Róbert Schuck - Landscape Architect Portfolio 2020

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Content Curriculum vitæ


Selected projects Academic The River Lost and Found Reconnecting river and city through five tales


Artillery Gardens The new royal garden of Copenhagen


The Treasure Island Transforming identity at Folehaven


Professional Mi Archipelago Connectado The World’s longest coastal promenade Doktorens Anlæg A reunited park

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Róbert Schuck Birth: 01/09/1992, Budapest Address: Emblasgade 83 1.tv. 2100 København Ø Phone: +4591930800 Email: rschuck92@gmail.com I am a third year Landscape Architecture Masters student, at the University of Copenhagen, specialised in urban design. I worked in very different environments and had been part of projects of many scales and approaches. I am passionate about sustainable development and new green approaches both in my professional and private life. The currently ongoing environmental crisis is most likely to be the biggest challenge that humanity ever faced. I believe that landscape architecture is one of our most powerful tools in this struggle. While keeping environmental issues in mind, it is still crucial to create spaces that facilitate human activities and are aesthetically pleasing. My wide knowledge of plants, digital, manual and verbal skills, furthermore international experience makes me able to contribute high value to the office’s work. I am eager to learn new things and looking for new challenges.


Professional experience 01/2019 – 07/2019

Landscape architect intern BOGL ApS, Sketching, drawing up proposals, building physical Copenhagen, Denmark and digital 3D models, selecting plants and materials, drawing sections Participating in competitions and prequalifications

02/2018- 02/2019

Assitant Petersen Service ApS Consulting with the customers, garden construction Farum, Denmark organising, material procurement, writing offers, planning


Landscape architect intern Grupo Aranea Paseo Litoral de Alicante international competition: Alicante, Spain sitevisiting, ideating, drawing up, plans, sections. Giving lecture and supervision at the University of Alicante. Lumens.hu Journalist Budapest, Hungary Tasks: writing articles, mostly in connection with sustainable development

10/2015 – 09/2016

Education 09/2017 – 03/2020

MSc in Landscape Architecture – Urban Design University of Copenhagen specialisation Copenhagen, Denmark

09/2015 – 01/2016

Landscape Architecture – ERASMUS+ mobility

09/2013 – 2017/06

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Alnarp, Sweden BSC in Landscape management and garden con- Szent István University struction engineering – Garden Design specialisa- Budapest, Hungary tion

Languages Hungarian English

Native speaker Fluent (IELTS 8.0)

Basic Basic

Software skills Adobe Photosop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Sketchup

AutoCAD MS Office QGIS V-Ray

Research The Effect of Global BSC Thesis, Environmental Change Graded 5/5 on the Use of Woody Plants in Hungary

Landscape Preferences in Individual research proHungary ject at SLU, Graded 5/5

Achievements Winner of international Paseo Litoral de Aldesign competition (as part icante` international of Grupo Aranea) design competition

5th prize Budapest 2024 Olympic Site Design Competition, 2017


The River Lost and Found Five tales to reconnect river and city Location: Budapest, Hungary as a source of water. Each tale has a distinct blue Scale: 16 km strech of the river on both sides and green identity and offers an opportunity Master thesis with Alexa Haraga to connect with the Danube physically and mentally-emotionally. The Danube used to be a diverse, blue-green landscape charachterised by anabranches, The Links islands, reefs, bays, swamps and forests. By establishing the Five Tales we create Budapest was founded because of this destination points. By adding the Links we landscape. Through centuries the river was strengthen the physical and green connectivity degraded into a canal, and the people of to most populated and busiest areas. The Links Budapest lost their connection to it. We propose are primarily soft mobility routes, but the often a strategy that creates a new blue-green overlap with hard mobility roads. landscape with strong connections to the city. The Journey The Five Tales After visiting a Tale, learning about one role of After careful examination of the project area the Danube and connecting with it, visitors get we selected five underutilised and brownfield curious to see what else does the Danube has to sites. These areas are under the threat of offer. The Journey grant an opportunity to read being developed for housing and commercial all the Tales and to establish a new relation. purpose. Instead, we want to protect them and We physically connect the five areas through to give an opportunity to people to connect soft mobility routes on land and by kayakto the river. All these locations have natural canoe routes on water. By going on the Journey capabilities that we build on to create new people also get to understand that the Danube blue green identities and cultural heritage is not a barrier between Buda, Pest and Csepel, to establish mental connection. Each Tales but the land and the water form one, integral tells a different story of the Danube, shows a landscape. All along the routes we increase the distinct role of it. The Frontier as a landscape of quality and quantity of green-blue areas. This protection, The Harvest as a source of products, way we create a robust, blue-green system that The Harbour as a transportation route, The can be further extended. Factory as a resource for industry and The Well

The Five Tales


The Links

The Journey


existing bike lane and sidewalk on bridge

existing path through park

Strategic Plan

new promenade new, greener path further from road

swimming pool & school market park

The Frontier

existing path

retail centre

district centre

district centre existing path through park district centre

shopping mall, square greening of existing path

The Harvest

The Factory

community centre existing path

community centre shopping mall botanical garden cemetery

The Harbour

new close to nature path

The Well

retail & playground

new close to nature path

train station & sports centre

new separated bike lane and sidewalk

neighbourhood centre

new bike lane and sidewalk on bridge


new separated bike lane and sidewalk

Visulation of the Castellum at the Frontier


residential area

industrial & commercial area

SzerĂŠmi Ăşt


wetland hill


poplar wall


retail centre



riverbank renaturalization

tram stop


kayak-canoe landing point

retail centre


Beyond Borders Sports Centre riverfront promenade

elevated walkway plaza


Concept plan of The Frontier climbing walls

The Frontier tells the story of the Danube as a lanscape of protection of the Roman Empire. The Danube was not just a borderline, but a border zone, a complex system of natural and man made barriers. The Empire did not end at the Danube, it was an integral part of it. This tale is told through three main concepts: The Danubian Borderland, The Castellum and the Beyond Borders sports centre.


creek renaturalization

The Danubien Borderland exhibits natural obstacles, and Castellum shows man-made barriers. Thehe Beyond Borders Sports Centre takes a more contemporary twist to the theme, and offers a possibility for people to go beyond their own borders.

existing park residential area

10 1: 5000




250 m


The Danubian Frontier Landscape







The Castellum




Beyond Borders Sports Centre

Indoor adventure park

Climbing walls

Elevated walkway

Airbag jumping


The Journey



Artillery Gardens The new royal garden of Copenhagen

Location: Amager, Copenhagen, Denmark Area: 60 ha Group project with Lin Horn, Franziska Kolmer and Pernille Vad Nørmark Course: Landscape Studio The Artillery Gardens have two major inspirations. The previously existing artillery training grounds and the royal forests, which were areas reserved for the monarch and his family for hunting. The former influenced our interventions and composition, while the latter is interpreted in a more democratic and contemporary way, by creating possibilities for foraging.

nature from an unique perspective. The mounds are surrounded by three meters high beech hedges, which are framing the gardens of the five senses on top of the five wider mounds. In the Garden of Flavour, visitors can enjoy different edible species and herbs. As people walk through the Garden of Colours, they see the plants arranged in big patches according to their colour. The Garden of Texture is divided into three rooms: soft, smooth and rough. The rooms are framed by plants representing these textures. The Garden of Fragrances is planted with species that have intense scents. The Garden of Sound has three rooms within itself. One room, where water creates sound effects, one, where flowering plants attract insects and people can listen to their buzzing sound, and one sealed off, where visitors can enjoy silence. The mound with the Garden of Colour is different than the rest. Instead of having a wall to the north, it has a slope to integrate the open area with the old hangar. The building itself is used as an event hall, creating room for various community activities.

Framing & Overview The mounds in the north combined with the viewing platforms and the tribune in the south refer to the former structures of the artillery grounds, and they also create a strong frame for the central area, where the orchards are placed. This edge is emphasised by the enlarged canal in the south and east which also is a way to manage the waterlogging in the area. The non-orthogonal placement of the orchards and the lack of a strict edge on the western Orchards and Viewing platforms side make the composition more dynamic. The orchards in the central area are surrounded by hedges and filled with The Paths - Access The long mound is the main entrance to the various fruit trees and shrubs. They offer park. It crosses the northern forest patch, opportunities for foraging. It is a very where it is gently sloping up until three popular activity nowadays, and wild fruit meters height. This way it is accessible for trees and shrubs are already thriving and everyone, and people can see the forest from characterising the area.The four viewing different levels. The entrances to the park are platforms in the south grant visual access to formed by little squares, framed by hedges. the whole area. They are acting as landmarks They invite people, but also hide the park and orientation points. On each of the partly, which creates an element of surprise. viewing platforms furniture and smaller The different landscape elements in The plants are arranged differently, therefore Artillery Gardens are connected by a two- they offer various spaces for staying and level organically shaped path system, which activities. Aligned to the Garden of Colours, makes the composition more dynamic and instead of a viewing platform the tribune is creates a more fascinating nature experience established. This is a larger staircase that can be used for outdoor gatherings, such to visitors. as concerts, plays and other social events. All of these landmarks are connected to The Gardens The mounds in the northern part are three the southern area, and to strengthen the meters high, like the terrain on the southern connectivity fruit trees are also introduced side. They are connected by an elevated in the southern area outside the Artillery boardwalk. With the boardwalk we grant Garden. access to visitors, but also raise them closer to the canopy where they can perceive




Entrance Old hangar community centre



Entrance Plaza

Staircase/ elevator Boardwalk 3m high Garden of Flavours

Garden of Colours

Garden of Textures

Tall grass Lawn Plum orchard

Staircase/ elevator Garden of Fragrances

Garden of Sounds


Tall grass

Cherryplum orchard

Pear orchard

Seabuckthorn orchard Tall grass

Quince orchard


Cherry orchard Lawn Apple orchard Canal Viewing platform




Fruit trees Fruit trees

Masterplan 1:7500




Historic mounds

Currently existing vegetation

Planned vegetation

The two-level path system



Semi-open area



Viewing platform

Clearing of the forest

Existing forest

Section: the orchards, the canal and the tribune 1:500

Visualisation of the tribune, with the canal, aviewing platform and an orchard in the background






Forest Boardwalk The room of soft textures Tall grass

The room of scabrous textures

Dividers from soft materials

Dividers from rough materials

Tall grass

The Garden of Fragrances

The Garden of Textures The room of smooth textures

Dividers from smooth materials

Gravel path

Elevated path


The Garden of Sounds Tall grass

Tall grass

Detail plan of the Garden of Textures, Scents and Sounds 1:750

The Garden of Flavours

Steps leading down to the main path

The Garden of Textures

The Garden of Colours

Boardwalk, 5m wide

Bike path Steps

The Garden of Fragrances

The Garden of Sounds Canal, 5m width


Beech hedge around the mounds 5m high

Existing forest

Mound, 3m high


Section: the gardens 1:500

Visualisation of an entrance

Planting princple

Plantings semiopen area

Plantings for the area around the mounds

Plantings for the area around the mounds

Plantings for the area around the mounds


The Treasure Island Transforming identity at Folehavn

Location: Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark Area: 22,5 ha Group project with Anne-Mette Løve Dulong Gilbro and Thomas Lindtorp Pedersen Course: Urbanism Studio While exploring and researching Folehaven, we came to the realisation that the area possesses great qualities even though it is isolated and has a bad reputation. The area has a strong community, that helped to create public art pieces. There are large green areas in the neighbourhood and a petting zoo. We called these qualities “treasures’’, since they seemed to be hidden from outsiders and we felt like being on a treasure hunt. We built our vision of The Green Treasure Island on three strategies.

• The Dynamic Island, which is based on evolving vegetation and lively outdoor spaces. • The Shared Island, which is based on urban farming, education and citizen involvement. • The Inviting Island, which is based on good, visible and accessible connections. Following these strategies, we planned our interventions to realize our vision. • A bike connection from the urban spine of Valby to the new southern beach. Establishing a green, multifunctional plaza. • Making smaller neighbourhoods. • Introducing new functions and redesigning the vegetation. With the phasing of our design we created opportunities for further development and modification, therefore made the project more flexible and resilient.

Vision - The Treassure Island The vision of Folehaven is to change the rep- a deserted island to a treasure island by strengutation of the area from negative to positive hthen the bond of the community inside and through the potential of the island effect of the outside of the area. place. The image of Folehaven will change from


The Dynamic Island

The Shared Island

The Inviting Island

With the help of evolving vegetation and livelyoutdoor spaces, we create an ever changing, developing island worth exploring.

Strengthening bonds first within the Folehaven and secondly to the surroundings physically and socially.

Good connections and well defined edges make the area inviting, appealing and noticeable.


Green Entrance


Market Square

Central Plaza

Petting Zoo


Children’s Garden


Daycare Plant Nursery

Green Entrance

Dog Park

Illustrationplan Folehaven 1:7500




Edges & Entrances

Public connections

Visualisation of the Activity Neighbourhood


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Establishing animal farm at the central plaza

Establishing childrens gardens

Establish new public garden at future elderly homes

Establishing orchards, allotment gardens and other facilities in neighbourhoods

Planting around the new entrances at Blommehaven and Vinhaven

Moving youth activities to new location

Establishing a playground and public space at central plaza

Establishing new inviting green spaces on northern and eastern edges

Establishing a dog park on top of underground southern garages

Planting trees as allĂŠs along main roads

Establishing a new market square at new eastern entrance

Building two new elderly homes at the central plaza Building a new culture house at the central plaza

Establishing a plant nursery

Relocating residents of north eastern housing block

Upgrading and expanding existing garages

Constructing new buildings for north eastern market square


Tearing down the existing elderly home at the central plaza Tearing down the existing marketplace Tearing down old school facility buildings Tearing down existing youth club


Moving parking spots to main roads Creating new car entrace and parking for the church

Closing down the roads going through neighbourhoods

Closeing down the road going through central plaza for car traffic

Establishing new path system in the neigbourhoods

Establishing a Bike path through the area

Timetable of implementation


The Central Plaza Garage/workshops Garage/offices Delivery parking Elderly home

Bike path

Petting zoo



Elderly appartments


Community center


Church Margrete Kirken

Event space


Shared space


Restaurant/ CafĂŠ

Church plaza Bell tower

Elderly home

Playground Bike path

Public art


Library entrance Library

The Central Plaza, a multifunctional public space for different markets, school photos, concerts and social gatherings 1:750

Public Space

New culturehouse with an opening to the plaza

Open plaza provides space different events

Playground for kids close to the school and restaurant Section AA of public space 1:150


Shared Neighbourhood Islands + Orchard + Sitting area + Entrance to plaza + AllĂŠ + Road

+ Car parking

+ Path + Private gardens

+ Bike parking

+ Bike parking + Allotment plots B

B + AllĂŠ

Today - a closed, underutilised courtyard with hedge around it

+ Buffer zone Tall grass + Barbeque area + Trimmed lawn + Paving Private zone

+ Sheds

Semi-private zone Common zone

Green Neighbourhoods - the Garden and Orchard Neighbourhood 1:750

Future - an open courtyard with vegetation defining private, semi private and common space

New Entrance

New buildings with shops on ground level and greenhouse on top

The opening between buildings acting as an entrance to Folehaven

Vegetation framing the new entrance Section CC of new entrance 1:150


Mi Archipelago Connectado The World’s longest coastal promenade Mi Archipelago Conectado Location: Alicante, Valencian Community, Spain Length: 25 km International design competition with Grupo Aranea during internship. Our team also included Subarquitectura. The goal of the competition was to design the World’s longest seaside promanade (25km). Some parts of the promanade are already exisits, but they are disconnected, fragmented little pieces. Due to continuous deterioration and erosion, the condition of the Coastline of Alicante reached a level that is close to unacceptable. Our design proposal is a tool that through multiple interventions is aimed to reverse the deterioration. Despite the mistreatment of the coast, it still retains opportunities to become a point of interest for both locals and visitors. The coast can no longer be understood as a longitudinal thin line, as a corridor. The very concept of a corridor defines, implicitly, a fine border between the sea and the city, at times so fine that it has been broken. We can easily see how the coast of Alicante has become in many points increasingly interrupted because of urbanization. Longitudinal flows


prevent transverse flows. If we see the coast as space, not as a corridor, the very concept of a coastal corridor could be replaced by that of coastal space. The corridor implies speed, narrowness - concepts all associated longitudinally. Space is the opposite. It implies habitation, more organic limits. From this new point of view, where the sea and the land come into contact can be variable and be understood as a border ecosystem characterized by intense processes of exchange of matter and energy, generator of experiences and strong attraction for society, economy and tourism. The mountain and water were the nuclei of today’s Alicante. The relation with the landscape and nature has severely weakened. At the time of limitless expansion, the coast, the residues of nature and the historical monuments can be the place where we start reintegrating the city. One of the key elements of Mediterranean landscapes are island. With a multidisciplinary approach, we identified the “island” that can grow into coastal spaces. By carefully connecting them, we can start the reintegration of the coastline and the city.


The Islands The map shows the islands identified on the coast of Alicante, and what kind of path is planned for the areas. It is also presenting already exisiting user groups. Our porposal also contain the development of an application, that locals and visitors can use to learn more about each island.

14. The beach island Promenade A popular coastal promande with white sand and the sea

Serra Grossa Maritime park Creating connection from the mountain to the beach

The Tourist Island Alicante Making currently existing values more visible

The Lung Rabasa Reconnecting a neglected green area

Lucentum Archeology Showcasing Alicante’s history

Cabo de las Huertas Geology Small interventions that enhances the speacial geological features of the area

The Port Mediterranean Creating new identity for the most detiriorated area The Cultivated Island Public Park Creating a coherent green space

The Palmeral Island Urban Forest Reconnecting a neglected green area

The Island of T Tech City Che reativity A new creative class and a new appriciation of the landscape The Port Island The Airport The mainentrance of today’s Alicante. And oppurtinity to make a good first imperssion.

The Island of Sand Dunes Connecting the existing path to the protected spaces among the dunes.

The Island of Saltworks Production Park Reestablishing the original water flows, and recovering the production landscape

The next: 15. The Flat Island Tabarca


Atoll of Santa Pola The View of Tabarca Reestablishing the ecological pathway and presenting the relation between maritime and terrestrial ecosystems

1:100 000


4.1. Serra Grossa - Calas Artificial continuity

2.3. Cabo the Las Huertas - Calita y Cala de Los JudĂ­os Natural continuity


Doktorens Anlæg A reunited park

Location: Esbjerg, Denmark Area: 5,8 ha Design competition during my internship at BOGL. Our team aslo included Ingvar Cronhammar and AART architects. First a harbour was built and then a city was founded, where the sand hill met the sea. In 1879, the first person with a degree in Esbjerg, Doktor Brunn planted pines on the sandy slope. Later people wanted a place that they can use for recreation. So the plantation was transformed into a park in 1917. After this, for a whole century the history of the park was a series of interventions. Each of these intervention cut out a piece from the park´s green fabric: the amphitheatre, the bunkers, the harbour administration building, the parking lots, the Art Museum, the Music Hall and the service roads. Therefor, although the park has a lot of qualities and potential, it is very fragmented and disconnected from the city. As a result of this is it is highly underutilised and unknown even for locals. Our proposal ties together the park’s many valuable areas and create unified place. It strengthens the connection to the city - and the link to the Art Museum and Music Hall. We facilitate more, and more diverse activity in the park. To reunite the fragments, we propose a series of measures that will enhance coherence and a strengthen identity. The poetry of a classical city park has to return. We drew inspiration from the Swedish Folkparks of the

1950s and the bright atmosphere of the Parisian parks around the turn of the century. A park that facilitates recreation and community and appeals to curiosity and imagination. The park has history, present and future. It is place where generations have lived. It is park for reflection, silence, joy, movement and play. It is robust and lightweight at the same time. Contrasts and experiences that arise in the present. One welcoming place that appeals to children and adults, young and old. For everyday use and for special occasions. The proposal creates a more coherent and unified park. The new park has a clear position in the city´s fabric, halfway between the urban areas and the sea port. To increase cohesion and to reinforce the unified green identity of the place, we are strengthening the edges all around. The large trees with the strong vertical trunks and the light shimmering through their dense foliage create a common spatial experience all around the park. In between these beech stands we created clearings to frame the activities of the park. The terrain is the basis for the park´s overall layout. The paths move in synch with the slopes and connecting the rooms, benches and amphitheatre terraces, so that a ‘flow’ is formed throughout the park. The furniture creates a special atmosphere, right from the moment you pass through the portals. All the inventory has a mint green colour that creates an appearance that is recognizable and likeable, while bringing a dreamy, artistic layer into the park. Together, the different layers of the proposal give the park a strong identity.

Concept diagram:



+ Havnepromenaden Havnegad


+ Hulvejen + Esbjerg


+ Harbour administration + Landgangen

+ Open space

+ Amphitheatre

+ Harbour



Main path and entrances

Terrain and edges


Englads g ad e

Torvga de

+ Entry Square

+ Esbjerg Art Museum + Hanging Gardens

+ Dog Park + Service Entrance

+ Main Path + Playground

Ă˜stre Havn


Masterplan 1:7500

The view of the stage from the amphitheatre, visualisation.



Axonometric view of the entry area in the north-eastern corner

Axonometric view of the open space

Axonometric view of the amphitheatre

Inventory design

+ Esbjerg Music

Service road

+ ServiceAsphalt Entrance


Seating Boats Concrete


Stairs Concrete path

Gravel Football pitch

Baskerball court

Scooter Climbing track toys

„Tarzan path”

Existing building Picnic tables

+ PlaygroundHammocks Sandbox

Buoys Swing Gravel path


Chicken coop

Climbing toys




Detail plan of the playground 1:35000 The proposal retains the beech trees ( Fagus sylvatica) as the park’s character tree. But several new species are added to create a greater variety throughout the park. In sun exposed areas, we suggest the establishment of perennial plantings with a lush, wild appearance with some characteristic solitary bushes. For example Viburnum with Hemerocallis, Phlomis russeliana, Heuchera and ornamental grasses. Primarily native species are used, but we also used some non-native species to help to facilitate larger recreational value, support bird and insect life, and to keep the necessary maintenance relatively low. To create more closure towards Østre Havnevej beech will be the dominant tree on the southern edge, with some smaller trees and different shrubs (Ribes, Lonicera). This shields the park from traffic, therefor amplifying visitor’s experience of staying in a green space. At the playground and Hulvejen, we suggest planting different smaller flowering trees, which would also naturally occur in clearings or edges in beech forest - for example Sorbus, Prunus cerasifera, Crataegus. Around the Port Administration and Landgangen beech are planted. Under the large trees we suggest the planting of bulb plants, such as Anemone, Scilla and Narcissus to recreate the vernal blooming of the beech forest floor.

Planting proposal: beech, flowering trees, vernal flowers and perennials



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