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March 22, 2012 Mar

INSIDE: Local student wins national GAZETTE COMPASS: Choose your art competition P2 ideal travel destination Pages 19-22

Soccer: Verona reach last four of AllIreland cup Page 32

Golf: Hollystown GC celebrate with captains’ drive Page 28

ALSOINSIDE: GALLERY .........................8 PETS..............................16 MOTORS ........................17 BUSINESS .................... 18 ENTERTAINMENT ........ 24 CLASSIFIEDS ............... 26

Council missing out on €250k in rates I LAURA WEBB

FINGAL County Council has lost in the region of €250,000 per year since 2010, when the Commissioner of Valuation ruled the National Aquatic Centre was exempt from rate payments. Between 2007-2009 commercial rates were levied at €895,000, but the decision in 2009 to exempt the centre from rates because it is an

“office of state” meant no rates were paid, and the council has lost out on around €250,000 per year since 2010. The case was brought to the High Court, who upheld the decision of the Commissioner and Valuation Tribunal. Councillor Kieran Dennison said it’s unfair that a leisure centre competing with many other leisure centres should be exempt from charges. Full Story on Page 4

A cut above: Mick makes a major sacrifice to raise funds A BRAVE Mick Loftus is pictured at Fingal County Council offices midway through having his head shaved by local barber, Frank Lyster, as part of an effort to raise money for cancer, in the Shave or Dye campaign, run by

national radio station, Today FM. The event was so successful that the council is considering making it an annual fundraiser Full Story on Page 3 and Gallery Pages 8-9

2 BLANCH GAZETTE 22 March 2012


Competition: Brian wins an art award

Call our NEWS TEAM on 60 10 240 or email

NATIONAL art competition winner Brian Lambert, joined

fellow students with school principal Eileen O’Connor, and art teacher Mary Quinn, to receive awards for their entries in the search for a front cover to display on a national awareness booklet – Open Your Eyes to Human Trafficking. The Blakestown Community School student was awarded €400 worth of all4one vouchers and €500 for the school. His artwork will now feature on the front cover of the booklet distributed nationwide to raise awareness about child human trafficking in Ireland. Students Andrea Bodiu, Sabrina Maples, Iga Budzowika were also shortlisted with their entries and will see their work featured inside the booklet. All students were presented a certificate by Minister of Equality, Kathleen Lynch.


Council gives approval for pig-rearing area I LAURA WEBB

THE three little piggies and friends could soon find themselves a home in Fingal, after the council approved a pig-rearing area for a new allotment scheme, and, if successful, councillors hope it can be rolled out in D15. During a recent council meeting, councillors approved the scheme for Balbriggan allotments. As part of the scheme, the council and Balbriggan Allotment Asso-

ciation has set aside one acre of grassland for pigs. The pigs will be acquired in springtime, and then looked after by a syndicate of allotment holders throughout the summer, ready for slaughter by autumn. According to a spokeswoman for Fingal County Council, there is an educational and sustainable food production element to this, “with people learning and understanding where food comes from. It also helps to reduce

allotment waste as left over vegetables may be fed to the pigs”. “We understand that this is the first time this type of allotment-scheme feature has been tried in Ireland, and the Balbriggan Allotment Association are very enthusiastic to try this out.” However, completion of the scheme is “fully dependent” on when grant funding can be obtained, and FCC are working with Balbriggan Allotment Association to

source funding. “We hope to have something up and running before the end of the year,” the council spokeswoman said. Councillor Michael O’Donovan (Lab) said he was enthusiastic about the pig rearing scheme, and if it was successful in Balbriggan, he hoped it could be considered for the Powerstown Allotments. “There is a great uptake on the allotments and when people use the allot-

ments there is always a lot of leftovers, in terms of cabbage leaves and things like that. “The pigs will be a sort of a natural recycling centre,” he laughed. “But it is a great idea. We have a little bit of space available next to our allotments in Powerstown, and if this is successful in Balbriggan, it is something I would consider proposing for Blanchardstown as well. It is a great idea,” councillor O’Donovan said.

22 March 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 3

CHARITY Fingal Baldies fundraising shave-a-thon

Losing long, lovely locks to encourage more donations I LAURA WEBB

A VERY brave woman has shown her support to the Shave or Dye campaign by shaving off her long golden locks and joining five male colleagues, known as the Fingal Baldies, in a fundraising shave-a-thon. Caroline Bradley surprised everyone in Fingal County Council when she put her best head forward to be shaved by a local barber. Fingal Baldies made up of Vincent Flynn, Wally Wade, Caroline Bradley, Mick Loftus, Paul Smyth and Ruairi O’Dulaing each shaved their head of hair to raise money for cancer, as part of the Shave or Dye campaign, run by national radio station Today FM. So far, they have raised a staggering €4,000 and it continues to rise each day. Speaking to the Gazette this week, Caroline said she hopes this will encourage more women to take part in the campaign, if not shaving but at least dyeing their hair for a good cause. “I just thought that going for the shave, instead of the dye; it would encourage people to donate more. This was just something I knew I could do. So many people around me have been affected, or are still affected by cancer. I was hoping by me doing this, more women might get involved next year.” Reaction from work colleagues and family members differed, with some thinking she was just going to dye her hair, while others weren’t too convinced she would go ahead with it. Which she did, and now sports a Sinead O’Connor-type hairstyle. “I have no regrets in doing it, I just pray it will grow back quicker,” she joked. According to Caroline’s hairdresser, the amount of hair she had before

the big shave would take four years to grow back. “At the end of the day, it’s only hair and I have my health.” Vincent Flynn, coordinator of the Fingal Baldies thanked all his recruits for taking part in the shave-a-thon, which happened at Fingal Offices in Blanchardstown last week. He started the Fingal Baldies this year after taking part in the successful Guinness record attempt for the most shaved heads in one place with Today FM. After this, he decided to change his approach to it and organise a fun and worthy group event. “There was a fantastic buzz about the place. I must admit I was surprised Caroline shaved her head, but fair play to

her. I basically camped outside our staff canteen in Fingal trying to persuade people, and five kindly came on board. I put us down for a target of €1,500 and we got over €4,000 and we are still counting,” Vincent said. A kind staff member knitted novelty beanie hats for the baldies, which were auctioned off and a raffle on the day also helped to raise money for the cause. If this success is anything to go by, and if Today FM continues the campaign each year, Vincent says staff and Fingal consider making it an annual fundraising event. To sponsor the Fingal Baldies log onto www. Caroline Bradley says goodbye to her long locks as local barber, Frank Lyster, shaves See Gallery on Pages 8-9

them away. Picture: Andrew Foley


Cleaner county awards RESIDENTS and businesses helping to make their county a cleaner and greener place to live in, are being asked to take part in the 2012 Fingal Cleaner Communities Awards. The countywide competition rewards residents, community groups and businesses in their efforts to keep their area and premises clean and wellpresented. Fingal is now inviting entries to take part in the awards. Application forms and full details of the competition are available by contacting the Environmental Awareness Team, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main St., Swords, Co. Dublin, phone 01-890 6236, or email Application forms are also available to download from the FCC website. Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, May 25, 2012.

4 BLANCH GAZETTE 22 March 2012




Plenty for all in theatre’s schedule

Scoil Oilbheir pupils celebrate winning a road safety award

Kayleigh’s contribution to road safety wins her recognition A BLANCHARDSTOWN student has won a Road Safety Award during this year’s annual Seatbelt Sheriff and Hi-Glo Silver awards. Kayleigh Cuipeir, from Scoil Oilbheir in Blanchardstown, was a runner-up in the Hi-Glo Silver Competition and attended the ceremony with her teacher, Ms Ni Rianaigh, and all of the pupils from second class in Scoil Oilbheir. The young student and her classmates were among 231 schoolchildren from primary schools around the country rewarded for their outstanding contribution to keeping Ireland’s roads safe. Seatbelt Sheriff and Hi-Glo Silver are fun, educational road safety programmes for children in first and second-class in primary school. Children in first class become Seatbelt Sheriffs by taking a pledge to wear their seatbelts and making sure that everyone else in the car is buckled up too. After becoming honorary sheriffs in first class, Hi-Glo Silver encourages second class students to wear bright clothing when they are out walking or cycling. Further information at

Fine Gael councillor Kieran Dennison

Fingal losing out on rates from the NAC I LAURA WEBB




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FINGAL County Council has lost in the region of €250,000 per year since 2010, when the Commissioner of Valuation ruled the National Aquatic Centre was exempt from rates payments because it’s operating in a State building. According to Fine Gael councillor Kieran Dennison, the council has made a potential loss of €250,000 per year since 2010. The National Aquatic Centre (NAC), is operated and occupied by the NSCDA (Operations) Limited. During the period of 2007 – 2009, commercial rates were assessed and levied to the amount of €895,000. Following the general revaluation of the Fingal County area in 2009 by the Commissioner of Valuation, the NAC was classified as being occupied by an “Office of the State” and consequently exempt from any commercial rates, including those levied between 2007 and 2009. Court proceedings were brought against the Commissioner of Valuation after an appeal against

his ruling to exempt the NAC from paying commercial rates was unsuccessful. The council later appealed to the Valuation Tribunal, which again was rejected. After consulting legal teams, the council made the decision to bring the case to the High Court to determine if the NAC fell within the ambit of Section 15 (3) of the Valuation Act, 2001 as being “the state” of “office of the state” and if the Valuation Tribunal was correct in law in stating that the NAC was not liable to pay rates on the relevant property. “The case came before the High Court in October, 2011, and the judgment in December upheld the decision of the Valuation Tribunal, awarding costs against the council,” a council report stated. In the report to councillors, the council said: “W hile the council could pursue this matter to the Supreme Court, it is our view that the issue of the rateability of such entities should now be dealt with through the legislative process. We have brought this matter to the attention of the Department of the Environment, Community

and Local Government and it is our understanding that amendments to the Valuation Act 2001 are proposed.” Commenting on the issue, Cllr Kieran Dennison, who raised the issue at a recent council meeting said: “I raised this issue because I do not think it fair that what is essentially a leisure centre competing with many other leisure centres should be exempt from local authority charges. “To me, there is something wrong with one arm of the State, Fingal County Council, pursuing another arm of the State, The Commissioner of Valuation and the National Sports Campus Development Authority, through the High Court,” he said. “In April a new bill to amend the Valuation Act 2001 will come before the Dail. Its main purpose will be to confine the state exemption to actual state buildings such as government departments, Garda and Defence Forces establishments, Office of the Revenue Commissioners, etc. Semi-State organisations, such as the National Sports Campus and the HSE, will have to pay rates on their premises,” Cllr Dennison said.

MUSIC, theatre, comedy and dance are just some of the things headlining this season’s jam-packed schedule at Draiocht Theatre in Blanchardstown. This week, the director of Draiocht Theatre, Emer McGowan, and arts officer at Fingal County Council, Rory O’Byrne, announced the Spring/ Summer season for the popular theatre and arts centre. Music of all varieties can be enjoyed, including performances from Folk the Recession; I Hear You Calling Me, The story of Count John McCormack; Fil Campbell with her show, Just a Song at Twilight; popular regulars, The Legend of Luke Kelly; Niamh Kavanagh; Classical Twist with Vladimir Jablokov and the Slovak Festival Orchestra musicians, Johnny Duhan and the Fingal County Youth Orchestra. Comedy audiences will not be disappointed with acts such as Kevin McAleer, and Ardal O’Hanlon, Chalk and Cheese comedians Eric Lalor and Gearoid Farrelly and another double-bill of comedy, The Savage Eye comics John Colleary and Patrick McDonnell. Ballet Ireland will perform their beautiful Romeo and Juliet in April. A patron for children’s entertainment, Draiocht has a great selection of family events, including free family days, A dance project with Croi Glan Integrated Dance from Cork, the D15 Youth Theatre, a summer programme and much more. The first Spreacha Festival show will take place at the end of March and is called Under a Different Light. Spreacha programme details can be found at http://www. For further information, or to find out what else is on at Draiocht, log onto, where deals on early bird offers can also be found.

22 March 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 5

COMPETITION Three-day festival to find the winner

Search for the 2012 Dublin Rose is now on I LAURA WEBB

THE search for the Dublin Rose is now on, and, this year, organisers have changed the format for choosing the capital’s rose, by dedicating a three-day festival to finding a Rose that will represent their county at the Rose of Tralee later this year. Applications are now open and everyone who applies will be featured in the three-day festival in May. “We encourage as many people as possible to enter. The major thing this year is that we put entrants up for the threeday festival at the Carlton Blanchardstown Hotel,”

Dublin Rose co-ordinator, Brendan Galvin, told the Gazette. “We are doing it differently this year; we used to run it on a system where we had heats in different parts of Dublin, who would then go to the grand Dublin final. We didn’t like that system, so what we are doing now is running a whole Dublin festival in the Carlton Hotel in Blanchardstown from May 18-20. There is a selection night on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and the Dublin Rose will be picked out of that. “Instead of girls going out in heats, they will all really come in second place after the Dublin

Rose is selected. We want this to be a fun experience, which allows all Dublin Roses to be involved in it right until the end,” he said. According to Brendan, the Dublin Rose experience is more than just about getting the title to represent Dublin at the Rose of Tralee festival in August. “The emphasis we want to get across is the amount of fun the girls are going to have. It’s not a competition, it’s not about who is going to be a Dublin Rose, it’s about entering for the whole Dublin Rose experience. “People see the Rose of Tralee as just being what is on the telly those

Organisers are dedicating a three-day festival to finding a Dublin Rose

two nights, but really it goes beyond that, that is a minuscule side of it. It doesn’t really show the whole story; there is so much more behind it and the big word is ‘friendship’. The amount of friends that are made through this is fantastic, it really is. “Our job, as Dublin Rose coordinators, is to make sure every girl has a fantastic time. There were four girls last year, who never met each other until the festival, and now they all live together. There

are loads of stories like this. They have a fantastic time,” Brendan said. Girls aged six to 12 years can also experience the festival by becoming a Rose Bud. Rose Buds are paired with an International Rose, attend the first televised selection night in the Dome, participate in two Rose parades and take part in their own Gala Rose Bud evening and enjoy the fun of a week-long Rose Bud Summer Camp. As part of the selec-

tion process, the Gazette is running a colouring competition in association with Dublin Rose, details of which are coming soon. For further information on Dublin Rose, log onto www.roseoftralee. ie/centres and click Dublin, or find Dublin Rose on facebook for dates of information evenings. The Rose of Tralee International Festival takes place from August 17-21 and is one of Ireland’s largest and longest- running festivals.


Council pursuing charges FINGAL County Council is continuing to pursue €2.8 million outstanding from domestic water charges introduced in the 1990s. During the period of 1994-1996, domestic water charges were assessed and the majority of customers paid their accounts. Over €8.8 million was collected in respect of this charge. Oustanding

However, approximately 12,800 households still have either part, or all, of their charge outstanding, leaving a total of €2.8 million to be collected. In a recent report to councillors, the council said that despite the time lapse, the council “continues to collect these charges when the opportunity arises, particularly in the context of the conveyancing process in the sale/disposal of properties”.

6 BLANCH GAZETTE 22 March 2012

WASTE ‘Tons’ of rubbish left along Grand Canal Banks

Call for action as canal used as dumping ground I LAURA WEBB

A LOCAL canal has become a haven for illegal dumping, and politicians say urgent action is needed to tackle Dublin 15’s newest landfill. Castleknock councillor Matt Waine has condemned the build-up of “tons” of dumped waste along the banks of the Royal Canal. The worst-affected spot, according to Cllr Waine, is near Coolmine Train station. He is now calling on Fingal County Council and Waterways Ireland to address the growing problem by working together to get it removed and the site secured. “On the request of representatives of the Kirkpatrick, Rockfield and Coolmine Residents

The site at the Grand Canal which resembles a landfill

Association (KRCRA), I visited the site in question and was appalled at the amount of rubbish dumped onto the banks of the Royal Canal along Sheepmoor Lane. “Rather than being a key amenity for the local community, the site in question resembles an unofficial landfill,” Cllr Waine said. “Some of the rubbish includes mattresses,

fridges and construction waste. Incredibly there also appears to be domestic waste which poses health and safety concerns, particularly as the weather improves. “Unfor tunately, to date, residents’ attempts to have the site cleared have not been met. I am therefore calling on FCC and Water ways Ireland to work togeth-

er to remove the waste as a matter of urgency. Secondly, measures to dissuade people from dumping at this location must be put in place. This means installing a secure boundary fence along Sheepmoor Lane and the installation of CCTV in the area to identify those responsible.” In response to Cllr Wa i n e ’s c o m m e n t s , a spokesperson for

Waterways Ireland said: “Waterways Ireland will be arranging to meet FCC and the local councillor early next week to resolve this matter.” Councillor Waine went on to say he “resoundingly condemns” all those who litter or dump waste. “This is now a growing problem across Fingal. During the struggle against bin charges, the campaign warned that the introduction of charges would inevitably lead to an increase in dumping and littering as people sought to save money. “In the context of the economic crisis, where large numbers of families are struggling to make ends meet, the problem has spiralled out of control,” Cllr Waine said.

22 March 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 7

8 BLANCH GAZETTE 22 March 2012

CHARITY Fingal County Council colleagues take part in a

Baldies a cut above the rest GROUP of brave colleagues at Fingal County Council put their best heads forward recently when they had their hair shaved by a local barber to raise money for cancer, as part of the Shave or Dye campaign, run by national radio station Today FM. The group, known as the Fingal Baldies, so far have raised a staggering â‚Ź4,000 and the amount continues to rise each day. A kind staff member knitted novelty beanie hats for the baldies which were auctioned off and a raffle on the day also helped to raise money for the cause. If this success is anything to go by, and if Today FM continues the campaign each year, coordinator Vincent FLynn says staff and Fingal consider making it an annual fundraising event.


The Baldy Crew enjoying their warm hats. Pictures: Andrew Foley

Caroline Bradley has her hair shaved off

Mick Loftus in his

cupcake hat

Ruairi with his cactus hat

Caroline enjoying her photo hat

Frank Lyster awaits his first volunteer

Vincent Flynn in his angry birds hat

Mick Loftus getting the chop

22 March 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 9

fundraising shave-a-thon to raise money for cancer

A hairy moment for Paul Smyth

Wally’s turn in the chair

Vincent Flynn

Wally Wade and Caroline Bradley

Ruairi O Dualaigh

10 BLANCH GAZETTE 22 March 2012

EVENT Great opportunity to plan for your big day

A wedding fair at the stylish Ardboyne Hotel


Pet care: Natural remedies for keeping pets healthy


The Ardboyne Hotel is hosting a Spring Wedding Fair

THE Ardboyne Hotel is hosting its Spring Wedding Fair on Sunday, March 25, from 2pm – 5pm. The event, that takes place throughout the hotel, promises to be one of the top wedding fairs of 2012, with an opportunity to speak with a variety of wedding suppliers from the local area. The Ardboyne Hotel management team will also be on hand to show you around this most attractive venue, giving guests information on the hotel’s special wedding offers that are currently available. On the day, the beautiful Boyne Suite will be set up with a host of exhibitors from the local area that can provide guests with their services and help in all things that are important for the perfect wedding day. There will be entertainment – from Irish dancers to a stunning bridal fashion show by McElhinneys of Athboy. The Ardboyne Hotel is traditionally known as a premier destination for weddings, and is synonymous with weddings of the highest quality. The hotel’s relaxed atmosphere in the open

plan lobby, to the luxurious ballroom, T he Boyne Suite, with its crystal chandeliers and windows overlooking their beautifully landscaped gardens, there is no question as to where guests will want to celebrate saying “I do”. The Ardboyne Hotel is registered for civil wedding ceremonies and the Tara Suite will be set up in the day as it would be for a wedding ceremony. The room is a perfect setting for an intimate, relaxed wedding ceremony with family and friends. Enchanting

The hotel’s enchanting gardens create an astounding backdrop for all wedding photos. With 29 well-appointed bedrooms available, as well as a beautiful bridal suite, guests can avail of a reduced rate on a wedding night. There are a host of packages available, with the Three Ring Package proving extremely popular. The Bronze Ring Package costs €3,295, with the Silver Ring Package costing €3,595 and the Gold Ring Package priced at €3,895, all based on 100 guests attending.

All packages include red carpet on arrival, champagne reception for the bridal party, complimentary tea/coffee and homemade biscuits on arrival, five-course dinner, two glasses of house wine served with the meal, evening buffet, bar extension, floral centrepieces for all tables, chair covers and gold bows, bridal suite and two bedrooms for parents, free parking and anniversary dinner. This year, for the hotel’s Spring Wedding Fair, guests can avail of a special offer, with an opportunity to enjoy €200 off their wedding day or a complimentary day-after wedding party for those who book between now and May 31 for a wedding in 2012. Bookings

The hotel is also taking bookings for Christmas weddings and have limited dates available between Christmas and New Year. For those unable to attend the wedding fair and are interested in the hotel’s special offers, contact the wedding co-ordinator, Michelle, on 0469023119 or mgilbane@

St Vincent de Paul is looking for volunteers THE Society of St Vincent de Paul is the oldest and largest, voluntary, charitable organisation in Ireland. The Society is a volunteer organisation that is always in need of volunteers. The work is challenging but very rewarding. The SVP is involved in a wide variety of works in support of those in need, which means there are many ways that the public can give their time to help the Society. The kind of activities that people can become involved in will depend entirely upon their own personal interests. Some activities the Society partici-

pates in are home visitation and hospital and prison visits. The Society also has 34 Vincent’s shops spread throughout Dublin, Wicklow and Kildare. Volunteers generally give a couple of hours a week to their work, so volunteers can give as little or as much time as they want. In the Society of St Vincent de Paul, too few people are trying to do too much. The society needs the public’s help to help people in need. Anyone interested in volunteering some spare time to help can contact Claire Banks at (01) 8198414.

22 March 2012 GAZETTE 11

SPRING It’s time to get tooled up to tackle your lawn

Gardening greats at new centre WITH Dubliners enjoying the first signs of spring over the weekend, it’s no wonder they are taking to their gardens in their droves to prepare for what, we hope, will be a summer of long, lazy afternoons enjoying our own patches of green. For all those green-fingered enthusiasts, there is an all-new new Husqvarna Centre opening up in a prime Dublin location on the Longmile Road this weekend, March 24. From ride-on mowers, lawnmowers, blowers, hedgetrimmers, chainsaws, automowers and trimmers, to name but a few, Husqvarna Ireland

have all your garden needs wrapped up. The Husqvarna range are a household name in Ireland and are known for their excellent design, attention to detail and long-lasting performance. The Husqvarna lawnmower is tailor-made for both you and your garden needs. It mows lawns to perfection leaving your garden without a blade of grass out of place. The Husqvarna lawnmowers have a 3-in-1 cutting system, comfort handle and a robust design. The Husqvarna Automower® recently featured on a Channel 4 pro-

gramme, entitled Home of the Future, and it truly is a revolutionary product, becoming increasingly more popular by the day. Husqvarna developed the Automower®, the original robotic lawn mower and the undisputed leader. With the Automower, there is now no need for compost heaps, the grass cuttings produced are so fine that they decompose quickly, providing a natural fertiliser for the lawn. Also, the Automower is well equipped to work in the rain. A Rider from Husqvarna can go almost anywhere, and has an

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The Husqvarna Automower, top, and Rider, above

extremely small turning circle. It’s both easy and fun to drive, whether it’s fitted with a cutting deck, broom, sweeper or one of the many other attachments. Liffey Distributors are the exclusive distributors of Husqvarna Forest, Garden and Construction products, Flymo, Jonsered, Partner, McCulloch, Aspen Fuel, Gardena and Oregon.

Established in 1970 by Vincent Brady, Liffey Distributors started in a portacabin on Iona Road in Glasnevin. Liffey Distributors is still run by Vincent and supported by all of his family and employs over 30 staff from a 40,000 sq ft base in Blanchardstown. For your information on your local supplier, please log onto: www.

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12 GAZETTE 22 March 2012


Brought to you by Derry Temple personal trainer and pilates instructor

How to reach your own fitness peak IVING a busy daily life is challenging in itself and succeeding in your life’s goals on top of that can be extremely demanding. Throughout my life, I have been lucky enough to witness many people succeeding against seemingly insurmountable odds. Whenever I see this, it inspires me. I find it is important to engage and spend time with people who have demonstrated that inner strength to achieve their goals; people who can inspire you to reach yours. When you feel like quitting, it is worth reminding


yourself of stories where people have persevered and achieved their ambitions. Sometimes it can be just a small thing or, in the case of my friend, Cian O’Brolchain, it can be a big thing. Cian is preparing to ascend the summit of Mt Everest later this year and he has already overcome odds beyond any that I had ever imagined. In the last year he has endured some of the world’s highest and most treacherous mountain climbs. On a recent excursion to scale Cho Oyu, he described how some fellow climbers not only didn’t make it to the summit but lost their lives in

the process. Climbing in extremely bad weather, and having witnessed several of his colleagues drop out due to altitude sickness, dehydration and exhaustion, Cian still succeeded in reaching the summit. Seeing the frozen body of a climber who had perished in the ice, and having to climb past the dead man’s body, was his biggest test. He knew he had to concentrate and put the tragic events around him out of his mind to prevent another fatality. He struggled on despite dehydration, exhaustion and lack of food. His legs and upper body ached from carrying his heavy

pack, but he knew that, if he stopped, he might not get up again. Cian used powerful visualisation techniques to remember past sporting achievements and reminded himself of all the support from family and friends that made it possible for him to be there. Staying focused on these positive and powerful images kept his determination focused as he closed his mind to the negative thoughts. He describes as amazing the experience of standing atop the treacherous mountain peak, gazing at the horizon where he could see in the distance his ultimate

Cian O’Brolchain will attempt to scale Mount Everest later this year

ambition – Mt Everest. The hardship and effort was worth this truly amazing experience. Stories like Cian’s are what inspiration is all about. Sometimes ordinary people just like you have persevered to beat the insurmountable. Remember, that whatever roadblocks life puts in your way, you should

never let them stop you. Ignore the temptation to quit and do not allow negative thoughts to drag you off course. Stay focused and determined and you too will reach Your Peak. You can follow Cian’s remarkable journey on www.irelandtoeverest. com. If you are looking to get fit and healthy and

are looking for someone to inspire you, then surround yourself with those who have done it already. Temple Training provides a FREE assessment and can advise on what fitness regime could help you reach your physical peak. See, email info@ or call 085 7131417.

22 March 2012 GAZETTE 13

14 GAZETTE 22 March 2012


Edited by Laura Webb

Don’t weight - Lose It Now!

Getting some Olympic-style locks

TWO out of every five Irish adults are overweight and obesity is now the most common childhood disorder in Europe. A weight reduction of 10% drastically improves your energy and mental health and also helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. The aim of a weight loss programme should be to reduce fat whilst maintaining muscle tissue. CLA 24/7 tablets, in combination with healthy meal planning and increased physical activity, help optimise the relationship between body fat and muscle mass. Contact your local pharmacy for advice on healthy weight loss.

SHAPE up your hair with Olympic-style locks like Pantene Pro-V ambassador Olympic and World Champion cyclist, Victoria Pendleton. Although we would all love to be on the same fitness and health level as an Olympian, getting the same beautiful glossy hair will do just fine thanks to the Pantene Pro-V smooth and Sleek range. It contains micro-smoothers which work with hair to silken each strand and to lock out humidity to help keep frizz from forming and leaving hair feeling smooth and silky. Victoria shares her top tips on how she keep her hair looking amazing, despite a gruelling exercise routine.

With thanks to the staff of Lucan Village Pharmacy

What is your greatest hair challenge?

Training every day means my hair is prone to a lot of frizz, so I need a hair care regime that helps combat frizz throughout the day.

I’d recommend the new Pantene Smooth & Sleek 24h Frizz Fighter, it’s really light and smells gorgeous.

How important is having healthy looking hair? Having healthy hair is really important to me and I always like to look and feel good on, and off, the bike. Pantene Smooth & Sleek range helps give me gorgeously, healthy-looking hair every day.

What hair products do you swear by? Working with Pantene has reminded me of just how effective and amazing their products are. I especially love their new Smooth & Sleek 24h Frizz Fighter, and also the mousse in the rangeboth products help to really deliver a smooth and moisturised finish.

How often a week do you wash your hair? Training with a helmet on every day means I wash my hair most days. I love to leave in a hydrating smoothing product after washing, to help combat frizz.

What would be your best hair care tip? My best hair care tip would be to choose a hair care range that is right for your hair structure. Working with Pantene has made me realise the importance of this, and it

Pantene Pro-V ambassador Olympic and World Champion Cyclist, Victoria Pendleton

really does make a difference. I have quite thick hair, so I use the Smooth & Sleek range. What is your favourite

hair look? I always think a timeless elegant look is a really smooth, sleek blow dry. This is so much easier to achieve at home if

you use styling products, Pantene’s Smooth & Sleek hairspray and mousse are my go-to products to achieve this look at home.

22 March 2012 GAZETTE 15

16 GAZETTE 22 March 2012


Brought to you by Miriam Kerins of the DSPCA


Natural remedies for keeping pets healthy HIS week I decided to write about a problem very close to my own heart – in fact it’s breaking it. Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD) or in lay persons terms, dog dementia. Yep, after 17 years of faithful companionship, loyalty and unselfish love, our eldest Jack Russell Terrier, Sophie, has begun to display strange behaviours. Ever since I rescued her as a six-week-old, frightened puppy from a lift shaft in an area of north Dublin, Sophie has showered me with love and been my best friend. No matter what obstacles life throws at me, Sophie stoically sees me through them. Now, although physically healthy, my darling little friend is often in a state of confusion, doesn’t greet me the way she used to, stares into space and bites and


snaps at me when I feed her or offer her treats. I’m around animals long enough to realise what’s wrong with Sophie and don’t really need our wonderful vet to confirm that she is displaying signs of CCD. Similar to Alzheimer’s in humans, CCD tells me there are physical changes taking place in Sophie’s brain – the result of which means a deterioration of how she remembers, thinks and acts, all causing great upset to our lives. Sophie has other “old lady” problems too, but none of them is life-threatening. Therefore, while my duties as her Mom may be more demanding due to her problems, the fact is my best friend still enjoys a good quality of life. She eats well, she sleeps well, in fact she sleeps quite a lot, she drinks adequately, her coat is good and she

lets me know when she needs to relieve herself. So, in the grand scheme of things, her dad and I reckon great-aunt Sophie deserves a little extra help and that is why we’ve consulted our lovely vet with regard to providing alternative remedies, such as herbal and nutraceutical treatments that contain brain sustaining supplements. And no, I’m not trying to teach an old dog new tricks, rather help her extend the happy, good quality of life she already enjoys with us. So, what is a nutraceutical? Basically, from what I understand, it’s a term used for a product isolated or purified from food(s) that is generally available in medicinal forms, which are not usually associated with food. What are the benefits of herbal remedies to your dog? I believe they can be of great benefit

– especially as the gap between natural remedies and traditional treatments is not very wide. Traditional medications are actually synthesised from herbal compounds that have been used to treat the same problems for centuries. Herbal remedies are also highly cost-effective and often less expensive than conventional medicines. How do they work? I believe natural remedies will strengthen the inherent immune system of my dog – allowing her body take care of her problems, (rather than mask them), and, hopefully, with their help, the short life Sophie has left will be enhanced, and the great thing is, without any of the side effects of conventional medications. My love and loyalty for Sophie will never falter. We face tough times, but we face them together.

Many pet parents are seeking more ‘natural’ forms of treatment

I’ll be there for her as she has been for me. Patience and love is the key. Many pet parents are seeking more “natural” forms of treatment for their pets. However, I would like to mention the information contained in this column is simply a guideline. It is in no way a substitute for pro-

fessional, medical advice from your vet – whom you should always consult before using, or treating your pet with a natural remedy. A specialised practitioner will best advise as to which remedy can interact with your pet’s prescriptions, interact with each other and safety and effectiveness,

etc., It is only when you are armed with your vet’s advice, that you will be able to make an informed decision regarding your pet’s healthy future. For more

information log onto or email me at miriam.

22 March 2012 GAZETTE 17


Edited by Cormac Curtis


The new Renault Grand Megane GTline offers a far more attractive option for those who need extra load space but don’t fancy a traditional estate car

Touring, just grander CORMAC CURTIS

ENAULT have a loyal fan base in the Irish market, and have always offered their customers a little more spec than many of their competitors and for less money. Traditionally, Renault have offered practicality and value, but wouldn’t have necessarily been the prettiest or most desirable cars on the road. In recent years, to be fair, they have made huge improvements with their styling, most notably their 2008 release of the Megane Coupe. The dramatic and aggressive design elements of this car coincided with a move by Renault to invest a lot more time and mileage in to the test phases of their cars. The brand’s reputation has improved steadily


SPECS: RENAULT GRAND MEGANE GT LINE 1.5 dCi 0 – 100km/hr: 12.9 sec Economy: 4 L/100km (comb) CO2 emissions: 120 g/km Road Tax Band: A (€104) Price: €27,200 (model tested)

since, and the addition of models such as the Grand Megane, especially in the GT Line spec, is bound to add to their new-found cache. Renault have brought the Grand Megane GT Line to the Irish market powered by a 1.5-litre dCi engine producing 110bhp, with a 90bhp option also available. I spent a week driving the Grand Megane, and was very pleasantly surprised, not just with the performance, but also with how the power from

the engine is matched with a well-balanced sport chassis, lowered suspension and precise steering. In short, I wasn’t expecting what is essentially an estate car from Renault to put such a wide smile on my face. Not only is the Grande Megane keeping up with its competitors in terms of performance from small, fuel-efficient engines, which help to keep cost of ownership down, but their interior design team were obviously allowed

to throw out the Renault style book, as well as the budget plan. Sitting in the cockpit, the driver enjoys sports seats that certainly keep you in place when you decide to power through a few twisty roads. I admit that they were a little snug for me personally, but I imagine that I’m a little older and wider than the target market. The upholstery is a very attractive half-leather/ cloth offering, with contrast stitching that certainly looks the part.

The overall pallet doesn’t hold any surprises, but there are some glossy panels that add some nice highlights to the cabin. The dials are sporty and eye-catching, the steering wheel, gear knob, and handbrake are wrapped in leather and have a reassuring quality feel to them. The handbrake is at an offset angle, which is another nice touch that makes the cabin a little special. Fur ther attractive touches include electric folding door mirrors, colour-coded sport bumpers and headlights with black surrounds, dark metal window surrounds and door handles. This all adds up to a very pretty car indeed, but let’s not forget about some of the more practical aspects of this grand tourer. For that special driving

holiday, the Grand Megane allows for a generous 486 litres of boot capacity with the five-seat configuration, and an impressive 1,600 litres when the rear seats are folded down. More than enough space for a few cases of your favourite tipple. The car’s boot comes with a storage compartment system that makes it easier to organise the loading space – another nice touch that is often missing from some of its competitors. This car is something that fans of Renault will certainly covet, and it will not disappoint those who spring for the €27,200 price tag (or €25,000 for the 90 bhp version). Renault still offer attractive trade-in and their own scrappage deals, so there are a few ways to bring that sticker price down a bit.

Kia’s Rio and Picanto red dot awards brings their total to 6 LAST WEEK saw Korean car manufacturer, Kia, awarded two top honours for its Picanto and Rio models in the 2012 red dot design competition. The five-door versions of Kia’s A-segment Picanto and B-segment Rio were both winners in red dot’s internationally acclaimed Product Design category, in a competition that saw more than 4,500

products entered by 1,800 manufacturers from 58 countries across a variety of product sectors. Judges scrutinised and tested the products in detail, with winners selected on the basis of their level of innovation, functionality, ergonomics, durability, ecological compatibility and intuitive handling.

Only products featuring the highest standards of design are eligible for the coveted red dot. These two latest wins bring Kia’s red dot total to six, with the Soul crossover winning in 2009, Venga compact MPV in 2010, and both Sportage compact SUV and Optima sedan claiming top spots in 2011.

Optima was also named Best of the Best in 2011 – the red dot competition’s highest accolade for ground-breaking design, for which only the best products in each category are eligible. Commenting on the awards, Kia’s chief officer, Peter Schreyer, said: “We are very proud of the red dot awards for the Picanto and the Rio.”

AN Post and Renault Ireland are joining forces in Ireland’s first ever on-the-road trial of electrically powered post vans. The study will compare the energy/ fuel efficiency, maintenance costs and overall performance of the Renault Kangoo ZE (electric) mini van against its traditional diesel counterpart over the next 12 months. An Post operates one of Ireland’s largest fleets, and, in 2011, their f leet-related fuel costs were in the region of €10 million. Commenting on the trial, An Post chief executive, Donal Connell, said: “We’re very pleased to be conducting this likefor-like trial with this calibre of vehicle and we’re looking forward to reviewing the data with Renault Ireland over the coming months.”

18 GAZETTE 22 March 2012

GazetteBUSINESS BUSINESS 25 new jobs at Datapac IRELAND’S largest indigenous ICT solutions provider, Datapac announced last week that it will create up to 25 new jobs. This follows the awarding of an €8m ICT consumables contract by the National Procurement Service to Datapac. This new contract follows a strong start to 2012 for Datapac, enabling it to make a strategic decision to grow its business. The new jobs will be based across all of Datapac’s locations and 15 of the roles will be created this year, with the additional 10 positions being created over the following two years. The new positions will include sales, marketing and logistics roles.

Supported by AIB

Fourth tech award for Eden training I BAIRBRE NI BHRAONAIN

EDEN Training in Rathfarnham has won the National Award for Training Centre of the Year, 2012 at the 15th National IT Training Conference. This is the fourth win for Eden Training in the six-year history of the awards. T he ECDL (Euro pean Computer Driving Licence) course at Eden Training won the ICS Skills Best Practice Training Centre on

March 9, 2012. At the event, held in the Crown Plaza Hotel in Dublin, former President Mary McAleese described ECDL as “a huge national movement” and as an “enabler; it is what gives people the opportunity to advance their careers; to advance their education,” which can “empower people to avail of the advantages that technology can give”. The award represents a standard of excellence nationally as Eden out-

flanked 1,000 other training providers. The ECDL certificate is a truly international qualification that is recognised in 148 countries. The conference was addressed by Jim Friars, chief executive at ICS Skills, and Mary Cleary, professional development manager at ICS Skills, which is the organisation that oversees ECDL provision in Ireland. “It was a great honour to again have our efforts with regard to ECDL provision recognised,”

From Leftt: Michael O’Connor (ICS Board), Denise Leahy (ICS Board), James Bannigan (Eden Training), Jim Friars (ICS CEO) and Sean Connolly (ICS board)

said Eden Training business development manager, James Bannigan. “We feel that ECDL is a crucial steppingstone for those seeking to engage with IT on a

personal or professional level. That’s why we’re continually reinvesting in this programme to ensure the maximum possible learning outcome for our students.”

Those interested in doing the ECDL course, or any other with Eden Training, can go online at edentraining or contact them on 01 4953155.





Edited by Mimi Murray


Let Gazette Compass point you in the right direction when choosing your ideal travel destination






GOING BACK IN TIME New Titanic attraction to be opened to the public AFTER three years under construction, the same length of time it took to build the Titanic itself, the Titanic visitor attraction in Belfast is now completing its finishing touches and will be open to the public on March 31. In Gallery 1, visitors step back into Edwardian Belfast. To appreciate the achievement Titanic represented, visitors are immersed in the Belfast of the e a r l y 19 0 0 s a n d become acquainted with the people who lived there. Visitors will walk through Belfast’s ‘streets’ towards Queen’s Island with a rising sense of expectation, eventually passing through a set of original Harland and Wolff gates In the Arrol Gantry and Shipyard Ride, visitors take a 20m journey in a metal elevator up the Arrol Gantry, the enormous steel structure built to facilitate the construction of Titanic and her sister ships, Olympic and Britannic. They then join Harland and Wolff’s workers on a “shipyard ride”. Continued on Page 22

The Hagia Sophia is a well-preserved example of a Roman Catholic Cathedral during the reign of Constantine and during Istanbul’s heyday as a Christian capital

LONGITUDE 79° 24’ W | LATITUDE 43° 40’ N

A city of delights where the east meets the west I SHONA MURRAY

STANBUL, aptly referred to as the most ‘western’, eastern city and the most ‘eastern’, western city is a capital serving conscientious travellers wishing to enjoy the ease and closeness of city delights with an interest in deep history and diverse culture. As a central hub for European markets, Istanbul not only economically links the Middle East to the West, but its Christian heritage makes it more European than many other European cities. Formerly, Constantinople, after Roman Emperor and saviour of the Catholic Church, Constantine the Great, Istanbul once served as the capital of the Roman Empire.


Following the founding of the Republic of Turkey, the name Constantinople was replaced officially by Istanbul having had numerous names adopted to it by its various rulers, most significantly, the Ottoman Empire from which its adaptation into an Islamic capital, began in 1453, ending centuries of Christian rule in the region. The most startling example of the successful Ottoman siege against the Roman Empire is in the Saint Sophia Museum, or Hagia Sophia. This is an astonishingly well-preserved example of a Roman Catholic Cathedral during the reign of Constantine and during Istanbul’s heyday as a Christian capital. It served as a Christian church until

the fateful coup by Ottoman soldiers in 1453 and was immediately transformed into a mosque. Its Byzantine architecture and glaringly Christian features are what makes the Hagia Sophia all the more remarkable given its historic and bloody takeover more than 500 years ago. Although the typical accoutrements of Catholic ceremony, such as the bibles, altar, bells and sacristy, were removed to make way for prayer mats and separate worshipping sections, the stunning Christian mosaics, beautifully crafted in golds, reds and blues were left untouched. Instead, the Ottomans merely covered the Christian iconography with Islamic wording, thereby preserving what is now

possible to see in the museum today. Despite being one of the strongest reminders of Christian domination in Turkey, the Hagia Sophia is credited with influencing the distinguished architecture that Istanbul has today. No greater example of this exists than the Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul’s second largest mosque and one of the most imposing sights in the city. Built over one hundred years after the Ottoman coup by Sultan Suleyman, the mosque, which is open to visitors of all creeds, also houses the tombs of the sultan and his family, as well as his successor in the marble mausoleums at the back of the Mosque. Continued on Page 21


20 GAZETTE 22 March 2012




Let Gazette Compass point you in the right direction

Athlone really has everything for Easter THE mighty River Shannon that flows through the town of Athlone is a haven for all types of waterbased activity, including kayaking, fishing, boating and the ever-popular Viking Boat, for lazy afternoon cruises – perfect for girly weekends, romantic breaks or family getaways. For a golfing break, courses abound, with the Athlone Golf Club and the popular Glasson Golf club never too far. For families, there is loads on offer, including Glendeer Pet Farm, walks in Portlick, learn a waterbased activity on Lough Ree, or just enjoy the kids’ camp in the Athlone Springs Hotel, while parents enjoy a superb meal in the Cedar Restaurant or a superb treatment in their beauty rooms. Athlone is a place that will make a short break relaxing, enjoyable and excellent value for money. The Athlone Springs will be doing an Easter Egg Hunt and Kids’ Camp over the Easter Holidays and mid-terms. This is available to everyone, and all kids are welcome. The Athlone Springs Hotel is an independently owned hotel but forms part of the Select Hotels of Ireland group, and offers good food and great facilities. The hotel offers a full gym, a 20m pool and beauty treatment rooms. Visit or contact reservations on 090 644 4444 or by email on


E when choosing your ideal travel destination

LONGITUDE 8° 7’ W | LATITUDE 54° 39’ N

Making tracks for a Donegal delight I MIMI MURRAY

AS THE crow flies, Donegal is just as close to Dublin as Cork, but the fact that it lacks a really good road network makes it that little bit harder to get too, but very much worth the trip in my estimation. It remains quite untapped by tourists; however, hardy souls have been making their way to Donegal’s beaches for years to make good use of the spectacular surf. The coastline is dotted with stunning beaches, but being a large county, we only got to experience the south on a recent jaunt up there. We stayed in the beautiful Lough Eske Castle, which has been renovated in recent years. A castle has been located on the hotel site dating back as far as the 1400s. The current castle was built in the 1860s, but was completely destroyed by fire in 1939. As a focal point of the hotel, the main castle building has been completely renovated and enhanced to create Lough Eske Castle, which opened as a hotel in December 2007.

Expect relaxing spa treatments at Lough Eske Castle

The long driveway passes Lough Eske, which looks very inviting for a walk or cycle. After a sensitive restoration, the building feels quite new, but the developers have gone to great lengths to keep much of the old-world charm. Our deluxe room had some very comfortable, modern features, such as under-floor heating and an open gas fire, which come in handy as Donegal weather can be changeable. Drizzle is to be expected, so bring warm clothing if you want to tramp around the countryside and experience what the county has to offer. After a hearty buffet breakfast, which I am not normally a fan of, but these guys pull it off, we travelled to Kilcar on our second day, keeping

a beady eye out for one of its famous part-time residents, Sarah Jessica Parker. Beaches surrounding the area, such as Muckross and Fintragh, are breathtaking, and were completely isolated. It’s no wonder the Parker/ Brodericks love this part of the world. Further along the coast are the majestic Slieve League cliffs, dramatically overlooking the Atlantic beneath. We soon needed a drop of something hot to warm us up, and headed back to the hotel for a swim and steam. The leisure area is compact, with a pool, gym and spa, and while my husband hired a bike to explore the surrounding area, I made good use of the spa. My rose facial was

everything you relaxing, everythi would ld expect ffrom a really good treatment. Dinner is served in both the Gallery bar and Cedars Grill. We opted for the restaurant and it served up some tasty dishes, including duck confit for me, while my husband dined on sirloin steak. Our desserts were delicious, including a platter with pecan tart, chocolate madeleines, panna cotta and home-made ice cream.

Delicious Other guests we spoke to said the bar food was delicious, and the bar area actually seemed like a more intimate setting, so comes highly recommended. Service is second to none at the hotel and our waitress, Natalie, really went above and beyond, as did all the staff throughout our stay. Prices start from €185 per room, per night, including breakfast for up to two adults sharing. For more information on rates, offers and packages contact Lough Eske Castle reservations on +353 (0) 74 97 25100.

22 March 2012 GAZETTE 21

LONGITUDE 79° 24’ W | LATITUDE 43° 40’ N

Istanbul is as stunningly beautiful as it is unique Continued from Page 19

Female and male prayer sections and the Mecca-facing orientation of the building, remind visitors that this unusually imperialistic Islamic site is in fact an operational mosque, given its architectural similarity to buildings such as the Saint Sophia. Although some argue that Istanbul resisted from becoming a truly Islamic city, dominant sites like the Suleymaniye Mosque and the similarly immense Blue Mosque, as well as the traditional call to prayer for the city’s approximately 13 million people, 90% of whom are registered Muslim, are inarguable reminders of Turkey’s omnipotent Ottoman history. However, historic sites, such as the Blue Mosque do not observe strict dress codes or practices unlike other religious attractions in the world. The clear objective is for visitors to respectfully understand Istanbul’s deep history. T his more liberal approach towards western visitors makes the city even more appropriate for tourists wishing to both educate themselves on Middle Eastern cultures and history while indulging in the respite that a European city break brings. Located south-west of the Hagia Sophia are the Underground Cisterns, the creation of Byzantine Emperor of Constantino-

ple, Justinian I. The cisterns were used to supply water to the Emperor and other important palaces until the Ottoman takeover. Its design and craft are fascinating examples of Roman architecture surprisingly congruent with Istanbul’s clearly Islamic theme. In more recent years, the Basilica Cistern was the scene for the 1960’s James Bond film, From Russia with Love. History

After engaging in Istanbul’s remarkable and accessible history, a trip to one of the traditional Hamam’s, or bath houses, is the only way to end a day of learning before an evening of fine dining begins. The traditional bath houses were constructed by the Romans but the tradition of ritual cleansing and socialising remained throughout the Ottoman Empire. Each house provides separate facilities for men and women as attendees are required to fully undress in order to enjoy the immense heat from the marble stone where one prepares to be doused with perfectly tepid water and rich oil infused soap by one of the Haman’s attendants. A trip to the Haman starts at approximately €40 for self-service where soap and exfoliating mittens are provided. Otherwise, pay up for €60 to be scrubbed from

head to toe by one of the Haman’s professional attendants, and retire to one of the warmed beds for an oil massage. For those wanting an original experience, The Cemberlitas Haman comes highly recommended and is a short distance from the Hagia Sophia. When eating out, the trendy Beyo’lu district offers the best mix of European and Middle Eastern foods, including deliciously fresh fish but a selection of more unusual fare such as sheep or goat’s brain is also available. It’s advisable to take a walk close to the famous Galata Bridge which links to the old city in order to find the most authentic, local eateries. We flew with Turkish Airlines, which were recently awarded Best airline for Europe 2011 and you can see why as staff were very friendly and professional. Before departing Istanbul, visitors can opt for the Turkish Airlines Business Lounge, which featured a business centre, private relaxation rooms, massage chairs. City breaks to Istanbul are available from or call 01 8719444 or contact your local travel agent. Fly to Istanbul with Turkish Airlines, Europe’s Best Airline 2011 (www. Stay at the 3-star Seres Hotel from €319pps (excl. taxes).

Istanbul’s Grand Bazaarr. Inset: some of the city’s bustling night life


22 GAZETTE 22 March 2012




Let Gazette Compass point you in the right direction


E when choosing your ideal travel destination

The Titanic visitor attraction in Belfast is now completing its finishing touches

New Titanic attraction to be opened to the public Continued from Page 19

In Gallery 3, visitors will see the Launch of Titanic and Galler y 4 tells of the skill and craftsmanship that went into Titanic, from the fitting of its enormous boilers and engines to the fine joinery and upholstery work of its linens, carpets and cab-

ins. Visitors will experience the reality of the ship’s interiors in a 3D cave that recreates the engine rooms, third-class saloons, first-class corridors, grand staircase, a la carte restaurant and navigation bridge, allowing visitors to ‘walk’ the ship’s length. There are also detailed, full-scale reconstructions of 1st,

2nd and 3rd class cabins. Visitors are now swept up in the celebratory atmosphere as Titanic leaves Belfast and then sets sail from Southampton on her maiden voyage in Gallery 5. The gallery features the extraordinary photographs of Father Frank Browne, the young Irish Jesuit who was given a gift of a ticket to travel on Titanic from Southampton to Queenstown and photographed the journey. His images provide a unique chronicle of Titanic’s first and only voyage. The atmosphere of the exhibition now changes radically into a dramatic sensory experience, as visitors enter a darkened tunnel where the temperature, soundtrack and images all evoke the tragedy of Titanic’s collision with an iceberg and subsequent sinking, with the loss of 1,500 lives. Visitors will sense the tragedy and the ending of the dream, which led to Titanic’s creation. Given the level of interest in Titanic Belfast, and the accompanying festival, visitors are being encouraged to pre-book tickets where possible. Tickets for Titanic Belfast can be purchased online at www.titanicbelfast. com or by phone / in person at the Belfast Welcome Centre at +44(0)28 9076 6399.

Lift off with a South African adventure that takes in the Garden Route from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town

LONGITUDE 18° 22’ E | LATITUDE 33° 55’ S

The kaleidoscope that is the modern South Africa I STEPHEN McKENNA

SOUTH Africa is a kaleidoscope of diversity, culture and colour. It is emerging from its hugely positive world cup experience with a tangible sense of pride and hope for the future. Located at the south end of the world’s most epic continent, this vast area of land is fringed by both the Indian and Atlantic oceans. South Africa’s vibrant cities, historic towns, fertile vineyards and magnificent game parks provide all those who visit with a rewarding and intriguing experience. South Africa offers so much to all those who are lucky enough to visit and is hugely popular with Irish visitors.


‘The Garden Route is a wellknown, readymade road trip with stunning landscapes’ --------------------------

On this particular trip to South Africa, we started our journey in Port Elizabeth before we choose to drive to Cape Town with a number of stops along the way. The Garden Route is a well-known, readymade road trip that runs between Port Elizabeth and Cape Town with stunning landscapes that will take your breath away, from the awe inspiring safaris on offer, to sip-

ping wine and tasting the culinary delights en route to Cape Town. Cape Town’s most distinctive feature is its stunning setting: it lies on a dramatic coastline of pristine white beaches and icy waters, overlooked by the iconic flattopped Table Mountain, with lots to do and see of historical, cultural and general interest. If you’re fascinated in another kind of wildlife, hit the bars and nightclubs on Cape Town’s jumping Long St or sample African homebrew in a township shebeen (unlicensed bar). South Africans are some of the most upbeat, welcoming and humorous folk you’ll encounter anywhere, from farmers in the rural north who

tell you to drive safely on those dirt roads, to kids who wish you molo ( “good morning” in Xhosa). are having a free Safari information event on March 27 in Dublin. Send an email to with subject header Gazette to RSVP. To plan your South African adventure, contact Andre on 01-2412372, email A 14-night South African Safari, Garden Route and Cape Town holiday in the Spring (September travel) includes hotels, lodges and meals, car rental and flights is on offer with prices from €2,329. Other dates also available. Visit for more information.

22 March 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 23


Crawl’s lush live line-up I ROB HEIGH

THE first-ever Dublin incarnation of the iconic Camden Crawl music festival held in London since 1995 has been announced for the weekend of May 11 and 12 and sees a great mix of established and fresh faces on both the international and local music scenes. Meteor Choice Music Prize double winner, Jape, as well as fellow Choice 2012 nominees, And So I Watch You From Afar, will be in action on Friday, May 11. Prodigious New York indie rockers We Are Scientists and

WE HAVE 135,000* READERS EACH WEEK *based on standard industry measurements


masked maurauders, Rubberbandits, will also be on stage that day, with Bastille, DELS, Dutch Uncles on the bill. The Saturday line up will be equally eclectic, with former Supergrass frontman, Gaz Coombes, and Choice 2012 nominees, Tieranniesaur and Cashier No 9, leading the line, with Mystery Jets and Ghost Poet in action. These names are barely a sniff of the full line-up, and the full bill is extensive and varied to say the least, with a treat guaranteed for all music lovers. The festival bill is packed to the gills with

100 acts set to take to the stages of 15 venues across the city. The two-day event costs €40, and the weekend ticket is exchanged for a wristband that allows unlimited access to all venues, stages and aftershow parties. Arrive early as surprise guests may appear at any time or in any venue. Day tickets are also available for €25. The London event began in the mid-90s when Britpop was king, and saw The Wedding Present and Kenickie on the bill. After a hiatus, the festival returned, and Snow Patrol, Maximo

Leading the line-up on Friday is local band, Jape

Park, and the Fratellis were among the names who have appeared on the bill on their way to wider

mainstream success. For more information, see camdencrawldublin.

FastTunes with Radio Nova’s Dee Woods USUALLY when an artist releases an album with as much hype as Bruce Springsteen’s, Wrecking Ball, I tend to wonder, is it because the music isn’t up to scratch? Well, if you’ve heard it, or read the review on this page last week, you’ll know that’s not true. This rock icon has got the goods. Delivering a keynote speech last week at the a Texas music festival, Springsteen said when he picked up a guitar at the age of six, he’d only 10 years of rock history to draw on. So he started making his own. Wrecking Ball is his eighth number one album in his home country, and he has nearly treble the number of Grammy’s. This summer’s gigs at the RDS will be played just a few months before his 63rd birthday and if you’re going, you’re in for a treat. He’s the only artist I’ve ever seen that looks like he’s playing his first gig every time. He enjoys it so much, you can’t help but get caught up in the Springsteria!

24 BLANCH GAZETTE 22 March 2012



Country Roads: A Celebration of John Denver

COUNTRY Roads - A Celebration of John Denver consists of a strong live band, with backing vocals and, of course, Wayne as John Denver. Enhanced with video footage throughout, this tribute show traces the early and late music of Denver, including the legendary hits, Country Roads, Annie’s Song, Leaving on a Jet Plane and many more. Catch the show on March 25 at 8pm. Tickets €20.

MILL THEATRE 01 296 9340 The Mai THE MAI is the moving story of four generations of women in one family in the midlands. An accomplished, beautiful forty-year-old woman, The Mai has always sought an exceptional life. We enter the world of The Mai on the day of her husband’s return after an absence of four years. In the midst of their troubled reunion are the idiosyncratic and comical characters that comprise the family. Irreverent and unapologetic, the opium-smoking, 100-year-old matriarch, Grandma Fraochlan, presides over all. Catch the magical performance from March 7 to 31, at 8pm, with tickets priced at €16/€14.

CIVIC THEATRE 01 885 2622 Many Young Men of Twenty IN Martin Mangan’s production of the John B Keane classic, Many Young Men of Twenty the scene is transposed from a 1960s Kerry backwater to McLoughlin’s Bar at Achill Sound whose clientele consists of those arriving from or departing for England. Characters include Seelie, an unmarried sister who spends her time under her brother’s thumb, serving in his bar and witnessing all those who leave for England and those who return. Catch the show on Saturday, March 24 at 8pm. Admission: €20.

DRAIOCHT 01 885 2622 An Evening of Dance JOIN these young energetic dancers from Marian Lennon School of Ballet as they demonstrate their skills in classical ballet, modern and contemporary dance. There will be something for everyone to enjoy as the young dancers of all ages perform a rich and varied repertoire, including a magical journey to Saint-Saen’s Carnival of the Animals, Sleeping Beauty and a super Musical Medley that will have you dancing in your seats! Catch this show on March 23 and 24 at 8pm. Tickets €18/€14 concession.

Benjamin (Matt Damon) walks implausibly good-looking zookeeper Kelly (Scarlett Johansson) around the zoo that he has, as the title might suggest, bought following the death of his wife.

A little animal magic Following a seven-year break from feature-film making, Cameron Crowe returns with a trick or zoo up his sleeve. I PAUL HOSFORD

WITH our own Kate Crowley off on holiday, I am required to sit in the hallowed chair of Gazette movie reviewer. So, for those of you who flip to the Ents pages to see Mrs Crowley take down Hollywood’s finest (and not so finest), I apologise wholeheartedly. For this is a review of the newest work by one of my favourite directors. Full disclosure time – I was always going to love We Bought A Zoo. I, like Crowe, am a Billy Wilder aficionado, firmly believing that sentimental films can avoid the pitfalls of sappiness. The first film I can remember genuinely loving is Jerry Maguire, which has as many detractors as fans and Say Anything’s Lloyd Dobler ranks in my alltime favourite movie protagonists. I even loved Elizabeth-

FILM OF THE WEEK: We Bought A Zoo ### (PG) 124 mins Director: Cameron Crowe Starring: Matt Damon, Scarlett Johansson, Thomas Haden Church, Peter Riegert, Elle Fanning, Angus Macfadyen

OUR VERDICT: IT skirts a fine line. In lesser hands, this falls into schmaltz and drowns in a sea of heavy handed imagery. But, this is Cameron Crowe. The fine line between over-sentimentality and heartfelt emotion is where he has spent his career. Beautifully acted and assuredly shot, Crowe is back and close to top form. Hopefully, the next one doesn’t take seven years.

town. Now that the truth is out of the way, what about Crowe’s newest effort? Based on the true story, and book, of Englishman Ben Mee, We Bought A Zoo tells the story of a man who, following the death of his wife, buys a zoo. Funnily enough. Transporting the story from Devon to LA, the fictional Ben is played by Matt Damon, here for perhaps the first time showing his 41 years. But, grieving man buys zoo does not a two-hour story make, so enter a

fusty inspector played by John Michael Higgins. Damon and his gang, Thomas Haden Church as wisecracking brother, Scarlett Johansson as potential love interest, and Colin Ford and Maggie Elizabeth Jones as the children, must scramble to get the zoo up to code and open to the public. In many ways, it is a very un-Crowe film, with a straight journey to the end, rather than the meandering of Singles, Almost Famous and Maguire. That in itself is the film’s biggest weakness.

For only the second time in his career, Crowe shares scripting duties, this time with Aline Brosh McKenna. McKenna is a fine writer, no doubt, but here her voice seems out of kilter with her partners. It seems that two writers, who should complement each other, Crowe’s lightness and McKenna’s spot-on workplace observation (The Devil Wears Prada, Morning Glory) just failed to gel. Everytime it seems that the film has settled in an area, be it a bear on antidepressants or Johansson’s Kelly railing at the constant staff turnover, the other writer’s sensibilities take over and it becomes a little uneven in the middle. Not that there is nothing to be enjoyed, even in the script. The relationship between Ben and son, Dylan, is a particular highlight, with both

Damon and Ford infusing their characters with enough bite and anger to create a realistic tension. Johansson and Haden Church add excellent grounding, with Johansson showing real selflessness in her role, given that it is not a straight, two-hand love story. As always, one eye will be on the soundtrack of a Cameron Crowe film and, once more, the master of music in films doesn’t disappoint. Tom Petty, Bob Dylan and Neil Young might be standard enough fare, but the former Rolling Stone writer shows he still has a finger on the pulse by adding jonsi, Wilco, Sigur Ros and Bon Iver to the mix. At the heart of the film, however, is a thoroughly likable performance from Damon. His Ben is an earnest, decent man, one who we instantly root for. Kind of like the director, then.

22 March 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 25

GazetteGAMING GAMING group

The unnamed protagonist of I Am Alive looks out over Haventon.

It may be Alive, but is it worth downloading? PAUL HOSFORD

IT is finally alive. I Am Alive, the newest release from Ubisoft, has had a torturous route to consoles. First announced as far back as 2008’s E3, the survival horror finally made an appearance on Playstation Network and Xbox Live Arcade last week. The question of whether it will prove worth the wait is rather a moot one. Nobody would realisti-

cally argue that a download-only game has been worth four years waiting. But, if the question is whether it is worth getting, the answer is a resounding yes. In I Am Alive, you play an unnamed protagonist, of whom little is known and who, generally reveals little. All you know is that your character has spent a year attempting to get back to their home town of Haventon. One year before the

game picks up, the entire world has been decimated by a catastrophe known simply as “The Event”. Cities are in ruins, bridges collapsed and skyscrapers crumbling. It calls to mind a number of games, books and films, most notably, The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. In the same way that book was methodical and slow-paced, I Am Alive is not a run-and-gun zombie survival game.

In fact, the biggest threat does not come from the undead, more from the living. In the antithesis to the Hollywood, let’s all band together resolution of apocolypse-stricken folk, the residents of Haventon are, by and a large, a group of murderous outlaws. Navigating the treacherous ruins of the city, the sprawling skyline and the gangs intent on bashing your head in and stealing your pants, all take their toll. With that in mind, there is a stamina meter, a novel introduction in such a game. You are a mere man, so running, climbing, swinging and fighting all take it out of you, and resting or eating food the only way to revive. This addition, as well as the scarce nature of resources, makes the gameplay as strategic as it is action-packed. With just a few bullets,

targeting the alpha members of a gang to scare the others becomes a handy trick. As does pointing an empty gun at a foe. Just don’t try to fire it. Saving NPCs can garner retries or extra supplies, but much of the game’s relatively short run time is spent on your own, forraging and scavenging for supplies, which can range from water, food, gas and medicine to cigarettes, tools, climbing gear, weapons, and ammunition. Enemies don’t leave behind 30 or 40 bullets or a Gatling Gun that will help you take down 30 baddies at a time, or a key to a secret store room. Because of that, the feeling of stumbling upon a bounty that may only include a couple of pieces of food and a rope, is remarkably gratifying. As is helping your fellow stricken survivors. If that’s the kind of post-apocalyptic survivor you are.

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26 BLANCH GAZETTE 22 March 2012




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Permission sought for the change of use of part of the ground floor from residential use to Montessori School use for 10 children from 9.30am - 12.30pm Mon - Fri, at 1 North Street, Ongar Village, Dublin 15. For Una Fay. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (â‚Ź20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. 15123

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22 March 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 27

28 BLANCH GAZETTE 22 March 2012

GazetteSport Sport

Siobhan Cassidy, Michael Edwards and Una Duignan

Vice-captains, Derek Hogan and Angela Harford

Captain and Lady Captain, Mark Lawlor and Anne Heffernan

Captains’ Drive Hollystown’s new leaders tee off for ’12 H

OLLYSTOWN Golf Club was celebrating the coronation of their new captain and lady captain last weekend at the annual captain’s drive-in. Mark Lawlor and Anne Heffernan teed off the 20th anniversary year of the well-loved local club at the special event, heralding their captaincies and setting the club up for a fine 2012. The club opened in 1992, having been designed by golf course architect Eddie Hackett, who was commissioned to build 18 holes that were enjoyable for the average golfer, as well as incorporating a challence for scratch golfers, making the club appeal to all levels of golfing ability. The club will be holding an array of events to celebrate the anniversary throughout the year. For more information, see www.hollystown. com

Lady Captain, Anne Heffernan tees off

Shane Cunningham, Warren Ryan, Ray Loughran, Joe Murray, Carl Bernie and Tom Kane

Breda Cotter, Irene Carroll and Sheila Kelliher

22 March 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 29

in association with

Community hero hailed at Croker ROB HEIGH talks to Foxrock Cabinteely founder, Pat Ring, who was honoured by the LGFA with the Club Person of the Year award last week ONE of the architects of one of Dublin’s most community-oriented clubs was honoured at Croke Park last week, when Foxrock Cabinteely’s Pat Ring received the Leinster Tesco Provincial Club Person of the Year award. Pat, who has been an integral part of the club’s formation and progress to it’s current level, was one of the four provincial winners whose efforts and input to the sport the Ladies’ Gaelic Football Association chose to acknowledge. T he club, whose achievements in 2011 included the Dublin Ladies’ County Board’s best large club award i n D e c e m b e r, h a s gone from strength to strength since it’s formation in 2000. They were runnersup in the Dublin sen-

ior ladies’ league and reached the semi-final of the Dublin championship, won the AllIreland Sevens’ Shield competition, as well as running and support-

er, we had a lot of work to do. “Since I got involved, the biggest change I have seen has been the rise in numbers. It has been phenomenal. We


‘Although I got the award, it was very much a club effort. The contribution of the mentors, volunteers and family members is huge.’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ing over 25 teams at all levels and ages at the club. But the club started humbly following the merger of the small parish clubs, Cabinteely and Foxrock, as Pat recalls. “I was involved in the Cabinteely side, and helped negotiate the merger in 2004. When the clubs came togeth-

are unique in that we started as a girls-only club, the only club in Ireland to do so. We grew from about five teams with 80 kids, and now we are up to 550 girls playing in 25 teams, over the course of seven or eight years. “On the back of that success, families were requesting that we start a boys’ club, instead of

Pat Ring, of Foxrock Cabinteely, with his award at Croke Park

them going to bigger clubs in the area, and now we have 140 boys playing in Foxrock Cabinteely. Both sections are still growing dramatically.” Foxrock Cabinteely’s growth can be attributed to the unique way they interact with the community, as Pat explained. “The structure of the club is unique in that we carved out this niche in initially providing a club for girls, working closely with four local primary schools, St Brigid’s in Cabinteely, Hollypark i n F ox r o c k , J o h n s town in Killiney and St Anne’s in Shankill. It’s very much a partnership that works both ways. We all benefit from the relationship.” The significant increase in interest in the club led to the rapid increase in the number of teams that they have been able to field, which can equally be attributed to the care with which they approach the children who come through the gates of the club to take part in Gaelic football. “Of course, the goal is to be successful on the pitch, but, for us, to provide football for all abilities is equally important. We are putting in a second-level team for the girls who might not be able to compete at senior level, but they

will be able to play at junior level. We want to ensure all our players have a path and can see how they will progress with the club at every level. Pat Quill, president of the Ladies’ Gaelic Football Association, hailed the “dedication, inspiration and leadership” that the winners of the provincial prizes show: “This is one of the most pleasing and rewarding dates in our Association’s calendar, whereby we recognise the great voluntar y work that takes place in communities throughout the country. It is a great personal honour and a source of pride to your family, club, county and province to be nominated for such a prestigious award. They are role models in their communities and I thank them.” Pat himself was keen to stress the part his fellow Foxes take in making the club the success it is. “Although I got the aw a r d , i t w a s ve r y much a team effor t and a club effort. I am anxious to acknowlege all the people who put so much into the club over the course of every year.The huge amount of mentors, volunteers and family members also contribute a great deal to the success of the club.”


College gridiron coming to Aviva in September THE AVIVA Stadium is set to play host to one of the longest-running rivalries in American College Football when the United States Naval Academy host rivals, the University of Notre Dame, on September 1. Already on sale in the US market, the interest for the Emerald Isle Classic has been phenomenal, with over 25,000 tickets already sold, resulting in a huge boost to the Irish economy with the influx of American tourists in September. Tickets for Irish gridiron fans are on sale now through Ticketmaster, and are expected to sell out quickly. As part of the build-up to the game, the Notre Dame band marched in the St Patrick’s Festival Parade in Dublin last weekend. The Navy-Notre Dame series has been played annually since 1927, making it the longest uninterrupted intersectional series in college football. Navy has emerged victorious in three of the past five years making the fixture a lot more competitive after decades of Notre Dame victories. Most Notre Dame and Navy fans consider the series a sacred tradition for historical reasons. Notre Dame, like many colleges, faced severe financial difficulties during World War II and during that time the US Navy made Notre Dame a training centre and paid enough for usage of the facilities to keep the University afloat. Notre Dame has since extended an open invitation for Navy to play the Fighting Irish in football, and considers the game annual repayment on a debt of honour. Naval Academy Athletic Directior, Chet Gladchuk, said: “We are delighted to bring this game to Ireland and we plan to bring the full show with us to make the most of this special occasion. This is one of our biggest rivalries and, along with a great American Football game, we plan to showcase all of the game’s traditions, including the jet fly-over, a 1,000 Midshipmen march, bands, along with a huge travelling alumni and support from both sides.”

30 BLANCH GAZETTE 22 March 2012

GazetteSport Sport FastSport


Grapplers grasp for European success FRESH from European IBJJF Open success, Paul Fox, founder and head coach of Royal Grappling Academy, has redoubled his efforts in bringing his students to the big stage in Lisbon of next year for their own shot at European glory. A well-travelled purple belt, Fox has studied the martial arts all over the world, and focused a lot of time in the home of this grappling style, Brazil. His training both here and abroad has made him a stand-out talent among the Irish elite. “It was an amazing feeling to advance through the stages of the European Open. It was a great experience, and I think the Irish contingent is getting stronger and stronger every year,” said Fox. Fox reached the quarter-finals in his weight and belt category, a wonderful achievement which was celebrated by the Irish Jiu Jitsu community, and now the Blanchardstown local is working towards getting his proteges to the same level in their various categories. “I’ve upped the ante 100%, and added an extra training day to the lads’ schedule. They’re all relative newcomers, so the next few competitions should be a good measuring stick for them. “It’s not about winning or losing at this stage, it’s all about experience, and the more they get now, the better they’re going to be when it comes to the big international stages,” said the European quarter-finalist. For Fox, the advantages of training jiu jitsu are obvious. “It’s called ‘the gentle art’ for a reason. It’s based on leverage and was developed by its founders so that a small individual can beat a larger opponent and can be adapted for any body type or fitness level, it’s a real thinking game and it’s the feeling of outsmarting someone that is the reward,” said Fox. Royal Grappling Academy is based in Verve Gym, Dunboyne Main Street. Classes begin at 8 p.m on Monday and Wednesday nights. All people looking to train must be over 17 years of age. €10 per class, or €50 for the month. For more information contact Paul on 0868408183 or email

Coolmine’s seconds added to their league success with victory in the Jim Byrne Cup against Guinness last week

Coolmine secure the double JIM BYRNE CUP Coolmine Guinness

15 8

WITH their fourth league title in five years secured recently, Coolmine’s seconds faced Guinness RFC last week at Ashbrook under lights in a bid win a much-coveted double. This time last year, Guinness deprived Coolmine in a hard-fought battle, winning out in the end by showing great guts and determination and frustrating the Coolmine attack. Guinness made the first attempt to score with a long-range pen-

alty inside their own half which dropped well short of the posts. However, three minutes later, they pushed over for the first try of the game, but failed to convert. Guinness enjoyed the majority of possession and territory in the first half, their large pack sapping energy from the Coolmine defence. It took another 16 minutes before Coolmine were on the attack again, and they had the Guinness defence streched, but failed to use the overlap, and came away from that phase of play with no points on the board. Guinness went 0-8 up

after 35 minutes with a converted penalty. In the dying minutes of the first half, a break from Henry Mooney brought play into the visitors’ 22, and quick hands saw the ball move quickly across the back line. Centre Paul Feeney took the ball with a twoman overlap on his left, but elected to play safe and push for the line. He made contact going over and the ball popped out of his hands, but he managed to secure it in midair before touching down. Feeney converted his own try, leaving only a single point between the sides at half time.

Coolmine’s fitness stood to them in the second half, and they began to dominate, but struggled to convert their dominance into points. Coolmine eventually went ahead for the first time in the game after 25 minutes when a converted Feeney penalty giving the home side a slender lead. Seven minutes later, Coolmine lost a player to the sin bin, leaving them to finish the rest of the game with fourteen men. In injury time, a Coolmine clearing grubberkick down the left wing looked like it was going to find the safety of touch, but winger Fionn Lacey

had other ideas, scooping up the ball and running a third of the pitch unopposed to touch down for Coolmine’s second try. From the restart, Guinness pounded the Coolmine line and, for more than two minutes, the fourteen men managed to keep the attack at bay. G u i n n e s s e ve n t u ally crossed the line right under the posts, but the home side managed to get enough bodies under the ball to prevent it being touched down. A win over Monkstown last week in the O’Connell Cup keeps them in contention for a historic treble.

Dunboyne four-miler this weekend

This weekend sees the running of one of Ireland’s longest established road-running events, the EirGrid Dunboyne four mile road race, on Sunday, March 25 at 3pm. With a total entry of approximately 1,000 last year, there is forecast to be a further increase this year, making it one of the largest club-organised road races in the country. Walkers, joggers and runners will enjoy a short, flat and fast race designed for everybody,

which features a spectator-friendly course. The race passes twice through Dunboyne village before finishing at the village green, with plenty of opportunity to provide some spectator support. While the elite athletes such as last year winners, Mark Kenneally from Clonliffe Harriers AC and Kerry Harty of Newcastle AC, will compete for a generous prize fund (€400 for the first male and female;, and a €250 bonus to the winner for beating any of the exisiting race records, all participants will come home

with a technical t-shirt, a goody bag and their chip time. There will also be the opportunity for boys and girls Under-12 and Under-15 racers to show their talent in the short race, starting at 2pm. All runners are invited to a post-race refreshment and sandwiches in Dunboyne Community Centre, where the results will be announced. Online registration for the race closes at midnight on March 23, at Entry on the day is available from 12.30pm, at €20 per adult

entrant, and €2 for boys and girls wishing to take part in the Under12 and Under-15 race.

22 March 2012 BLANCH GAZETTE 31

in association with



CLUB NOTICEBOARD ST BRIGID’S CLUB membership deadline is fast

can spare a few hours, email mar-

approaching on March 31.

Players who haven’t paid their membership will not be allowed train or play after March 31 deadline. The annual club Golf Classic takes

New club expenses system now in place, see the website for details. Congratulations to senior footballer, Craig Kilmurray, and his wife, Lisa, on the birth of baby, Chloe.

place in Royal Tara on May 25. Team

Club lotto is still €15,000 and takes

entry is €400, while tee boxes and

place in Russell Park this Thursday.

greens can be sponsored by €200

New players are always welcome,

or €100. For more information, con-

please contact our club coach, Paul

tact Phil on 0867733693.

on 0879154748 or email info@stbrig-

Best of luck to Philip Ryan and the Dublin U-21s v Westmeath in Leinster semi-final. Tradesmen (par ticularly carpenters and electricians) are still needed for work on our new gym. Work is progressing well. If you For instant club updates, make sure you are following us on Facebook and Twitter! Please keep dropping in your old mobiles phones for our AED training courses!

ST PEREGRINE’S Gemma Fay (Ballyboden St Enda’s and Dublin captain) in action for Dublin against Monaghan. Picture:

Double disappointment for Dublin’s dynamos

THE official opening of our new Juve-

is paid as, if not paid by the end of

nile pitch was last Saturday. A big

this week, you cannot play or take

thank-you to Cara and Derek who

part in matches.

organised everything, and also to Barry Cahill for his time . Thanks to all who attended and contributed to our senior footballers/hurlers’ fundraising race night

ON A weekend when there were few club matches played, neither the Dubs’ hurlers nor the Jackies’ footballers could take the spoils in a pair of epic and hard-fought games that were decided in both instances by a single point. In Aughnamullen, Dublin blitzed the Monaghan goal from the first whistle, taking an early fourpoint lead, with a brace from Sinead Goldrick adding to a point apiece from Fiona Hudson and Orlaith Egan. But All-Star Ciara McAnespie majored shortly afterward, beating Cliodhna O’Connor in the Dublin goal. Two minutes later, Caitriona McConnell brought the sides level when she converted a 20 metre free. The Blues struggled to find their range, squandering numerous scoring opportunities in front of the posts both from play

and from frees. In spite of that, Goldrick and Olivia Leonard raised the white flag for the Sky Blues, but the move of the first half came when the raiding Goldrick intercepted a Monaghan pass, lobbed the ball to the unmarked Egan who duly despatched the ball to the back of Linda Martin’s net. After going in four points ahead, Dublin again failed to find their range and were made to rue their missed opportunities, with Monaghan’s Ellen McCarron scoring to bring them back within a point, and then suffered a huge setback when Goldrick was forced to retire with a wrist injury. Points from McCarron, Therese McNally and Caitriona McConnell took the Farney women ahead, but Gemma Fay goaled to put Dublin back in the match. With four minutes left, and the sides level,

it looked as though the match was destined to finish tied. But Monaghan’s Sharon Courtney had other ideas, and her fisted point proved the difference between the sides, consigning Dublin to defeat. They remain in the mix for the knock-out stages in third place, with Monaghan moving into second behind Cork, and the Jackies face Laois in their last league match on April 1.

Hurlers E l s e w h e r e , N ow lan Park saw an epic, high-scoring encounter between the Dubs and the Cats that was also decided by a single point, and the home side in the ascendancy. In a heart-breaking finale, Matthew Ruth consigned Dublin to back-to-back single goal defeats, with a goal in the last 30 seconds that saw Kilkenny claim the points.

In spite of the defeat, Dublin can take solace from the tough and uncompromising play that saw them score six goals against the perennial hurling favourites. But to be caught cold, having been eight points clear with 15 minutes left, must have been galling for the Dubs, especially as they showed their team unity having gone down to 14 men after Ryan O’Dwyer’s dismissal for a second booking. Paul Ryan opened the scoring but hurt his hamstring in the process, with Danny Sutcliffe and Conor McCormack netting in the first half, helping put Dublin 3-8 to 1-9 ahead at half time. David O’Callaghan and Sutcliffe scored early in the second half, and Eamon Dillon ended the run of majors for the Sky Blues, before goals for Richie Power and Ruth’s match-killing score allowing the Cats to take the cream.

for details. Entertainment in the club this Saturday from Something Else.

Th ni


Club shop vouchers are now avail-


Lotto: Jackpot was not won. Num-

able. Details and contacts on the club


bers drawn were 1, 10, 16 and 22. Next

website,, which will be finished


week’s jackpot is €2,600.



last Friday.

There will be a bus from club for I

Tesco for Schools initiative is now up and running; please see clubhouse

final Spring Series games this Sat-

Follow us on Twitter @peregrinesgaa.



urday from club, time to be advised.

Bingo continues every Wednesday


Membership for the year is now

night in the clubhouse from 8.30pm


due. Please make sure membership

and this weeks jackpot is €1,100.

CASTLEKNOCK GAA Our clubhouse appeal has com-

To subscribe to our e-Newsletters

m e n c e d a n d we h ave a l r e a d y

and text alerts, send email address

received €20,500 donations so far.

or number to

For more information on the appeal,

or 087 753 2030.

please log on to

Please keep sending in your match

fundraising or call Pearse on 086

reports and photos. All entries are

247 8961.

entered into a draw to win prizes

CHFC is offering cardiac screen-

each month.

ing service to males and females,

The winner for March is Michael

aged from 14 to 35, at a cost of €45

Feehilly, who won two tickets to

per person. If you are interested,

the next Dublin game for his match

contact secretary@castleknock.

report on the Under-14 boys.

net or text 086102296.

Signs surrounding the main pitch

Lotto jackpot now at €2,400, with

in Somerton are now on sale. For

the next draw in The Bell this week.

more information on how to get

All club fixtures can be found on

your sign seen, contact Charlie on

the website the week before the games.

085 110 1008. Ca stleknock invites member s

2012 registrations are now due.

(young and younger) to participate

Form can be downloaded from web-

in the Great Ireland Run on Sunday,


April 15, in the Phoenix Park.

Follow GazetteSport on Facebook and Twitter, and at


COOL RUNNING: Coolmine claim Jim Byrne Cup with victory over Guinness P30

MARCH 22, 2012

LEINSTER’S FINEST: Honour for Fox/Cab football founder P29


VERONA FC have booked their tickets for a semi-final tie against Cherry Orchard in the FAI Intermediate Cup, after two inspired substitutions from Paul Cassidy grabbed the goals in a 2-1 win in extra time against Killester United at the Verona Sports Complex. Although the first half was a scoreless affair, with both sides matching each other in every position, the second half brought with it the fire that would ignite this fixture. Killester drew first blood when the Dublin 5 side jumped on an opportunity that came against the run of play, leaving Paul Cassidy’s men chasing the game at 1-0. However, Verona pushed on and, with the introduction of midfielder David Colgan, they found an answer of their own. The lad from Blanchardstown was awarded his first touch from the penalty spot, which he tucked away effortlessly before launching into a unique but characteristic celebration.

Colgan’s converted penalty took the sides into extra time, and it was the Dublin 15 side that broke the deadlock, in spite of being a player down after the dismissal of Shane O’Brien. It was a left-footed effort from another second-half substitute, Ian Croft, that decided the game when a breaking ball met his boot on the 18-yard line. The tidy strike second-guessed the Killester ‘keeper when it drifted across him and nestled into the bottom right-hand corner off the net. It was a nervous last few minutes for the 10 men of Verona, but with the final whistle came a roar of celebration that underlined their position in amongst the big names of the tournament in the last four. Verona manager, Paul Cassidy, who has been a key element in Verona’s change of fortunes since his arrival four years ago, caught up with GazetteSport to share his feelings on the game. “It was an anxious last few minutes, but, other than that, I’m really proud of all the lads and the supporters, who’ve been a great help.

Verona will face Cherry Orchard in the semi-final of the FAI Intermediate Cup on April 8

“Our two substitutes grabbed the goals today, and that was a good response after we changed things up a bit. Getting to the semi-finals of this tournament is a great achievement for us, and we’ve every chance of winning it at this stage. “We’ll get to test ourselves against Cherry Orchard before the fixture, because

we’ve drawn them in the first round of the FAI Senior Cup, too. It’s worked out well in that regard because we’ll be able to gauge the level they play at. “The four teams that are left are all from higher leagues than us, but if we just keep to our game plan we should be able to pull off another shock or two,” said Cassidy.


Verona double ’Kills off United

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