Dun Laoghaire

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Helena launches her new heavenly collection BEAUTY: P14-15 RECYCLE THIS COPY. KEEP DUBLIN TIDY.


INSIDE: St Brigid’s boys are commended on their heritage project P10

Sailing: Murphy ends season with national award Page 32

Soccer: Local players named in league, national panels Page 30

ALSOINSIDE: GALLERY .........................8 BUSINESS .................... 19 MOTORS ....................... 20 TRAVEL......................... 22 ENTERTAINMENT ........ 24 CLASSIFIEDS ............... 26

March 8, 2012

REFERENDUM: Making their case

for a Yes or No

treaty vote P6

Exodus of staff leads to a war of words I BAIRBRE NI BHRAONAIN

A WAR of words has erupted between Dun LaoghaireRathdown councillors over the early retirement of 25 council workers at the end of last month. People Before Profit councillor Melissa Halpin said: “It is increasingly clear that, between the moratorium and cuts to the Local Government Fund, the reality in Dun LaoghaireRathdown is that people are

getting ‘less for less’.” In response, Labour councillor Richard Humphreys said: “It is somewhat ironic that People Before Profit are lamenting the loss of public servants, when their policy of repudiating the debt and leaving the IMF would result in a juddering halt to the State’s funding stream and would cause mass redundancies across the entire public sector.” Full Story on Page 2

Aloft-y outlook: Brandishing all the right answers at a quiz LOOKING as happy as Neville Cham-

berlain, Avril Briarley, from Our Lady’s Grove School, brandished aloft a piece of paper she was very pleased with – after all, she had lots of correct answers on it – as she took part in the

inaugural inter-school table quiz for Transition Year students at County Hall, Dun Laoghaire recently. Avril, and her peers, had lots of fun taking part in the imaginative event. See Gallery on Pages 8-9

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