Home & Away with Robert Walshe
Weekend Hotspot – Kilgraney House Co Carlow
Kilgraney House overlooking the Barrow Valley in Co Carlow is a charming Georgian pile with immense character. From the moment of arrival guests enjoy a relaxing break in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Owner’s Bryan Leech & Martin Marley escaped the hustle and bustle of Dublin life a number of years ago opening the doors of their very own “ Downton Abbey “ The main house according to Bryan was built around 1820 although the north wing is part of older dwelling and thought to be
■ KilgraneyHouse Co Carlow
mid- 18th century. A fire in the 1920’s destroyed the original interiors and the rebuilding left Kilgraney with a Georgian exterior and an early 20th century interior. Now carefully restored, the house has immense character and a simple elegance that is full of irony and amusement. The interiors are an eclectic mix of traditional furniture with carefully chosen fabric and art from around the world. The large drawing room with three contemporary leather couches and window seats are perfect for lazing about reading or having pre and post dinner drinks. Guest accommodation comprises of six en suite bedrooms and
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two courtyard suites decorated in their own unique style. Themed bedrooms include “Africa”, with wall-mounted tribal masks, and “Philippines”, the windows of ■ Kilgraney Award Winning Food which frame idyllic garden views. space. The Kilgraney On walkabout I noted all outdoor emphasis bathrooms have “aromather- continues this summer apy” products, which are also with a charity garden used in the spa located in a open day on July 29th ■ BBC Big Allotm restored apple storehouse featuring BBC2 “Big ent Winner Ro b Smith Visits nearby offering a selection of Allotment” challenge Kilgraney Co Ca rlow Asian influenced treatments. winner Rob Smith as guest dens surKilgraney is renowned for speaker. He will share his rounding Kilgraney House. great food with products ei- gardening success with a par- During the ‘eat challenge’ his s u m m e r ther grown in the herb and ticular emphasis on compan- emphasis will be on different Kilgraney offers include vegetable gardens or organi- ion planting for pest control, mustards and sauces using two nights’ accommodation cally sourced in the locality. pollination and crop produc- freshly picked herbs, local and breakfast with dinner Dinner which is served in tivity in a kitchen garden. He honey and home-made cider on one evening throughout the “Cherub” dining room in- will also look at why certain made with apples from the May from €205 per person cludes a seven course table plants should be grown to- orchards at Kilgraney. The sharing. Full late spring/ d’hôte menu accompanied by gether. His second workshop South East has so much to see early summer rates on www. an impressive wine selection. will feature demonstrations and do for all ages and tastes: kilgraneyhouse.com Robert Walshe is a travel Breakfast is another culinary inspired by the ‘make’ and historic monuments, colourbroadcaster with Citybeat triumph with pancakes to die ‘eat’ tasks from the Big Allot- ful gardens; well-maintained for! Interconnecting gardens ment Challenge itself. For the and sign-posted walking and / Q Radio in Northern Ireinclude a tea walk, medicinal ‘make challenge’ he will dem- cycling paths; abundant fish- land and Travel Editor for herb courtyard, a medieval onstrate a floral arrangement ing locations; numerous golf River Media newspaper monastic herb garden and using material collected from courses, equestrian centres titles across the island an aromatic and fragrant the vegetable and herb gar- and exciting festivals. Early of Ireland. www.robertwalshe.com