Tango collection

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Concept 04-05 Testing+Prototyping 06-11 Tango 12-19 Twist 20-23 Bughi_bughi 24-27 Specifics 28-29 Bio Roberto_Monte 30-31 Who+What 32-33

Shinichi Maruyama nude#6 | 2012


movement movimento movement as mechanical action movimento come azione meccanica movement as mental space movimento come spazio mentale movement as creative motion movimento come moto creativo movement as project that continues in the use movimento come progetto che continua nell’uso


tango CLOTHES HANGER Tango is a stainless steel tubular coat rack with a satin finish that stands out in space. The end parts, in rigid polyurethane, are made by injection molding. Tango è un appendiabiti in tubolare d’acciaio inox con finitura satinata che si staglia nello spazio. Le parti terminali, in poliuretano rigido, sono realizzate mediante stampaggio ad iniezione. Exhibitions: [d3] design talent - Colonia 2007 Fuori Salone - Zona Tortona, Spazio Goradesky - Milano 2009 Campania Design Industry, Mostra d’Oltremare - Napoli 2011 Design in Corso. SUDesign - Noto 2012







Tango is a sign into a space. Tango è un segno nello spazio. 12

Defined sign / Undefined sign. Segno definito / Indefinito segno.



Paradox of the design object, multiple functions / no functions. Paradosso dell’oggetto di design, molteplice funzione / nessuna funzione. 15

The object itself trying to revolt: L’oggetto stesso prova a ribellarsi: against its destiny of absolute loneliness, out of social relations, always covered, hidden, victim of winter sadness, of coats and wet scarves. contro il suo destino di assoluta solitudine, fuori da ogni relazione sociale, sempre coperto, celato, vittima del triste inverno, dei freddi soprabiti e degli umidi impermeabili. Tango seduces, following its own rhytm, stainless softly waving to guests, to the next dancer. Tango seduce, seguendo il proprio ritmo, impeccabile dolcemente saluta gli ospiti, ammiccando al prossimo ballerino. text by Antonio Maiorino



The hanger is sad

L’appendiabiti è triste

It is an object that evokes sadness, the hanger, in a corner alone, abandoned.

È un oggetto che evoca tristezza, l’appendiabiti, in un angolo da solo, abbandonato.

Put there in the entrance snubbed by everyone, accompanied by his faithful friend of misfortune, the umbrella stand. An object/not-object.

Messo lì nell’ingresso snobbato da tutti, accompagnato dal suo fedele amico di sventura, il portaombrelli. Un oggetto/non-oggetto.

The truth is that, to be honest, we place the clothes everywhere, from the backs of the chairs to the sofa, in the bedroom when they are many. In the summer then, what a melancholic duo.

La verità è che, a dirla tutta, li poggiamo ovunque i vestiti, dalle spalliere delle sedie al divano, in camera da letto quando son tanti. D’estate poi, che malinconico duo.

Usually shy, he hides and dresses not his own clothes losing his identity. Strange his destiny, constantly dressed and redressed, naked or almost in August.

Solitamente timido, si nasconde e veste abiti non suoi smarrendo la propria identità. Strano destino il suo, di continuo vestito e rivestito, nudo del tutto o quasi ad Agosto.

Generally a toothpick with skimpy hair and a heavy base, you look at it and you think: what's going to do that thing there?

Generalmente uno stecchino dalla chioma striminzita ed una base pesante, lo guardi e pensi: che ci farà quel coso lì?

The construction hanger comes to my mind. It was a fir-tree with a nail right on the top. One of that series of objects/not-objects, without specificity. It certainly worked, basically a rod is enough and the game is done; you leaned against the wall or carried it with you, behind you, wherever you needed it.

Mi torna in mente l’appendiabiti da cantiere. Era un’asse d’abete con un chiodo ritto giusto in cima. Uno di quella serie di oggetti/non oggetti, privi di specificità. Funzionava certo, in fondo basta un’asta ed il gioco è fatto; lo poggiavi al muro o lo portavi con te, dietro di te, ovunque ne avessi bisogno.

Object/not-object because at least a vase is enough to contain an umbrella and to hang a dress would be enough the back of a chair: all can take its place but not vice versa, substitutive but not substitute.

Oggetto/non oggetto perché in fondo per contenere un ombrello basta un vaso e per appendere un abito basterebbe la spalliera d’una sedia: tutti possono prendere il suo posto ma non viceversa, sostitubile ma non sostituto.

Conclusion: the hanger is sad.

Conclusione: l’appendiabiti è triste.

text by Roberto Monte



twist COFFEE TABLE New dance, same fluidity of movement. Twist is a coffee table in satin finish stainless steel tubular, natural extension of Tango. Nuova danza, stessa fluidità di movimento. Twist è un tavolino in tubolare d’acciaio inox satinato, naturale estensione di Tango.





bughi-bughi UMBRELLA STAND The name, which recalls distant dances, is characteristic of the function of the object.An umbrella stand that is set in the center of Tango, its perfect complementary. Il nome, che rievoca balli lontani, è caratterizzante della funzione dell’oggetto. Un portaombrelli che si incastona al centro di Tango, suo perfetto complementare.





TANGO Tango is a stainless steel tubular coat rack with a satin finish that stands out in space. The end parts, in rigid polyurethane, are made by injection molding. Tango è un appendiabiti in tubolare d’acciaio inox con finitura satinata che si staglia nello spazio. Le parti terminali, in poliuretano rigido, sono realizzate mediante stampaggio ad iniezione.

TWIST New dance, same fluidity of movement. Twist is a coffee table in satin finish stainless steel tubular, natural extension of Tango. Nuova danza, stessa fluidità di movimento. Twist è un tavolino in tubolare d’acciaio inox satinato, naturale estensione di Tango.

BUGHI-BUGHI The name, which recalls distant dances, is characteristic of the function of the object.An umbrella stand that is set in the center of Tango, its perfect complementary. Il nome, che rievoca balli lontani, è caratterizzante della funzione dell’oggetto. Un portaombrelli che si incastona al centro di Tango, suo perfetto complementare.


Clothes hanger MATERIALS brushed steel injection polyurthane

R5 70



157 70 70

R3 R3

Coffee table MATERIALS brushed steel injection polyurthane


53.6 52



R4 Ø2

Umbrella stand MATERIALS brushed steel rotomoulding polyurthane



R4 8




Monte Contact

PERSONAL STATEMENT CV - 1958 Designer, lives and works in Pagani (SA)

ROBERTOMONTE_designer Via T. Cauciello, 44 84016 Pagani (SA)

press office +39 349 56 42 535 elvirabuonocore@hotmail.it

+39 388 16 04 866 www.robertomonte.it info@robertomonte.it

sales office +39 329 22 13 359 sales.amelia@robertomonte.it

Designer, lives and works in Pagani, Salerno. It is formed at the Faculty of Architecture in Naples, showing expressive needs of a wider field. He experimented with techniques and gestures typical of painting, sculpture, photography and theater, which he pours into his work since 2001, when he founded his design studio. In 2005 he was nominated for the Design Oscar at the Salon de Mouble in Paris for the Unbroken Wave project. In 2007 he was among the protagonists of the Design Talents Imm Cologne Koelnmesse in Cologne. Since then he has participated in national and international design events as, last in order of time, the Istanbul Design Biennial 2016 with the ChorusDesignGroup. His work has a close link with local craftsmanship, whose collaborations enhance a research driven towards essentiality and a high quality purism. Almost philosophical, the motive of his work follows a precise poetics, open to the inspirations of poetry and literature. 1994 > 2000 interior designer in Pozzato Vicenza studio. In 2001 he created his own design studio. He partecipated in a great number of design competitions and in April 2003 was nominated as protagonist of the week from aedo-to.com, an international design portal. Chosen by the Internationl Cosmit Jury in April 2004 he took part in 7° Satellite showroom (SaloneSatellite) in Milan, where he presented chairs and objects published in great number of specialized magazines. In 2005 at the Design Lab-Paris where the chaise longue UNBROKENWAVE was selected for the 2005 Oscar award from FSNAI. In 2007 he’s protagonist at d[3] design talents imm cologne Koelnmesse in Koeln, Germany. Since 2005 he participated in national and international design events: Milano – Parigi - Colonia - Amsterdam - Palermo - Venezia – Napoli – Tianjin – Roma – Istanbul – Londra.


Funds and is part of groups and collectives that deal with culture of the project, design, art: Chorus Design Group – Campania Design Industry Il Genio delle Due Sicilie – Ru.De.Ri. rural design per la rigenerazione dei territori – Design Periferico – Bloft – DOC Design di Origine Campana. Art-director and curator of events for associations, public and private organizations: Galleria PrimoPiano (NA) sez. design – Piccolo Faro (NA) sharing social space – Grand Hotel Parkers (NA) art direction in art & food design – Terre Avellino – Assaggi Lirici Itineranti “La Traviata“ – direction and set up at Villa Calvanere, Castel S. Giorgio (SA) – Performazioni performance urbana Guardia Sanframondi (BN) – “Come lʼacqua su fuoco” alchimia tra cibo e design, alchemic path Castel dellʼOvo (NA) / ADI per EXPO (MI). “Il suono degli elementi: il fuoco” rural design and “un gioiello di pasta” design workshop EXPO 2015 Piazza Irpinia – “Frammenti da un Cenacolo” PAN Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli – “FRAMES, Frammenti da una mostra” Innapoli Via Bizzuno Napoli Wine & The City 2017. Contract professor at SUN - Second University of Naples Aversa - A.A. 2007/2008 Design for Franchising and tutor for competitions and graduate theses. Since 2010 he is committed to a self-produced design realizing limited edition objects, project-objects in progress with artisan laboratories and small South Italian companies attentive to design research. Clients studio Pozzato VI > Erasmo da Rotterdam collection Jolly Hotels > Interior Design DUO design – NL > Seven Holes candleholder Marinelli Group Altamura > living room system & sofas Primo PianoGallery > art direction design department Pallucco Italia > clothes hanger Disguincio > product design concept Contatto Design > product design Tango/Flex Piccolo Faro > art director design event Grand Hotel Parkers > art direction + food & design event AlfaternaMarmi > art direction + design collection No smoking > wallpaper decoration



photo Gaetano Del Mauro - Pagani (SA) Italy www.gaetanodelmauro.it graphic design Vincenzo Pellegrino stamps REM stampi - Fossò (VE) Italy www.remstampi.webnode.com polyurethane essepieffeitalia - Montemiletto (AV) Italy www.essepieffeitalia.it steel Spada Antonio - Pagani (SA) Italy Broggio SNC - Montegalda (VI) Italy www.broggiosnc.com


ROBERTOMONTE_designer Via T. Cauciello, 44 - 84016 Pagani (SA)

+39 388 16 04 866 www.robertomonte.it info@robertomonte.it

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