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Robert Shroud
8/4/16 - Good editing day. Put in a few hours trench work. Count 89,026. Fall publication goal for Irony 3 on schedule. 8/28/16 - Sluggish editing day, but got the job done. Count 80,259. ch 36 of 55. Five Parts. Fall publication goal on schedule. 9/18/16 - Some hard writing days since my last edit. Some medium ones. None easy. Mommas, don't let your children grow up to be authors. Still, I love it. Count 78,460. Ch 63 0f 70. Fall publication goal on schedule. I could highlight for you over forty years of both accomplishments and failures. Well, maybe not failures. I’ve never read an ‘about the author’ that included falling out of a tree in their youth.What I want to do more than anything is concentrate on delivering you, the reader, quality works. If I can do that, then I believe over time you will come to know more about me than you ever wanted to. Sincerely, Robert Shroud.