‘Small cars that make a surprisingly big impact’ MOTORING: P20-21 SEPTEMBER 6, 2012 Find us on
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INSIDE: Having a ball as the Harmony Cup TOTAL FARRELL: The Gazette talks comes to Fingal P2 to Dublin’s Hollywood hero Page 12
Athletics: Community Games draw huge crowds Page 30
Hurling: Sylvester’s into intermediate final decider Page 31 and 32
ALSOINSIDE: GALLERIES ......................8 BUSINESS .................... 18 MOTORS ....................... 20 TRAVEL......................... 22 ENTERTAINMENT ........ 24 CLASSIFIEDS ............... 26
Support groups demand rethink on cuts I SUZANNE BYRNE
SUPPORT groups representing the elderly are urging the government to reconsider the cuts to community services announced by the HSE last week. Cuts affecting the elderly and the disabled are part of the €130-million cost-reduction package announced by the executive last Thursday. Dermot Kirwan, spokesman for Friends Of The Elderly, told
the Gazette they were already familiar with cuts to home care packages. “They have been cutting back on hours all over Dublin. “I know a person in Ballyfermot who is 72nd in place for a home care package. [The HSE are] putting them on an ever-lengthening queue…. they’re continuing to take applications, but not telling them how long they’ll be waiting,” he said. Full Story on Page 3
First class: Joshua takes junior infants in his stride at Plunkett’s JOSHUA Williams looks all set for
his first day at St Oliver Plunkett School in Malahide. With the school celebrating 60 years next year, this is their first time welcoming new classes, but for the junior
infants, this was a new experience. Thankfully, it was one they took to with ease as new friends were made and lessons learned. Picture: Una Williams
Full Gallery on Pages 8-9