Business start up 2 student's book

Page 1

CAMBRIDGE PRESS UNIVERSITY Cambridge,NewYork,Melbourne,Madrid,CapeTown,Singapore,Sรกo Paulo CambridgeUniversityPress The Edinburgh Building,Cambridge CB2 2RU,UK lnformation on this @ CambridgeUniversityPress2006 This publicationis in copyright.Subjectto statutoryexception and to the provisionsof relevantcollectivelicensingagreements, no reproduction of any part may take placewithoutthe written permissionof CambridgeUniversityPress. Firstpublished2006 Printedin the UnitedKingdomat the UniversityPress,Cambridge A cataloguerecordfor this publication is available from the BritishLibrary ISBN-13978-0-521.-53469-7 Student'sBook 2 ISBN-IO 0-521.-53469-0 Student'sBook 2 ISBN-13978-0-527-67208-5 Workbook2 with CD-ROM/Audio CD ISBN-1O0-527-67208-2 Workbook2 with CD-ROM/ Audio CD ISBN-13 978-0-527-53470-3 Teacher! Book 2 ISBN-1O0-527-53470-4 Teacher'sBook 2 ISBN-13978-0-527-53477-0 Audio Cassettes2 ISBN-10 0-527-53477-2 Audio Cassettes2 ISBN-13 978-0-527-53472-7 Audio CDs 2 ISBN-100-521-53472-0 Audio CDs 2


Contents Mapof thebook Unit1



































practice Communication practice Grammar andvocabulary


78 95






r Communication




Tatkingaboutyoureducation and career

Presentperfect/Past simple

Education Careerhistory


Givingan update


Good newsand bad news




Describing a businessconcept

Passive:presentsimple, pastsimple

Marketing and advertising



Adverbsof manner



Usingthe Internet

:"_ r:i

Describing feelingsand experiences


lntroductions !



What'syourjob titlein Engtish? ls youriob commonor veryspecialised? Do you knowanyonewith a veryunusualjob?


2 Listen to Ella Grady,one of the people on the course,tatkingabout her iob. Fittin the gaps in the OrganisationChart.

OrganisationChart SueArpet

managing director






Responsibilities: o 7 departments o I45 people

( I



customerservicemonager Responsibilities: . customerservice clepartment o 3 regiona[customer servicemanagers




customer servicemanager Responsibilities: .2 .3

assistants countries

Which other personfrom the chart is on the trainingcourse? Fitl in the gaps in these sentencesfrom 2a. b

r lvan Magnusson,a trainer,is talking at the start of a trainingcourse.Listenand completethe information. 1 Lengthof course:,.................... days 2 C o u r s en a m e :l n t e r n a t i o n a l 3 lvan'sjob:



after to

with for

7 I look rrftt'r-...,, customerservicefor Europe. 2 I report the customerservice manager. the department. 3 He'sin charge 4 We'reresponsibte customers ,..,.... in Europe. I deat oroblemsmostof thetime.



I lntr odu cti on1s 2

Undert'mgthe correctverb forms in these sentencesthat lvan and David say.

Listenagain and checkyour answers.


Vocabutarypractice...>Page 95, Exercise1.


Work with a partner.lmagine you are one of the peopleon the chart.Describeyour responsibilities. Use the tanguagefrom 2c.

t I worklworksfor a hotel company. 2 We checklcheckscustomerservice. 3 | writelwritesa report. 4 lt don'tldoesn'ttake long. s I don'tldoesn'tpay.

3 pRoiluNcrArroNListenand repeat. How do these words changein sentences?

6 They trovelltravelsa lot. tikethe paperwork. I I don'tldoesn't

r of I'min chargeof the department. for customers. z for I'mresoonsible manager. 3 to I reportto the department

4 Listenagain and check your answers.

Presentsimple: be I'man exportmanager. He's in charge. We'reresponsiblefor ten countries. I'mnot in charge. She isnt on the course.(or She's not) They arent all here. (or They'renot)


I work in this office.He works with me. He doesnt work here.We dont work together. The verb have is irregular: I have an assistant. She has a new job. I dont have an assistant. She doesnt have a new job.

Fitl in the gaps with these forms of the verb be. d

are is I'm he's isn't we're they're aren't isn't My name'sEltaGrady. ('ttt ., customer a verybig department only six people. David I'mnot in chargeof the department. my Kemp the manager. boss. in the I workwith flvecotleagues. Europeansectionof the department. Alicia,Todd,Mike,Ericand Hans my assistants. all in myteam. ........, on the course.There 5 SueArpel any directors on the course.


4 Listen to lvan Magnussontetling the group about his 'secretiob'. Then complete the sentences. 1 lvanworksfor ..... 2 He writesreportsabout 3 The companydoesn'tpay him,but 4 lvanis the rightpersonfor the iob because

Grammarpractice...) Page 95, Exercise2.


Corrunicationpractice1. StudentA ...)Page


r.m to a partneraboutyouriob (ora iob

78. StudentB ...) Page 88.

you would tike to do). Talk about your responsibilitiesand give examptesof things you do at work. USEFULLANGUAGE I'mthe international sales manager. I'mresponsiblefor exports. I reportto the managingdirector. She'smy boss. I managea team of ten engineers. The factorymanagerdeals with productionproblems. I'min chargeof this proiect. I'min after-sales service.I look aftercustomers.


Look at the title of the web page. What is the page about? Read about the IMPA trade fair and answer the questions in the FAQs (FrequentlyAsked Questions)window.



1 Whatdo thelettersIMPA standfor? 2 Whereis thefair? ? Whendoestheshowstart? 4 Howmanycompanies areat thefair? ls thefairopento thepublic? o Are thererollercoasters at theshow? 7 Doesthefairhavean outdoor area?


Your online guide to International Trade Fairs What? When? Where? lnternational Association of Amusement Parks (IAAPA) andAttractions GonÍerence andTradeShow Trade fairs aren't usuallyfun. But that's not true at the IAAPA, a conference and trade show for the amusementpark business. This year, there are about 1,300 companies at the IAAPA. The show, from November 15th-20th,is at the Georgia World Congress Center,Atlanta. lt's only open to professionals.There are thousandsof productson exhibition,some of them enormous- includingrollercoasters.The site is huge:60,000 square metres,with indoorand outdoorareas.

TheAmusement ParkBusiness- FactsandFigures Amusement parks aren'tjust big places. They're also big business. ln the United States, amusementparks have over 300 millionvisitorsa year, and customersspend over $10 billiona year.And it's a global industry- nearly every countryhas amusementparks of some kind.


ls thetradefairin Montreal? | WhereaÍeyouroffices? l other verbs I i Whendoesthe fairstart? Do they makecomputers? Q


Grammarpractice...) Page 95, Exercise3.


5 Listen and repeatthe questions in the grammarbox.

^ One of the companiesat the IMPA is Vekoma. Read the text below, then answer questions 1-3. For a lot of firms,globalbusinessis a rollercoaster.But for Vekoma, rollercoasters are a globalbusiness.The Dutchcompanyis one of the world'stop exportsto customersworldwide.

Work with a partner.Take it in turns to ask and answer questions. A Wheredo you work? B I workin Berlin. What/ do? Where/ work? Whatcompany/ workfor? What/ yourcompanydo?


Whatdoes the firstsentenceof the text mean?

z Whatdoes Vekomamake? company? 3 ls it an international


I Intr odu cti on1s


Engineersdesign the rollercoasterto meet the customer'sneeds.


The factoriesproduce the parts.Vekoma manufacturesparts at two plants, in the Netherlandsand the Czech Reoublic.


The company deliversthe parts to the customer'ssite.


Vekoma'sengineersand techniciansinstall the rollercoaster.

L__l ) Vekoma offers after-salesservice. lt advises customersabout maintenanceand safetv and suppliesspare parts.

Read about the service that Vekoma offers. Match the photos to the sentencesfrom the text. Match the definltions7-T to the verbs a-g. t offergoods/services-\ a design \- 5 suppty 2 settabroad 3 create/draw c deliver 4 make d manufacture 5 hetp/give information e instatl 6 buitd/put in f export 7 transport/send g advise d


Vocabularypractice...>Page 95, Exercise4. 6 A salesmanfrom a companycalted Fun Farmis talkingto a potentialcustomerat a trade fair. Listenand answerthe questions. 1 Whatdoes Fun Farmmanufacture? 2 What'sthe woman'sjob? 3 Wheredoes FunFarmmakeits products?

6 Listenagain.What does the salesmansay about: 1 customers aroundthe world? 2 installation and after-sales servicein Germany? Communication practice2. StudentA ...> Page 78. StudentB .'.) Page89. Ask a partneraboutthe productsand servicesof a companyhe/sheknows wel[. USEFULLANGUAGE We design,manufacture, deliverand install the oroducts. Do you supplyparts? We advisecustomers aboutmaintenance. Wheredo you exportyour products? We have customersin 30 countries.

Understandinga menu Orderinga meal



Workwith a partner.Tatkabouteatingout. What'syour favouriterestaurant? Why do you tike it?


Look at the top of the menu. Talk about the restaurant. Do you think it's an expensiverestaurant? Why/lilhynot? you go Whatsort of customers do think to this restaurant?

Simple dishes / Goocl food /

Choosing your meel is as easy as...

Great value /

apple pie with fresh cream or ice cream


roast chicken.beef or lamb.orilled steak


frieclhacldockor cod, grilled salmon


Great service / SĂ?artsimply with one of our light and tastystarters...

Main courses



Meat or fish + 2 side dishes. You choose. 3 choices.300 combinations... Summer is here with our cool desserts...


Look at the extractsfrom the menu on the right. Match the dishes (a-h) to the parts of a meal (1-5). 1 2 3 4

starters: !-. meatfor the maincourse: fish for the maincourse: s i d ed i s h e s : 5 desserts:...,


Vocabularypractice...r Page 95, Exercise5.


pRoNUNcrArrotWhere'sthe stress? Fill in the chart. broccoli carrot chicken dessert haddock potato salad salmon vegetable strawberry tomato

7 Checkyour answers. Listen and repeat. Work wlth a partner.Take it in turns to point at a pictureof food and ask what it is. A What'sthis?/ Whatare these? B lt'sfihey're... . Talk to your partner about what you woutd like for lunch. Choose a starter,main course and dessertfrom the menu. Forthe starter.I'd like ....



!ntr odu cti on1s b

Fitl in the gaps in the extractsfrom the conversation. anyoneelse anythingelse finethanks a table no thanks the bill the same a starter Waiter Everything OK? David ves, /itt+: . Excellent. t{t,ttk Waiter Can I get you ,.,,,,,,.,,,.,.. to drink?Or to eat? David Nothingfor me. I'mfine,thanks.lvan? lvan . I'mfutt,thankyou. David I thinkit'stimeto get back,actuatly. Couldwe have ,......., please? 3 lvan Hello.We havea reservation. The name's Magnusson. for three. 4 David Justa coffeefor me, please.Woutd like coffee? To start,the tomatosoup,please. 5 Etta David Yes, for me, please. The tomatosoup. I don'twant .,............ 贸 lvan , iust a main course.Can I havesteak,chipsand peas,please?

fruit salacl chips, mashed potato, rice, mixed vegetables, leeks in cheese sauce

c strawberriesanclcream



Listenagain and check your answers.

d Vocabularypractice...) Page 96, Exercise6. practice3 ...) Page 78. Work with a partner. Communication USEFULLANGUAGE I havea reservation. A table for three. Forthe starter/ main coursecould I have ...,please? The same for me, please. Wouldyou like a dessert? Wouldyou like anythingelse? I'mfinethanks. CoutdI havethe bill,please?

Magnussonand some f,^ peopte8 on lvan his courseare having lunch at Simply Delicious.Llstento four conversationsand matchthem to a-d. Write 1-4 in the boxes. a b c d

! f] ! !

Arrivingat the restaurant Orderingthe firsttwo courses orderingthe tastcourse Askingto pay for the meal



Teamwork Read the comments.Which do you agreeand disagreewith? Say why. 1 'lt'simportant to planwork in detail.' 2 'Youcan'tmanagea profectwithouta schedule.' 3 'To be realistic, add 30%to the budgetof most projects.' 4 'Progressreportsdon'thelp much.They'realways out of date.'

b Makesentencesfromthe conversation. Usethe presentcontinuous. 1 where/ work? L!/het+: ut g+tu!!!.oJ:ki!,!1.? z

I I staV/ in one of the rooms.

3 youlnotlpay. 4 this projectI costI a fortune! | / manage/ the project. At the moment,we / work/ on the bathrooms Look at the transcripton page 115 and check your answers.

Wherearcyouworkingat the moment? I'mworkingin ltaly. ls Kathyworkingwithyou? She isnt wo*ing on this project. or She'snotworkingon this project.


9 fohn Perry a Britlsh architect,is working on a projectabroad.VanessaWood, from EuropeonLife magazine,is interviewinghim by phone.Listenand answerthe questions. r

Whichcountryis Johnworkingin? In .,,...,,.......,,..... . 2 What'sthe project? A. . 3 What'sthe budgetfor the project? €... 4 How muchof the workis Johnpayingfor? .



5 How long is the schedule? months.


Grammarpractice...l Page 9ó, Exercise1. 10 PRo]|UÍ{clATlor Listenand repeat. How does the pronunciationof ore change when we say it in sentences? 1 Whereare you working? 2 Are you managing the project? 3 Whatare theydoing? Work with a partner.Use these verbs to describe what the people at the top of page 13 are doing. build design paint decorate install 1 They'redecoratinga room.




I \



Look at the schedulefor work on the hotel.When does each part of the proiectstart and finish?


lfs May lst. fohn is writingto his partnersto give an update on the proiect.Filt in the gaps in the emails.


on budget on schedule behindschedule underbudget aheadofschedule overbudget




June - open 15th

Buildingwork Decorating Website

o3a Richardand Kathy, Exactly six weeks to go beforewe open! Here's a short progress report. As you know,the buildingwork is now complete- so that'st t'.15L'lrqa{ltfq However,we're havingtroublewiththe interiordesignerand the decoratingis . I still startinglate- 7th May.That means we're a week 2.......,.. 15th though June thinkwe can completethe work before How are thingswithyou?

Underlinephrases in the emails that mean:


1 we'rehavingproblems z finish(thework) 3 we'rebehindschedule


Vocabularypractice...1 Page 96, Exercise2.

Thanks for the update.Good news here - the website is now ready two weeks People can now book rooms online.

practice4. Communication ...> Page 78. StudentA StudentB ...) Page 89.

We're runninglatewiththe brochurethough.And the paperthatwe want is quiteexpensive- which means we're a littlea .,........,........ . However, becauseof the lowercost of the website(itwas f 1,200s ) the whole projectis still 6

Talk to a partner about a projector iob you're working on at the moment.How's it going?

Hi John,

Speak soon, Richard

USEFUL LANGUAGE We can completethe job on scheduleand on budget. We'reaheadof scheduleand underbudget. with one of the installations. We'rehavingtrouble/problems running We're two weekslate. We?ebehindschedule. Costsare higherthan planned.We're$z5,oooover budget.



Work with a partner.Match the descriptionsof people (1-10)to the skitts and characteristics

(a-D. tfl z!

3! r! s! 6! 7!


She workswell with otherpeople. He certainlyknowsthe business, after 30 years. She alwaysdoes a lot of work. He has some reallygood ideas. Thingsare changingfast,but she's c o p i n gw e l t . She'san excellent manager. He alwayscompletesworkon time. He'sverygood at making nrpqpnt2tinn<

r! 1 0 tr a b c d e Í

There'sa lot of stress,but she can deal with it. He'sgood at tookingat problemsin detait.

creative hard-working experienced a strongleader reliable a goodteamplayer

adaptable h can copewith pressure a confident communicator analytical




PAF,an advertisingagency,is lookingfor young employeesfor its creativedepartment.Work with a partner.Which skills and characteristics from a-j do you think the people need?

,D lffi

Theyneedto be .... 1*.'

lr rÍ N .\

--, \ -{,


{ \, ' ( , \

=-' l -

11 fudith Lehman,the managingdirectorof PAF,and RowanEvans,the human resourcesmanager, are talkingaboutthe type of peoplethey'retooking for. Listenand make notes. The new people need to be: ,,,t'llttYt',

Teamwork2 Look at the transcriptfor 1c on page 115 and check your answers. 72 pRoNuNcrArrot't Listenand repeat. Underlinethe stress in these words. r reliable 2 confident 3 exoerienced 4 analytical 5 adaotable 6 creative Vocabularypractice...>Page 96, Exercise3.


13 PAF also needs to find a new creative departmentmanager.fudith Lehmanand Rowan Evansare talking about MarcoStone,a possible candidate.Listenand answerthe questions. t Wheredoes Marcowork? 2 Whatare his mainstrengths? 3 What'sthe problemwith makinghim the manager? 4 Do you thinkJudithand Rowanagree aboutMarco? Fitl in the gaps in these sentencesfrom the conversation. make making manage managing sell selling work working 1 We want someoneto ,t1.r.q.r.1.11!ty the department. 2 We needa managerto .........,....,,...... the new strategywork. manager's Marcothe department 3 But also a risk. for the company... 4 OK, he enjoys 5 ...but that doesn'tmeanhe'sgood at a leam. The managerhas to the new strategy to the team. We knowMarco'sa good salesman. He likes ideas. ,........,,...,,...,,. Theywork with him at the moment.What happensif they haveto for him? 73

Listenagain and check your answers.

Hel good at solvingproblems. I'm not very good at making presentations. They like/enjoyworking here. (gerundafter verbs of like/dislike) Managinga big departmentisn'teasy.

Grammarpractice...1Page 96, Exercise4. What skitls and characteristics do peopteneed for these iobs? Give your opinion. Theyneedto be / be good at .... Theyneedto tike/enioy .... . engineers . salespeople o fashiondesigners o politicians o chiefexecutives practice5 ...> Communication Page 79. Work with a partner. Tatkaboutthe skills and you need in your job characteristics or a iob you would like to have.

USEFULLANGUAGE - 72 years He'svery experienced in marketing. Everyone likesworkingwith him. He'sa good team player. We needa strongleaderto manage the team. He oftenworks until [ate.He'sverv hard-working. late.She'susually She isn'tnorma[[y very reliable. you To makegood presentations needto be a confident communicator. We'relookingfor creativepeople for the designdepartment. He'snot good at solvingproblems becausehe isn'tvery analytical.


TIME OUT Sportand leisure Likesand distikes




Keywords (Googlesearch)

Webpages (millions) 175.0 101.0

rJ7.3 79.9

61.9 32.3 29.7 29.0 28.5 27.() 26.1



in yourcountry? Whatarethe mostpopularsportsand leisureactivities What do you think the most popularsports and leisureactivitiesin the world are? The tist on the right shows how many web pages you find when you searchfor sports and leisureactivitieswith Google.Which activities can you see in the photosabove?What do you thinkis numberone on the list?

25.6 hiki



17.1 16.8

horserirlin l

7.9 Ă“.l



ice skat


3.5 J.L







Teamwork2 Work with a partner.Can you completethe list with the six activitiesln the box?

Look at these sentencesfrom the conversation. Match the pairs with a similar meaning. Write a-d in the boxes.

bowling fishing iogging knitting golf underwater hockey


74 Listenand check your answers.


74 pRoNuNclAnonWhichwordsin the list are the same or similar in your language? ls their pronunciation differentin English? Listenagain and check. Are any of the resultson the list surprising? Do you think this is a reliableway to see which activitiesare the most popular?





| can'tstandit.

| ---'+ ^t^,. +L^ l , ) | L o r L p r o y , , , ' o t ' Sm y p r o b l e m .

in it ... 3 ! I'mnot interested g 4 L l I ' d l o v et o h a v ea o a t r i d i n g . . . a I'mhooelessat it! b I bet it'sgood fun. c I hateit. d lt'snot my cup of tea. e

Vocabularypractice...>Page 96, Exercise5.


ts PRoNuNc|ATtot't Listenand repeat the sentences.Underlinethe word that's stressed. lt's greatfun! I'dloveto havea eo! 3 | h a t ei t ! 4 | can'tstandit! 5 I'mhopelessat it! r z


t5 Listen to two colleagues discussingtheir interests.Doesthe man like or dislike 1-3? Tick (/) the boxes. Man r FootbalI 2 Golf 3 H o r s er i d i n g

n LJ

n LJ


n L]



ft ft

15 Listenagain.This time,tick (/) the boxes for the woman.

woman r Football zGotf

e tr tr

6 ! !

3 Horseriding



15 Listenagain and answerthe questions.

practiceó ...>Page80. Work Communication with a partner. Work with a partner.How many sports and activitiescan you rememberfrom the Google searchon page 16? Close your book and make a [ist.Then compareyour list with the rest of the group. USEFUL LANGUAGE I enioyptayinggotf. I can'tstand football! I like watchingice skating. I'mhooelessat tennis! I'd love to havea go at surfing. I'm(not)interested in that. I reallyenioy it. lt's greatfun!

1 Why doesn'tthe man watchfootbatton TV? 2 Why does he talk aboutpolo? in, apartfromgolB 3 What'she interested


Choices Il -

Talk to a partnerabout online shopping.


Do you sometimes buythingsfromInternet stores? lf so,whatandwhy? Whatproducts do peoplealmostneverbuyonline? Why not? Whatarethe advantages and disadvantages of shoppingon the Internet? b a.

Read the article.Then choosethe best titte from a-c.

prefer .comparison: why customers Internetstoresto'traditional'shops .competition:why Internetstores can't competewith'traditional' shops .combination:why customerswant Internetstoresand'traditional'shops


Fitl in 1-8 with words from the text. r the cost of transport= , { r / i ; r ' r t , / t , t , i t i . , 2 not an extracost : in theprice : 3 s p e n dl e s s money ^c = 4 how good a productis t n e ut d product 5 to order: to . . . a, n o r o e r 6 moneyoff the fultprice: a .,., ,,. .., 7 products Read the articteagain.Are these sentencestrue CI) or false (F)? 1 Goodsfromshopsoftencost more thangoodsfromontinestores. 2 At onlinestores,customers can try on and feeIthe quatityof ctothes. 3 Peopleoftenptaceordersat online storesafterlookingat productsin shops. !

t's hard to talk about Internet shopping without T I saying Amazon'. The company isn't just one of the I first online stores.It's also a good example of the advantagesof shoppingonline: finding and buying books on a website is faster and easier than walking around a shop. And becausewarehousesare less expensivethan shops,the companycan offer towerpriceseven when delivery chargesare included. Customerssave money. And time. It doesn't get much better than that. Clearly.a lot of products are not as easy as books to sell online. Peoplelike to try on and feel the quality of clotheswhen they choosethem, for example.They also like to look carefully at more expensiveproducts. This meansgoing to a shop. And. of course,peopte like shopping.But for online stores.these problems are not as big as they seem. Today,people often look at productsin shops,then place an orderat an online store-atadiscount. If'traditional' shops help Internet stores,the Internet also helps traditionalshoppers.The web is a good place to find technical information about a product, get a price and compareoffers.But a lot of peopte prefer not to buy more expensivegoods online - they do their researchon the Internet,then go to a shop.




C o m p a r e dw i t h o n l i n es t o r e s ,a l o t o f s h o p s o f f e rb i g g e rd i s c o u n t s .

5 A tot of people use the Internet t o c o m p a r ep r o d u c t sa n d q u o t e s . Vocabulary practice...) Page 97, Exercise 1.




Choices l !


Findcomparative formsin the textto complete1-5. ouickerthan = ''', Í,t.'(t,"" than : 2 cheaperthan 3 a lot better , better 4 moredifficultthan : not

77 Marllyn Casey and Lionel Wilmington,two managersfrom,are discussing the quotesand lookingat samples of the products.Listen and answer the questions.




ls theremuchdifference between the qualityof the products? 2 What'sthe main differencebetween the products?

5 smallerthan = not


3 Whatdoes Marilynthinkof the Aerosaurus? 4 Whatdoes Lionelthinkof the Aerosaurus?

Short adjectives It'softenfasterand cheaperto buy online. Long adjectives (+)BMWsare a lot moÍeexpensivethan Skodas. (-) Skodas are a lot less expensivethan BMWs.

18 PRor{ul{oArlorListenand repeat.How do these words change in sentences?

lrregular adjectives The situationís worse/betternow.

1 than lt's cheaoerthan the other. 2 as lt's not as cheaoas the other.

as ... as This one isn'tas popularas the otherone.



practice7 ...> Communication Page 80. Work with a partneÍ. Work with a partner.Comparethe price and quality of pairs of competing productsand stores you both know.

Grammarpractice...t Page 97, Exercise2.

o m o b i l ep h o n e s . Supermarkets o clothesshops muchcheaper, but the qualityisn't as gooo .... ...sellsbetterqualityproductsthan....

is an onlinestorewhichsells vacuum a cleaners.Thecompanyhastwoquotesfromsupplierc. Workwitha partner.Comparcthevacuumcleaners, usingtheseadiectives. . cheap . expensiveo old-fashioned o modern TheGravitas is cheaper thantheAerosaurus.

USEFULLANGUAGE Supp[ier Product Priceperunit 50units - 5%discount +Costof delivery Totalcost Delivery time

Gitd Gravitas s240 $12,000 $6oo $2,s00 $13,900 15 workingdays

Supptier Product Priceperunit 50units - 120lo discount +Costof delivery TotaIcost Detivery time

Suntra Aerosaurus


This productis betterqualitythan that one. The otherquote is muchcheaper. ls therean extrachargeor is the cost of deliveryincluded? lf you placean ordernow we can offeryou a five percentdiscount.


$15,000 $1,800 $1,500 s74,700 10 workingdays




What do you think of your company's offices?What do you like aboutthem? What dont you like?

Which of the three offices would you most/leastlike to work in? Say why. Whafs your opinlon?Match the descdptions1-10 to the offices in the photos.Write a, b or c in the boxes.

Work with a partner.Discuss the opinions.Do you agreeor disagree with them? 1 'Officesare iust placesto work.They only needto be basic.' 'Good 2 officesand good facilitiesattract good people.'


1 ! 2 ! 3 E 4 ! 5 !

Look at the photos of three offices. Can you matchthem to the companies (1-3)? Write a-c in the boxes. 1 D Pixar,the movieanimation companybasedin California. ! Mclaren,the GrandPrix motor racingteam,basedin the UK. Wernham Hogg,the companyin ! the BBC TV comedy,The Office. Ja. -{a



the otdest the nicest the mostmodern the mosthorribte the most unusual

贸 7 8 9 10

! a ! ! !

themostoriginal theleastexpensive theworst theleastadvanced thebest

Choices l Fittin the gaps in these sentencesfrom the conversation.

Superlatives (+)smatl (+)expensive (-) expensive (+)good/bad

This is the smallestoffice. This is the most expensive. That'sthe least expensive. I think this is the best and that'sthe worst.

computsory difficult essential necessary possible important muchspacedo you need? And that'sone of the most ,/iÍÍ.,;,,ltquestions. "


S o y o u w a n t b i g w i n d o w s ,i f


Grammarpractice...>Page 97, Exercise3.


Work with a partner.Ask and answerthe questions. Use the superlativesof the words in brackets.

q u e s t i o ni s 3 ...the most money.You know,cost is alwaysthe biggestproblem. 4 ...watlscost money.lf they'renot an requirement, thenwhy havethem? 5 Withanythingthat costsmoney, clientsalwaysask, is it reatty ? 6 Officesare expensive,even if you only havewhat'sin the regulations what's

A Whatdo you thinkis the bestiob in the world?



B I t h i n k. . .. r Whatdo you thinkis (+good)job in the world? z Whatdo you thinkis (+bad)iob in the world? 3 Whichcompaniesuse (+advanced)technology? 4 What's(+expensive)restaurantin your town/city? 5 What'sthe (+unusual)officebuitdingyou know? Work with a partner.Make a list of the equipment and rooms/areaspeople need in offices.

H {

Í Vocabularypractice...1Page 97,

You'redesigninga new workplacefor your partner.Discussany problems with his/herpresentoffice and ask what your partnerneeds for the new office. Change roles.



Listenand checkyour answers.

practiceI ...) Page80. Communication Work with a partner.

tt t t'L't it tr1 t'tttrt t t

I t


Exercise4. plrtttttt'olticr




t9 Listen to Steve Simpson, an architect, for designing tatkingaboutthe requirements (/) your list in 3a that the things on offices.Tick he talks about.Make a note of any otherthings he says. 19 Listenagain.Are these sentences (1") or false (F)? true 1 A coffeemachineis an optionalextra. 2 lt'simportant to havelots of tight. 3 Openptanofficesare moreexpensive.

tr ! tr

problemis space. The biggest/worst The locationis the most difflcutt q uestion. We needa big meetingroom- that's essential. I don'tthinkfax machinesare necessaryany more. I'd like an extratable in my office, if possibte. You need fire doors at the top of the stairs.They'recompulsory. questionis cost. The mostimportant

Locationandgeography Travelrecommendations


Wt"r" wouldyou tiketo havea holidayhome? ln your country?Whataboutabroad?


Read the first paragraphof the article. What sort of companyis Vtadi Private lslands? Read the rest of the article and fitl in the gaps. tropical lake islands coast climates forests beaches ocean

Lots of people own, or would like to own, a holiday home in the sun. But imagine buyrng a whole island. It sounds like a dream, but for some people, private islands are a reality. There are hundreds ofprivate islands around the world.Vladi Private Islands. an island real-estate agency,has nearly 100 properties for sale. And you don't have to be a millionaire to buy one - although it helps. Some of the most beautiful properties are in the tropical regions of the Atlantic - in the Caribbean and the Bahamas. In the southern hemisphere, there are a few private r.!.,;Ll.ttL,t... in French Polynesia, in the Pacific. There are also some places in the Indian 2..--...-..-......-, mostly in the Seychelles,600km offthe eastern of Africa. (Although, further east,


there are thousands of islands around Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, there are almost no private islands in Asia.) Tlpical prices for 4..,-....-....--...--.. islands are between one and five million dollars. But if you don't have a multi-million-dollar budget, you can buy an island for as little as $100,000.However:,instead of warm, white sand, you get cold, white snow, and an island on an i"y 5..--....-in western Canada. Of course. mountains and pine can be as beautifirl as and palm trees. In fact, some of the most expensive islands in the world are in colder - mostly in North America and Europe not too far from the northern business capitals of NewYork and London. where their owners work.

Choices J Wherewould you like to have a prlvate island? Discusswith a partner.

Match the questionsand answersfrom the conversation. Writea-e in the boxes. ! What'sthe besttimeof yearto visit? ! And what'sthe weather[ike? 3 ! So, whatare the best placesto see? 4 ! Do you needa car to travelround? 5 E S o , c a ny o u r e c o m m e nsdo m e campsites? r z

Work with a partner.Describeplaces in your countryor abroad,and say wherethey are. Your partnertries to guess the name of the place.Take it in turns. Theseare mountains in northern/southern ... not too far from.... It'sa country/region in western/eastern ... withbeautifu[ ....

a b c d e

27 pRoNuNcrArron Listenand repeat the namesof placesfrom the article.Do any of the places have similar namesin your language?lf so, is their pron.unciation differentin English?

Prettyhot, usually. Yeah,I can giveyou somegood addresses. Earlysummer'snice. Y e a hO . r y o u c a n r e n ta c a m p e vr a n . The nicestpartof the country's the South l s l a n d. . .

22 Listenagain and check your answers.

theAtlantic the Pacific Africa Europe NorthAmerica Asia Indonesia Malaysia t h e P h i l i p p i n e st h e B a h a m a s

23 pRoNuNcrArronListenand repeat. How do these words changein the sentences? 1 to Whereare the best placesto go? z oĂ? What'sthe besttimeof vearto visit? 3 can Can you recommend some campsites? e

Vocabularypractice...>Page 97, Exercise5. practice9 ...)Page80. Communication Work with a partner. Work with a partner.Talk about a tourist destination,in your countryor abroad,that you would tike to visit and say why. USEFULLANGUAGE


22 AlistairAlby, from New Zealand, ls on a businesstrip in Hawaii.He's having [unchwith CarolineCarmen,a colteague. Listenand answerthe questions. 1 WhatdoesAlistair[ikeaboutHawaii? z Whattime of Vearis it in NewZealand? 3 Why doesAtistairtatkaboutChristmas dinner? 4 What'sthe nameof the mountains he talks about? 5 Whatdoes he say abouttravelting on the S o u t hl s l a n d ?

What'sit like there? It'sbeautiful.The beachesare realtynice. It'sin the'son southerncoastof .... |t'sĂ­nthe mountains. but it's not too far fromthe sea. What'sthe weatherlike in summer? What'sthe best time of year to visit? Canyou recommend any good places to stav?


E rperience


Completethesesentencesfromthe discussion.

Discuss this sentence.Do you agree? 'Thesimplestinventions arethe best.' Work with a partner.Why was the bicycle a successful invention?Describeits advantages.

complicated dangerous low much often successful

Bikes are ....


24 Listen to Rob Martel, a marketing consultant giving a trainingcourseabout designing hi-techproducts.Why does Rob use the bicycle as an examplein his tatk?

I want to talk aboutthe bicvcle-

2 They don'tcost

. They'renot ..-...--...,........,B They'reeasy to use,yeah. 4 Runningcostsare breakdown. 5 Theydon't 6 They'renot too 3 A

U Listenagainand checkyour answers. 25 Listento Robsummingup why the bicycleis so popular.Whichadiectivesdoes he use? !




" " "ilttttp """"r"'







Vocabularypractice...r Page 97, Exercise 1.



Look at the photo of the SinclairC5. What do you think it is?

he Sinclair C5 n irsli srrlrllclcctlir

Read the text. Was the C5 a success?

r t h i c l t ' r v i t h u t o y rs p c t ' c ol l ' 'flrc l n t t t ' r v r v l r sl r i g 2J kplr. t ' n o r r q l lri r r t l i p s o l ' l 0 2 0 krtt.ancl (ltt'rt'rvt'rt'pt'rllLls. j r r s ti t t t a s t ' ( l t t ' r tn' u s l t ' t t ' t t o r r g ll rx ) \ \ ( ' rl '( ) g ( ' t

Fitl in the gaps with wos, were, wosn't or weren't. 1 T h eS i n c t a iCr 5 s m a l l etrh a n a car. 2 TheC5 very fast. no seatsfor passengers 3 There i n t h eC 5 . in C5s verybig. 4 The batteries

r r r r rI t o r t t t ' . ' l ' l t t ' i r l t ' al i r l t h t ' ( l . -ur a s l ; i r s t ' tol n a s i r r r p l t ' l i r tt : r r r r r sctl r l t l i p s an' jrrsta l't'u

s t n l L l sl i z t 'i t n r l l o u t o s t \\'('r'('n t tht' orrlr ach antlrgcs: r ri t h c l t ' c t l i t l ) ( ) \ \ ( ' r . p o l l t r t i o n\ \ i l f ir ( ' r ' ( )S. o u l r r ' u i r s t h t ' C l 5 s r r th a l L r p . '\ \ ' r r s i t ( o o l L c h l r nt ' r l l i r l t l r c ( () n s u l n ( ' r 'osl I ! ) U J . '


Was the productsuccessful? No, it wasnt. lt was a flop. Werethe productssuccessful? No, they werent. Sales were very low.

Grammarpractice...>Page 98, Exercise2.

k i l o n r t ' t r c sn. i t h o n l r ' o n c l)('r'sonin tht' rthicle. ln o t l r t ' r ' n o l c l s (. a r s l l r ( 't o o l r i g l i r l t l r t ' i ru u r i r rr r s t ' . ' l ' l i r(' 1 . ; ' s






Work with a partner.Take it in turns to ask and answerquestionsaboutthe SinctairC5.


Grammarpractice...) Page98, Exercise3.

A Whatwas the C5? B lt was an etectric vehicle.


Work with a partner.Why do you think the SinclairC5 was a flop?

What...C5? How big ...? How fast...? ...batterybig? ...advantages?...successfut? Underlinethe correctwords. r The SinclairC5 wasfwasn'f big enoughfor oneperson. The C5 was too biglsmalltocarry passengers. The batterywosfwasn'tpowerfulenough f o r [ o n gt r i p s . ln the end,the marketfor the C5 was too smallllarge. Therewas Ioo nuchllittiedemandfor t h eC 5 .

The batterywas too small. The batterywasnt big enough.

26 Listento Rob Martel discussing why the SinctairC5 was a flop. Make a list of the reasonshe gives. practice10.StudentA ...> Communication Page81. StudentB ...)Page89. USEFULLANGUAGE It'snot complicated. lt'sverysimple to use. The otd productsweren'treliable enough. Theyweretoo dangerous.Theyweren't safe to use. Was the productsuccessful? It was quitepopular. It doesn'tuse muchelectricity. lt'svery efficient and economical.


Talk about proiectsyou worked on or jobs you did in the past.Which was: o the most interesting/boring? o the most difficult?


Read the article about the BBC TV documentary Walking with Dinosours. What were the three main problemson the proiect? Problem1: ...................... Problem2; ....................., Problem3: ...................... Work with a partner.Match the solutions a-c to the problemsin 2a. Problem1 - Solution Problem2 - Solution Problem3 - Solution

was to travel a The onlYsolution went to i"n* *uV'fnc tcam New Zcaland' ö;i?ro,íi", Chilc'arrd and took a lol ot il"u' "*P"nsive' the two-Yearschedulc' ii*" "rthe'onlYwaY' ""t but it was

The solution was to use moving models called,animatronics,. With this technique,the camera could film a dinosaur,s mouth. for e x a m p l e ,a s i t a t e o r d r a n k .

ln television, they say never work with animals. But what about filming dinosaurs?This was the challengeTim Haines and his colleagues had when they made the BBC documentary series, WalkÍng with Dinosours. The team neededto solvesome big problemsbeforethey could startwork.The firstwas cost.lurassicPark,the movie that gaveTim Haines his idea,cost over $60 million to nrake.The producersof the moüe used very powerful, expensivecomputersto createthe dinosaurs. The BBC also neededto use computersfor most of the pictures,but couldn'tspendas much as a big Hollywood film company. The budgetÍorWnlkingutithDittosaursWaS€ 6 million, a fractionof the cost oÍlurassicPark. Completethe sentences.Use the past simple form of the verbs. Use the articteto help you. 1

Tim Hainesand his,rt./t Wotkinqwith Dinosaurs.(make)


The BBC (not have)

a largebudgetfor the series.

The series f6 millionand ,, ,,,,,,,,, two years to make. (cost,take) Tim Haines the dinosaursto look as reaIas possible.(want) The team use computers to createa[[ the pictures.(can't) Researchers locationsin California, Chile and New Zealand.(find) Theteam all overthe worldto film. (go)

Becausethe serieswas forTV, and not for thebig cinemascreen,the producersfound theYcould use lower qualityPicturesthan in lurassicPark.Soit was possibleto use normal IT equiPment,which madeit lessexPensive' 10



Theyfilmedmodeldinosaursas they and ,,,..,,,,,,..,,,, . (eat,drink) They for close-uppictures. computers (not use) Peopleatl overthe world the series. (watch)

Experience/1 Vocabularypractice...>Page 98, Exercise5 . 27 Listenagain and comptetethe questionsfrom the conversation. Welt,the troubtewas,it was too hot for the camera. ? Client Oh, right. box to put in a camera We the Jake protectit. 2 lake And we filmedwiththe camerain t h eb o x . ? Client And2 J a k e Yeah,it workedOK. C t i e n t So how . ..,, the 7 box?What N o t h i n g c o m p l i c a t e d . w o o d . Jake l u s t

1 lake

Thesecondproblcnr was thc clinosaur's'worlcl' to cru'att'iorests, Itwasn'tpossiblc to use cot't't;'rutcrs ctc. so the tcatrrrrc'ecicdto iilnt at lakes,, was, plarrtsanrl rctcks Thc tror-rblt' rcallocatiorrs. tti tht' clinosattrs,so it werevcry diiiercnt at thc tir-r'rc to iinci rcalisticlocations. wasclifficLrlt f()r Itwasalstrinrpossibleto ttst't'tltt'tl'rttt('rs that wc'rc ncar thc camcra.Thc,vjust dinosaurs didn'tlook real.But Tim Haincs wanteclclosc-up so the pe'oplcwho watchcd thc scrics picture's, Thc tcar.r-r lracl couldrcallv'walkwith clit.tosaurs'. tofinda solution to this problcm, stt tl.ratall thc' looked as rcal as possiblc. pictures

Past simple: questions Whendid you startthe proiect? Did Ă­ttake tong?

Grammarpractice...>Page 98, Exercise6. Work with a partner.Take it in turns to ask and answer questions about Walking with Dinosours. How much...cost? Why ...needcomputers? ...haveexpensivecomputers? ...visit? How [ong...take? Whatcountries How...filmclose-uppictures?

Positive Westartedthe prolect Ittookelevenmonths.

practice11. StudentA ...> Communication Page81. StudentB ...) Page 90. Work with a partner.Take it in turns to talk about a projectyou workedon. What probtemsdid you have? How did you solve them?

d Grammarpractice...) Page98, Exercise4.


27 f ake Stern makespromotionalvideos He'stalkingto a customerabouta for companies. video he madeat a chemicalsfactory.Listenand answerthe questions. r Whatwas the firstproblemiake had? 2 Whatwas the solution? 3 Whatwas the secondproblem? 4 Was it oossibleto solvethe problem?

USEFULLANGUAGE I workedon a difficultproiectlast year. with costs. We had problems/trouble We neededto solvethe problemquickty. It was the only solution. We couldn'tdo it. lt was impossible. It was possible,but it was very difficutt.


Read the sentences.Which one best describes you? 1 'l normallyrelaxat weekends.Aftera hardweek at work,I needa break.' 'l 2 usuallyspendthe weekenddoingjobs I don't havetimeto do duringthe week!' 3 'l spenda lot of timewith my familyand visit friends.'


Talk about these points. How do they change the amount of free time people have? Discuss any experiencesyou have, and give examples. . age o job . whereyou live


With a partner,look at the list of answers to the question,'What did you do at the weekend?'. Match them to the pictures.Write a-j in the boxes. 1E 2! 3 E 4! 5 ! 6 ! 7! 8 ! 9 ! 1o !

I cleanedthe house. lhadaliein. lwentshopping. lwatchedTV. | did some gardening. | wentto the cinema. lcookedabigmeat. | did someworkon the house. | wentout for a mea[. I had friends/family round.

\-\, lr \


Can you guess what your partnerdid at the weekend? Tick (/) the actlvitiesin 2a that you think he or she did. Then ask your partnerto check your answers. A Did you watchTV at the weekend? B Yes./ No. Vocabularypractice...) Page 98, Exercise7.


2E Listen to a conversationbetweentwo colleagues.Tick (/) the things that Dave did last weekend. 1 He sat in the garden. 2 He had some friendsround. 3 He cookeda meal. 4 He did somegardening. 5 He workedon the house. 6 He had a lie in.



V ! ! ! ! !


Look at the transcriptfor 2d on page 117 and check your answers. Work with a partner.Ask and answerquestionsabout Dave's weekend. Look at the transcript, if necessary. What...? Where...? When...? Whattime...? Why ...? 29 PRoNUT{crATroil Listen and repeatthe questions.Copy the intonation. Ă­ 1 Did you havea good weekend? z Whatfitmdid you see? , 3 Didyouhavea lie in? 4

a Wheredidyougo shopping?

practice72 ...> Communication Page 82. Work with a partner. Work in groups.Ask other students what they did tast weekend.Talk aboutwhat you did. Completethe sentencesfrom the conversation. Use the past slmple form. L We outsideyesterday, at lunchtime. itt:....... (eat) We ,..................... outsidein the garden.(si? I to buy some charcoal.(forget) So you Ă­nthe sun '.' . (sleep) ...and yourwife all the cooking.(doJ | . .... quitea busyweekend.(have) lt was a biggerjob than | . (think) I day.(get)

up earlyon Saturdayand workedall

USEFUL LANGUAGE Did you havea good weekend? Whatdid you do at the weekend? I had a relaxing/busy weekend. We had some friendsroundfor dinner. I cookeda big meal on Saturdaynight. I had a lie in on Sundaymorning. I workedon the houseall weekend.


Arrangements !.

Which of these things do you often arrange? . . o o


get back call â‚Ź o ntact

meetingsin yourcountry/abroad visitsto conferences visitsto exhibitions video/telephone conferences

give look speak touch

phonesomeone= +.q11.,,... someone/ .. someonea call = 2 talk to someone to someone : phone phone backto someone againlater 3 I someone/ get in 4 phoneor emailsomeone: withsomeone : into something s find/check some information .,,,,, 1

ln internationalbusiness,what are the advantages/disadvantages of makingarrangements: o by telephone? o by email?

Filt in the gaps to completethe expressionsfrom the conversation.


Vocabularypractice...>Page 99, Exercise1.


30 Listen again and change 1-6 to make sentences from the conversation. 1 | can look on the Internet afterlunch.

l'ltl+tttk . u tlu' lutct:urt,ltt't:Lu+.h................. 2 Let me giveher a catlthis afternoon.


3 Why don'twe catchthe same flight? Shalt ? 4 Do you Wantme to look into flightsto San FrancĂ­sco? Shatt 5 lf you want,I can contactthe San Franciscooffice. Shatt ? 6 lf you like,we can speakat about4.30. Shalt Look at the transcriptfor 2a on page 118. Check your answers.


30 Michael Morganand Sytvie Dam, are arranginga trip to a conferencein San Franclsco. Listen to their conversationand answer the questions. r

Whatdo Sytvieand Michael decideto do? z Whatdoes Michaelsav he'lldo today? 3 Whatdoes Sylviesay she'lldo today? 4 Whendo theyarrangeto speak again? 3o

wil[shalk offersand suggestions Offers:I'11.... Shatl I ...? We need moreinformation aboutthis. l'll look on the lnternet. We needto book our tickets. Shall I book them? Suggestions;Shall we ...? When can we talk? Shall we speak this afternoon?

Ar r angem e n ts 5 f

G r a m m a rp r a c t i c e' . . >P a g e 9 9 , E x e r c i s e2 .


Work with a partner. Student A reads sentences 1 and 3 and offers a solution. Student B reads sentences 1 and 4 and offers a solution. Change roles. S h a l l| . . . ?/ I ' t l. . .. c o n t a c t/ g e t i n t o u c h / l o o k i n t o I c a I II g e t b a c k t o / f i n d o u t 1 W e c a n g e t t h e r e b y t r a i n ,b u t I ' m n o t s u r e h o w l o n g i t t a k e s . 2 | d o n ' t k n o w w h a t i t c o s t s ,b u t m y c o l l e a g u eh a s a p r i c e l i s t . 3 I ' t tg i v e y o u t h e a d d r e s s .l d o n ' t h a v e i t h e r e ,b u t i t ' s i n m y office. 4 W e n e e d m o r e i n f o r m a t i o nS. v l v i ek n o w s a l o t a b o u t t h i s . 37 pRoNuNctArror.r Listen to four sentences.Which form of the verb do you hear? Tick (/) the correct answer: a, b or c.

ab 1 | call ...

! z I talk... ! 3 | e m a i l. . . ! 4 | c o n t a c t. . . t r

USEFUL LANGUAGE We needmoreinformation about t h i s .S h a t tI l o o k i n t oi t ? I'ltget backto you nextweek. I ' l Ic a l t / p h o nyeo u t h i sa f t e r n o o n . I'llcontact/ get in touchwith Paula. I'tlgiveher a call later. I needto talk/speak to my colleague aboutthis. Spelling centre(:UK) center(:US)


I ' t ct a t .l . . ! r'tLtatk... ! I ' t et m a i.l. . ! I ' l cl o n t a c t .!. .

I called ...


I t a l k e d. . . ! I e m a i l e.d. . t r I contacted tr

C o m m u n i c a t i o onr a c t i c e1 3 . S t u d e n tA . . . r P a e e 8 2 . S t u d e n tB ...rPage 90. Work in groups of three. Plan a trip to a conference in 5an Francisco.


l0l , South Sin Irincr\co '. coní.Í.n.P cInIct H


s.n r,.^'-. n'--',^r 11


at the Y o u a n d y o u r c o l l e a g u e sa r e a t t e n d i n ga c o n f e r e n c e S o u t hS a n F r a n c i s c oC o n f e r e n c C e e n t e ro n t h e 2 7 t h a n d 2 8 t h o f n e x tm o n t h .U s e t h e i n f o r m a t i o n t o d e c i d ew h a t y o u n e e d t o d o . D e c i d ew h i c h j o b s y o u ' l ld o , w h i c hy o u r c o l l e a g u ew i l Ld o , a n d w h e n y o u ' l ld o e a c h j o b .


n S h a t tI c a l l t h e c o n f e r e n c e centre? B 0 K . t h e n I ' l l. . .. C S h a t t| . . .?

(\ilu lrarc tlrc Vltr ncccl tickets lirr Íhc c<lnÍL'rencc. p h o n c n u n r b c r a n c lc r n l i l l c l c l r c s so 1 ' t l r cS o u l h S a n I 'r a r r c i s c o( ' o n l c l c r r c c ( ' c n l c r .) Ytltr ncccl to btlok a Ílight Íitltrlvtlttr cotll1tf\'t() S u n F t r n c i s e t ) .i l n ( l l ) i r ek o

Whcrc |lorr' caIt y,otrl.inclirrÍtlrrrration 1liglrts..) lrt-rotlt


Whcn rr'iIl 1'tluÍ.lvthcrc arrclback..,


Hou' ri ill vou travcl lionr vour hor.r.rc ltl thc uirport'.)

You necd to book hotel rooms in San Frarrcisco. o

Hor.r'nrany nights do yor,rnced to stav. ancl on ivhich clatcs'.)


Wherc u ill vou star".)Arc there anv hotcls rrcar thc conÍ-erctlcccctttrc..) 31


Do you agree with the following points? What do you do?


1 Aftera phonecall I atwaysmakea noteof whatwe lf not,it'seasyto forgetthings.' discussed. 2 'l normallysend an emailaftera meetingto confirm the'sgood to havesomethingin writingin casethere'sa disagreement or problemin the future.' 3 . | no u r c o m p a n yw e s e n dc o p i e so f d e c i s Ă­ o nt so a l l for information.' colleagues

Hi Rita,

Sylvie and her colleagueMichaelare going to a conferenceln San Francisco.Read the email (a) from Sylvie to Rita, the conferenceorganiser,and complete the sentences. r SytviesendsRitasome ...,. 2 lt isn'tpossiblefor Sylvieand Michaelto meet


3 Sylvie,MichaeIand Ritaare meeting on. Now read the email (b) from the hotel to Sylvie and comptetethe sentences.

Itwas good to talk to you yesterday. Thanks againfor helpingme find a hotel. Please find attachedthe slidesfor the presentationI'mmakingat the conference. It'sa PowerPointfile - let me know if you can'tread it,and I can send it as a Word document.Your commentswill be welcome. As discussed,my colleague,Michael Morgan,is comingwith me to the conference We're flyingout on Wednesday,October 25th.Our flightgets intoSan Franciscoat 11.00pm' so unĂ?ortunate|y we can'tmeet you for dinneron Wednesdayevening.But we look forwardto seeing you on Thursday morning.The conferencestartsat 9.00,but l'll be thereearly to preparefor my presentation. lt'llbe a short night! Bye for now. Svlvie

1 Earlierin the day,Sylviespoketo 2 The hotelmanageris writingto confirm r c

lf Sylvieneedsmoreinformation, she can

Work with a partner.Whlch of the emails (a or b) is formatand which is informal?Give examplesof formal and informalwords and phrasesin the messages.

o80 Dear Ms Dam Followingour telephoneconversationthis morning,I confirmyour hotelreservationfor next month.Please find belowdetailsof the booking. o

2 singlerooms- in the names of Michael Morganand Sylvie Dam, from Charing MedicalEquipment


4 nights:October25thto 28th inclusive


Bookingreference:008956678 SR

As discussed,you'recheckingin after23.00. lf you need any furtherdetails,please do not hesitateto contact me. Best regards, Luis Gomez, Hotelmanager.




d Readthe emails again.Find: to explainwhere two expressions is in the email: information ' ' " " t " Ă?i " "t"t,/ " " ' l t ta,.l tt,{ 'P/t,tst, '

,*" .^o*s,".|t. .".orr discussion:

1 Dateof meeting: 2 T i m eo f m e e t i n g : to email:the 3 Document

". "rl'.,.

Look at the transcriptfor 4a on page 118. Checkyour answers.

one whotesentenceto offermore information/help.

Now write an emait,from NaomiLind to Tom Dent,to confirmthe arrangementsand send the documentas an attachment.Use these words in your email.

e Vocabularypractice...r Page 99, Exercise3.

confirm following telephoneconversation attached look forwardto

I o. I I I

t I\





32 Listento NaomiLind and Tom Dent for a meeting. makingarrangements Completethe information.

-14,. .n I !.-


\ t. \ r\ \ . r\ r\ \ \ \ rt t \ \ i\r ')^\ \


practice14. StudentA ...> Communication Page82.StudentB ...)Page 90.

Dotheydescribe a Lookat thesesentences.

arrangements(A) or timetabtes?(T)Write A or T in the boxes. 1 We'recheckingin after23.00. 2 Our flightgetsinto San Francisco a t 1 1 . 0 0p m . My colleagueis comingwith me to the conference. at the I'mmakinga presentation conference. startson The conference October26th.

Think of an email you wrote recently, or emails you often write, to confirm Writethe messagein Engtish. arrangements.


tr ! !


Future timetableslschedules:present simple The flightlandsat 11.00. Future arrangements:present continuous I'mflyingto San Francisconext month.



USEFULLANGUAGE I confirmthe detailsof my flightbelow. My flightarrivesat 11.00pm. I'mcomingto the conferencewith MichaelMorgan. Pteasefind attachedthe agendafor our meeting. As discussed,I'marrivingon Monday. I attach Followingour conversation, the design. I look forwardto seeingyou nextweek. Pleasedon't hesitateto contactme, if there'sa problem.

Grammarpractice...>Page 99, Exercise4. 33





Whatdo you knowabout: o San Francisco? o Alcatraz?


Read the leaflet about Alcatraz and answer the questions. 1 Whenis Alcatrazopen and closed?

Whatdo you needto do if you want to visitAlcatrazin summer? What'sa 'shuttle'?Why is thereone on the island? is available Whattouristinformation on the island? of visiting 5 Whatare the advantages Alcatrazin the evening?


Alcatraz Alcatraz is San Francisco'smost popularattraction. The jail,which closedin 1963,is open to tourists all year round,except ChristmasDay and NewYear's Day.

Now complete 1-8 with these words from the text. booklet guided history leaflet map museum peak periods souvenir tour

the busiesttimes= pcttk = 2 tourist information document o r " " " "" " ' in thepast= thingsthathappened 7

rr a plan of a place,on paper 5 somethingyou buy to remindyou of a place: 6 a placewherevisitorscan see things fromthe past = z a visit with an expertwho tells visitors abouta place= 33 Check your answers. Listen and repeat. Vocabulary practice...r Page 99, Exercise5.

Getting there You needto catcha ferry to get to Alcatraz lsland.Thetrip takes just ten minutes.FerriesleaveFisherman'sWharfregularly, from 9.30am to 6.30pm in summer,and until4.30pm in winter.For trips duringpeakperiods(summerand holidays),it's best to book beforeyour visigas ticketsare often sold out a week in advance. See'How to book' on the back pageof this leaflet.

On'the Rock' When you get to'the Rock', you're free to walk around the island and iail. Note that the short road from the dock (where all ferries arrive) goes up a hill.A shuttle service is availablefor visitors who cant walk up the road.


Arrangements !


34 Listen to four short conversations in a tourist informationoffice in San Francisco. Match the missing words (a-d) to the beeps in the conversations. 1 Conversation Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4

a b c d

maps leaflets souvenirs guidedtour

Fittin the gaps in these sentencesfrom the conversations. anywhere free information opening street o Hello. Do you have any .tttt'eruuttittt aboutAlcatraz? near herewhere o Hi. ls there ,.,,,,.............,.. you can buy giftsand souvenirs? o Canyou visitthe museumatl day? times? Whatare the o Excuseme. Haveyou got any maps? o A How muchare they? B They're 35 Check your answers. Listen and repeat. practice15. StudentA ...1 Communication Page82. StudentB...) Page 90. Work with a partner.Talk about tourism !n your town/reglon. Whatare the most interestingplacesto visit? What'savailablefor touristsat the places (guidedtours,souvenirs...X

Further inĂ­ormation


Youcan buy'Self Guide' booklets (in English,Spanish,German, French,ltalian and Japanese)at the dock on Alcatraz lsland. Theseexplain the history of the island and iail,and include a map.A shop near the dock sells other guide books and souvenirs.On arrival,visitors can also watch a video about Alcatraz and visit a small museum.

Excuseme? ls there a tourist informationoffice near here? Do you have any information/booklets/leaflets aboutthe historyof the island? Do you have any maps of the city centre? You can visit the museumwith a guide.There's a guidedtour everyhour. You can buy souvenirsfromthe museumshop. Forvisits duringpeak periods,itt best to buy ticketsin advance.

Alcatraz by night It'spossibleto visitAlcatraz in the evening,on specialguided tours.Visitingthe island after dark offers some of the best views of San Francisco's city lights and the Golden Gate Bridge.See'How to book', on the back page,for more information about tickets for eveningtours.


Obiectives Permanent sunshine,uncertain forecast Does Berlin'snewTropicallslandsResorthavea brightfuture?


.-B.*ffi !


'The weather forecast's terrible. I think l'!l go to the beach.' It sounds like a strangeidea.But in Brandenburg, just south of Berlin,you know it won't rain at the Tropical lslands Resort.The huge dome, which opened in March 2005,is larger than oarofootball stadiumsand higher than the Statueof Liberty. Inside,the temperatureis 25"C. There's a 'sea' with water at 30'C, and evena small'rainforest'. Colin Au, the Malaysianbusinessmanbehindthe project,thinks the resort will be successfulthanks to the cold local climateand the dome's inland'll certainly be more popular with Berlinersthan Germany'snaturalbeaches,250 km away.Especiallyin winter.Howevel with so many cheap flightsto hot holidaydestinations,it's hard to imaginelarge numbersof visitors comingfrom abroad. lt'll probably be hard to attract tourists from western Germany,too. lf the resort is popularwith local people,however, it's likely that more domes will open.After all, many of the world's big, rich cities have cold climates and, possibly,large markets for'tropical daytrips'.But the Berlin resort wont reallyhelp to forecastthe cost of domes in other places.Thatl because,from the start, the Brandenburgresort had a very big advantage. -





Lookat the photosandtatkaboutwhatyou see. The Tropicallslands ResoÉis in Brandenburg near Berlin, in eastern Germany.Do you think that's a good location?Why/Why not? Read the article and answer the questions. 1 How big is the TropicallslandsResort? 2 What'sthe climatelike insídethe dome? of the location? 3 Whatarethe advantages a Why ístherepossiblya marketfor domesin otherplaces?



Undertinethe correctwords to make sentences that match the points of vlew in the article. r

The writer thinks/doesn'tthink a lot of visitorswíllcomefromothercountries. 2 Forthe peopleof Berlin,the dome will/won't be morepopularthanGermany's coast. probably have wilWon,Í a lot of 3 The resort visitorsfromwesternGermanv.

{ I



willz predictions I thinkthe projectwill be successful. I dont thinkit'll be verysuccessful. (it'll= it will) Personally, I thinkit'll / it wort be a success.


I t

I 7


Grammarpractice...r Page 99, Exercise 1.



36 Listento CarolineFlint,a tourist industryinvestmentanalyst,talking about this resortand the marketfor troplcaldomes. Whatwas the Brandenburgresortl big advantage?

Which of the words in the chart in 2d go at the start of a sentence?Which go beforethe verb? Vocabularypractice...>Page 100, Exercise2. 37 pRol{unctATron Llstento these sentencesand underlinethe stressedwords. How does the stress affectthe pronunciation oÍwill? 1 So, do you thinl.the resortwill be in the longterm? successful z I thinkit'll probabtybe quitepopularin the short-term. 3 | thinka lot of peoplewill probablycome to havea look. + They'llwantto see whatit's tike. 5 So the projectwittbe good for getting information aboutthe market.

36 Listen again. Are these sentences true (Í) or fatse (F)? Caroline thinks: the resortwiltpossiblybe successful in the longterm. the numberof visitorswill probablybe low in the first few months. it definítely won'thelpto predict the successof otherresorts. the resortwill certainly be popularwith famities. perhapssomebodywittbuitd anotherdome.somewhere. maybethere'sa very targe marketfor tropicaldomes.

a tr tr tr D


coÍrectthe false sentencesin 2b to match what Carolinesaid. Nowfill in the chart with these words from 2b. certainly maybe probably definitely possibly perhaps


Work with a partner.Tatk about tropicaldomes. Do you thinkthe Berlinresortwill be successful in the longterm? D o y o u t h i n kc o m p a n i ews i l l b u i t dd o m e s in otherlocations? practice16 ...)Page83. Communication partneÍ. Workwith a Talkto a partnerabouta proiectyou're planningor startingsoon.Explainwhat you want to do, then makeforecastsabout the project. How longdo you thinkthe projectwitltake? Whatdifflcutties/problems do you thinkyou'll have? USEFULLANGUAGE I think there'llprobabtybe a lot of demand. Maybe/Perhaps the projectwitl be successful. Do you think the resortwill be popular? Possibly/Possiblynot. lt's difficult to say. I think it'lt definitely/certainly be a success.



Sir Richard Branson,the boss of Vírgin' is the type of person who believes the sky's the limit. But his nextgoalis to go onestep furtheranddo businessin space. Branson's latestcompany, Virgin Galactic,is aimingto start space

flights for tourists before 2010.If he succeeds,he witt becomethe first businessmanto offer spacetourism to the mass market.

Discussthese opinionsabout space tourism. Do you agree with any of them? Say why. 1 'Perhapsone day there'llbe tourismin space,but certainly not in the nextten years.' 'l 2 thinksoacetourismwiltbe a big industryand it'll probablystartin threeor four years.' 3 'Maybetouristswill go into spacein ten or twentyyears, but only very very rich tourists!' Read about Virgin Galactic.Tick (/) the phrases that describe the company'sobjectives.


Taketouristsinto space. 2 Producea completely new designfor a spaceship. ! Builda spaceshipfrom currenttechnology. ! Offerticketscheao enoughfor mosttourists. ! Taketouristsfor holidaysin space. ! Allow passengersto floatinsidea spaceship. ! t


The firm is optimistic it can achieve the ambitious target after confirmingit's going to buy the technologyfor SpaceShipOne. The ship, buitt wíth finance from Microsoftco-founderPaul Allen, recently won a $10 million prize when it becamethe first private spaceship to teave the earth twice in two weeks. Virgin Galactic is now planning to work with SpaceShipOne's designer.Burt Rutan. The aim is to devetopSpaceShip0neto buitd a Virgin SpaceShip

Make sentencesto describeVlrgin Galactic'saims and objectives.Use the presentcontinuous. r VirginGalactic fromSpaceShipOne. I planI use the technotogy | , í ti 1i t t ( , , t / , t; Íi ; i . s 1 tf , 1111 , , . , , , ,t i ! t ' i t . '( / t r ( t ; / t l t , ,/ , , ,1t t

l u! (|lt+.' Íi':,ut 5/lq,..L; 2 thecompany I aimI startspaceflightssoon. this decade. 3 Virgin/ hope/ achieveits objective 4 the firm/ go / buitda ship calledVirginSpaceShip. Work with a partner.Ask and answer questions about Virgin Galactic'splans. A B

Whatare theyplanningto callthe spaceship? They'replanningto call it ....

1 what/ plan/ call the spaceship ?

what altitudeI aimI reach? 3 when/ hope/ startflights? 4 who i go / work with ? 2

Objectives6 Match the pairs to make sentencesfrom the conversation.Write a-d in the boxes. 1 ! 2 ! 3 E 4 E a b c d

lf a flightcostsunder$5o,ooo, lf ticketscost over $5oo,ooo, lf it'stoo short, lf the firstcompanyis successfu[,

veryfew peoplewil[buy them. a lot of otherswi[[follow. I thinkthere'llbe a lot of demand. then peoplewon'tbe happy.

Look at the transcriptÍor2a on page 119 and check your answeÍs. (VSS). A key objectivewitl be to pass safety tests, whichwitl allow VSS to carry paying passengers.


Space tourismís not a completelynew business. In2001.DennisTito paid $20 million for an eightdaytrip to the InternationalSpaceStation. Virgin is hoping to offer flights at much lower Galactic possiblycosting about $200,000- not cheap, prices, buta realisticsum for a growingnumber of rich To make this possible,the plan is to offer tourists. shorttrips to the limit of the atmosphere.VSS witt just a few minutes at an altitude of about spend planesfly at about 35,000). feet (passenger 350,000 Passengers witl be weightless,and have spectacular views of the earth and stars.

lf the projectis successful,they'll make a lot of money. There'llbe a lot of demand,if the price is reasonable.


Find words in the text with similar meanings. l

aplan=agl:ll ,at an 4.............. orano z a planthatwitlbe difficult to achieve= pran an 4,..,,,,,,...,. o t a no r a n o : I a planthatwill probablywork 0tan


Grammarpractice...) Page 100, Exercise4. practice17 ...) Page83. Communication Workwith a partner.


TatkaboutVirgin Galactic'sobjectives.Do you think they'rerealistic? Work wlth a partner.Take it in turns to talk about a projectthat you're working on at the moment.What are your obiectives?Are they realistic?




Vocabularypractice...>Page 100, Exercise3. 38 Listento CarolineFtint,a tourist industryinvestmentanalyst,talking about spacetourism.Circlethe correctanswer, a or b, to matchher views. Spacetourismin fiveyearsis a realistic b optimistic z Ticketpricesof $200,000are a ............... . a firsttarget b finaltarget 3 The priorityfor spacetourismis ...........,,,. a good marketing b good safety r

USEFUL LANGUAGE We'regoingto starta new company. They'replanningto developthe technology. We'reaimingto finishthe projectin December. Our objective/aim/target/goal is to finishthis year. Do you think it's a realisticobiective? No, I think it's a bit optimistic/ambitious. We'rehopingthe projectwill be successful.





Find words and phrasesin the advertwith the same meaning. 1 lf you buy yourticketearly,you'llget a good price. p , r , r , f t 1 1 r ,111 . s i r t { l t t , t r / t , t t t r ' t ' h - , , ' t t i t t f p 1 1 ' 1 ' 11' t fi 1 ' s ' . s . -""--.--"-"-"-r"""-"' "


f,lgti f,i(,i


EL !.





2 We don'tpay moneybackand you can'tchange yourticket.


3 a singleticket



Which are the most popularairlinesin your country?Why are they popular?


a ticketto go and comeback


less expensive tickets



Look at the advert below for GlenAir, a low-costairline.

7 Youngpeoplepay less.

D o y o u h a v ea i r l i n e lsi k et h i si n y o u r country? Whatare the disadvantages of verycheap olanetickets?


amount b";;;;; a timited "f

9 a longtime beforeyou travel 10 reserve

GlenAir Low-costflightsto Europefrom Glasgow. Book your seat in advance for even lower fares. Discounts for under 26s!

Rome Barcelona


lo I

lE. I


from fl0




f.4O return

Book now at or call 087100- 432566 Pricesdo notincludeairporttaxes.20kgmaximum baggage allowanceon allflights.Excessbaggagecostsft perkilogram. andnon.transferable. l.icketsarenon-reÍundabIe





Vocabularypractice...>Page 100, Exercise5. 39 Listento a customerbookinga ftightwith GlenAir.Answerthe questions. t Wheredoes he wantto go? 2 Whattypeof ticketdoes he want? 3 Whatitemof luggagedoes he wantto take? 39

Listenagain.Completethe information.

zaÚ May 1 Dateof departure: May 2 Dateof returntrip: f. 3 Priceof ticket: Baggage 4 allowance: . . . . , , , , .K g oer Ks 5 Excessbaggagecharge; f.

Objectives6 c

Put the words in order.Make sentencesfrom the conversation. t



Nowlistentotherestoftheconversation.Can the customerchoosehis seat now?

fly lto / end / LisbonI at lthe / tike/ ro I of I May / I'd .


(l llkqt4fl11tqLrÚt'rtqt tltq,Lt+!

+o Listen again and completethe detaits of the booking.

qÍ-M'.t!/' z d a t e/ w h a /t l e a v e/ p l a n n i nlgt o l y o u l a r e ?


FlightGA66 Glasgow

3 t h e /c o m e/ w a n t /b a c kt S r r l tI t o ; / ; ; . -t. + cheapest / oiu-n".I / fare's 7 pounJ./ t h e.

I Lisbon


Passengername I Payment method I

Cardnumber I Expirydate I

5 extraI areI cna,r:g;; /,;..; / ;;; t

outboundf|ight- 6'50r

6 b a g g a gIer u ^ i r r r i i n l I * n . , a / a l l o w a n c? e

Returnflight- í7.3or

z the/ excess / i. / p"";;;i ,r;,i;; lr,r;i

or 14.30Í- (ptease ticr; or 22'00Í. (p|easeticr)

baggage/ kitogram / six .


d Work with a partner.StudentA ptays the part of the airline assistant.StudentB plays the part of the customer.lnventsentences.Changeroles. A Hello,can I helpyou? B Yes.I'd tiketo flv to ....

practice18.StudentA ...> Communication Page83. StudentB ...>Page91.

1 Assistant Hello,can I helpyou? Customer 2 Customer Assistant I'msorry,the ticketis non-transferable. 3 Assistant The priceis f150. Customer



4 Assistant OK, so you'dlike a ticketto Madrid? CustomerYes.....,.,,..,..,,,.,,,,,,,.,,. ? 5 Customer Assistant No.all taxesare includedin the price.


ó Assistant Whenwou[dyou like to return? Customer 7 Customer Assistant 20kg.

Work with a partner.Look at the transcript on page 119. Practisethe diatoguewith your own name.lnventa creditcard number. Changeroles.


Discussair travel. Workwitha partner. W h i c ha i r t i n eds o y o u u s e ? Whichis yourfavourite airline? Do you oftenfly long distances? not? Do you like travelling by plane?Why/Why USEFULLANGUAGE I'd like to book a flightto Barcelona. lf you book two monthsin advancethere's a 1.0o/o discount. Are thereany extrachargesor is everything includedin the fare? lf I cancelthe bookingcan I get a refund? lf you go overthe baggageallowance,the excessbaggagechargeis € 1 0 per kg.


Success lla

When did you start work at your present company?Comparewith other people !n the group. Work with a partner.Talk aboutthe best times in your educationand career.Why did you enioy them?


Look at this notice from PolyVec,a manufacturer of plastic products.What is it about?

o Gilder to Production Promotion of Jerome Manager (Melbourne) that we have I am very pleased to announce j Gilder to production :i:'19:'' ;;;"."á ",o,.," plant. Jerome will start worK ln ú"ru"urne il of next month' "". p"tition at the beginning t i. ""* number of PolyV-ec's Jerome has worked at a company 1n 2002'^'un-d,the f."""'ft*.'tt" joined planner' first tn production spent some time as a head office in the UK' our Boston office, then at three years ago' to moved to South Africa ;;.ű assistantproduction work in his present position *urrug". at our CaPe Town Plant' two other companies' Jerome has worked for Alton' as a management He startedhis career with join BTE' where he worked trainee. He then lett to Business planning' Jerome studied i;;;*t"t He

atcaÁuridgeUniversity. ;áililics n,^Á","a in 1994'andsPent1tre|otto11'1s^;ear he lnsiituteoiTechnologv'where ;i;;;f*d Management. áij" ú"'.".s in Distribution I'm to Jeromeon his promotion' Congratulations career will continueto enjoy a successful J';L with PolYVec' Director' Simon Atkins, Production PolYVec International


Work wlth a partner.Use the informationin the notice to completethis part of ferome'sCV. Imaginethe date on the noticeis this month.

PolyVec Assistant Production Manager ( PolyVec

Production Planner


BTE Production Planner


Alton ManagementTrainee


Sanford Institute Masters

of Technology (...........)

Cambridge University Degree



Completethe sentences.Use verbs from the notice in 2a. 1 jerome..st1diel.. Businessand Economics. 2 He fromCambridgeUniversity. .......... a Mastersat SlT. 3 He .......... Attonin 1996. 4 He 5He ..,,Alton in 1999. his firstyearsat PolyVecin the óHe UK. to 7 Afterworkingin the UK, he SouthAfrica. 8 Lastweek,PolyVec................ h i mt o production manager. Vocabularypractice...r Page 100, Exercise1. Work with a partner.Ask and answer questions about lerome's educationand career.Use the past simple. A WhenArVhereArVhat did he ...? B He....



Success / Presentperfect:negotivesand questions \ Have you used this softwarebefore? Haveyou ever workedwith this software? No, I haventworkedwith this. lVe neverused it.

Present perfect/Pastsimple Presentperfect Jeromehas workedat a numberof branches. Past simple Jeromejoinedthe companyin 2002.



Grammarpractice...r Page 100,Exercise2. 47 Listen to a conversationbetween Jeromeand his new assistant,Maria Doan, on his first day as productionmanager. Whichof these computerprogrammeshas Jeromeused? Tick (/) the boxes.

Nurec! 3 Arrow! 1

z 2

TP Controt ! 4 4 Conductor!

47 Listenagain.Completethese extractsfrom the conversation. 1 Jerome Nurec? Maria Yeah. tLttr....vou workedwith it before? ..... usedthat one. ferome No, I ferome ...we used a systemcalledArrow. workedwiththat Maria Oh, before. Maria I know.And ,. changed s o m a n yt i m e s a , s well. you everused Conductor? No. I've,.,,,,,,.. Jerome Conductor? heardof it.


Grammarpractice...>Page 101, Exercise3.


42 PRoNUNctArror Look at the sentences.How do we say hove in these sentences?Listenand repeat. T Haveyou everusedthis programme?

I'veworkedfor severatlargecompanies. 3 I haven'tworkedwith him before. 2

Work with a partner.Ask each other questions.lf the answeris !es'then ask for more information. A B A B

Haveyou everworkedin a restaurant? Yes,I have. Wheredid you work? I workedin ....

work/ restaurant ? live/ foreigncountry? have/ reallybad iob ? person? work/ difficutt practice19. StudentA ...> Communication Page84. StudentB ...) Page 91. Work with a partner.Ask about his/her educationand career. Haveyou (ever)...? Where/ What/ Whendid you ...? USEFULLANGUAGE WhichcompanĂ­es haveyou workedfor? Haveyou everworkedabroad? Whatdid you studyat university? Did you do a Masters? I'veworkedfor severallargecompanies. I left ZY Systemsin 7994. I joinedmy currentcompanya yearlater.


sentencesthatare truefor you. Discussthe reasonsfor your answers.

TO Yves Cordier

FROM Andy Bell

SUBJECT Progressreport

'ln my job, it's easylhardto plan work. lt's easylhardto knowhow long it will take.' 'Work usuol/ygoesldoesn't usuallygo to plan. lt's easylhardto work to a schedule.' 'The busiesttime is usuallyat the beginninglendof a project.'


Read the email and answer the questions. Whatprojectis Andy Betl workingon? 2 What partsof the projectare goingwelt? 3 Whatproblemsis Andy having? r

Fittin the chart with the hlgttlighted phrases 1-7 from the email. Good news

.loo.{P,aqrcss T;iĂ­,,.",,,,,,

Bad news

Dear Yves, Pleasefindbelowa reporton progresshereat the new Singaporebranch. 1We'vemade good progresswiththe new accountsdepartment. an accounts I'vealreadyhiredthreeaccountants and I'minterviewing assistantnextweek.This means 2we'rethreeweeks ahead of for that department.3Unfortunately, we're schedulewithrecruitment aWe'vehad troublefindinglT havingproblemswiththe lT installation. people,so we haven'tmade much progressthere.We'veonlyfound one technicianso far (weneedanothertwo),and she hasn'tstarted workyet - she's startingnextMonday.That means 5we'retwo weeks behindschedulewith lT I'vewrittento Danielain Zurichto ask her if she can send us someonefromthe officethere.She hasn'treplied yet.l'll giveher a calltoday. Our new sales rep 6Annais doingverywell.So far,she's beento Bangkok,Manila,Jakarta,Hong Kong,and has justgoneto Seoul. She's onlybeen herefourweeksand she'salreadyflownto half of the citiesin Asia! lt certainlyhasn'ttakenher longto makea start. She's sent me a few textmessagesto say her meetingshave gone well.She's seen about20 clientsso far.And she's also donea big presentationat the FTO tradefair in Hong Kong. So, in general,I thinkTthingsare goingwell.We can stillopenthe officeon schedule,if we can solvethe problemwiththe lT people. l'll send anotherprogressreportnextweek. Best regards, Andy



Whatare the past participtesof theseirregular Lookat the emailagainto help you. t be bg-eu 2 make 3




5 write

7 go ...................... 8fly 9 take 10 send 11 see


Vocabularypractice...>Page 101, Exercise4.




nl Listen and repeat.Then practise saying verbs with a partner.Test each other.

Success / c


Lookat the sentences.What'sthe differencein meaning?

It4 Listenagain.Which iobs from Andy's to do' list in 4a are now completed?

1 A n n ah a s g o n et o K u a l aL u m p u r . 2 Annahas beento KualaLumpur.

Listenand repeat 45 pRor{uNcrArron the questions.Copy the intonation.

a Lookat Andy's'to do' tist.Use the information in theemailto tick (/) whichiobs are completed. '-r I C cro; I

hlre /hree accortt/att/3


htre aL, accout,/'s assistant


ftnrl lhree f/- techntctarts


,,rtfe fc Daniela


Thone Datttela


! ! !


b Circlethe correctsentence(a or b), based on Andy's'to do'list in 4a. t @ b 2 a b 3 a b 4 a b 5 a b

He'satreadyhiredthreeaccountants. yet. He hasn'thiredthreeaccountants He'salreadyhiredan accountsassistant. He hasn'thiredan accountsassistantvet. He'salreadyfoundthreelT technicians. He'sfoundone lT technician so farHe'salreadywrittento Daniela. He hasn'twrittento Danielayet. He'salreadyphonedDaniela. He hasn'tphonedDanielayet.

P resent perfect: yet/already/sohr Have you writtenthat reportyet? I'vestartedit, but I haven'tfinishedit yet. We'redoing well.We'vealreadydone most of the work. I'mreadingyour report.I'veread hatfof it so hr.




Grammarpractice...) Page 101, Exercise5.

1 Haveyou openedthe officeyet? 2 Haveyou hiredan accountsassistantyet? the lT systemyet? 3 Havetheyinstatled Look at the 'to do' list of tasks for opening a new office.Ask your partnerquestions using yef. Answer with yet, already and so for. Change roles. A Haveyou foundan officeyet? B Yes.I have.


t;ad a-a ottiee




s a - le s a a d


&ceavtLs aad



iastal l phoaes aad







x x x x

persoaaei Ía(e.aeL

s(a-tt ha-adbook sta-tt visiL {.am hea-d off;ce

*l practice20. StudentA ...> Communication Page 84. StudentB ...>Page 91. Writean email based on the updateyou gave in Exercise6. Use the email on page 44 to hetp you. USEFULLANGUAGE We'redoing/ We'vedone well. Thingsare going/ havegonewell. We'remaking/ We'vemade good progress. We aren'tmaking/ We haven'tmade much progress. We'rehaving/ We'vehad problemswith the installatíon. We'rehaving/ We'vehad troublewith it.

Andy calls his boss, Yves,a week U later to give another update. Listen to their conversation.Do you think Yves is happy with Andy's progress? 45





Look at the photos in the article.What do they tell you about Steve Fossett? What do you think the articleis about? Filt in the gaps in the first paragraphof the article with the verbs. been broken done driven flown become ridden run swum won Have you ever done any of the things Steve Fossetthas done? ls there anything you wouldnt like to do? Read the rest of the article. Use a dictionary to help you. Accordingto the article, why does Steve Fossettdo these types of activities?

Over the last 20 years, Arnerican rnultirnillionaire Steve Fossett has 1 [lecq!:u.q.,, one of the world's most farnous adventurers-

Look at the groups of adjectives.Underlinethe odd one out in each group.


1 amazing fantastic incredible terrible 2 dangerous frighteningrelaxing scary interested tired sad 3 bored hard tough 4 difficult happy

His list of achievements is amazing'. he's 2--....---....--....--. around the world in a hot air balloon, on round-the-world sailing a trios. across the Channel from Ensland a sports car in the Le Mans to France, 5-..--.. 24Hours, amarathon,T - ski races and triathlons, a dogsled across Alaska ... the list goes on.As a result of his a number of world adventures,he's 9.----.---,.----.---,.records, and 10---.----...---..---..several awards. Clearly, Fossett has had some incredible experiences, and at 61, should be ready for a relaxing retirement. But he's not tired of adventure yet, and probably never will be.Thatt because he knows the key to happiness - something money can't buy. According to psychologists, past success isn't enough. Even if their most fantastic dreams come true, most people are only h"ppy for a short time, then they quickiy return to'sad'normaliry.

Some adiectiveshave two forms, one ending -ed, the other -rng. frightened/frightening amazed/amazing relaxed/relaxing bored/boring nteresting tired/tiring i nterested/i Which form describes feelings? Which form describes things or experiences?Give examples.Use the text to help you. Work with a partner.Imagineyou did the things in the sentences1-5. Talk aboutthe experiencesand your feelings. It was .../ | was .... 1 | walkedup to the top of the EiffelTower. 2 Our flightwas delayedfor eighthours. 3 I spentthe wholeday justlyingon the beach. 4 | did a parachute iumpfrom1,000metres. 5 We spentthe afternoonin the railway museum. Ĺą,,p.*.'


S u c c e s s/

46 Listento Lisa Grey and her colleague, B r e n d a n F a r m e r ,h a v i n g a c o n v e r s a t i o n W . hat s u b i e c t s t o t h e y t a l l <a b o u t ? W h y d o t h e y t a t l < aboutthem? 47 Now listen to the second part of the c o n v e r s a t i o nA . r e t h e s e s e n t e n c e st r u e ( T ) o r ( F ) ? false t

L i s a c l i da p a r a c h u t cj u m p l . r s ty e a r .


s h p , " o V , L l l l t ' ' { ' . 1 ) p t i pr ( , . .


S h e ! / . l sf r i g h t e r c cble f o r es l r ej u n r p e r l .


A f t e rl r tr p a r a c h L r to(l'l e n c c l s, h e \ , v 4 5 (a r c 0 .



S h e h a c la v e r y h a r c l a r d i r e .


4 7 L i s t e n a g a i n . W h i c h a d j e c t i v e sd o e s L i s a u s e t o d e s c r i b e t h e e x p e r i e n c e sf r o m 3 b ?

I 't


{ \

1 I


I l l . ' r t l l i ' r r t l t ' t ' L l. t t l t l ( l t t ' lL. . l l . r l l t ' I l q tl '..r . t . í i ' r - . l l l l . , ' i t l t. l t . t l l t l l . . Í. i . l g l l t , ' t t i l l q 1 i l ( l l . i . i l l 1 ( ' ] . ( ' \l )t ] (I ) lgt .Í t l r . i tl tl r , l , r ' to r r t . I r r ( ) t l t t ' t ' \ \ o r r l rl .l - \ ( ) u \ t ' l r r ' r ' n o t t r r . l \ , t t l r ( ' r l ( L l t -l(. 't\' l i r t ' r '\-( ) L l l l ( ' ( ' ( lt o l l r ' r t . t l - t ' t l . r g r i r \. r r , ], r g . u n .\ t , ' r t ' l r o : s t ' ( tl r . r st t ' r ' t . r i r t lrrl t . l r l r ' h r .l r l , t , , L r g i .rr r t l t l . r r g r ' n r L t 'l.J L t t i t ' r t r L t , l t l . ' r . t ( ' r n l r l (t l l . l n t i r r ' . r l t r ' t t' t, r t t r( ' : g ( ' tt l r) g l , o t - r ' , 1t o t l t ' . t t l t


u ith very positive 4 a p R o N U N c r A r r o rW or very negative adjectives, lil<eamozing and t e r r i b l e ,w e p u t e x t r a s t r e s s o n t h e w o r d t o g i v e m o r e e m p h a s i s . L i s t e n a n d r e p e a t .C o p y t h e s t r e s s a n d i n t o n a t i o ni n t h e s e n t e n c e s . 1

lt \^/as,rnrazing!


l t w , r si n c r e d i b L e l


lt was lartastic!


lt wdstcrribLcl


lt was rwfuLI

T e l l o t h e r s t u d e n t sa b o u t y o u r m o s t m e m o r a b l e o r i n t e r e s t i n ge x p e r i e n c e s .

U S E F U LL A N G U A G E H a v ey o u e v e r d r i v e na s p o r t sc a r ? Y e s , I ' v ed r i v e na P o r s c h e .M y f r i e n d ' sg o t o n e . I tw a s i n c r e d i b l e ! I tw a s a m a z i n g l I w a s a b i t s c a r e dt h o u g h .


Media Talkaboutthe news. H o wo f t e nd o V o uw a t c h l,i s t e nt o o r r e a da b o u t :l o c a Ln e w s .w o r l dn e w s . b u s i n e sn s ews? W h i c hn e w s p a p e rm s ,a g a z i n eTs ,V c h a n n e los r w e b s i t e ds o v o u r e a d / w a t c h for news? W h i c hE n g l i s h - l a n g u angeew s p a p e r s , n e w sm a g a z i n easn d T V c h a n n e lds o youknow?


Look at the screenfrom an international businessand financial news channel,City 24. Match the descriptions(f-4) to the correctparts of the screen.Write a-d in the boxes.





Here,you can readup-to-date businessnews. T h i ss h o w ss h a r ep r i c e sa n d h o w m u c ht h e y haveincreased duringthe day. or decreased Greenmeansa sharepricehas goneup, red m e a n si t h a s g o n ed o w n ,a n d b l a c km e a n si t hasn'tchanged. Thesearethe latestfiguresfor the world's mainstockmarketindexes:the Dow.lones, S&P 5OO,NASDAQ,FTSE,DAX,CAC40, H S Ia n d N i k k e i . for example Thisshowsdifferent information, exchangeratesbetweenmajorcurrencies such a s t h e d o l t a re, u r oa n d y e n .l t c a n a l s os h o w s u r i n gt h e l a s t c h a n g e isn s t o c km a r k e itn d e x e d year,or,for example,sharesthat haverisenor f a l t e nt h e m o s td u r i n gt h e d a y .

4.317.20 L0.24o/o L1.24o/o

a 13.95%

in Februaty Singapore production increased O.7o/o


MediaB Completethe sentenceswith words from 2a. buy and setlshareson the'stock 1 Investors ,' . market'or 'stock ..,,,,, . American stockmarket 2 The Dowlonesis an 3 The dotlar,euroand yen are all 4 The priceof the euroto the dotlar,for example, is an ,,....,,,.,,, Put these verbs from 2a into two groups. go down go up increase decrease falt rise 1 A )v

!lo!!Í| l

l i


Foll and rise are both irregularverbs. What are (a)the past simple and (b) past participteforms?

r fatt:


2 rise:

a .,,,,.


e Vocabularypractice...r Page 101, Exercise1. Í Look at the TV screenin 2a. Fittin the gaps with the correctform of verbs from 2c. So far today,the HSIin HongKonghas by 0.30%. companyNippon 2 Today,sharesin the Japanese Expresshave ,,....,,..,,,,by 7.75"/o. DAXindexhas 3 This month,Germany's t

Presentperfect:today,this weelV month/year Sharepriceshaverisentoday. The pricehas goneup this week. Theindexhas fallenthis year.


Grammarpractice...) Page 102, Exercise2.


Work with a partner.Describethings youVe done: o o o o

today this week this month this year


49 Listen to an interviewwith Alan Styan, the chief executiveof Geo-Core,on a businessnews programme.Answerthe questions. so Has businessbeengood for Geo-Core far this year? do? 2 Whatdoes Geo-Core 3 W h yi s t h e o i l p r i c eh i g h ? t

49 Listen again and tick (/) the correctboxes. up

t Geo-Core's shareprice 2 T h eS & P 5 0 0 i n d e x profit 3 Geo-Core's 4 The oil price

!tr tr!

V down



49 Listenagain and completethese sentencesfrom the interview. by 1 Yoursharepricehas lo in the firstquarterof this year. % 2 The S&P 5oo has ,,,,,,,. by so far this year. %o by 3 Our profithas this quarter. Look at the transcriptfor 3b on page 120 and check your answers. practice22. StudentA ...) Communication Page 84. StudentB ...) Page 92. Work in groups.Talk about recentmovements in share prices,oil prices and exchangerates. USEFULLANGUAGE The share price has risen 32o/"this year. The company'ssales have decreased. Oil priceshave gone up this quarter. The companyhas done quitebadly this year. Profitshave increasedagain. Recently, the euro has fallenagainst the dollar.

A I'vemadethreephonecallstoday. B I haven'tmadeany. 49


What are the advantages and disadvantagesof buying and renting a home? Look at this chart. What informationdoes it show?

'lirlar, it seenrs halfof theprogrrunnres on IK televisionr lt!'!' (be) (sldrl ) lubout all r i n l ( X X )r,v i t ht h ef i r s tr e u l i t v ' l ' \ ' s h o r v florutlrcllig llrotherhuLtse. lJutnurvit

owningtheirhome % oÍhouseho|ds 40






Spain Italy Australia Britain UnitedStates Belgium Canada Sweden FÍance Netherlands

soUrces] EUropean Mortoage FedeÍation: IUHF; nationaI slalistics

Work with a partner. Can you fill in the missingcountrieson the chart?

Filt in the gaps in the article with the correct tense of the verbs.





250 225 200 175 t50

(bc) tltovt. bLrving and sellinghornes.


Onerellsonfirrltll theinterest is thehigh priceof propert\. lkrusepricesin thet'K . . , . . . . .(. i.t t c r e t t s e )b t lrboLrt 75"t,in the lastfivevcalsund ll' oier l(X)"i, in theLlstten. L a s t v e a r . a c k r c t r n r e n t l tsl e vries (.lolIou' ) lJritortslvlto l . r d l ) t l t r i rl t o t t s rrst r t t l : .,,.(tttrtrc)to tlrccontincnt /ilat'fuú:,) Ikrstn lo turttcfor betterrveltther ancllessstrcss.IlLtttlrere rvllsrtlsothesrnallqLrestion of nrorter: Irt n r o s tp i t r t so f l i u r o p ep t o p e r tpv t i c e s ...' (rise) ú the 'l'he nronrcnt. butnotlr^s fllstu^s irrthctrli. priceof a tlo-bedroonr flut in Londun, fur cxlurple,l0 1ltc)


rtI l-




BÍitain France

s c e I l l s l l ) ( ) s Il ) I ( ) Í { r l t I l l I l ' | C s

Japan Germany lreland





197s 80



95 2000 04

Institute:0DP|\4; 0FHE0i SouÍces: JapanRea|Es|ate goveÍnment oÍÍices

c t t . r etrIlv c q t itr . a l e nttr l € 6 ( ) ( ) ' ( ) ( )_( ) e n o L r g ltro b u v u p r 0 p e r t \t e n t i n r e s tlfI.lLtrrr1le. biggeriIl l])()St pítILs 'l\ ven tlitferent, lLndrelLlinureusLutllv of course.lurds0rneecorrornists think /,qoldolvrl n e r r rI r r l r r r el l. h o r r s cp r i c e s (.ltrlllsudderrlr'. the tlK econonl\

(fu) il .,..,...,.........

seriorrs econonrists troLrble otlrer think prices fernons, /i/rqt!high,firra rtuntbet'of

Me d i a B Nowanswerthe questionsaboutthe article.

57 Listen to an interviewwith Roy Borg,an economist,tatkingabout property prices and the economy.Does Roy agree (A) or disagree (D) with 1-4? Write A or D in the boxes.


Inthe title,whatwordis a generalnamefor housesand apartments? 2 In the UK,why havetherebeenso manyTV programmes abouthouses? 3 What'shappening to pricesin Europe, compared withthe UK? 4 Whatare economists' forecasts for UK house prices?

1 Propertypricesare i m p o r t a ni n t t h ee c o n o m y . ! 2 Priceswill continueto increasequickly. 3 Today,the situationis the sameas in the late1980s. tr 4 Peoplewill spendless in the future !

c Grammarpractice...r Page 102,Exercise3. d Workwith a partner.Ask and answerquestions aboutpropertyprices in your city or country. Thinkcarefullyabout which tense to use.

250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75


a Matchthe pairsto comptete the definitions. Writea-i in the boxes.Usea dictionary to help you, if necessary. 1 g


rt, -1. tn fn

es rK

2 ! 3 ! 4 ! 5 !

ill rt s

Vocabularypractice...t Page 102, Exercise4.

areI propertyprices/ highor low/ a t t h e m o m e n?t 2 propertyprices/ riseor fall/ tastyear? 3 propertyprices/ rise/ so far this Vear? t

6 7 8 9 to a b c d e

The percentage of peoplewithout job a is the rateof The amountpricesincreasein genera[, eachyear,is lf you get a loanfromthe bank,you Banksgiveloans.They

The percentage a bankchargeson a l o a ni s t h e D Moneyyou'veborrowedis catled a A l o a nt o b u ya n o u s eo r a n apartment is calleda ! Whenthe economygrowsveryfast, it'scalleda When the economyslowsdownfor ! a time,it'sa it'scalleda ! Wtrenpricesfaltsuddenty,

lend (money). f recession. borrow(money). g u n e m p t o y m e n t . inflation. h interestrate. mortgage. i crash. debt. i boom.

51 Work with a partner.What reasons did Roy Borg give for his opinionsin 3c? Listenagain and check your answers.


practice23. StudentA ...> Communication Page85. StudentB ...) Page 92. Work wlth a partner.Talk about the economy in your country. Whathas the economicsituationbeen [ike recentlv? What'sit like now? Do you thinkthe economywitlget betteror worsein the nexttwetvemonths?Whv? USEFULLANGUAGE Unemployment is veryhighat the moment. It'sover 127o. Pricesare increasingfast.Inflationis 5o/o. Interestratesincreaseda lot last year.They wentup 1.5%. Peoplehave borroweda lot of money,and wĂ­llhaveto pay back largedebts. There! been a boom.Now,the questionis, will therebe a crash? The economicsituationisn'tvery good at the moment.We'rein a recession.

50 pRoNUNctArlonWhich threewords in a-j have silent letters?Listenand check. Practise saying the words.




Talk about television. How oftendo you watchTV? Whatdid you watchlast night? Whichchannelsdo you watchmostoften? Haveyou everwatcheda TV programme in English? 52 NaomiBlake,from the UK, is having lunch with her colleagueValerieGarde,in Paris. Listen to their conversationand answer the questions.


1 Whydo theystafttatkíng aboutTV programmes? 2 Whichprogramme did Naomiwatchlastnight? 3 Whichtwo typesof programme do theytalkabout? ln your country do you have the types of programmeNaomi and Valerie tatked about? lf so, what do you think of them?


|s Who Wants ToBe A MillionaÍre? on TV in your country? Do you watch it? Read about Who WontsToBe A MÍIlÍonoÍre?. What does 'When'sit on?' mean in the last [ine?



rl I


Celador's global jackpot with Who Wqnts To Be A MillionqÍre? Who wants to be a millionaire?Almosteveryone- which is probablywhy the quiz show with the same namehas become one of the world's most successfulTV programmes. Celador,the Britishcompanythat created the show,has sold it to channelsin 104 countries. The 'Millionaire' conceptis the same worldwide;onlythe presenter,languageand currencychange.So far, 75 people have answeredall 1 5 questionscorrectlyto win the big prize.Japanhas the mostwinners:12 peoplehavewon YlO million. Why has the show been so successful? As one TV boss said,it's'... as simple and effectiveas a paperclip'.And 'moneytalks'in everylanguage.



Fitl in the gaps. channel presenter quiz programme show Who WantsTo Be A Millionaire?is a



The showis on overa hundredtelevision ,.,,,...,............,s. 3 The ...,.has been extremelysuccessfu.. 4 Eachcountryhas a different . ............. .. . Work with a partner.Take it in turns to describe Who Wonts ToBe A Millionoire?. 53 Listen to the second part of Naomi and Valerie'sconversation.Answer the questions. r Whatsort of channelis BBC Prime? 2 Whatprogrammes doesValeriefind hardto understand? 3 Why does Naomilaugh? 4 Whatare two waysof showingfilmsin another language?

Me d i a B practice24. -..>Page 85. Communication partner. with a Work

53 Listenagain.Completethe sentences aboutprogrammeson BBC Prime. ....... show. t The WeakestLink is a presents ...............,,,.,,, show. a MichaeI Parkinson z

Tatkabouttelevisionprogrammes. are poputarin Whatsort of TV programmes yourcountry? do you like most? Whattypesof programme

is a 3 Teletubbies 4 EostEndersis a Look at the transcriptfor 3e on page 727 and checkyour answers.



I ny o u ro p i n i o nw , h a ta r et h e w o r s t programmes on TV?Why don'tyou like them? Do you thinkwatchingTV is good or bad for Whv? children?

Fittin the gaps 1-10 in the TV schedulefor 'Tonighton 1'. comedy documentary fitm news soapopera talkshow weather dubbed starring presented

USEFULLANGUAGE Did you watchthat quizshow last night? Do you your country?lt's a reality TV show'

Which programmesfrom the schedule you tike to watch?Ask other would/woutdn't

peopre inthesroup.



Vocabularypractice...) Page 102, Exercise5.

about I watchedan interestingdocumentary Chinalast night. What channelis it on? Haveyou got sateltiteor cableTV?

d Work in pairs.Take it in turns to think of a TV guess show and describeit. Can your '--- partner r---' - e what it is?

evenings. rt'sonwednesday A rt'sa comedy.

3:.tJ,HT,*i;;jixlli[s orisit dubbed?

B Who starsin it? A Sam Rockwell

B ls it "'?


programme about


f'o? ; O

on í

7.00 BlueLight

-'g.,f-^,É b 2.15 ^,"*,, -"O - ^. \ 7.35 \ c) -C ' \1.:: 7.4s\ C (\ -.'

r ...'-.' |1(!.' Wor|d 2.00 t.00 'i . n Worldl """t'inu^", . . . Íorecast

7'30 shadowla

me fÍom rromthe

-u @(t u^% o u riffin-ll:,tln:';it*l3Ji1:* \ .-[iy;spetrats 8.45 Y/


abo ut

7.3ol3Í5*;;-.,*qYl^:.Í,ffj[,lJill*.. 8.15\ 815 uv'-.-r intoluxurypropu'.y


il; á.nu y.ul^'.* kn ow l e d r ".i",t.;

9.15 T:f.l


9.55 8.o0ix;;;H-':,.,i.fu tcshow t''J..# Special icshow vd o ó @ '.*-.-:^ fi:ffif,iüi*hersecret.Gar!,spctto.o il o v intntheStreet. (9 Ttd @ 9.30 /ö "^%% /^ 10'05 Íoightt escaperrrtuurv"'_^*,rn"r,io0rize. 9'30 e'3u :A escapell|tUtrrw---o .= ío - a'..l o óósert



trq 9*^ @ 8.30Morecomcs'o"(9 s.l zo'{ 9.55 9.55 Tl'.1lln..1iÍ...**'::ff*f$,'j|i. Black. -c ]1.nyshane "-:t1 u ';ilr"il-:rll,r;-**

chq 11'15 cun @..2C

with e..o e'00 t|lflJfi'il*:LerivMan ;!' '"c U,& .T;..ffiJu.u.,nn,,*..,o.Hl)oou



ii*h ilúi : '...o iffi :.'..'--.'



ll.[ ffir'

nlgr F1higr F1




Fright it# t.oo ?il[.o



Strategy Ea


Talk to a partnerabout advertising.

rll Ft*9"$P'

Whatare yourfavourite adverts? I ny o u ro p i n i o nw , h a tm a k e sa g o o da d v e r t ? Match the words to the photos of differenttypes of advertising.Writea-e in the boxes.

r z : + s


ffi ! ! ! !

pressads U i t t u o aar d s fv commerciats sponsorship product ptacemenr

54 Listento AmyVenn,the new marketing managerof Sway,a clothingcompany. She's makinga presentation to thedirectors. Whichtypesof advertising is Swayusingat the moment? 54


*= #F', a


Listenagain and answerthe questions.

Whichage groupare Swaytargeting withtheir pressadvertising? WhichsportsdoesAmy mentionwhenshe talks a b o u ts p o n s o r s h i p ? 3 Why does Swayspendso muchon advertising? 4 How doesAmy suggestcuttingcosts?

o I

Look at the transcriptfor 2b on page t22 and check your answers. Write the verbs from these nouns. Noun t advertisin g 2 marketing 3 promotion 4 sponsorship



55 pRoNutrctATton Listenand repeat1-4. For each word, undertinethe stressed syllable. Vocabularypractice...>Page 102, Exercise1. Work with a partner.Discussthe advantages and disadvantagesof the differenttypes of advertising.




56 Amy Venn is talkingto a junior colleagueabout productplacement. Listenand answerthe questions. 1 Do productplacements alwaysshowthe companylogo? 2 Whatproductplacements areveryexpensive? 3 Whatdid the firstproductptacements advertise? 4 Whichcompanyhad a productplacement in the film ForrestGumo?

Strategy p 56 These sentencesfrom the conversation use the passive.Listenagain and filt in the gaps. r 2 3 4 5 6

The products !tL' s l ' t ' , t i n f i t m sa n d TV programmes. Often,products to the fitm companyfor free. S o m e t i m e tsh, e f i l mc o m p a n y by the advertiser. S o m e t i m e st h, e n a m eo f a p r o d u c t by an actor. | t h i n kt h e f i r s tp l a c e m e n t s in fllmsin the 1960s,for cigarettes. Did you see ForrestGump?TheAppteptacement verywell in that.

Look at the transcriptfor 3b on page 722 and check your answers. Passive:presentsimple,past simple

I #"

.Ăź lr(*,:

Active Apple uses productplacement. Passive Productplacementis used by Apple. Active Companiesshow productsin films. Possive Productsare shown in films. Active Millionsof viewerssaw the film. Passive The film was seen bv millions of viewers.

Now filt in the gaps in the articleaboutAppte. Use the passive.

Are these sentencestrue O) or false (F)? 1 A c o m p u t ewr i t ha n A p p l el o g o was shownin ForrestGump. 2 ForrestGump was watchedby s f people. t e n so f m i l l i o n o

! L _l

3 Filmsare oftenhetpedby the imageof the Apptebrand. 4 Apptewas givenan awardfor i n c r e a s i ni gt s m a r k e st h a r e .

L_l !

Can you think of any other examptesof productptacement?Discussthem with a partner. Grammarpractice...>Page 102, Exercise2. practice25. StudentA ...1 Communication Page 85. StudentB ...) Page 92. Tatkabout productplacement. D o y o u t h i n kp r o d u cpt l a c e m e ncta n b e moreeffective thanadvertising? Say why. Inyouropinion,what'sthe difference betweengoodand bad productplacement? USEFULLANGUAGE In returnfor a payment,the product is shownin the film. In big films,the logoson products are seen by millionsof viewers. Productplacement was usedfor the firsttime in the 1960s.

g HasAppleenloyed placement? thefruitsofproduct Irrtlrenrovielltrrasl Gtrtttlt, |orrest('lirnrHanks)r'eceives lr letter tellinglrin thathe'sbeconre fionrIrisshares lr nrilliorurit: in Apple. Iirrrtstrssuqrilsetl to leam.notjustthatlre'srich.bLrt thut'afrLrit corrplul"hln tkneso well.'l'he Applekrgoon I (seu) l:olt'cst's lettcr . t!:t!i tl!:!! lt.xot'et75 ntillion perplein 199+. Sincethen,thecunputerfirnrhasfucorne a star tlĂ?the big ltrlclsrllall scleett.Ntlwaclar's, its pttliltrcts . . . , ( s h o u ' ir e g L r l a r il n v f i l r n sa n i [b i g 'l\ Arrredcan series. Applehas beconre partof the Hollrrvood sceneryfirra good reason- it hasthe rightinrage.Whenlr newApplelaptcip (use)bt'a star,it cloesn't justlrelprvith pronrotion of thebrand it alsomakesthefihnor pxlgranme lookfa.shionable.

(gire) zt 'l.ifetime I n 1 0 0 +A , p p l eI Achievenrent Au'ardfor l)rrrluctPlacentent' bv InteLbLand's h t a n c l c h u n n e l . cwo enbr s i t eB.L r t h a td o e s n ' nt e a n t h e productplacenrents conrplul\"s haveresulted in hugesales. ,\lrruuSltrrrfiornbrrndchlurnel.corrr lhirrlsApple's nrarketshaLe(about2?,of theworlclcornputeL nrarket) is low for a conlpany ; uhoseplorhrcts (pronolel so nruchon screen.He 'raises savsthis hugequestions' ptoductplacement. aboLrt andthat ' . . . w o f s tp, r o d u cpt l a c e m e n t at doesn't realh'work atall.'


What do you know aboutthe 'dot.comboom'of the late 1990s?


Read the review.Why do you think the book is called boo hoo? Read the review again and answer the questions. 1 Whatis the book about? 2 Whatsort of companywas boo? 3 Who is ErnstMalmsten?

i$ffims {.tffi

...a Ntd (harles Drazin

lf youwanta change frombooksaboutbusiness succestboohoois perfect. lt tellstheincredible-but-true storyof, anInternet sportsclothing retailer. Thefirmwassetupin 1998bySwedish entrepreneurs ErnstMalmsten andKajsaLeander. Bothwere28yearsold,andhada strong (inthemid-901they trackrecord in business builta successful Internet book-selling firmin Sweden). Buttheirambitions forbooweremuchbigger... Work in pairs. Can you completethe chart of boo's history? Fill in the gaps 1-5 with the missing text a-e.

1998 . wasfinallylaunched on November 3rd. I Thecompany started making money... I .,.,,,........."'......'...*a



Thefounders travelled all overtheworld,meetingI newinvestors.They needed Ă?inance forcomputer l equipment, andto recruit workers. Theyworked I extremely hard,butlivedwell- theystayed in the I besthoteltsometimes flewonConcorde andevenI renteda privatejet. I --f*--a-

c t -*^-.*


Salesdidn'treachforecasts andcostswerestill toohigh.0n May18th,boocloseditswebsite. A shorttimelater, thefirmwentbankrupt. -r?




/" #


Before theysetupboo,thefounders planned theirstrategy carefully. -^2r-'t




- ),




Booexpanded opened officesin NewYork, I Munich, ParisandStockholm. Thefirmhired200 I employees. Bythesummer, salarycostswere I permonth. million Butthewebsite $'1.4 launch I wasdelayed, dueto technical problems. I '



1999 r t

1...d...... o Theyneeded to findinvestors to raisefinance forthecompany. o Theyintended to launch in May1999. o Bytheendof 1999,theyaimedto have officesin eightcountries. o Inearly2000,theyhopedto listbooonthe stockmarket. Boowassetupat theendof theyear. The company openeditsfirstofficein London. Thefirminvested inexpensive equipment. Itspent$2million ona server, forexample.

a 3 t Newspapers andmagazines around theworld printed stories aboutthefounders. Theboobrand quickly became wellknown. Butthewebsite still wasn't open... t 2000 .


... butnotfastenough. Boohadto cut costs. InJanuary it laidoff130workers.

Strategy p e

Matchthe definitionsto the words a-i. i

starta new business

2 find moneyfor.u Uu.,n.

\ p u t m o n e yi n t oa b u s i n e s s put (a product) 4 on the market 5 grow(a business) 6 employ(workers) 7 s p e n dl e s s (workers) 8 fire/dismiss s e c a u s eo f d e b t 9 c l o s et h e b u s i n e s b 3

a b c d e f g

invest tay off

set up go bankrupt cut costs raisefinance expano h hire i launch

57 Listenagain and check your answers. Adverbsof manner It'snot a quickjob. We can'tdo it quickty. Our growthhas been gradual. We'vegrowngradually. He'sa hard worker.He works hard. (irregular)

Vocabularypractice...>Page 103,Exercise3. What do you think boo's biggestmistakewas? Discuss with a partner.

Grammarpractice...>Page 103, Exercise4. 58 PRoNuNcrArror'r Listenand the stress in the adjectives and adverbsthe same or different? 1 careful>carefully 2 easy>easily l gradualty 3 g r a d u a> >significantly 4 Signíficant Work with a partner.Make sentences aboutyourselfusingeach of these adverbs.


57 Listento Tony Eltston,an entrepreneur, talking to fane Rye, an investmentbanker.She's advisinghim on business strategy.Are these sentencestrue CI) or false (F)? 1 Tony'sbusinesshas had problemsrecently. 2 He'sptanningto builda new factory. 3 H e n e e d st o h i r es o m ee m o l o v e e s . 4 He wantsto borrowmoneyfromthe bank. 5 JaneasksTonyabouthis long-term future.



Fill in the gaps in these sentencesfrom the conversation. carefully easily gradually hard quickly sígnificantlywell r The businesshas done years.

tt,r'// overthe lastthree

To expand , I n e e dm o r et h a ni u s tm o n e y . I'msureyou knowwhatit's tiketo work .. sevendaysa week. 4 ...eachyear,yourlob changes 5 ...obviously, that'sa big change,so youriob needsto change 6 It'snot a decisionyou can make You needto thinkaboutyourfuture.

o carefully o hard o welt o quickly o easily I alwayscheckfigurescarefully. practice26 ...> Communication Page85. Work with a partner. USEFULLANGUAGE We needto plan our strategy carefully. We'vegrownquicktysíncewe set up the company. We'reexpandinggraduatly. We're hiringnewworkers. We wantto investin new equipment. We needto raisefinance. Lastyeartheyhad to cut costs significantly. They taid off 40 workers.



Talk about the lnternet. How oftendo you use the Internet? Whatdo you use the Internet for? Whatwebsitesdo you visit mostoften? How has the Internet madelifeeasierin the last ten years? 59 Listen to three people talking about what they do on the lnternet.Answerthe questions. Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

1 Whatdoes he like aboutthe Internet? 2 What'sthe problemwith usingthe Internet? 3 Howdoes the Internet helosave her time? 4 Whatdoes she thinkaboutsecuritv online? 5 Whatsortof websitedoes he talk about? Whatcan vou do at the website?

Match the pairs to make sentences. To entersome sites,you haveto type a secret wordcalleda 2 ! At somesites,you can comptete a formwith yourdetailsto 3 E Thesedays,most softwareis easy to you usualty 4 E Beforeyou entera password, typeyour 5 [] Whenyou'reregisteredat a site,you enter your passwordto 6! To look for information on the web vou can use a Sites that acceptpaymentsby creditcard use a Whenyou get [argefiles fromthe Internet, 8! theytaketimeto 9 ! To use a searchengine,you type in a 1 0 ! lf you pay to haveaccessto a website,we say you 1 E

Vocabularypractice...r Page 103, Exercise5. 60 pRotrul{ctATrot Listenand repeat the words ending in -er. How do we pronouncethe -er sound? register server member user Work with a partner.Discuss the questions.


downtoad. b install. c keyword. d t o gi n . e passworo.


58 1 I


f register. g searchengine. h secureseryer. i ioin/become a member. i username.

Do you ever downloadsoftwarefrom the Internet? Howdo you searchfor information on the web? Are you registeredat, or are you a memberof, any websites? Do you sometimesuse secureservers?


Look at three extracts (a-c), from the webslte of a magazine.Work with a partnerto fitt in the gaps, using the words a-i from 1c.

Strategyp Forfreeaccess to selected articles from the current print edition of the magazine,you need to I fgtll;tc..f Fullaccess to current and past articles is only availableto members. Clickhereto complete the regastrationform. |Ă?you'rea registereduser, please |og in be|ow.



now for fu|taccess. Membershipcosts onty â‚Ź 1 0 a month and the first month is FREE. Clickhere to pay by credit card using our


to searchfor currentand pastarticles. Enteroneormoreo-...,,...............s. i ,t | FAQlf you can'tfindwhatyou'relookingfor,or needhelp,go to our frequentlyasked questions page.

Toreadthis page from the print edition,you need Adobe Reader.Click here to 7


Read the web pages again and answerthe questions. 1 What'sthe difference betweenregistering and b e c o m i n ag m e m b e r ? 2 How do you registerat the site? 3 Do you haveto pay to register? 4 How muchdoes it costto becomea member? 5 Whatcan you use the searchenginefor? 6 What does FAQstand for?


Completethe ontine registrationform.

Pleasetakea fewminutesto register. Enteryouremailaddress: I I t'

(Wewill send you an email to confirm your address.)

Chooseapassword:21 (tl-20characters, case-sensitive, no spaces) Confirm password: 3


What country do you live in?


AdobeReaderfree. d

lmagineyour passwordis 'Elephant'.Why can'tyou enterthe websiteif you type 'elephant'? practice27 ...> Communication Page 86. Work with a partner.

USEFUL LANGUAGE To registerat this site, pleaseenter your detailson the form below. To log in, enteryour usernameand password. Thissectionis onlyavailableto members. Use the searchengineto searchfor informationusing keywords. lf you havea question,see our frequentlyasked questionspage. Clickhereto downloadand install the software.

Post code (optional): s J-;-

Tick this box if you would like to receive regular email updates from us.


Tick this box if you would like to receive messages from other companies approved by us.

Please read our privacy policy.


10 Sotutions

Da. ú.&4


i /Ín.' Work with a partneÍ.lmagineyou'rein the meeting at Optiptain.Use differentexpressionsfrom 2b to make these suggestions.

Talk about creativity. How creativeare vou? for yourwork? How importantis creativity Do you use yourcreativeskillsenough?


We coutd.... Whvdon'twe ...?

67 Listento a team meetingat Optiplain, of blank CDs and CD packaging. a manufacturer What are the team discussing?What suggestionsdo they make?


67 Listenagain. Fittin the gaPs in these extractsfrom the meeting. 1A 2A B 3A

c 4C

5 A B

...Somenew ideas.How +trltltl *" makethe productbetter? Any suggestions? . . . a b o u tc h a n g i ntgh e p a c k a g i n g ? We couldchangethe material. material. OK. Yeah.Packaging a b o u tc h a n g i ntgh e s i z e ? we sell No,the pack.Why moreCDs in a pack,for examPle? So, biggerpacks.Theycouldbe smaller, as well. settbig boxes- big Why storageboxes...? Thenyou wouldn'tneedpackaging.

6 B be a new Product. A So that A storagebox. use 7 A That'sa good idea.We . box. with the storage idea that idea. 8 A That'san Look at the transcriptfor 2b on page 123 and check your answers.

Vocabularypractice...r Page 103, Exercise1. 6o


. . a a a

colours oroduceCDs in different use tubesfor packaging makesquareCDs look for new placesto sell CDs thinkaboutnew waysto advertise

Haveyou ever heardof Edwardde Bono? Read the text.Can you comptetethe title of his book?

Serious Creativity: Using the Power Thinkingto Create ofL NI It is oftensaidthat,to thinkof n e wi d e a sy, o un e e dt o ' t h t n k Mostpeopleknowthis laterally'. . t h i n kd t í f e r e n t Ibyu, t, meanS don't know it's a specific by Edward developed technique Edward de Bono de Bono.Dr de Bono,whofirst e x p e r ti n u s e dl a t e r atl h i n k i n gi n 1 9 6 7t,s a l e a d t n $ t h i n k i n gs k i l l s H e h a s w o r k e da s a c o n s u l t a nf to r all overthe world.He has and governments companies which SeriousCreativity, alsowritten46 books,includinS ideas. to create thinkin$ howto uselateral explains Whatwouldhappenif ...? is techniques thinkin$ 0neof Edwardde Bono'smeative 'provocation'. Insimpleterms,this meansmakingcrazy o r i m p o s s i bsl eu $ $ e s t i otnosh e l py o ut h i n kl a t e n a l l y .

So l u ti on s1 0 What skills and techniqueshas Edwardde Bono developed?


W h a ti d e ais created? Whatdoes it show aboutlateratthinking?

62 Two colleaguesfrom the researchand developmentdepartmentat Optiplainare using lateralthinkingto createnew ideas.Listenand filt in the gaps 1-4.

Secondconditional lf we did that,we'd have problems. (we'd= we would)

could would couldn't wouldn't - L e t ' st h i n ka b o u tp a c k a g i nagn d s t o r i n gC D s . I O K .W h a tw o u l dh a p p e ni f y o u madepackaging fromwater? - Yout ontyuse waterif you frozeCDs in ice. you 2 ,,,,,,,.. Obviousty, ,...,, use ice for packaging CDs to setlin s h op s .



not ...?

Talk aboutthe discussionat Optiplain.


No. But tet'sthinkaboutthe p o s s i b l ea d v a n t a g eosf p u t t i n g C D si n i c e . y o u s t o r e dt h e mi n i c e ,i t I lf protectthemfromfire orthieves. You couldstoreimportant data s a f e l yo n C D - R O Misn b i g b l o c k s of ice. Y o uc o u l db u i l da n ' i c ed a t ab a n k ' for storingdatasafelyand permanently.


- A n d i f i t w a s i n a c o l d c o u n t r vi t 4 be exDensive.


lf we used plastic,we coutdmakeit tighter.

63 PRoNUNcrArror Listenand repeatthe sentencesin the grammarbox. Copy the stress and intonation.


Grammarpractice...>Page 103, Exercise2.


Work with a partner.Discusswhat you'd do, or what would happen,in these situations. 1 lf my ideaswerealwaysbetterthanmy colleagues'... 2 l f a c o l l e a g uset o l eo n e o f m y i d e a s. . . 3 lf a boss oftentold employees their i d e a sw e r es t u p i d. . . + lf I inventeda waterengine,for cars, ... practice28 .,.>Page86. Communication Work with a partner. Talk about lateralthinking.

Now fill in boxes a. b and c with these terms:

D o y o u t h i n kl a t e r atlh i n k i n g works? y o u y o u Do think c o u l du s e l a t e r atlh i n k i n g i n y o u rl o b ?

specificideas provocation lateralthinking



in 'or ras tcn

.t1 i

We couldchangethe packaging. Why don'twe use a differentmateria[? Why not havepaperpackaging? Whatabouthavinga numberon eachCD? Howaboutsellingbig boxesof CDs? Good idea.That'san interesting idea. lf we did that,it wouldcost [ess.

ts )zy




Read the commentsabout decision making.Which do you agreeand disagree with? Say why. 'l thinkit's bestto tell peopte

Work with a partner.Do you agree with Sandra? Compareher views with any experiencesyou have. should, have to

whatyou reallythinkof their and to be direct.' suggestions, 'lf you don'tagreewith idea,it'simportant someone's not to criticisetheirsuggestion.' 'ln companies, it's bestto make'simportant that all the teamagrees.' ' l n t h e e n d ,o n e p e r s o nh a s t o makea decision,evenif the othersin the teamdon'tagree.'

I thinkwe should developthis product. In my opinion,we shouldntmakea decisionyet. We have to make a decisionsoon. We dont have to decide now.

Grammarpractice...r Page 103, Exercise3. 65 pRor{ul{crATror Listenand repeat. What happens when should is followed by a vowel? 1 We should_actnow. 2 You should ask Mikeaboutthat. in a new factory. 3 We should_invest

g Work with a partner.Discuss things you should/shouldn't do in these situations. r U SandraFrankshas workedas a trainingmanagerin severalinternationalcompanies. Listen to an interviewwith her. What generaladvicedoes she give about:

lf you visita customer...

2 lf a customervisitsyou ,... ... 3 Whenyou go to a iob interview presentation you give ... a 4 When


Read the article.What techniqueis described and why was it developed?

. ooliteness?o criticism? o changinghow you communicate? 6tr Listen again. Underline the correctwords so that the sentencesare true. you should/ 1 ln Germany, shouldn'tbe very direct. 2 ln the UK,you have to/ don't have to agreeall the time. ln fapan,you should/shouldn't criticisepeopledirectly. companies, they 4 In Japanese oftenhave to/don'thove to makedecisionsin groups.


I n t h e W e s t , s u g g e s t i o n sa r e u s u a l l y c r i t i c i s e d i m m e d i a t e l y .C r i t i c i s m i s s e e n a s t h e b e s t w a y to improve ideas and make good decisions. In Edward de Bono's view, this is wrong. H e b e l i e v e sc r i t i c i s m i s i m p o r t a n t ,b u t s h o u l d n ' t take priority. To solve this problem, he developed the'Six Thinking Hats', which companies such as IBM and DuPont have used s u c c e s s f u l l yW . hen the techniqueis used in a m e e t i n g ,t h e c h a i r p e r s o na s k s t h e g r o u p t o 'put on' imaginary hats of differentcolours. Each hat is 'worn' for a specific type of thinking. Only one is forcriticism.

Solution s1 0 b

Match the pairs to describethe 'Six ThinkingHats'. 1


a a


L o o ka t i n f o r m a t i o n .

a Createideas.

Makenew suggestions.

b C o n c l u d ae n d m o v eo n .

G i v ei m m e d i a tree a c t i o ntso i d e a s .


Say what'sgood aboutideas.

d Discussonlythe disadvantages.


e Discussonlythe facts.

M a n a g et h e d i s c u s s i o n .


Discussonlythe advantages.

Discussfirstfeelingsaboutthe ideas.

66 The directorsof Altora,a drinks company,are considering openinga new factory.Listen to six extractsfrom the meeting.Match each extract(1-6) to one of the 'Six ThinkingHats'. t\

a \b

2 3c



a a





(information) (suggestions) (firstreactions) (goodpoints)

(criticism) (management)

Fill in the gaps in these sentencesfrom the meeting.

benefits idea option proposals recommend worried 1 | thinkwe shouldconsiderthat ,,1yt\,,qy It'sa possibitity. if we just 2 Therewoutdbe a lot of had one plant.




I t h i n k w e s h o u l d i u s t c o n s i d e rt w o o r t h r e e


I d o n ' tt h i n k i t w o u l d b e a g o o d to spendso much.




I ir<,t rnrnrrldn't

e f

a b o u t t h e e c o n o m i cs i t u a t i o n . I t h i n k i t ' st o o u n c e r t a i n . qrch

a hio

investment. 67

Listenand check your answers.

Vocabularypractice...>Page 104, Exercise4.

practice29 ...>Page86. Communication Work in groups of threeor four. Talk about the 'Six ThinkingHats'. D o y o u t h i n kt h e t e c h n i q uw e orks? I ny o u ro p i n i o nw , h i c hh a t sa r et h e e a s i e s t and mostdifficult to 'wear'? D o y o u t h i n kt h e t e c h n i q uw e o u t dw o r ki n y o u rc o m p a n y ? USEFULLANGUAGE Let'sdiscussthis proposal. Thisideawouldgive us severalbenefits. I thinkwe shouldconsiderotherootions. We haveto makesure it's not too expensive. I'mworriedaboutthe cost. I wouldn'trecommend doingthat.I'd recommend the otheroption. I don'tthinkit'sa good ideato do that. 63


lr pa

RachetBarden is travelling to a conference in lceland.Read the text messagesshe sent to her colleague,Ross Owen,duringthe trip. Put the messages in the correctorder. Numberthem 1-5. líIssEDcoNN€cTloN 50 HáDTo cáTcH

;E -Í?


::';.' :T{

Ta[kabout tÍansportin your country. What'sthe most reliableway to travel? What'sthe cheapestway to travel? Are theremanyproblemswiththe trains/buses /roads?




Answerthe questionsabout Rachel'strip. t Wheredid Rachelchangetrains? 2 W h yd i d s h e a r r i v el a t ei n L o n d o n ? 3 On whichpartof hertrip did she haveto stand? 4 Howdid she get fromthe airportto Reykjavik? 5 Why is she surprisedwhenshe arrivesin lceland? Find words in the text messagesto complete 1-8. changefromone trainto another= a Lllll!lt]!'tlL.!!l 2 takeatrain .atrain 3 arrivetoo latefor a train: 4 late 5 whatplanesdo whenthey leave 6 whatptanesdo whentheyarrive z what you do beforea ftight: t

**'*Hüli:il. htTH-::H"'

a whatyou do whenyou'rein a hurry=

a train

Solution s1 0 Work with a partner.Sum up Rachel'strip. Say what happened,and what problemsshe had, duringeach part of the journey.


68 Listen to Rachel having a conversation duringher trip.What city and place is she in? 68 Listen again. Are these sentencestrue (Í) or fatse (0?

70 Listen to three conversations abouttravel problems.Make notes in the chart to sum up the probtemand describethe sotution. Location 4 I

tr tr

5 She changesher ticket. ó The nexttrainis runningon time.

D !

Fill in the gaps. cancel refund supplement upgrade valid A Do I get my moneyback? B Yes,We can give you a r+Íilttt{. the I can'tgo, so I wantto reservation. the ticketfromsecondclass Can I to firstclass? A Wouldit costany more? . B Yes.You'dhaveto pay a ,......,,........,,... You can'tuse thatticketon this'snot (?

Vocabularypractice...r Page 104, Exercise5. 69 pRoNurcrArror Listenand repeat. How do we say the underlinedsounds? Tick (/) the boxes. lÍl

t cancellalion 2 catch 3 connection 4 checkin 5 change ó reservation

a! !! !!

ID !!


Problem Solution Location


r The nexttrainis at 9.30. LL) next train. 2 Rachel's ticketis OK for the 3 She couldbook a seaton the nexttrain. 4 She couldgo firstctassif she paid more. !

Lrrl Lt t,-LtiD


Problem Solution Location


Problem Sotution

practice30. StudentA Communication ...) page 86. StudentB ...>page 93. Tatkabouttravel problemsyou'vehad, for exampte: departures o long delaysand cancelted trainsor flights o missingimportant o problemswithticketsand reservations o trafficiams USEFULLANGUAGE lVe missedmy connection.Can I catch the nexttrain? ls this ticketvalid on the nexttrain? lf I cancelthe ticket,will I get a refund? will I have lf I changethe reservation, to pay a supplement? Are thereany seats in firstclass?Can I upgrade? ls the trainrunningon time? The flight'sdelayed.



Transport !a

Work with a partner.Look at the title of the articleand photos.What can you say about Maglevs?


Read the articleand answerthe questions. by the 1 Whichtwo placesare connected Maglev[ine? 2 What'sthe maindifference betweenMaglevs a n d n o r m atl r a i n s ? 3 What'sthe bestthingaboutMaglev technology? + What'sMaglev'smaindisadvantage?


hen you get on the train at Longyang Road Station in Shanghai,you know it won't be long before take-off - and not just becauseyou're going direct to Pudong InternationalAirport. Thanks to the cityt new'Maglev' train, you don't have to wait to get on a plane before you leave the ground - you take off before you come out of the station. Maglev is short for'magnetic levitation'. The system was developed by the German firm Transrapid.The train is lifted off the track, to a height of about 1 cm, by electromagnets.It's then pushed along the line by the same magnetic force, up to its maximum speed. The advantage 66 I I


Undertinethe correctwords so that the sentences are true. 1 To get to the airport,you needto go into/outof t h e c e n t r eo f S h a n g h a i . 2 To get to the airport,you get on/offĂ?heMaglev at LongyangRoadStation. 3 The tracktakesa goes across/aroundthe city. 4 The trackis at a high goesunder/over the streetsof Shanghai. 5 The Maglevtravelsiust below/abovethe track. 6 The Maglevis tiftedup/downby magneticforce. the track z The Maglevis pushedalong/through by magnets.


of'flying' above the track is that there'sno need for wheels or other moving parts, which use a l o t o f e n e r g y .T h i s m e a n s t h e train can travel extremely fast: up to 430 km/h. IĂ­ Maglev technologyis economical to run, however, it's not cheap to build. The cost of the 30 km track across Shanghai was a huge $1.2billion. Will Maglev change the future of train travel? Clearly, costs need to come down before l o n g - d i s t a n c et r a c k s a r e b u i l t . But many believe the technology will take off becauseof its highspeed potential. Travelling the full length of Germany or France, for example,would take just over two hours on a Maglev.

Prepositions:position and movement The Maglevtravelsabovethe track. The train is tiftedup by magneticforce. You get off the trainat the airport.


G r a m m a r p r a c t i c e. . . >P a g e 1 0 4 , E x e r c i s e1 .

Transport11 Work with a partner.Say as much as you can aboutwhat these things do and how they work. Use prepositionsfrom lc.








Look at the drawingof a componentfrom a high-speedtrain.With a partner,filt in the gaps wlth the dimensions. 1 Lengthof plate: 2 Widthof plate: 3 Thicknessof plate: 4 Heightof tube: of tube: 5 Diameter 6 Totalweight:

lt's 1.2try lt's lt's lt's lt's lt weighs


tong. wide. thick. high. wide.

7t LindseyGamble,an engineer,is giving a presentationat a conferenceon rail transporttechnology.She's talkingabout high-speedtrain design.Listenand answer the questions. 1 What'sthe firstdimensiontraindesieners haveto look at? 2 What'sthe oroblemwithstandardrail tracks? 3 Why aren'ttrainsveryeconomica[? Can you completethese sentencesfrom the conversation?Underlinethe correctwords. 1 How long/wideis the track?What'sthe distancebetweenthe rails? Ihe height/weight of the train is also limitedby the widthof the track. So, for betterstability,a wide/narrow track is better. 4 To hetpthe trainstayon the track,you make it quite heavylight ... 5 lust look at the big, thick/thinpiecesof steelusedin trains... 72


Listenand check your answers.

Vocabularypractice...t Page 104, Exercise2.




73 pRoNur{clArronListenand repeat the words.Are the undertinedsounds the same or different? the same r wide 2 narrow 3 height

width shallow weight

4 around through depth s length 6 thickness less


!g !! !!


trtr trn

practice31. StudentA ...) Communication Page 87. StudentB ...1Page 93. Take it in turns to describean obiect in the room for your partnerto guess.'stwo A lt'saboutthirtycentimetres and a halfmetresabovethe floor. B ls it the clock? USEFUL LANGUAGE ickness? What'sthe length/width/heisht/th How long/wide/high/thick is it? ls the track short/narrow/low//thin? What'sthe weightof the train?ls it light/heavy? 6t

Health and safety


Work with a partner.Put the iobs in order of how dangerousyou think they are. Write 1-7 in the boxes (1 = the most dangerous). Discuss reasons for your answers.

.t t


I rl

! ! ! ! E ! !

accountant builder farmer fire fighter Pilot poticeofficer teacher

Match types of protectiveequipmentto the safety signs. Write a-g in the boxes.

r fl mask z ! 3 E 4 ! S ! 6 D z ! c

hardhat ear protection eye protection protectivegloves highvisibitityclothing protectiveshoes or boots

With a partner,give examples of iobs where workers need to wear the protective equipmentin 1b. Say why they need it.


Workwith a partner.Tatkaboutsafetyfor airportemployeeswho workon the tarmac aroundplanes.Make lists of the dangers. Whatsafetyprecautions do workersneed to take? Dangerc



lc Listen to Dennis Addie, a safety officer,giving a training course to some trainee airport workers. Comparewhat he says to your lists in 2a.

Transport11 74 Listenagain and answer the questions.

75 Listenagain.Filt in the gaps with must or mustn't.

1 What'sthe biggestdangeron the tarmac? 2 Why is the dangerin question1 worse at airoorts? 3 Whichworkersneedto wearear orotection? 4 What'sthe problemwithear protection?

1 lt'sall aboutprocedures, in fact.Pilots .....u,t.1!;5,t..... know exactlvwhat to do in a [ [s i t u a t i o n s . 2 . . .y o u n e e da m i n i m u mn u m b e o r f hours flyingtime.You ,, haveat least 1 , 5 0 0h o u r s . Thereare things 3 We havea lot of checklists. you . ...... . . alwayscheckbeforeeach flight.You . take off untilyou've checkedeverything. 4 lf you'reabovea certainspeed,the procedure is, you try to stop.

5 Whatotherwordsdoes Dennisuse for dangerand dangerous? Look at the transcriptfor 2b on page 124. Find words to complete1-6. 1 stop accidentsfromhappening= tt I accidents /tt'r'u-t't 2 take actionto stoo accidents= take you can do it if you want= you're 3 to do it. = you're 4 it's not permitted to do it. : .....and 5 safetyrules safety 6 standardwaysof working: standard



You mustntcarrydangerousitemson Planes.(: You'renot allowedto.)

Grammarpractice...>Page 104, Exercise4.

Work with a partner.Read these sentences. Use a dictionaryto help you if necessary. Do you think they are true (Í)or false (F)? t Airlinepílotshaveto be over


Forinternationat flights,the pilots haveto be able to speakEngtish. T h e p i t o th a st o w a l ka r o u n dt h e planeand checkit beforeeachflight. A olanecan'ttake off if thereare smatlcracksin the wings. Planesare neverallowedto take off i f a n e n g i n ei s n ' tw o r k i n g . ';>



must Atl pilots must have a licence. (: Theyhave to have one.)

Vocabularypractice...>Page 104, Exercise3. €




! ! !


With a partner,make a list of things you must/mustn't do when you go to an airportor get on a plane.Compareyour suggestions with anotherpair of students. You mustcheckin two hoursbeforeyourftight leaves.You mustn't.... practice32 ...>Page87. Communication Workwith a partner. Talk about safetyin your iob, companyor industry,or anotherindustryyou know about. Whatare the maindangers? Whatsafetyprecautions mustworkerstake and whatprocedures musttheyfollow? USEFULLANGUAGE Whatare the healthand safetyregulations? What'sthe correctprocedure? You mustwear ear/eyeprotection.

75 Now listen to an interviewwith Mike Collins,an airline pilot. Checkyour answersto 3a.

This is a hazardousmaterial. What protectiveequipmentshould I wear? You'renot allowedto smoke here.





Have you ever travelled on board a ship, or been on a cruise? Talk about the experience. What do you know about cruise ships? What sort of facllities are there on board?


Work with a partner.Read the brochureabout the Serena, a large cruise ship. Write the correctheadings above the paragraphs. Electricalsupply Entertainment Fitnessfacilities Foreignexchange Laundry Takeit easy Television Yourroom

I .......T,tk+: t-tti,t!t You'llhaveall thetimein theworldto enjoythe view,anda cooldrink,from one of Serena's many lounges, barsandsundecks.

Why not startthe daywith a swim(therearethree swimmingpoolsto choosefrom),thenjog around the deckon the ship'son-board runningtrack (earlybirdscanwatchthe sunrisefromthe ocean). Finishwitha workoutin the gym,havea quick sauna,thengo for breakfast, knowingyou'vereally earnedthat extraportion!

The Serenahasmusicfor everytaste,andfrom everyera,with regularliveshowsin the cabaret barbythe ship'sown band,TheSerenades. ln our nightclub, ForceL2,thedancefloor rocksevery nightwithtop DJ,Jeggar Marvin.

A full rangeof international satellitechannels is available on board.Viewingis subjectto a small additional charge. Pleaseaskat reception. 6

All socketsareUS format.InternationaI adapters areavailable for purchase on the ship. We offerthreeclassesof cabin:Voyager, Explorer (withseaview)andCrest(withbalcony). Al[ classesareavailablein the followingformats: o S i n g l ec a b i n o Doublecabin(available withdoublebedor twinbeds) o Familycabin(doublebed+ bunkbeds) All cabinshavea washbasin, showerandtoilet. CrestClasssuiteshavea bath.



A next-day serviceis available, for a smallcharge. Pleasenote,thisdoesnot includedrycleaning. B

All majorcurrencies areavailable, including those requiredfor shoreexcursions. Pleasenotethat cashpurchases cannotbe madeon board. Purchases arechargedto yourbill or creditcard.



76 Listen to three conversationsat the informationdesk on the Sereno. Answerthe questions. Conversation1 1 What'sthe gym calted? 2 How manysaunasare thereon the ship? Conversation2 3 Why doesn'tthe TV in the man'sroom work? 4 How muchdoes it costfor television? Conversation3 5 Whatdoes the womanwantto book? 6 Why is it necessaryto reserveseats? 77 Listenand repeatthe sentences from the conversations. Copy the intonation.

b Findwords in the texts to complete 1-12. 1 a roomwhereyou can sit and relax: a l+:!!t!+l+: 2 a placeto go for a drink = a ...................... 3 a placewhereyou wouldfindexercisebikes: a = a smatlroomwith a veryhightemperature 4,,....,....,,...,....,

5 a g r o u po f m u s i c i a n: s a . , .

6 a placewheremusic'splayeduntillate:

a 7 a b e d r o o mo n a s h i p : 6 I for one person 9 for two people 10 an areaoutsidea windoq whereyou can sit d

17 you standunderthis to wash= a ....... ,.... : 72 whereyou plugin electrical appliances

1 He[[o. I'dtikesome information about the gym. 2 ls it opento everyone? Can anyonego in? 3 | thinkthere'sa oroblemwiththe TV in mv room. 4 Are thereany ticketsleft? 5 And how muchare thev? 6 OK, so can I book two seats,please? Look at the transcriptsfor 3a on page 125. Practisethe conversationswith a partner. Change roles. Try again from memory. practice33. StudentA ...> Communication Page 87. StudentB ...) Page 93. Talk to a partner.Would you like to go on a cruise?What would you do on board?Say what you'd like and what you wouldnt like aboutspendingtime on a ship.


: !3 neededif ptugsand socketsare different 4n,..--..---..--..---..74 a servicefor washingdirtyclothes 15 changingcurrencies C

Vocabularypractice...>Page 105, Exercise5.

d Work with a partner.Can you guess which of the facilitiesbelow were on the Titanic in 7912? o . o o

loungesand bars o a band . a gym a sauna o a nightclub o electricsockets electriclights o lifts . a swimmingpool toiletsin cabins

USEFULLANGUAGE Can anyoneuse the gym?ls therea sauna in there? I thinkthere'sa problemwith the shower in my room. Do you sell international adaptersfor electricalsockets? I'dtikesome information aboutentertainment on board. ls it free? Thereba smallcharge.


Agendas Talk about meetings. How oftendo you go to meetings? Whatsort of meetingsdo you attend? H o wm u c ht i m ed o y o u s p e n di n meetings?


78 Listento the discussion at the start of a meetingat CC Software.Answer the questions. 1 Why can'tlohn Gatescometo the meeting? 2 Whathappenedlastweek? 3 What'sthe aim of this meeting? Can you filt in the gaps in these sentencesfrom the meeting? agenda apologies attend called chair circulated hold item minutes take ...john Gatescan'tmakeit. He sends his ,r/l:).1:l,J!:.:1 . John'saskedme to . .. t h e m e e t i n gs,o I ' mi n t h e h o t seat! OK, first,has everyonegot an ? l o h nt o l d m e c o p i e s were . .. .. ....... on Monday. I got the agenda,but I didn'tget a copyof the ........from the meetinglastweek. a[[met lastweekto talk aboutthe conference. I didn't . I wasn'there lastweek. No,we didn't a .....,.. meeting. We didn't minuteo s r a n y t h i n .g. . So, we've this meetingto talk aboutthe sales conference ... 8 So, let'slook at the first on the agenda...

72 1



Listenagain and check your answers.

d Vocabularypractice...>Page 105, Exercise1. e

79 pRonur{ctATton Listenand repeatthe words. Are the underlinedsounds the same or different? the same different 1 at

2 I 4 5

it old late tog


item hotd circulate apologies


tr tr tr tr

a ! ! ! !

Work with a partner.Say sentencesthat mean the same as 1-6. Use words from the box in 2b. r

Whatare we goingto discussin the meeting? l.Ulnt'.s r,n t /rr' rtq t'rt{d ?

2 | sent the agendato everyonelast Friday. 3 | wasn'tat the last meeting. 4 john'ssorrybut he can'tcome. S Why havetheyarrangeda meeting? 6 Let'slook at the first point on the agenda.

Agendas 12


80 Listen to four short discussions (a-d) from the meetingat CC Software.Match each one to an item (1-7) on the agenda.write the numbersof the items in the boxes. D i s c u s s i o n!a

D i s c u s s i obn!

D i s c u s s i oc n!

D i s c u s s i o n!d


Meeting Agenda Planningmeetingfor the sales conference Date 25th May Time 2.00 pm Location CC SoftwareHe Participants VictoriaCarr,Amelia Donovan,John Gates. Georoe Lands, Lucy Ben, TrevorRay Chairperson Joh*.â‚Ź a te+,, ,i, , ,,,...',,,, Ao I '.1t',

Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



.) .i,, ,.'-c^,'a,,

Conferencetheme Groupmeetings: Agendas?Participants? Presentations:Subjects?Presenters? Social events:What? Where? Location Dates Any otherbusiness

Listenagain.Underlinethe words you hear.

a lll'll call them as soon as welwe'llfinish. b So beforewelwe'lldecide, tlt'llvisitalIthreehotels. c We don'tlwon'tbook untiIwelwe'llget repliesfrom thebranches. d l l l ' l l a s kh i m w h e nl l l ' l l s p e a kt o h i mt o m o r r o w . Look at the transcriptfor 3b on page 125 and check your answers. Time clauses l'il call you when I get to the station. I'll phoneyou as soon as I arrive. We wont start beforeyou arrive. We'll wait untileveryone!s here.

Grammarpractice'.'>Page 105, Exercise2. Work in pairs.Make sentences. | / phoneyou / whenI I I Sethome. | / write/ report/ beforeI I I leavework.

Communication practice34 ...>Page87. Work in groupsof threeor four. Work with a partner.In your opinion, what makes good meetings?Discuss these points. o o o o . o

t h e l e n g t ho f t h e m e e t i n g t h e t i m eo f d a y t h e m e e t i n gi s h e l d t h e n u m b e or f p e o p l ew h o a t t e n d what'son the agenda preparation how the meetingis chaired

USEFUL LANGUAGE Whereare we goingto hotdthe meeting? Who'sgoingto chairthe meeting? Who'sgoingto takethe minutes? I missedthe last meeting. Fredcan'tcome.He sendshis apologies. The lastitemon the agendais 'anyother business'. I'llcirculate the minutesnextMondav.

| /work I untilI | / finish/ iob . 73


How often do you talk about discussions you had with other people? Think about: telephone o takingand receiving messages whatwas discussed . tellingcolleagues didn't attend in meetingsthey o givingfeedbackaboutdiscussions or suppliers with customers Do you think the followingopinionis true? Can you give examples of it? 'lt's easy to reportthe factsaftera's moredifficultto report people'sopinionsor feelings- and this in business.' can be veryimportant


Read the email and answerthe questions. r Why did AmeliaphoneSam and Mai? wereher discussions 2 Howsuccessful withthem? 3 Why did she speakto Tom? 4 Did Tomtell her whatshe wanted to know?

o30 To: Victoria Carr From: Amelia Donovan Subject: Chinese culturespeakers HiVictoria, I spoke to Sam Wu yesterday,and he agreed to be one of our 'culturespeakers' at the conference.Unfortunately,he's reluctantto make a presentation.He said he was happy to answerquestionsin the groupdiscussion,though.I also spoke to Mai Cheng. She's very keen to give a talk, which is obviously good news. So I think,with the two of them,we can arrange a presentation followedby a Q&A session, or somethinglike that. Mai is going to thinkof some ideas, and meet Sam next week, so they can discussthem.I told her we were happyfor her and Sam to decide what to talk about. 'surprisegifts'for the conference.He I also called Tom about his refusedto say what they are! He's decided not to say anything untilthe last minute,but he has promisedto tell me what they are a week beforethe conference.I don't know what he's planningbut,knowingTom,it'llbe something'different'! Regards, Amelia Amelia Donovan Sales Consultant- CC Software

Work with a partner.Fromthe email, work out what Sam, Mai and Tom said to Amelia on the phone, before she wrote the email message.Circle the correctanswer:a or b. 1 Sam:@Yes, OK, I'llbe a speaker. b I don't reallywant to be a speaker. Sam: a I'd love to makea presentation. b I don'treallywantto makea presentation. Sam: a b Mai: a b Tom: a b


I'llanswerquestions. I don't reallywant to answerquestions. I'd love to makea presentation. I don'twant to makea Dresentation. OK, I'tltelt you what the giftsare. No, I'mnot tellingyou whattheyare!

6 Tom: a Wait untilthe conference! b I'll tetlyou a few days beforethe conference.


Now write the parts of the email that match your answers in 2b. ,nt/tttr,' t ln. ldt.t,ci to" - "1,,, - - " -o,,,. - - " - " - oĂ? " ' r ""ottt.

Vocabularypractice...) Page 105, Exercise3.

Agen d as1 2 81 pRoNuilcrArronListenand repeat.How does the finat-d in the verbs changein the sentences? t agreed 2 refused 3 promised


83 Listento Victoriaphoning Georgelater.Answerthe questions.

help. He agreed_to Theyrefused_to do it. promised She to send it.

1 Whatdoes Victoriasav aboutthe DarlevHotel? 2 W h a td o e ss h e t h i n ka b o u tt h e hotel'souote? I What'sGeorgegoingto do tomorrow? 4 What'sVictoriagoingto do now?

82 Listento a phone call betweenVictoria Carr and GeorgeLands.Answerthe questions. r Whatinformation doesVictorianeed? 2 DoesGeorgehavethe information? 3 Where'sGeorgegoingnext? 4 What'she doingthis afternoon? 82 Listenagain.Are these sentencestrue C�) or false (É)?Changethe false sentencesto make them true. werein Georgesaid the documents the computer. 2

H e s a i dh e c o u l ds e n dt h e mb y e m a i l .


V i c t o r i saa i ds h e n e e d e dt h e d o c u m e n t s today. Georgesaid he wouldsendthemafter hismeeting. He said he wouldbe in the officethis afternoon. V i c t o r i saa i ds h e w o u t dp h o n eh i m latertoday.



tr ! !

tr tr

Reportedspeech 'l'm verybusy.'>He said he was very busy. 'l have a copy.'> He said he had a copy. 'l can emailit.'> He said he couldemaiIit. 'l'[[send it.' > He said he would send it.


Work with a partner.lmagineyou're VictoriaCarr and your partneris lohn Gates.Tel[your partnerwhat you discussedon the phone with George Lands (in 3e). Changeroles. practice35. StudentA Communication .'.>Page88. StudentB ..') Page 94. USEFULLANGUAGE

Grammarpractice...>Page 105, Exercise4. Work in groups of three.Take it in turns to give a messageto the personnext to you. He/Shesays the messageto the thlrd studentin the group. (lnventyour own messageor use one of these.) 'l havea copyof the agenda.' ' l c a n e m a i lt h e d o c u m e nlta t e r . ' ' l ' t ts e n dt h e e m a i Ia f t e rl u n c h . ' 'l don'thavethe minutesfromthe last meeting.' 'l can'tmakeit to the meetingtomorrow.' 'l'lIcattlater.'

She promisedto finishthe report this week. He agreedto increasethe budget by 10olo. We'vedecidednot to startwork yet. He said he was happyto attend and was keen to give a talk. He doesn'ttikeflying,so he was reluctantto go by plane. They refusedto do the work because it was too dangerous.


Politephrases Smalttatk



work with a partner.write a tist of thingspeoptedo and say whentheywelcomevisitorsto theircompany' Canyougiveexamptesofhowpeoplefromdifferentcountries welcomevisitors?


w Listen to four short conversationswith a visitor, in a company.Match them to the photos (a-d). write 1-4 in the boxes.








Work with a partner.Look at the transcript Ă?or2a on page 126. Find sentencesfrom the conversationsto match1-9. gn t i m e r A p o l o g i s i nfgo r n o t a r r i v i n o

in 2b. to the sentences 2

4 Invitingsomeoneto sit down




a break Suggesting

coat to take someone's 7 Offering 8

G i v i n gs o m e t h i n gt o s o m e o n e

someonea drink 9 Offering I t(>




6 7 8


3 S a y i n gs o m e o n ew i l l c o m et o m e e ty o u s o o n


Tltt'; L,l|i,


5:,tl.!/l!ry IĂ?l. 2 Invitingsomeoneto go througha door before you

5 Askingif it's OK to openthe window

Listenagain. Now write the replies


. . . . .... .





Vocabularypractice"'> Page 105, Exercise5'


Work with a partner.Practisewelcoming each other. When peoptemeet,they often make'small 'smatttalK mean? tatK. What does Work with a partner.Make a tist of poputar subiectsof smatl tatk.Suggestreasonswhy they're popular. 85 Listen to Amelia and Tom's conversationin the companycafeteria.What two subiectsdo they discuss as small tatk?

Agendas 12 d

Readthe articleand answerthe questions.Use a dictionaryto help you. r

Whatdoes the articlesav aboutsmatl t a t ki n i n t e r n a t i o nbauI s i n e s s ? z W h a t ' s ' c r o s s - c u l t ut r a i[n' i n g ? 3 Whatdoes the articlesuggestinstead o f s m a l It a l k ? 4 A r e ' c o m p a n tyo l l i p o p sa ' i o k e o r a s e r i o u si d e a ? e

What would your clientsor colleagues think if you offeredthem a 'company lotlipop'?


LINDA'SLOLLIES @ Qmall talkcan be all or rJnothing in international business.SometÍmes, cultural diÍÍerences arean interestine topicof conversation. Sometimes, they'rea barrier. There'sa growingmarketfor 'cross-cultural' training, where busÍnesspeople aretaughtWhat to do and say (andwhatnof to do and saylwhentheymeet peoplefromdifferentpartsof the world.There'sa lot to learn. Thereis, however,a much simplersolution. Toavoid problemswith smalltalk,you can simplyavoidsmalltalk altogether. How?Giveyour clientor colleague a lollipop to suck! Ifyou thinklolliesarejustfor children, thinkagain.Lollipops

are popularbusinessgÍftsin the USA,Canada,and alsoin lapan. Theideaof producing'gourmet lollies'for adultscame from LindaHarkavy.Today,her New Yorkbasedcompany,Linda's Lollies,sellsa rangeof 'main course','dessert' and'after dinner'lollipops, in flavours suchas redhot spices,cherry cheesecake and cappuccino. Of course,the aim of 'company lollipops'isn'tto stopthe conversation. In fact,they're morelikelyto get everyone talking- businesspeople from mostcountrieswouldbe pretty surprisedif they weregivena lolly duringa coffeebreakor nrpcpnfátinn

-86 Listento Tom and Amelia talkingaboutcompanylollipops. Completethe expressionsAmelia uses to show interestduringthe conversation. 1 Tom

They'regifts...for the conference.

Amelia 2 Tom Amelia 3 Tom




I g i v et h e mt o a l l m y cuslomers. ? They'requitepopularin the businessgifts. ?


I j u s tb o u g h t h e m .



Look at the transcriptfor 3f on page 727. Practisesaying the conversation in pairs.Changeroles. practice36 '..> Communication Page 88.

What topics are sultabte/ not suitabtefor small talk in your country?Work in groups.Write a list of things you would/wouldn't talk about with colleaguesfrom other countries.

Havea seat.Mr.Johnsonwiltbe withyou in a moment. SorryI'mlate. That'soK. My officeis throughhere.Afteryou. ShattI takeyourcoat? Thanks.Hereyou are. Do you mindif I openthe window? No, not at alt. Shallwe takea break? Yes,good idea. Can I get you anythingto drink? No, I'mfinethanks.


Communicationpractice StudentA Youare on a trainingcourse.lntroduceyourselfto your partner,who is also on the course.Talkabout yourcompanyand yourjob. Yourcompany:ContextInteriors of Product/Service: designand manufacture wa[[paper design Yourdepartment: Yourjob title:designmanager Yourteam:4 designers Yourresponsibitities: o ffiáflá$€ the designteam o designnew products o do marketresearch on competitors'products manager Yourboss:productdevetopment Now listen to your partner.Ask questionsand make notesabouthis/herjob and company.

StudentA at a tradefair.Yourpartner You are a representative wantsto knowaboutyourproductsand services. to talk aboutyourcompany Use the information and answeryour partner'squestions. Yourcompany:MaxVid Youroroduct: o big TV screens(forpop concerts,sportsevents, amusementparks,tradefairs,etc.) o fourscreens:3, 5, 10 and 15 metreswide

ri ll ll

o for indoorand outdooruse Yourservices: of screens a designand manufacture a availableto buy or rent installand operatescreensif you rent a engineers a

service internationaI after-sales

Nowyou arethe managingdirectorof a chainof for Floral hotels.Yourpartneris a representative Worldat a tradefair.Findout moreabout Floral World'sproductsand services.In particular,you are aboutf apanese-style interestedin information flowerdisplays for a conference.

Practiseorderinga meal in a restaurant.Takeit in turnsto be the customerand the waiter/waitress. You have a Customer:You arriveat the restaurant. reservation. Look at the menuand order.Afterthe meal,ask for the bitland pay. Waiter/UVaitress: Welcomethe customerand show him/herto a table.Givehim/hera menuand takethe is OK. order.Duringthe meal,checkthat everything Finatlybringthe bitl.

Starters Chickenand leeksoup Tomatosoup withcream Mixedsalad Main courses Grilledsalmonwithrice and broccoli Roastbeefwithroastpotatoesand a selectionof freshvegetables Vegetarian saladwithcheddarcheese Grilledsteakwithchips and peas Roastlambwithmashedpotatoand carrots


Applepiewithfreshcream icecream Strawberry Fruitsalad Drinks (extra) Mineralwater(stillor sparkling) Fruitjuice(orange,apple,tomato)

bottle- t3.50 glass- t1 .00 glass- t1.50

StudentA You are a managingdirector.Yourcompanyis movingto new officesthis week.Tetephonethe officemanager(StudentB),to get an update. Ask questionsand makenotesof the answers. A B

installing the computers? Are the technicians Yes,but they'reone day behindschedule.

practtce Communication Now readthe humanresourcesmanager'snotes abouttwo peoplethe companywantsto interview for the iob. Discussthe strengthsand weaknesses of each and decidewho is the best personfor the iob. Give your reasonswhy.

thecall.Say who you are and ask aboutthe technicians / instatlcomputers? paint reception? workers / work on the fourthfloor ? electricians / engineers / checktelephonelines? photocopier / work ? go well ? move/ llowchangeroles.

fob Heod of soles ond morketing Name )essLe eLw Nationality chlwese Age s7

Readthejob advert.With your partner,decidewhich skills,persona[characteristicsand experienceare mostimportantfor the iob.

Present post and salary saLesvwawaqer (Eso,ooo) Skills and experience * Masters degree (t-tarkettwg) + Leadsteavw of + * good cowtacts wvth ChuwesecwstovweYs * vert4qood saLes exTerLewce(r software)



chLweseawd.vert4good en4LLsh {L,<ewL

lVho are wel producesonline managementtraining materialfor worldwide.Companies Pay to access the training companies on our website. ProgĂ?ammes

Whoarewe lookingforl Weneedan experiencedand dynamic person (28-45)to lead oursalesand marketingdepartment.

Aboutthejob o Managinga team of zo telephonesales staffand r o m a r k e t i n ga s s i s t a n t s . o Planninga new sales and marketingstrategyfor Asia. o Workingwith importantcustomers in Japan and China. o Salarydepends on skills and experience.

({4s,000-{6s,000) Skillsand experience o managementexperience o experience in salesand marketing training o stronglT skills o g o o dc o m m u n i c a t i osnk i l l si n E n g l i s h . Otherforeignlanguages an advantage, especially J a p a n e soer C h i n e s e . Forfurtherinformation andto applyonlinepleasevisit (ref.AA01)

fob Heod of solesond morketing Name ertc tzrrell Nationality Frewch Age so Present post and salary n,"avketvngawd,saLesvwawager( Skills and experience * laBA (*arvard) * t2 gears vwa^ageyof a bLqteawtof saLesawd rnaybetLuq staff iw lwtgrwatfov\,aloontpar"S * veqwLavoowtacts wfth c*stovr,tersfw chlwn * s r4earsLw K,oreaas saLesvwanagev lT fov col,v,pAwA * + geavstratwLnq vwawager for aw tr cottuL?awy) Lw Paoto * natLve spealzerof Frewch, good enqLLsh awdJaPawese * LookLnq awd,chaLLewge for a wew experLewce

Discussyour interestswith your partner.Tryto find five things that you havein common.Then changepartners. A B

I tike football,but I'mnot very good at it Me too - | like watchingfootball,but I'm hopelessat playing!

Make a list of whatyou havein commonso thatyou can reportbackto the class.

Youand yourpartnerare in chargeof findingand designinga new officespacefor your company. Lookat the list of possiblefacilitiesand putthem (1 = mostimportant, in orderof importance 10 = leastimportant). A


I think a nice receptionarea is the most 铆mportant thing.|t'simportantto impress clientsand visitors. I don't agree...




reception area


rooms meeting



You needto buy new carpetsfor your offices. Comparethe quotesin the chartwithyour partner. Decidewhichquoteto accept.







QualityCarpetshas a betterdeliverytime than MinsterWeave,but ...



We both like football,but we'renot very good at ptaying.

Melton Carpets

Minster Weave

Quality Carpets

detivery time

2t days (express detivery in 4 days = f300)

10 days

5 days

delivery charge

o v e r) u u m ' = free

over 500 m2

quatity and price

h i g hq u a l i t y = f24

h i g hq u a l i t y


o v e r) u u m ' : 20o/"

over 500 m2 -- 1.50k

o v e r) u u m ' = 3O"k

fitting charge

over 500 m2 : free


over )uu m' : f150





free h i g hq u a l i t y = I'JU

top quality : f.40

! windows l-l restaurant

Youarevisitingyourpartner'scountryon business,thenyou aretakinga week'sholiday to see some of the cciuntry. Ask your partnerto recommend threeinterestingplaces.Ask questionsand decidewhichplaceyou'dmost like to visit. Whatl it like in ...? Whatl the best time of yearto visit ...? What'sthe weatherlike in ...? Can you recommend...? Nowchangeroles.

practice Communication



Lastyear,these two productswerecompleteflops. Lookat productA and guess why it was a flop. on the name,size,screen,weight,price, Comment batterylife and colourof the product.Exptainyour ideasusing too/enough.Yourpartnerwitl tell you if you'reright or not.

You are a humanresourcesmanager.You are interviewingStudentB for a iob. Ask your partner to talk abouta proiecthe/she workedon last year. lf the proiectwas not on scheduleor not on budget, ask why not.Make notesof his/herreplies. project?



SpecialOffer on Big Boy Laptops Goodbattery (30minutes) l0%off.Only $3899. Availablecolour:pink.

team? on schedule? problems? solutions?

ProductB Test drive a Nogo!

Nowyou are at an interviewfor a iob, StudentB is the interviewer. Answerhis/herquestionsabouta proiectyou workedon last year.You want the iob, so be positiveand enthusiastic!

Top speed40 kph. l00km / 20 litres. One year's free membershipof the 3-wheelers'club.



Availablecolour:peagreen. Nowlistento yourpartnerguesswhy ProductB was a ftopand makenotes.Thenuse the information to explainwhy the productfaited. Your paÉnerl ideas:

Why Product B flopped Nameof product:too negative/ not positiveenough SĂ­ze:too short/ too high Top speed:not fast enough Design:too dangerous/ not safe enough Price:too expensive Petrol:not economicalenough Colour:too horrible

Project: advertfor machine Projectdetails: visit factory/ speakto marketingmanager/ discusscompetition/ agreebudget/ take photographs / discusssampleadvertwith manager/ makechanges/ deliverfinal advert Team: leader/ team of 4 Schedule: 6 months(actualtime : 4 months) Difficulties/problems: no big problems/ first photographsnot good enough Solutions: visit factoryagain/ use differentcamera

Discusswith yourpartnerwhatyou did last weekend,or whatyou normatlydo at the weekend.Try to find five things that you both did/normatlydo. A B

I normallyhavea lie in on Sundays. Me too, but last SundayI got up eartyto do somework on the house.

StudentA You are the sates managerof lT ControlSystems. Youwant to visit a companycatledSantik to presentyour new softwarefor stock control. Tetephone the sales managerof Santik(StudentB), and makearrangements for the visit.Make notesof what you agree. Start the catl.

\rv \




yourself. o Introduce o Talkaboutthe new product. o Ask to visit to do a presentation. You need to meetthe sales manager. o Arrangea day and a time for nextweek.You aren'tfreeon Wednesdaysor Thursdays. Nowworktogetherto write an email fromthe sales manager.Confirmthe arrangementsyou madeon the telephone.

Ă­-----.''il V---"StudentA

StudentA You are havinga meetingwith yourpartnerto you are givingin Barcelona discussa presentation nextmonth.Lookat the tistof actionpointsand agreeto do alt the jobs betweenyou.You are a good communicatorand work fast,so offerto do the thingsyou do best. Shalt| ...? I'll.... Action points - Barcelonapresentation o Find out sales figuresfor the presentation. o Talkto designdepartmentabout photosfor the presentation. o Writethe presentation. o Show the presentation to your boss (youdon'twant to do this!). o Book flightsto Barcelona. o Book hotelin Barcelona.

You are a touristvisitingCambridge.StudentB works in the touristinformationoffice.Ask for the followinginformation. Make notes. List of hotels(nottoo expensive): Map of the city centre- how much?: Information aboutthe city'shistory: Most interestingplacesto visit: Nowyou work in the touristinformationofficeand your partneris a tourist.However,todayyou are very tired and very busy,and as a resultyou aren't very hetpful.You are also newto the job and you don't knowCambridgevery wett.Use the following information. No listsof restaurants. No good fish restaurants. Good hotdogsnearstation. Maps- no map of citycentre. Map of England- f5.50. Openinghours- you don'tknow. - the airport. Bestplacefor souvenirs

practice Communication Nowdiscusswhatyou'[ do if thesethingshappen:

Lookat the list of ideas for new touristactivities. Takeit in turnsto make predictionsaboutthe ideas.StudentA starts and makesa positiveor negativeprediction.StudentB disagreesand makesa differentprediction. A B

I think lots of peoplewill go to these hotelsit's very exciting! I don'tagree.Peoplewon'twant to stay in placesas dangerousas that.

r A hotelchainwantsto build5-starhotelsnear famousvolcanoes. 2 A traveIcompanywantsto offer30-daytoursto the ArcticCircle. 3 A travelcompanywantsto offerskiingtours on Mount Everest. companyis goingto builda 4 A construction tropicaldomein the southof Spain. 5 A travelagentwantsto offerbeachholidaysin the northof Europe. 6 A tour companyfor the over 50s wantsto offer guidedtours of the greatlibrariesof Europe. companywantsto 7 A Britishfast food restaurant offer'gastronomic tourism'in the UK. Lookat the list again.Decidehow probableit is that ideas witl be successful.Use certoinly, maybe, probobly, definitely, possibly and perhaps.

You are and your partnerare hopingto startyour own business.Hereare some notesfromyour businessptan.Readthem throughcarefully.

Onlinetrainingprogrammes- management training,team buildingetc. Lessons by email,phone or video conference Profit forecast: t130,000 - year 1, t190,000 0 - year 2, f350,000 - year 3 Staff needs: 20 permanenttrainers,office manager,secretary,marketingconsultant Office needs: small office, no need for city centrelocation Advertising campaign: in national newspapers

we'il offer lf peopledon't like video conferencing, coursesin a classroom. o lf peopledon't like video conferencing? o lf thereare problemswith the lnternet (conection, virusesetc.)? o lf your profitforecastsfor year 1 are too high? o lf you can'tfind enoughpermanenttrainers? o lf you can only find expensiveofficespacein the city centre? o lf it's too expensiveto advertisein national newspapers? Nowcompareyourdecisionswith anotherpairof students.Didyou havethe samesolutionsto the problems?

StudentA You wantto book a ftightto Faro,in Portugal, leavingon Monday16thMay and returningon Tuesday26th May.StudentB works for the airline. Findoutthe followinginformation and bookthe seat usingyourcreditcard. o Priceincludingtaxes o Flighttimes o Baggageallowance o Excessbaggagecharge Nowchangeroles.StudentB wantsto buy a ticket. Answerhis/herquestionsand takethe booking. Destination: Madrid,Spain Outboundflights:Tuesday,Friday9.00 and 79.45 Returnflights:Tuesday,Friday10.00and 20.30 Prices: Tuesday€ 6 0 one.way Friday€ 9 5 one.Way eveningflights€ 1 0 extra 10olodiscounton Tuesdayflightsnextweek 20kg Baggagea[lowance: Excessbaggagecharge:€ 1 0 per kilo


I i






".:I -=.l I

I I i

You are startinga new job today.You are meeting the trainingmanagerto decidewhatyourtraining needsare for the year.The trainingmanager(your partner)wilt ask you if you'veused the following programmesbefore.Use the informationin the chartto answer. B A

Haveyou used FastNotesemailsystembefore? Yes,I have.I used the same system....



FastNotes emailsvstem

/ useI samesystem/ i n l a s tc o m p a n y


X notI work/ with databases/ in last job


X not / use / Excel/ in tast iob


/ useI a lot / in last job


/ work with/ PowerPoint / a littte/ in tastiob

Nowchangeroles.Ask yourpartnerif he/shehas used the programmesin the chart before.Make a noteof his/herrepliesso thatyou can planthe trainingprogramme. A B

Have you used FastNotesemail system before? No, I haven't.I used FastMail....

StudentA You are StudentB's boss.He/Sheis in Polandto considerthe possibilityof openinga newoffice there.He/shecalls to giveyou an update.Ask questionsto find out moreinformation. Make notes of the answers. 1 2 I 4 5

meet/ local propertyconsultantyet ? look at / possiblelocationsfor officeyet ? plan / budgetfor new officeyet ? meet/ local recruitment consultantyet ? write report/ on stateof Polisheconomy?


Takeit in turnsto ask and answerquestlons,uslng the list. Describethe experienceand how you felt. Haveyou everstayedin a 5-starhotel? Yes I have.I stayedin the HotelClarisin was fantasticbut very expensive! Haveyou ever ...


fly / in a hot-airballoon? swim/ in the sea at night? drive/ a sportscar ? runla marathon? win / a prizeor competition? eat / in a very expensiverestaurant ? meet/ a famousperson? travel/ somewheredangerous? stay/ in a 5-starhotel?

StudentA Lookat the informationaboutyour company's performance so far this year.Exptainthe informationto your partner. Rite-cleancompanyperformanceQuarters1 & 2 Production' Sales Costs: salaries/bonuses stafftravel pensionpayments Profits

L 8o/o

v5% v 3o/o L 11o/o L3% Y 11o/o

Nowlistenyourpartnerand comptetethe information abouthis/hercompany. Copylite companyperformanceQuarter1 V

Production Sales Costs: salaries/bonuses staff travel pensionpayments Profits

!t !!


trtr !!


% %o ....% %o oĂ


practice Communication

StudentA Lookat the information aboutpropertypricesin London. Answeryourpartner'squestions. Averageprice:2-bedroomapartment in London 7990 f60,000 7994 f40,000 7996 f70,000 1,999 f 100,000 f180,000 2002 2006 f240,000 2072 f480,000? Nowask your partneraboutpropertyprices in Liverpool.Use the corrâ‚Ź c t tense for the questions. what/ cost / a house in 7990 ?. what/ happenI in 7994? what/ happen/ in the last ten years? what/ cost / a house now ? what/ cost/ a house in 2072?

You havea new idea for a way of selling CDs (musicand films)online.Readthe descriptionof yourbusinessconcept,then use the passiveto describeit to yourpartner. OK, this is my new businessplan. First,CDs are orderedthroughthe website... o CustomersorderCDs throughthe website. o Peoplesend the CDs back to us when they've finished. o We pay the postage. o We give the customera 50o/o discountoff his/her nextpurchase. o We sell the second-handCDs for an even bigger discount.

Youand yourpartnerare management consultants. A companyhas cometo you for adviceabout expandingtheirbusiness.First,readthe description of the company:

The Flying Duck Restaurant with 30 tables 100 seats New menu every month 10 staff

Discusswhatyou watchedon TV last night/week and the type of programmesyou like watching.Try to findas manythingsas posslblethatyou both tike/distike. A B

I watchedthat new quiz show last night,on Channel5. Did you see it? No, I watcheda documentary about ...and the news.I don't reallylike / But I like quiz shows. Did you see ...?

StudentA Listento your partnerdescribea new business concept.Ask questionsfor moreinformation. Takenotesand be preparedto explainthe conceptto anotherstudent.

Annual costs: rent - f,0 (they own the building) staff- f 150,000 food/drink- S300,000 Profrt last year: S50,000 The FlyingDuck'sobiectiveis to doubleits annual profit.Make a list of recommendations for the restaurant's management. Considerthe following: . costs o staff . expandingbusiness o investment o risks o advertising/marketing Firstly,we think you need to cut costs- you could.... Nowworkwith anotherpairof students.lmagine that they are the restaurantowners.Explainyour strategyto them.Thenchangeroles.

Make a noteof your favourite: o . o o !


li lii li I í




Searchengine news website shoppingwebsite bankingwebsite

Ask your partnerabouthis/herfavouritesites. Do you use any of the samesites?Findout more informationaboutyour partner'sfavourites. Ask questions. need/ register? need/ password? you/amember? how muchI cost lmembership? secure?

You work at the head officeof BEC,a large internatlonalcompany.Yourmanagerhas asked you and your cotleaguesto think of ways to reduce costsat the headoffice.Costsincludepaper, electricitybills,telephonebills,drinkingwater,etc. Havea meetingwith your colleagues.Working together, thinkof ideas,developthemand make a list of proposalsfor yourmanager.Use the Six ThinkingHatsto workthroughthe stages: Step r - WhíteHat:Discusson[ythe facts StepZ - GreenHat:Makesuggestions Step I - Red Hat:Give first reactionsto suggestions Stepa YellowHat:Discussthe advantages of suggestions Step s - BlackHat:Discussthe disadvantages of suggestions (Step6 - BlueHat:Managethe discussion) Beforeyou start,you shoutdchooseone personto chairthe meeting.He/5heshouldoccasionatly put on the blue hat to managethe discussionand help to decidewhat proposalsyou will present.

Youworkfor SunSo[,a sunglassescompanybasedin California. You manufacture sunglassesat yourfactory near5an Francisco and sell glassesto the US market. Sales are downthis year,and you needto cut costs, improvesales and increaseprofitsby the end of the year.DiscusstheseareaswithyourpaÍtner and make suggestions. A B . . o o . o

OK, I'vegot an idea. How about...? That'san interestingidea, but what about...? productioncosts ínthe US new products Il€ W markets marketing/advertising price discounts

Now compareyour suggestionswith anotherpair.

StudentA You'retravellingfromCambridgeto Paris via London.Yourtrain fromCambridgewas delayed and you'vemissedyour Eurostarconnection.You havea returnseat in StandardClass.Speak to a (StudentB) at Waterloo Eurostarrepresentative Station. o Explainthe situation. o Findout: when the nexttrainis (yourmeetingin Paris startsat 15.00). if your ticketis valid for othertrains. if you haveto pay a supplement. o Thankthe personfor his/herhelp. Nowchangeroles.


StudentA You are a customeron the cruise ship Serena. Role playthe StudentB is the receptionist. foltowingsituations.


1 You want moreinformationabout the ship'sbar You are a vegetarian. and restaurant. 2 Yourmobilephonechargerdoesn'twork. You boughtit in France. 3 You want to find out about live musicon the ship. Buy two ticketsfor somethingyou're interestedin. Nowchangerotes.

Lookat the diagramof a high speedtrain. Ask yourpartnerfor the missingdimensions. g/high/heavy...? Howwide/[on Nowansweryour partner'squestionsaboutthe diagram. is .... It's...wide/long. The weight/height

You'rehavinga meetingto ptanwhat you needto Chooseone personto do foryoursales conference. be the chair.The chairshoutd: . announceapologies o checkeveryonehas an agenda/theminutesfrom the last meeting . confirmthe time/placeof the next meeting Lookat the tistof jobs and decidewho will do whatand when.Organisethe jobs intoa logical order.

Youand your partnerwork in the heatthand safety departmentat FriskyFrozenFish Fingers.Your companyalways gives new factoryworkershealth and safetytraining.All workersmust pass a test called 'Safetyin FoodFactories- CommonSense'. To help them write the test,the humanresources departmenthaveasked you to makea list of obviousfood safetyprecautionsthat people should know.With your partner,makea list of thingsthat peoptemustand mustn'tdo when they work in a food factory. You mustwear glovesif you work with food. You musn't.... Whenyou'vefinished,compareyour suggestions with anotherpair.

Agenda - Sales conferenceplanningmeeting Date:lst June Time:2 pm Location:Meetingroom1 Participants: Chair:............ Apologies:Vicky Abbott Agenda items Jobs to do beforethe conference: o Writepresentations o Circulateconferenceprogrammeto all staff o Decide dates for conference o Decidewho'sgoingto give presentations o Choosehotel/restaurants o Practisepresentations o Writeagendafor sales conferencemeetings o Choose chairfor sales conferencemeetings o Plan socialevents Nextmeeting:8thJune,2 pm. Meetingroom1.

StudentA You attendeda meetingyesterdayaboutorganising your company'sannualsales conference,but you were delayedand missedthe first threeitemson the agenda.Ask your partnerto tell you what was discussed.Make notes. MeetingAgenda Planningmeetingfor the sales conference

Make smalItalk with otherstudents.Show Keepthe interestduringthe conversation. conversationgoing as long as you can,then move on to talk to someoneelse.Make a noteof how longyoutalkedto eachperson. Now makea list of the subiectsyou talked about. Comparethem with otherstudents'conversations. Who had the longestconversation?

Date 25thMay Time 2.00pm Location MeetingRoom 2 Participants:Sally Smith, Clare Wilkins, Chris O'Neil


1 Conferencetheme

You are on a trainingcourse.Listento your partner, who is also on the course.Ask questionsand make notesabouthis/heriob and company.

Agendas?Participants? 2 Groupmeetings:

Nowintroduceyourselfto yourpartner.Talkabout yourcompanyand yourjob.


3 Presentations: Subiects?Presenters? 4 Social events:What? Where? chrls prefers a bLg cowferewce d,Lwwerfor aLLevwpLoyees. s a L L g a g r e e s .c L a r e ĂŠ e e w L o h a v e L o t so f svwaLLerevewts - theatye, bowLLwgetc. 5

Location cLare - reLuctawtto go abroad - too expewsLve.saLLU awd chyLs we have ewovtgh Owdget.


Dates saLLUILLL speak.tothebrawchesto {twd ovLtbest dates.


Any other business cLare wLLLchaLr the wext vweetLwg.

Nowte[[your partnerwhat was discussedafter item3 of the meeting.Use the agendato helpyou. We discussed/ agreedto .... Chris/Clare/Satly said...

Yourcompany:TD Consulting management consulting ProducVService: Yourdepartment: exportconsulting Yourjob title:exportconsultant Yourteam:1 personalassistant,2 exportassistants Yourresponsibilities: . managethe team o visit importantclients o work with foreignagencies Yourboss:seniorexportconsultant

practice Communication I




Youare a pop concertand sportseventorganiser. StudentA is a representative for MaxVidat a trade fair.Findout moreaboutMaxVid'sproductsand you are interestedin services.ln particular, information abouta 20 metre-wide screenfor use outdoors.

Lastyear,thesetwo productswere completeflops. Listento yourpartnerguesswhy ProductA was to a flop and makenotes.Thenuse the information explainwhy the productfaited.

Nowyou are a representative at a tradefair. StudentA is the managingdirectorof a chainof hotels.He/Shewantsto knowaboutyourproducts andservices.Use the information to talk about y o u rc o m p a n ya n da n s w e rq u e s t i o n s .

Procluct.\ Special Offer on Big Boy Laptops Good battery (30 minutes) l0% off. Only $3899.

Yourcompany:FloralWorld Yourproduct:

Available colour: pink.

o silk flowerdisptaysfor hotelsand conference centres o displaysin modern,traditional or Japanese style Yourservices: o individualdesignof displays . creativeexpertsto adviseclients o The displaysare for all publicareas(receptions, restaurants, meetingand conferenceroomsetc.)

Pro<lrrct li Test drive a Nogo! Top speed40 kph. l00km / 20 litres. One year's free membershipof the 3-wheelers'club. Price f23,500.

n ..



Available colour: pea green

StudentB Yourcompanyis movingto Youarean officemanager. newofficesthis weekandyou areorganisingthe move.Yourmanagingdirector(StudentA) telephones youfor an updateon the schedule.Answerhis/her questionsusingthe followinginformation. office

vwove apd,ate

sowte probLewts, bv,,L

geweraLLg ow schedvtLe



LwstaLLLwg c ovwpvtters

r dag behLwd,

paLwtLwg receptĂ­ow

z dags ahead, wow l:::t^'vweetLwq

eLecLrLcsow fovtrth (Ioor

t day Late wortzLwg ow thtrd floor


chect<.ed,bv+tphowes wot worlzr.wg


probLevwswlth socket


Why ProductA flopped Nameof product:not serious/professional enough Size:too long/ too wide Screen:not big enough Weight:too heavy/ not lightenough Price:not cheapenough/ too expensive Battery:not long enough Colour:too horrĂ­ble Nowlook at ProductB and guesswhy it was a flop. Commenton the name,size,top speed,design, price,petrolconsumption and colourof the product.Explainyourideasusing toolenough.Yourpartnerwill tell you if you're rightor not.

Nowchangeroles. 89



You are at an interviewfor a job and StudentA is Answerhis/herquestionsabouta the interviewer. proiectyou workedon last year.You want the job, so be positiveand enthusiastic!

Youare havinga meetingwithyour partnerto you are givingin Barcelona discussa presentation nextmonth.Lookat the list of actionpointsand agreeto do att the iobs betweenyou.You'revery busy at the moment,so offerto do two or three things whichyou knowyou can do quickty.

Project: web page for company Proiect details: visit company/ find out needs/ discussbudget/ take photographsin offices/ producesample web page/ dĂ­scusssamplewith manager/ make changes/ deliverfinalproduct Team: leader/ teamof 3 Schedule: 10 months(actualtime = 1 year) Difficutties/problems: budgettoo small/ one memberof team- new iob Solutions: negotiatebiggerbudget/ appointnew colleague Nowyou are a humanresourcesmanager. Youare interviewing StudentA for a iob.Ask him/herto talk abouta projecthe/sheworkedon last year.lf the proiectwas not on scheduleor not on budget, ask why not.Make notesof his/herreplies. proiect? projectdetails? team? on schedule?

Shatl| ...? I'll .... Action points - Barcelona presentation o Findout sales figuresfor the presentation. o Talkto designdepartmentabout photosfor the presentation. o Writethe presentation. o Show the presentation to your boss (youdon'twant to do this!). o Book flightsto Barcelona. o Book hotelin Barcelona.

StudentB Youarethe managerof Santik.A satesmanager fromanothercompany(StudentA) telephonesyou. He/Shewantsto visityourcompany.Use the followingquestionsand information in the conversation. Make notesof what you agree. o o o o o o

Nameof company? What new productdo they have? You'renot in offlcenextweek. Warehousemanageris free- OK? Agreea day (not Mondaysor Tuesdays). Agreea time (not beforelunch).

Nowworktogetherto writean emailfromthe sales manager.Confirmthe arrangementsyou madeon the telephone.

difficutties/p robIems? solutions?

StudentB You work in a touristinformationofficeand your partneris a tourist.You like your job and you're very hetpfu[and friendly.Answeryour partner's questions,usingthe foltowinginformation.

practice Communication Hotets- tistwith atl prices(hotelsin otd city - cheapernearstation). centreexpensive Map - free. Historyof Cambridge booklet- f4.50. Verygood vatue.Lotsof nicephotos. Placesto visit?Museum(guidedtourat 2 pm a n d4 p m ) . Nowyou are a touristand StudentA works in a touristinformationoffice.Ask for the following information.Make notes. (youlike fish): Listof restaurants Map of the city centre: Museumopeninghours:

StudentB You are a trainingmanager.Your partneris startingwork at your companytoday and you need to findout abouthis/hertrainingneeds.Ask if he/shehas usedthe fottowingprogrammes before,and makea noteof his/herrepties. FastNotesemaiIsystem,FileSharedatabase,Excel, Word,PowerPoint B Haveyou used FastNotesemailsystembefore? A Yes,I have.I used the same system.... Nowchangeroles.Thetrainingmanagerwill ask you if you'veused the same programmesbefore. Use the informationin the chartto answer. Programme


FastNotes emailsvstem

X useI FastMait/ i n l a s tc o m p a n y

F i l e S h a r ed a t a b a s e

/ work/ with FiteShare / i n l a s tl o b


/ useI Excel/ in last job



X n o t u s e/ i n t a s tj o b

Youwork for GtenAir.StudentA wantsto buy a ticket.Answerhis/herquestionsand take the booking.


X n o t w r i t e/ p r e s e n t a t i o n /s i n l a s tl o b

Best placefor souvenirs:

Destination: Faro,Portugal 0utboundflights:Monday,Friday10.00and 17.30 Returnflights:Monday,Wednesday, Friday11.00 and 76:45 Prices: Monday€ 5 0 one-way Friday€ 7 5 one-Way Baggageallowance: 20kg Excessbaggagecharge:€ 1 0 per kito Nowyou'rethe customer.You want to book a ftight to Madrid sometimenext week.StudentB works for the airline.Findout the followinginformation and book the seat usingyour creditcard. o Priceinctudingtaxes o Flighttimes o Baggageallowance o Excessbaggagecharge

StudentB You are on a vislt to Poland.Yourcompanyis thinkingaboutopeninga new officein Krakow. Lookat your'todo'list. Phoneyour boss in the UK (StudentA) to give an updateon your progress. Poland visit - to do 1 Meetlocalpropertyconsultant>orce. 2 Lookat oossiblelocationsfor office seew bNo possibLeLocatLows. 3

Plan budget for new office Dowe, bvttprobLewrshere. Budget Ls too srwaLL.


Meet local recruitmentconsultant Not dowe. >L{{tcuLt to {uwd LocaLrecr,.,.Ltv:*ewt exTefts.


Write report on Polish economic situation Not dowe. No tLvr*e.


Nowlook at the information aboutpropertyprices in Liverpool. Answeryourpartner'squestions.

StudentB Listento your partnerdescribehis/hercompanyl performanceso far this year.Completethe information. Rite.cleancompany performanceQuartersĂ­ & 2 V


Production Sales Costs: salaries/bonuses stafftravel pensionpayments Profits

! !

!%o !

tr tr

! ! !

! !



%o .% %o

Nowlook at the information aboutyourcompany's performance year. so far this Explainthe information to yourpartner. Gopylite companyperformanceQuarterĂ­ Production



L 25%


Costs: salaries/bonuses

L 10%o

staff travel pensionpayments

Y 7o/o


Y 11o/o L 15o/o

StudentB Ask yourpartneraboutpropertypricesin London. Use the correcttensefor the questions. what/ cost / an apartmentin 1,990? what/ happenI in 7994? what/ happen/ in the lastten years? what/ cost / an apartmentnow ? what/ cost / an apartmentin 2072 ?

Averageprice:2-bedroom house in Liverpool 7990 f40,000 7994 f30,000 1,996 f50,000 1,999 f90,000 2002 f95,000 2006 f100,000 2072 f200.000?

StudentB Youhavea new ideafor teachingEnglishonline. Readthe descriptionofthe businessconceptthen use the passiveto describeit to yourpartner. OK, this is my new businessplan. Firstly,classes are taken usinga webcam... o Studentstake classes,usinga webcamon the Internet. o Studentspractisespeakingwith the microphone. o Studentssend homeworkto the teacherby email. o The teachercheckshomeworkand returnsit by email. o The teacheruses interestingwebsitesas part of the lesson. o The teachergivesstudentsa certificate at the end of the course. Nowlistento yourpartnerdescribea new business concept.Ask questionsfor moreinformation. Take notesso thatyou can explainthe conceptlaterto anotherstudent.

practice Comm unication



Youare a Eurostarrepresentative at Waterloo Stationin London.Listento a passenger(Student A). Findoutwhattypeof tickethe/shehas and answerhis/herquestions.Use the fotlowing information.

You are a receptioniston the cruise ship Serena. Answerhis/herquestions StudentA is a passenger. forthreedifferentsituations. Use the information.

11.00- arrivesParis14.30.(ontyFirstClassseats available) 12.00- arrivesParis 15.30(Standardand First Classseats available) Cost of an upgradeto FirstClass:f 100 (return) Ticketsare valid on all trains. Nowchangeroles.

Serena Bar and Restaurant Restaurant openeveryday 6-11 pm DrinksserveduntiImidnioht Mediterranean cuisine Vegetarian options F i n ew i n eI i s t Electrical supply Adapters Electricity socketsareUS format. $6.99. Avaitab[e fromourshops.


Live music - Wednesday 37st May LagunaBar- TheEasyJazzQuartet. 8 pm.Freeentry. pm.Freeentry. Cabaret Bar- TheSerenades.9 Booking required. Force12 disco- DJJeggarMartin. 10 pm.Entry$6. Nowchangerotes.

w e i g h t :1 8 0 0 k 9

wheel Lookat the diagramof a high-speed train.Answer yourpartner'squestionsaboutthe diagram. is .... It's...wide/long. The weight/height Nowask yourpartnerfor the missingdimensions. How wide/long/high/heavy ...?

StudentB You attendeda meetingyesterdayabout organisingyouĂ?Gompanylannualsales Yourpartnerwas delayedandmissed conference. the first threeitemson the agenda.Tell your partnerwhatwas discussed.Usethe agendato helpyou. We discussed/ agreedto .... Chris/Clare/Sally s a i d . ... MeetingAgenda Planningmeetingforthesalesconference Date 25thMay Time 2.00pm Location MeetingRoom2 Participants:Sally Smith,ClareWilkins, Chris O'Neil Item 'twwovatLow' Conference theme Sally wan"ts 'L-carwtng agatw. Clnreyeftrs fro,,t"the Tast'. chrLs - haply to Let.saLLy awd cLare deoLde. Group meetings: Agendas? Participants? chaLr - chrLs. chrLs wLLtdecLdewho to LwvLte. Presentations: Subjects? Presenters? NeLLfrovt* Kt+waLtof{vcedoesw't wav* to pyesewt. Mark fro,n) aqaw of{t"oeLs haqpy to gLve a pyesewtatLow.cLare wLLLheLpprcpayc the TresewtatLow. Social events: What? Where?

5 Location 6 Dates 7 Any otherbusiness

You had to leave the meetlng and missed items bT on the agenda. Ask your partner to tell you what was discussed. Make notes.

practice Grammar andvocabulary We manufacture rollercoasters. E

Findthe wordsand fill in the gaps. Yes,the companydeliversproductsall over the world.

brispolenes lead troper agmane grehac kool

6 No, I'mnot in customerservice.

five people.

2l 3l 4


5 They

6 We

7 Yes,the site is [arge.

to the officemanager. of the Londonoffice. withfinancialproblems.

Fill in the gaps. install export supply manufacture deliver design advise

aftercustomers in 50 countries.

Make positiveand negativesentences. t

We usualty dflyg. ordersthe next day. 2 We .,....,-......"....... our productsto Chinaand Japan. 3 our engíneers'...'....''''... t h e e q u i p m e natt

t / be íncharge.


!lttttl..+.lurt, 1|ttt tt:;.{..i It.4 tt l ! t.:'.,......... z they/ be in myteam.


thecustomer's factory. Weusecomputers to

our products. the partsat theirfactory

They in France. 6 Thesetwo companies...,,...,....,......", us with sparepartsfor our machines. 7 We new customerson the maintenance of the machines. 5

3 i t I b e a n u n u s u aito b .

* u""/ o. ;;;;;'; .

F i l Ii n t h e c h a r t . 5 they/ checkcustomerservice.

beef apple potato chicken roast haddock grilled lamb salmon fried broccoli cod salad mashed pea carrot leek strawberry

6 he ltravela lot

7 she / workin the Londonoffice.

Make questionsfor theseanswers. t

W_Ú+ll:.|y..tl1t: !a:!+.Í!t!t.? ...... The tradefair is in Frankfurt.

2 The show ends on the May 20th. ? Yes,we'rean international company.


Matchthepairsto makesentences. a for the main course? b for dessert, please?

1 We have 2 Are you readyto I I'dtikesoup 4 CouldI havechicken s Could I have ice cream Can I get you 7 No coffee,could



hard-working reliable adaptable creative confident experienced strong analytical after 15 years in She'svery t'.y1!'!.!..:.!!.t1:!.!., the job.

c ordernow? d anythingelse to drink? e we just havethe bill, please?

He'sneverbehindschedule.He'sso breakfor lunch. She onlytakesa 20-minute She's really team.Theyalways Theyare a very ....,.....-...--....-. thinkof newwaysof doingthings. He can work in lots of differentsituations, becausehe'sso and can quicklysee 6 He'svery problem is. whatthe He sets clearobjectivesfor his team.He'sa very .....,,,.-............ leader. speakel even with people She'sa she doesn'tknow.

f for the starter. g a reservation.

of the verbs. Writethe presentcontinuous 't't:.!d/:!tt!t r They the walls this morning. (build) She ................ (not manage)

the projectvery wel[.

the projectmanager .,......-...... this morning?(do) the architect Where today? (work) What

The lights (not work) We ......-. . budget.(have)

at the moment. .-..-..... problemswith the


Writethegerundof theverbs. 1 He likes ..:!tL,i!!!totherpeople'sproblems. (solve) our z The manageris only good at .,,...-...-,,..-...... coffeebreakl (organise) in very smallteams.(work) 3 | enjoy decisions. 4 She'snot very quick at (make) 5 He'snot (manage)

F i l ti n t h e g a p s . aheadof behind update over budget complete on schedule Can you give me an !I{ ? ls the proiect . - -............. They'reopeningearly- they're schedule. .......,., We'respendingtoo much.We're budget. 4 They'rerunninga monthlate.They're schedule. The costs are quite [ow.They'reunder Whencan you .,....,..,..,... ..... decorating?

F i t t i nt h eg a p s .


He likes (work)

peopte. on creativeprojects.

A r et h e s es e n t e n c esse n s e( S )o r n o n s e n s e( N ) ? WriteS or N in the boxes. t I love scuba's a lot of fun. 2 | can'tstand boxing.I'd love to have a go at it. 3 | can'tplay tennis,that'smy problem. I'mgood at it. I don'tlike's not my cup of tea. I enjoyplayinggolf.I'mnot interested in it. I'd love to havea go at underwater hockey.I bet it's good fun.

[n LJJ

! ! !

tr !

Grammarandvocabularypractice Matchthe pairsto makesentences. Writea-f in the boxes. Matchthe pairsto makesentences. Writea-g in the boxes.

t E 2 | 3 E

1 @ Thereis a 20"Á 2 | The deliverycharge 3 L__l You can save time and 4 L_l Alt the productsin that 5 L__l Peopledon't like 6 L__l They deliverthe goods 7 L) lt's importantto get

4 5 6

a money,if you shop online. b discounton all products. c directlyfromthe warehouse. d buyingexpensivegoodsonline. e is includedin the price. f a quote beforeyou placean order. g storeare good quatity.

a b c d e f


Make superlatives. Use the correctformof the adjectives. r

This is !ry: . !.!!L!.lÍ :,:!rqu+t,i technologyin the world.(+advanced) jobin our 2 He has company.(+bad) 3 We guaranteethat our productsare (- expensive) 4 We have .................... officesin the city.(+modern) 5 That's discountwe can offer.(+good) 6 This is . meetings.(+nice)

room for


It'sabsolutely essentiaI quite It's a difficult

not necessary to openthe windows. good have to tightto work in. compulsoryto have fire exits. problemto solve. solutionto thísproblem. thingis to finishthe job on time.

Fittinihegaps. island mountain ocean forest northern coast

Make comparisons. Use the correctform of the adiectives. 1 lt's much !./!.|..!Í|!.!. to book flightsand hotels on the Internet.(+cheap) 2 lt's to buy a laptopin a storethan online.(+expensive) 3 TraintraveIin Europeis ..,.....,,....,...... flYingnowadays.(: cheap) 4 lt's a lot ... . .,.and ...............,....., to order goods directlyfroma warehouse. ftgood/+quick) 5 The servicewiththe new manageris much than with the old one.(+bad) 6 lt's to placean order with the new software.(- difficult)

tr tr

The mostimportant The regulations makeit We haveair-conditioning, so it's Therel ontyone possible

2 3 4 5 6

We couldsee the southern of Englandfromthe ferry. Europeis in the hemisphere. The Pacificis the biggest . in the world. That is over1,500metreshigh. nearFrance. lerseyis a small .,. Thetreesin the werevery high.

Matchthe pairs.Writea-h in the boxes. t Á T h i si s s i m p l e . 2 L) My car doesn'tuse a lot of petrol. 3 L__l This productis very safe. 4 L__l The productwas a flop. 5 L__] This car neverbreaksdown. 6 L_l Lotsof peoplebuy this product. This machineis quickand saves 7 | us time. a b c d e f


It wasn'tsuccessful. It'svery popular. It'svery economical. It'snot complicated. It'svery efficient. It'svery reliabte. It isn'tdangerous.

3 Theydidn'twantto use computers.

Fill in the gaps with wos, wasn't,were oÍweren,t. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4A

... lil,!'' the adverta faílurein Europe? Yes, it -.,,,,.. a completeflop. the batteriesvery small? quite big. No, they - .......--...-.. the vehiclevery economical? No. it . The runningcosts very high. profitsvery low this quarter?

B No, they veryhigh.

She didn'tgo to Malaysia.


I didn'tdrinkcoffeein the break.


Theydidn'teat lunch.


. Sales .......

impossible solve work trouble solution I couldn't -s:l!fl the problem. 2 We had withthe new computer. 3 We used a specialcamera,but it still didn't t

Changethe sentences.Use the adjectivesand the word in brackets. expensive dangerous low fast simple

Thatcar is too slow.(enough) f Ú qt t.l l. islt,t.Íttii !..a.,-t.t:t /.t'. Thisis notcheapenough.(too)

It was ... .. to film at night. I don't think there's an easv 5 problem.



3 The priceof this productis too high.(enough)

Makequestions fortheseanswers. r Whent{i:!.uqt hft ili 2 No, she didn'twork in the officetoday. 3

(enough) The designis too complicated.

Yes,he madea video. 4 Where Theysaw the productin a supermarket.

a Make negativesentences. He startedhis new iob last week.


H :,il +ú t,t ltl Ú h t: u.t.l t.ii ::!../:l ;t- lt::.:.k.' Theymadethe fitmin India.

Yes,we foundyour officevery easily. 6 When I wenttherelast week.

3 They had a very big budget.


Fillin thegaps. round shopping cooked lie cleaned meal gardening

+ The projectcost f2 million. 5 She finishedthe iob on time.

. il;";J;dilil;;;ili;,; b Make positivesentences. 7 The photosdidn'tlook verygood.

.TI u.pItetlE |* k*! rrp1.t1:t t:.:/, Theydidn'ttakea longtimeto finishthe iob.

to this

I boughtit yesterday.

Theseproductsaren'tsafe enough.(too)



7 The apartmentwas reallydirty,so we ,:/rttttcr{ it.

I was tired,so I had a tn. 3 We went out for a ....,.. 4 I went ..,...,,,.. .. for a new computer. 5 It was warmand sunny,so we did some 2

She a mealfor six people. ,,-....,, for dinner. 7 We had friends


Grammarandvocabularypractice Fittin the Presentsimpleor presentcontinuous? gaps with the correcttenseof the verb.


Fittin thegaps.

r The flight ,t.riu..rl{at 23.00. (arrive) at 9.00 am. (start) z The conference. with mv to a conference 3l cotleague.(9o) at the conference. a presentation 4 I . ........... (give)

contact speak touch give look back organiser 1 I'll .y,l{l{14 . to the conference aboutaccommodation. 2 Witlyou .........,... .. Max a call this afternoon? 3 l'il get in ........,.. with Jenny. 4 Can you .............the supplierafterthe meeting? to the satesmanager? s ShatlI get ....... into it now.I'mtoo busy. 6 | can't Make offersand suggestionswith 'll andshall. t

5 The conference (Íinish) 6 We (stay)


on October27th.

in San Franciscofor four days.

Fittinthegaps. leaflet guided souvenirs peak shuttle map

l/do/it/tater. /'//,{oit /,rttr

The ttr,ryt of the city centreshows interestingplacesfor tourists. Thereis a ....,,,....,........,. bus everyhour fromthe airportto the hotel. of theirvisit. 3 Mosttouristsbuy tours. 4 Many museumsoffer.....,.....,...-...... has a list of 5 This information...,....,,...,........ restaurants. It'sdifflcultto get theatreticketsduring periods.

we / them/callback? | / check/ details/ today.

' / n.'I*'. inir.t.;;;;. | / contact/ hotet? we / book / seats/ no; t ?


F i t ti n t h eg a p s . forward discussed find following attached confirm hesitate I'mwritingto +:ttti.:t.mY flightdetails. 2 Please.............belowthe detailsof the hotel. As , we are arrivingin Toronto at 74.45. 4 Pleasedon't ............,......... to contactme, if you needfurtherdetails. s I look to meetingyou againsoon. 6 Pleasefind the schedulefor 1



I reserved ,..our phoneconversation, your traintickets.


Makepredictions usingwill. r

I don'tthink/ he / finish/ on time .

lt tttl tt......... . L:., | :fu|t".t L! ú Úcll1Íit.,:l

2 personally, / | thinkI theyI be / over budget. 3 lthinklitlbe/aflop. 4 the proiectI notI be / a success. 5 | don'tthink/ we / solve/ the probtem. 6 the sales figuresI not I improveI next month.

Writesentenceswith the samemeaning. Use the words in brackets.


Filtinthegaps. altowance discount non-refundabte one-way advance excess include

1 He'scomingtomorrow.I'mcertainaboutthat. (definitely)t!t.|:..:!.+Í.u,!t.Út :.::ltlttl:t. t.+!!.,.!.|,.!.!.!!!!: . 2 lt's likelythey'llget the contract. (probably)

1 Can I get a ,.t!.1,1:::,.:.tut. .. if I book early? price 2 Doesthe of the ticket airporttaxes? 3 You can'tcancelthe ticket- it's

Maybe I'll go to Spain on holidaythis year. (perhaps) 4 I'msure there'llbe a big a marketfor this product. (certainly) 5 Perhapstheirprofitswill be betterthis quarter. (possibly)

is 25 kitos. The baggage. 5 There'san ..--..-....baggagecharge of f5 per kilo. 6 lt'scheaperif you book in 7 Do you want a returnticketor fust ')


Matchthe pairsof sentences. Write a-e in the boxes. r


2 ! 3 ! 4 5

u !

She'splanningto set lowertargets. She'shopingto finishthe proiectearly. She'sonly 20 but her goal is to be chief executive. She'saimingto increasesales verysoon. She'sgoingto calculatethe costs carefully.

She'salwaysoptimisticabout schedules. marketingstrategy. b She has a good short-term c She wants peopleto meettheir objectives moreeasily. d She wantsthe budgetto be realistic.



She'svery ambitious.

Make first conditionalsentenceswith if. r

flightbe delayed/ | stay at airport.

ltt th::.:ll.tÍl:l.,l' !Í.Í!l:. t|,lt|tt!!.!!.l!.!/.!::!'..|.:|!..,'Í.,!! it today/ we notflrnish notde\iver Z supp\iers ontime. 3 you work hard/ you achieveyour goal + projectnot be successful/we lose a lot of money. 5 they not finishiob / they work late tonight e pricenot be too high/ we increasesales .


Fitlin thegaps. Masters ioined promoted trainee post left graduated I studiedFrenchand Spanishat the Universityof London an! 7qnrittt!.4!.in 2001. I accepteda . Luckily at Flexcoas a 3 in Flexcopaid for me to do a 5... Management. Aftertwo years I was manager sales,but I to assistant of international ó didn'tlike it' |t was too stressful!| Flexcosix monthslaterand went to work for my currentcompany,TZK, Practicon.I 7 a tew months ago and |m very happy here. Past simp\e oÍpÍesentpertect? titt in the gaps with the correcttense of the verb. on severalbig proiectslike t!,.......,,. this. (work) | ..-- ....-.... .-.... with her on a proiectlast (work) year. a Mastersin t997. (do) ....,....... 3 t.. a lot of largeteams, 4 She ...,.. . but this is the largest.(manage) He .-..,....,...,..... for six different companiesduringhis career.(work) this companyin 2001. 6 | . .........

(ioin) to nearlY40 different 7 | .... countrieson businesstrips.(travel)

Grammarand vocabularypractice Makesentences.Use the presentperfect. I youI use lthis programmebefore?


Fittinthesaps. boring frightening happy hard interesting sad frightened relaxed bored incredible

(/ti.s H,tvt' ttott ttsl{ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L,t.L|l|t1t,,It,I., _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ ' { "+ " "" " " " ' ' _ _ ttÍ,,rt? _t'_"_____

2 | / notI see I this versionbefore.

lI's hqt:lt to run a marathon,especiallyfor the firsttime. 2 I'm -...,--.... ! | want to go and do fun! something The first time I went skiing I was a bit 3 t

3 you/ work/ with her before? 4 youI everlvisit / China? .a 5 |/ n e v e r / v i s i t / C a n a d

rr I didn'twin the race,but I was still with third place. The instructorwas good.The lessonwas

| | no| I use / this system before. you / everI \iveI in a differentcountry?


We waitedat the airportfor was really .. ....- . I lost one of my skis at was really when I'mon holiday. 8 I'malways 9 | wentto Indialast was -......-.... lwas so to leave.

Matchthe pairs to makesentences. Writea-g in the boxes. t


2 ! 3 !

They'vemadevery good Our engineersare two months We'rehavingtrouble

4 ! 5 !

This delay meansthat we'renow

ó n


7 !

I'moptimistic aboutthe business

a b c d e f g

Our new sales executive

installing the new machines. becausethingsare goíngwell. aheadof schedule. is doingwell. two weeksbehindschedule. good news- we'vefounda new supplier! progressin the last threeweeks.

Fitt in the gaps with olready,yet or so for. ? 1 Haveyou finished 4qt....... 2 We haveto build six unitstoday,and we've . only built two .........,............ plan work today,but | didn't to finish all the 3 I've.............-........ done everything. butwe 4 The work has gone well . haven'tdonethe hardestjob ..--. ? A Haveyou bookedyour flight ,.......... going B No, I'm to book it this afternoon. A Can you send me the report? B I've_.-,...-_...-_..._.... sent it to you. I emailedit yesterday.


Filtin thegaps. fell rose index currencies stock shares 1 We accept paymentin al[ major +'t.t!.!.!:!t!.i!',1

The FTSEindex ................ . 100 points yesterdayto its lowestpoint in ten years. marketis closedfor The London the holidays. in BM 4 We now hold 30% of the Products. The CAC 40 is the stock market........,............ in France. againstthe yen The strongdollar ........-. yesterday. 2

Matchthe wordsto the definitions. Writea-g in the boxes.

Make sentences.Use the presentperfect. t

what/ happen/ to shareprices/ today? W/t,tt

I B 2 E

/ t , t " / t , t l , t , , . , , , ' , {Í . , . ' / t , t , i ' / t t t . ( t . s Í , , t { l t t ?

2 this monththe FTSEI riseI 2o/".


3 thisyearthepriceof oil/ be / stable.

4! 5!

+ thisweeksharesi. u"ff.r*.*..I *" J"-r .

inoex 5 theDowJones f iaLr / ;il; ;ilJ;;


Matchthe pairsto makesentences.Look carefullyat the tenses!Writea-f in the boxes. Last monthpropertypricesin the UK

1 E 2 E

Thisyearhousepricesin Japan

3 E 4 E

So far this yearhousesalesin In the late 1980s house pricesin

5 E 6 E

At the momentpeople A two-bedroomflat in London

a are spendinghugeamountsof moneyon property. b c d e f

the UK startedto rise. fell by O.2o/o. the USA have stayedstrong. have fallen. coststhe sameas a housein Liverpool.

F i t ti n t h e g a p s . property loan mortgage lend unemployment boom interest recession 1 We took out a very big tttt,t.tlttt.', , when we house. boughtour 2 I pay 18% on my creditcard. 3 The priceof . .,. . is veryhighin London. 4 Highlevelsof ...... .....are bad for the economy. I need to get a ...-.. -..,,... fromthe bank to buy a new car. 6 The bank won't ..,,. him any money. in the USAwas in 7 The biggest 1.929,afterthe stock marketcrashed. in the propertymarket. 8 Thereis a Priceshave neverbeen so high.


6E 7E

A personwho introduces a televisionshow. A dramaabouteverydaytife,whichyou can watch everyweek on TV. A personwho takes part in a quiz or competition. A foreignfilmwhichis in your language. famouspeoplein this type Theyinterview programme. of The writtentranslationof the text of a foreignfilm. A seriousprogramme aboutnature, historybusinessor politics.

a subtittes b contestant c talk show d presenter edubbed fdocumentary soap opera s

Matchthe pairsto makesentences. Writea-g in the boxes. 1 E We havea new advertising 2 LJ We promoteour brand 3 L__l We advertiseon TV and in Sometimes we marketour 4 E Our new logo is designedto 5 E 6 I The footballclub found Advertsin newspapersare 7 E a b c d e f


a veryeffectiveway of marketing. brandin televisioncommercials. strategy. in a very imaginativeway. for the under-18 sponsorship team. businessmagazines. giveus a moremodernimage.

Changethe sentencesfromthe activeto the passive. r

Miltionsof peoplesaw the advert.

Tlll ,ttLt:tt l!:!,.|Jil. !:u u,t|!t::lt: ':Í/,,.'+!/.,/t|'....' readthis magazine 2 A lot of businesspeople everyweek. 3 Companiesadvertiselots of productson billboards.

Grammarandvocabularypractice a Theysponsoredour basketball team.

a.risn.Jo;; ;J i;;;. 5 Thisasency


Fittin thegaps. how idea could why about suggestions not

6 ourmanaging oi,..t";;';iiil;;. E

7 That'sa reallyinteresting i{tn

Fittin thegaps.


hire invest raise go bankrupt launch set up cut costs lay off

3 4

the companyfiveyearsago. ;+t !.!lt 2 The companycouldn't enoughfinanceto expand. Fortunately we foundsomeonewho wanted to .........,..,...,..,in our business. We'replanningto -,.our new productnextyear. 7 We .

5 6 7

Completethe secondconditionalsentences. Use the correctformsof the verbs.

by closingone of our 5We factories. Businessisn'tgoodthis year,so we aregoingto someof our production team. .,,,,,..,. lf our businessdoesn'timproverapidlywe'll I

5 We needto changeour products (significant) ó

They'rep[anningto .'.....'.....'........ expandthe business.(gradual)

Matchthe pairs.Writea-e in the boxes. 1 Á |s it safe to pay by creditcard? 2 L__] Click hereto join now. 3 L_l I'veboughtsome antivirussoftware. form 4 L_l lt was easy to fitl in the registration online. 5 E You needtwo piecesof informationto log in. a b c d e


You haveto have a user nameand password. Theydidn'twant muchinformation. Membersget fultaccessto the site. Yes,this site has a secureserver. It'simportant to installregularupdates.

packaging,they lf CDs .....t{tt.!2!t.ltttt.t1.....

cheaper.(not have,be) tt,5ú{b+:'..''.. 2 Our CDs moreif they cheaper.(sell,be) ....,,., 3 lfwe the príce,we more CDs. (lower, sell) ,...,..... I think we ,..,,..,..,...,,., moreCDs if we themin biggerpacks. ,,..,..,,. (sell, sell) lf we lateralthinking,we betterideas. (use,have) ........,.

lt costs a lot of moneyto .,,,,,,,.,,.,,,.,,,. workers. experienced

Fittin the gaps with adverbs. r She founda new job .t,.t:1./1t . kasy) 2 The new managerworks . (hard) . (careful) 3 He plans everythingvery ,,..,.,,,..,,,,, (quick) year. increased last 4 Sales

. We ,,,.. ,,,,.,,. let peopledownloaddirect fromthe Internet. What .. ......-..,...,, usingdifferentpackaging? Why . . .. . . justchangethe shapeof the box? Any .....aboutthe marketingstrategy? aboutusinga new logo? don'twe ask our customers what they want?


Fittin thesaps. haveto shouldn't should don'thaveto should I don'tthink you criticise shu[+1......... otherpeople''snot hetpfut. In my opinionwe ..,..,..,,.... change our logo becauseit's very well known by the pubtic. In our companyyou agree ..,..-..,, with everything the boss says.She likes hearingdifferentideas. You ,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,, alwaysmake it clear thatyou'recriticising the idea,not the person. You ...--.... use this safety . equipmentin the'sa companyrule.

The bridgegoes .............the Azo4 road nearthe town centre. The Eurotunnelgoes .. the Engtish channel. A hovercraft fliesjust the water.

Match the pairs to makesentences. Write a-f in the boxes. t @ I'mnot sure 2 L__l I'mworriedabout I'mgoingto makea few proposals 3 E lrecommendthat 4 E We haveto considerthe 5 E 6 ! Thereare manybenefitsin cuttingour a b c d e f

3 tr 4 tr 5 ! 6 tr 7 n b d e f


r The motoruay z The traintrack The heightof the bridge The weightof this car is This taptopweighs only 1.2 kilos. lt's

for you to discuss.

1 Ă 2 tr


Matchthe pairsto makesentences.

unstableeconomicsituation. about layingoff staffat the moment. spendingon advertising. we should buitda new factory. expanding the businesstoo quickly.

Matchthe opposites.Writea-g in the boxes.




The planelanded. | missedmy connection. We were delayed. | changedin London. | rushedto the airport. | cancelledmy ticket. They didn'tgive my moneyback.

The flightwas on time. I took a directtrain. I took my time. We took off. I got a refund. I caughtthe train. I madea reservation.

a b

very light. about1,000 kilograms. is 1.2 metres wide. is about145 mileslong. is only 3.2 metres.

Fittin thegaps. regulations safety accidents procedure prevent heatth protective precautions

t Thereare ..!u./tlt... and .....,................ signsin everypartof the factory. to avoid 2 Youmusttakesafety .,........ The .....say that you haveto wear ear protectionat all times. injuries. 4 Hardhatshelpto in the 5 You must completeeach....,.........,....... orderon the list. 6 What -. equipmentdo you needfor job? this


FittinthegapswithmustoĂ?mustn't. You 11tq11!.. have a licenceto drivea car. You ........ . .. ,...,smoke in the toiletson a plane. You ........ drinklots of waterwhenyou run a marathon. tatkto a bus driver,when he's 4 You driving. You over 14 to have a parttimeiob in the UK. You ..,,,swim here.The lake is used for drinkingwater. You -.....-....-.........speak Germanand Englishto get a iob as a Lufthansapilot. 7



Filtin thegaps. over under out around above along through off 1 To get

Ll4t of the buildins,Bo the doorsoppositereception. 2 Drive this road for two kilometresthe stationis on the right. We droveall .. .........-....... the city yesterdaybut couldn'tfind the office. Don'tforgetto get ,,...,,,...,.... ...the train in Birmingham.

You mail.

send dangerousitems by ...,.,-

practice Grammar andvocabulary tr

the meeting/ not start/ untit/ the boss/ be there.

Fitlinthegaps. cabin balcony bunk adapters sauna nightctub baths shower dry laundry t

Our utltLt...on the cruiseship was quite small.Therewas only room for two -...,-...,,.. beds. I triedthe last nightbut I foundit far too hot. The DJ in the .....was reallygood fun. The most expensivecabinshad ...-.....--.....-. . but we only had a .......-... The . . ............... cleaningserviceat the was excellent. You could buy international ..............for the electricalsockets. We had an excellentview fromthe outsideour cabin.

Matchthe pairsto makesentences. Writea-h in the boxes. t E Sally and Jenny,who are both away, 2 | Jackhas kindlYagreed 3 L_-l The agenda 4 L__l I think everyonehas a copy 5 L__l lf you can'tattenda meeting, 6 L_.1 We didn'thold We'vecalledthis meetingto 7 E Let'sdĂ­scuss 8 ! a to chairthe meetingtoday. b of the minutesof the lastmeeting. c a progressmeetinglast week.We were too busy. d itemfouron the agenda. e discussthe financialcrisis. f send theirapologies. s was circulatedlast week. h send an emaiIor phoneto tell us. Make sentenceswith timeclauses. r

we / email/ you / whenI SetI home. W///


,'trtrti/ tlrrrt ,r,/tr'tt rt,t' rlct /tttttrt'.

| / phone/ hotel/ as soon as / know/ all the details.

she / be in contact/ again/ when/ ptane/ land .

they/ notleave / b.f";l;;; /;;il . E

F i l li n t h eg a p s . reluctant keen promised refused happy agreed 1 He said he wasn't klltt to have a formal meeting,but was to talk over coffee. I askedJennyif we coutdchangethe dateof the meetingand she The travelagent...................... to give us a refund becausewe cancelledat the last minute. I'm ......,......,........ to agreeto this, becauselast timeyou didn'tdeliveron time. He ... ...,........ to deliverthe orderon time.


Complete thereported speechsentences. 1 'l'il be [ate.' He said he late. ry,lqlt{bt' 'l'll 2 circulate the minutes.' promised She she .. .. . 'Theycan'tattendthe meeting.'

the minutes.

Theysaid they ,.......... the meeting. 'l havecopyof the report.' I t o t dh i m I a copyof the report. 5 'l'll meetyou later.' He said he me later. 'We can deliveron time.' 6 We totd them we on time. .-....,.., Matchthe pairs.Writea-e in the boxes. t Ă 2 | 3 L__l 4 E 5 Ll a b c d e

How are you? SorryI'mlate. Do you mind if I makea call? Shaltwe take a break? Can I get you anythingto drink?

That'sOK. No, I'mfine,thanks. Good idea. Fine,thankyou. Not at all.

Grammar reference •


We use a verb + -ing after verbs of like and dislike (like/love/enjoy/ hate, etc.).

expensive> more expensive economical> more economical

He doesn't like travelling. •

There is only one negative comparative form: less + adjective:

We also use the gerund after certain expressions which end with at.

I'm good at thinking

less cheap less busy less expensive

of new ideas.

We can use the gerund as a noun.

Managing people isn't easy.


Adjectives go before the noun they describe (or after the verb be).

This computer is new. Adjectives have only one form for singular and plural.

2.2 Superlatives •

2.1 Comparatives We use the comparative to compare two things. The forms are:

the + adjective + -est

This computer is cheaper than that one.

China is the biggest market for our products.

more/less + adjective + (than)

the + most/least + adjective

Shopping online is less expensive than shopping in a supermarket.

It's the least expensive option. The form you use depends on the number of syllables in the adjective.

The form you use depends on the number of syllables in the adjective. •

For one-syllable adjectives ending in a consonant, add -er:

If a one-syllable adjective already ends in you just add or:

safe> safer •

modern> more modern formal> more formal




If a one-syllable adjective already ends in -e, you just add -t:

safe> the safest nice> the nicest large> the largest •

easy> easier

If a two-syllable adjective ends in a consonant, use more + adjective:

cheap> the cheapest

(Some short adjectives double the final consonant: big> biggest)

large> larger

If a two-syllable adjective ends in -y, take away the -y and add -ier:

busy> busier •

nice> nicer

For one-syllable adjectives ending in a consonant, add -est:

small> the smallest fast> the fastest

cheap> cheaper

(Some short adjectives double the final consonant: big> bigger) •

There are two different ways to make the positive superlative form of regular adjectives. The forms are:

adjective + -er + (than)

small> smaller fast> faster

We also use (not) as ... as to make comparisons.

The new system is not as efficient as the old one. (= less)

They are big houses with small gardens.

There is no pattern to irregular adjectives. You have to learn the different forms of the comparative.

We are as busy this month as we were last month. (= the same)

It's a big house with a small garden.

less modern

The results were worse/better than I expected.

It's a new computer. •

With long adjectives of three or more syllables, use more + adjective:

If a two-syllable adjective ends in -y, take away the -y and add -iest: busy> the busiest

easy> the easiest

If a two-syllable adjective ends in a consonant, use the most + adjective:

modern> the most modern most formal

formal> the


reference Grammar With long adiectivesof threeor more syllables,use the most + adjective: expensive ) the most expensive economical ) the most economical form: o Thereis only one negativecomparative the least + adiective: the leost cheap the least busy the leost modern the least expensive o Thereis no patternto irregularadiectives. You have to learn the differentforms of the superlative. These are the best/worst resultssince 1999.


2.3 toolenough o We use too to say'more than necessary'or 'morethan you need or want'.The form is: Ă?oo+ adiective big >too big small >too small o We also use not ...enoughto say'not as muchas you need or want'.The form is: not+adjective+enough big > not big enough smoll > not small enough



TALKING ABOUTTHEPRESENT 3.1 Presentsimple 3.1.1 be The verb be is irregular.




ll .â‚Ź '



Shortanswers positive


Am | ...?

Yes,I am.

No, I'mnot. (one form)

Are you ...?

Yes,you are. No, you aren't/ you'renot.

ls he ...?

Yes,he is.

No, he isn't/ he's not.

ls she ...?

Yes,she is.

No, she isn't/ she'snot.

ls it ...?

Yes,it is.

No, it isn't/ it's not.

Are we ...?

Yes,we are.

No, we aren't/ we'renot.

Are they ...? Yes,they are. No, they aren't/ they'renot. o We use the shortform in conversations. 8e has two negativeshort forms.They are bothcommon. 3.1.2 (Xherverbs o We use the presentsimpleto talk about routines,regularactivitiesand thingsthatare generallytrue. Helen work in Manchester. She goes to work by train. o For companynameswe use the third person singularor the third personplural. Vekoma sell/ sells rollercoa sters.

long form

short form




you are


work l/you/we/they

he is


works he/she/it

she is


it is


we are


they are



Negative l/you/we/they don't work he/she/itdoesn'twork Questions


Do l/you/we/ they work?

Yes, l/you/we/they do. No, l/you/we/they don't. Yes, he/she/itdoes. No, he/she/itdoesn't.

long form

short form

I am not


you are not

you aren't/ you'renot

Does he/she/ it work?

he is not

he isn't/ he'snot

she is not

she isn't/ she'snot

(don't: do not,doesn't: does not)

it is not

it isn't/ it's not

we are not

we aren't/ we'renot

they are not they aren't/ they'renot

Normally,we use the short forms(don't/doesn't in conversation.


Formostregularverbs,add an -s to the infinitiveto makethe thirdpersonsingular. Add -esto do, go, andverbsendingin -ch, -sh,-s or -x. Forverbsendingin consonant + -y,change-y to -ies. lnfinitive
















Shortanswers positive Yes,I am. Yes,he/sheit is. Yes,you/we/they are. negative No,I'mnot. No,he/she/it I isn't/ 's not. 're No,you/we/they I aren't/ not. lf the infinitiveof the verbendsin -e,remove the -e beforeadding-ing. make>maklng phone>phonlng have>havlng Withverbsthatend witha consonant, vowel, consonant(forexample:cwlm,run,travel) you doublethe last consonant. run running swim swimming travel travelling

o We usedo to makequestionsin the present simple,bútdo is also an ordinaryverb: Whatdo you do?- l'm an accountant. She doesaerobicsat a sportsclub. 3.2 Presentcontinuous o We usethe presentcontinuous to describe what! happening now. Theformof the presentcontinuous is: be+verb+-ing. Where'sNick?- He's hovlnglunchat the moment. They'revlsitlngour newfactorythis week. l'm worklng at home today.

i $ I I ll

t I


iI ]í ii

Positive you/we/they were




you're/we're/they're visiting

l/he/she/it wasn't


you/we/they weren't

I'mnot he/she/itisn't

I lw or king 's Iisn't/ not lgoing

tl you/we/theyaren't I aren't/ 're not lvisiting Questions

Questions Was l/he/she/it ...? Wereyou/we/they...? Short answers


ls he/she/it



Are you/we/they



4.7.7 be o The verb be is irregular.ln the past simple we don't use didn't with be.




4.1 Past slmple


rl ].ü il t'!


l/he/she/it was




positive Yes, l/he/she/it was. Yes,you/we/they were. negative No, l/he/she/it wasn't. No, you/we/they weren't.

Grammar reterence


Wosn'tand weren'ta(e short torms for wos not and werenot. We normallyuse the short formsof the negativein conversation.

4.2.2 \negu\arvehs See the irregularverb list on page 113. 4.2.3 Presentperfect:past experience o We use the presentperfectto talk about generalexperience in the past. SheB worked in Switzerland, France and ltaly. He hosn't been to Asia. l've never had a job with on advertising agency. Have you used this software? o lf you talk aboutspecificmomentsand events in the past,aftera Have you ever ...?question, use the pastsimple,not the presentperfect. Haveyoueverworked for a finance company? - Yes, I worked for Citicorp in 1996. Hoveyou everstudied businessmanagement? - Yes, I did an MBA at Harvard.

4.1.2 Regularverbs The form for the past simpleis the same for all persons.Most regularverbsfollowthe same pattern. Positive:subject+ infinitive+ -ed He talked to Ben yesterday. Negative:subject+ didn't + infinitive They didn't discuss the report. Drd+ subject+ infinitive Question: Did you tolk aboutthe trip to China? Short answers Yes/No,+ subject+ did/didn't. Yes, l did. / No, l dÍdn,t. For verbsendingin -e, just add -d, to make the positiveform. phone I phoned him, but he was in a meeting.

4.2.4 Present perfect with yet, already,so far o Yet = 'beforenow'.We use yet with the presentperfectwith questionsand negatives (butnot in positivesentences). Have you sent the email yet? Theyhaven't made a decisionyet. o AIreadY= 'at a time in the past'. We'veolready designed the machine. o So far = 'untilnow'

receive We receivedyour order last Monday. For verbsendingínconsonant+ -y, change-y Í.o-ied. supply Lost year we supplied oll their stores. study She studíedGermanfor two vears.

l've checkedhalf of the order so far. 4.2.5 Present perfect with today, this week/ month/yeor o We use the presentperfectwith thesetime expressions to describeactionsthat are not finishedat the timeof speaking. Share prices in BP hove risen 1% this mornÍng. (lt is not yet 12.00.) The price of steel hos gone up this week. (lt is not yet the end of the week.) The Dow Jones index has follen 8"/"this year. (lt is not yet the end of the year.)

4.1.3 lrregularverbs See the irregular verb list on page113. 4.2 Presentperfect 4.2.1 Regularverbs o The form of the presentperfectis: have/has+ the past participle The past participle of regularverbsis: + -ed infinitive work >worked live >lived start >started Positive:subject+ have/has+ past participte l've finished the report. Negative:subject+ haven't/hosn't + past participle He hosn,torrÍvedat the airportyet. Questions:Have/Has+ past participle Have you phoned Tony today? Shortanswers:Yes/No,+ subject+ have/haven't Yes, I have. / No, I hoven't.


TALKTNG ABouTTHEFUTURE 5.1 Presentcontinuous: futurearrangements o We use the presentcontinuous to talk about definitearrangements for the future. She'spresenting the new product on Friday. l'm going to Milan next week.


5.2 Presentsimple tense for futuretimetables. o We use the presentsimpleto talk about future timetablesand schedules(oftenwith specific timesor dates). I arrive at 12.00. The conference storts on Monday 17thApril.

l'II email you os soon os I reach the office.




5.3 Futurewith going to o We use going Íoto talk about plans and intentions. The form + going to + infinitive. o Positive: We'regoing to discuss the plans with the teom. o Negative: They aren't / They're notgoing to have a meeting todoy. o Questionsand shortanswers: Is she going to talk about the new project?Yes,she Ís,/ No,she isn,t, 5.4.1 Predictionswith wíll o We use vvil/to predictwhat will happenin the is often used with expressionsof opinion(l thinkl'm sure)or with wordssuch as certainly, maybe, probably, definitely, possibly,perhaps. I think the plan will work.

6.2 Secondconditional o The formof the secondconditional is: past simple+ would f + lf I went to the conference,l'd fly back the next day. (l'd : I would) o We use the secondconditional whenwe imaginewhatmighthappenin the future. lf we trovelled by car, we'd get there quicker. If you worked |íarder,you,d be more successful. Sometimes f comesin the middleof the sentence.The form of the secondconditional is then: would+f+pastsimple It would be lighter if we used plastic.

l don,tthínkshe,ll aet here on time. (she'll : she will) It'll definitely be a flop. Yes, l'm sure it won't work. (won't : will not) o When speaking,w7l is nearlyalways shortenedto 'll afterpronounsand very often afternouns but the shortformafternounsis neverwritten. We can say: 'l think the plan'[[work.' We alwayswrite:I think the plan wi[[work. 5.4.2 Time expressionswith will o We use expressionssuch as when,os soon as, before and until to make it clear when we are goingto do something. Forthe firstclausein + infinitive,but after the sentencewe use razill the time expression(forthe secondclause)we use a presenttense. l'll contactyou when I get home. We'll prepare the plan before the meeting starts. We,IIbe very busy until the project Ís finished.

6.1 Firstconditional o The formof the firstconditionalis: f + presentsimple+ ru// lf I see Jim, l'il ask him for a copy of the agenda.('ll:lwill) o We use firstconditionalfor thingswhichwill possiblyhappen. lf the plan work we'll start the project tomorrow. lf demandgrows, we'IIincreaseproduction. Sometimes f comesin the middleof the sentence.The form of the firstconditional is then: will + if + presentsimple. It'IIbe impossible to achieve our objectives, if we'rebehind schedule.

5.4 Futurewith tví|l




PAssrvE o The passiveis less directthan the active. It is oftenused to describeprocesses. We frequentlyuse the passivewhen it's not important to knowwhator who did the action. The form of the passiveis: be + past participte Active: Lots of people read The Times. Passive:The Timesis read by lots of people.

Grammarreference Active: Theyshowed the advertson TV last month. Passive:The advertswereshown on TV last month. (Forthe past participlesof irregularverbs see the verb list on page113.)


9.2 hove to o We use have Íowhen it's necessaryto do somethingand don't hove to when you don't needto do something. The form is: positive:subject+ have/hasto + infinitive You hoveto wear a hard hat in the building. negative:subject+ don't/doesn'thave to + infinitive You don't hove to weorprotectiveclothing here. lt's quite safe. questions:Do/Does+ subiect+ have to + infinitive? Do I hove to wear protectiveclothes?

ANDsuGGEsrtoNs oFFERs 8.1 sholl o We use shall and /ef'sto makesuggestions. The formsare: Shall + l/we + infinitive? Let's + infinitive o Use Shall I ...?when you offerto do somethingor suggestdoingsomething. ShoIII do the photocopiesfor you?

9.3 must o We also use musf insteadof have/hasto lt has to say 'it'snecessary to do something'. meaning have the same as fo, but is used less often. The form is: positive:subject+ must+ infinitive You must be over 17 to drive a car UK. o Mustn'thas a completely different meaning fromdon'thave to. lt meansthat something is 'notallowedor permitted'.

Sholl I book the flights? o Use Shall we ...7when you want to suggest with someoneelse. doingsomething Sholl we meet next week? Shall we talk about the design? 8.2 wÍIIz spontaneousdecisionsand offers o We use willwhenwe offeror quicklydecide to do somethingat the timeof speaking: Can I give you the number?- Yes, l'll write it down. Antonio's having lunch.- OK, l'll coll bock later. Thephotocopierisn't working.- Right,l'il call someone to fix it. (NOTl-ee{J+e+reor*) o The shortform of will is '//.Alwaysuse the shortformwhen you speak,for offersand decisions. MODALVERBS 9.7 should o We use should when we want to say that it'sa good/badideato do something. The form is: positiveand negative:subject+ + infinitíve should/shouldn,t I think we should sell this at a lower price. ln my view, we shouldn't build the new factory there. questions:Should + subfect+ infinitive? Should we stoy here? Whatdo you think?

negative:subject+ mLtstn't+ infinitive You mustn'tsmoke in the lift.


AD VERBSoFMANNER Adverbsof mannerdescribeactionsin moredetail.Theynormallycomeat the end of a sentence. She drives corefully. He drove fast. They work well. The form of most adverbsis: adjectives+ -/y quick >quickly serious >seriously quiet ) quietly Someadverbshavethe sameformas the adjective: hard >hord fast >fost friendly >friendly A few adverbsare irregular: good >well


PREPosrrtor{s 11.1 Location/Position o Theseprepositions describewherea place, personor thingis. Madrid is ln Spain, in the centre. Cantonis neor Hong Kong. His office is obwe the shop. Thesubmarineis underthe sea. Thecomputeris on the desk. He's of the stationnow. She'sof hometoday. 11.2 tlovement o Theseprepositions describethe directionand movement of something or someone. You can go lnto the city centrefrom the airport by taxi. Thebest way outoĂ?the terminalis through these doors. Youhave to get off the bus here. Thebridge goes actoss the river. I walkedaroundthe officebut I couldn,t find you. TheEurotunnelgoes under the English Channel. Thesestairsonly go up to thefourthfloor. He drove olong the street.


REPoRTED sPEEcH We use reportedspeechwhenwe describe whatsomebodysaid. Whenthe verbin directspeechis will or can the formis: pastsimple+ subject+ would/could Directspeech:'l'il be lote.' Reportedspeech:He toldme he wuld be late. Directspeech:'Wecan'tdeliveron time.' Reportedspeech:Theysald theycouldnT deliveron time. Forall otherverbsthe formis: pastsimple+subject+ pastsimple Directspeechz'The wo* is on schedule., Reportedspeech:She told me the work was on schedule. Thereare otherreportingverbswe ciln use to describewhatsomebodysaid (promise,offer, refuse,agree, etc). He ogreed to give a presentation. l promlsed to be thereon tĂ?me.

reference Grammar !RREGULARVERBS lnfinitive





























































































understand understood understood












































































read lredl








Transcripts 1 OK.Welcomeeverybody. Ah, my name'slvanMagnusson. I'myourtrainerfor this two-daycourse.A course,as you know,calledInternational Customer Service.Um quickly, begin,I justwantto explain, whatI do.Andthen you can talk aboutyouriobs.So I'man exportconsultant. I specialisein services... 2 Ella

lvan Ella David lvan David lvan David lvan Ella lvan Ella

lvan Ella lvan Elta David lvan

My name'sEllaGrady.I'min the customer service department. I'mthe European customer service manager. So, um ...I look aftercustomer service for Europe. So areyou in chargeof the department? I'mnot the department manager, no. I reportto the customerservicemanager. He'sin chargeof the department. She reportsto me! Ah!The boss is here! I'mafraidso! And is yourboss here? No,she isn'ton the course.Fortunately! I see.So, Ella,you aren'tthe department manager, but do you havea the department? Yeah,I managea smallteamof assistants. Five people.They?enot all here- lust two of them. Right.And how big is the regionyou tookafter? We'reresponsible for customers in Europe,um ... eighteencountries, altogether. And do you havedirectcontactwithcustomers? Do you speakto them? Oh yes.The difficultones,usually!| dealwith problemsmostof the time. So you dealwithdifficultcustomers? Quitea lot,yes. She has a well! Oh, I see!

4 OK. Next,I wantto giveyou someexamplesof bad customerservicein hotels.Whyhotels?Well,I have job. I'ma spy....I know a secretjob - a part-time I don'tlook líkeJamesBond,but it'sperfectly true. I workfor a hotelcompany. lt'sa chainof hotels. Thereareaboutten otherpeoplewho do thisiob I'mnot the onlyone.And ...we checkcustomer servicein the hotelswe stayin. WhenI travelon business,I stayin a hotetthat'sínthe chain.So ... as a spy,I checkthe qualityof service. And after my stay,I writea report,um doesn'ttakelong. And,in return,my room'sfree.I don'tpay. David So, peoplewho do this,peoplelikeyou,do it parttime?Theytravela lot? you haveto stayin hotels lvan That'sright.Obviously,



a lot. Forme,it'sgood,becauseI travelwithmy And,also,I'min customerservice, iob as a trainer. so ... David You'rethe perfectsecretagent. lvan Yeah.And I enjoyit. I don'tlike the paperwork, but the restis goodfun ...OK, let'slook at some examplesof bad customer service... 6 (Rep : Representative) Woman So you makeplasticanimals. Rep That'sright.Atl life-size. Cows,horses,sheep... Woman They?everyrealistic. ...Oh,and theymove! Rep Theirheadsmove.Theymakesounds,if you iust touchthem... Woman Oh! preferthemto Rep Theydon'twalk!Ourcustomers stayin one place. Woman Yes,right.So who areyourcustomers? Wheredo you sell thesethings? Rep We sell a lot to fun parks,shoppingcentres, playgrounds ...Chitdren all overthe worldlove them.We exportto twenty-five countries. Woman Really?| managea smallfun parkin Germany. It'sfor childrenup to twelveyearsold. Rep Well,theseare perfectfor that age.We havea lot in Germany. We workwith of customers Theyinstalt a companycalledDDA,in Frankfurt. our products, and lookaftermaintenance and after-sales servicefor all our Germancustomers. Woman Right.So whatcountryareyou from? Rep FromCanada.We havea factorynearMontreal. We manufacture áll our oroductsthere. Woman Oh, I see....Can I iust ...? Rep Sure... 8 t Waiter David Waiter David lvan David

Everything OK? Yes,finethanks.Excellent. Can I getyou anythingelseto drink?Or to eat? Nothingfor me.I'mfine,thanks.lvan? No thanks.I'mfull,thankyou. I thinkwe'reatl OK. I thinkit'stimeto get back, actually. Couldwe havethe bill,please? Waiter 5ure. 2 Waiter Hetto. lvan Hello.We havea reservation. The name's Magnusson. A tablefor three. Waiter Yes,OK. lf you'dlike to comethis way,please. lvan Thanks.

Transcripts 3 Waiter Dessert? Ella Yes,couldI havethe applepie,please. Waiter Applepie. David Justa coffeefor me,please....Wouldanyoneelse like coffee? Ella I'll haveone aftermy dessert. Waiter OK.Wouldanyoneelse like dessert? 4 Waiter Are you readyto order? Ella Yes.Forme,um ...To start,the tomatosoup, please. David Yes,the samefor me,please.Thetomatosoup. Waiter Whatwouldyou like for the maincourse? I'dlike salmonwithriceand peas,please. Ella The lamb,with peasand carrotsfor me,please. David lvan? justa maincourse. I don'twanta starter, lvan Can I havesteak,chipsand peas,please? Waiter Howwouldyou likethe steak? lvan Um ...Medium,please. 9 in France? Vanessa So whereareyou woiking,exactly, In lt's not far from Switzerland. the lohn Jura. a hotet? Vanessa Right.And you?ebuildíng We'reconverting intoa's a farmhouse fohn very,um's a veryold house.Whenwe started,it had no windows,no was a ruin,basically. Vanessa And now? Well,now,mostof the work'scomplete. I'm John stayíng in one of the rooms,in fact.So, um,|'m the firstguest. Vanessa You'rethe boss,though,so you'renot payíng. costinga fortune! Oh, I'mpaying!Thisproiect's lohn Vanessa I see.Well,that'sone of my questíons, actually. What'syourbudget? Um ...the total budgetl five hundredand sixty lohn thousandeuros...and I'mpayinghalfof that. Richardand KathyMillsarepayingthe rest. They'remy businesspartners. Vanessa And yourbusinesspartners are hotelmanagers. ls that right? That'sright.I'mmanaging the proiect- the lohn construction. And they'restill livingand working in the UK at the moment,organising the website you knoq brochures and the marketing material, and things.Thentheyplanto lívehereand managethe hotelwhenit'sfinished. Vanessa I see.So, how longareyou stayingin France? What'sthe schedule, fromstartto finísh? Um ...eighteenmonths.And we'remoreor less lohn At the moment,we'reworkingon on schedule. the bathrooms. We'rehavingone or two problemswith...

tl Rowan So, the mainthingis, we wantcreativepeople. ludith Mmm,yes,and creativepeoplewho canwork hard.We'relookingfor youngpeople,it'sprobabty um theirfirstjob,they'vegot no experience, I thinkwe needto'shardwork. And evenlittlethings- gettingto workon timein for example...the simplethingsare the morning, important. We wantreliablepeople. extremely It soundsobvious,but ... Rowan Yeah.We wantpeoplewho are professional. That's... ludith Yes,that'sthe word. Rowan What...extraskills does a creativepersonneedto we want | mean,for example, be a professionat? themto workwith differentpeopleas well - to changeteams.That'sone of our creative isn'tit?We don'thavethe samepeople strategies, workingtogether all the time. Judith Yes.So theyneedto copewithchange. Rowan To copewith stress. Judith Sure. to presentand explain Rowan Theyneedthe confidence ideas. Judith That'strue. what Rowan And there'sthe problemof understanding the'snot alwaysclear. job,though.Thecreative Judith That'sthe manager's for analysing the client's teamaren'tresponsible needs.Lateron, whenwe talk about... 13 Judith Marcoworksfor PAF,he'sin the creative department, we knowhim,he knowsus ...but is thatan advantage? Rowan Well,we wantsomeoneto managethe We needa managerto makethe new department. strategy work.We don'treallyneednew ideas. he knowsthe companywell, Marco'sexperienced, and he knowswhatwe want.I thinkhis Hiring withPAFis a big advantage. experience someonenewis'sobviouslya rísk. fudith Yeah.But makingMarcothe department manager's also a risk.OK, he enioysworkingfor he'snot goingto leavesuddenly, the company, but ...that doesn't he'spopularin the department, a team. meanhel goodat managing Rowan Butthe numberone priorityis the newstrategy. to the Themanager hasto sell the newstrategy He líkes team.We knowMarco'sa goodsalesman. sellingideas. ludith Yeah....But,whataboutthe otherpeop[eínthe department? Theyworkwithhim at the moment. Whathappensif theyhaveto workfor him? Rowan oh' I thínkhe can copewithall that...


15 Woman Man Woman Man Woman Man

Woman Man Woman


Woman Man Woman Man

Woman Man Woman Man Woman Man

So, are you watchingthe cup final this weekend? U m . . .n o , I d o n ' t t h i n k s o . Don't you like football? No. I can't stand it. Sorry to sound so miserable! Mmm, I hate it too, but I watch the World Cup Finat. I can't play,that's my problem.I'm hopelessat it! lf I'm not very good at a sport, I don't like watchingit. S o w h a t d o y o u l i k e ,t h e n ? I play golf. Oh right.... My husband plays. I'm not interested in it, though. lt! ... not my cup of tea. He plays gotl I go horse riding. Oh, right.Wettyou could play poto - both of you. That'shalf horse riding,half golf! ... I'd love to have a go at riding,actually.I bet it's good fun. Oh, ifs great fun. So, do you have your own horse? No. I'd love to have one, but, um ... it's expensive. Yeah. I'm quite interestedin tropicalfish. I'd tike to have an aquarium,but ... it's a problemif you travel a lot ... Tropicalfish? Yeah. I'd like to have some piranhas. Piranhas? W e l l ,t h e y s a y a h u n d r e dp i r a n h a sc a n e a t a horse in less than five minutes! Oh! I ' m n o t s u r e i f t h a t i n c l u d e st h e r i d e ro r n o t . . .

t7 Marilyn,these are both top quatityproducts! The quality'sthe same. Marilyn I know. But they don't look the same.The one from Gitd looks like a modernvacuum cleaner.


ThisAero... Aerosaurus. fromthe 7960s. lookslike something Wettof courseit'sa retrolook. want? I know but whatdo mostcustomers pricefor a Do theywantto pay a reasonable modernvacuumcleaner, or pay morefor something that looksfortyyearsold? L i o n e l Yes,but surelywe don'twantjustanother 'modern' vacuumcleaner, that'sthe sameas all we sell?We needsomething the otherproducts different. OK,theAerosaurus is moreexpensive. Butit'sdifferent... And Suntrais makinga good - Gildis discount offer.Look- twelvepercent only offeringfive percent.Suntrais offering cheaperdeliveryas well.We canmakea bigger profitmargin. Marilyn We can makea biggermargin, butwe canonly makea goodprofitif we sell enoughvacuum Howmanyof theseAero...sauruses can cleaners. we sell?| mean,lookat it. lt lookslikea dinosaur! Lionel Of courseit does!That'swhy peoplewitlloveit! Justlistento it!

Lionel Marilyn Lionel Marilyn




| I


t9 InterviewerSo, whenyou designan office,wheredo you start? Welt,thefirstquestion is, howmuchspacedo Steve you need?Andthat'soneof the mostdifficult questions, because formost sometimes, people,itl difficultto say,oh I need...fifteen squaremetres,for example.So you haveto lookat whatpeopleneedto do in the office, lookat whatequipment theyneed- you know, mostpeopleneeda phone,a computer, um... a desk!Thenthere's sharedequipment, havea roomwitha photocopier, normally printers possibly. ...a faxmachine, InterviewerA coffeemachine. is essential! lt'simportant Steve Oh,a coffeemachine whereyou putit. Doyou putit in a corridor, withno windows...or nextto thetoitets... you know,so peoplehaveshortcoffeebreaks. 0r do you havea nicecoffeearea,wíthseats... - that'sa big bigwindows..'?Daylíght important. consideration. Light'sextremely InterviewerSo you wantbig windows,if possible. Steve Yeah,you usuallywanta lot of light. InterviewerWhatdo you thinkof open-plan offices? Do you likethatsortof design? Steve Well,an open-plan officeisn'treallya design, is it? lt'siust a big room,um ...But we're for offices, talkingaboutthe requirements question is money. andthe mostimportant Youknow,costis alwaysthe biggest problem. At the end of the day,wallscost money.lf they'renot an essential requirement, thenwhy havethem?With anythingthatcostsmoney,clientsalways ask,is it reállynecessary? officesare expensive, evenif you only havewhat'sin - what'scompulsory. the regulations So, if something's an optionalextra... 22 Caroline So,whatdo youthinkof Hawaii? Alistair Fantastic. The beachesareamazing.We'vegot somegoodsurfingbeachesin NewZealand,but hereit's...well,the weather's a lot warmer, this timeof year, that'sthe firstdifference anyway. Caroline Of course,it'swinterin NewZealand,isn'tit? Alistair'llsoon be spring,though. Caroline I'dliketo go, actually...maybenot this year, but ...possiblynextyear. Alistair To NewZealand? Caroline Yeah.What'sthe besttimeof yearto visit? Atistair Earlysummer's nice.LateDecember, early January. Caroline And what'sthe weatherlike? Youcan haveChristmas Alistair Prettyhot,usuatly. dinneron the beach,no problem!But there! a lot moreto do thaniust sit on a beach, obviously.

Transcripts Caroline Oh,sure.So,whatarethe bestplacesto see? Alistair The nicestpartof the country's the Southlsland, in my opinion,anyway. You go to the mountains Alps,and it's...oh, it's there,the Southern beautiful. Caroline So, do you needa car,to travelround? Alistair Yeah.Or you can renta campervan.Thatl what a lot of peopledo. Thereare hundredsof whereyou can know...park campsites, and ... C a r o l i n e Yeah.Yeah. Alistair I knowthatareaprettywell,so ... somecampsites? C a r o l i n e So, canyou recommend Alistair Yeah,I can giveyou somegoodaddresses. nextto a lake... There'sone campsite,

u Rob Woman1 Rob Man Rob Woman1 Rob Woman2 Rob Man Rob Woman1 Rob

So, to startwith,I wantto talk about...the invention. Any ideas bicycle- a verysuccessful why?Whatarethe mainadvantages of bikes? Theydon'tcostmuch. OK. They'renot complicated. They'reeasyto use;Veah. Nottoo easywhenyou'regoinguphill! No,that'strue.Let'ssay'simple'. Runningcostsare low. OK,yeah.Verycheapto run. Theydon'toftenbreakdown. Yeah.Reliable. They'resafe.Well... They'renot too dangerous. OK....So, a And, successful inventíon, for all thosereasons. withmodernbikes,we havea goodexampleof for a designthat's usingthe latestmaterials overa hundredvearsold.

25 They're So, to sum up,then.Whyare bicyclespopular? and efficient, reliableand safe. cheap,simple,economical Now,thatchecklistis the same,no matterwhatsortof ... 26 Therewerelots of problemswiththe SinclairC5.The biggestproblem,I think,was was too small,and especially, too [ow.Becauseit was so low,it was difficult for otherdriversto see was actuallyquite if you'reverylow,and it's dangerous. And,obviously, raining,thenthere'swatersplashingon you fromcars. And then therewas the was wasn'tvery powerful, it. I mean... everynightyou hadto recharge forgetit! 27 lake So this is quitean easyproiect...certainly withthe one we did lastmonth,at a compared factory. lt was,um ...quitea challenge! chemicals factorv? Ctient At a chemicals

Yeah. lt was a marketingvideo, for a chemicals company.They wanted to film different... parts of the factory.The first problemwas the heat. lt was, ... I don't know what the temperaturewas, exactly, but it was extremelyhot. Client So it was difficultto work? Well, the troublewas, it was too hot for the lake camera. Ctient Oh, right.So what did you do? We put the camerain a box, to protectit. Jake


We madea box,witha smallholein the front... Yeah. And,we filmedwiththe camerain the box. And did it work? Yeah,it workedOK. So how did you makethe box?Whatdid you use? we ...So, anyway, Justwood.Nothingcomplicated. finishedfilmingin this hot area...and thenthey wantedus to filmwithno light.Theyhad another production processwhere,um ...theycouldn't haveany tightat all. lt was completely black. Ctient And theywantedyou to filmit? fake Yeah. Ctient So whatdid you say? Theythoughtmaybewe Jake I said,no, it'simpossible. but,um coulduse a specialcameraor something, wasn'tpossible....So, filmingin youroffices isn'ta big problem! Client Well,afterthat,nol So, whencanyou startsetting up ...

Client Jake Client fake Client Jake

B Tessa So, did you havea goodweekend,Dave? Dave Yeah,OK, was niceto havesomewarm weatherfor a change.We ate outsídeyesterday, at We sat outsidein the garden. lunchtime. Tessa Didyou? Dave Yeah.We wantedto havea barbecue, actualty, but I forgotto buy somecharcoal, so ... Tessa oh, no.Youdídn'thavepeoplecominground? Dave Oh, no. lt was just me and my wife,so wasn't too bad.In fact,I was quitepleased.Normally, whenwe havea barbecue, I do the cooking,you see.But otherwíse my wifecooks,so ... Tessa So you sleptin the sun,and yourwifedid attthe cooking! Dave Wetl...I wasn'tasleep- I had one eye I couldsee whenit was ready!No,actually, I had quitea busyweekend.I put a newfrontdooron lt was a biggerjob thanI the houseon Saturday. thought,actually. I got up earlyon Saturdayand workedalt day.Thenon Sunday,I got up earlyand paintedit ...Whataboutyou?Whatdid you do? Tessa Notmuchreally.Um,we wentto the cinemaon Saturdaynight. Dave Oh yeah?Whatdid you see? Tessa Oh,it wasn' was that newfilmwith...


30 Michael Sylvie Michael Sylvie Michael Sylvie Michael Sylvie

Hetlo. Hello. ls that Michael? Speaking. Hi Michael,it's Sylvie in Brussels. Hi Sytvie,how are you? Fine,thanks.You? Y e a h ,v e r y w e l l ,t h a n k s . Are you gettingready for the conferencenext month? Michael Um ... not really.What about you? Sylvie Well, that's what I'm phoningabout, actually. How are you going to San Francisco? Are you flying direct from Dublin? Michael Um ... wetl, I still need to book my flight.But I'tl p r o b a b t yh a v e t o c h a n g ei n . . .e i t h e ri n L o n d o n

or Amsterdam. Whataboutyou? Well,I still needto book my flight,from Amsterdam. So, um ... M i c h a e l Wel[,shallwe catchthe sameflight? Yeah.Thatl whatI thought,actually. Sylvie Thenwe canworkon the olane. Sylvie

M i c h a e l Y e a h ,t h a t m a k e ss e n s e .S o I n e e d t o b o o k a flight to Amsterdam,then. Shall I took into flights

to San Francisco, as welt?

Sylvie Um ...yeah,if that'sOK. M i c h a e l Yeah,no problem. I'lllookon the Internet after


Michael Sylvie Michael Sylvie Michael Sylvie Michael

lunchand,um ...I'tlcallvou back.Whatabout bookinga hotel?

Um ...Wetl,shall I contactthe San Francisco office...see if they know any good places?| can get in touch with Rita. Y e a h ,g o o d i d e a . I'll give her a call this afternoon,as soon as the offlceooens. E x c e l l e n tS. o I ' l l l o o k i n t o f l i g h t sA . n d , u m . . .I ' l l get back to you. Great.Shall we speak at about four thirty? Y e s ,f i n e .I ' l l c a l l y o u t h e n . OK. Bye. Thanks for calling,Sylvie. Bye.

Tom Nine thirty?Yeah,that's fine. Naomi OK. Monday,Decemberthe twelfthat nine thirty,then. Tom And can you send me an agenda? N a o m i Y e s , | ' l lw r i t ea n a g e n d at h i s m o r n i n g a, n d s e n d Ă­ t to you this afternoon. Tom Excellent. OK,so I look forwardto receiving that,

and I'llsee you on the twelfth.

N a o m i OK. I tookforwardto seeingyou then. Tom OK. Bye. N a o m i Bve. 34 1AHi. B Hetlo.Do you have any informationabout Alcatraz? Any ... booklets or (beep)? A Yes.Just behind you, on the shell there. B A h , O K . T h a n ky o u . 2AHi. B Hi. ls there anywherenear here where you can buy gifts ... and (beep)?

A Yeah.lf you turnrightout of the door,thentakethe firstright,therearegiftshopsall alongthe ...the street,there. B OK.Thanksverymuch.

B Can you visitthe museumall day?Whatare the openingtimes? A lt opensat ten and closesat five.lf you wantto takea (beed,theystarteveryhour,on the hour and last...I thinktheylastforty-five minutes,but I'lliust check... B A B A

Excuseme. Haveyou got any street(beep)? Sure. ...Thanks.Howmucharethev? They'refree. 36

l n t e r v i e w e r W h a t d o y o u t h i n k a b o u t t h e l o c a t i o no f t h e resort,near Berlin? Caroline Well,the reasonit'sthereis, simply,because

therewas alreadya domethere.Tropical lslandsResortdidn'tbuitdthe dome.They boughtit, for quitea low price.A company calledCargolifter builtthe domeas a factory to makebig airships.But CargoLifter wentout of business and hadto sellthe dome.So Tropicallslandsboughtit and theyhad verylow construction costs.

31 1 2 3 4

Y e s , I ' l tc a l t h i m . | tatkedto Christine,and there'sno problem. | e m a i l t h e m i n u t e st o e v e r y o n e . Yes, I'll contacthim. 32

Naomi So, when'sthe best time to meet,for you? I'm free next week. Tom Um ... I can't make it next week. I'm ... I'm busy all week. The week after'sOK for me. Naomi The week after.What about Monday?Monday, Decemberthe twetfth? Tom Yes, that's OK for me. Naomi Inthe morning? Tom Yeah. N a o m i H a l fp a s t n i n e ?


Interviewer So, do you think the resort'llbe successfulin Caroline

the longterm? Possibly. I thinkit'ltprobablybe quite popularin the the firstfew months. probably I thinka totof people'tl cometo havea look ...they'llwantto see whatit'slike.Afterthat,it dependswhatthey thinkof it.

Transcripts lnterviewer Somepeoplesay this resortwon'thelpto

makeforecastsfor otherresortsbecause therewas no needto buílda dome.Do you agreewiththat? Um I thinkit'tlhelpa lot. Definitely. Caroline The construction costsaren'tdifficult to Thedifficultquestionis, whatsort calculate. of peoplewill visitthe dome?I'msureit'll be popularwithfamilieswithyoungchildren, for example.So the proiect'tt be goodfor getting information aboutthe market. wittbuíldanother Interviewer Do youthinksomeone domelike this somewhere, one day? It'spossible,yeah.Maybethere\a huge Caroline marketfor them.I mean,it'snot a completely newidea.There'salreadva domelikethis one in Japan. :t8

industry Interviewer Doyouthinkwe'tlseea spacetourism

in the next...fiveyears?ls thatrealistic? I thinkso, yeah.I'mnot surehow big it'll be. It all dependshow muchit costs.Youknow, if a flightcosts...'under fiftythousand dollars.I thinkthere'llbe a lot of demand. lf ticketscostoverfivehundredthousand dollars,veryfew peoplewill buythem. it'll be expensive. Thequestionis, Obviously, howexpensive? Interviewer Somepeoplesay two hundredthousand dollarsis a realisticprice. Mmm...well,thatl probablyaboutrightfor a Caroline short-term Inthe long-term, I think objective. the costwill needto be lessthanthat. Probablylessthanhalfthat. Interviewer Whatdo thinkspacetouristswill want? Whatsort of experience? Um ...l thinkthey'ltwant...I thínkit has Caroline to be a realspacetrip.lf it'stoo short, thenpeoplewon'tbe happy.I don'tthink it needsto lastfor hours,but a coupleof minuteswon'tbe has to be worththe money. lnterviewer Whatdo you thinkit will taketo reallymake spacetourismtakeoffi lf somebodyshowsthatit's possible,for a Caroline price,I thinkthat'ltbe the start. reasonable lf the firstcompanyis successful, a lot of the top otherswíllfollow.And,obviously' priorityis safety.That'sthe bígchallengeto showthat ít' safe' Caroline

a, goodafternoon. Assistant GlenAir, Howcan I helpyou? Customer Helto.I'dliketo fly to Lisbonat the end of May. Assistant Lisbon? CustomerYes. Assistant Whatdateareyou planningto leave? Customer On Maythe twenty-fourth. Assistant May the twenty-fourth. ls it a returnflight? CustomerA return,yes.I wantto comebackon the thirty-first. Assistant The thirty-first of May ...OK, the cheapestfare's fifty-fivepounds. CustomerThat'sfor a return. Assistant Yes. CustomerOK. Um ...and can I changethe dateif I needto? Assistant No.Forthatfare,you can'tchangethe booking, and there'sno refundif you cancel. pounds.And arethereany Customer Right.So fifty-five extracharges?Forairporttax,or ... Assistant No,that'sincluded. CustomerOK. Um ...oh, that'sthe otherquestion- what's BecauseI the maximumbaggageallowance? wantto takea surfboard withme. Assistant Right.Well,the maximum allowanceis twenty kílograms. Theexcessbaggagechargeis six poundsper kilogram, but for a surfboard ... 40 Customer...OK, can I book a seat,then,please? Assistant Yes.Can I takeyourname,please?'sSimonBrigton.B-R-|-G-T-O-N. Assistant And Simonis S-|-M-O-N? CustomerThat'sright. Assistant And howwouldyou liketo pay? Customer Do you takeVisa? Assistant Of course,no problem.CouldI takethe number please? CustomerSure,it'sfoursix doubleseven,doublethree doublefour,two two two one,fourdoublefive. And the expirydateis August...two thousand and nine. Assistant Thankyou.So, justto confirm, that'sone ticket to Lisbon,flyingout on Maythe twenty-fourth at síxfiftyand returning on Maythe thirty-first at seventeenthirty.The total cost is fifty-five pounds,including taxes. Customer oK. Assistant Checkin openstwo hoursbeforetake-off and

closeshalfan hourbefore.

Customer OK.Justone morething...couldI havean


Assistant Youcan chooseyourseatwhenyou checkin.

Obviously, it'sbestto checkin as earlyas possible. Customer Right,OK.


4l - a systemcalled Maria We use the samesoftware processes. Nurec- to controlall the production Jerome Nurec? Maria Yeah.Haveyou workedwithit before? Jerome No, I haven'tusedthatone.I'veusedTP Control. Maria Right.We usedthat here,a fewyearsago. So did you useTP in CapeTown? lerome Yeah.ThenwhenI was in Boston,we useda systemcalledArrow. Maria Oh, I'veworkedwiththat before. typesof softwarein lerome We haveso manydifferent this company, it's unbelievable. Maria I know.And we'vechangedso manytimes,as well.Haveyou everusedConductor? No.I'veneverheardof it. J e r o m e Conductor? M a r i a Thatwas the systemtheyhadwhenI ioined. It was very good,actuatly. That's the trouble,isn'tít?Thesethingschange Jerome all the time,but do theyreallyimprove? 43 7 been 2made 3found 4had 5written6done 7 gone 8 flown 9 taken 10 sent 11 seen

B r e n d a n Yeah.An Australian. He'sgoingto lumpfroma

balloon,fromfortythousandmetres.So that's, what...fortykilometres. Lisa That'sprettyhigh.WhenI did my iump,it was fromone thousandmetres. jump? B r e n d a n You'vedonea parachute Lisa Yeah. B r e n d a n Seriously? Lisa Yeah! 47 Brendan Lisa Brendan Lisa Brendan Lisa Brendan Lisa Brendan Lisa

tA Yves Andy Yves Andy Yves Andy

Yves Andy Yves Andy Yves Andy Yves

YvesCordier. Yves,it'sAndy Bett. Andy,hi. Howarethings? Goingquitewelt. ls everythingnearlyready? Wetl,we'vegot a full accountsdepartment. I interviewed someoneon Mondayand she's acceptedthe post.SaraBernard.I'vealreadysent her detailsthroughto personnel, so that'sgone well... OK, good.And whataboutthe lT system?Havethey installedthatyet? Well,that'smoredifficult. Um ...I'vefoundtwo technícians so far,er,but unfortunately, I haven't foundthe thirdpersonwe need,so ... So you haven'tfinishedthe |Tinstallatíon? No,we ...we haven'tactuallystartedit yet.But ... You haven'tstartedit yet?Andy,we needto open that officeíntwo weeks! I know.I'vespokento Danielain the Zurichoffice and she'sgoingto sendsomeonenextweek.I think Wecan stíllopenon time. We needto. Howlongis it goingto takefor you to get ...

M Brendan Thisis amazing- this articlein the paper. jump planningto do a parachute Somebody's fromspace. Lisa Fromspace?

Brendan Lisa Brendan Lisa Brendan

You'vedonea parachute lump? Yeah. Seriously? Yeah! When? About...fouryearsago.A groupof us went, frommy last company. Wow!I'mimpressed! So whatwas it like? Fantastic! Whenyou jumpout of the plane, it''sjustamazing. Youweren'ttoo scared,then? I was beforeI jumped.Everyone's frightened beforetheirfirstfump.But as soon as your parachute opens,it''sactuallyquite relaxing. You'rejustthereínthe air - you'vegot thísincredible víew... Yeah,I bet.And whataboutthe landing? Itwas OK. Nottoo hard. Becausethat'sthe mostdangerous moment, isn'tit? Well,yeah!Evenif you jumpwithouta parachute, itl not dangerous untilyou land! No,good point!

49 Presenter It'sbeenan excellentstartto the yearfor

Geo-Core. Yoursharepricehas risenby forty-twopercentin the firstquarterof this - the S&P 500 year.Nota bad performance has fallenby threepercentso far this year. Alan Yes.We'reobviouslyvery happywith the resultswe'vehad.Our profithas increased by percentthis quarter...whichís twenty.six betterthanwe forecast- our forecastwas for a twentypercentincrease. Presenter Whatl the mainreasonfor that? Alan I think,simply,it'sbecausedemandhas been verystrong.Oursaleshavebeengood.Um ... the oil pricehas risen,um ... yourcompanydoesn'tsell oil Presenter Obviously, you'rean exploration you work company, for oil companies and ...and look for new oiI reserves. Alan Thatl right. Presenter But whatdo highoil pricesmeanfor your business?

IransLl rP15

there Well,pricesare highbecause,basicalty, isn'tenoughoil to meetdemand.Thatmeans we needto findmore...whichis ouriob, so ... goodnewsfor risingoil pricesare certainly us "' PresenterAnd lookingto the future,do you thinkthat...


f' 5r



are propertypricesin the Howimportant Interviewer economy? Inthe UK,mostpeopleinvestmostof their Roy moneyin theirhouse.So propertypricesare important. extremety Mmm.What'syourviewon the UK property Interviewer market?Do you thinkpricesaretoo high? Well,in recentyears,priceshavegoneup ... Roy ten to twentypercenta year,um some yearsevenmore.But inflationhas beeniust two or threepercenta year.So I thinkit's clearthat,um ...the boomhas to end. InterviewerMmm.The lastpropertymarketcrash,in the UK,was in the late1980s,and ítputthe UK Do youthink intoa recession. economy thesamethingWitthappenagain? I don'tthinkpriceswill crash.The...the Roy in the late was different economicsituatíon 80s ...interestratesrosequitefast iust beforepropertypricesfetl.Today,the Bank ol Eng\and\s much mote catetu\w\th ...vüth changesin interestrates.Theotherimportant difference, I think,is thatthenunemployment was quitehigh.Today,it'sverylow- about fivepercent. So the economicsituation's completely different. So I don'tthinkprices will crash,but ítis possibtethey'llfalla little bit.Or stayat the samelevelfor a fewyears. InterviewerBankshavelentpeoplea lot of moneyin recentyears.Peoplehavegot big mortgages. Do you thinkthat'llbe a problem? Will peoplehaveless moneyto spendin the future? Roy Oh,certainly. Becausethe loanshaven'tjust - peoplehavealso borrowed beenmortgages moneyto spendin the shops.So far,that's helpedthe economy, becausespendinghas beenhigh.But at the end of the day,people will haveto pay the moneyback.So I think we'llsee lowerconsumer spendingoverthe nextfew years. 52 Valerie So, is yourhotelOK?Didyou sleepwell? Naomi Yes,finethanks.I watchedTV for a while,then had an earlynight.I watcheda bit of that...quiz show ... Who WantsTo Be A Millionaire?- the Frenchversion. Valerie Ah, really? Naomi lt'sexactlythe sameas in the UK.Thestudio,the music...




Yes,I thinka lot of thosekindsof showsarethe same. Do you have The WeakestLink?lt'sa quiz show, reallyhorribleto the and the presenter's contestants. I'veseenthe Oh,yes.Yes,it'sthe samein France. Engtishversion,as wel[,on satelliteTV. like Big Brothei? And do you haveprogrammes Youknow,Withpeoplelivíngin a house,and therearecamerasfilmingall the time. Yes,we had a similarthinga fewyearsago.Do you havethat programme, um Franceit's er,withpeoplewho want calledSfarAcademy... to be pop stars,and,er,peoplevote,um ...'s calledFameAcademyin England. There've beenso manythingslikethaton televisionin the lastfewyears.RealityTV. RealityTV'sbeenthe samein France. At home,I havesatelliteTV and I get English programmes ...

53 Valerie At home,I havesatelliteTV,and I get Engtish programmes on BBC Prime.Theyshowthingstike quizshows,documentaries, comedyprogrammes. I findcomediesquitedifficultto understand. N a o m i Yeah,I bet. Valerie There'sa talk show as wetl,wheretheyinterview verywell famouspeop(e.t thinkthe presenter's knownin Britain.His namdsum ...oh ... N a o m i MichaelParkinson? Valerie Yes!Theyalso showsomegoodchildren's programmes. My tittleboy watchesTeletubbies. N a o m i Oh yeah. Valerie There's anotherthingI sometimes watch.What's the nameforthe typeof programme'sabout, not realpeople,they'reactors,but about...iust everydaylifein a streetor,um ... N a o m i A soap opera.Or a soap. Valerie Thatbit! Valerie Therela soap aboutthe peoplewho live in a ...a squarein London.| ...I can'tremember ... N a o m i Not EastEnders? Valerie EastEnders. That'sit. What'sso funny? N a o m i Valerie,I can'tbelieveyou Paris! Valerie Actualty, I'dliketo watchmorefilmsin Engtish. On FrenchTV whentheyshowAmericanfilms,the voicesare in French.Howdo you say that?They're Dubbed. Dubbed? Yeah. They?enearlyalwaysdubbedin French.On some channels, theyshowthe know,textat the bottomof the ... withthe translation. N a o m i Withsubtítles? yeah.But I don'ttikethat becauseyou Valerie Subtitles, readbut you don'treallylistento ... Naomi Valerie Naomi Valerie

54 So, first,let'slook at our presentadvertising strategy. How arewe promoting the brandat the moment? As you know, we advertisein the press- mostof our pressads are in magazines readby the eighteento twenty-four age group. We also use advertson billboards. We occasionally useTV commercials. And,of course,we marketthe brandwith sponsorship in sports- we sponsorbasketball, snowboarding and surfing. At the moment,our spendingon advertising is highas a percentage of sales.The reasonfor thatis the costof TV commercials. Butthe problemis, to makeTV commerciats work,you needa lot of them.A lot morethanwe haveat present.Now,obviouslywe don'thavethe budgetforthat. So, in my opinion,TV commercials are not the right strategyfor Sway. Butthat doesn'tmeanwe can'tadvertiseon TV.We can. Thewayto do it morecheaplyis to use product placement. Theway productplacement worksis ... 56 Colleague So, the productsareseenin filmsand TV programmes. They'rejust...seenon a tableor Amy

That'sright.Or in our case,withclothes, they'rewornby an actor,um ... Colleague And you see the logo. depends.Youcan'talways Amy Sometimes, ...controlwhathappens.Often,productsare givento the fitmcompanyfor free.So you knowan actoris goingto wearyour iacket,for example,but don'tknowif you'llactuallysee the logo. Colteague So you can'tsay to the filmcompany, we want to ...see thíspartof the jacket,or ... you haveto Amy Well,you can,but then,usually, pay.Sometimes, film the companyis paidby And thenyou havemore the advertiser. control.I mean...sometimes, the nameof a productis said by an actor.Butthat' a film- you'retalkingbig moneyfor thatsortof thing. Colleague Yeah,I bet....And whendid companies start doingthis?| guessit'sdonemorenowthanin the past. Amy I thinkthe firstplacements wereusedin films in the 1960s,for cigarettes. Butthe big businessreallystartedin the 80s. I thinkthe bestplacement, though,was,um ...did you see ForrestGump?TheApple placementwas doneverywell in that. Colleague ForApplecomputers? Amy Yeah.There'sa scenewhereForrestGumpgets a letterfromApple ...

57 Tony The businesshas doneweltoverthe lastthree years.And I thinknow'sthe righttimeto expandto opena newoffice,hiresomegood people...híre a manager to helpme,and know,becomea biggerorganisation. So I needto raisefinance,and to do that,ld liketo try and findsomepeoplewho wantto buysharesin the company. Jane Right.So you'renot planningto borrowthe money? Tony No.And to expandquickly,I needmorethanjust money.I needyouradviceon howto managethe expansion. lane OK.Well,you'recertainlyrightto recruita manager for the newoffice.|'msureyou knowwhatít'stiketo you'rean workhard,sevendaysa week...Obviousty, you set up the company. entrepreneur, Butas the grows,eachyear,yourjob changes organisation gradually. lf you opena newoffice,obviouslythat'sa big change, so yourjob needsto changesignificantly. Tony Sure. lane Haveyou thoughtaboutyourfuturewiththe company? Tony ...You mean,do I wantto sell the wholebusiness? Jane No,that'snot whatI'sjustthat,if | findyou someinvestors, they'llwantsomemanagement won'treallybe yourbusinessany more. You understand whatI'mgetting... Tony Sure,sure. Jane ltl not a decisionyou can makeeasily.But you needto thinkaboutyourfuturecarefully. 59 1 | thinkthe bestthingaboutthe Internet is ...the fact thatyou can findinformation so easily.You know,you typea keywordintoa searchengine,and you get a hugelístof websites. T-heworstthingis the problemof viruses.Youcertainly needantivirussoftware. And you'vegot to keepit up-to-date as well- keep downloading and instalting updates.But,itl not too muchtroubleto finda ... 2 lt'sgoodthatyou can manageyourbankaccountsvia Thatsavesa lot of time.Onceyou've the Internet. you just...put in yourpassword, registered log in and'vegot accessto all youraccountsand everything'sum'sgood.I thinkit took a long timebeforepeoplewereconfident with,um servers,with the securityside of it, but now it's's'slike payingby creditcard lust partof everyday online... 3 I'ma memberof an investment website,whichis part of a magazine. I payten poundsa monthand I get accessto articlesfromthe currentissueand I can searchfor articlesfromprevíous issuesas well.They showcurrentshareprices,so you can followyour portfolio. Eachtimeyou just togin, witha username and a passwordand it automatically listsyourshares, showsthe currentprice...

Transcripts 6r A 0K, 5o our objectíveis to think of some new ideas. How could we make the productbetter?What areas of the productcould we improve?Any suggestions? B What about changingthe packaging?We could change

the material.

material. OK. A Yeah.Packaging


Howaboutchangingthe size?

A of the cD?

c No,the pack.Whydon'twe sell moreCDsin a pack,

for example? OK.Yeah.So, biggerpacks.Theycouldbe smaller, as well. Whynot setlbig boxes- big storageboxes,withlots of CDs ínthem?Thenyou wouldn'tneedpackaging. A storagebox. A So thatwouldbe a new product. c We couldsell CDswithnumbersprintedon them- say fromone to a hundred. Thenyou wouldn'tneedto writeon the CD.You couldmakea noteof whatwas on eachCD number, and thenfindit easily.So we could sell,say,packsof ten.So you wouldhaveone to ten, or elevento twenty,and so on. That'sa good idea.We coulduse thatideawiththe storagebox.So we couldpioducea big plasticbox wíth,say,a hundredbtankCDsin it' withthe CDs numbered oneto a hundred. Mmm,that'sa, that'san interesting idea.

u lnterviewerPeopleoftensay thatsomenationalitíes are morepolitethanothers.Do you thinkthat's true?And do you thinkyou haveto be more or less politewhenyou workwithpeople fromdifferentcultures? Sandra You don'thaveto be moreor less polite. I think it's morea questionof how direct peopleare.Youshouldalwaysbe's it'sOK to be iust that,in somecultures, direct,and in others,um'snot.For in business,it'sbestto example,in Germany, peopleask direct be verydirect.Generally, questionsand ...theylike directanswers. peopleare less InterviewerBut in the UK,generally, direct,aren'tthey? Well,they'renot afraidto say they disagree Sandra or ...or to critícise suggestíons. Youdon't haveto say you agreeall the time.But know,peoplesay thingslike,'/ m not sure I agree.',or ...'Maybeit wouldbe betterto do it anotherway'.I'vealwaysfound,in different cultures, the bestwayto disagreeor... or criticiseideasis to makeit clearyou're criticisingthe suggestion- you shouldn't criticisethe person. lnterviewer InJapan,it's veryimportant not to criticise people,isn'tít?


Yes.Youshouldnevercriticiseanyone's ...for the Japanese,it's very impolite. That'swhy,often,in companies in people have to make decisions in Japan, groups.Everyone has to agree. InterviewerSo what'syourgeneraladvice?Do you think peopleshouldchangethe waythey in different communicate culturesor ...or shouldyou iust be yourselB Sandra I thinkyou shouldalwaysbe yoursellum ... you needto but I think,to be successful, changehow you say things. 6 1 Onesuggestion is, we couldclosethe old ptantand moveeverything to a newsite.I thinkwe should'sa possibility. 2 Therewouldbe a lot of benefitsif we had iust one wouldbe better,um wouldbe easierto managesuppliesand deliveries. Energycostswouldbe anotheradvantage. 3 We knowhow muchwe wouldsaveif we had a new production line.We'veall readthe reportand seenthe figuresforthat.And fromthe forecasts we knowmore or less... 4 | thinkone largeplantlookslike a good option.That's my firstimpression. 5 OK,shallwe sum Llp,then?| thinkwe'vemadequite goodprogress. We'vegot quitea longlist of ideas. I thinkwe shouldjustconsider two or threeproposats. look list So let's at the ... 6 A I don'tthinkit woutdbe a good ideato spendso much.I'mworriedabouttheeconomic situation. I thinkit'stoo uncertain. B So whatwouldyou recommend? C Let'sjusttalk aboutdísadvantages for the moment' B I justwouldn'trecommend sucha big investment. We haveto be careful. 68 Assistant Hetto. Rachel Hello.I'vejustmissedmy connection to London.I was bookedon the ninethirty. I justwantto checkif my ticket'svalidfor the halfpastten. you won't Assistant Um ...ah yes,you'reOK. Obviously, havea seat reservation. Rachel it too lateto makeone? Assistant Mmm,I'mafraidso. Rachel Will it be busy? Assistant lt'susuallyquitebusy,yeah.You'llprobably get a seatin firstclass,if you wantto change yourticket. Rachel WouldI haveto cancelthisticket?WouldI get a refund,or ...?

Assistant You canlust upgradeit. Youiust pay a

supplement. I can checkhow muchit wouldcost. Rachel Um ...oh, no, it'sOK. I don'tthinkmy company wouldpay my expensesínfirstclass! Assistant Ah. Rachel oK, thanks.oh the ten thirtyon tíme, by the way? Assistant Um'srunningfourminuteslate. Rachel OK,thanks. 70

I'mafraidyourticket'snot validon thistrain. lsn'tit? | thoughtI coulduse it on any train.'sonlyvalidon trainsleavingafterten am. oh. I dídn'trealise. The fare'sa bit higheron the earliertrains. Itl not a big difference. B OK. So can I iust pay the extra? A Yes.I'ttjust checkhow muchit is.

1 A B A B A

2 We regretto informpassengersthat flightTL sevenfour nineto Genevahas beencancelleddueto a technical problem.FtightTL sevenfournineto Genevais cancelled. Passengers for this flightshouldcheckin at gatenine D and awaita transferto the nextflight to Zurich. 3 A Goodmorníng. B Morning.I checkedin yesterday evening.My room's bookedfor a secondnight,for tonight,but I need to stayin towna thirdnight,um ...tomorrownight - I'vegot anothermeetingwhichwasn'tplanned. CouldI book my roomfor an extranight? A Hmm.|'mafraidwe'refull tomorrowníght,um ... Justa moment.I'tlsee if there'sa roomfreeat our'sjusta few minuteswalkfromhere. lf that's... B Yeah,thatl fine. A HelloPaul,it'sAlex.Haveyou got a singleroomfree tomorrownight?OK, great.Canyou hold it for me? I'll phoneyou backwiththe details.Thanks....OK. That'sbooked. B Excellent. 77 A key question,whenyou startto designa high-speed trainis, howwideis the track?What'sthe distance betweenthe rails?Becausethe widthof the trackdoesn't justgiveyou the widthof the train.The heightof the train is also limitedby the widthof the track.Obviously, trains haveto be stable,especially if theyhaveto go round curvesquitefast.Ta[l,narrowdesígns are unstable. So, for betterstability,a wide trackís better.

Thetroublewithstandardtracksis, they'requitenarrow. Forhigh.speed traíns, this ísa problemif therearea lot of curvesin the line.Noq you can limitthe problem. To help the trainstayon the track,you makeit quiteheavy...and you put mostof the weightas low as possible,belowthe floor.Nowof course,a designthat'sveryheavyisn'tvery efficient. Justlook at the big,thickpiecesof steelusedin trains,um getan ideaof how muchweightthereis. So it'sveryinefficient. And anotherproblem,of course, thatyou haveto deatwithis ... 74 Dennis OK. Let'smakea list of dangerson the tarmac... and thenwe can makea list of safetyprecautions to helppreventaccidents. So, firstof all, what arethe mainhazards? Any suggestions? Woman Planes,whenthey'removing. Dennis OK ...Movingplanes. Man Noisefromengines...fromthe jets.You needto wearear protection. Dennis Uhuh,OK. Noise...ear protection. Woman Othervehicles,movingaround. Dennis OK,good.Movingvehicles. Theyarethe biggest hazardon the tarmac.Not planes,but vehicles: buses,trucks,cars.... Whatprecautions canyou - to preventground taketo helpavoidaccidents vehicleshittingpeopte? Woman Er,everyone shouldweara greeniacket. Dennis OK. Highvisibilityclothing.Essential. Does anyoneknowwhy movingvehiclesare especially dangerous at airports? Woman Becausetheydrívearoundquitefast? Dennis Theyoftendo, yeah.They'renot allowedto, though.The healthand safetyregulations say thateveryemployeeis responsible for the safety of others.But there'sanotherreasonwhy moving vehiclesare partícularly hazardous at airports. Any otherideas? Man Becauseyou can'thearthem,becauseof all the noise...fromjetsand,um ... Dennis Exactly. lf you'restandingneara planewithits you can'talwayshearvehictes enginesrunning, now, coming.Just someonesaid you needto wearear protection. Forsomejobs- for example, if you haveto standin frontof movingplanesto guidethe pilots,then,yes,you needto protect yourears.But onlysome peopleneedear protection, someof the time. Woman So howdo we knowif we needear protection or not?Aretherestandardprocedures? Dennis Yes.We'lllook at thosea bit lateron ... 75 InterviewerA lot of peoplehaveto thinkaboutsafety regulations in theirjobs.But for pilots,safety is extremelyimportant,isn't it? Mike Absolutely. lt'satl aboutprocedures, in fact. Pilotsmustknowexactlvwhatto do in all situations. Interviewer Obviouslyyou need a lot of experience.


Transcripts get an airlinepilot'slicenceyou needa minimum numberof hoursflyingtime. You musthaveat leastone thousandfive hundredhours.And you mustbe at least yearsold. Obviously, most twenty-three professional pilotsarea lot olderthanthat. InterviewerSure.And do all pitotshaveto be ableto speakEnglĂ­sh? |sthata requirement? Mike Yes- to fly internationally. you InterviewerWhatarethe mainsafetyprocedures haveto follow?Aretherecertainthingsthat areespecially important? Mike We havea lot of checklists. Therearethings you mustalwayscheckbeforeeachflight. You mustn'ttakeoff untilyou'vechecked everything. Thefirstthingis, you walkaround the plane,outside,and knoq nothing's brokenor ...cracked. InterviewerThatthereare no cracksin the wings! Mike Actually, mostplaneshavecracksin their wings!Very'sperfectly safe. you canstill landif an InterviewerRight!And apparently, enginebreaksdown,can'tyou? Mike Youcan takeoff if an enginebreaksdown. lf it happensa fewsecondsbeforetake-off, um ...if you'reabovea certainspeed,the procedure is, you mustn'ttry to stop,because the runwayisn'tlongenough.So you take off,fly aroundthe airport,and thenland again. Mike

76 1 Assistant Woman Assistant Woman Assistant Woman Assistant

Hetlo. Hetto.ld like someinformation aboutthegym. The healthand fitnessclub? it opento everyone? Cananyonego in? Yes,sure. And is thatwherethe saunais? Thereis a saunain the healthand fitnessclub, yes.There'sanotheron DeckC, nextto the pool,as well. swimming Woman OK....OK,thanksverymuch. Assistant You'rewelcome. 2 Hi. Man Assistant Goodmorning. I thinkthere'sa problemwiththe TV in my Man

room.I can'tswitchit on for somereason.

Assistant Haveyou put the cardin? Man Thecard?...I didn'tsee a cardwithit, um ... Assistant Right.You needa card.There'sa smallcharge

if you'seighteendollarsforthe full ten-daycruise.

Man Eighteendollars? Assistant Yes.Youiust needto signa form,thenwe give you a card,and you put it in the TV.Yougetatl the maiorsatellitechannelssir ... 3 Woman

Excuseme, I'velust readthe postel overthere, abouttheshowin the,um ...Lagunabar saysyou needto book.Are thereany ticketsleft? Assistant Yes. Woman OK.And how mucharethey? Assistant They''siust it's usuallyquitepopular, so we preferto issuetickets,thenpeople if theydon'tget a seat. aren'tdisappointed Woman Right.OK,so can I booktwo seats,please? Assistant Sure.Can I takeyourroomnumber? 7E Victoria OK.Shallwe makea start?...Er,justto say,John Gatescan'tmakeit. He sendshis apologies. He's hadto go to an urgentmeetingwitha customer. John'saskedme to chairthe I'min the hot seat!OK, first,has everyonegot an agenda? on Johntold me copieswerecirculated Monday. George I got the agenda,but I didn'tget a copyof the minutesfromthe meetinglastweek. Victoria ... The meetinglastweek? George Johntold me you all met lastweek,to talk about I didn'tattend.I wasn'therelast the conference. week,so I don'tknowwhat... Victoria Oh,that.No,we didn'thotda meeting. We didn't takemĂ­nutes or anything, it was just.'.someof us hada talk,duringa coffeebreak... George oh, oK. Victoria Don'tworryyou didn'tmissanything. So, we've calledthis meetingto talk aboutthe sales conference nextJanuary. We needto look at the programme planwhatwe'regoingto do ... duringthe two days.So let'slook at the first itemon the agenda, then:the mainthemefor As you know,eachyearwe have the conference. a theme... 80 a Amelia

I canspeakto SamWu,in Beijing,and see if he can givea talk aboutChineseculture.I can contactMai Cheng,as well. Victoria OK,great. A m e l i a I'ltcallthemas soon as we finish. b George So beforewe decide,I'llvisitall threehotels.

And we definitely don'twantto usethe conference centrewe usedlasttime. agreedthat it wasn't... A m e l i a No.I thinkeveryone



George So we'resayingthe lastweekin January. But, um ...we won'tbook untilwe get repliesfrom the branches. Victoria No.I thinkwe needto ask everyone fustto oe sure. d Amelia Justbeforewe finish,there'sjustone thing,that's not on the agenda.TomWattsemailedme to say he wantsto ...organisesomegifts,for everyone

who attends. Victoria What sort of gifts? A m e l i a I don't know. He didn't say. I'll ask him when I s p e a k t o h i m t o m o r r o wI. n e e d t o p h o n e h i m . 82 George Victoria George Victoria

Hetto. Hello George,it's Victoria.How are you? Not too bad. I'm just callingabout the quotes,from the three hotels,for the conference.Have you got copies of all of them? George Um ...yes. Yeah,they'rehere on my, er, desk ...


Victoria Couldyou emailthemto me? George Um ...I can faxthem.I'veonlygot hardcopies-

I haven'tgot the filesin the computer, so, um ...

Victoria OK.fine. George I'vegot to go to a meetingin abouta quarterof

an hour,so ...I'llsendthemnow.

Victoria Yeah,OK. There'sno rush.This afternoonl fine. i f ,u m . . . George No, no, it's no problem.I'll send them now. Victoria OK, great.Then maybe we can discuss them later today? George Sure. I'll be in the officeall afternoon. V i c t o r i a O K . I ' t tc a l l y o u l a t e rt h i s a f t e r n o o nt,n e n . George OK. 83 Victoria So I've looked at the three quotes,from all three hotels.And, obviously,we've visited all three as well. Um ...and I think the best olace is the Darley. George Yeah. I agree.The trouble is, it's the most expensive. Victoria Yeah.Their price is, what, ten percenthigher t h a n t h e o t h e rt w o . George Hmm. lt rs their first offer,though.I haven't negotiatedwith them yet. Victoria No. Could you try to get a betterpricefromthem? George I can try yeah. I'll call the managerin the morníng.Um ...what's her name ... Heidi Wells. Victoria Tell her you'vespoken to your boss, and er ...tell her I said they can have the contractif they can give us a ten percentdiscount.


George And why don't I show her the offersfrom the other hotels?| can go and see her,and take the quotes with me. That'sprobablybetterthan phoning. Victoria Yeah.OK. George And what if she says they can't give us ten percent,but they can give ... I don't know, five percent? Victoria Wett,do your best to get ten percent.lf she offersyou ... five percent,or whatever,then ...tell her you'll have to speak to me again.Tell her you can acceptten percentimmediately,but, if not, you'll have to get back to me. G e o r g e O K , f i n e .I ' l l p h o n e h e r n o w a n d s e e i f I c a n arrangea meetingtomorrow. Victoria Right.I'll give John Gates a call and give him an update- tell him what our strategyis! George So I'll give you a call, um ...after I've met Heidi Wells,tomorrow. Victoria Right.OK, well good luck! George Thanks.Bye. 84 1 Amelia Tom Amelia Tom Amelia Tom Amelia

Hi Tom. Hi, Amelia.How are you? Verywe[[,thanks. How are you? Fine,thank you. Sorry I'm late. That'sOK. My train was delayed. O h , t h e t r a i n sh e r ea r e n e v e ro n t i m e . . .

2 Tom Helto. R e c e p t i o n i s t Hetto. Tom I'vecomefor a meetingwithAmelia

Donovan. My name'sTomWatts.|'mafraíd I'ma littlebit late.

Receptionist I'll give her a call ...Amelia,Tom Watts is in reception... OK. She'll be with you in a moment.lf vou'd like to have a seat. Tom Thanks.

3 Tom We'vemade good progressthere. Amelia Yeah.We'reabout halfrruay throughthe agenda. Tom |t\ quite hot in here. Do you míndif I open the window? Amelia No, not at att.Shall we take a break? Tom Yes, good idea. Amelia We can go out and get some fresh air, if you tike. We can walk across to the cafeteriaand get a coffee over there ...


OK.This is my office.Afteryou. Thankyou. Shall I take your coat? Yes,thankyou ...Hereyou are. Thanks.Can I get you anythingto drink?Coffee? Tea? No,I'mfinethanks. We can staĂ?tstraightaway'if you like. |'ll give you a copyof ... lfs a beautitulday. Yeah,ifs been hot like this all week.lfll probably last until Friday,then nin all weekend! Yeah. So how was your trip?You said your train was delayed? left on time,but thenwe stoppedat a stationsomewhere.They said we had to wait fur anothertraincoming... Wouldyou llke a CC Softwarecompanylolly? Awha? A companylollipop.Thet'regifts...for the conference. Oh, I see! Hereyou are. Thanks.Companylollipops? I give them to all my customers. Really? Sure....Thet'requite popularin the businessgifts. Oh,yes?So thet'renot your idea,then? No. I just boughtthem. Oh, right.Thefre in the companycolours....So, what flavourare they?

Acknowledgements The authorswouldlike to acknowledge abovealIthe significant contribution to the coursemadeby Nathalie and Aimylbbotson,and EvgeniaMiassoedova. Theywerea constantsourceof supportand ideasat all stagesof the projectand displayedremarkable patience! Thanksalsoto: WiltCapetfor believing in the prolectand for his adviceand expertise duringthe criticaI earlystages of development, SattySearbyfor herencouragement and commitment to gettingthe bestout of the course,Ctare Abbottfor herexcellent editorialinput- especially in guidingthe material throughkey improvements to the conceptand methodotogy, ElinJonesfor hervaluable editorialadvice,ideasand positivesupport- much appreciated duringthe intensephaseof writíng the first level,and ChrisCapperfor his helpfulinputon the early units.A big thanksto oureditorNickRobinson, whose positiveenergy, ideasand feelfor the materialhavebeen instrumental in shapingthesecondlevel.And a special thanksto our copyeditorFranBanks,for givingBusiness Start-upthe benefitof herexpertise, eagleeyesand extremely hardwork. We wouldalso tiketo thankthe manyreviewers who haveofferedvaluablecomments on the materialat variousstagesof development, including AlexCase, HelenForrest, RadoslawLewandowski, Rosemary Richey and RobertSzulc. The publisherwould like to thankthe followingfor permissionto reproducephotographs: p.54mr,@ MarkBoulton/Alamy: @ SuzyBennett/Alamyt p.86br,@ WilliamEckerstey/Alamy: pp.34-35, p. úbr, @ JeffMorgan/Alamy: O |magestate/Alamy: p. 5o, p. 68, @ Pictorial @ThePhototibrary Wates/Alamy: p. 54b,@ Popperphoto/Alamy: p. z4l, Press/Alamy: p.77,@ PautSpringett/Alamy: O StockdiscPremium/Alamyi p.86bl, @ A.T.Wiltett/Alamy: p. 24r; MartinBarloq p. 40; CarynBecker, photographersdi : p. 2otliBjornBeheydt, p. 9mr; @ Bettmann/CORBIS: p.6otm & tr' o ChrisCarrott/CoRB|S: p. óÍr,@ Walter p. 79t,@ LouiePsihoyos/CORBIS: Hodges/CORBIS: pp. z6z.t,@ JimSugar/CORBIS: p. zobl;Edifice/Gillian Dartey, p. rz1; @ EMPICS:pp.t6tr,mr & bl, 54t1,66rGettylmages:pp.9@),U @ll),t6tl & c, t8, 23, 2 5 , 3 7 , 3 8 , 3 94, 6 - 4 7 4, 8 ,5 4 t 16 o t l ,6 t , 6 2 , 8 , 6 q , 6 9 , 1 o p. zr, Premium 7y ErikDaniels/lmagestate: p. 43; www.istockphoto.comt Stock/lmagestate: pp. 33,79b, 86t1,tm & ff Bob Lendrum, p. 58; p. 56f : p. 6ob; : p. zo(c); Photolibrary: p. 57;SergioPiumatti, p. 54ml; RexFeatures: p. t6tm; p. rz6 Topfoto(DarleyHotelis a fictitious Superstock: name):p. 75;Transrapid International GmbH& Co. KG:p. 66/;Photoscourtesyof VekomaRidesManufacturing. B.V.p. 9r, bl & br; ZefaVisualMedia:p. 24. The Netherlands: tz8

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