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‘Relaxation rooms work wonders at modern spas’ SEE BEAUTY: P15. RECYCLE THIS COPY. KEEP DUBLIN TIDY.


INSIDE: Duffy’s Bar reopens its doors to the public P8-9

Football: St Sylvester’s Aherne scores nine for Jackies Page 32

Rugby: Malahide RFC celebrate a fine 2010/11 season Page 28

ALSOINSIDE: GALLERIES ................8-10 MOTORS ........................18 BUSINESS ................... 20 TRAVEL......................... 23 ENTERTAINMENT ........ 24 CLASSIFIEDS ............... 26

May 12, 2011

GLAMAZONS: Ireland’s glitterati descend on Cruzzos See Pages 2-3

Council job cuts to total 300 by 2012 Q MIMI MURRAY

JOB cuts at Fingal County Council (FCC) will total 300 by the summer of 2012, the council confirmed this week. FCC said that they have already reduced staff numbers by 251 since 2008 and added that they also made a 17% reduction in annual payroll costs in the same period, from €86.3m to €71.6m. While the majority of local politicians praised the council

for the cost-saving measures taken, Socialist Councillor, Matthew Waine, said there had been a “human cost”. He also questioned what the reduction in staff numbers would mean in terms of the delivery of services. However, Labour Cllr, Ciaran Byrne, said it was time to get a “grip” on the economic reality, which “we are being forced to deal with it by reducing staff”. Full Story on Page 5

High rollers: Casino night a huge hit for local Lions’ Club THERE were some serious fun and

games in the Grand Hotel recently when the Malahide Lions’ Club, in conjunction with Rory and Tom Breen, held a Casino Fun Night to raise funds for the Light of Maasai charity. Over 100 people turned out on the

May Bank Holiday Saturday evening to support the event, one of the highlights of which was an auction of several items, including a painting which raised €200 and a four-ball in the K Club, which went for €450. Full Gallery on Page 10



IT’S YOUR STORY Stars descend on Malahide venue

Litter on beaches to be watched

Ireland’s glitterati


THE problem of litter on Fingal’s beaches will be monitored over the summer months, in order to see if additional bins are needed. Howe ve r, b e a c h users need to take more responsibility in keeping the beaches tidy, Labour Councillor, Peter Coyle said this week. Fingal County Council said that several bins were already provided along the coast, including eight bins at Malahide, 14 at Portmarnock, six at Burrow Beach and six at Claremont Beach. “These bins will be emptied on the Saturday and Sunday mornings of the weekends, and the situation will also be monitored, having regard to weather conditions, whether any additional refuse collections become necessary and how these additional collections might be effected,” the council said. However, Cllr Lavin asked if there was any way refuse collection could be done in the evening time, as this is the time when bins look their worst. The manager said: “Overtime is virtually gone and we don’t have the facility to bring people in, in the evenings. We may see about bringing in staff on a time-off basis, instead of overtime throughout summer. We are having a fresh look at how we do everything. “People bring it to the beaches so they need to bring it home,” Cllr Coyle said.

Clockwise from above left: Dannielle Macari, Marisa Mackle and Emma Cappola; Maureen Cradock; Karen, Claudia and Camille Ingoldsby with Caoimhe Doran; Danille Dorrington, Nicola Dooley and Ann Duffy; and Louise Hall and Aoibheann McCave. Pictures: Una Williams

Jules Fallon and Elaine Crowley strut their stuff at Q LOUISE HALL

EMMA and James English, of Couleur Productions, enjoyed yet another tremendous night recently, as Ireland’s glitterati descended on Cruzzos in Malahide, for a wondrous and superbly-organised high-profile night of fashion. Graciously lending her support as host for the night was the gorgeous Elaine Crowley, from TV3, who looked

nothing short of stunning in a red, figure-hugging number. Camille Ingoldsby, proprietor of Camille’s Boutique, which is situated on St James’ Terrace, right in the heart of Malahide Village, showed the stylish attendees a taste of the wonderful ensembles from her shop, as she took the opportunity to launch her own fashion label. On arrival, guests were treated to a champagne

reception downstairs, as the extremely gifted and musical genius, Frank McNamara, entertained the chic crowd. A m o n g t h e we l l known guests was our very own former Miss World, Rosanna Davison, and the famous author of 13 successful novels, the talented Marisa Mackle. Proving that there is certainly more to Miss Davison than her stunning good looks,

Rosanna provided the beautiful illustrations which accompany Marisa’s new book, and both women kindly took time to autograph the books throughout the night. Ascending the stairs to the dining area, one simply couldn’t ignore the many well-known and immaculately dressed supporters of both Camille’s Boutique and of Barretstow n Charity, who was the deserving benefactor of

this enthralling extravaganza. Looking simply mesmerising in a little black dress was the lovely Teresa Rocca, who, along with top model agency boss, John Compton, were in tremendous form. Also looking eternally youthful with her flawless skin and captivating personality, was the strikingly beautiful Hazel Kaneswaren. Charlotte McNamara

gave a simply breathtaking rendition of Christina Aguilera’s song, Beautiful, while JJ McNamara played Beethoven on the piano. Once the excited guests had finished their tasty three-course meal and topped up their glasses with some wine, Elaine Crowley announced that the fashion show would shortly begin. Approaching one of the packed tables, Elaine a l l owe d e ve r y o n e ’s



in support of Barretstown Charity

land in Cruzzos (Above) Yvonne Burke, Rossanna Davison and Aishling Clancy; (below left) Catherine Morgan; and (below right) Hazel Kaneswaren with Michael and Jacqui Corcoran

the recent fashion show event in Cruzzos of Malahide

favourite Dragon, and CEO of Ireland’s largest magazine company, Norah Casey, say a few words about the night. Generously complimenting the tremendous and unrivalled efforts of Emma and James, Norah also paid tribute to the much-needed and invaluable resources of Barretstown Charity. First up to model some of Camille’s wonders, were the Midday girls from TV3. Jules Fallon,

of First Options Model Agency, proudly showed off her slimmed-down figure, alongside barrister and mother of five, Aileen Hickie. Best-selling author, Anna McPartlin, also paraded around the dining area in a dress from Camille’s summer range. After that it was time for the professionals to come out, with Sarah Morrissey (former Miss Ireland), Karen Fitzpatrick and Yomiko, of

Assets, giving the admiring audience a taste of Camille’s impressive range. Support

Faith Barnett and Laura Harris, from the Andrea Roche Modelling Agency, also lent their support. Actress Aoibheann McCaul, who plays Caoimhe Dillon in popular RTE soap, Fair City, was also there. Camille thanked the supporters of the night,

including the very talented Joanne Costello, who was stylist to the Midday girls and to the entire event, and then invited everyone downstairs to enjoy some more live music by East Coast. Claire Ronan, sisterin-law of high-profile business man, Johnny Ronan, joined Norah Casey at her table. Tributes were paid to the unfaltering generosity of the many people and businesses who

donated wonderful prizes for the raffle, and people went home with possibly two things on their minds. One was what an amazing, eventful and fulfilling night they had, knowing that they were actively helping such a marvellous and truly deserving charity such as Barretstown. The second, was about how quick they could pay Camille a visit in her enchanting and inspiring boutique.

Most work completed at Casino Q MIMI MURRAY


‘The majority of the works specified within the notice have been completed to the satisfaction of the council’s Conservation Officer’

A NUMBER of works have been completed at the Casino in Malahide following an enforcement notice being served on the owner of the property by Fingal County Council (FCC). Labour Councillor, Cian O’Callaghan, asked the council for an update on the protected structure at a Howth/Malahide area committee meeting last week. FCC said it served the owner with a Section 59 notice, which requires works to be carried out in relation to endangerment of protected structures. Works to be completed included fixing perspex or macrolan sheeting to the ground-floor windows; removing the hoardings to the east and south so that the house is more visible from the road and from the avenue to the adjoining apartments; minimising possible hiding places should a trespass occur; clipping back hard ivy on the face of the building. The condition of the thatched roof was also to be assessed and repairs carried out where necessary. The owner was also required to fix up the internal chimney pieces discreetly; to repair any broken glass; to check the surface water gullies and to clear if necessary; and to check external plaster cracks and carry out spot repairs. The owner was also

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required to fit lead flashing over the east groundfloor bow window; to secure some fencing to the gap at the north end of the house to impede trespass to the rear; to tidy up the garden generally, and to cut back overhanging branches from the house; and to set out dates for the regular inspections of property while house is unoccupied. The council said that the majority of the works specified within the notice have been completed to the satisfaction of the council’s Conservation Officer. T he Conser vation Officer is continuing to work with the agent acting for the owner of the property to resolve the small number of outstanding issues and also to agree a programme of works for ongoing maintenance/monitoring of the site.


COUNCIL: HEALTH Women’s fitness centre launches unique new workout SURVEY No money for more Malahide litter bins

Zumba class gets Curves

THERE is no money in the 2011 budget to buy additional litter bins in the Malahide area. Fine Gael Councillor Anthony Lavin asked the manager of Fingal County Council to provide bins at Lower Texas Lane, Bissetts Strand, Caves Strand, Old Street, Railway Avenue and Upper Texas Lane/Yellow Walls Road Junction. The council said: “A survey is at present underway in the Howth/Malahide area to assess the need for all existing litter bins in their present locations. The areas listed in the question will be considered for the placement of any bins found surplus in their present locations. There is no money available in the 2011 budget for the purchase of additional litter bins.”


WOMEN’S fun fitness centre, Curves, launched the brand new and unique workout in partnership with Zumba, the dancefitness phenomenon, at Cruzzo’s in Malahide last week. The Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness is the only 30-minute class that mixes the moves of Zumba with the proven strength training of Curves for one wildly effective workout. To celebrate the national roll-out of Curves with Zumba, past finalists of the Curves Curvette of the Year competition reunited along with staff and members from Curves to try out this new fitness phenomenon. Taking part in the Curves with Zumba work-

out included the current Curvette of the Year for 2011, Edel Moran, from Castlebar in Mayo, who has lost over three stone since joining Curves in 2009. Also present were 2011 finalists, Amanda Byrne from Westmeath, who lost three stone through Curves and Noelle Sexton, from Cork city, who used Curves to lose weight for her wedding in 2009 and also to return to her pre-pregnancy figure of size 12-14 following the birth of her son last year. All three ladies are continuing to enjoy their Curves workouts three times per week and were delighted to trial the latest innovation and commented that the latest addition to the workout proves that Curves is still on top of its game for women’s fitness.

“Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness is an amazing workout,” said Curves co-founder and CEO, Gar y Heavin. “It combines Curves’ strength-training programme, which can burn up to 500 calories in just 30 minutes with fun, energetic Zumba moves.” Gill Brady, spokesperson at Curves said: “Our members have taken to Curves with Zumba very quickly and bookings are now essential for most classes. It is a great and fun way to stay in shape. Separately, Curves and Zumba have already helped millions of women worldwide lose weight and get in shape, so together the Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness is the perfect workout.” Women of all ages, fitness levels and dance

Asta Mileriene, Zumba Instructor, left, Adrienn Bobo, Curves Donnybrook; The Curves Curvette of the Year 2011, Edel Moran, Curves Castlebar, and Leanne Grehan, Curves Artane

abilities can participate in and benefit from Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness classes. During the 30-minute class, participants work out on each Curves strength machine for one minute, alternating upper, lower and core muscles. After one minute, the music cues the partici-

pant to change stations on the circuit, and she follows an instructor in carrying out easy and fun Zumba moves for one minute, which tone and sculpt the body while burning fat. Ladies who wish to try out a Curves with Zumba class can do so now, by availing of a “free week

with Zumba” – this offer entitles the visitor to a free week, including one Curves with Zumba class, at participating Curves clubs. For further information, or to find your nearest Curves Club, log onto or Freephone on 1800 932 800.


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FESTIVAL An array of exciting family activities planned

Having it all in heart of Malahide this summer

MALAHIDE Has It will take place on July 23 and 24, with an array of exciting activities planned. President of Malahide Chamber of Commerce, Al Ryan, says they are also hoping to extend the festival a few days prior to the weekend. “We will have the Great Malahide Quiz in the Grand Hotel, which is on the Thursday night, and is run by the

TidyTown group. We’re looking at maybe running another event on the Friday night as well. It will be pretty much along the same lines as last year, but a bit better. “We would like to use the streets more effectively to keep things in the centre, so that there is more room for people to move around. The green will be an important area for us. There will be nothing in Malahide Castle this year as the Cricket Club work will be underway, but we are

talking to Fingal County Council about putting a fun fair on the beach as the preferred location. That is something else that will extend the geography of our little festival. “I’m meeting people on site to see if we can get permission for it, but it is important because it does help fund other activities. “Orientation will be towards families and communities in Malahide. Committees are starting to work on it already and we will meet again next


‘It’s down to the people of Malahide to decide that they want their own festival and to give us a hand in running it’ --------------------------------------

week to go through the first draft of activities that are going on. “We would be looking to get as many of the local organisations to run an event even in their own

grounds and premises, or even in the festival common areas. These are the cricket and rugby areas. We found last year, when we put on something that was of general interest and free, there was a hunger out there for it. “It is interesting and free and is right at the heart of the town. It’s down to the people of Malahide to decide that they want their own festival and to give us a hand in running it,” he said.


Fingal County Council jobs cuts total 300 Q MIMI MURRAY

STAFF numbers in Fingal County Council (FCC) are likely to be reduced by over 300 by this time next year, it was revealed at a County Council meeting this week. Council officials said that they have already reduced staff numbers by 251 between 2008 and 2011. They have made a 17% reduction in annual payroll costs in that same period, from €86.3m to €71.6m. The council saved €8m in payroll in 2011 and they said they will save €12.8m by 2014 when off-settable lump sum payments are disposed of. T here has been a €3.5m reduction in overtime per annum

and €9.6m savings in non-pay expenditure for things like plant hire, fleet management and energy costs. Overall, the council has made €16.5m savings in expenditure over the last 15 months. Whilst most of the elected members praised the council for the measures taken, the Socialists berated the report saying that the savings were made by implementing cuts. “The manager outlined these cuts as if they were a positive achievement. There is a human cost,” Councillor Matthew Waine said. “What does it mean for the delivery of services,” he asked. He also said he felt the goodwill and attitude from staff was “wearing thin.” However Councillor Waine was shouted

down by many of the councillors, with Labour Councillor Ciaran Byrne telling him to “get a grip on economic reality.” “We have an €18bn annual shortfall and we are being forced to deal with it by reducing staff,” he said. Cllr Tom Kelleher said that FCC was singular by trying to function on a far inferior income. “There has been a new government in place for six to eight weeks facing a dreadful situation which is going to get worse. “I’m not sure if any job is sacrosanct and all the rhetoric in the world is not going to fix it. No organisation is going to escape,” he said. The council gave a breakdown of how the savings were achieved. “They said that, as a result of the moratorium

COUNCIL Stumps at Chalfont Road to be removed

Fingal County Council (FCC) says it will reduce staff numbers by over 300 over the

TREE stumps at Chalfont Road have been listed for removal by Fingal County Council. At a Malahide/Howth area committee meeting last week, Fine Gael CouncillorAnthony Lavin asked the manager to inspect and replace trees at Chalfont Road/Avenue and remove stumps of trees in Chalfont Place/ Avenue.

course of the next year


on recruitment, 251 staff have not been replaced since the beginning of 2009. “These included the non-filling of 86 vacancies at date of moratorium resulting in savings of €2.7m and the nonfilling of vacancies arising from termination of 39 temporary contracts, resulting in savings of €1.4m per annum.” Non-filling of vacancies arising from retirement of 126 staff member’s lump sum payments associated with retirements distort savings in the short term. Real savings of

approximately €12m will be made by the end of 2014. By not recruiting 130 temporary summer staff the council saved €1m per annum, whilst not replacing staff on maternity leave resulted in a saving of €0.6m. The council did not fill career-break vacancies and saved €0.2m by doing so. M a n a g e r, D av i d O’Connor, said: “Our stated objectives at the time of the adoption of the annual budget for 2011 were to maintain current service levels, deliver quality services at

lowest possible costs and reduce charges wherever possible for the business sector. “ T h e s e o b j e c t i ve s have, for the most part, been realised to date, though not without considerable effort and work by staff and their various representative bodies. “In this respect I want to put on the record and acknowledge the efforts of staff members for their collaborative approach in supporting an unprecedented, concerted and sustained efficiency drive over the past two years in particular.”

‘Four trees have failed and have been listed for removal and replacement’ --------------------------

Fingal County Council said: “The trees at Chalfont Road/Avenue and Place have been inspected. There are four tree stumps, which have been listed for removal. There are also four trees, which have failed, and have been listed for removal and replacement in the 2011 Tree Planting programme.”






FastNews COMMUNITY Successful food and crafts market Arena team’s marathon effort FIFTY women from the Arena Health and Fitness club will take part in the women’s mini marathon on June 6. Their charity is the Abacus School for children with autism, in Kilbarrack. The race will see over 40,000 women taking part, while the Arena team’s entry, transport and training are all sponsored by the Grand Hotel.

St Mary’s quiz at Granger’s A FUNDRAISING pub quiz, in aid of St Mary’s secondary school, will be held in Grainger’s Pub, Baldoyle, on Thursday, May 12, at 8.30 pm. Admission is only €20 for a table of four and there will be prizes for the winners as well as a raffle with lots of prizes. St Mary’s is the leading green secondary school in Leinster, having been awarded five An Taisce green flags. Only four schools nationwide have five green flags.

No funding for musical society MALAHIDE Musical and Dramatic Society will not receive further funding from Fingal County Council (FCC) for its recent production of The Pirates of Penzance. Labour Councillor, Peter Coyle, asked that the council increase the grant given the cost involved in making the musical. “The society applied for an arts grant and funding of €1,000 was approved at the March area committee meeting,” an FCC spokesperson said. “The amount of monies available under the grants scheme, being €45,000 in total for 2011, has reduced significantly from what would have been the case in previous years.”

Markets’ magic to brighten up the gloom Q MIMI MURRAY

MALAHIDE local, Joyce Clegg, is bringing her exciting food and craft market to Portmarnock and Swords. Joyce, a mother of two, launched the market in St Sylvester’s early this year and says it has gone really well, with lots of community interest. She now intends to hold a market in the Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords on May 22. “It has been fantastic, and the support of the local community has been overwhelming, and I think it is because it’s a community market. “The majority of stall holders are from Dublin. I try to mix up the stall holders so that people don’t feel that if you have been to one market, you have been to them all. “It’s trying to keep an interest in all those entrepreneurs who don’t have anywhere to sell their products.” With everything from shoes to strawberry jam, Joyce says there is something for everyone. “We have a company, called Bump and Beyond; they went into liquidation and she sells designer maternity clothes. “She is selling the clothes for half-price or less. We have the Stiletto Store, which is an online shoe business. “Lynn sells stunning shoes and none costs more than €50. I bought a pair myself. We have the Big Red Kitchen – Nicola does all the jams, lemon

Former Dublin North Green Party TD, Trevor Sargent, officially opens the market,

Cecilia Kirke, from, displays some of her products at the recent market in Malahide (above) and (right) Jeane Maguire lays out her tasty array of goodies

curd and she makes those from scratch. It’s a fabulous product. “We have different bakers doing cup cakes and I try to vary those each time in order to give everyone an opportunity. “We have a home baker who does savoury pastries, as well as a lot of women who do crafts like children’s nameplates for their doors. They go down a treat.” Joyce says she now hopes to team up with Malahide Has It festival for the next Malahide market.

“With Malahide we are still trying to pin down a venue. Malahide is a tricky one and it is about trying to get the day right. “I’m going to, maybe, run it on a Saturday afternoon and run it into the evening, like you would see any in busy tourist town in Europe. People coming out for a pre-dinner stroll could pop into the market. “I’m trying to facilitate the tourists as well as locals. I have to say the locals have really welcomed us as we are promoting the village.

“I hand out flyers for the restaurants so, when people come in and ask where is nice for tea and a scone or early bird dinner, we are promoting the business around. “We’re not here to take away business from anyone. Portmarnock Leisure Centre did a raging trade the last time we ran the market there and they were delighted with it. “The footfall from our market goes into the restaurants and coffee shops and I specifically don’t sell teas and coffees,” Joyce says.

Joyce is chairperson of St Andrew’s NS for last three years and has been a full-time mum since having her two sons. “I have done loads of charity and committee work since my boys were born and with the recession hitting, “I said to my friends, ‘Come on, I’ll set something up’ and that’s how it started. “Now I have seen where it is going, yes, I do see it as a viable business but stall fees will not increase. “I didn’t start it as a money-making business

but as a way to showcase these people and to stop people talking about the doom and gloom of the recession. “At least I can say I am doing something for myself and for strangers. People are looking for some extra money for the household. “I’m never going to be a millionaire but it is giving me some pocket money and might pay for a holiday six to twelve months down the line. “This is purely about the community and I am happy with that,” she says.


winging its way to Swords and Portmarnock

Clockwise from above; some of the goods on sale at the markets, from crafts, clothes, accessories and cakes; Anna Grogan and Keith Clegg get into the spirit at the market in Malahide which will soon be on their way to Swords and organised by local mum Joyce Clegg (above)


DRAMA Rising Stars announce May dates CHILDREN in the Rising Star stage school will stage their annual show in Malahide Community School this May. Ghostbusters meet the Wizard of Oz will be shown on May 21-22 at 7pm. Ann Marie Ireland, vice-chairperson of Malahide Musical Society, runs the local stage school for primary school children and pupils rehearse weekly in Pope John Paul II NS in Malahide. This year, the show consists of two family favourites with a bit of a twist. Tickets cost â‚Ź8 and are available by calling 086 321 4436. The production promises to be a fun and exciting show for all the family, and one definitely not to be missed.


EVENT Sun shines as renovated and refurbished Duffy’s

Aidan Nugent and Yvonne Reynolds

Barmen Barry Corry and Mark McGrath at Duffy’s grand reopening in Malahide. Pictures: Siobhan Quigley

Kevin Macken, manager, and Alan Farrell, TD

Celebration time at Duffy’s Malahide HE sun shone and the drinks flowed as Duffy’s re-opened their newly revamped bar in Malahide recently. Newly appointed manager, Kevin Macken, said the place is “brand spanking new, a complete rebuild”. “We have the most modern cooling and dispensing beer equipment


in the country. It’s very eco-friendly and doesn’t get any better. “All the same people are still on board and we are employing around 30 to 35 people, full and part-time.” The bar has a new outdoor area complete with flat screen television that will show all major sporting events.

Barry Kirwan, Rose Lawlor, Mary Kirwan and Kieran Lawlor

“We will also have lots of live entertainment, but conversation will still be possible. Our doors opened on Friday night and we are welcoming everyone through those doors.” Food-wise they are offering an excellent bar snack menu but will be doing a full a la carte menu at a date to be confirmed.

Stephen O’Flynn and Claire Keogh

Joanna and Andrew Corry


Bar reopens its doors to the public in Malahide

The chefs: (back) Trish Cuthbert, Theresa Corry, Susan Manson and Cedric Glynn and (front) Paula Grogan, Sam Kennedy, Margaret McCann and Slyie Somers

Jenny Fisher and Michelle Rochford

Connie Scanlon with the former Lord Mayor Of Malahide, Pat Kelly

Stephen Nolan and Allie Howard

Clarie Keating, Laura Powell and Katie O’Reilly

Catherine and Tom O’Donnell

Rory Molloy, Kevin Whelan and Ivan Sherlock

Gavin Simpson and Reg Farrelly, from Duffy’s Darts team


EVENT Fun and games at Malahide Lions’ Club casino night

Shane Martin, organiser Tom Breen and Irene Sanchez

Margaret and Kevin McCabe

Lions’ Club roll the dice

Croupiers Susan O’Neill and Gina Brady flash the cash at the Malahide Lions’ Club casino night

ALAHIDE Lions’ Club, in conjunction with Rory and Tom Breen, recently ran a Casino Fun Night in the Grand Hotel to raise funds for the Light of Maasai charity, and in memory of Martin Breen. Over 100 people turned out on the May Bank Holiday Saturday evening to support the event. One of the highlights of the evening was an auction of several items, including a painting which raised €200 and a four-ball in the K Club, which went for €450. “Martin was a member of the Malahide Lions Club for a little over two years, but because of his driving energy and desire to succeed at everything he attempted, he made a major contribution to the Lions. “He adopted the Light of Maasai as his own personal charity,” said Barry Donaldson, from Malahide Lions Club.


Kathryn Withero and Hannah Reidy

Jennifer Sheridan and Martina Foster

Olga Ansmidte and Robbie Williams

Kerrie Hanrahan with Louise and Ciara Breen

Aisling Gargan and Garry Flanagan

12 May 2011 GAZETTE 11

12 GAZETTE 12 May 2011


Brought to you by Miriam Kerins of the DSPCA


Brush up on your pet’s dental care ID you ever suddenly become aw a r e o f a n offending stench, and wonder where it’s coming from? You get yourself to a quiet corner, and examine your shoes for something messy, or discreetly raise your arms above your head to check for nasty pit stains, and then realise: “Oh, thank God – it’s not me who stinks, it’s my dog’s breath!” Sound familiar? Few pet owners make the effort to educate themselves in their pet’s oral hygiene, but did you know that dental disease is one of the most common disorders in our canine companions? Keeping your pet’s teeth in check has lots of health benefits – the obvious being minty-fresh breath. Remember, bad breath in dogs is rarely related to last night’s rich food!


More often, it’s an indicator of poor dental health, and/or an infection that needs investigating by your vet. For example, did you know that if your cat or dog suffers an infection of the gums, teeth or oral cavity, this can spread via the bloodstream and into their heart and liver, and could cause additional health problems, such as kidney failure, endocarditis and abscesses in vital organs, possibly resulting in a shortened lifespan? You didn’t?

Take precautions Well, now that you do, it’s time to take precautions. Brush your pet’s teeth at home using a special brush and veterinary toothpaste, available from your vet. Gently introduce your pet to the new taste by rubbing some of the tooth-

paste along his gums, and then repeating the process with a toothbrush. Aim the bristles along the gum line of the upper back teeth, and angle them slightly upwards, making sure the bristles get right under the gum line. Working back to front, make little circles; as you would with your own teeth. However, remember, even with the best home care your pet may still require some professional dental de-scale and polish. *** Feed your pet a crunchy diet, and appropriate chew treats. It’s always worth checking with your vet before you change your pet’s diet; especially if the animal has breed-specific dietary requirements. I would recommend you make these changes gradually; particularly

Remember – your pets and animals are relying on you to help keep them healthy

with puppies, and always try one food at a time. Check your pet’s mouth regularly, and observe signs of an inflammation known as gingivitis. This can be seen as a reddening of the gums adjacent to the teeth. It will also cause bad breath. Dental disease is not just a problem for dogs; other companion animals – such as cats and rabbits – suffer, too. Conditions such as feline stomatitis – which is very painful, and can be life-threatening for many cats – can occur in all breeds, and at any age. *** Cats with this condi-

tion usually experience inflamed gums which, if untreated, can spread to areas at the back of the throat, making eating and swallowing difficult. So, if your cat’s breath smells, get to the vet immediately and seek his/ her professional advice on how best to rectify your kitty’s condition. Rabbits can also suffer. This is usually due to a bad diet. You may not know this, but rabbits need lots of fibre in their diet; so give those bunnies plenty of hay and help keep bad oral hygiene at bay. A rabbit’s teeth continuously grow, and must

be checked regularly by your vet to ensure they are wearing down properly. If a rabbit’s teeth are not kept in check, and go untreated, the poor creature will not be able to eat properly, and there is a danger it could starve to death. For those horse owners reading this, did you know that a horse’s teeth will also grow continuously, so it’s important to keep an eye on them? Your vet is the best person to advise you, regarding this, but if you notice your horse has difficulty chewing, is dropping more food than he actually manages to swallow,

and there are signs of undigested food in his poo, then it’s likely he may be suffering from dental problems, and you need to seek expert help. So, you can see why proper dental care is a priority for all companion animals and, as prevention is better than cure, perhaps the next time you visit your vet, you’ll ask his/her advice as to the best way of examining your pet’s teeth so that you can keep an eye on his oral health. If you’d like more information log onto www. or email me at


12 May 2011 GAZETTE 13

HEALTH Escaping negativity and unhelpful thinking

Are you a tonic, or are you toxic? Q PATRICIA MURPHY

IT IS amazing how some people have the ability to light up a room when they walk in. Others light up the room when they walk out. We allow other people’s moods and attitudes to have such a powerful influence over our personal wellbeing. Sometimes we join in with the rise of the happy tide, and other times we get pulled down into negativity and unhelpful thinking. It pays to ask ourselves: ‘Am I a tonic, or am I toxic?’ It is very easy right now to pick fault with just about everything. Nobody we know has escaped the negative effects of the struggling economy and political change. Nor should we ignore or deny the issues that challenge us daily and which need to be addressed. But none of this is an excuse or a reason to carry a negative attitude with us into every interaction we have, including with our own selves. After all, we live with ourselves 24/7. Left untreated, toxicity spreads, causing damage within and without. What you really need is a daily tonic. Something to pep you up physically, mentally and emotionally. The ingredients are simple and available to us all. Here are some suggestions to help you look and feel great every day. Feed Your Body

Paying attention to


Mega Mini: Michael Moroney falls in love with the Countryman


‘Left untreated, toxicity spreads, causing damage within and without. What you really need is a daily tonic. Something to pep you up physically, mentally and emotionally’ ------------------------------------------------------

exercise and nutrition is essential to support the body. Food nutrients supply us with the energy to carry out daily functions, including the repair and renewal of organs and tissues. The increase of oxygen during modestintensity exercise floods the cells with vitality and increases our ability to get rid of toxins. It conditions the heart and lungs and even makes us smarter. Discipline is the essential ingredient here. At least 20 minutes of brisk walking, plus three balanced meals per day, is a must. No excuses. Remember to keep it simple and include 6-8 glasses of water to keep you floating along. Personal Care

A simple shower, clean clothes and a spray of scent can lift your mood by tenfold. It also makes it more pleasant for others to be around you. Feed Your Mind

Include constructive thoughts and behaviours towards happiness and health. Step by step and easy does it. It is far more effective to change 100 things by 1%, than to change one thing by 100%. Smile

and keep your conversations upbeat, even if you don’t feel like it. Act as if you mean it and, pretty soon, you won’t just be faking it, you will be making it. Feed Your Spirit

Immerse yourself in the fun stuff for a few hours each week. Hobbies and recreational activities are a great way to give you something to look forward to and a break from the routine. Socialise with family, friends and work colleagues, keeping alcohol within the weekly recommended allowance. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Sometimes we forget just how blessed we really are. Give thanks for the big things and little things that make our lives so special. Acknowledge your achievements, including your own valuable input into your happiness, health and wellbeing. These simple lifestyle changes can have a really positive influence on how you look and feel day in, day out. The best predictors of your future happiness and health are the actions and attitudes that you are practising right now.



Patricia Murphy can help detox mind, body and spirit


14 GAZETTE 12 May 2011

GazetteBEAUTY BEAUTY New face unveiled for Yves Saint Laurent fragrance BENJAMIN Millepied, the French principal dancer with the New York City Ballet and choreographer for the recent blockbuster, Black Swan has been unveiled as the face for the next male fragrance from Yves Saint Laurent, available from September, 2011. Described as one of the most gifted dancers and choreographers of his generation, Millepied enrolled with the New York School of American Ballet at the age of 16 and became principal dancer at 18 with the prestigious New York City Ballet. On his new role with YSL Millepied said: “I’m happy and proud to have been chosen by Yves Saint Laurent, one of the world’s most pres-

tigious brands. I admire the world of this House, its elegance and modernity. Monsieur Saint Laurent was a fashion genius, a lover of the arts, he also knew how to use his talent to serve the art of dancing.” Benjamin Millepied will represent the new fragrance for men from Yves Saint Laurent, the 3rd facet of the men’s olfactive trilogy, alongside Olivier Martinez for L’Homme and Vincent Cassel for la Nuit de L’Homme.

Benjamin Millepied

Edited by Dawn Love

Confessions of a beauty addict This week the Gazette chats to media analyst Kathleen Rowley about her beauty addiction MY life-long addiction began when I first clapped eyes on my glamorous air hostess Aunty Mary’s bathroom cabinet, brimming with shiny and expensive looking tubs of wonder. On family trips, I would gulp down glasses and glasses of Coke, just so I could go up and investigate each tub, tube and bottle, carefully assessing the smell, texture and colour of each. Less exotic potions were to be found at home, where they were kept out of reach from my grubby little hands following an incident at my weekly

teddy bear’s picnic, where Big Ted enjoyed a facial, compliments of Mam’s new Clarins cream and a more-then-healthy spritz of the ever-cherished Chanel No.5. Big Ted was eventually donated to a Children’s Hospital, where I am sure he still is reeking of the classic scent. Mam’s potions were moved to the top shelf. During my teens, a bagpacking job in Superquinn gave me the means to splurge in the Body Shop, where body butter and a bottle of white musk was the ultimate sign of sophistication. For teenage discos a bottle of Exclamation and a frosted lipstick were my chosen weapons, as they were for most of the girls attending, resulting in the small community hall

still gives me the shivers when I get a whiff of it), I thoroughly enjoyed the role. Working for renowned brands such as Armani, Lancôme and Pout greatly improved my knowledge of products but, even more importantly to a beauty junkie, my collection of samples became legendary. Vichy Essentielles Kathleen Rowley

practically heaving with overpowering teenage fragrances, or maybe it was just the pheromones and teenage lust! If it distracted from my heavy Gallagher-like eyebrows and braces, I was in – ‘dramatic’ eye shadows and liners, along with an over-enthusiastic use of bronzer was the order of the day. Despite a stringent budget and a barrage of feminist anti-beauty industry propaganda, my love of all things beauty-related continued

through college. To fund a trip to the land down under, I got a beauty addict’s dream job, fragrance and cosmetics consultant on counters in Brown Thomas, Arnotts and Dublin Airport. I learned about the construction of a scent, along with skin types and the most up-todate make-up trends. With the exception of a two-month stint standing freezing at the front of Brown Thomas spraying Stella McCartney’s perfume (to this day it

I was astounded at how this lightweight, quick-drying lotion kept my skin soft and moisturised 24 hours after application. With sensitive skin, this was ideal as the fragrance was gentle and ladylike without irritating my skin even after defuzzing the pins. Model Inc Lip and Cheek tint

At €7.50, this is the recessionista’s answer to Benefit’s Benetint, giving you a nice burst of raspberry colour. The colour lasts on the cheeks, but was a little drying on the lips and the fragrance is strong and powdery. However, for €7.50, it is a welcome addition to any hand bag. Revlon PhotoReady

I’m a foundation slapper. I have tried them all, from Rimmel to Yves Saint Laurent, and can safely say I have found my perfect partner – smooth, long-lasting and reliable, this product delivers on its promises. My skin had a nice glow with medium coverage, thanks to the ‘photocromatic pigments’ and it evened out my skin tone without feeling too heavy.

12 May 2011 GAZETTE 15


Relaxation is never too far away in Ireland’s top spas Q DAWN LOVE

Radisson Blu Hotel, Galway

IRELAND is now widely recognised as one of the world’s gourmet capitals, but our luxurious spas are also making headlines. Set in some of the country’s most spectacular hotels and resorts, it’s easy to see why we our spas are fast becoming something of a Mecca for those on the lookout for top-class beauty and relaxation treatments. This week, the Gazette’s Beauty pages takes a look at some of the country’s top spas and the luxurious treatments on offer.

At the Spirit One Spa in the Radisson Blu Hotel in Galway, they are famed for their Elemis Lime and Ginger Salt Glow and Cleopatra Milk Bath. Scrub up for summer with their exotic exfoliation ritual designed to invigorate and revitalise the body. Elemis exotic Lime and Ginger Salt Glow deep cleanses, polishes and softens skin to perfection.

Druids Glen Resort, Co Wicklow

Just over half-an-hour south of Dublin, but an entire world away, set between the Wicklow Mountains and the Irish Sea, Druids Glen Resort’s beautifully natural surroundings will have you feeling calmer before you even set foot inside. The atmosphere is one of calm, suggesting you take a deep breath and relax, settling into a place where you will find your own personal corner of pleasure – whether that is in the lovely spa, the pool, on the two championship golf courses, in one of the bars and restaurants, or curled into a comfy chair with a good book by any of the grand windows looking out onto the grounds, and the beauty of the changing seasons outside. For the month of May, the spa at Druids Glen Resort is offering an Advanced Elemis facial, with a complimentary back massage, for just €99. For more information, call 01 2870848, or visit www.druidsglenresort. com

Tradition After your body scrub, soak in the age-old tradition of the Elemis Cleopatra Milk and emerge drenched in moisture, scented like a dream. There is also a full-day pass to the Thermal Suite, with full use of the swimming pool, outdoor hot tub and jacuzzi. Price: All for €85 – normally €140 – save €55. For further details on the range of treatments available call 091 538423 Treatments are available seven days a week.

Hastings Hotels

Spring is nature’s time of renewal and rebirth and the perfect time to rejuvenate your body and soul with a self-indulgent escape to one of Hastings Hotels’ fabulous Spas at Culloden Estate, Belfast, or Slieve Donard Resort, Co Down, and experience their world-famous ESPA treatments and therapies. To put a little extra spring in your step, they are also offering a £10 voucher off your next visit! The Spring Spa Experience includes: • ESPA Welcome Foot Ritual • ESPA Upper Back, Shoulders and Neck Massage • ESPA Boutique Facial with Indian Head Scalp Massage • Delicious light lunch in the Juice Bar • Full use of all the spa facilities • Use of robe, slippers and towels • £10 voucher off your next spa treatment Offer available until May 31, 2011. For more information, visit www.

The Relaxation Room at the spa in Druids Glen Resort’s spa

Rudd’s take on new look

IRISH breakfast meat producers, Rudd’s, are re-launching their traditional Irish brand with a modern new look, as well as adding new products to their portfolio. The relaunch campaign is part of Rudd’s new marketing strategy for the brand. John O’Brien, commercial manager at Rudd’s said: “We’re delighted to announce the relaunch of our range to include some popular breakfast favourites, giving it a contemporary new look, while retaining our traditional values. “We are proud to use 100% Irish pork, sourced from Bord Bia-approved Irish farmers to produce

the Rudd’s range, which now offers all you need to create the ultimate full Irish breakfast, while supporting Irish jobs.” Bill O’Brien, managing director of Rudd’s said: “We understand the importance of supporting Irish jobs, therefore we continue to use only 100% Irish pork to produce our range which, we firmly believe, has been the best-kept secret in breakfast, until now.” To support the Rudd’s re launch campaign, a number of tasting events will be taking place throughout Dublin this month. The tastings will take place from May 12-14, and again from May 26-28.

16 GAZETTE 12 May 2011


EVENT Festival returns to the Phoenix Park

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Pictured at the launch were Ella McSweeney, broadcaster and MC of the Chef’s Summer Kitchen at Bloom, with Flower Fairies (all aged 5), Isibeal Fitzpatrick, Ava Callan, Nessa Last and Kayla Cooke. Picture: Gary O’ Neill

It’s time to Bloom BLOOM, Bord Bia’s gardening, food and family festival returns to the Phoenix Park this June Bank Holiday Ireland’s largest gardening, food and family festival, Bloom, is set to celebrate its fifth year when it takes place this June. At the heart of Bloom are 27 stunning large, medium and small show gardens, which will be judged by international independent judging panels, and gold, silver gilt, silver and

bronze medals will be awarded. Dublin will be well represented at the event, which takes place between Thursday, June 2 and Monday, June 6, with a number of top garden designers creating some of the stunning show gardens. Amongst those taking part will be John Sweeney, from Lusk, and Rachel Freeman, from the Blanchardstown Institute of Technology. Meanwhile, from Dalkey, Sheena

Vernon will also be taking part, as will Brian Cleary, from Dundrum, and award-winning gardeners Liat and Oiver Schurman, from the renowned Mount Venus Nursery. The event will also showcase the best of Ireland’s food industry with the new Bord Bia Food Village. Bloom is open daily from 10am6pm. Advance tickets are on sale now from €15 – kids go free! Visit See feature next week

12 May 2011 GAZETTE 17

18 GAZETTE 12 May 2011

GazetteMOTORS MOTORS RoadSigns Road Signs RENAULT VAN RANGE IS APRIL BESTSELLER: RENAULT, Europe’s best-selling van range, hit the number one best-selling spot in Ireland in April with 14.9% of the overall market, and featured on the podium in 14 counties, including number one in Cork, Kerry, Westmeath and Cavan. With prices starting from just €8,990, with a five-year, unlimited mileage warranty across the range, it is not surprising that Renault is performing well each month. Renault now has three versions of the Kangoo, the new Trafic, with its increased performance 2.0-litre dCi engine and the all-new design Master, which comes in either front- or rearwheel drive specifications and has one of the lowest running cost in its segment.

Mini has grown up in size, accessibility and performance in the new Mini Countryman All4, but it’s pricey at €28,980 even though it’s still a great car to drive

Meet the Countryman MICHAEL MORONEY tested the new Mini Countryman across a range of conditions, but his heart won out over his head in his love for the new car INI’S first fourdoor car is the new Countryman, a car that has grown up in terms of size and stature. This is now the biggest car in the Mini range, and it brings a new opportunity to the BMW-owned brand. I’ve had the All4, or four-wheel-drive version of the car, on the road and I’m impressed. I know that the car is expensive for its size, but it does drive superbly and retains that Mini car handling appeal from the past. BMW has added lots of good bits to this new, bigger Mini. The engine is a new 1.6-litre BMW turbo-diesel engine that’s thrifty and lively. And, while I know that there’s


SPECS: MINI COUNTRYMAN ALL4 1.6D Top speed: 180 km/hr 0 – 100km/hr: 12.9 sec Economy: 20.4 km/litre (4.9l/100km) CO2 emissions: 129g/km Road Tax Band: B (€156) Scrappage Eligible: Yes Warranty: 2 years Entry Price: €28,980

a bigger 2.0-litre turbodiesel engine on the way, I found that the 1.6-litre engine was more than adequate and a dream to drive. And that was after almost 1,400km on the clock, where I drove the Mini Countryman up

and down the country, national roads, motorways, and the occasional boreen were tried to test the car’s ultimate performance. The All4 system had to be tried and, luckily, the sun shone for me and crossing a dry field was effortless. The four doors for the Mini Countryman make a huge difference in terms of passenger space and accessibility. The car now takes on a new image. That, coupled with the larger wheels and Bridgestone Dueller run-flat tyres for mild, off-road use, makes the Mini All4 a very versatile car. The test car had lots of kit included in the Chili pack that Mini offers. This included 17-inch

alloy wheels and lots of multifunction kit with an impressive Bluetooth phone kit that was easy and clear to use. It also came with leather seats and Xenon headlights, which, in total, rounded the price up by an extra €8,000 – now that’s getting expensive. Power

The engine power was impressive, with 112bhp pumped out at ease. On the motorway, the engine allowed the car with its sixth gear to cruise at just around 2,000 rpm. That’s what delivers the good fuel economy figures. Despite being a bigger car than the standard Mini, it’s still economical. I returned

a figure close to the rated figure of 20.4 km per litre of diesel (4.9l/100km), which I consider to be a good performance, and I drove the car long and hard. The economy figures are helped by the stop/ start system that stops the engine in traffic or at traffic lights. This, along with brake regeneration, gives a measure of the BMW EfficientDynamics technology to give good economy figures from the Countryman. The car is rated in Band B for motor tax purposes, as its CO2 figure is 129g/km. Again, that’s a reasonable figure and gives an annual motor tax charge of just €156. And, with all that, the

Countryman is lively. The acceleration pace is as good as many bigger cars at 12.9 seconds in a 0 to 100k/hr race. So, while it may look like a hot hatchback car in design, it does not match that kind of performance on the road. The power is, however, well-developed for the car allowing for the 270Nm of torque, so much so that the car is well able for all driving conditions. The All4 off-road technology will have limited appeal, but it could have been useful in last winter’s frost and snow. It adds about €2,000 to the price and provides a compromise of sorts without opting for a full heavy-duty 4x4 system.

Motor industry revs to a good start first 3 months of 2011 WITH a 14% increase in sales volume in first three months of 2011 compared to the same period in 2010, the motor industry has claimed pole position across all retail categories in Ireland to date. The latest Consumer Market Moni-

tor has reported that the industry has experienced a major boost as 50,000 new cars have been sold right up to midApril 2011. No doubt the conclusion to the invaluable scrappage scheme in June has contributed to the motor industries

excellent start to the year; as has price discounting from dealers and distributors in order to encourage new car sales. UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School and the Marketing Institute of Ireland (MII) released the

results, which detailed that, apart from the motor trade, the only other sector to experience any form of growth in Q1 is clothing, footwear and textiles, which experienced an increase of 2.6% in volume.

12 May 2011 GAZETTE 19

20 GAZETTE 12 May 2011


Magnificent Mill on market COONAN Real Estate Alliance are bringing Mill Cottage, an unique residence set on approximately 0.7 acres of land in South Naas, Co Kildare, to the market for an asking price of €820,000. Surrounded by mature trees, lawns and hedges, Mill Cottage is a 19th-century thatched cottage, located in the tranquil country townland of Millicent, only 4km from Naas. Rescued from dereliction by its current owners in 2003, Mercury Group Architects were commissioned to oversee the extensive conservation and extension of the cottage

to its present condition, a process that saw the renovators incorporating time-honoured traditional working methods and materials. Extending to 3,300 sq ft, and featuring modern amenities such as a geo-thermal heat pump, under-floor heating and pressurised hot and cold water, Mill Cottage is a magnificent blend of old world and contemporary living under one roof. Located only 25 minutes from the M50, this is an opportunity of a lifetime for the right purchaser. Presented in pristine condition and finished to the highest stand-

ards, Mill Cottage is an ideal family home with a range of very attractive features and designs.

Listed Mill Cottage is a listed structure, circa 200 years old, and has been meticulously restored and maintained. It features a new oat and straw thatched roof. Having been architecturally designed throughout, it is a bright and light-filled accomodation with rational timber windows and has the latest in energy saving and eco-friendly features built in to its design. The area around

The impressive, renovated structure at Mill Cottage, South Naas, Co Kildare

Mill Cottage features an abundance of shops and the fine schools within easy reach, along with some of the most prestigious golf courses

Kildare has to offer. The exterior of the property is also appointed to a high-standard. Mill Cottage is totally surrounded by mature

lawns and shrubbery, with an attractive gravel driveway on both sides, and a south-facing garden. For further informa-

tion, please contact Philip Byrne Coonan, of Coonan Real Estate Alliance, on 01 628 8400 or


A garden of Eden in Goatstown demense



SHERRY FitzGerald are presenting No. 37, Eden Park Drive, Goatstown, a semi-detached family home in a highly-sought after area, close to the best of schools and within easy access of excellent local amenities, with an asking price of €425,000. Built in the 1950s, this three-bedroom semi-detached family residence has airy, bright accommodation and a west-facing rear garden. The property offers a spacious interior, including a hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms (two of which are doubles), bathroom and, outside, a garage to the side of the property offering prospective owners the potential to convert (subject to planning permission). Overall, there is a good internal flow to the lay-

Number 37, Eden Park Drive, in Goatstown

out, providing an excellent balance of well-proportioned living and bedroom accommodation. The Goatstown area the property is situated in is a quiet, leafy enclave, with both Stillorgan and Dundrum within walking distance. Other amenities include the popular Dundrum Town Centre, local

shops, UCD Belfield, and excellent transport links, including bus routes, Luas and the M50. There is a good selection of schools close by, making this a desirable family home. The property also boasts a large front garden with central driveway and lawn on either side with mature hedging. There is a private, triangular-shaped,

walled, west-facing rear garden with mature plants and shrubs and large side space and gated side access, with access to the garage. The property can be viewed by appointment, which can be arranged by contacting Shane Desmond at Sherry FitzGerald Dundrum on 01 296 1822.

12 May 2011 GAZETTE 21


Supported by AIB

Interview: Abdur Rahim, owner of Himalaya Tandoori Indian Cuisine

High standards at Himalayan Tandoori ABDUR Rahim was born in 1969 in Bangladesh and went to college from 1988-1992. He then started a job in Dhaka, which is the capital of Bangladesh and the principal city and one of the major cities of South Asia. Two years later he relocated to South Korea, where he got a job working in a factory. While there, he thought of the possibility of working in a restaurant. He then came to Ireland and his first job was in an Indian restaurant, Eastern Tandoori, in Deansgrange. Working there gave him a lot of practical experience. Abdur took a job as chef and learned how to cook curry. He then had the opportunity to experience a restaurant management at Meghna Tandoori Indian Cuisine in Terenure. There he gained more experience and met many people and learned how to attend to customers. Abdur found that it is important to serve good-quality food at all times and to always have the highest of standards. Abdur then decided to open his own Indian restaurant, Himalaya Tandoori Indian Cuisine, in Clondalkin. The restaurant opened in July of 2005. They have a chef menu and also have good-quality wine. The restaurant offers a gift card and take-away service, with a 20% discount on the take-away menu. He hopes to open more restaurants in other locations in the future and would like to thank his customers for their support. Abdur Rahim

ANSWERS TO YOUR PERSONAL FINANCE QUESTIONS SHORT TERM DEPOSIT RATES Q – I have € 70,000 from the sale of my house and am not rebuying for at least 6 months to a year. Any ideas on where to put the money to make a gain for this short period ? I also need it to be safe. Maggie – Wicklow A - Safety and best rates – they are the two most important aspects to your query. Safety in that your funds MUST be guaranteed by the deposit taker to be repaid. All the Irish deposit takers are currently guaranteed by Eligible Liability Guarantee Scheme for any amount up to the end of June this year, with any of the six main Irish deposit takers ( AIB, Bank of Ireland, Permanent TSB, EBS, Irish Nationwide and Anglo Irish Bank), while the Deposit Protection Scheme underpins this up to € 100,000 per person once the deposit taker is regulated by the Financial Regulator. This includes credit unions. Rabodirect have their own parent’s protection (Rabo Group – AAA rated, the highest rating a bank can have), while Nationwide UK and Investec Bank are guaranteed by the UK Financial Regulatory Authority up to the equivalent of € 100,000 per person. The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA), who look after the state savings on behalf of the government, offer safety and good value but their offerings are more long term.


Take An Post’s Savings Bond – it offers 10% tax free after a three -year term, which is equivalent to receiving 4.42% each

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be? A: Businessman

Q: What air carrier do you use when going on holidays? A: British Airways

food and drink? A: Indian curry and I like

do you own? A: Five

year from a DIRT deducting deposit taker. In emergencies

drink a lot of plain water

Q: What car do you drive? A: I love to drive my Ford

Q: And your first pay cheque? A: Cash


Q: Who would you like to have dinner with – Brian O’Driscoll or Brian Cowen? A: Brian O’Driscoll

Q: Where is your favourite holiday destination? A: My homeland, Bangla-

NTMA investment with NO penalty.

Q: What was your first job? A: Factory work


your € 70,000, after six months, you would receive € 70,892.50

Q: Have you ever met Brian Cowen? A: No

into your hand.

Q: How many people do you have to talk with every day? A: Lots of people to talk to Q: What is the greatest thrill of your working week? A: A busy Saturday

Q: Can you swim? A: Yes Q: Would you ever bungee jump? A: No Q: Do you play any sport? A: I love to play football Q: What is your favourite

Q: How many times each year do you shop for clothes? A: Three Q: What is the name of your favourite shop? A: Debenhams Q: How many pairs of shoes

you only have to give seven days notice to withdraw from this

Q: When do you wish to retire? A: At age 65 Q: What will you do then? A: Spend time with family and friends

Best non-NTMA deposit ? 3.5% for three months fixed from Irish Nationwide Building Society – yields a net 2.555%. On

Well done on selling the house – not an easy achievement in this economy.

Contact John with your money questions at jlowe@ or visit his website at John Lowe, Fellow of the Institute of Bankers, is founder and managing director of Money Doctor

Irish company is tackling clutter with their Smart Storage AN innovative Irish home company is quickly gaining momentum by eliminating excess clutter from around the home. Smart Storage, which makes custom-designed, under-stairs storage units, which fit seamlessly into the unused space under any stairwell, has had fantastic feedback already. The slide-out units promise to “stop you tripping over everyday items such as shoes, toys, sporting

equipment, and even the vacuum cleaner, and will see an end to the age-old argument; who causes the mess in the home?” Smart Storage provides a range of Irish manufactured products, which also includes attic storage, and they will soon launch in the United Kingdom after 12 months of successful trading in Ireland. The under-stairs storage solution ranges from a single drawer, a large

three-drawer unit to larger units, depending on available space. The three-drawer unit, which is the most popular, is custom designed specifically to fit into all homes. The units are installed by expert fitters around the country. Each drawer is ideal for a variety of storage options and can accommodate 12 pairs of shoes, three large school bags, two small suitcases, a set of golf clubs or several bottles of

wine. So, if the clutter in your home is caused by parents or children, the girls or the boys, Smart Storage has a common-sense solution. Founder of Smart Storage, Paul Jacob, has worked in the construction industry for 20 years and found new ways to diversify within his area of expertise. “Smart Storage enables people to maximise storage within the home

by utilising the unused space underneath the stairs to clear away clutter,” he said. The process for installation is simple and involves submitting rough measurements of the area under the stairs to the Smart Storage website, For further information on Smart Storage, or to receive a quote, visit or call (01) 201 7676.

22 GAZETTE 12 May 2011

GazetteTTRAVEL FastTravel

Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock

With fabulous beaches and historical sites, Israel has something for everyone FROM the Judean desert and the saltiest sea on earth, the Dead Sea, to ancient biblical cities, covered markets and a high-rise metropolis, Israel is truly a destination with something for everyone. Located in Western Asia, on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, Israel’s temperate climate, fabulous beaches, archaeological and historical sites, and unique geography make this country an appealing holiday destination. Explore the amazing cities of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, by combining an eight- or nine-night stay in both cities, with Concorde Travel.

Surprising Scottish summer road trips rays reach the eye. It is more of a Trompe L’Oeil, where the eye is fooled by the way in which things actually look. While in Ayrshire, be sure to take a trip to town of Newmilns. This town has been thrust into the Hollywood spotlight, thanks to its famous mill – Morton, Young & Borland Mill, which is currently providing lace and fabrics for the hit HBO show, Boardwalk Empire.

Start out in Edinburgh and pay a visit to Rosslyn’s Chapel, which was used as location for Dan Brown’s, The Da Vinci Code, before making your way to Edinburgh’s Old Town, which was the backdrop for Chariots of Fire and Mary Reilly, featuring Julia Roberts, and Jekyll and Hyde. Other places to stop on the way to Inverness include the Glenfinnan Viaduct, which featured in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Eileen Donan Castle near Loch Duich, which was the principal fortress of Christopher Lambert’s character in Highlander and the world-famous Loch Ness where the film

• 3-star Hotel Montefiore on a B&B basis, Jerusalem, from €870pp • 3-star City Hotel on a B&B basis, Tel Aviv, from €1,054pp • 4-star Grand Court Hotel on a B&B basis, Jerusalem, from €924pp • 4-star Grand Beach Hotel on a B&B basis, Tel Aviv, from €1,169pp

SPRING and summer is a great time to visit Scotland, when the days stretch out and the first blooms and wildlife appear across the gardens and in the countryside. What better way to discover some of the surprising things Scotland has to offer than by car. So, whether you’re into history or film, or simply want to enjoy the open Scottish road, there is sure to be a road trip to suit you. VisitScotland has put together some of the most unusual road trips Scotland has to offer. Visit www.visitscotland. com/surprise for further information and the bestvalue travel deals.

29th October - 8 nights

The Electric Brae


• 3-star+ Prima Hotel on a B&B basis Tel Aviv, from €1,130pp • 4-star Prima Royale Hotel on a B&B basis, Jerusalem, from €854pp • 4-star Dan Hotel on a B&B basis, Jerusalem, from €830pp

Ayrshire lies in the south-west of Scotland and is home to some of the most beautiful sights in Britain. A must for any trip to this part of the world is the Electric Brae in Ayrshire. The Electric Brae is a quarterof-a-mile long hill where cars appear to be drawn uphill by some mysterious attraction. The significant thing about this unusual phenomenon is that it is not what is commonly called a mirage, which is created by the way in which light

‘Monty Python fans should make a stop in Callander just outside Stirling home to Doune Castle, which was used in Monty Python’s Holy Grail’

Israel (Jerusalem and Tel Aviv or pilgrimage) - only three departures October 12, eight nights

Holy Land Pilgrimage €1,224pp

Two-centre (four nights Jerusalem + four nights Tel Aviv) from €1,174pp Package includes return flights from Dublin, accommodation and transfers. Concorde Travel offer direct flights from Dublin to Tel Aviv. Flightonly offers also available. To book yourself in for your holiday to Israel, visit,

Film location road trip: Edinburgh - Inverness

If one person likes history and the other is a movie buff, for a road trip with a difference, why not combine both on a

Lomond is surprisingly just 90 minutes from Glasgow and a little more than an hour from Edinburgh, so this road trip is perfect for visitors who want to get out of the city for the day. This scenic route has many surprising sights and attractions on the way. Monty Python fans should make a stop in Callander, just outside Stirling, home to Doune Castle, which was used in Monty Python’s Holy Grail. Histor y fans should then take the A84 and 85 to Killin – via Balguhidder, home to the grave of Rob Roy – then follow this scenic section of loch around to Alexandria. If you have time pop


meandering drive from Scotland’s historic capital of Edinburgh to Inverness and the heart of Braveheart country. With its breathtaking scenery and rich heritage, Scotland has been the perfect setting for many of Hollywood’s blockbuster films, such as Harry Potter and Chariots of Fire.

of the same title starring Ted Danson was made. Loch Lomond and the Trossachs

Writers, artists and musicians have found inspiration in the rich landscapes of Argyll, the Isles, Loch Lomond, Stirling and the Trossachs for generations. Loch

over to Stirling and Stirling Castle for views over the Forth Valley and a chance to pay homage at the Wallace Monument. W hen you finally reach Loch Lomond and are looking for a place to stay, why not spend the night in a wigwam? There are several locations to choose from, including

The spectacular view of

Strathfillan Wigwam Village, which is situated on a working farm right on the West Highland Way (near Loch Lomond) and has excellent on-site facilities and lots of farm animals to see. Enjoy the open road: See Scotland by motorbike

For a fun and surprising way to see Scotland this summer, why not hire your own personal trike chauffeur. Trike Tours Scotland offer one of the most unusual ways to see the famously breathtaking scenery Scotland has on offer. Trike tours can take you on trips to the mountains, lochs and glens of the Highlands via Perthshire, Stirling and the Trossachs National Park, Loch Lomond, Inverness and Mull. See



The Balmoral Show, King’s Hall, Belfast

There are plenty of fun things to do when you take time out to discover Northern Ireland STUCK for something to do? If so, the Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB) has put together a list of exciting things to do in Northern Ireland during May 9 - 22. For more details on these and other events, Callsave 1850 230 230, visit Northern Ireland Tourist Board’s Information Office at Suffolk Street, Dublin 2 or click on • Hidden Treasures Children’s Theatre, Waterside Theatre, Co Derry, May 8 – 19. A festival featuring the highest quality theatre experiences for children and their families with local, national and international acts.

Eilean Donan Castle, which is situated by the picturesque village of Dornie on the main tourist route to the Isle of Skye

• Balmoral Show, King’s Hall, Belfast, May 11 – 13. This show offers an extravaganza of colour, competition and showmanship, along with daily displays of pedigree horses, ponies, cattle, sheep, poultry, pigs and goats. • Third Annual Maguire History Weekend, Enniskillen Castle Museums, Co Fermanagh, May 13 – 15. This event will explore the aspects of the Maguire history of Fermanagh. • An introduction to Basket Making, The Braid Arts Centre, Ballymena, Co Antrim, May 14. Participants will be using sorted and soaked willow to produce baskets and learn new techniques.

A car on a single track road near the ‘Rest And Be Thankful’ Pass Argyll with Beinn An Lochan in the distance. Pictures: P.Tomkins/Visitscotland/Scottish Viewpoint

• Wild on Wildlife, Castle Ward, Downpatrick, Co Down, May 14. Fun-filled activities for all the family, including mini beast hunts, pond dipping, wildlife art workshops, speciality foods and craft stalls. • International North West 200, Portrush, Portstewart and Coleraine, May 16 – 21. The International North West 200 is a motor cycle road race held over a nine-mile road circuit. It is a week-long festival of sport and attracts competitors from all over the world. • Garden Show Ireland, Hillsborough Castle, Co Down, May 20 - 22. Advice abounds on how to make the most of your garden, from rearing chickens or keeping bees to growing vegetables, dining in style or even making jewellery out of flowers and plants you have grown!

The bridge across the River Ayr to the town of Ayr, which is a commercial and administrative centre on The Firth of Clyde, Ayrshire

Rosslyn Chapel, Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland



GoingOUT GoingOUT THE HELIX 01 700 7000 The Chernobyl Children’s Appeal Concert THIS year marks the ninth year in a row for the concert, which will see children aged from eight to 18 perform a wide range of songs in aid of the Chernobyl Children’s Appeal, with this year’s concert having a special significance as the world marks the 25th anniversary. All proceeds will help to support the many children who continue to suffer ill health. With tickets priced at €15, the concert starts at 7.30pm on Saturday, May 14 in The Mahony Hall.

MILL THEATRE 01 296 9340 The Shaughraun TANEY Drama Society are preparing to bring their extensive skills to bear on their production of The Shaughraun, by Dion Boucicault, which is often described as a touchstone Irish play. The Society’s players will bring the tale of a wily Sligo poacher, called Conn, to vivid life, thanks to a large ensemble, a great set and period-appropriate costumes, with Victorian melodrama, romantic comedy and more added to the mix. The Shaughraun runs nightly at 8pm at the Mill Theatre from Wednesday, May 18 to Saturday, May 21, with admission priced €18/€15.

CIVIC THEATRE 01 4627477 The Tinker’s Curse ANOTHER Irish-set production, The Tinker’s Curse, tells the story of Rattigan, a Traveller who climbs Croagh Patrick to do penance for the sins of a lifetime. Along the way, Rattigan’s relationship with his wife and daughter come to the fore, as he contemplates what it is to be a father, a husband, a Traveller, and a penitent ascending Ireland’s most sacred spot. Written and performed by Michael Harding, with live music by Finbar Coady, The Tinker’s Curse runs nightly at 8pm from Thursday, May 12 to Saturday, May 14, with tickets priced €20/€16 conc, or €10 on Thursday.

DRAIOCHT 01 885 2622 Fingal County Youth Orchestra FCYO are sure to be a hit when its young – but highlyskilled – members play a wide range of concertos, pop songs, contemporary pieces and well-known favourites in this concert, which follows on from their magnificent performance at the prestigious Festival of Youth Orchestras at the National Concert Hall recently. Founded in 1990 and based in Castleknock, the FCYO members, who range in age from 8 to 18, will delight audiences with their accomplished playing. Their concert starts at 8pm on Sunday, May 15 in the Main Auditorium, with tickets pirced €13/€11 conc.

PAVILION THEATRE 01 231 2929 Young At Heart HELD as part of Beltaine, the DLR festival that celebrates older people in the community, a special showing of the life-affirming documentary movie, Young At Heart, will be held on Tuesday, May 17, at 7pm. The smash-hit film follows a group of senior citizens, who, despite their advancing years, sing their hearts out with a wide range of classic and contemporary pop songs, with the bittersweet wisdom of age adding an extra dimension to some of the songs. The documentary helps to show the creativity in older people, and how staying active can keep you young at heart, and is sure to be a welldeserved hit with the Pavilion’s audiences. The film tickets are priced at €5.

Animal trainer Jacob (Robert Pattinson), centre, should look worried – he knows his circus boss, August (Christoph Waltz) probably suspects that he’s been throwing lingering looks at his wife, Marlene (Reese Witherspoon). But whatever Rosie the elephant knows, she’s saying nothing.

Send in the clowns! Don’t talk to Kate about The Depression – she’s gloomily contemplating this bygone era-set manipulative movie ...


EVEN though The Simpsons long, long ago turned into a mirthless, plodding cash cow, I’m reminded of some of the many things it got right along the way. Who can forget the regular appearance of deeply cynical focus groups, lawyers, accountants or product testers with clipboards, calculating exactly how to manipulate everyone in Springfield into coughing up for something useless? Well, it seems that those clipboarders went to Hollywood, and have had a go at movie-making. With an elephant. Hot to trot on the heels of the likes of, err... Operation Dumbo Drop, Larger Than Life and, umm... Dumbo, here comes another film with an elephant as a star – for dumbo here, yours truly, to review. But first, back to those

FILM OF THE WEEK: Water for Elephants ++ (12A) 119 mins Director: Francis Lawrence Starring: Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, Christoph Waltz, A Charismatic Elephant

OUR VERDICT: THE scratching noises that some viewers may hear during the film are probably from clipboard-wielding focus group managers at the back, scribbling notes on how well the audience is reacting to each obvious, manipulative point in this particularly calculated film. Five minutes with Krusty the Klown suddenly seems preferable. “Mind you, the elephant is lovely.” (Stick that on yer posters, mate.)

clipboard holders. I’m presuming that they, or somebody, somewhere thought: “What if ... we got Reese Witherspoon, permanently dolled up to the nines like she’s in a Max Factor ad; that vampire guy, Pattinson, who all the girls ditched for the hunkier dude in that Twilight sequel, and made some kind of predictable, cliche-ridden, forbiddenlove film set in a honeyhued Depression-era circus? With an elephant?” Bingo. I think I’ve just described a more interesting film than this

one, but, with half of my review – or space – yet to fill, let’s make a trunk call to find out some more ... Thanks to flashbacks, an old man, Jacob (mostly played by Pattinson, as his youthful self) recounts the greatest tale of his life, back in the Depression, when his newly-penniless self hit the road – or, rather, a railway track, aboard a circus train – for an exciting adventure that would make the most of his veterinary skills. August, the kindhearted, avuncular circus owner, is a gentle – oh, no, silly me, he’s a predict-

ably cold-hearted brute of a man, who’s married to the beautiful Marlena (Witherspoon). She’s quite a dame, being able to ride horses, work with elephants, and throw lots and lots and lots of lingering gazes at the circus’s newest manure shoveller, who, naturally, throws lots and lots and lots of lingering gazes back, all of which gets noticed lots and lots and lots by August. Send in the elephant! It turns out that Dumb– whoops – Rosie the elephant responds very well to Jacob, who is soon assigned to train the circus’s new, star attraction, as well as helping Marlena to work with Rosie. So, with plenty of gentle patting, ear-tickling, and soft-spoken words – and, yes, folks, I mean Jacob’s elephant-training skills – the stage is gradually set for a climactic, big top showstopper. Now, you don’t sup-

pose that an elephant, two star-crossed souls, a jealous husband and a film finale could lead to a crazy climax, do you? Although I was happy to note Jacob’s methods of working with big, dumb, forgetful animals (which I shall apply forthwith to Mr Crowley), I can’t say that I was so happy with the rest of the film. Pattinson – not exactly the most charismatic of actors, shall we say – fizzles rather than sizzles opposite Witherspoon, as both throw their best thousand-yard-stares at each other, past the audience and out the door, towards their pay cheques. Waltz is so over the top, one could be forgiven for looking towards the corner of the screen, in the expectation of spotting an old lady playing some penny-dreadful music on a piano each time he appears, cackling. Two stars. And one’s for the elephant.


Some feel hacked off with Sony ADAM MAGUIRE

IN THE past fortnight, Sony’s Playstation Network – which lets PS3 and PSP users play games online – was hacked. T he company has since taken down the network, and admitted that some of its users’ information has been stolen. Not only is this a costly disaster for Sony, it is also a potentially expensive occurrence for anyone who has had their information swiped.

The hack According to Sony, at some stage between the April 16 and 19, someone gained unauthorised access to their network, and their 75 million users’ data. They can be sure that

things such as names, addresses, passwords and dates of birth were stolen. More critical information – such as credit card details – may also have been taken, and there are already reports of more than 2.2 million account details being sold online by hackers.

Those at risk Anyone who has an account with Sony’s Playstation Network may have had their information stolen. In other words, if they have played online with

their PS3 or PSP, they have given Sony some personal information. Naturally, a lot of those users are young, and would not have credit cards – though they may have used a relative’s information to buy something online. Of course, credit card details are not the only thing that is dangerous to have stolen. If hackers have a person’s login details and passwords, they can do plenty of damage, too.

How to protect yourself If you think that you, or someone in your family, gave information to the Playstation Network at any time, there are some immediate steps you can take to protect yourself.

Firstly, make sure that the password used there is not the same as the one used elsewhere. If it is, change it. This will ensure that hackers cannot log in to the likes of your email and gain additional information. Secondly, ignore any emails, phone calls or even letters you might receive purporting to be from Sony. They are a scam. In fact, you should be extra vigilant of any attempts to gain sensitive information from you in such a way by anyone. Lastly, monitor your credit card to see if anything unusual happens on it. If you see anything odd going on, alert your bank straight away to have it stopped.

Garageband for the iPad Garageband for the iPad is an amazingly condensed piece of work that lets even the most musically-challenged person build an impressive piece of music. Basically a streamlined version of the software that many popular artists use to record their music, Garageband for the iPad lets you build a song from scratch. Users can sing into the iPad’s built-in mic, plug in a guitar and record what you play, or use the on-screen keyboard and drum-kit to lay down additional tracks. There are also built-in loops that you can sample from and, with the right tweaking, you can layer it all together into a coherent piece of music.

However, even more However impressive are the “smart” instruments, which basically help you to play chords on the guitar, bass and piano without needing to know how to do so in the real world. Effectively, this app can do most of the hard work for you, just like the expensive software that chart-topping (and autotuned) artists have been using for years. In this regard, Garage-

band strikes the best of both worlds. It is easy and fun to play with, but useful enough for those wanting to do something serious. It just so happens to be a bargain, too. Garageband is available from the iPad App Store for €3.99. Visit for the latest tech news, reviews and views.





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Planning Permission sought by Gerard and Karen Brady for the construction of a single storey extension to front, side and rear of existing dwelling to consist of Extended living room/porch/ garage to front, garage to side and bathroom/living area to rear including all necessary drainage and site works all at 1 Hu n t s t ow n Ave n u e , C l o n s i l l a , D u b l i n 15 . The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during the public opening hours of 9:30-15:30, Monday - Friday at Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Fingal, Dublin 15. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. 12531




GOLD IN SIGHT: James Scully aims for double successes: Page 29


O’Brien leads the line for the Leprechaun Cup

WOR L D C u p h e r o Kevin O’Brien launched this year’s Leprechaun Cup schools’ cricket competition. This year’s event will involve no fewer than 38 Primary Schools from various parts of Dublin and surrounding counties. Leinster Cricket have announced that Precision Electric have become the new spon-

sors of this tournament, that will again reach out to hundreds of young cricketers in Dublin, Kildare and Wicklow. Managing director, Karl Reid, is thrilled to be involved with Leinster ’s youth cricket programme: “We are delighted to be associated with this year’s competition and the whole concept of introducing boys and girls to the game of cricket. “We will be closely

monitoring the results and look forward to seeing some of the stars of the future featuring in the coming weeks.” Precision Electric’s financial contribution will not only supply schools with playing equipment, but will also help to provide more coaches for schools in order to further develop the game. Coaches currently active within schools include Reinhardt Stry-

Kevin O’Brien (right) and Brian O’Rourke (Leinster cricket union development officer) are pictured with Castleknock NS students Iain Anders, Sarah McIntosh and Edward Vincent

dom, Andrew Leona r d , D av i d R u s s e l l , Theo Lawson and Bill O’Connor. These coaching positions have also come

about through financial support received from both Fingal County Council and South Dublin County Council. Matches take place

this week between Ballyroan Boys vs Taney NS (Dundrum) at Marlay Park, Castleknock NS v St Mochta’s NS (Blanchardstown) in Civil

Service or Porterstown Park, St Bosco’s (Cabra) v Castleknock ET at Cabra, and St Partick’s (Diswellstown) v’s Scoil Mhuire at Civil Service.


GazetteSport Sport Rugby



Leinster hail the stars of the year ISA Nacewa was named the Leinster Players Player of the Year at the Annual Awards Ball held in the Burlington Hotel, Dublin last Saturday night. Nacewa has been a stand-out performer for Leinster again this season having featured in all but one of the province’s games in both the Magners League and Heineken Cup competitions. Just this week the 28-year-old was also awarded the IRUPA Player of the Year award and Coach Joe Schmidt hailed Nacewa’s outstanding performances over the course of the campaign. Leinster coach Schmidt was among those to praise the one-time Fiji international, saying: “Isa’s durability, commitment, experience and rugby talent have seen him perform at a consistently high level in every match he’s played this season. “As a leader, Isa is recognised by his peers as one of the benchmark players within the squad. He is professional in all that he does; his recovery, strength and conditioning work, analysis of opponents, attention to detail to improve his own performances. He is utterly committed to the values of the squad and readily shares his knowledge and experience with the younger players. “Never one to rest easily with personal accolades, I know that Isa will be keen to point out the efforts of his team-mates this year, but he should be proud of this recognition.” Centre Eoin O’Malley, meanwhile, took the Powerade Young Player of the Year as the Leinster Academy graduate fought off stiff competition for the accolade. Since overcoming a nightmare spell of injury, the Belvedere College SJ former Schools Senior Cup winner has made a positive impact in the senior panel, and his Heineken Cup debut was followed by his first Ireland Wolfhounds cap.

Richie Forbes, Rick Evans and John Melvin at the Malahide RFC awards dinner recently

Celebration of season

MALAHIDE RFC held their annual Presidents’ Dinner last Saturday e ve n i n g i n E s t u a r y Road. The dinner was wellattended with a large p l ay i n g c o n t i n g e n t present to mark what has been an excellent season for the club, with the first team winning Leinster League Division 3 and the second team capturing their second J4 league title in as many years. Club president John Melvin welcomed all members to the evening at a pre-dinner champagne reception and Olive Ryan and her organising committee ensured that a great evening was laid on for

everyone. A number of presentations were made on the evening, with club secretary Ciaran Foley receiving the Clubman of the Year award. There were also a number of player presentations. Prop Darren Morrin collected the Most Improved Player of the Year; Darren is a product of the club’s youth system and made huge strides this year in his first season as a first team regular. Learning the art of front-row forward play is something that always takes time and, no doubt, Darren will continue to develop and improve he continues to gain experience. Young Player of the Year went to wing Eoin

Barber, who scored many a valuable try over the course of the league campaign. Another player who has come through the club’s youth system and having played in most positions in the back line, this was the first season Eoin played in the left wing berth for a full year. Speed and strength are two of the key attributes for any winger and Eoin demonstrated both of these qualities constantly over the course of the season. The club’s Player of the Year went to Richie Forbes, another who was a regular contributor to the scoreboard over the course of the season. In his first season with the club, Richie has

brought a stability to the midfield. The development of his partnership with fellow centre, Brian Geraghty, was a telling factor in the club’s league success as many an opposition found it difficult to make any ground through the heart of the Malahide backline. The dinner was a great way to bring the curtain down on a successful

season and allowed all of the club members to get together and reflect on the year past and to take the opportunity to think of what lies ahead for the future. A large thanks goes to Olive and the organising committee, who put in a lot of hours to ensure the dinner went smoothly for everyone and a great night was had by all.


in association with

Preparing for the big tests STEPHEN FINDLATER talks to mentor and coach, David Malone, about James Scully, Ireland’s most promising swimmer, ahead of Paralympics 2012 NAC swim club’s James Scully was recently honoured as the Swim Ireland Disability Swimmer of the Year, capping a brilliant 2010 with a fourth-place finish in the 200-metre freestyle final at the world championships in Eindhoven. But the young star is hoping that result is just a stepping stone en route to the London Paralympic Games in September, 2012. For now, though, juggling his high-performance training is sharing his preoccupation with his Leaving Certificate, making for a hectic couple of months. Soon after Scully completes the State exams,

the 18-year-old will be straight back into competition, looking to secure a place for Ireland in the London Games through the European championships in Berlin.

ally carded athlete under the Irish Sports Council performance grants so, ultimately, James is preparing for the Leaving but also, just two weeks after, he will go to compete at


‘We’re coming into the final bit of the plan. It’s a matter of getting the Leaving Cert out of the way, and then the priority will be London 2012’ --------------------------------------------------------

And club coach, as well as Irish team manager, Dave Malone says the major issue is getting the balance between the twin concerns just right. “He’s an internation-

the European championships in Berlin. That’s a phase of qualifying for the London Games in September 2012. “He’s risen slowly through the ranks in the

James Scully receives his Swim Ireland Disability Swimmer of the Year award

past three or four years to achieving that fourthplace finish in the world last year. “Obviously the exams are incredibly important. It’s quite a tricky year and James is at that age where he has really learned a lot over the last couple of years to get to this point. “He’s been balancing the time management around studying and training to the standard of a performance athlete.

Balancing act “For James, it’s about balancing the books and getting the rest and recovery in as well and take in a bit of a social life, too, to keep the life balance together. “It’s difficult to manage but James receives support from the Irish Institute of Sport, working with athlete executive, Ken Lynch,” said Malone Their plan for this tricky season has seen Scully compete closer to home, more recently entering the National long-course championship, held at his home pool in the NAC. While the event is an able-bodied gala, disabled entrants were allowed enter, helping get more experience of a large meet with high-quality opposition – something which is hard to come by in the current period. “It was an opportunity for him to swim in a high-

level event. With the commitments at school this year, we’ve limited James’ travel exposure to events around Ireland. He competed in Limerick in February while he was due to take part in the Welsh championships, but it was cancelled because of the conditions at the times.” As for the route to London, individual qualifying proper begins on January 1, 2012 but countries are currently scrambling to secure places for themselves, a process which goes right up to March, 2012. Next month’s Europeans act as the first opportunity to gain an Irish place and Malone – one of Ireland’s most decorated Paralympians and a gold medallist – is hopeful over his protege’s chances. “With James, we’re happy with the way he has approached the last number of months and kept himself organised. “He’s very much in line to qualify. It’s a major performance meet at the Europeans but, to an end of preparing for London, this is just a stepping stone. “We’re right in the preparation of a four-year plan but we’re coming into the final bit of that plan. James is very much on track and it’s a matter of getting the Leaving Cert out of the way and then the priority will be London.”


Show your allegiance to Leinster (like the editor) WITH the last phases of the Magners’ league and the Heineken Cup final this month, fans everywhere (including Gazette editor, Cormac Curtis, pictured above right at the RDS last week) are going blue with anticipation, and can now show their support with Team Colour’s range of waterless, press-on temporary tattoos with Leinster colours and slogans are now available. Charities, sporting clubs and schools involved in fundraising can have tattoos commissioned with their own crest to either generate profits from sales or simply raise awareness of their brand. For more information, see or visit their Facebook page.

Iconic camp set to take place in July BASKETBALL Ireland have announced that their popular basketball camp, Gormanston 2011, will take place in the week of July 10 to 15 at Gormanston College. The camp will once again cater for residential and day campers and the cost will remain the same as in 2010. The national basketball camp is renowned for delivering only the best in coaching with past coaches hailing from America, Canada, and Europe, as well as the best Irish coaches. Campers get a rare opportunity to experience the valuable knowledge

from some of the best in the game. The camp has become renowned as the place to be each summer for prospective basketball stars of the future. Some of Ireland’s top players have come through the ranks at the camp, and it attracts the best coaches from home and abroad. Past coaches have included some of Ireland’s greats, including Danny Fulton, Joey Boylan, and Gerry Fitzpatrick, along with a medley of extraordinary coaches from abroad, such as Brian Hill, Lazlo Nemeth and Serge Clabau. Attendance costs €375 for residential attendees, while daycampers can take part for €200. For more information, see www.


GazetteSport Sport FastSport

Ward named in panel for Ireland’s upcoming ties PORTMARNOCK man, Stephen Ward, who has been starring in the defensive line for Mick McCarthy’s Wolves this season in the Premier League, has been named in the provisional 33-man Republic Of Ireland squad for the upcoming Carling Nations Cup and Euro 2012 qualifiers. This would be Ward’s debut in the green, and comes on the back of his impressive performances for Wolves in left back. Manager Giovanni Trapattoni said: “The remaining fixtures in the Carling Nations Cup will give us a good opportunity to spend some extra time together as a squad in preparation for the Euro 2012 qualifier versus Macedonia on June 4.”

Malahide host TI marketing forum MALAHIDE tennis club will host a marketing forum for tennis on May 21, as Tennis Ireland endeavours to provide a toolkit to advise on how to market a club in the community and attract new members. The event will run from 12pm to 2pm with talks on the successful marketing of the sport to kids, mums and teens, running club open days and initiatives to retain new and existing members. For more information, go to the Tennis Ireland website or email

info@tennisireland. ie.

Fingal travel to London for semi-final FINGAL’S hurlers will meet London in the Ruislip grounds in the north of the English capital on Saturday, May 21, in the semi-final of the Nicky Rackard Cup, following their 3-19 to 0-11victory over Sligo in Swords last Saturday. Aodan McEnerney scored 1-4 while JM Sheridan cleared the bar six times and Andrew Richardson hit two goals in a comprehensive victory for Ben Dorney’s team. Monaghan and Louth will contest the other semi-final.


Malahide United’s Under-11s took the Tom Kavanagh Cup title after a tense and tight final against St Kevin’s Boys

Malahide claim cup title U-11 TOM KAVANAGH CUP Malahide United 1 St Kevin’s Boys 1 Malahide win 2-1 on penalties STEPHEN FINDLATER

MALAHIDE United claimed first blood in what is shaping up to be an epic end-of-season series of matches with St Kevin’s Boys and Cherry Orchard for the major DDSL U-11 honours. T he Gannon Park cl u b wo n t h e To m Kavanagh Cup on penalties at the AUL Complex last weekend as goalkeeper Daniel Brennan produced a fine save to edge them

ahead. Peter Kioso scored his penalty while Sean Ryan got mobbed when he netted the all-important spot-kick for a 2-1 success in the shootout. After a scoreless first half, Shane Stokes handed Kevin’s the lead with 15 minutes of normal time to go but Sean Ryan kept his side’s silverware dreams alive when he got the leveller in the 48th minute, forcing extra-time. It ended their wait for this particular trophy, twice previously reaching the final but not able to get past the finishing post and manager Mick

Thompson uber alles: Local racer lines out in German contest LOCAL motor racing star, Gary Thompson, made a one-off appearance in Germany’s national Formula 3 championship at Spa-Francorchamps last weekend as he continued his preparations for a tilt at the 2011 Japanese F3 title. He received the invite from revered junior single-seater outfit, Motopark, to contest the ATS Formel 3 Cup’s second round of the season at the classic Belgian venue. Following the two races, Thompson headed to Suzuka for the start of his Japanese F3 title challenge.

Dowling is delighted for the team and the club. “We were the only team in Malahide United to reach a DDSL final so it was a great achievement for the club and the lads. Great excitement, it was a great performance and we played ver y well, particularly in the second half and, as extratime went on, we were the stronger side.

Credit due “Brian Delany, as coach, has done a fantastic job with the kids and great credit is due to him. T he players had worked very hard, they’re a great bunch

and it’s a great finish to the season. We’ve two games left to see how we finish off.” It is an impressive performance for Dowling’s side in their first season of 11-a-side football with the majority of the panel drawn from the nippers’ academy with many starting with the club at U-5 level. Since then, players have been added to the squad to meet the rise in players required from around the region and they have enjoyed a fine season. Indeed, Malahide could make it a league and cup double as they face Kevin’s in the U-11

Premier league run-in with Cherry Orchard – SFAI Cup finalists – also in the running. United lead the way by four points with two games in hand on Kevin’s with the two still to meet in the campaign. Kevin’s must also face the Cherries in the SFAI final, the Ballyfermot club also in with an outside chance of the league. It follows the good work last season when the side won the U-10 league and were runners-up in the cup while also picking up silverware at an international tournament in Barcelona.


in association with



ance, scoring nine points for Dublin

Sylvester’s 1-13, Parnell’s 0-10.

in their victory over Meath for the

This was an excellent all-round team performance and a solid victory. The defence restricted their

The Under-16 hurler s lost to Setanta and the minor hurlers

session and the forwards worked

were very unlucky to concede the

their scores well.

last three scores and victory to

Donabate 0-7.

Broomfield on Sunday, May 15 at

After a slow start, we gradually


Sinead Aherne put in another

A STORMING secondhalf performance saw St Sylvester’s march into the last 16 of the Dublin senior football championship, negotiating the emerging force of Parnells at Parnell Park last Sunday morning. The Malahide men dominated between the 40s in the second half hour, John Coughlan and Ross Hazley rising highest, while Gavin McArdle and Colm Hanratty bombed on from the wing-backs to pin the Coolock side in their own territory. It left the likes of Laois duo MJ Tierney and Colm Begley, and Niall Collins, to feed off scraps after they had initially fought their way back into contention following a horror start. Darren Clarke kicked Syl’s into the lead inside 25 seconds and Micheal

for a half-dozen of their scores as Syl’s struggled to clear into the wind and gave up frees in midfield which had come into range due to conditions facing the church end. But the second period saw those factors switched and Gabriel Bannigan’s side needed just 16 seconds to level after the interval, McArdle overlapping for a super point. Four yellow cards within a minute, and a Murtagh free, meant momentum was initially tough to come by. Dunne, though, got Syl’s back on track with a fine score and – after McCarthy kicked a free – the full-forward got

another from Clarke’s quick-thinking for a third point in jig-time around the 41st minute. Murtagh’s fifth point kept Parnells just about in contention, ending a 22-minute scoreless streak but it was brief respite as Syl’s camped in the Parnells’ half, Russell Cleere and Gary Sweeney enjoying plenty of ball off the back of Hazley and Coughlan’s jumps. Cleere got his just reward from a loose Stephen Cluxton clearance while McCarthy, and two more Clarke scores, rounded out a win which was slightly more comfortable than the final score would suggest.

Minor football League division

a man-of-the-match performance.

pla yer-of-the-match per form-

McCarthy’s free 30 seconds later doubled the difference. And the third member of the full-forward line, newcomer Nigel Dunne, was on the score-sheet soon after when a tame defensive error from a Parnells’ sideline opened the door. Dunne stole in from the right and crashed the ball high for a 1-2 to no score lead. Clarke added another free, and McCarthy off his right boot, but Parnells were finding their feet. Tierney served a warning shot across Ross Wallace’s bows from a fine move while a defensive error gifted Collins an easy score. And they finished the half with six points in succession to edge into a 0-8 to 1-4 lead in a tenminute spell. Johnny Murtagh and Tierney gave a masterclass in free-taking, picking off scores from all of 50 metres from the ground on a couple of occasions. Indeed, frees accounted

Fixtures for this week are: 1, St Sylvesters V Na Fianna in

out deserving winners.

St Sylvester’s 1-13 Parnell’s 0-10 STEPHEN FINDLATER

Ballyboden by two points.

Colin Burke scored ten points in

took control of the game and ran


the Shield.

play, the midfield won primary pos-

ship: St Sylvester’s 0-19, St Pat’s,

Parnells parked as Saints shine again

The Under-16 football team had a very good victory over Ballinteer in

opponents to three points from

Intermediate Football Champion-

St Sylvester’s Gary Sweeney solos upfield as his side progress to the next round of the Dublin SFC

Division 2 title.

Minor football League Division 4: Na Fianna V St Sylvesters in St Mobhi Road on Sunday, May 15 at 11am.


com or call Paul Gormley on 087

and Amy McGuinness on beating

2200 500.

Meath on Saturday and claiming the NFL Division 2 title.

The club is hosting our group of the hurling feile, this Saturday, May

Also to Sarah Deegan who helped

14, from 10am to 5pm in Balheary.

the Dublin girls’ U-14s overcome

Our U-14 hurlers are grouped with

Kildare in the Leinster champion-

Raheny, Erin Isle and Craobh Chi-



Both junior and senior ladies had good wins in cup this week. Our senior and intermediate

A very big thank you to all who helped in organising a very successful golf classic last Friday.

footballers championship cam-

The following athletes represent-

paigns came to an end over the

ed Fingallians over the weekend at

weekend. U-13 footballers beat St

Tallaght in the Dublin Track and

Mary’s in the League.

Field League: U-10 Kate Donnelly,

The club are looking to create a

Ava Lawlor, Aaron Cullen and Hugh

database of volunteers to help with

Lawlor; U-11 Cian Bolger; U-12 Orla

stewarding at inter-county games

Kavanagh; U-13 Tara Wallnutt; U-14

and championship fixtures that will

Megan Finn; U-15 Ann Marie Tornsey

be held at the club.

and Emma Cunningham; U-16 Sam

Please email fingallians@gmail.

Martin and Fiona Tuite.

FINGAL RAVENS ALL-IRELAND football prediction

ladies continued their unbeaten run

forms must be returned to any

this year with a win over Clannagael

committee member by next Sat-

Fontenoy last Wednesday.

urday, May 14. €500 for the winner,

Minor team play St Sylvester’s

please support this fundraiser -

at home in the league next Sunday

everyone receives a bye for the

morning at 11am.

New York game.

Congratulations to the girls’

Annual golf classic is on Satur-

U-12s who maintain their unbeaten

day, May 28, in Swords Open; €240

run in the league with a great win

for a team of four includes a meal

over Oliver Plunkett’s on Sunday.

in Kettle’s Hotel after, contact Pat

Well done to the girls U-14s who

Kinsella on 087-9313045 to book

had a super win in the league over

your tee times. Anyone interest-

St James’ Gaels last Friday.

ed in sponsoring a tee, donating

Div 5 team had two good league

spot-prize or giving a hand on the

wins last week, away to Craobh

day, contact Maura Norton on 087-

Chiarans on Tuesday and at home


to Wanderers last Sunday.

We are very grateful to our Ladies

Walk for your club - Himalayas

adult team extremely generous

climb, scheduled to t ake place

new sponsor,; the

August 2012 - open to all members.


SYL’S SUPREME: Big win for Malahide side as they punish Parnells in SFC P31

DOUBLE DREAMS: Scully tackles Leaving and Europeans P29


St Sylvester’s Sinead Aherne kicked nine points for Dublin as they ran out 3-15 to 2-9 winners against Meath last Saturday

MAY 12, 2011

Aherne shakes off injury to kick nine Malahide All-Star comes back from the brink to produce a storming performance for the Dublin ladies in the NFL final STEPHEN FINDLATER

ST SYLVESTER’S Sinead Aherne highlighted a fine week for the Malahide club’s senior footballers in Parnell Park as she recovered from a late injury scare last Saturday to kick nine points. With her club’s men’s side powering their way into the last 16 of the Dublin senior football championship, it made for a fine week for the club, beating Parnells with something to spare. Aherne, meanwhile, was one of the star players for the Dublin ladies’ footballers as they made their way back into the top tier of the national league at the first attempt by beating Meath 3-15 to 2-9 in the division two final. She was one of the major injury doubts prior to the game but came good on the day, and manager Tommy Brown believes her return is part of an overall feeling that his side is hitting form at just the right time. “The good thing was we started with a strong

team and a strong bench. That was the thing over winter, with injuries and players in and out of the squad we didn’t have. “Hopefully now we can regroup and, come the summer, we can have an even stronger panel. “Everything is about work-rate. We want to be the hardest working team out there, and I think we were. At times, as I said, we rode our luck a little bit but I don’t doubt us. I don’t doubt the girls that they can get that score we need to just pull away from teams.” It was an even more impressive performance when considered that Brown – stepping into Gerry McGill’s shoes – was forced to overhaul his full back-line and bring in a number of other players. “They’re a fantastic bunch. There’s a lot who were on the minor team a few years ago, a couple from the B team of last year and the good thing is, when they came in, they realised very early if you work hard, on and off the pitch, you’re respected.

“You’ve got to hand it to them. There are some girls out there like Goldy [Sinead Goldrick] getting player-of-the-match, who show that. She had an exam in the morning and legged it over [to Parnell Park]. Three others had exams. The commitment that they give is fantastic. I’m delighted, a few new players have stuck their heads up and we’ve grabbed them.” As for the challenge of Meath, it was a hardwon fixture, much tougher than their regular season encounter a few weeks earlier. “It was exactly what we thought it was going to be. It was a tough game. The league match about six weeks ago meant nothing. We rode our luck once or twice, long balls we had to get a couple of breaks on and didn’t, but we got back in numbers and, luckily enough, the good thing about this team is, when we need a score we can usually come up and get it. “We’ve done that through the league and did it last year and, hopefully, we can keep going,” said Brown.

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