Dublin Gazette: Fingal Edition

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DublinGazette JUNE 20-26, 2019

DUBLINMAGAZINE: While we’re all still waiting for some Summer sun, you’ll find a bright and breezy read right here! SEE PAGE 13

SPORT HURLING: Dublin deliver memorable Senior win over Galway SEE P32

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Legal battle looms over sewage plant SYLVIA POWNALL

CAMPAIGNERS awaiting a planning decision on a giant sewage plant in Clonshaugh say they will take their fight all the way to the European Court if necessary. An Bord Pleanala is due to rule on the €500

million Irish Water proposal next week after an oral hearing heard of the catastrophic risks dumping millions of litres of wastewater daily off Ireland’s Eye posed to the Dublin Bay Biosphere. Portmarnock campaigner Sabrina Joyce told Dublin Gazette: “EU legislation is very

clear on what you can and cannot do in protected areas. “The project hasn’t changed since it was first put forward in 2005. It hasn’t been updated and we simply don’t believe it can be allowed to proceed.” SEE FULL STORY ON PAGE 4

Teena’s on a mission for carers

BROADCASTER Teena Gates is drawing on her own experiences as a carer to try to help others in the same situation get all the support they need. Although she’s been able to secure help to care for her dad, Teena wants everyone else who needs home care help to get the support they need from the State.


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