Dublin Gazette: South Edition

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DublinGazette NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 2019

GIFT GUIDE: Looking for the perfect

pressie? Here’s our gift, to you – two pages of ideas for presents! PAGES 18-19

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Urgent appeal for fertility legislation REBECCA RYAN

ALL-STAR DELIGHT: Fox-Cab Duo pick up TG4 Ladies Football All-Stars. SEE P31

South Edition

A HEARTBROKEN mother has made a heartfelt appeal to government, calling for Irish fertility clinics to be regulated and for legislation. Well-known in the area as Leas Cathaoirleach, Councillor Deirdre Donnelly, the mother-of-one told Dublin Gazette that when she was trying for a second baby, she realised

there was a problem. “We were told at the first consultation that there was a strong chance that we could have twins and were asked if we were happy with that. “We of course were delighted. The assumption all the time was one where we were going to be successful. “It was after many attempts with medication, self-injections, consultations, blood tests and scans as well as

a painful surgery and recovery, that I was told that I had only ever had a 3% chance of ever getting pregnant. “There were days when I left the clinic in tears on my own and the staff saw the state I was in. “Once again, there was no offer of counselling or support and there is now an urgent need for legislation in this area.” FULL STORY ON PAGE 13

New town between Shankill and Bray

PLANNING permission is being sought for the first phase of a new town between Shankill and Bray. Counc illor Ossian Smyth (GP) said a lot of work has been done in the past five years to get it to this point. In a tweet he said: “There are two pieces of land - one privately owned and one owned by the council. This application is for a portion of the private land. SEE PAGE 2

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