March 29 29, 2012
As The Gazette celebrates 8 years bringing you the best local news, we would like to thank all of our readers and advertisers for their continued support
Hair for the fun: Giving support at head shaving Football: Future bright as Crokes announce plans Page 31
MARY and Sarah Clarke, joined Aoife McGarry at the Stillorgan Orchard recently to cheer on a number of willing Shave or Dye participants from Dundrum, Stepaside and Blackrock, who were all set to have their lovely locks shorn in aid of the Irish Cancer Society. The event, organised by Dundrum Detective Garda Kevin Clarke – who also had his hair shaved – raised an impressive €4,000 for the society. Picture: Geraldine Woods
Full Gallery on Pages 8-9
Basketball: Loreto Beaufort claim All-Ireland Under-16 title Page 30
ALSOINSIDE: GALLERIES ......................8 BUSINESS .................... 19 MOTORS ....................... 20 TRAVEL......................... 22 ENTERTAINMENT ........ 24 CLASSIFIEDS ............... 26
Resignations from FF after Mahon Report Departures come after Cherrywood SDZ links cited
TWO members of Fianna Fail cited in the Mahon Report’s findings of financial impropriety, in the case of Cherrywood, have resigned from the party this week. The two former councillors, who stepped down as
members of the party, are GV Wright, a former TD and senator, and Don Lydon. Wright received €3,300 and Lydon €3,100 from Monarch Properties, in relation to upgrading the Cherrywood site to SDZ status. Key players in the Cherrywood rezoning emerged as Richard Lynn,
of Monarch Properties (who owned the site), Frank Dunlop and several councillors. The report was “satisfied” that Monarch knew that payments made to councillors through Dunlop were for the purposes of gaining advantageous zoning designation. Full Story on Page 2
2 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 29 March 2012
Knock, knock, who’s there? Composite Doors revealing their all-new Dundrum showroom INNOVATIVE Dublin company, CompositeDoors.ie, officially launched its new state-of-the-art showroom in Dundrum last week. Pictured are owners Ronan Doyle and Tony Mallon with local FG TD Peter Mathews. The business has grown so rapidly over the past 12 months, that the owners decided to open the showroom so that prospective clients could view the superior quality of their stock of Palladio Composite Doors. Local Fine Gael TD Peter was on hand to cut the rib-
bon, while there were also representatives present from First-Step, the BNI (Business Network International), Invisguard and Profile Developments (the Limerick company that manufactures Palladio doors). To celebrate the opening of the new showrooms, the company is offering solid Palladio Composite Doors at the very low price of €1,600, a price that includes delivery and installation, but remember, this is a limited-time offer.
Cherrywood findings from Mahon tribunal I BAIRBRE NI
CHERRYWOOD SDZ featured heavily in the newly published and controversial Mahon Tribunal report. The report claimed Monarch Properties paid a grand total of €163,000 (including cheques) in relation to zoning Cherrywood between 1992 and 1996. The late Liam Lawlor is reported to have received €72,800, Frank Dunlop €60,000, and, further down the line, councillors Tony Fox €3,000, Colm McGrath €3,100, Tom Hand €6,000, GV Wright €3,300 and Don Lydon, €3,100. Frank Dunlop told the tribunal that Rich-
ard Lynn, of Monarch Properties, said of the councillors he was paying one day: “You would think these idiots would get their act together, there is so much money being spent on them.” Lynn denied to the tribunal that he had made the remark. The third chapter of the report, which is entitled, Cherrywood, details payments to councillors and the securing of the residential zoning as the crux of the matter. The original Loughlinstow n/Ballybrack site was chosen to be rezoned for the purposes of employment for the area in a motion by Denis O’Callaghan and Eamon Gilmore, which was passed easily.
Then, in 1993, there was the Barrett/Dockerell motion to limit the number of houses Monarch Proper ties could build per acre. The motion sought to reduce the number from four houses per acre to one house per acre. It was passed. There was also part of the site which still had agricultural zoning status. The tribunal report said that the next step in Monarch’s plan included the idea to create a science and technology park as part of the Cherrywood scheme. This was unanimously agreed at council and the council voted “that this committee welcomes the development of a science and technology park in
the Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown area and, in order to encourage and facilitate such a development, the council agrees to review the zoning of the lands at Cherrywood”. In 1995, all of the Cherrywood lands were zoned for development. In order to secure this zoning, Monarch admitted to paying 60 politicians and provided lists of the recipients of these payments to the tribunal. Over the course of seven years a total of €127,515 in cheques was used to pay councillors and political parties in relation to the zoning of Cherrywood lands. Eddie Sweeney, a Monarch executive, giving evidence at the tribunal, said that another
executive, Richard Lynn, had composed a list of payments to be made to certain politicians. At the time, the chairman of Monarch Properties was the late Phil Monahan. Monahan’s secretary, Ann Gosling, testified before the tribunal that paying councillors was “a necessary evil”. The payments to politicians appear under the titles “sponsorship”, then “promotions” and finally appear all together under the heading “general promotions” in 1992. The company’s auditors wrote in a working paper that these expenses were needed to “sway/influence local opinion on the worthiness/good of their project in the area”.
29 March 2012 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 3
Musical legends at Marlay
Salon to aid LauraLynn EBANO Salon in Ballinteer is opening its doors on Sunday, April 1, in aid of a LauraLynn charity drive. The salon will be open from 12-5pm and all of the proceeds from treatments, products and raffles will be donated to the LauraLynn House Childrens Sunshine Home. A total of 10 stylists will be working non-stop to raise as much money for the charity as they can and garner as much support for this great cause. The LauraLynn House Children’s Sunshine Home is located in Leopardstown and was set up in 2001 in response to the tragic loss experienced by Jane and Brendan McKenna who lost both daughters, Laura and Lynn within a two-year period. The
Sunshine Home provides excellence in Children’s Palliative care and is Ireland’s first community based Children’s palliative care unit. Staff at the unit aim to enhance the parents’ respite care and extend end-of-life services to children with life-limiting conditions.
Accommodation They also provide family accommodation and practical and emotional support to those caring for a sick child. To help LauraLynn Children’s Sunshine Home, go along and have your hair done at Ebano salon on Sunday, April 1 from noon to 5pm. Call Karen or Jenny to make an appointment on 01-2987810/2987921 or email them at ebanoballinteer@gmail.com.
Go hopping mad: A very special invitation to meet the Hamleys Bunny this easter HAMLEYS Dundrum is bringing a magical event this Easter. Locals can now enjoy brunch and afternoon tea with the Hamleys’ Bunny Bear. Join the Hamleys Bunny Bear and the team at Hamleys for an hour of fun. The events team will kick the party off in the magical Easter party area where they will serve up a wide variety of treats from carrot
sticks to bunny toast. There’s even cupcake decorating. There are lots of activities planned with Hamleys’ Bunny Bear. Listen to his bunny tales and join in in arts and crafts. There’s also the opportunity to have your photo taken with Hamleys’ Bunny Bear. For more information, see www.hamleys.com/bunnybear or email dundrumparty@hamleys.com
THREE musical legends are coming to Marlay Park in August, for one unforgettable night only. Van Morrison, Tom Jones and Bobby Womack will take to the stage independently, and there may even be some collaborations later on. The outdoor event at the foothills of the Dublin mountains promises to be a real treat. Van Morrison’s set list for the show will include some of his greatest hits and songs, with a particular relevance to his Irish roots. T he concer t takes place in Marlay Park on Saturday, August 25, 2012 and tickets go on sale on Friday, March 30 at 8am. Tickets cost €59.50 and may be purchased from Ticketmaster on 0818 719 300 or by going online at www.ticketmaster.ie
4 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 29 March 2012
Luas bridge cleaned COUNCILLOR Lettie McCarthy (Lab) has conveyed her “delight” at the news that graffiti on the Luas flyover from Brides Glen to Cherrywood is to be removed. “Residents contacted me and said this was very unpleasant, especially for all living in Gleann Na Ri and Tullyvale,” said Cllr McCarthy. Cllr McCarthy contacted Luas customer care about the 18 pieces of graffiti and asked them to remove them all. This is now being done and, in a statement issued by Luas customer care, they said: “Our maintenance department have identified the graffiti which is on part of the infrastructure. It will be removed or painted out in the coming weeks.”
Enterprising: Budding business brains do battle for top honours NATHAN HIGGINS, Conor Ryan and Picabia LaHarte, also known
as team Tomorrow, are pictured with Karen Downes, of Arvato Finance, and Michael O’Sullivan, of Synopsys, after the team picked up their trophy for winning a Leinster Regional final in the Junior Achievement’s Company of the year Competition on Wednesday, March 14 at Chartered Accountants House, Pearse Street, Dublin 2. Sponsored by the Chartered Accountants Ireland Leinster Society, 60 budding teenage entrepreneurs took part in the Leinster Regional Final, with three awards in total presented on the day.
An access point to the prominent Fleming site at Sanydford and (inset) some of the rubbish within the site
Sandyford Fleming site ‘must be cleaned up’ I BAIRBRE NI BHRAONAIN
THE Fleming site in Sandyford, which was recently decreed a “derelict site”, must be cleaned up and put to rights by the present owners or they will risk incurring a heavy fine. The present owners of the Sentinel tower are Dante Property Management (Comer Brothers), but the tower does not fall into the “derelict” determination; the derelict site is the part that is in disorder below, and is owned by the Irish Banking Resolution Corporation, which is, effectively, a combination of former Anglo Irish Bank and Irish Nationwide. NAMA now owns the loans on which this land was purchased by those two banks, so, therefore, it is NAMA who may be fined if the site is not
‘I trust that [financial penalties] will be a sufficient incentive for the owners to take a common sense approach and clean up the site’
Peter Mathews, FG
cleaned up. Local Fine Gael TD, Peter Mathews issued a statement this week, saying: “I commend the council for taking firm action on this matter. The owners will now be fined if they do not clean up the site. “They will be fined 3% of the market value of the site for the first year. If the site remains derelict after
a year, they will then be fined 10% of the market value of the site.” Deputy Mathews went on to say that financial penalties should work to ensure the site is made safe. “I trust that this will be a sufficient incentive for the owners to take a common sense approach and clean up the site.” There is much confusion over the status and ownership of the site itself. Grainne Hollywood, the chartered surveyor employed by NAMA for the site, denied that the Fleming site was on the Derelict Sites Register, although this was announced some weeks ago. On contacting Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, a spokesperson said that the site in question is currently being dealt with under the Derelict Sites Act 1990.
29 March 2012 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 5
6 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 29 March 2012
White speaks in Brussels DU N DRU M L a b o u r TD Alex White has participated in a conference on the new EU budget in Brussels on March 22. President of the European Parliament, Martin Schultz, presided over the conference. Deputy Alex White, who is chairman of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure & Reform, was on a panel of speakers at the afternoon session on expenditure under the title Multiannual Financial Framework. Speaking prior to the conference, Deputy White said: “Austerity alone will not solve the economic crisis in Europe. Without a credible strategy for jobs and growth, supported by adequate funding through the new budget, we cannot hope to meet the challenges we face.”
FITNESS Local gym’s weight-loss success is ‘based on science’
Educogym to announce its big challenge I STAFF REPORTER
FOLLOWING on from their last gym challenge, which saw members lose a combined weight total of over 58 stone, educogym has announced details of their next big gym challenge. Participants can choose between two options – a six-week Transformational Challenge, which includes 18 supervised sessions with your own personal trainer, consultations, 12 day check up, results, including before and after photos, a cutting-edge nutritional programme and three educational seminars – the cost
of which is €400. The other option is a three-month Ultimate Body Challenge, which includes all of the transformational challenge, plus unlimited training sessions with your own personal trainer. The cost of this is €750. Jamie Myerscough, educogym CEO said: “Our success is based on science. Metabolism – the rate at which the body burns food and fat for energy, is the key that unlocks the mystery of body fat loss. Our aim is to increase the muscle and decrease body fat. We concentrate on weight training at a fast
pace in short bursts, which gives the benefits of aerobic exercise without the attendant stresses. The heart rate is raised and the lungs get a good workout.” By following the welldesigned and focused educogym programme of exercise and nutrition, participants can expect to lose at least seven and a half pounds of fat, drop a full clothes size, lose a minimum two inches off their waistline and increase their fat burning rate by 10% plus. They can also enjoy a significant boost to their energy levels with these
Training taking place at Educogym
challenges. A 58-stone weight loss in the last challenge shows what be achieved at educogym. For more information on the educogym Chal-
lenge, call 1850 737 737 or email dundrum@educogym.com To be with a chance to win a three-month Ultimate Body Challenge,
including unlimited training sessions with a personal trainer, visit http://www.facebook. com/myeducogym and click the ‘like’ button.
CALL US NOW ON 60 10 240
29 March 2012 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 7
8 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 29 March 2012
EVENT Detective Garda Kevin Clarke’s fundraising night
Mark was first for the chop with Amanda. Pictures: Geraldine Woods
Local Design Talent Blossoms at The Design Corner Following the hugely successful The Design Corner in December, shoppers throughout Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown are delighted with the news that The Design Corner in Dún Laoghaire is opening its doors again in time for Easter. Fifteen talented Designers from the county will launch new ideas and designs for Spring and Summer. Regarded as the one of the best shopping destinations for high quality Irish Craft and Design, visitors to The Design Corner , on Upper George’s Street , opposite the entrance to People’s Park, will be able to meet a wide variety of local Designers , as well having an opportunity to browse and buy the work from March 31st until May 7th. The impressively diverse range of quality products on sale at The Design Corner, which have all been created in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown, will include handbags made from vintage fabrics, smart and practical hats, Sock Dogs, hand-blown glass beads, a large selection of jewellery, ceramics, children’s knitwear, slate tableware, cards, limited edition prints and paper lanterns and much, much more. From Saturday March 31st until May 7th, The Design Corner opens its doors from 10am to 6pm, Monday to Fridays and from 11am to 6pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Front row: Thomas Clarke, Kevin Clarke, Brian O’Connor. Back row: Liam Healy, Dave Bunn, Louis Clarke and Kevin Duggan
Losing their hair for a worthy cause ETECTIVE Garda Kevin Clarke, who is well-known around Dundrum, where he has worked for 33 years, and for his fine head of hair, organised a fundraiser for the Irish Cancer Society recently. Kevin dyed his thick head of hair
Mary Clarke, Sarah Clarke and Aoife McGarry
jet black before having it shaved off. An additional €200 was raised by leaving poor Kevin half shaved for most of the night. He also persuaded some of his colleagues to take the plunge and have their heads shaved for the worthy cause.
This, along with a raffle, earned €4,000. The evening was a joint effort between gardai from Dundrum, Stepaside and Blackrock stations. Friends and family gathered in the Orchard to support the event and great craic was had by all.
Amanda and Thomas Clarke
29 March 2012 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 9
in support of Today FM’s Shave or Dye appeal
Carol Duggan, Lisa Duggan and Sheila McCarthy
Louis Clarke
Kevin Clarke goes for the chop with Amanda: John
Kevin Duggan
Healy is MC
Decci raised more cash by having his chest shaved
Decci O’Connor parts with his lovely locks
10 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 29 March 2012
ENTERPRISE Outlet featuring the work of 15 local designers
Marianne Flood, wearing one of her own designs
Melanie Hand, from Melanie Hand Design Jewellery, takes centre-frame behind another one of her impressive pieces
Cornering the best of our local artisans
OLLOWING the highly-successful run of The Design Corner in December, which featured the work and skills of several artisans and craftspeople from across the region, the outlet has again reopened, this time helping to provide a diverse range of goods in time for Easter.
With the work of 15 designers from across the county, The Design Corner, located on Upper George’s Street opposite the entrance to the People’s Park, Dun Laoghaire, features a range of high-quality wares from both well-established and up-and-coming designers, providing something to
A grey piece from Cathy White Vintage Bags
Tara Hammond with coasters from Slated
suit all tastes and budgets for Irish crafts and design lovers. An initiative of the local Enterprise Board in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown, The Design Corner runs from this Saturday, March 31 to Monday, May 7. For a preview of many of the wares at the outlet, see www.facebook.com/thedesigncorner.
Jenny Toland and a Hot Christina Sanne, of Red Rufu, with sockdogs
Head creation
Rebeka Kahn, of Rebeka Kahn Artwear
29 March 2012 GAZETTE 11
12 GAZETTE 29 March 2012
MUSIC: FAMILIES How sisters took plunge on a baby swim club franchise EARLY BIRD FUNDRAISER
Whelan’s to host a Spirit of Folk gig DESCRIBED as one of the best up-and-coming festivals of 2011, Spirit of Folk (SOF) returns this year, from September 21 to 23, with another aweinspiring line-up of events and music. Festival sales will kick off with an early bird deal at a SOF fundraiser, to be held in Whelan’s on Thursday, March 29, when you can buy a weekend ticket for €50 for 24 hours only. It promises to be a raucous affair for all the right reasons, starting off with a folktastic line-up that includes The Hot Sprockets, The Young Folk, Bunoscionn and TRAZ. This will be followed by some kicking tunes by Mr Benny. Bust and Bust will take to the stage to compere the evening and give out an array of raffle prizes, including weekend camping tickets. Last year’s festival saw an amazing bill of artists with many up-and-coming singer-songwriters, as well as an array of folk legends, including Gay Woods from Steeleye Span, Lisa O’Neill and Rhob Cunningham. Speaking of the niche festival, O’Neill told festival goers: “I think we’re at the start of something very special here.” The weekend ended with a monster performance from The Hot Sprockets. To get in early and purchase a ticket for €50, go to www.tickets.ie, or you can buy them in Whelan’s on the night. Tickets for the fundraiser cost €10, and the full line-up will be announced in early May.
Water Babies graduates, from left: Manus Connolly, age 4, Blanchardstown; Mya Macari, age 3, Dun Laoghaire; Emily Webb, age 5, Blanchardstown; Rachel Searle, age 4, Blanchardstown; Alicia Hampson, age 5, Sandyford; Grace Beausang, age 5, Kinsealy; Maia Gabbie, age 5, Malahide and Rhianna Harvey, age 4, Portmarnock
Making a big splash I LAURA WEBB
CHILDREN are taking to swimming like ducks to water, thanks to a leading baby swim club, which recently celebrated its third birthday. Water Babies was introduced in Ireland back in 2009, and has become the fastest-growing franchise out of the 44 schools across Ireland and Britain, thanks to Blanchardstown businesswomen, and sisters, Carol and Therese McNally, who teach 1,400 babies and toddlers every week in 16 locations in Dublin, Kildare, Meath and Wicklow. T he business also employs 11, including swimming instructors and administration staff. Growing up, their father, Hugh McNally, ran a sports centre in Blanchardstown, and was heavily involved in Irish
Water Safety. This led to the sisters following in their father’s footsteps and a childhood in water, competitive swimming, life-guarding and teaching were the natural career choice. While on holidays in Britain, Carol came across a Water Babies’ leaflet, and knew that it was the perfect business for them. The mothers were able to combine their love for babies with their love for swimming, and help to pass a love and understanding of water to their own and other children. Carol says: “Swimming is a life-protecting gift from parent to child, and one that gives me true satisfaction to promote. “The lessons give you such a feel-good factor – and I’ll never get over the thrill of seeing babies swimming underwater,” she says. “[The classes] also create a huge sense of achievement, especially seeing what the babies can do from so young. “I think we often underestimate how much children are capable of, even when still babies, and they clearly love the sense of freedom that being in water provides,” she says. The Water Babies programme is designed to
Manus Connolly shows how easily he graduated from the baby swim club, above, while Water Babies’ Carol and Therese McNally relax underwater, below
make the most of babies’ natural affinity with water, and teaches confidence and safety, using specialist techniques that see many swimming short distances from as young as 30 months. Baby swimming is an entirely safe and gentle activity, which helps parents to bond with their baby while giving them a lifetime’s water confidence and safety skills. Locations include Rathfarnham, Blackrock, Swords, Castleknock and Liffey Valley. To find out more see www.waterbabies.ie; to find out about “taster” classes, or to book a class, call 01 824 9987.
29 March 2012 GAZETTE 13
FOOD Free programme’s aim to tackle obesity
New study to help improve teens’ health The Teen Nutrition Study was recently launched by Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin, and is funded by the National Children’s Research Centre. The study will look at the effect of a novel nutritional approach on teen health. The free, eight-week programme, designed by nutritional experts, is the first of its kind to be held in Ireland. Overweight teens, who take part in the study, will take a nutritional supplement as well as learn how to manage their weight by following a healthy eating plan.
The study aims to combat some of the problems associated with carrying extra weight. Ruth Connaughton, one of the researchers, says: “Carrying extra weight can cause the body to produce unhealthy substances, known as inflammatory substances, which . “These inflammatory substances travel around in the blood and can increase risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease.” The Teen Nutrition Study will test whether taking a supplement containing healthy nutrients that are usually found in foods such as fruit, veg-
Dietary experts, including Dr Fiona Lithander, lecturer in Human Nutrition at Trinity College Dublin; Ruth Connaughton, researcher; and Aoibheann McMorrow, research dietitian, are calling for overweight teenagers to take part in a new, free eight-week study programme to help improve their diets and health
etables and fish, and are generally lacking in an Irish teenager’s diet, can reduce the number of these unhealthy inflammatory substances in the blood and improve overall teen health. The programme also incorporates an easy-tofollow healthy eating plan, which was developed to help young people make
healthier meal and snack choices and, as a result, manage their weight successfully and boost selfesteem. Parents accompanying the teens will also be educated on the healthy eating programme, meaning that participation in this study will potentially benefit the whole family. This study is now call-
ing for new participants aged between 13 and 18 years of age to take part. Interested teens or parents can email teen.nutrition@tcd.ie, or call or text 086 721 3854 for further information. More information can also be found on the study website, at medicine.tcd. ie/nutrition-dietetics/ teenstudy.
Hunger Games melodramatic adaptation of a teen novel that has a fanatical fanbase. But don’t let that put you off …
ALMOST one-in-five teenagers are overweight or obese. Research has shown that Irish teens consume one-fifth of their calories from cakes, biscuits, chocolate and savoury snacks. Dr Fiona Lithander, lecturer in Human Nutrition at Trinity College Dublin, says: “Poor food choices contribute to weight gain, and teenagers who are carrying an excess amount of body weight for their height have a significantly greater risk of carrying that weight into their adult years. “As a result, they have an increased risk of developing diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes.”
More than a game:
14 GAZETTE 29 March 2012
GazetteFITNESS FITNESS Knowing the symptons of a heart attack
ALMOST six out of 10 Irish people know heart symptoms, but only half of heart attack victims arrive at hospital by ambulance. Sur vival rates of heart attack victims can be improved by as much as 50% if patients access treatment within one hour of the onset of symptoms. The symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, light-headedness,
loss of consciousness, weakness, tiredness, and upper body pain in the neck, back, jaw or arms. Heart disease can lead to stroke and heart attack. One of the best ways to prevent heart disease is to keep your cholesterol at a healthy level. Drop into your local GP or pharmacy to have your cholesterol level checked.
With thanks to the staff of Lucan Village Pharmacy.
GOT A PICTURE? Call our NEWS TEAM on 60 10 240 or email picturedesk@gazettegroup.com
Brought to you by Derry Temple personal trainer and pilates instructor
Toxins affect ability to lose weight TOTAL OF 80,000 chemicals have been i nt r oduced t o our environment since the turn of the 20th century. We are only now beginning to understand the effect of these substances on our body. Latest research shows that many such toxins can affect your ability to lose weight, so a detox programme is an important part of any weightloss plan. Toxins can hinder your metabolism in many ways. They can alter thyroid hormone production, cause an increase in inflammation and imbalance neurotransmitters that negatively affect appetite control. They can slow down the metabolic rate by damaging the mitochondria within our cells and increase oxidative stress and free radicals. To reduce your toxic load, you need to consider environmental toxins, such as exposure to common household cleaners or garden chemicals, second-hand smoke, plastics and phthalates in food and water containers. Many foods that are a staple in our modern diet also contain toxins. These
include trans fatty acids, alcohol, caffeine, aspartame, genetically modified foods, hormones, antibiotics and the most common toxin, sugar. These foods should be avoided or minimised. Your detoxification system relies on the right balance of proteins, fats, fibre, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals to be effective. The trick is to eat “clean” and avoid processed foods. Protein provides amino acids that are vital for many of the bodies detoxification systems and good sources include eggs, whey protein, beans, nuts and whole grains. Eat only organic food and animal products to avoid petrochemical pesticides, herbicides, hormones and antbiotics. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, collards, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower can provide many phytochemicals that enhance detoxification. Other vegetables such as garlic and onion contain sulphur that helps the body excrete toxins. Bioflavonoids in grapes, berries and citrus fruits will also help the detoxification process. It is important to sweat
Detoxifying is an important part of overall health and weight loss
‘Your detoxification system relies on the right balance of proteins, fats, fibre, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals to be effective’ -------------------------------------------------------
when trying to detoxify and people who have a heavily toxified system often find it difficult to perspire. Exercising regularly is a great way to increase blood and lymphatic circulation. If you find exercising difficult or need some extra help, then try the sauna. The sauna is an established treatment for detox therapy and can help the body excrete many toxins
through the skin. A farinfrared sauna is the best type of sauna for detoxifying. It is more tolerable then conventional saunas because it does not heat or dry the air and yet it penetrates much deeper into tissues of the body. Drinking plenty of fresh water will ensure you have enough fluid to help the kidneys flush out toxins. To s u p p o r t y o u r
immune system you should also take a strong multi vitamin and mineral complex. Shed Toxins to Shed the Pounds
Detoxifying is such an important part of overall health and weight loss. While we live in an everincreasing toxic environment, it is possible to limit your exposure and to support the ability of your body to detoxify and lose weight. Join Temple Training on facebook to get tips on training and eating for fat loss and for special offers on health and fitness packages. See www. templetraining.ie.
29 March 2012 GAZETTE 15
Brought to you by Miriam Kerins of the DSPCA
Finding the perfect vet for your pet S a responsible pet parent, I know one of the most important decisions I have ever made was finding and choosing the right vet for my doggies. Ok, I’m at a distinct advantage because I work at Ireland’s oldest and largest animal welfare charity, so I’m surrounded by wonderful veterinary staff and experts. However, I didn’t always work for the Dublin SPCA and as a “civilian”, I would have depended entirely on my personal research skills and referrals from family and friends regarding the suitability of the local veterinarians. So, if you’ve recently adopted a companion pet, you’re already a pet parent who has moved to a new area or, perhaps, you’re unhappy with your veterinary clinic’s facilities and aren’t sure where to turn – don’t worry, help is at hand. I’m going to give you a few pointers that you can use as guidelines. Of course, the final choice
pet’s specific needs and who explains things in a manner you understand.
Emergency Service
I would recommend you don’t base your choice on convenience, but I would suggest you ask if the vet is available for emergencies/outof-hour’s calls/does the practice enjoy hospital status? Ask Questions
The lovely three-legged greyhound, Red
is up to you. That said, do bear in mind your vet will be your closest ally in your quest for a healthy, happy, long and loving relationship with your pet. Referral
Get a recommendation from your local animal welfare shelter or family and friends. However, make sure their idea of a good vet matches your own personal criteria. For example, you want to find a vet who suits your
Are appointments required? Does the vet specialise? For example, as I prefer the holistic approach, it’s important for me that at least one vet in the practice specialises, or is open to, using homeopathic remedies. Is he/she familiar with your pet’s specific breed? Fees for routine checkups, vaccinations, out-ofhour’s service. Ask about options, such as pet insurance. How are overnight patients monitored? What is the protocol for pain management?
Atlantis (Lance for short), a baby goat, who was born the day the space shuttle Atlantis was launched, and Pooch
Ask for a tour of the facility and check out the examination rooms. How sanitary/up-to-date/efficient are they? Effective communication is the key: What’s staff morale like? Does all staff have a good rapport with each other? With your pet? Is there a facility for x-rays, blood tests, ultrasound, etc., to be carried out in-house or by referral to a specialist? How many vets are in the practice? Most modern surgeries have several and allow for different skills sets/specialties. This does not mean one vet is better than another. Check for:
Does the vet have exceptional people,
as well as pet skills? I believe a good vet should be able to listen, learn and be willing to update his/her skills. Does he/she have a library of reference books in order to diagnose difficult ailments? Are dogs and cats housed in separate areas? How organised is this vet? Are instruments arranged methodically or lying about in a haphazard fashion? So you see, choosing the right vet for your pet requires extensive research because, believe it or not, you’re doing more than engaging the skills of a medical expert – you’re searching for your new best friend! You’re employing the services of someone who
is as passionate and compassionate about your pet as you are. That’s why I use and recommend the amazing veterinary clinic at the Dublin SPCA. In my professional opinion as an animal welfare officer, and as a woman who places her animals on a pedestal, the facilities are stateof-the-art, the staff are dedicated and passionate about my dogs. The team offer highquality medicine that is not only affordable, but individualised to suit each of my dogs’ specific needs (and, believe me, with rescue dogs, they are varied), and the fabulous ladies who work there provide an emergency, out-ofhours service making it convenient, as well as
Dublin’s premier onestop complete veterinary service. Oh, and another good reason for choosing this state-of-the-art facility – as if the fabulous staff weren’t enough – all profits go straight back into the Dublin SPCA Animal Welfare Charity to help us rescue, treat, rehabilitate and rehome more cruelly-treated and abandoned animals. Now, that’s not just innovative and creative – it makes for positive animal welfare for you and for your beloved companion pets. For more information log onto www.dspca.ie, or email me at miriam.kerins@dspca.ie, or phone our veterinary clinic on 01-4994780. They’d love to hear from you.
16 GAZETTE 29 March 2012
Making your home the best it can be
Some of the fine aspects of No 2, Liffey Walk
Valley Park corner site a classy catch NUMBER 2, Liffey Walk, is located in a soughtafter development on a corner site, with professionally landscaped gardens both front and rear, expertly decorated inside and with a large conservatory. The downstairs accommodation offers a large living room with double doors opening into the kitchen/dining room, and features a stylish kitchen. This opens into the conservatory, which provides an ideal reception area to entertain your guests in style as it overlooks the beautiful garden that enjoys a sunny aspect. Upstairs, the established theme of good taste continues with three bedrooms, en-suite and the recently upgraded family bathroom. Finally, there is access to the attic, which is partially floored and lit. Every room is beautifully presented in neutral tones, with a splash of colour here and there creating an interior designer finish. According to the agents, you could move in, change nothing, and be the envy of all your friends. Accommodation comprises entrance hall with laminate flooring and guest WC. The living room has laminate flooring, a stylish fireplace and double doors leading to the dining room/kitchen. This space spans the width of the home, with plenty of wall and floor units and a breakfast bar dividing both rooms. There is a conservatory located to the rear, with solid wooden flooring overlooking the rear garden. Upstairs, bedroom one is located to the front of the house with T&G flooring, fitted wardrobes and a beautifully decorated en suite with wc, whb and stand-in shower.
GERHARD Heyl, director of HSLC Ltd, is an expert in home renovation, and here discusses some of the most important aspects of the process. Renovating and extending your home can be a challenging and stressful endeavour. There’s the upheaval, and don’t even think about the mess, it’s hard enough to get the kids to wipe their feet! But it doesn’t have to be like that. A properly managed extension project can be run with the minimum disruption to family life. There are a few key things you can do yourself before and during the build to help things go as smoothly as possible.
Planning Discuss all aspects of the extension project with your building team in advance of any work taking place. Make sure you have a timetable of work so you know what days and at what times workmen will be arriving. Discuss with your project manager the possibility of organising deliveries when the house is quiet. Things
will run much smoother if the cement truck arrives after the school run as opposed to when you are trying to reverse out of the driveway. There is no denying extending your home with kids in tow is no joke and finding ways to amuse house-bound children is a challenge for even the most imaginative parent. However, you need to keep the goal of the renovation in focus throughout the project. You’re doing this extension to give more space, light and energy to your family home and ultimately your loved ones. So, chin up, you can do this! Often with a large renovation project, there will be no choice but for the family to move out. It simply isn’t safe to have a family living in a house that may have an open external wall, or no kitchen/bathroom facilities. There will be an additional cost involved in renting alternative accommodation but, on the other hand, if the crew are not working around your domestic schedule, they
The slight inconveniences of renovation are well worth the effort
may be able to complete the job sooner.
Pets Animals thrive on routine and can be easily upset if their living quarters are suddenly turned upside down with a renovation project. You need to consider your pet’s existing routine and adjust accordingly for the life of the extension. If your four-legged friend is an outside pet, you need to make a new secure area for them. Side gates will
be left open, walls may be taken down and the last thing you want is for your pet to stray.
Disruption management There is no way of escaping it, getting an extension completed on your home will create mess and dirt. There is no point in being upset or surprised by this; it’s a fact of life. Be proactive and prepare in a sensible way before the renovation project even starts. Treat
the preparation for a build like moving house and pack up precious items and put them into storage. Look on the bright side, you have a genuine excuse to declutter! Having your home extended is a marvellous way to reinvent your living space, matching your home to your lifestyle. Hopefully, with good disruption management, the inconvenience of the build, will be forgotten once your new home is revealed.
Redwood towers over the rest
SHERRY FitzGerald are delighted to bring No 38 Redwood to the market. This detached four-bed property is presented in showhouse condition, with exquisite interior design and taste evident throughout. The best quality fixtures and fittings adorn this turn-key home and it further benefits from a magnificent landscaped, sunny, south-west facing rear garden with water feature, split-level patio
and garden lighting. Situated in a quiet cul de sac beside Hollystown Golf Course, this home enjoys a good selection of shopping and leisure facilities, both locally and within a 10-minute drive. Viewing is highly recommended and is imperative to appreciate this stunning home and the exceptional interior finishes throughout. The floor area is a most impressive 1,360 sq ft. The accommodation
comprises entrance hall that sets the tone for the impeccable standard throughout, with prolific use of exquisite Canadian solid hardwood flooring on the ground floor. An attractive radiator cover further ads to the elegance. There is particularly good under-stair storage here also. The guest WC is oversized, and elegant in its simplicity, with quality wall and floor tiling, and it includes WHB and WC.
The living room is a magnificent reception space, and benefits from dual aspect, a bay window to the front and a picture window and double glass doors which open to the gorgeous rear garden. The contemporar y stone fireplace has a gas inset fire. The study/fourth bedroom is currently used as a study/TV room, but was originally laid out as the fourth bedroom. It, too, has a lovely bay window
to the side, along with a window to the front. The kitchen/breakfast room has a stunning ivory fitted kitchen and is complemented by a deep, red-tiled splash back and cream ceramic floor tiles. The electrical appliances are mainly top-of-therange Neff appliances, such as a double oven, five-ring gas hob and chimney-style extractor fan. There is an integrated fridge freezer and dishwasher.
29 March 2012 GAZETTE 17
Getting back to the basics GET back to basics by rejuvenating your daily skincare routine, and get faces feeling clean, glowing and well-moisturised. This week, we are taking a look at one of the most important routines of the day – cleansing and moisturising. Women, and men, are using so many different products that it’s easy to forget two of the most important steps in skincare. According to Celebrity facialist, Anastasia Achilleo, cleansing is a must. “It’s key to having bright fresh, healthy-looking skin. It’s particularly important to cleanse the skin effectively at night to remove make-up and ensure that pores don’t become clogged and debris isn’t left on the skin that can cause bac-
teria, which is how spots can develop on younger skin. In the morning, skin just needs a quick sweep with cleanser to freshen it for the day ahead.” Olay has re-launched its iconic cleansing and moisturising range, Classic Care as Olay Essentials. The new-look product has everything a person needs to acquire clean, glowing skin that is moisturised and wellprotected. Here are a few to check out to help get back to basics. In the Olay Essentials Cleansers range are Olay Essential Wet Cleansing Wipes (RRP €3.99). No woman should be without cleansing wipes. These wipes help to remove dirt and makeup, while also providing sensitive skin with con-
ditioning benefits. This product has been tried and tested on stubborn waterproof mascara and has left faces without panda eyes. The Olay Essential Smoothing Face Scrub (RRP €3.15) range also offers a smoothing face scrub, which helps to smooth away surface skin cells, impurities and make up. Olay Essentials Moisturisers have Olay’s proven skin conditioners, with effective protection against UV damage. No matter what day of the year it is, protecting skin from UV damage should be on top of the skincare list. Olay Essentials Complete Care SPF 30-Day Lotion (RRP €12.99) is a light, daily facial moisturiser that has been
Olay Essentials Complete Care SPF 30
specially designed to give skin everything it needs to help maintain and improve the look of the skin. It provides
up to eight hours moisturisation, SPF 30 protection and pampering vitamins, combined with a non-greasy formula.
Edited by Laura Webb
Go gold with limited edition False Lash Effect mascara TO celebrate Max Factor’s most awarded mascara, the beauty giant has released a limited edition gold False Lash Effect. False Lash Effect Gold comes in a stylish gold pack and gives long, lash-loving girls an ultra feminine, black eyelash look. It features Max Factor’s biggest ever mascara brush to give lashes that long lash appearance. The dynamic mascara brush works wonders with Max Factor’s patented Liquid Lash formula, which glides onto each lash with ease, so lashes are instantly volumised and separated. The formula allows for layering, so a fatter lash look can be created to suit the mood. For best results, Gazette Beauty recommends turning the mascara brush as you apply the product on the top lid, which helps curl and enhance long lashes.
18 GAZETTE 29 March 2012
GazetteMUSIC MUSIC FastTunes with Radio Nova’s Dee Woods THE mornings are brighter, the evenings are longer and it’s all good news from the Nova camp this week. Thin Lizzy had fans in a Cold Sweat when they cancelled a gig planned for The Olympia in August, seemingly without explanation, last month. Now the boys will be back in town when they’re special guests at Guns n Roses’ return to The O2 on May 17. Axl Rose is a huge Lizzy fan, with a tattoo of the black rose from their 1979 album cover inked on his right arm (let’s hope he wears a watch on that arm too, so as to be on stage on time for a change). And, not forgetting the original Lizzy frontman; the brilliantly exhaustive Phil Lynott exhibition that lived in the top floor of the Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre at the end of last year is moving to The O2 in London next month. If you didn’t catch it while it was here, book a flight!
And, at a time when everything seems to be going up except wages, it’s good to know it isn’t always a bad thing when there’s an increase. The new Odeon cinema at the Point Village around the corner from us here at Radio Nova is showing movies on screens three stories high. Social commentators said the dismantling of Revolver (aka the giant wheel) at the village was a symbol of Ireland’s economic downfall. Let’s hope the cinema signifies bigger and better things to come for our little country. Failing that, there’s always Nova! Listen to Dee Woods from Radio Nova every weeknight from 7pm to 12am on 100.3FM
MDNA has the right mix for pop ecstasy I ROB HEIGH
MADONNA. The name alone conjours some iconic moments in music from the last 25 years in your mind. Along with Prince and Michael Jackson, she was the female part of the musical Holy Trinity who defined what a thrilling ride pop music could be in the Eighties. Madonna was the queen of pop throughout that decade and the decade that followed. She paved the way for female artists to express themselves, and there would certainly be no Lady Gaga now if Madonna did not exist. Albums such as Like A Prayer, Ray of Light and Confessions on a Dancefloor have been career defining, but the records in between have proved variable to say the least, and have not had the impact on the pop firmament they might have done had the focus been more on the
music and less on the public image or movie career. Working with Ray Of Light producer William Orbit, as well as current leading lights of the house and dance scenes, the Benassi brothers and Mar tin Solveig, the album is certainly a strong and contemporary effort that draws hugely on the styles and trends at play in the clubs, but which also dips back and samples everything that made Madonna such an influential figure on her way to global megastardom. In the same way that Bruce Springsteen created a summation of everything that made him such an icon on his recent Wrecking Ball album, here, Madonna tries to amalgamate everything good from her recent past in a collection of tracks that are a mix of bubblegum pop, hard house beats and classic tracks that, really, no one else could have
Madonna releases her 12th studio album this month
created. But, as far as creating an incisive and defining statement of intent like Ray of Light on this record, there is something not quite hitting all the marks on MDNA. That is certainly not to say that the album is not without its high points, and the longer it goes on, the better it gets — as the view of the landscape gets broader, and samples and inflections from previous records, like Hung Up and Beautiful Stranger, begin to appear on I’m A
Sinner, there is more of a sense of her own history at play. Madonna has never been better at being herself than on Turn Up The Radio, more obviously the lead single from MDNA than the slightly weak Give Me All Your Luvin’. It takes her (or her producer’s) way with a pop hook and plays it out to its logical conclusion, with more of a melodic twist than her recent records have demonstrated. There are a few cringeworthy moments — the
shopping list song of modern divorced megastar parenthood being a case in point, but, again, you feel as though this album as a whole is part of Madonna’s journey back to her very best. Certainly, someone of her stardom and calibre should be hitting the marks more often and being able to create a coherent and consistent set of songs on every outing, but compared to Erotica, American Life and Hard Candy, MDNA is a very easy pill to swallow.
29 March 2012 GAZETTE 19
Supported by AIB
Interview: Lesley Condron, Bowen Technique Therapist
Helping people to live without pain LESLEY Condron is a Bowen Technique Therapist, having trained in the discipline in 2008. Having spent many years working as a staff nurse, she developed lower back pain. Here she tells the Gazette of her journey from severe back pain sufferer to Bowen Technique Practitioner. “Little did I know, when I boarded a flight to Australia in 2007, events would unfold that would change my career path,” Lesley says. “I worked as a staff nurse for many years, a job I loved. But, over time, I began to experience lower back pain. “While visiting my brother in Melbourne, my back seized. He suggested I go to see a Bowen Technique therapist. I entered Margo’s clinic and one hour later, with very little discomfort, the pain had all but gone. I left moving quite freely and standing straight. “Before leaving Australia, I had another treatment and to this day I have
been pain free. “In 2008 I decided to train in the Bowen Technique, and have been a fulltime therapist since 2010. “The work is easy on the client, and can be used in acute cases as well as with small children and the elderly. “The practitioner uses fingers and thumbs to apply sets of rolling type moves on very precise points of the body. These moves stimulate the muscles, soft tissue and energy within the body, promoting relief of pain and recovery of energy. “The work can be done through light clothing and many health problems can be treated using this method, ranging from minor ailments, such as headaches. I have found that problems, such as frozen shoulder, back and neck pain, as well as knee and ankle injuries, are very responsive.” Lesley can be contacted on 087 249 0565, or 01 497 5388.
GOLD INVESTMENT Q – Gold seems to be out of favour at the moment but I am being told to buy it still as rumours abound that it will go to $5,000 per troy ounce – don’t even know what a troy ounce is ! Help ? Mary – Raheny A - Troy ounces are slightly lighter than avoirdupois ounces – 16 of them make a pound (lb) but gold has had a meteoric rise over the last four years. In 2007, it was $850 per troy ounce – but was $850 as far back as 1980…so taking 27 years to get back to the level of 2007… $850. Just bear in mind that $850 in 1980 is equivalent to c. $2,500 in today’s money ! Since 2007, gold went to $2,000 but has fallen back to c. $1650 and some commentators believe it could have peaked. Peter Schiff is a well-known precious metal analyst with CBNC in New York – he has forecast gold prices will reach $5,000 per troy ounce by the end of this year. The balanced portfolio will have c. 10% of the funds in a precious metal. There is only 170,000 metric tonnes of the yellow metal on the planet. If it was a blob, it would be a 68-foot sided cube worth $9.6trillion! Two thirds the size of a football pitch. Question is, if you decide to buy, what form should it take ? Gold mine shares, exchange traded funds (ETFs), gold coins ( e.g. kruggerands ) jewellery – security and safety are important issues as well as the investment risk. Perth Mint Certificate Programme in many ways
Lesley Condron practises in Rathgar, Dublin 6, and
answers most of these issues – this is 24 carat gold
Curves in Sundrive, Dublin 12
bullion, stored in a Perth Australian mint with a guarantee from an AAA-rated government – the Western Australian government. You receive a
Q&A Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be? A: A cook Q: What was your first job? A: Hotel receptionist Q: And your first pay cheque? A: Can’t remember Q: Have you ever done a job you loathed? A: No Q: When did you start your present job? A: 2010 Q: What is the best thing about your job? A: I get very excited when I see how the body responds to the gentle Touch that is the Bowen technique.
Q: Have you ever achieve anything that you once thought you could not pull off?
certificate for the gold you bought, though at any
A: Motherhood
Q: What is your guilty music/ TV or movie pleasure? A: Criminal Minds
Q: What part of your working day do you ‘delegate’? A: None
Q: Who best represents modern Ireland – David Norris or Jedward? A: David Norris
Q: What’s currently on your desk that shouldn’t be? A: Chocolate Q: Is there anything about yourself that you would like to set the record straight on? A: No
Q: Who do you follow on Twitter/Facebook? A: No
Q: What sport do you follow? A: Rugby Q: What sport can you play? A: Tennis, golf
Q: Describe your dream meal? A: Italian with family and
Q: What habits would you like to lose? A: Not being able to say no Q: At the moment, what are you looking forward to? A: A weekend break in Berlin in a few weeks time
Q: What music/pictures/movies do you have on your iPod/ iPad? A: None
Q: Who would you rather have dinner with – Enda Kenny or Dame Edna? A: Dame Edna Q: Where do you enjoy spend-
time you can repatriate the gold to your home if
ing money frivolously? A: Paris
you wish. Prices are determined by the market and
Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own? A: 35 Q: What was your worst holiday experience? A: Going on a sun holiday to northern France; we were camping three young children, it was cold and very wet.
you buy and sell on the prices of the day. There is a 2% fee on buying and 1% on selling. Email me for details (jlowe@moneydoctor.ie) Contact
John with your money questions at jlowe@ moneydoctor. ie or visit his
Q: Describe your dream holiday? A: See below
website at
Q: What would be your dream job? A: See below
Lowe, Fellow of
Q: What do you plan to do when you retire? A: Buy a campervan, tour
founder and
Australia and New Zealand for two years
Money Doctor
www.moneydoctor.ie. John the Institute of Bankers, is managing director of
Harvey Norman sells out of iPad3 ahead of launch HARVEY Norman cancelled its planned midnight launch of the New iPad due to oversubscription of pre-orders. “We have already pre-sold most of our launch stock for the New iPad, interest is very strong,” said Tim Hannon gen-
eral manager of computers for Harvey Norman Ireland. The New iPad went on sale this week across Ireland. “Demand has been overwhelming, and we decided not to open at midnight as we simply did not have enough
stock. We have more arriving this morning, but we didn’t want to disappoint customers.” Unveiling the new iPad two weeks ago in the US, Apple sold out of its initial stock in online pre-orders within two
days. Harvey Norman have dropped the price of the existing iPad 2, which is now available for only €399 making it a serious competitor to the Amazon Kindle Fire. Apple has announced it has sold three million of its
new iPad, since its US launch on Friday, March 16. The new iPad features a new Retina display, Apple’s new A5X chip with quad-core graphics, a 5 megapixel iSight camera with advanced optics for capturing photos and 1080p HD video,
and the same all-day 10-hour battery life. Harvey Norman confirmed that they have more stock due to arrive in its shops, but warned that availability will be tight across Ireland for the first few weeks.
20 GAZETTE 29 March 2012
GazetteMOTORS MOTORS RoadSigns Road Signs
Charge up at the Stillorgan Park
ESB ecars and the Stillorgan Park Hotel have joined forces to install multiple ecar charge points at the hotel, a first for a Dublin hotel. The hotel is one of the first in Ireland to offer charging, but they have gone one step further to offer three charge points conveniently located in the car park. Daragh O’Neill, general manager of the Stillorgan Park Hotel said: “As part of our overall Green Strategy and our continuing efforts to become an environmentally friendly hotel, we are delighted to announce that, in partnership with ESB ecars we have installed three ecar charge points at the hotel for our guests and employees.” The roll-out of charge points is part of ESB ecars plan to build the charging infrastructure nationwide to meet the Government target of 10% of all vehicles to be electric by 2020. To date, more than 560 charge points have been installed in public locations, service stations, commercial premises and in homes across Ireland. Paul Mulvaney, managing director, ESB ecars said: “We are delighted that organisations like Stillorgan Park Hotel are supportive of the nationwide ecar programme and proactively promoting sustainable transport.”
New charge points at the Stillorgan Park Hotel
¤15M IN RENAULT FINANCE: SINCE launching in Ireland in September 2011, Renault Finance Ireland has lent over €15 million to both individual and business customers. The arrival of Renault Finance in Ireland made motor finance accessible to all, and, currently, eight out of ten customers get approved to purchase a new car or van with Renault Finance. Its arrival also brought 15 muchneeded jobs to the
finance sector. Commenting on the figures, Alessandro Garzia, of Renault Finance, said: “Since the start of the year 80% of applicants have been approved for finance with us. In addition to Renault’s competitive car range, and Renault Finance rates, the cost of change for our customers has never been lower. You get €2,000 discount off a Clio and a rate of 4.9% APR. We believe in making it simple for a customer to deal with Renault.”
A tale of
Motoring Editor, Cormac Curtis out if petrol is the new diesel, THERE’S a battle raging in the minds of car buyers at the moment. The price of fuel is fluctuating wildly (and by that I mean increasing), and analysts tell us that the price of diesel is likely to overtake petrol later this year. Accepted wisdom has always suggested that, when the cost of ownership and MPG was a big concern for the buyer, then the diesel engine was the way to go. Not only was the fuel significantly cheaper, you also got more miles out of every tank. In recent years, Ireland’s emissions-based road tax system has meant that cars with cleaner, more fuel-efficient engines can compete with their diesel counterparts in terms of cost of road tax. Also, the fact that car manufacturers are doing their best to cover the full spectrum of
options with a wider choice of engines and green technologies, a car buyer can be left scratching their head when it comes to choosing between different models in a given range. In recent weeks, I had the opportunity to road test two of Skoda’s Superb range – both of which could very easily appeal to the same buyer, one with a diesel engine, the other with a petrol. The first model was the Skoda Superb Combi 1.6-litre TDI GreenLine. Anyone who reads the Gazette motoring pages will know that I am a bit of a fan boy when it comes to Skoda, and the Superb range in particular is one that I always enjoy driving. The level of attention to detail in this range really does see Skoda punching above its weight. It has been said that the Superb is a direct competitor
with Ford’s Mondeo, but I feel that is selling the Superb a good deal short. In the Elegence Spec that I tested, the interior is incredibly attractive yet understated. The leather seats are luxurious, the points of contact, such as the steering wheel, gear shift, handbrake and door handles are solid and reassuring, as well as being wrapped in leather. The legroom in the Superb range is not only the best in its class, but also in the class above. And, somehow, the designers always seem to be able to squeeze a centimetre or so more out of it with each new model. It can take an awfully long time to list the features of a car of this level; suffice to say that it comes with a set of seven airbags, a host of driver-assistance programmes, dual-zone climate control air conditioning, cruise
SPECS: SKODA SUPERB COMBI 1.6TDI GreenLine Top speed: 190km/h 0–100km/hr: 12.6sec Economy: 4.4 l/100km CO2 emissions: 114 g/km Road Tax Band: ¤160 Entry Price: ¤26,935 (model driven, ¤31,055 Elegance Spec)
control, an array of car information on the driver’s Maxi DOT display, as well as a host of navigation, media, and telephone connectivity through the impressive centre console display featuring Bluetooth, much of which can be controlled through the multi-function steering wheel. In practical terms, the storage in the Combi is exceptional. With the seats down, there is a
29 March 2012 GAZETTE 21
Edited by Cormac Curtis
2 Superbs scratches his head as he tries to figure and if Skoda’s saloon tops their estate
SKODA SUPERB SALOON 1.4TSI GreenTech Top speed: 204km/h 0–100km/hr: 10.6sec Economy: 5.9 l/100km CO2 emissions: 139 g/km Road Tax Band: ¤225 Entry Price: ¤25,615 (model driven)
cavernous 1,865 litres of storage space, and, with that, a selection of hooks, rails and assorted storage aids including a nifty little LED torch that stores magnetically in the boot. So, what’s it like to drive? Put it this way, I was driving the family to my wife’s godson’s Confirmation recently, and we weren’t exactly running on
time. When my wife suggested I put the boot down a little, i had to politely inform her that we were already driving at over 140kph. It felt like we were just idling along the motorway at the time – it’s that comfortable. And let’s not forget about the fuel economy. Other motoring journalists I have spoken to have claimed to get 1,000km out of a tank of diesel, but I only had the car for a week and my commute isn’t that long! What makes the Superb Combi GreenLine different from the standard model is that it employs a set of technological solutions designed to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. The estate version I drove featured a four-cylinder 1.6litre TDI CR/77 kW (105bhp)
common-rail direct-injection turbo diesel engine. The set of GreenLine technological components that Skoda have developed for the car can be selected for the Active, Ambition and Elegance trim levels in both of the Superb’s body versions (hatch and estate/combi). So, just as the GreenLine models feature diesel engines, Skoda’s Superb GreenTech model features their newly developed low-emission 1.4litre TSI petrol engine that utilises the latest direct injection petrol technology, together with turbo-charging to develop a surprising 125bhp from this small unit. To reduce emissions and fuel consumption even further, they have added GreenTech technologies, including Stop-Start, optimised aerodynamics, lower
rolling resistance tyres and brake-energy regeneration. Just like the estate Greenline version, this car has all the eye-grabbing attractiveness and luxurious interior and an exhausting list of features. With an entry price of €23,995, it is €2,150 cheaper than the 1.6TDI diesel derivative with identical specification. On top of that, it has 20bhp more power and achieves 0-100km/h two seconds faster than the 1.6 TDI. The Skoda Superb 1.4-litre TSI with GreenTech consumes just 5.9l/100km (48mpg) and with CO2 of just 139g/km, which places it in the affordable motor tax band B with annual road tax of €225. The diesel version is in the lowest tax band (A) and has slightly better fuel consump-
tion, but that doesnt tell the full story. If the cost of diesel matches that of petrol at €1.67 per litre, the diesel only becomes more cost effective after 94,000km of driving. Like I said – it’s all headscratching stuff when you’re trying to get the most cost-efficient model. But, then again, what Skoda have done here is give buyers one less decision to make. If I had to chose between the two, I would simply pick my favourite! To hell with the fuel cost - it’s practically negligible. I can see why the faster, lighter saloon would be the preference for some drivers, but, for me, the ridiculously attractive, as well as practical Combi version, would be my pick. Maybe I’m getting old!
MAZDA Motors have announced the appointment of Steve Jelliss as Director Market Support for Ireland. Having previously had the roles of Aftersales Director and Fleet Director in Mazda Motors UK, Jelliss is taking up responsibility for all aspects of Mazda affairs in Ireland with immediate effect. Commenting on his appointment, Mr Jelliss said: “Mazda is committed to re-energising g g the business in Ireland. The strength of the Mazda brand, reputation for building extremely highquality cars and a professional Dealer Network provides us with a solid platform for future growth.” Steve describes his hobbies as keeping fit for triathlons and playing golf.
22 GAZETTE 29 March 2012
GazetteTTRAVEL FastTravel
A season of bouncing fun and educational pottery classes await at Trabolgan Holiday Village TRABOLGAN Holiday Village in East Cork have secured funding for a new Bounce Zone at the holiday village for the 2012 season. The Bounce Zone will include a Bungee Trampoline Unit, an Inflatable Bungee Unit and an Inflatable Obstacle Course and will give guests and visitors to the holiday village a unique and exciting leisure experience whatever the weather. Meanwhile, it’s all hands to the ready as they team up with local Midleton business, Craftyhands Pottery Studio, to bring a range of educational pottery and ceramics classes to guests at the holiday village for the 2012 season. Trabolgan’s general manager, Donal O’Sullivan, said: “We are delighted to work with local businesses in the East Cork area and showcase to our guests the extensive range of educational activities available to them at our holiday village. The pottery classes will give our guests the opportunity to try their hand at something different in a relaxed learning environment, and allow them to take home something that they themselves have created to remember their holiday at Trabolgan. We want to offer guests, visitors and school tours to the park an unforgettable educational and valuable experience.”
A holiday with a difference awaits with a 13-day cruise in Iceland
BROADEN your horizons and take a holiday with a difference this year, with a 13-day tour of Iceland with Cosmos Tours and Cruises. Experience an erupting geyser, swim in a geothermal pool and be at the heart of Iceland’s history with this amazing, eye-opening tour. Holiday highlights include: Reykjavik city and a Geyseir walk around the hot springs. Take a Arnastapi walking tour and swim in geothermal pool in the Blue Lagoon. Visit Erik the Red’s replica farmhouse in Laxardalur and Lake Myvatn Dimmu Borgir and Krafla volcanic area. The package includes return flights ex Dublin/ Cork via Heathrow to Reykjavik, accommodation on tour in a twin room with private facilities, meals on tour, services of a tour director on tour, transfers between overseas airports and hotels. It departs on October 8. View a selection of our tours on line at TravelFox.ie or call 021 4976293 to speak to our Escorted Tours specialists.
The Talbot Hotel is an ideal place to stay when exploring Carlow. A family-friendly pool will keep the kids happy, while a range of spa treatments will help to relax the parents
Carlow-bound for a weekend break LAURA WEBB
IT MAY come as a surprise to some, but, there is one area in particular that has been on my list of places to see in Ireland. Not the usual weekend away destinations like Galway or Kilkenny, but it was the smaller and more intimate town of Carlow that impressed me recently. The journey from Dublin to Carlow took just 1 hour and 15 minutes, thanks to the M9 motorway. On arrival at the Talbot hotel Carlow, I was greeted with a red carpet entrance, but, much to my disappointment, it wasn’t for me! It was for newlyweds who had tied the knot earlier that day. I quickly got over my disappointment and checked in. The room
The Pure Beauty spa room holds the key to some real pampering and relaxation
on the third floor was a standard double room and decorated in a modern style. Wi-fi is easily available by getting a password at reception. Finely dressed kids and adults took over the ground floor as they prepared to enjoy the wedding celebrations. I had a sneaky look at the reception room where
the newlyweds officially tied the knot. The room made for a lovely intimate ceremony with family and friends, and was filled with beautiful flowers. It looked like the perfect place for anyone looking for an alternative to a church wedding. The hotel offers residents’ access to the gym and sauna, as well as the
pool area. For anyone in need of some relaxation, the Pure Beauty spa room is available on the same floor. I had booked in for an Ultra Soothing facial with Sue, who worked wonders on my dehydrated face, using Eve Taylor products, a product that I am now thinking of using. The relaxed atmosphere at the spa helped me to unwind, and afterwards I felt like doing nothing for the rest of the day. Dinner at the hotel’s top-floor restaurant, the Liberty Tree, was simply delicious. Our waitress for the night was Rachel, who was not only entertaining, but full of general knowledge on her local area. The salmon was fresh, and served with a delicious white wine cream sauce, and everything
from the starter to dessert was tasteful and deserving of a finished plate. High-rise windows in the corner of the restaurant offered great views of its surroundings. The restaurant is also the location for the buffet breakfast, offering continental and hot food. Carlow is full of fun activities, and a great place to bring the kids. Some of the attractions include Rancho Reilly Pet Farm and Children’s activities, Carlow Art Collection, St. Laserian’s Cathedral, the Carlow Brewing company (for the grown-ups!) and many outdoor activities. Definitely worth a look. For more details, call 059 915 3000 or email reservations@talbothotelcarlow.ie. Visit www. talbotcarlow.ie for more details.
29 March 2012 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 23
Edited by Mimi Murray
Free ferry tickets for kids must end soon! UP TO 12 million kids throughout the Republic of Ireland and the UK can travel for free with Stena Line in 2012, as part of an initiative launched by Ireland’s leading ferry company to celebrate National Ferry Fortnight, which is running until March 31. Stena Line is offering children, up to the age of 15 years, free travel on all of its five Irish Sea routes, when a car booking is made during National Ferry Fortnight, which gives tourists a couple of days to make those bookings. In the Republic of Ireland there are approximately 870,000 kids 15 years of age and
under, and, when combined with the number of children in the UK, this would equate to almost €36 million worth of free travel. Stena Line’s head of PR and communications, Diane Poole, hopes National Ferry Fortnight will help focus attention on just how far ferry travel has transformed in recent years, as well as highlighting the benefits of ferry travel. “National Ferry Fortnight is a great opportunity to bring the ferry travel into the spotlight. Taking the ferry really is the most relaxing way to travel, and, with so much to do, your holiday really does start as soon
TravelBriefs 40th birthday celebrations at Dublin’s Burlington Hotel
March 31 is the last day holiday makers can pick up free Stena Line tickets for kids
as you step onboard. “All of our ships boast excellent facilities, including Curious Georgethemed play area, Teen Town, free movies, choice of restaurants and bars, free wifi, an on-board shop with great savings on fragrances, spirits and lots more. “We continuously invest in our routes and services, and, we want
to highlight the benefits of travelling with Stena Line and encourage people to take advantage of our fantastic kids-go-free offer. “We are offering free places to children aged up to 15 years when car travel is booked before March 31 for trips to be taken until January 5, 2013, so it really is an offer not to be missed,”
gazette .com
All of your latest local news, sport, features and pictures are now just a click away
Diane said. To find out more, or to make a booking, log onto www.stenaline.ie/nff, call 01 204 77 77 or contact your local travel agent.
FIRST opened in April 1972, the renowned Burlington Hotel is celebrating 40 years in business this year. The hotel has changed faces many times over the last 40 years, most recently with a new opening following a brief closure for an extensive refurbishment in 2008. The Burlington Hotel has seen many famous faces pass through its revolving doors over the years, including international celebrities such as Bill and Hilary Clinton, Mel Gibson, Maureen O’Hara, Johnny Cash and Celine Dion, as well as home-grown stars such as Bono, comedian Pat Shortt and Bob Geldof. General manager, David Monks, said: “We have an exciting year planned in order to celebrate The Burlington Hotel’s Ruby birthday and look forward to showing our many loyal guests and customers just how ‘Dublin’s Grand Dame Hotel’ celebrates.” Avail of some special offers at The Burlington Hotel in celebration of the hotel’s 40th birthday. For information, call 01 618 5600, email reservations@burlingtonhotel.ie or visit www.burlingtonhotel.ie.
24 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 29 March 2012
GoingOUT THE PAVILION THEATRE 01 231 2929 A Spell of Cold Weather
Two down-in-the-mouth farmers, Betty and Bob, have forgotten how to have fun. There is no joy on the farm anymore. Then during Christmas and New Year Betty and Bob get a surprise, when their little niece Holly comes to visit them. At first Holly feels very alone, in a strange place with no friends, but then she meets Tomos Trickman – a puck-like fairy who explains to Holly how the two farmers have forgotten how to sing, dance and play games. Together, Holly and Tomos bring the farm back to life and create some seasonal cheer, just in time to ring in the New Year with an unforgettably magical party. Sat 31 Mar 1 & 3pm. Tickets €10/8. Booking: (01) 231 2929 Online booking www.paviliontheatre.ie
MILL THEATRE 01 296 9340 The Mai
THE MAI is the moving story of four generations of women in one family in the midlands. An accomplished, beautiful forty-year-old woman, The Mai has always sought an exceptional life. We enter the world of The Mai on the day of her husband’s return after an absence of four years. In the midst of their troubled reunion are the idiosyncratic and comical characters that comprise the family. Irreverent and unapologetic, the opium-smoking, 100-year-old matriarch, Grandma Fraochlan, presides over all. Catch the magical performance from March 7 to 31, at 8pm, with tickets priced at €16/€14.
CIVIC THEATRE 01 462 7477 Schoolbooks in Wallpaper
IAN Perth, a local Tallaght comedian takes you on a journey of fun and outrage in his one-man show. From the bizarre period that was 80s Ireland through our hilarious Celtic Tiger ways to the comedy of errors that led to Ireland’s financial meltdown. His style of charismatic warmth, along with his witty observations from the past and present, have made him a regular in comedy clubs across Ireland and Britain. Runs from March 29-March 31 at 8.15pm. Admission: €10.
DRAIOCHT 01 885 2622 Coolmine Goes To The Movies
Lights! Music! Action! Since movie-makers first added sound to the action, the marriage of movies and music has been a match made in heaven – whether it be theme songs, mood setting music or full-blown musicals. Let Coolmine take you on a magical musical tour from the glamour of the Hollywood classics through the wonderful world of Disney and to the theme songs that immediately evoke a movie. Catch this show on March 30 and 31 at 8pm. Tickets €16/€14 concession.
60 10 240
Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) takes aim as she prepares to enter The Hunger Games, a barbaric event held by The Capital to remind the citizens of Panem that rebellion will not be tolerated.
More than a game
It’s a melodramatic adaptation of a teen novel that has a fanatical fanbase. But don’t let that put you off. I PAUL HOSFORD
EXPOSITION in The Hunger Games comes quickly. Within 90 seconds, the audience has been introduced to why we are where we are. Two men discuss the concept of The Hunger Games, a yearly fight to the death by one boy and one girl, aged 12-18, from each of Panem’s 12 Districts. Panem, of course, has risen from the ashes of North America sometime in the future. A fractured society, broken into districts, tried to rise up 70 years ago, but was brutally put down by the forces of The Capital. Now, to remind the districts of The Capital’s control, a yearly raffle, or “reaping”, is held to determine the unlucky participants. Of course, winning the Games comes with its
FILM OF THE WEEK: The Hunger Games #### (12A) 142 mins Director: Gary Ross Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Stanley Tucci
OUR VERDICT: A fantastic achievement. Ross manages to steer this film away from teenage melodrama, into the waters of thoughtful, terrifying and smart film-making. Lawrence deserves huge credit for her turn as Katniss, managing to keep away from an overly emotional or too cold portrayal, giving the audience a heroine they can root for when she goes into the arena.
own reward. The winner will be showered with praise, honour and enough food to ensure they never go hungry. The losers will be taunted and booed until my throat is sore. Or killed. Whatever. In District 12, we are introduced to Katniss Everdeen. Katniss is a hardy sort, caring for younger sister Prim and her mother after her father’s untimely death. More than hardy, Katniss proves her bravery by entering her name into
the reaping twice, allowing her family receive extra food. Keeping up? Good. In Prim’s first year being entered into the reaping, her name is called. But, being the hardy and brave sort she is, Katniss volunteers herself to go forward in her little sister’s place. Alongside long-time admirer Peeta Mellark (Hutcherson), Katniss is whisked to The Capital. There she is styled to make an impression on shady sponsors and trained by District 12’s only winner of the Games,
a bizarrely be-wigged Woody Harrelson. With the odds stacked against her, Katniss must fight, using all of the skills learned illegally hunting in District 12. Where The Hunger Games succeeds, is in the creation of the world of Panem. A contrast of haves and have-nots, the disparity between The Capital and District 12 is bleak. The industrial, mining community of District 12, all gnarled hands and downtrodden spirits clashes believably with the neon lights and flash of The Capital. The direction is clever, with urgent, hand-held camera work whipping around the action. In the heart of it all, this is Lawrence’s show. Flexing all of the acting muscles honed in her Oscar-nominated turn in Winter’s Bone, as well as the action muscles she displayed in X-Men: First
Class. Her Katniss is nowhere near as annoying as many female leads in adaptations of teen books. She is not sullen, despite having more to complain about than being in love with a vampire. Instead, Lawrence infuses her character with a depth that is genuinely refreshing. Inside Katniss is a deeper sense of melancholy, which seems apt in the earlier, harsher environs of District 12. But, when it hits the bright lights and big city, Katniss, and Lawrence, comes into her own. Bouncing off the demented characters of Banks, Harrelson and, oddly enough, Lenny Kravitz, there is a steely cynicism displayed, as Katniss is solely focused on getting home. Overall, a surprisingly good film that leaves us wanting more.
29 March 2012 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 25
gazette .com
Wayne Rooney indulges in some impromptu jigs and reels.
It’s time to take it back to the mean Streets PAUL HOSFORD
THE title, FIFA Street, fills a lot of football gaming veterans with the kind of dread usually reserved for Adidas Power Soccer, Three Lions or (gulp) David Beckham Soccer. In fact, the sight of R o n a l d i n h o ’s b a d l y warped body looking like a rejected Rocky cartoon was enough to have this reviewer praying for the sweet release of Soccer Kid. So, you can imagine that news of a release
coming this week didn’t exactly fill me with hope. But, for the second time this week (see opposite) I have been surprised. T his FIFA edition is more a compliment to FIFA 12 than an attempt to be dow n with the kids. The kids, of course, play football in ghettos and can do backflips with the ball between their legs. The gameplay here is more ported over from the main FIFA franchise
and the movement feels a lot like 12. The passing is less precise, which makes afficionados of tiki-taka somewhat redundant. Instead, the gameplay is weighted in favour of baiting opponents and knocking the ball beyond them. Holding a shoulder button puts your player in control of the ball, rolling between his feet. The idea is that your opponent will ignore the first rule of Sunday league football and dive in. Once he’s committed,
your superior skills, set in motion with the right analog stick, will leave him with egg on his face and you with a clear run at goal. This style of play can get repetitive, but the difference in levels, with varying goal sizes, pitch dimensions and the presence of goalkeepers, it makes the game a lot more varied. This is really Newcastle under Kevin Keegan football. Defending is a secondary concern, with the emphasis on scoring one more than your opponent. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, this is a street football game, after all. It will, however, have you cursing at your virtual players for their inability to make a simple tackle. But a majestic Marseille Turn or a bamboozling series of stepovers later and all will be ok in the container that your team
presumably uses as a dressing room. Longevity is never something that this particular franchise has been able to achieve and, unfortunately, this is not somewhere this iteration succeeds. The World Tour mode, in which you must take your rag-tag bunch of street players to the world street finals in Brazil, is fun enough, if a little lacking depth. But, what the game loses in depth, it gains in immediacy. The game requires little getting used to. New players can jump straight in and began flummoxing opponents with a few flicks of a stick. In this way, FIFA Street holds an advantage over it’s mainstream brother. There is no frustration when a striker screws a shot wide or your midfielder loses the ball. All in all, grab some friends, beat them 10-8 and enjoy.
All of your latest local news, sport, features and pictures are now just a click away
26 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 29 March 2012
To advertise, call us now on 01 60 10 240
Email us at sales@gazettegroup.com ELECTRICAL
Michael & Deirdre Conroy are applying for Retention of ground as excavated and Permission for construction of Detached Habitable Room comprising Studio 15.5sqm at Ground Level and Games Area 25.4sqm at Basement Level (Total Gross Floor 47sqm) with single low pitched roof incorporating 4 No. rooflights including soakaway and other associated siteworks. All to rear of rear garden at No. 4 Dodder Vale, Churchtown, Dublin 14. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased, at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, County Hall, Dun Laoghaire during its public opening hours. A submission or observation may be made on payment of €20 within a period of five weeks from the date the application is received by the planning authority.
Permission is sought by Mount Anville School for a single storey, flatroofed 19 square metre, glazed entrance porch on the north elevation of Mount Anville School, Dublin 14 (part of which is a Protected Structure). The application may be inspected/ purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, during its public opening hours (MonFriday). A submission/ observation may be made on payment of 20 euro, within a period of 5 weeks from the date the application is lodged with the Planning Authority.
Permission is sought for the development of advertisement signage comprising of 1 no (6000x430mm) backlit illuminated sign above Plaza Entrance East Elevation, 1 no (4500x325mm) directly above main entrance door, 1 no (3650x260mm) on North elevation, 1 no on (3650x260mm) South elevation at Harvey Nichols, Block 12 Dundrum Town Center, Sandyford Road, Dundrum, Dublin 16 by Harvey Nichols Ireland Ltd. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority, County Hall, Dún Laoghaire during its public opening hours. A submission/observation may be made on payment of €20 within a period of 5 weeks from the date the application is received by the planning authority.
Permission is sought for retention of a lean-to roof profile to single storey extension to rear at No. 1 Castlebrook, Dundrum, Dublin 16 by Petr & Mary Pandula. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority, County Hall, Dun Laoghaire during its public opening hours. A submission/ observation may be made on payment of €20 within a period of 5 weeks from the date the application is received by the planning authority.
I, Ken Fahy, apply for permission for a 11.4sq.m single storey extension to side of existing 2-storey dwelling at 84 MeadowView, Churchtown, Dublin 14. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council during its public opening hours. A submission/ observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of €20 within a period of 5 weeks from the date the application is received by the planning authority.
29 March 2012 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 27
This month’s Dublin Sport Awards nominees are announced: Page 29
Britton and Bergin back the Because cause sport@gazettegroup.com
OLYMPIC athletes and Dubliners, Fionnuala Britton and Claire Bergin, joined forces with international children’s charity, Plan Ireland, last week to call on the women of Ireland to be a part of the Because I Am A Girl team and run or walk for girls in the upcoming women’s mini-marathon, which is set to take place on June 4.
The athletes are supporting the campaign, which aims to fight gender inequality, promote girls’ rights and break the cycle of poverty. Jessica Majekodunmi, of Plan Ireland, was on hand to help launch the campaign, saying: “We are calling on all women, friends, daughters, sisters, nieces, aunts, mothers and grandmothers, to make a difference this June Bank Holiday weekend and join our
team at this year’s women’s mini-marathon. “By taking part in the world’s biggest womenonly event, you will help to build a brighter future for some of the world’s poorest girls. Every step makes a difference.” Britton said: “This is such a great cause. I should know, I volunteered with Plan Ireland a few years ago. I know the impact that their work has. The campaign is really inspiring as it
Fionnuala Britton hopes that runners in the mini-marathon go the distance for girls in the developing world
specifically focuses on supporting and empowering girls in the developing world who need our help the most. I’m delighted to play my part and I hope women around the country will join myself and Claire in supporting this fantastic campaign.” All funds raised will
go towards life changing projects for girls in the developing world. Contributions will be invested in effective projects that address and promote equality for girls. Currently, Plan Ireland’s work with girls i n cl u d e s e d u c a t i o n p r o j e c t s , i n cl u d i n g establishing girl-friendly
schools, maternal and reproductive health projects, protecting girls and women against trafficking and child labour, empowering women to achieve financial stability through savings and loan schemes, and tackling early and forced marriage and exploitation of girls and young
women. To sign up and help change a girl’s life in the developing world, submit the official form and fee to Flora Women’s Mini Marathon, and visit www.plan.ie or call freefone 1800 829 829 to sign up for your fundraising pack, which is provided by Nivea.
28 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 29 March 2012
GazetteSport Sport
Kevin McManamon with Pat Egan. Pictures: Fergus McNally/stjudesgaa.ie
Kevin McManamon also rocked the house
Tommy Durkan gets comfortable in Sam
St Patrick’s
Jude’s host saints’ day with panache S T PATRICK’S Day at St Jude’s proved a great green success with a wide array of sporting and off-the-field fun for all. There was a Puc agus Kick Fada contest, Irish dancing, face-painting, live music, comedy and a darts tournament to celebrate our national day. The annual Paddy’s Day Invitational Darts Tournament was again run by clubman Kevin McManamon and raised some much-needed money for Crumlin Children’s Hospital. Well done to all involved. There was a display by the excellent Scoil Rince Seoige in Irish dancing and the girls and boys were delighted to have their picture taken with special guest, Sam Maguire, before their performance. Big thanks from the club to all who helped provide the entertainment on the day.
The girls and boys of Scoil Rince Seoige meet Sam Maguire
Sarah and Kate Nolan
Club vice-chair, Declan Feore, and Noreen Brown
29 March 2012 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 29
# STARof the
Olympic nightmare for Hermes star O’Flynn
THE DSDAC graduate became the third athlete from the club to reach the Olympic qualifying mark with an exceptional run in Rome this month
TOWERING star of St Joseph’s Boys’ U-15s, Casey captained Ireland on a memorable day for his club, scoring against Belgium in the process
THE Portmarnock man returned to the Irish swimming scene with a bang to qualify for the European championships in cracking fashion
AN incredible month for the Stillorgan based club, they claimed the U-14, U-15 and U-16 titles as well as U-17 and U-18 silver in quick succession
ASHBROOK’S rugby heroes picked up a league and cup double as their seconds nailed down the Leinster league division 1A and the Spencer Cup
THE Lucan school picked up the Leinster 1st Year Cup crown with a superb win over Chanel before adding the league title with victory over the same opponents
# TEAMof the MONTH
Cul runnings: Young Dubs get taste for Kellogg’s camps THE 2012 Kellogg’s GAA Cul Camps
were launched in Croke Park on Tuesday, with Dubliners Rhiannon Campbell, age 6, Matthew Ryan, age 11, Jack Sullivan, age 6, from Howth, Eabha Last, age 9, Daniel Ryan, age 9, and Kilmacud Crokes’ Conor Sullivan, age 10, all on hand to enjoy their day at headquarters.
A SECOND Irish Olympic hockey dream went up in smoke within seven days as Belgium proved an all-round superior force in Kontich last Sunday, barely offering Ireland a glimmer of hope with a rousing 4-1 victory in the direct play-off for a ticket to London. It was rough justice on Irish player of the tournament, Hermes’ woman Audrey O’Flynn, pictured, as Ireland struggled in the face of some early Spring heat and a vociferous home support to get off the ground. “The girls said after it was like living a nightmare,” said O’Flynn. “The match just flew by. They were just winning every 50-50 ball, I don’t know, we just never got into it, never got going. Ah, it’s just so disappointing. “We said before the match that we’ve put in two years of hard work for this but we have to show that on the pitch – and we didn’t show it today. We just didn’t perform in any area of the pitch,” she said. Sofie Gierts’ seven-minute hat-trick effectively ended the tie as early as the 19th minute as she cracked home a brilliant volley, added a contentious penalty stroke and swept home a neat penalty corner move to run up an imposing 3-0 lead. After Gierts early blitz, the remaining 50 minutes was a physical battle but Ireland’s inability to score from corners – bar O’Flynn’s eighth of the tournament in the 57th minute – meant there was never any drama. And coach Gen Muller added it was a rough day for his young side against a Belgian outfit lower ranked in the world but flying high on confidence. “Technically, we were not good enough, didn’t score on our corners and couldn’t get back into the game and whenever we had a sight of it, we’d let in another one. “They were the better team, they were technically better, they scored at moments of ascendancy, we just couldn’t get a foothold in the game,” the coach said. “There were one or two controversial decisions that went against us but they still deserved to win, they have been the best team at this event, and deserve to go to London. I congratulate them. “This Irish team has improved enormously to get to this stage but there wasn’t enough in us; not technically, not physically so we could never create that tension,” he said.
30 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 29 March 2012
Local school claim the All-Ireland U-16s title U-16A GIRLS ALL-IRELAND SCHOOLS FINAL St Vincent’s Loreto Beaufort
26 42
LORETO Beaufort celebrated an outstanding 42-26 win over St Vincent’s in the Under16 A Girls All Ireland Schools League final last week. Jennifer Kirwan of Loreto Beaufort received the prestigious Most Valuable Player award after contributing a tally of 12 points and leading her school to victory. It was Loreto that opened the game with immense intensity, going on a quick scoring run in the first few minutes of the game to go 8-0 up. This pressure continued throughout the first half, but St Vincent’s responded with some impressive defensive stops and managed to get back into the game during the second quarter, with the half-time scoreline at 15-16 to Loreto. Loreto stepped their performance up another gear coming into the third quarter as MVP Kirwan and Julie Milroy crashed the boards and came up with some big scores when their team needed them most. However, St Vincent’s Olivia Dupuy continued to drive to the basket and, with the help of teammate Edel Thornton nailing her free throws, they hoped to keep their school in the game going into the final quarter. Nonetheless, Loreto proved too strong and despite St Vincent’s relentless efforts to come back into the game, they failed to convert their opportunities offensively and Loreto won on a scoreline of 42-26.
Old Wesley recorded their first win in six games against DLSP last weekend
Wesley back to winning ways ULSTER BANK DIV 2A DLSP 21 Old Wesley 29 sport@gazettegroup.com
OLD Wesley got their All Ireland League campaign back on the rails in style with a winning performance against DLSP at Kirwan Park in nearsummer conditions. Wesley had a dream start when, just three minutes into the game, a break by Ian McGann brought play deep into the opposition 22. He fed Rory Stynes to cross for a try in the corner. Barr y McLoughlin missed the conversion, but made amends short-
ly afterwards, nailing a long-range penalty kick to take an 8-0 lead. The opposition soon responded when their former Wesley out-half Phil de Barra gave what looked like a forward pass to put Adam Philpott in under the posts. Ten minutes later, a counter-attack from their own 22 saw the hosts run the length of the pitch for a second try, taking a 14-8 lead, with Francis Cooney crossing. Just when it looked like the hosts might be looking to cause another disappointing day for Old Wesley, McGann struck again when he picked up
a loose opposition pass to sprint 40 metres to score a try reminiscent of Noel Mannion’s famous try against Wales in 1989. McLaughlin’s conversion attempt hit the top of the upright and looked to go over. However, the touch judges did not agree. This scored spurred on the visitors and, with Dan van Zyl starting to dictate play at out-half, the balance of play started to swing in Old Wesley’s favour. On the half-hour mark, McLaughlin struck again with a penalty to take a 16-14 lead and, in the final minutes of the
half, both van Zyl and McLoughlin were very nearly in for tries in the corner. Wesley started the second half where they left off, and, five minutes in, a speculative kick by van Zyl and a mix-up in the opposition defence allowed Stynes to cross and touch down under the posts. Then, a late tackle by DLSP’s winger earned him a yellow card, and from the ensuing penalty, McLaughlin extended the Old Wesley lead to 26-14. As the game entered its final quarter, there was some concern for
Old Wesley, when they were reduced to 14 men as David Whately was shown yellow for a ruck infringement. DLSP opted to go for touch and, following a series of attacks, eventually crossed for a converted try to bring the gap between the sides to just five points. However, McLaughlin then restored the key two-score lead with a well-struck penalty. There were more scoring opportunities for both sides, but the scoreline remained unchanged, allowing Old Wesley to rejoice in their first win in six matches.
Wheelers announce Crit League ’12
ORWELL W heelers have announced that Wheelworx will be the headline sponsor of the Ladies Crit League, which begins on April 10, for the third successive year. There will be six races in the series, starting with a 5km time trial along the Ballybrack / Pine Forest Road in Glencullen. Signon for the race opens at 6.30pm at the Pine Forest Art Centre, which is located 2.5km from Glencullen village on the left hand side on TT route, with the first rider off
at 7.01pm. Food and prize-giving follows the time-trial at the Pine Forest Art Centre. The time trial will be used to seed riders for the following five criterium rounds, which last approximately 20 to 30 minutes, which take place on a flat 800m circuit in Sandyford Industrial Estate on Tuesdays April 17, April 24, May 1, May 8 and 15. The races are open to female riders of all fitness and ability levels including beginners, youths and juniors. With expert advice on hand, the League is aimed at those interested in getting into
racing for the first time and will be great for improving fitness, cornering and bunch skills. Separate Youth, A & B races are planned for each circuit race, which will start in that order and will be handicapped based on ability. Each rider’s best five out of six races will count. We will be retaining last year’s scoring system, aimed at rewarding riders for whatever placing they achieve. Email Aideen Collard at orwellwomen@gmail.com or phone 087 4179967 for further information on the races.
29 March 2012 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 31
in association with
CLUB NOTICEBOARD BALLYBODEN ST ENDA’S THE club extends its deepest sym-
his parents Brian and Tess; broth-
pathy to the family of former Boden
ers Brian and David; sisters Sharon,
great, Jim Stynes, on his passing in
Terri-Anne and Dearbhla and all his
Melbourne after a long battle with
illness. Jim won an All-Ireland minor
Congrats to Niall McMorrow on mak-
football medal with Dublin in 1984 and
ing his Allianz Senior Hurling league
was on the first Ballyboden St Enda’s
debut for Dublin against Tipperary.
Juvenile team to win a championship,
The jackpot for tonight’s bingo is
the U-16 football in 1981. He earned
€750. Bingo takes place every Tuesday
distinction as an Aussie Rules player,
at 8:30pm in clubhouse.
winning the coveted Brownlow Medal
The Boden Theatre Group presents
in 1991. The club would like to express
Brendan Behan’s The Hostage until
its condolance to his wife Sam, son
Saturday at 7.45pm. See website and
(Tiernan) and daughter (Matisse);
Facebook for more details.
BALLINTEER ST JOHN’S THERE was no winner of last week’s
Wednesda y nights are a great
Lotto draw. Next week’s draw will
night of traditional music, no cover
be for €1,200.
Tickets are available online at
Why not come up and join in or
w w w. b a l l i n t e e r s t jo h n s . c o m o r
enjoy a night of music and craic?
from the usual outlets.
Spread the word to your friends,
Junior A footballers had a good Announcing the FBD Kilmacud Crokes All-Ireland Sevens were Diarmuid Connolly and Craig Dias
Sevens and selectors all set for Kilmacud I sport@gazettegroup.com
K ILMACUD Crokes GAA Club are looking to continue building their immense success into the future with a series of initiatives and programmes that will cement their foundation for years to come. Last week, Crokes announced a three-year deal with FBD, one of Ireland’s largest insurers, for the Kilmacud Crokes All-Ireland Football Sevens competition, the premier GAA Sevens competition, which is traditionally held the day before the All-Ireland football final. At the announcement in the Kilmacud Crokes clubhouse in Glenalbyn were representatives from Kilmacud Crokes and FBD, as well as a number of high profile inter-county and Kilmacud Crokes’ footballers such as Brian Kavanagh and Craig Dias, and Dublin and St. Vincent’s
player, Diarmuid Connolly. Speaking at the announcement, John Shovlin, K ilmacud Crokes’ Football chairman, said: “This is a huge coup for Kilmacud Crokes. At a time when businesses are looking to cut costs and scale back, to receive the backing of FBD in the current climate is wonderful for the club and indeed for the competition. “I look forward to welcoming you all along to Glenalbyn on September 22.” In addition to the sponsorship announcem e n t , C r o ke s h ave announced that they will once again be running their hugely popular Play the Whistle competition, which was launched as a fundraising initiative in 2011 by the football committee and proved to be an instant success. Players were presented with a series of
choices covering a wide range of sporting events. Points were awarded for choosing correctly the winner of each event and accumulated over the entire programme. Entry fee was a modest €20 per entry and each week a leader board was circulated showing the progress of each player over the summer months. Safe choices of picking favourites meant a limited accumulated of points, while
adventurous players who focussed on outsiders were rewarded with higher points when the nomination came in. The competition appealed to young and old and generated an interest in many sporting events that were not headline-grabbing. This year’s Play the Whistle will build on last year’s success and has even more sporting events to test the players’ knowledge.
win against Round Towers in the cup to qualify for the semi-final.
Singalong in the bar on Tuesdays, singers and musicians welcome.
ST JUDE’S HARD luck to the senior hurlers who
both camps combined is €30. Please
were beaten by Naomh Mearnog by
note camp age range will be strictly
two points, and the senior camogie
enforced and children must be in at
team, who lost to Erin’s Isle. There
least junior infants. Contact Ciaran
were wins for the Inter and junior
Farrelly 087 696 9945.
Once again the club are appealing to
Well done to Kevin (0-3) and Danny
any members with medical training
(0-2) who were again on the score
who may be available to help out with
sheet for the Dubs.
an adult team, if you feel you can help
There are still some places on the Easter camps for children aged
can you please contact Anto Gilleran on 087 645 8649.
between five and 12. The football
The U-14 Boys will be bag packing
camp will be held on April 2 and 3, and
next weekend in SuperValu, please
the hurling/camogie on April 4 and 5,
contribute to the Feile Fund.
both from 10am to 1pm daily. The cost of each camp is €20 and the cost of
This week’s lotto numbers were 5,8,11 and 13. There was no winner.
WANDERERS EASTER Camp will run this year
also available, contact any commit-
between April 10 and 13, from 10am to
tee member for details.
2.30pm daily at Frank Kelly Park. Lim-
Membership deadline has now
ited places, so please book early by
passed. Playing members €100, non-
contacting juveniles@wanderersgaa.
playing members €50. No player is
ie or contacting Niall on 0868857303.
eligible to play unless fully paid up.
There was no winner of this week’s
Non-playing members are enti-
Lotto. Numbers drawn were 1, 5 and
tled to apply for Dublin tickets if
24. €25 goes to David Fair, Peter Healy,
fully paid up only. Contact Damian on
Robbie Tighe and Ronan Purcell. Jack-
pot next week is €2,400. Note you can now choose numbers from 1 to 36. €100 annual subscription to Lotto
The announcement of Play The Whistle
family and neighbours.
Adult men’s junior A and B players training continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.30pm in Frank Kelly Park.
Follow GazetteSport on Facebook and Twitter, and at www.gazettegroup.com
32 DUNDRUM GAZETTE 29 March 2012