NEWSLETTER News from Robert’s Road Fear of Nothing !!
What are you afraid of? I bet each of us could come up with a large list without thinking too hard. Fear of failure, fear of not making enough money, fear of loosing the money we have, fear of making a mistake ect ...The list goes on and on. The question is: How realistic are those fears really? Is most of it likely to come to pass, or are we just mind‐ tripping and giving into our sabotaging mind? Strangely enough one of the most common and top ranking fears is the fear of looking bad. While it does not seem like a life or death situation, it does preoccupy many of us and sti6les our achievement. But how threatening is it really? Most of our fears have their origin somewhere in our childhood and have absolutely nothing to do with today, yet we like to drag them into our day as if they were current. If we take a good look at the reality of it, we will realize that most of what we worry about is just that. Worry. So we are really afraid of what? Nothing. Just think about that. It’s a fear of nothing!
NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author and CNN/ Fox News Wealth expert Robert Shemin roams the world while teaching people how to be successful in today’s challenging market. With his ear on the beat and armed with a bag full of solutions, Robert challenges conventional views and offers fresh ideas with witty hands on solutions on how to stay on top of the game and roll with the punches. Joint Robert on the road to success fun and fulfillment!!
Now while that is somewhat reassuring for a minute or so, it still doesn’t help in the heat of the moment, when those sti6ling thoughts raise their ugly little head. What to do? Here a quick “battle list” for when fear attacks. 1. Take a deep breath and ask yourself: Where does it really come from? 2. When was the <irst time I felt that way? 3. Do I want to feel different? Realize that your thoughts are up to you. Tell yourself that it is irrational and move your attention back to what you want to achieve. You have been holding yourself back with unproductive fears. Come back to the focus of where you want to go and what you want to make happen. Shift your attention to those positive thoughts and override the fearful intruders. You are in charge of your mind. Use it wisely!
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