Old Gold and Black
Yellow Rose
Yellow Rose Mission Statement:
Mission Statement: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
develops leaders, promotes
Alpha Phi and Alpha Fraternity, Inc., brotherhood academic develops leaders, promotes excellence, while providing service brotherhood and academic excellence, and advocacy for our communities. while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
“ By Culture and By Merit�
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
www.aka1908.com EST. January 15,1908
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. was the first Greek-letter organization established for and by college-educated African American women. It was founded on January 15,1908, on the campus of Howard University by a group of nine distingushed women. The Theta Chi Chapter Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. was chartered on the campus of Radford University on Saturday, May 4,1974 by 12 phenomenal women with the purpose of allowing exceptional women at Radford University to become a part of this amazing organization. Minimum GPA requirement:
Minimum GPA requirement: Ivy Leaf 2.5 Symbol: Colors: Salmon Pink Sphinx & Apple Green Colors: Old Gold and Black
Pink Tea Rose
Mission Statement: Yellow Rose
The mission and purpose of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is to cultivate and Missionhigh Statement: encourage scholastic and ethical standards, Phi and Alpha Fraternity, Inc., toAlpha promote unity friendship among college develops promotes women, to study andleaders, help alleviate problems brotherhood and academic concerning girls and women in orderexcellence, to improve their social stature, to promote a while providing service and advocacy progressive interest in college life, and to for our communities. be of supreme service to all mankind.
KAY “Achievement in Every Field of Human Endeavor”
Kappa Alpha Phi Fraternity, Inc.
www.kappaalphapsi1911.com EST. January 5,1911 Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. (ΚΑΨ) is a collegiate and alumni Greekletter fraternity with a predominantly African-American membership. Since the fraternity’s founding on January 5, 1911 at Indiana University in Bloomington, the fraternity has never limited membership based on color, creed or national origin. The fraternity has over 150,000 members with 721 undergraduate and alumni chapters in every state of the United States, and international chapters in the United Kingdom, Germany, Korea, Japan, United States Virgin Islands, Nigeria and South Africa. Kappa Alpha Psi sponsors programs providing community service, social welfare and academic scholarship through the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation and is a supporter of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the United Negro College Fund and Habitat for Humanity. Minimum GPA requirement:
Crimson and Cream
Red Carnation
Mission Statement: “To provide support for Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. members and others in service to communities with particular emphasis on African-American communities.”
“Friendship is essential to the soul”
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. www.omegapsiphifraternity.org EST. November 17,1911
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity was founded on November 17, 1911 at Howard University in Washington, D.C. The founders were three Howard University undergraduate s: Edgar Amos Love, Oscar James Cooper and Frank Coleman and their faculty adviser Dr. Ernest Everett Just. Omega Psi Phi is an international fraternity with over 750 undergraduate and graduate chapters. From the initials of the Greek phrase meaning “Friendship is essential to the soul”, the name Omega Psi Phi was derived. The phrase was selected as the fraternity motto. Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift were adopted as the fraternity’s Cardinal Principles. Radford University in support of Greek organizations is working with the graduate chapter of Gamma Alpha in Roanoke, VA and the undergraduate chapter of Eta Lambda at Virginia Tech to establish a permanent active Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity at Radford University. Minimum GPA requirement: Symbol: Colors: Flower:
The Lamp Royal Purple & Old Gold N/A
Mission Statement: To uplift the downtrodden of society and serve as a powerful influence in the lives of African-Americans
“Intelligence is the Torch of Wisdom”
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. www.deltasigmatheta.org EST. Janunary 13,1913
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was founded in 1913 by 22 college women at Howard University. These young women wanted to use their collective strength to promote academic excellence; to provide scholarships; to provide support to the underserviced; to educate and stimulate participation in the establishment of positive public policy and provide solutions for problems in their communities. The Nu Psi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. was chartered at the campus of Radford University on Saturday, July 16, 1977 by eight illustrious women. These women had a vision for Radford University and strived to promote academic excellence throughout the university as well as provide assistance to all persons in need. Minimum GPA requirement:
Unofficial Symbol:
Trunk Up Elephant
Red and White
African Violet
Mission Statement: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a private, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world.
“ Culture For Service and Service for Humanity”
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. www.phibetasigma1914.org EST. January 9,1914
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. was founded January 9th 1914 at Howard university by three African American men: A.L Taylor, Charles I. Brown and Leonard F. Morse. The motto is “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity” and the principles on which the fraternity was founded are brotherhood, scholarship, and service. Phi Beta Sigma is the only fraternity in the NPHC that is constitutionally bound to a sorority (Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.). On March 15, 1988, the Rho Zeta chapter was chartered here at Radford University. Minimum GPA requirement:
Royal Blue & Pure White
White Carnation
Mission Statement: The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma are the Fraternity’s most valuable resource and strength. They are the primary means by which the Phi Beta Sigma objectives will be achieved. In order to accomplish the Fraternity’s objectives, it is essential that systems are instituted that effectively embody “Culture For Service and Service For Humanity” and promote brotherhood, scholarship and service.”
“ Community-conscious, Action-oriented Organization”
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. www.zphib1920.org EST. January 16,1920
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was founded on January 16, 1920 on the campus of Howard University in Washington D.C. by five women. These women dared to depart from the traditional coalitions for black women and sought to establish a new organization predicated on ideals of scholarship, service, sisterly love and womanhood. The tantalizing Tau Lambda chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was chartered at Radford University on May 22, 1982, by five young women. The Tau Lambda chapter abides by the principles of service, scholarship, sisterhood and finer womanhood. Our sisterhood serves the Radford community through various Z-HOPE events, March of Dimes, positive social opportunities, valuable student information as well as clothing drives. Minimum GPA requirement:
Symbol: Dove Colors:
Royal Blue and White
White Rose
Mission Statement: The purpose of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is to foster the ideas of sisterhood, service, charity, civil and cultural endeavors, scholarship and finer womanhood. These ideals are reflected in the sorority’s national program for which its members and auxiliary groups provide voluntary service to staff, community outreach programs, and fund scholarships; they also support organized charities, and promote legislation for social and civic change.”
“Greater Service, Greater Progress”
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. www.sgrho1922.org EST. November 12,1922
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was founded on the campus of Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana on Sunday, November 12th, 1922 by seven School teachers: Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson, Vivian White Marbury, Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford, Bessie Mae Downie Rhodes Martin, Dorothy Hanley Whiteside and Cubena McClure. The sorority became an incorporated organization on December 30, 1929. The Radford University Chapter was re-established in the fall of 2013 by four outstanding women committed to the mission of SGRho. Minimum GPA requirement:
Royal Blue and Gold
Yellow Tea Rose
Mission Statement: Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority’s aim is to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public service, leadership development and education of youth are the hallmark of the organization’s programs and activities. Sigma Gamma Rho addresses concerns that impact society educationally, civically and economically.
Welcome from the Vice President of Recruitment Ladies, I would first like to welcome you to the beginning of the best four years of your life. I can remember like it was yesterday the emotions I felt when I was in your shoes. Joining the Panhellenic community was the best decision I’ve ever made. The Panhellenic community is more than sharing letters with your new home; it’s away to discover yourself. Greek Life opens so many doors with endless leadership and service opportunities. Find your home away from home and enjoy it! Be bold, be confident. This opportunity is about making a bond with sorority women across the globe and being connected by philanthropy, leadership, academics and positive change. We, as Panhellenic women, are here because our founders saw the need for organizations that enriched their members throughout their lives. You are the future of Radford University Greek Life, and nothing worth doing and trying comes easy. Our job as women of the Panhellenic Community is to help you grow as young women, as a chapter and as a university. There are seven sororities on campus; my job as Vice President of Recruitment is to help you find your home. Keep an open mind throughout this experience because it goes by all too quickly. Find yourself in your new home with sisters - because joining an organization isn’t for four years; it is for life. We welcome you with open arms. My name is Alexandra Moore and I will be here during the recruitment process every step of the way.
Panhellenic Love, Alexandra Moore
SORORITY RECRUITMENT Formal Recruitment starts August 30th, 2014. Any incoming freshman woman who has a high school cumulative GPA of 3.20 or higher and all returning female students with a 2.50 cumulative GPA and 12 credit hours are eligible to participate in the formal recruitment process. However, some chapters require a higher grade point average than others, so ask about the specific standards before registering for spring recruitment. Women interested in going through formal recruitment must register online at: https://radford.mycampusdirector.com and pay the $50 non-refundable registration fee by August 17th. This registration fee pays for the recruitment process. Rounds of formal recruitment are very structured and are based on a mutual selection process. Mutual selection refers to the way in which potential members and chapters make selections at the end of each round as well as how the computer system makes matches. Convocation Convocation is the first event held. It is required for all women participating in Formal Recruitment. At this event you will meet the members of the recruitment team, learn about Panhellenic and get all of your questions answered about what to expect. Open House This is the first round of formal Fall Recruitment. Open house is a meet-and-greet where you will meet every single member of the 7 organizations. This is when you get insight about each sorority and get to meet the first women of that chapter. Make good conversations and smile! Philanthropy Philanthropy Night is when each sorority highlights their philanthropy. Each chapter has a cause or several causes in which they invest. You will learn about these philanthropies and even participate in making crafts or other special items for the benefit of the cause. Be prepared to have fun while assisting in improving society. Sisterhood Sisterhood Night is the round that you get more time to spend with the organization and truly see what the sisterhood is really about. Spending time with these women and making bonds is what it is all about. It is also a more fun side of sorority as well. Preference This is the last chance you get to see the organizations before you make your final decision. This night you become intimate with the sororities and understand what the more serious side of sorority life is all about. Bid Day If matched with your sorority of choice, this is the day that you will meet your new sorority sisters, officially, for the first time.
New Member Bill of Rights 1. The right to be treated as an individual. 2. The right to be fully informed about the recruitment process. 3. The right to ask questions and receive true and objective answers from the Panhellenic Executive Board, Rho Gammas, the Greek Advisor and sorority women. 4. The right to be treated with respect. 5. The right to be treated as a capable and mature person, without being patronized. 6. The right to ask how and who and receive straight answers. 7. The right to express opinions to Rho Gammas. 8. The right to have inviolable confidentiality when sharing information with a Rho Gamma. 9. The right to make informed decisions without undue pressure from others. 10. The right to make one’s own choice and decision and accept full responsibility for the result of that decision. 11. The right to have a positive, safe and enriching recruitment and new-member experience.
Potential-New-Member Attendance Policy
1. A potential new member excused by the Panhellenic Executive Board or a Rho Gamma for illness or an emergency will be permitted to accept invitation to the next round of events if she is able to attend. 2. A potential new member must attend all invitations to the maximum number of events scheduled. 3. A potential new member must notify the Recruitment Director and the Panhellenic president if she decides to withdraw from the Formal Recruitment Process.
Recruitment Tips 1. Go through recruitment with an open mind. Stereotypes and rumors should not be what make you choose to go with one sorority over another! 2. Take notes after leaving each party. Write down the name of the girls you talked to, the theme of the party, what you talked about and anything else you think will help you remember that sorority later. 3. Be polite and interested. 4. Don’t judge a sorority based on one woman who greets you! 5. SMILE!!! Don’t hold back from who you really are! 6. Do not interpret any remark made at a party as assurance of an invitation back or a bid. 7. Don’t stress over anything! Ask a Rho Gamma for help with anything at any time! We are here to assist you! 8. Keep in mind all of the women you are talking to at the parties have been in the same shoes you are in right now! So RELAX!! 9. Keep your feelings private until you talk to your Rho Gamma! Do not share your feelings about parties with other members of your recruitment group! 10. HAVE FUN!!!!!!
WHAT TO WEAR Stressed about what to wear during recruitment week? DON’T WORRY! Here are some helpful hints on how to dress appropriately during recruitment week so you stand out the right way.
Convocation Day Dress is casual. You can come in the same clothes you wore to class that day.
Open House First impressions are the best impressions so represent yourself well. Do wear a casual dress, slacks, khakis, blouse or cardigan. Don’t wear jeans, a t-shirt, dirty or torn clothing or a formal dress.
Philanthropy Night Dress casual! This night is a glimpse of the importance of community service in Greek Life. You’ll be participating in small projects that benefit each chapter’s philanthropy, so don’t expect to be immobile once you get to each house. You can wear jeans, dress pants, or a skirt; just make sure your outfit is comfortable.
Sisterhood Night Wear an outfit that represents your personality! Think unique! Expect one-on-one conversations today, so have some questions in mind to avoid an awkward silence—if you don’t act interested, then sororities will assume you’re not serious about joining their organization. Do wear something fun - a unique top, a great pair of heels, or a cute skirt or dress. Don’t wear jeans or anything too revealing.
Preference Night You’re almost there! Even though today is more serious in nature, it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with your cocktail dress. Pick a classy outfit that will help you stand out from the crowd. Make sure to be respectful and well-polished for this party. Do wear a dress or skirt, semi-formal or appropriate cocktail dress. Don’t wear anything too casual or revealing and try avoiding pants.
Bid Day Bid Day is the most exciting day of recruitment because this is the day you find your new home and meet your sisters! Wear something comfortable - flats or comfortable shoes are appropriate, as you will be on your feet for a while; jeans and a nice shirt or sweater will work as well. You made it!
THE RHO GAMMAS In order to ensure an enjoyable formal recruitment experience for all, Rho Gammas are assigned to groups of potential new members. A Rho Gamma is a disaffiliated member chosen to represent all Panhellenic women. Rather than represent their own chapter during recruitment, these women represent the entire community and remain neutral sources of information for potential members. They are chosen because they are enthusiastic about the Radford community and sorority life. Our Rho Gammas represent the seven Panhellenic chapters on campus and will act as your recruitment guides throughout the week. They have been trained to be unbiased guides for YOU and answer any questions you may have during Recruitment Week. Your Rho Gamma will lead you to your parties, give you more information about each organization and be there if you need a listening ear as you make your choices throughout the week. Her goal is to make your recruitment process as fun and stress-free as possible. Get to know and become friends with the Rho Gammas! They are all very excited to meet you and help you find a chapter that is right for you!
Panhellenic President’s Welcome Ladies, Congratulations on making the decision to go through Formal Recruitment here at Radford University. It is a life-changing, lifelong experience and you will soon find out that you have made the best choice possible. You may be overwhelmed at first but that is completely normal and you are not alone. My experience in the Panhellenic community has been more than I ever imagined and has opened so many doors for me throughout my college life. The opportunities that come with Greek Life are never-ending; whether it is leadership, friendships or connections, there is something new and exciting every day. This week you will be able to meet and talk to so many women in each organization to find where you fit in the best. No matter what organization is the one for you, it is the best feeling to find that place. Go in with an open mind and be surprised with what you find. I promise you won’t regret it. I hope your Greek experience will be as rewarding as mine has been for me, and more. If you have any questions about Radford’s Panhellenic life, feel free to contact me. Good luck to you all, Taylor Wherrell Panhellenic President
PANHELLENIC COUNCIL (PC) PC is the Panhellenic Council. It serves as the governing body to the seven Panhellenic sororities at Radford University. The Panhellenic Council promotes superior scholarship, leadership development and dissemination of information important to women in general. The council also serves as the coordinating body for recruitment. No matter which sorority you choose, you will find a unique bond of friendship. You will be joining a group of women with whom you will be able to share laughter, dreams and even tears. Above all, the lessons learned will remain in your heart forever. Panhellenic Mission Statement Our mission is to provide fraternity women with the abilities to create and sustain a strong foundation for success through scholarship and leadership opportunities, philanthropic events, and social interaction. By continuing our efforts to establish a more diverse campus, we will further our support and involvement in our future endeavors. Panhellenic Creed “We, the undergraduate members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation furthering fraternity life in harmony with its best possibilities is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. We, the fraternity women of America, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.” For more information about RU-PC, visit: http://panhell.wix.com/radford-panhellenic PC Sororities at RU: Alpha Sigma AlphA
Sigma Kappa
Alpha Sigma Tau
Delta Zeta
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Phi Sigma Sigma
Zeta Tau Alpha
ΑΣΑ “Aspire, Seek, Attain”
Alpha Sigma Alpha Est. November 15, 1901 www.alphasigmaalpha.org
Alpha Sigma Alpha was founded at Longwood University. Five women who were best friends decided to rush a sorority. Rather than accepting bids that would separate the group, they decided to form their own sorority. These five women were the beginning of an organization whose purpose is to foster close friendships between members and to develop women of poise and purpose. We value balance, generosity, growth, integrity, learning, relationships, responsibility and enjoyment! Alpha Sigma Alpha is a sisterhood unlike any other with the objective of loving life and joyously living each day to its ultimate good. New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Palm Green, Crimson, Pearl White & Gold
Aster: fall flower Narcissus: spring flower
Alpha Sigma Tau Est. November 4,1899 www.alphasigmatau.org
ΑΣΤ “Active, Self-Reliant and Trustworthy”
Alpha Sigma Tau was founded in 1899 in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Our national philanthropy is Pine Mountain Settlement School and our national service project is Habitat for Humanity. Our chapter also works with many other philanthropies throughout the year, including St Jude’s Up Till Dawn and Relay for Life. Our core values of Respect, Intellect, Graciousness, Connections and Excellence guide us in our daily lives. In the 2013-2014 school year, we won many prestigious awards, including Chapter of the Year and the President’s Cup. Join the dynASTy with Alpha Sigma Tau! New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Emerald Green & Gold
Yellow Rose
ΔΖ “Enriching Lives”
Delta Zeta Est. October 24,1902 www.deltazeta.org
The Delta Zeta sorority was founded in 1902 by six young women who came together to form a social sorority with the vision of a lifetime sisterhood fostered by the ideals they cherished. Our goal is to unite our members in the bonds of sincere and lasting friendship. Delta Zeta prides itself on sisterhood, scholarship and service. Our national philanthropy is the speech and hearing impaired and we are always finding new and fun ways to raise money for this cause. Having won Chapter of the Year the past two years, our sisterhood is something we want to welcome you into! New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Rose Pink & Green
Killarney Rose
Phi Sigma Sigma Est. November 26,1913 www.phisigmasigma.org
We are a dynamic sisterhood that defines itself not only by our distinct differences, but by what we have in common. Phi Sigma Sigma was the first collegiate non-sectarian sorority, welcoming women of all faiths and backgrounds. Our core values are lifelong learning, leadership through service, and inclusiveness. Our national philanthropy is the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation which donates to school readiness for young children. Our local philanthropies are Project Linus, The National Kidney Foundation, and Colon Cancer Awareness. All that is eternally good, strong, loyal, honest, powerful and beautiful in our sisters is what Phi Sigma Sigma stands for. New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
King Blue & Gold
American Beauty Rose
Sigma Kappa
“One Heart, One Way.”
Est. November 4, 1874 www.sigmakappa.org
Sigma Kappa was founded at Colby College in Waterville, Maine in 1874. The purpose of Sigma Kappa is to provide women lifelong opportunities and support for social, intellectual and spiritual development by bringing women together to positively impact our communities. Our values are personal growth, friendship, service and loyalty. Our four philanthropies are Alzheimer’s disease research, Inherit the Earth, Maine Sea Coast Mission and gerontology research.
New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Lavender & Maroon
Sigma Sigma Sigma Est. April 20, 1898 www.trisigma.org
“Faithful Unto Death”
Sigma Sigma Sigma’s mission is to establish among its members a perpetual bond of friendship, to develop strong womanly character and to impress upon them high standards of conduct. We were founded at Longwood College and were the first Greek organization at Radford in 1929. The Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation centers its philanthropic efforts around the theme “Sigma Serves Children.” Tri Sigma also helps fund play therapy programs at the Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, Texas and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Our symbols are the pearl, sailboat and skull and crossbones that go along with our open motto, “Faithful Unto Death.” New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Royal Purple & White
Zeta Tau Alpha
“Seek the Noblest”
Est. October 15, 1898 www.zetataualpha.org
The purpose of Zeta Tau Alpha is to develop friendships, foster a spirit of love, and to build up a purer and nobler womanhood in the world. Zeta Tau Alpha collegiate members take part in many service events throughout the year but our main focus and philanthropy is breast cancer education and awareness. Through our philanthropy, we team up with the NFL, Yoplait and Susan G. Komen’s “Race for the Cure.” Solely from last year, we raised a total of $9,000, which we donated to our philanthropy. Think Pink! Think ZTA!
New member initiation GPA requirement:
Active member GPA requirement:
New member 1st semester dues:
Semester dues:
Turquoise & Gray
White Violet
Join our on-line Greek Community:
Facebook: “RU Greek Life”
Twitter: Greek Life: @RUGreeks NPC: @radford_pc NPHC: @NPHCRadford IFC: @RU_IFC
Thanks to everyone who helped make this book possible. Edited by Krista Stahl and the RU Greek Life Office staff Published 2014