SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 Find us on
INSIDE: Children have a furry nice time looking for red squirrels Page 2
Rugby: Blackrock set to relaunch U-20 cup competition Page 30
Hurling: Cuala crew aid Dublin minor bid for All-Ireland Page 31
ALSOINSIDE: GALLERIES ......................8 BUSINESS .................... 18 MOTORS ....................... 20 TRAVEL......................... 22 ENTERTAINMENT ........ 24 CLASSIFIEDS ............... 26
BLACKROCK BATHS: Proposal to decorate site’s remaining walls Page 3
Move to provide arrears advice praised I BAIRBRE NI BHRAONAIN
THE announcement of a bankfunded mortgage initiative, that will provide free independent professional financial advice to borrowers in mortgage arrears, was welcomed by a local politicians last week. Deputy Mary Mitchell O’Connor (FG) welcomed the announcement, saying: “I welcome this initiative and believe that it will be of assistance to mortgage holders in Dun
Laoghaire-Rathdown who are facing difficulty meeting their repayments.” Cllr Lettie McCarthy (Lab) said that the new provision could act as a source of re-adjustment of repayment plans in place with mortgage lenders. She said: “Given how complex mortgage negotiations can be, this service will help to level the playing field and arm the mortgage holder with more knowledge.” Full story on Page 4
First day fun: Kayla’s ready for anything at Gaelscoil Phadraig KAYLA Cowab was ready to colour, or do anything else the teacher asked, on her first day at Gaelscoil Phadraig in Ballybrack, where a new class of junior infants faced their first day recently. Kayla, and her classmates, soon settled
into their routine at the Gaelscoil, which has 150 pupils. With their first day behind them, and any initial nerves out of the way, the pupils are enjoying their school days. Full Gallery on Pages 8-9