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SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 Find us on

M A L A H I D E • P O R T M A R N O C K • K I N S E A LY • C L A R E H A L L

INSIDE: Getting into rhythm for a new musical in Malahide P2

Soccer: Malahide United push on in LSL Sunday Senior Page 30

Hurling: Sylvester’s inter hurlers claim championship Page 31

ALSOINSIDE: GALLERIES ......................8 BUSINESS .....................18 MOTORS ...................... 20 TRAVEL......................... 22 ENTERTAINMENT ......... 24 CLASSIFIEDS ............... 26

PRIZE PLACE: Cleaning up at Fingal Cleaner Communities Awards Page 4

Mental health hospital work set for 2014 I NATALIE BURKE

WORK on the new mental health units due to be placed at Portrane is set to commence in two years’ time, according to Dublin North TD, Brendan Ryan. The announcement comes after Deputy Ryan tabled a Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly, requesting a progress report on the proposal to move the Central Mental Hospital to its new location at Portrane.

“It is planned to build the new CMH, the Intellectual Disability and the Child and Adolescent Forensic Mental Health Units at Portrane, Co Dublin. The design team has recently been appointed and commenced work on the project. “Subject to the statutory approvals, it is expected that construction will commence in 2014 and take two years to complete,” said Deputy Ryan. Full Story on Page 3

Fun on the run: Racing to help promote the value of older people THE THIRD AGE 5K Malahide Fun Run

was a great day out for a great cause recently, at Malahide Castle. The head of news at 98FM, Teena Gates, was among the crowds who took part in the popular run. Family and friends all turned out to walk, run or jog along

the lovely scenic route. Third Age is a community organisation that promotes the value of older people and provides advocates, tutors, listeners, befrienders, nutritionists and more to older people in need Full Gallery on Pages 8-9

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