Malahide Gazet te FREE
OCTOBER 11, 2012 Find us on
M a l a h i d e • P o r t m a r n o c k • K i n s e a ly • C l a r e h a l l
INSIDE: Tommy transforms hobby into charity fundraiser P4
Sylvester’s stun Plunkett’s to reach final eight Page 31
Paralympics: Road to Rio laid out at key open day in UCD Page 29
ALSOINSIDE: Galleries.......................8 BUSINESS..................... 18 MOTORS........................ 20 TRAVEL.......................... 22 ENTERTAINMENT......... 24 CLASSIFIEDS................ 26
taste of success: Keogh’s Crisps win Enterprise Award 2012 See Page 6
Council backs wedding equality motion natalie burke
Fingal County Council has voted in favour of marriage equality, after it passed a motion in support of civil marriage for same sex couples earlier this week. The council joins Dublin City Council, which passed a similar motion in September, as well as Cork and Belfast City Councils. Moninne Griffith, director of Marriage Equality, a not-for-profit organisation
aiming to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Ireland, welcomed the news, saying it was a “wonderful step” towards raising awareness of the issue. “Marriage equality is not just a national issue, it’s a local one. It’s about respecting and protecting loving couples and families who are part of our communities and treating them as equal.” Full Story on Page 6
A true original: Enjoying the 10th Annual Art Exhibition gerry Cully, Alex Shepard and Catherine Lawlor are pictured at the recent 10th Annual Art Exhibition by Catherine Lawlor’s School of Arts at Malahide Tennis Club. The trio were well impressed with the range of work on display which
covered a range of subjects and was of a very high standard. The Children’s Medical and Research Foundation, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin, was this year’s chosen charity.
Full Gallery on Pages 8 & 9