Castleknock Gazet te FREE
‘Exclusive: Read all about our hands-on Halo 4 preview’ gaming: P25 OCTOBER 11, 2012 Find us on
Castleknock • Carpenterstown • Laurel Lodge • Roselawn
INSIDE: A celebration of community in Ongar with cheers: Toastmasters’ president a Family Fun Day P2 celebrates the art of public speaking P3
Castleknock annex Junior A championship Page 31
Motorsport: Dublin 15 man eyes up Super series title Page 30
ALSOINSIDE: Galleries.......................8 BUSINESS..................... 18 MOTORS........................ 20 TRAVEL.......................... 22 ENTERTAINMENT......... 24 CLASSIFIEDS................ 26
Council backs wedding equality motion laura webb
FINGAL County Council (FCC) has become the latest local authority to vote in favour of marriage equality, showing their support of civil marriage for same-sex couples. This week, a motion supporting marriage equality was passed, with 12 of the 15 councillors present in favour and three abstentions. Moninne Griffith, director, Marriage Equality, said: “This
is a wonderful step by FCC to raise awareness of this important issue at a local level. “We’d like to thank all councillors involved for their initiative, and our supporters in Fingal who spoke to their councillors over the past few months about raising the issue.” Castleknock councillor Peggy Hamill (Lab) said the council’s decision gives support to those fighting for marriage equality. Full Story on Page 6
Fun at the farm: Learning more about nature with Dublin Zoo OSCAR Emperor and Cliona Mageru-
san were an appealing pair of helpers as they picked apples as part of new preschool programmes, Winter Woollies, and Farm-tastic Foods. Running throughout October in the family farm
classroom at Dublin Zoo, the modules aim to help young children make the connection between their food, their clothes, the farm and nature, with the programmes adding yet another fun element to a visit to the zoo.