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Get ready for Halloween with creepy costumes and make-up tips
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Month XX, 2012 Dun laoghaire • Blackrock • Cornelscourt • Deansgrange • Dalkey • Glasthule • Monkstown • Glenageary
INSIDE: Meet the 10-year-old local who’s been on The Late Late Show, and sung with Whitney Houston P2
making a splash: Excitement as new 25m pool to open in Loughlinstown P8
Animated praise: Congratulating festival winners Football:
Cuala claim intermediate county title Page 31 and 32
THE second annual Blackrock
Animation Film Festival saw a great increase in entries this year, with 146 films submitted from all over the world. Michael Johnson, chief executive, Enterprise Board, congratulated Graham Tormey and Fiona Healy when he presented them with the award for Best Irish Student Candidate for their film, Spiders.
See Gallery on Page 6-7
Cabinteely play their part in eight-goal tie Page 30
ALSOINSIDE: GALLERIES.......................6 DUBLIN LIFE....................11 OUT&ABOUT...................17 CLASSIFIEDS.................26 SPORT............................27
Cuts force overnight respite care to cease St John of God’s Carmona stops service following funding withdrawal
Bairbre Ni Bhraonain
ST JOHN of God’s Carmona for the severely disabled has had to terminate its Angels Quest overnight respite service, due to funding cuts by the HSE.
The Glenageary facility was the subject of a bitter exchange during Leader’s Questions in the Dail last week, when Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett (PBP) asked Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore to make a commit-
ment to reverse the cuts. Deputy Boyd Barrett said the families of Angels Quest, some of whom were present in the Dail gallery, needed: “A commitment that the staffing and resources will be provided
in order to maintain the Angels Quest 24-7 respite service for these people who desperately need it, and whose lives will be devastated if the cuts go ahead.” Full Story on Page 5