INSIDE: Gaelscoil’s pupils walk to school in a Greener way P6
Canoeing: Salmon Leap star takes world cup silver medal Page 32
Sports Awards: May’s Dublin Awards winners are announced Page 29
ALSOINSIDE: GALLERIES ......................8 MOTORS ........................18 BUSINESS .................... 21 TRAVEL......................... 22 ENTERTAINMENT ........ 24 CLASSIFIEDS ............... 26
June 2, 2011
ONE, TWO, 687: Counting up the
vast bio-diversity found in locale P5
Gardai in €120k drugs bust in village Q PAUL HOSFORD
GARDAI in Lucan this week seized cocaine with an estimated street value of more than €120,000 from a house in the area. A dr ugs package was believed to have been sent to the house via the post, and was tracked to the address in a quiet estate on the outskirts of the village. Gardai are believed to have made a number of arrests,
though details are not yet known. The revelation came at a policing forum held this week, where residents’ associations and neighbourhood watch schemes met with Gardai. Local Fine Gael councillor William Lavelle said that the operation showed the success that can be had in the war on drugs. “It was a well-run operation, and I congratulate all of the Gardai involved,” he said.
Monkeying around: Having fun with a colourful day at school MRS Inez Cooper carefully holds an
unofficial pupil of St Andrews’s NS for a group shot when the principal helped the children to celebrate a colourful day at school recently. Staff and children dressed up, with most
using the colour purple, as part of a fun, imaginative fundraising day held in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. It was a great day for everyone, and one to remember for the retiring principal. Full Gallery on Pages 8-9