DublinGazette NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2019
GIFT GUIDE: Looking for the perfect
pressie? Here’s our gift, to you – two pages of ideas for presents! PAGES 18-19
SOCCER: Leinster Senior Cup title for young St Patrick’s Athletic side. SEE P32
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O’Devaney Gardens saga takes new twist RACHEL D’ARCY
DEBATE continues to rage over the future of the O’Devaney Gardens plan, after a letter released under the Freedom of Information act (FOI) threw current plans into uncertainty. Dublin City councillors voted on November 4 to approve an amended plan for the long-proposed project, fol-
lowing the postponing of an initial vote. The amended plan, as detailed by a ruling group of councillors known as the Dublin Agreement Group, said they had secured an agreement from developers Bartra Capital that 30% of the private housing stock would be sold to an approved housing body for affordable rental. However, in a letter released to Sinn
Fein’s spokesperson for housing, Eoin O’Broin, under an FOI request, Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy said that there had been no consultation with his department ahead of the Dublin Agreement Group saying they had secured a new plan. In the letter, addressed to Lord Mayor Paul McAuliffe, Minister Murphy wrote: “The statement was made without any
prior engagement with myself or my department.” The letter also questions the legality of the new plan, as additional affordable units wouldn’t fall in line with the tenure mix agreed by the Department of Housing in 2017, and the concern is raised for where funding for the units will come from. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4