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OCTOBER 11, 2012 Find us on
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INSIDE: Animal Aid’s quiz night attracts a great crowd, no question P8
opinion: Derek Keating explains
the Personal Insolvency Bill Page 4
Three cheers: Campaign says drink sensibly Football:
Round Tower’s junior As gain promotion Page 31
Carroll shines in Ireland U-17 Euro success Page 30
ALSOINSIDE: Galleries.......................8 BUSINESS..................... 18 MOTORS........................ 20 TRAVEL.......................... 22 ENTERTAINMENT......... 24 CLASSIFIEDS................ 26
BRITISH broadcaster and political aide Alastair Campbell joined Eithne Boyan, managing director of Citywest-based Lundbeck Ireland, and Dr Garret McGovern to help support Lundbeck’s Reduce Your Alcohol Use campaign. Campbell drew upon his own former experiences of alcohol dependency to help the West Dublin specialists in psychiatry, neurology and the treatment of disorders launch their campaign, with Dr McGovern adding to the call for people to drink responsibly, and reduce their intake.
Reilly dismisses SF care centre claim Rowlagh moved to PPP list after talks with Shortall
paul hosford
A SPOKESMAN for the Minister for Health has slammed criticism of Dr James Reilly over the issue of a primary care centre for Rowlagh as “wrong”. The primary health centre at Rowlagh had initially been
announced as part of the Statefunded, or “self-build” list, but was moved to public-private partnership after discussion within former Junior Minister Roisin Shortall’s office. That move angered Sinn Fein representative for Dublin Mid-West, Eoin O Broin, who said that any delay in the
project was “unacceptable”. However, an advisor to Minister Reilly hit out at this assertion and said that the suggestion to replace Rowlagh, and four other primary care centres, was made by Deputy Shortall. “It was not done by Minister Reilly,” said the advisor. Full Story on Page 3