Dublin Gazette: City Edition

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DublinGazette JUNE 13 - 19, 2019

DUBLINMAGAZINE: It’s an Irish summer

out there – the rain confirms it – but you’ll find plenty of sunny content inside! SEE PAGE 13

CityEdition FREE


SPORT HURLING: Dillon seeking huge performance as Dublin take on strong Galway side with Leinster final spot on the line. SEE P31

SHARING LIBRARY IDEAS HELPING TO CREATE A NEW CHAPTER IN FINGLAS LIFE: Katie Farrell and Lolita Kozlova (both from St Michael’s Holy Faith Secondary School) are pictured with Lord Mayor Paul McAuliffe, Erica Byrne (New Cross College), Erika May Pajimna and Alexandra Sacara (both from St Michael’s Holy Faith) at the launch of the Finglas Library project, part of The National Neighbourhood, a Dublin City Council Culture Company. The students were keen to discuss their ambitions for a new library serving FInglas, with Cllr McAuliffe paying tribute to their ideas and suggestions. Picture: Marc O’Sullivan



Dolphin Park build rejected by council 161-unit development turned down RACHL D’ARCY

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PLANNING permission for a development on playing pitches in Dolphin Park has been refused by Dublin City Council on a number of grounds. Local schools, sports clubs and residents had filed a number of submissions against the 161-residential unit develop-

ment, raising a wide variety of issues. In the refusal of permission, Dublin City Council addressed that issues raised included the biodiversity of the locale and the presence of Light-Bellied Brent Geese, the importance of the playing pitches to the wider community and concerns over traffic-related issues. Three reasons for the refusal of permis-

sion were given in the report. These included that the proposed development is ‘at variance with the Z9 zoning objective’ which aims to preserve green space in the capital, as well as an ‘inadequate parking provision’ being detailed in the application for the scale of the site, which would have a knock on impact in the locale. See more on this story at Dublin Gazette.com.

Trump blimp visits Dublin THOUSANDS of people protested against divisive US President Donald Trump in the city centre late last week, with the infamous Trump Baby Blimp looming over it all, courtesy of a guest visit from London. Our gallery captures the proSEE PAGE 4 test’s tone.

Garda appeal GARDAI are appealing for witnesses after a man died following a stabbing incident at O’Connell Street. A man is being questioned over the incident. SEE PAGE 5

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