Dublin Gazette: South Edition

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DublinGazette NOVEMBER 14 - 20, 2019

STYLE: Christmas party season will be here in two shakes of a reindeer’s tail – and we’ve put together some stylish party wear for men P18

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Bid to save Shankill dementia care centre REBECCA RYAN


Glory galore as titles of all shapes and sizes confirmed. SEE P31

South Edition

A PUBLIC protest is taking place outside the Dail later today (Thursday), as Ireland’s largest dementia care home faces closure over a funding crisis. St Joseph’s in Shankill, managed by St John of God Hospital, has 60 live-in residents, provides 120 places per week in its day-care service, and also has two respite beds.

Last week, families and staff received a letter from the management of St Joseph’s saying that the service is operating at a great financial loss, and will be forced to close its day-care service at the end of the year, and wind down its residential service, unless more public funding can be secured. In the letter, seen by Dublin Gazette, chief executive Emma Balmaine, explained: “Our day care rate, set by the HSE has not increased since 2006. As you can imag-

ine over the last 13 years many costs have increased significantly, in particular, insurance costs. “As recently as mid-October, we have been informed by the HSE that they have no available funding to commit at this time to support the day care deficit. The only likely option, in the absence of funding, is that we will have to advise the HSE that we cannot continue and will have to close day care at CONTINUES ON PAGE 2 the end of 2019.

Apartment owners appeal for redress

BUILDING defects in South Dublin were discussed at an Oireachtas committee meeting last Thursday. The housing committee heard from a group representing owners of apartments with structural defects said that up to 92,000 boom-era apartments may be affected by defects, including fire safety issues. The Construction Defects Alliance are calling for State redress to help those affected. SEE PAGE 4

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